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5BM2U2教案(最新版本)5BM2U2教案(最新版本) 2012年浦东新区小学五年级英语 新教材主题单元教学研讨 (5BM2U2 Films) 主办:浦东教发院教研部小学英语组 承办:高桥镇小学 光明学校 2012年3月14日 1 Teaching Plan for Oxford English (Shanghai Edition) 5B Module 2 My favourite things Unit 2 Films Schools:Gaoqiao Primary School,高桥镇小学,, Guangming School...
5BM2U2教案(最新版本) 2012年浦东新区五年级英语 新教材主题单元教学研讨 (5BM2U2 Films) 主办:浦东教发院教研部小学英语组 承办:高桥镇小学 光明学校 2012年3月14日 1 Teaching Plan for Oxford English (Shanghai Edition) 5B Module 2 My favourite things Unit 2 Films Schools:Gaoqiao Primary School,高桥镇小学,, Guangming School,光明学校, Teachers: Chen Lingyun,陈凌云,, Yang qing,杨青,, Cai Yanfang ,蔡燕芳,, Qu Yihua ,瞿轶华, Materials:Oxford English (Shanghai Edition) 5BM2U2 Films Date: 2012- 3-14 Teaching aids: Multi-media, word cards, flash, Workbook, etc 教学设计说明 学生情况分析: 五年级的学生通过四年多的英语学习~绝大多数已经积累了一定的词汇和一些重要的、常见的语法与时态~初步具备了一定的英语技能~并有一定的文本阅读能力。因此学生具有语言学习和交流的欲望~愿意与同学交流与分享英语学习的快乐。他们活泼好动、愿意表现~对游戏、儿歌、故事等尤感兴趣~有着较强的求知欲和表现欲。但是~由于学生所处的学习环境不同~家长的重视程度不一~学生之间也存在着一定的学习差距。而且~现行教材的大容量和高密度~加大了学生之间的学习距离。其中有一小部分学生相对英语基础薄弱~参与英语学习活动的积极性不高~甚至有些学生的发音、朗读也存在不少问题…… 所有的这一切都需要教师通过适当的教学途径进行有益调控和引导~巧用、善用教学方法来确保学生的全员参与、全程参加以及全员收获。 模块教学任务分析: 5B M2的学习主题是My favourite things~这个模块涉及到的词汇包括常见食品中肉类、蔬菜、主食、饮料,如:猪肉、牛肉,卷心菜、番茄、米饭、面条,果汁、牛奶等,、电影院里常见的事物,如:电影票、售票处、出口、入口等,以及学校开设的各种科目的英语名称,如:、信息技术、体育等,。 本模块涉及到的句型和语法有:一般过去时态的特殊疑问句What did…?、用情态动词“shall”询问他人意见、用疑问代词what询问别人有什么样的学科,还有“to have”句型、It?s time for…的表达时间等。同时~还涉及了一般现在时的陈述句、there be句型以及情态动词can的陈述句和一般疑问句等内容。 本模块涉及的话题都源于学生的生活~与学生的日常生活关系紧密。其中~包括每天都要接触的食品饮料,每天都要学习的学校课程与科目,还有休息时间会去的电影院等。此外~还涉及了学生喜欢的一些很著名的儿童卡通电影。 在本模块的学习过程中~不仅要注意新旧知识的有机整合~还应顾及学生语言能力要求的递进训练~将学生听说能力的训练逐步转向听、说、读、写、练、用等综合技能的训练与培养~从而真正实现阶段目标。 单元教学任务分析: 本单元以Films,电影,为主题展开学习过程。 在本单元的学习中~涉及的核心词汇有:entrance, exit, ticket, seat, ticket office, funny, princess, see a film等,涉及的重要句型是Shall we …? 以及相应的应答。同时~能使用Can I have …for…? 来购买影票~并用一般现在时态对一些著名卡通电影内容作出简单描述。 1、各学习项目分析 Look and learn: 核心学习板块~主要进行词汇学习。核心词汇包括:ticket, entrance, exit, seat等。其中~要尤其关注entrance和exit这一对单词的记忆。 Look and say: 核心学习板块~主要进行句型学习。重点句型是Shall we …? 要求学生能正确运用上述句型来征询他人的意见并能作出合理应对。同时~能用I want to …来表达自己喜欢做的事情。在此过程 2 中~强化教材中提及的有关did的表达~关注其否定形式、一般疑问形式以及回答。 Say and act: 情景运用~是Look and say的具体化。通过创设一个去电影院看电影的场景来巩固和掌握新学~包括购票的过程理解与表达。通过联系学生生活的对话表演~鼓励学生学用结合。 Ask and answer: 进一步运用Look and say 中的核心句型 --- Shall we …? --- I want to …,同时~适当了解部分著名卡通儿童片的故事梗概。 Listen and enjoy: 通过诵读节奏明快的儿歌活跃课堂气氛~加强、巩固学习的新句型,同时~能结合生活实践~培养学生良好的语感。 Look and read: 阅读延伸。通过对Snow White 这一经典儿童故事的学习~创设学生语用平台。在阅读与获取信息的同时~着力提高其阅读兴趣~养成阅读的好习惯。 Learn the sound: 语音学习。主要学习字母或字母组合-m, -n, -ng, -n(k), -n(g) 的发音~做到发音准确~到位。 2、知识要点介绍 ,1,学习和掌握核心词汇~如:ticket , entrance, exit, seat, princess等~做到音、形、义的统一。 ,2,学习并掌握新句型Shall we …? 能用此来征询他人的意见~并作出较为合理的应对,同时~通过 I want to …来巩固常用的动词词组。 ,3,能掌握并正确运用一般现在时态,主要涉及like,~包括:I like… Alice likes… 注意动词的不同形式。同时~借助卡通故事~加深理解。 ,4,学习并掌握字母-m, -n, -ng, -n(k), -n(g) 的发音~尤其要比较/n/和/?/的发音区别~进一步树立音素概念~做到发音~到位。 单元课时教学构思: 本单元以Films,电影,为主题展开学习过程。 虽然孩子们都喜欢看电影~但由于平时学习任务繁重~看电影的机会也不多~所以对于电影方面的了解也不多~ 这就需要老师一步步地启发与引导~能运用各种活动方式~如儿歌~表演等来增加学习的趣味性。 在本单元的教学中~我们引入了Amber这样一个喜爱看电影的外教老师~使学生们感觉亲切。同时~通过创设不同的教学情境~如:介绍她喜爱的电影院、她喜爱的电影、如何网上订票以及电影院的入场须知等展开新知的学习与操练。此外~在学习过程中适度拓展了各种电影的类型和电影文化~十分贴近学生的生活与学习经历。 第三、四课时则在此基础上~通过购票、观赏电影的学习~在表演和故事感受中进一步巩固新学~加深对Films和Cinema的了解与认识。 单元课时划分: 第一课时,Topic: About cinemas,:Look and learn, Learn the sounds 第二课时,Topic: About films,:Look and say, Ask and answer 第三课时,Topic: Going to the cinema ,:Say and act, Listen and enjoy 第四课时,Topic: Snow white,:Read a story 第五课时:Revision 单元课时具体说明: 课时 词汇学习运用 句型学习运用 综合运用能力 seat, screen --- How are the cinemas? 1.能正确朗读、拼写单词seat、 ticket, ticket office, --- In the cinema, what should screen、ticket、entrance、exit等, entrance, exit, etc we do? What shouldn?t we do? 2.能正确读出字母组合-m,-n, ng, 第一--- Let?s go into the entrance n(k), n(g) 的发音, 课时 quietly. 3.创设影院情境~让学生感受电影带 --- Let?s walk out of the exit 给我们的快乐~享受电影~享受生活。 slowly. 3 film, cinema --- Shall we…? 1.复习巩固第一课时的核心词汇, 2. 能运用 Shall we…?来询问他人see a film --- OK. / Great. … 的意见并能作出合理应答, princess 第二3. 理解影片的分类~能够尝试在生拓展:comedy, science 活中加以使用, 课时 fiction film, cartoon, etc 4. 进一步巩固与拓展核心语言内 容~激发学生的学习兴趣~感受电影 带给人们的愉悦与快乐。 adult Here we are. 1. 复习并巩固第一、二课时的关键 Can I have …? 句型和核心词汇, Shall we …? 2. 通过场景创设来巩固和掌握新第三学~包括购票的过程理解与表达, 课时 3. 通过联系学生生活的对话表演~ 鼓励学生学用结合~激发学生的学习 兴趣。 fairest dwarfs Mirror, mirror on the wall. Who's 1. 复习巩固前几课时的关键句型和 the fairest of all? 核心词汇, 2. 根据问题引领等多种形式阅读故 事~在抓住关键信息的同时~有序阅第四读故事, 课时 3. 进一步巩固与拓展核心语言内 容~激发学生的学习兴趣, 4. 引导学生感悟做人的道理~且不 能有害人之心~渗透德育教育。 第五单元复习 课时 第1课时教学目标: 1,学习和掌握电影院的单词~如:seat, screen, ticket, ticket office, entrance, exit等, 2,能正确读出字母组合-m,-n, ng, n(k), n(g) 的发音。 3,创设影院情境~让学生感受电影带给我们的快乐~享受电影~享受生活。 Topic: About cinemas Purpose Procedures Contents Methods Pre-task 1. Daily talk 1. Ask and answer. 由日常对话复习旧知~并preparation 2. Learn the sounds 2. Listen and read 由cinema引出Learn the -m,-n, ng, n(k), n(g) sounds. 3. Enjoy cinemas. 3. Watch and listen. While-task 1. To elicit: 由外教Amber带出新授1. Listen to text about Amber. procedure Show a new teacher: 内容~整体感知。 What is her favourite cinema? Amber Why? 2. New words: seat, 2. Read the word. 以听促思~由学生熟悉的screen 3. Compare two cinemas. 高桥电影院和大光明作 Listen and tick. 4 对比~进一步进行新单词 的巩固与操练。 3.To elicit: 1. Lead in. (Listen and answer the 让学生了解各种不同种 ticket question.) 类的ticket~贴近生活~ (film ticket/ railway 2. Read the word. 灵活运用。 ticket/ air ticket/ park 3. Think and say. ticket) 结合各种不同的office~4. To elicit: 1. Lead in: Where can we buy the 尝试着用复杂句去解释ticket office ticket? 单词~提高学生的能力。 (teachers? office/ 2. Read the word. police office/ post 3. Look and say. office) 4. Think and say. 整体感知~让学生初步了5. book the ticket 1. Find another way to buy the 解如何在网上订票。 ticket: on the Internet. (easy / convenient) 2. How to book tickets on the Internet? 由介绍ticket的正反面~6. To elicit: 1. Know more information about 引出“入场须知”~复习entrance, exit the ticket. 已经学过的一些规则~并2. There are some rules on the 由此带出新授内容~在不back of the ticket. 同的操练中巩固强化。 2. Read the word. 3. Quick response 4. Say and act. Post-task 1. Reading Read and fill. 文本再现~强化重点。 activities 通过介绍学生们熟悉的2. Group work Say something about Gaoqiao 高桥电影院~在复习新学Cinema. 的同时~提高学生说语段 的能力。 Assignment 1. Listen and follow the tapeP27. 对新授内容的及时复习2. Copy the words P27. 是必要的~读写跟进~同3. Introduce Gaoqiao Cinema. 时为下一课时做好准备。 4.Talk about: If we want to see a film, what should we do? What shouldn?t we do? 5B M2 U2 About Films 板教 screen seat 书学 设反 ticket ticket office 计 思 entrance exit Material 1: Amber: Hello! I?m Amber. I?m a teacher of Gaoqiao Primary School. I?m new here. At weekends I like seeing films very much. My favourite cinema is Da Guangming Cinema. It?s not far from my home. There 5 is a big screen in it. The seats are very comfortable. Material 2: There are many famous cinemas in Shanghai, such as Da Guangming Cinema, Shanghai Film Art Center. At weekends many people like going to the cinema. Everyone can learn something or enjoy themselves there. It?s a nice place for every one. Oh! A comfortable place! A wonderful place! Material 3: Look! There are two cinemas, Da Guangming Cinema and Gaoqiao Cinema. In Gaoqiao Cinema the screen is small. The seats are also small and hard. In Da Guangming Cinema the screen is large. The seats are big and soft. They are very comfortable. If you like seeing 4D films, it?s a good place because the seats can shake heavily. It?s very interesting. Material 4: This Sunday I want to see a film with my friends. I want to see The Monkey King. It?s a 3D film. I think I will like it. So I want to buy the tickets now. Material 5: Good morning. May I have three tickets for the Monkey King, please? Is it interesting? Sure. The story is about a clever monkey. Yes. It?s a 3D film. I think I will like it. Would you like front seats or back seats? Front seats, please. Ok. That?s ninety yuan. If you receive the tickets, please read the rules on the back. 第2课时教学目标: 1.复习巩固第一课时的核心词汇, 2.能运用 Shall we…?来询问他人的意见并能作出合理应答, 3.理解影片的分类~能够尝试在生活中加以使用, 4.进一步巩固与拓展核心语言内容~激发学生的学习兴趣~感受电影带给人们的愉悦与快乐。 Topic: About Films Teaching procedure Steps Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Purpose Pre-task 1. Daily Talk 1. Ask and answer. 通过问题引出复习第一 preparation 2. Review the words 2. Choose the phonetics. 课时单词~并通过音标 3. Words Practice. 3. Read and complete the 和句型语境感知巩固已 sentences. 学单词。 While-task 1. Different kinds of 1. Question: 通过学生对部分电影的 procedure film: comedy, cartoon, Which film do you know? 认识来了解电影分类。 science fiction film. What is it about? Feelings: humorous, How is it? amazing 2.Classify the films 6 2. Shall we…? 1. Listen and answer 通过外教邀请朋友看电 Shall we...? 影引出shall we…?并 I?d love to. But I have no time. 对该句型进行解释操 2. A rhyme 练。 3. --- Shall we…? --- Great! 4. Shall we…? = Let?s …, OK? 5. Some practice 3.Teach the text 1. Listen and answer the given 通过听录音回答,配对~ questions. 完成表格引出短文。多 2. Read and match. 样化操练诵读~只为不 3. Make a new dialogue. 断进行巩固。 4. Complete the table Post-task 1. Read the text. Work in pairs 完整阅读故事~加深新activities 知理解。 2. Make a new Make a new conversation 从课文引到学生~结合 conversation according to the table and 自身~能够对今天的知 questions 识学以致用。 Assignment 1. Listen and follow the tape P26. 回家作业~对新授内容 2. Copy the dialogue P26. 进行及时巩固。 3. Make a new dialogue about inviting your friend to see a film. 4. Think about what your favourite film is. Module 2 Unit 2 About Films 板 --- Shall we…? 教 书 --- Great. / OK. /That?s a good idea. 学 设 反 计 comedy cartoon science fiction 思 Material 1: Ask and answer (Page 27) Material 2: Mum: Shall we go to see a film this afternoon? Ben& Kitty: Great! Mum: There are many films on at City Cinema. What kind of films do you like, comedy, cartoon or science fiction films? Ben& Kitty: We like cartoons. Mum: There are three cartoons on at City Cinema: Snow White, Toy Story and Rabbit Run. Which one do you want to see? Ben: I want to see Toy Story. It?s funny. Kitty: Can we see Snow White? I want to see the princess. Mum: I want to see Snow White too. Shall we see Toy Story next time, Ben? Ben: OK. 7 Mum: It?s on at two o?clock. Let?s leave home at one thirty. 第3课时教学目标: 1. 复习并巩固第一、二课时的关键句型和核心词汇, 2. 通过场景创设来巩固和掌握新学~包括购票的过程理解与表达, 3. 通过联系学生生活的对话表演~鼓励学生学用结合~激发学生的学习兴趣。 Topic: Going to the cinema Teaching procedure Steps Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Purpose Pre-task 1. Say a chant. 1. Say a chant. 通过chant和角色扮preparation 2. Ask and answer. 2. Ask and answer. 演复习核心单词和句 3. Role play. 3. Role play. 型~且引入新授主题。 While-task 1. To elicit: Part 1 带着问题听课文~加1. Show the questions. procedure 深了学生对课文内容 2. Watch and answer. 的理解。通过角色扮3. Choose the answer. 演激发学生表演的欲4. Role play. 望。 2. To elicit: Part 2 1. Listen and answer. 通过游戏进行音标辨 2. Play a game. 认~学生参与积极。 3. Distinguish adult and other words. 通过图片认识adult~ 4. Read and choose. 十分形象。结合自身 5. Role play. 的角色~学以致用。 6. Make a new dialogue. 从课文中in的意思引3. To elicit: Part 3 1. Look and choose. 申到不同语境中in的2. Different meanings of “in”. 意思~扩大学生的知3. Choose the best answer.. 识面。 4. Say and act. Post-task 呈现整篇课文情节~1. Play the text flash. 1. Listen to the whole text. activities 引导学生回顾整个故2. True and false. 事。 3. Read and fill in the blanks. 1. Read the dialogue by themselves. 熟练朗读课文~为表2. Act out the dialogue. 演做铺垫。通过角色 扮演~使学生们对如 何买票的过程有了更 2. Act out the dialogue. 清晰的了解。同时也 活跃了课堂气氛。 1. Listen and enjoy. 通过欣赏引出第四教3. Listen and enjoy. 时的主题Snow White。 Assignment 1. Listen and read the story on p28. ,听读第28页课文, 回家作业~对新授内 2. Say and act out the story. 容进行及时巩固。 3. Finish workbook P34,G,,完成练习册p34练习G, 5B M2 U2 Films Going to the cinema adult Here we are. 板 教 8 书 Let me buy the tickets first. 学 设 Can I have _____, please? 反 计 That?s _____ yuan, please. 思 Shall we get____, Mum? Oh yes. But be quick. The film starts in _____. Material : Say and act (Page 28) Mum: Here we are. Let me buy the tickets first. Ben & Kitty: OK, Mum. Mrs Li: Can I have three tickets for Snow White, please? Two children and one adult. Lady: That?s 80 yuan, please. Mrs Li: OK. Here you are. Kitty: Shall we get some drinks,Mum? Mum: Oh yes. But be quick. The film starts in five minutes. Ben & Kitty: OK. 第4课时教学目标: 1. 复习巩固前几课时的关键句型和核心词汇, 2. 根据问题引领等多种形式阅读故事~在抓住关键信息的同时~有序阅读故事, 3. 进一步巩固与拓展核心语言内容~激发学生的学习兴趣, 4. 引导学生感悟做人的道理~且不能有害人之心~渗透德育教育。 Topic: Snow White Teaching procedure Steps Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Purpose Pre-task 1. Listen and enjoy 1. Listen and enjoy 利用白雪公主的海preparation 2. Ask some questions 2. Answer the questions 报引出本节课学习 3. Show the poster of 3. Read the poster. 的内容,直揭主题。 Snow White. While-task 1.To teach Picture 1 1) Talk 利用自编材料对白procedure 2) Listen to the passage 雪公主进行整体描 3) Learn: the fairest 述~引起学生的学 4) Enjoy the whole story and answer 习兴趣~并引出?the 5) Order the pictures fairest.?同时~通过 6) Learn: mirror 第一小段的角色扮 7) Say a rhyme 演~增强童趣。 8) Read and act out the passage1 2.To teach Picture 2 1) Answer the questions 让学生对已学单词 2) Learn: kill 发音归类~根据这 3) True or false 些单词引出语段~ 4) Read the passage 2 增加学生语言的输 入量。 9 3.To teach Picture 3 1) Answer the question 通过播放flash学习 2) Enjoy a flash dwarfs~让学生体 3) Learn: dwarf 会白雪公主和七个 4) Read the passage 3 小矮人之间生活的 幸福~为接下去的 惨遭不幸埋下伏 笔。 4. To teach Picture 4 1) Listen and answer 通过学生、老师之 2) Read and act out the passage 4 间的互动表演~增 加学习的趣味性。 5. To teach Picture 5 and 1) Enjoy the story 本段是这课的高 Picture 6 2) Choose and answer 潮~通过学生间的 3) Learn: fall asleep 分角色尝试表演~ 4) Read the passage 5 丰富了人物的性 5) Act out the passage 5 格~使故事更加有 6) Learn: wake up 趣。 Post-task 1. Read the whole story 1. Read the whole story by 后续故事的跟进~activities 2.True or False themselves 让学生对整个故事 3. Show the flash 2.True or False 有一个完整地了 4. Discuss 3. Enjoy the flash 解。 4. Discuss Assignment 1. Listen and follow the story on P30 & P31. 让学生朗读故事、 2. Read the story with your friends. 演一演故事~体会 3. Share Snow White with your family members. 故事语言~积累语 言~应景融情。 5BM2U2 Read a story 板 Snow White 教 书 the fairest fall asleep 学 设 mirror dwarfs 反 计 kill wake up 思 Material 1: Read a story (Page 30,31) Material 2: Snow White is a princess. She lives in a kingdom with the King. When she is a child, her mother dies. She is very sad. Many years later, the King marries with the new queen. She is pretty. Snow White grows up. She is very beautiful and brave. She is the fairest of all. Material 3: Snow White is a princess. She lives in the kingdom. She?s more beautiful than the queen. The queen will kill her. She?s sad and afraid. She runs quickly and says to the hunter. „Please don?t kill me?. Material 4: A: Would you like to have an apple? B: No, thanks. A: You are a good girl. It is nice and healthy. B: OK. 10
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