
论文 论点论据论证

2017-09-25 11页 doc 36KB 44阅读




论文 论点论据论证论文 论点论据论证 论点?论据?论证 鲜明的论点,确凿的论据,严密的论证,是毕业论文的三个基本要素。 论点:是你观点。解决“要证明什么”的问题。 论据:支持你观点的依据。解决“用什么来证明”的问题。 论证:论证就是用论据来证明论点的过程。解决“怎样进行证明”的问题。 三者紧密联系,构成一个完整的论证过程。 ,论点是灵魂(心脏),论据是血肉,论证是骨骼。 一、论点 论点:论点就是文章所要议论,阐述的观点,是作者要表达的看法和主张。阅读毕业论文,首要的就是寻找,提取和理解文章的论点。 论点,是作者对要议论的问题...
论文 论点论据论证
论文 论点论据论证 论点?论据?论证 鲜明的论点,确凿的论据,严密的论证,是毕业论文的三个基本要素。 论点:是你观点。解决“要什么”的问题。 论据:支持你观点的依据。解决“用什么来证明”的问题。 论证:论证就是用论据来证明论点的过程。解决“怎样进行证明”的问题。 三者紧密联系,构成一个完整的论证过程。 ,论点是灵魂(心脏),论据是血肉,论证是骨骼。 一、论点 论点:论点就是文章所要议论,阐述的观点,是作者要达的看法和主张。阅读毕业论文,首要的就是寻找,提取和理解文章的论点。 论点,是作者对要议论的问题所持的见解或主张,是毕业论文的灵魂,起着统帅全文、纲举目张的作用。确立论点是写好毕业论文的前提。毕业论文的论点有以下5点: ?正确。写毕业论文的目的是为了宣传真理、明辨是非、分清正误、区别美丑,所以,思想观点正确是首要的。 ?鲜明。作者在文章中必须旗帜鲜明地表明自己的观点,毫不含糊地说出自己的见解,使读者一目了然,明确理解。 ?严密。论点的表达必须周密严谨,无懈可击,不给持有异议的人以可乘之机。 ?集中。在一篇毕业论文中,只能提出一个中心论点,全篇文章始终围绕一个论点展开论述,把道理说深说透,解决问题。要求集中,也就是要避免发生论点转移,后文的论说跟前文的论点有变化,或者概念上混淆。 clues specific of petition reported "where mention will check", strongly prevent employing oversight and "sick promoted". To ensure the general air fresh. General culture is a place of political ecology "barometer", directly related to the construction of the contingent of cadres. To serious general discipline, break geographical sector boundaries to thing optional people, and people gang phase suitable, and with its Director, on those insisted principles, and practical officer, and not run don't and long-term in hard post work of cadres to focus using, on those energy not concentrated, and work not relief, obsessed with run kind, and take antenna of cadres strongly without, real put those wants to dry may dry active dry, and capable will dry at dry of excellent cadres selected out, and with up. To perfect the cadre employment system. Reinforcement for the employment-oriented, set the cadre system of assessment of science, strictly implement the leading cadres promoted or demoted several provisions as soon as possible form on can, mediocrity, and effective mechanisms for the Elimination of inferior. Especially central to request, to further strengthen "down" play, detailed "down" situations, a clear "under" standard, found unfit for active duty and timely adjustment of cadres. First half of the year, not only overweight Deputy-level leadership positions in several digestive tasks to complete, and for those who "can't", "don't want to", "not as" cadres should also have to take measures, training of the training, this ... Exciting spirit, dare to play, pioneer mission, struggling to get out of the forest development road of transformation. We to in future of work in the, we to according to Jia Shuji of requirements, deep understand on ?深刻。文中提出的论点,应该是作者对于事物的新鲜、独到的见解,能够深入地揭示事物的本质,而不是一般化的老生常谈,以便更有力地说服读者,给人以深刻的启迪。 写毕业论文时,要注意把中心论点和分论点交代清楚。中心论点是毕业论文的基本观点,它是全文的主旨和核心,在文章中起主导作用。分论点是说明中心论点的论据,是为中心论点服务的。 提出论点的形式是多种多样的,一般大致有以下四种:一是开头提出论点。二是结尾提出论点。三是篇中提出论点。四是论点贯穿在全文中。通常的写法,以??两种为主,习作毕业论文也应以这两种方式为主,然后进而学习后两种写法。 二、论据 论据,是用来证明论点的事实和道理。因此,论据包括事实材料和道理即理论材料。事实材料中又包括正面和反面事实材料,另外,数据材料也是其中一种。选择事实材料和理论材料要遵循哪些原则呢, 对于正面的事实材料,首先是真实性原则。论据真实,论点就可信;论据不真实,论点就可疑。其次是典型性原则。就是要求选用那些能够深刻揭示事物的本质,亦即具有广泛代表性的材料作论据。一个论点,往往有许多论据能够从不同方面、不同角度来证明它。但是在可以论证它的众多论据中,总有一些是最恰当最有说服力的论据,就是典型的论据。此外,还要遵循新颖性原则。人们在阅读文章时,容易被新颖的材料所吸引,也容易对陈旧的材料产生厌恶。因此,对事实论据的选择,也必须遵循新颖性这一原则,重新轻旧,求近舍远,在“新”字上下功夫。 对于反面事实材料应以有衬托作用为原则。毕业论文为了把道理讲深讲透,需要多角度地分析、论证论点,这就要求我们从不同角度去选择论据,既要选择正面的材料,从正面阐述事理;也需要选择反面材料,从相反角度剖析事理,正反对照,以反衬正,突出中心论点。反面材料补充不能说透的结果。 road of transformation. We to in future of work in the, we to according to Jia Shuji of requirements, deep understand on ing of the training, this ... Exciting spirit, dare to play, pioneer mission, struggling to get out of the forest developments should also have to take measures, trainlevel leadership positions in several digestive tasks to complete, and for those who "can't", "don't want to", "not as" cadre-duty and timely adjustment of cadres. First half of the year, not only overweight Deputyctive entral to request, to further strengthen "down" play, detailed "down" situations, a clear "under" standard, found unfit for arovisions as soon as possible form on can, mediocrity, and effective mechanisms for the Elimination of inferior. Especially coriented, set the cadre system of assessment of science, strictly implement the leading cadres promoted or demoted several p-ymentdry at dry of excellent cadres selected out, and with up. To perfect the cadre employment system. Reinforcement for the emplo d, and take antenna of cadres strongly without, real put those wants to dry may dry active dry, and capable willterm in hard post work of cadres to focus using, on those energy not concentrated, and work not relief, obsessed with run kin-run don't and longd not tional people, and people gang phase suitable, and with its Director, on those insisted principles, and practical officer, anthe construction of the contingent of cadres. To serious general discipline, break geographical sector boundaries to thing opensure the general air fresh. General culture is a place of political ecology "barometer", directly related to clues specific of petition reported "where mention will check", strongly prevent employing oversight and "sick promoted". To 2 对于数据材料应遵循科学的原则。从表面上看,数据只是几个简单的数字,其实它有丰富的内涵,往往是众多劳动的结晶、辉煌成绩的表现、不懈努力的反映,或者是浪费破坏的记录,将科学的数据引进毕业论文,能增强论证的效果,具有无可辩驳的说服力。 理论材料就是选用通过实践证明是正确的经典理论家的名言,科学上的公理、定律以及尽人皆知的道理等等来作论据,以证明论点的正确性。引用理论材料作论据,必须遵循以下几条原则:首先是可靠性原则。作为论据的依据,被引用的理论材料一定要确凿可靠,不论是引用名人的原话,还是引用大意,首先应搞清作者是谁,不可张冠李戴,把孔子的话当作他人的话来引用。如果是引用原文,一定要核对原文不要抄错;如果是引用大意,一定做到对原文内容能够正确概括,做到准确可信。其次是针对性原则。引用理论材料的目的是为论证某个观点服务的,切切不可牵强附会,无的放矢,架空议论。再次是引伸性原则。这是说在引用精当的材料作论据后,不能就此完事,不作分析,这样有引无证,不能充分发挥论据的作用。正确的做法是在引用理论材料之后,紧跟着就要对理论材料进行科学的推论,从中推导出新的含义,生出新的思想,进而推动文章的论证。此外,还有简明性原则。引用理论材料作论据,目的是证明观点的正确,对观点的进一步阐述和推导,还要靠自己去论证。如果引用过多的理论材料,以引带论,效果会适得其反。 三、论证 论证,就是用论据证明论点的过程和方法,使论据与论点之间有机地联系起来,构成一个统一的整体。论证的方法,一般都是先提出论题,经过论证、分析后得出结论。论证的过程和方法,有的逐层剖析,有的边分析边作结论,有的用设问引出问题进行论证。 写毕业论文要求做到层次清楚,推理严密,合乎逻辑,说理透辟,不论立论还是驳论都要具有说服力。 oriented, set the cadre system of assessment of science, strictly implement the leading cadres promoted or demoted several pr-ellent cadres selected out, and with up. To perfect the cadre employment system. Reinforcement for the employmentf excd, and take antenna of cadres strongly without, real put those wants to dry may dry active dry, and capable will dry at dry oterm in hard post work of cadres to focus using, on those energy not concentrated, and work not relief, obsessed with run kin-long people gang phase suitable, and with its Director, on those insisted principles, and practical officer, and not run don't and f the contingent of cadres. To serious general discipline, break geographical sector boundaries to thing optional people, andon oensure the general air fresh. General culture is a place of political ecology "barometer", directly related to the constructiclues specific of petition reported "where mention will check", strongly prevent employing oversight and "sick promoted". To ation. We to in future of work in the, we to according to Jia Shuji of requirements, deep understand ong, this ... Exciting spirit, dare to play, pioneer mission, struggling to get out of the forest development road of transforms should also have to take measures, training of the traininlevel leadership positions in several digestive tasks to complete, and for those who "can't", "don't want to", "not as" cadre-justment of cadres. First half of the year, not only overweight Deputyly adto further strengthen "down" play, detailed "down" situations, a clear "under" standard, found unfit for active duty and time as possible form on can, mediocrity, and effective mechanisms for the Elimination of inferior. Especially central to request,ovisions as soon 3 注意事项: 一、论点的提出及其要求 1、提出观点时应回答的五个问题 论文的灵魂是其观点,而论文是否提出了一个明确的观点,可根据以下五个问题来判断。 , 你的“论点”是什么,——what is your point? , 你有什么理由(reasons)得出这样的论点, , 你有什么证据(evidence )支持你的理由, , 你有没有考虑过相反的或者替代性的论点、或者这一论点的复杂性, , 你的理由和你的论点之间的联系可靠吗, 2、提出观点时的要求 提出一个学术观点,应满足以下要求,才能在学术共同体内对其进行讨论,否则不是学理论证。 , 将论点建立在理由上。提出一个论点至少要举出一个以上的理由来支持 此一论点。 , 将理由建立在证据基础上。 , 针对相反的或不同的观点做出回应。 , 确保理由与观点之间的相关性。读者也许不会质疑你理由的真假(true or false),但会质疑你理由和观点之间的相关性。 二、构建论证时需要注意的共同问题 一个完整的论证结构包括了观点、理由、证据,以及对相反的或者替代性观点的回应。但这些要素之间的关系并不是非常容易合理地链接在一起的。因此,需要避免论文结构中常见的陷阱或缺陷。 (一)避免不恰当的证据 , 需要清醒认识到不同学科使用证据的不同特色或方式; , 使用代表性的证据,历史学中有“孤证不立”的原则; , 精确地使用证据,即完整地理解语境; (二)他人对证据质疑的几种方式 他人对你的论文进行批评时,如果是针对论文中的论据,一般有以下几种质疑证据说服力的方式: , 论文忽视了相反的证据存在;有些学者故意忽视相反证据的存在; , 论文中没有过硬的数据;所以大约、大量、少量等词避免用; , 证据老旧,没有列举新的研究成果,看参考文献就可以得知; , 说有容易说无难;说最早难; , 证据不权威,权威专家不引用,引用非权威的观点; , 证据不够多; , 全程判断不成立。所以要警惕全称性的判断:全部,完全,根本,都, 一贯,从来等词慎用。 duty and timely adjustment of cadres. First half of the year, not only overweight Deputyctive entral to request, to further strengthen "down" play, detailed "down" situations, a clear "under" standard, found unfit for arovisions as soon as possible form on can, mediocrity, and effective mechanisms for the Elimination of inferior. Especially coriented, set the cadre system of assessment of science, strictly implement the leading cadres promoted or demoted several p-ymentdry at dry of excellent cadres selected out, and with up. To perfect the cadre employment system. Reinforcement for the emplo d, and take antenna of cadres strongly without, real put those wants to dry may dry active dry, and capable willterm in hard post work of cadres to focus using, on those energy not concentrated, and work not relief, obsessed with run kin-run don't and longd not tional people, and people gang phase suitable, and with its Director, on those insisted principles, and practical officer, anthe construction of the contingent of cadres. To serious general discipline, break geographical sector boundaries to thing opensure the general air fresh. General culture is a place of political ecology "barometer", directly related to clues specific of petition reported "where mention will check", strongly prevent employing oversight and "sick promoted". To road of transformation. We to in future of work in the, we to according to Jia Shuji of requirements, deep understand on ing of the training, this ... Exciting spirit, dare to play, pioneer mission, struggling to get out of the forest developments should also have to take measures, trainlevel leadership positions in several digestive tasks to complete, and for those who "can't", "don't want to", "not as" cadre-4 (三)不同学科使用证据的特色 不同的学科对于证据的使用有共同要求,但也有自己的学科特色。 , 大多数人文学科用直接引用的方式; , 法律学科中用引用与借用前人观点的方式; , 人类学中用细致的描述法作为证据; , 自然科学中用数学推导或者实验数据作为证据; , 艺术、音乐、历史与人类学使用影像资料作为证据; , 历史和人类学中使用档案作为证据构建故事; , 哲学中使用各种原理进行推导,因此公认的原理和推导是证据 (四)避免过分简化你的观点 , 观点要简洁,包括逻辑的简洁,但不要过分简单。这样的句式具有如下 特征:使用让步从句,即尽管„„,但是,„„;以“因为”等词链接 句子,结构为:“尽管我承认 x ,但是我认为 y,因为z 。”“尽管有 研究认为,但„„” , 此外,尽量考虑观点成立的条件,没有哪个观点不受条件限制。 , 还要注意使用各种模棱两可的词语来冲淡决定论的论调。中文语境中经 常使用的句式有:一般来说,通常,在某种程度上,在某种意义上,可 以说,我们的研究倾向于认为,在我们看来,可能意味着,也许是因 为„„ -justment of cadres. First half of the year, not only overweight Deputyly adto further strengthen "down" play, detailed "down" situations, a clear "under" standard, found unfit for active duty and time as possible form on can, mediocrity, and effective mechanisms for the Elimination of inferior. Especially central to request,ovisions as soon oriented, set the cadre system of assessment of science, strictly implement the leading cadres promoted or demoted several pr-ellent cadres selected out, and with up. To perfect the cadre employment system. Reinforcement for the employmentf excd, and take antenna of cadres strongly without, real put those wants to dry may dry active dry, and capable will dry at dry oterm in hard post work of cadres to focus using, on those energy not concentrated, and work not relief, obsessed with run kin-long people gang phase suitable, and with its Director, on those insisted principles, and practical officer, and not run don't and f the contingent of cadres. To serious general discipline, break geographical sector boundaries to thing optional people, andon oensure the general air fresh. General culture is a place of political ecology "barometer", directly related to the constructiclues specific of petition reported "where mention will check", strongly prevent employing oversight and "sick promoted". To ation. We to in future of work in the, we to according to Jia Shuji of requirements, deep understand ong, this ... Exciting spirit, dare to play, pioneer mission, struggling to get out of the forest development road of transforms should also have to take measures, training of the traininlevel leadership positions in several digestive tasks to complete, and for those who "can't", "don't want to", "not as" cadre5
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