

2017-12-07 11页 doc 50KB 9阅读




张韶涵个人档案张韶涵个人档案 breaking length, short break, minimize lap splices in order to save steel. 3.6 blanking length of steel bar according to the component size, thickness, bending length and hook to increase the adjustment value requirements into consideration. 3.7 bending reb...
张韶涵个人档案 breaking length, short break, minimize lap splices in order to save steel. 3.6 blanking length of steel bar according to the component size, thickness, bending length and hook to increase the adjustment value requirements into consideration. 3.7 bending rebar bending machines. Process: preparatory work--dash-bending. Dash under different bending angle bending adjustments of deductions; at the end part with semicircular bend hook, the secant length 0.5d (d is diameter), crossed from the steel line to the sides. 4 bars before you binding reinforcement tie earnestly familiarity with drawing paper, check the feed table and design is consistent, carefully check the number of blank size, shape, and material table match, check the rear fastening can be carried out. Φ above 12 bar 20# galvanized iron wire, φ 12 following reinforcement 22# galvanized iron wire banding banding. 4.1 the Foundation beams and reinforcement of waterproof plate: ? binding order: cable ? ink pop-up panels, beams, walls, marked with paint, model, pitch ? wear steel and ...A5 steel engineering quality standard steel processing Shi its size allows deviation must meet Xia table requirements: steel processing Shi allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method by force steel Shun length direction full length of net size ? 10 ruler check bent up steel of bent folding location ? 20 ruler check hoop reinforced of within net size +5 ruler check steel installation Shi, by force steel of varieties, and level, and specifications and number must meet design requirements. Steel installation location of allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method lashing steel network long, and wide ? 10 ruler check mesh size ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value lashing steel skeleton long ? 10 ruler check wide, and high ? 5 ruler volume ends, middle the is, take maximum value by force steel spacing ? 10 ruler check row from ? 5 ruler check cover thickness based ? 10 ruler check column, and beam ? 5 ruler check Board , And wall, and Shell ? 3 ruler check lashing hoop reinforced, and horizontal steel spacing ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value steel bent beginning location 20 ruler check pre buried pieces center line location 5 ruler check level high poor +3,0 ruler and feeler check note: ? check pre buried pieces center line location Shi, along longitudinal, and cross two a direction volume measuring, and take which of larger value. II table of beam, Board Member the upper longitudinal reinforcement protection layer thickness of rate of 90% per cent and shall not exceed 1.5 times the size of deviations of the table. 1.4 template engineering the engineering for framework cut force wall structure, column, and cut force wall template used multilayer Board (see special construction programme), now poured roof, and stairs end of die and the Liang Mo are used high strength bamboo rubber Board, the template has 张韶涵 英文名:Angela Chang 名号:百变天后、世博之星•钻石帮帮主、摇摆A、排宝、女神 粉丝称号:韶先队、涵情脉脉、涵迷 星座:摩羯座 身高:158cm 体重:42kg 现住地:中国-台湾省-台北市 学历:温斯顿爵士邱吉尔中等学校 语言:国语、英文、一点日文 个性:开朗、单纯、大方活泼 家人:爸爸、妈妈(姜文鹊),父母已离异,、妹 妹(张韶轩)、弟弟(张韶杰)(外公是维吾尔族,所 以有1/4维族血统) 宗教:基督教 兴趣:唱歌、听音乐、阅读、锻炼、烹饪、制定、 装修房子、服装设计、吃东西 专长:唱歌、服装设计 饲养宠物: 土巴兔、Teddy(博美狗)、Chloe (贵 宾犬)、希希(猫)、一只金吉拉猫、一只波斯猫 最大的愿望:作一些好音乐可以诠释自己跟接触 别人内心世界对音乐的感觉 想去的地方:埃及、维也纳、日本、威尼斯 喜欢的地方:加拿大、维也纳 喜欢的颜色:白色、绿色、粉红色、蓝色 喜欢的动物:猫 喜欢的女歌手:张惠妹、椎名林檎、小野丽莎、孙燕姿、滨崎步 喜欢的演员:梁朝伟 喜欢的运动:排球篮球跑步去健身房 讨厌的事:八卦、绯闻、哭泣 烦恼的事:盗版、八卦 想做的事:旅行 婚姻对象的看法:有责任感 最大的愿望:作一些好音乐可以诠释自己跟接触别人内心世界对音乐的感觉 喜欢的异性:有内涵、开朗、成熟、孝顺、很有个性、懂得体贴女生 期待合作的对象:梁朝伟、刘德华、李安 理想:可以环游世界,开一间自己的店 梦想:设计师(对流行事物很有兴趣,曾在加拿大念服装设计系,所以想尝试当服装设 计师,最欣赏John Galliano设计的礼服。如果当设计师,第一个想设计的就是雪纺洋装。 最想给喜欢的明星帕丽斯希尔顿做造型,想帮她添加个性感的衣服,融合在她性感的里面, 认为这样帕丽斯看起来更像个时尚巨星)。 出品书籍:《奇迹安琪拉》。 breaking length, short break, minimize lap splices in order to save steel. 3.6 blanking length of steel bar according to the component size, thickness, bending length and hook to increase the adjustment value requirements into consideration. 3.7 bending rebar bending machines. Process: preparatory work--dash-bending. Dash under different bending angle bending adjustments of deductions; at the end part with semicircular bend hook, the secant length 0.5d (d is diameter), crossed from the steel line to the sides. 4 bars before you binding reinforcement tie earnestly familiarity with drawing paper, check the feed table and design is consistent, carefully check the number of blank size, shape, and material table match, check the rear fastening can be carried out. Φ above 12 bar 20# galvanized iron wire, φ 12 following reinforcement 22# galvanized iron wire banding banding. 4.1 the Foundation beams and reinforcement of waterproof plate: ? binding order: cable ? ink pop-up panels, beams, walls, marked with paint, model, pitch ? wear steel and ...A5 steel engineering quality standard steel processing Shi its size allows deviation must meet Xia table requirements: steel processing Shi allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method by force steel Shun length direction full length of net size ? 10 ruler check bent up steel of bent folding location ? 20 ruler check hoop reinforced of within net size +5 ruler check steel installation Shi, by force steel of varieties, and level, and specifications and number must meet design requirements. Steel installation location of allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method lashing steel network long, and wide ? 10 ruler check mesh size ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value lashing steel skeleton long ? 10 ruler check wide, and high ? 5 ruler volume ends, middle the is, take maximum value by force steel spacing ? 10 ruler check row from ? 5 ruler check cover thickness based ? 10 ruler check column, and beam ? 5 ruler check Board , And wall, and Shell ? 3 ruler check lashing hoop reinforced, and horizontal steel spacing ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value steel bent beginning location 20 ruler check pre buried pieces center line location 5 ruler check level high poor +3,0 ruler and feeler check note: ? check pre buried pieces center line location Shi, along longitudinal, and cross two a direction volume measuring, and take which of larger value. II table of beam, Board Member the upper longitudinal reinforcement protection layer thickness of rate of 90% per cent and shall not exceed 1.5 times the size of deviations of the table. 1.4 template engineering the engineering for framework cut force wall structure, column, and cut force wall template used multilayer Board (see special construction programme), now poured roof, and stairs end of die and the Liang Mo are used high strength bamboo rubber Board, the template has breaking length, short break, minimize lap splices in order to save steel. 3.6 blanking length of steel bar according to the component size, thickness, bending length and hook to increase the adjustment value requirements into consideration. 3.7 bending rebar bending machines. Process: preparatory work--dash-bending. Dash under different bending angle bending adjustments of deductions; at the end part with semicircular bend hook, the secant length 0.5d (d is diameter), crossed from the steel line to the sides. 4 bars before you binding reinforcement tie earnestly familiarity with drawing paper, check the feed table and design is consistent, carefully check the number of blank size, shape, and material table match, check the rear fastening can be carried out. Φ above 12 bar 20# galvanized iron wire, φ 12 following reinforcement 22# galvanized iron wire banding banding. 4.1 the Foundation beams and reinforcement of waterproof plate: ? binding order: cable ? ink pop-up panels, beams, walls, marked with paint, model, pitch ? wear steel and ...A5 steel engineering quality standard steel processing Shi its size allows deviation must meet Xia table requirements: steel processing Shi allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method by force steel Shun length direction full length of net size ? 10 ruler check bent up steel of bent folding location ? 20 ruler check hoop reinforced of within net size +5 ruler check steel installation Shi, by force steel of varieties, and level, and specifications and number must meet design requirements. Steel installation location of allows deviation and test method project allows deviation (mm) test method lashing steel network long, and wide ? 10 ruler check mesh size ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value lashing steel skeleton long ? 10 ruler check wide, and high ? 5 ruler volume ends, middle the is, take maximum value by force steel spacing ? 10 ruler check row from ? 5 ruler check cover thickness based ? 10 ruler check column, and beam ? 5 ruler check Board , And wall, and Shell ? 3 ruler check lashing hoop reinforced, and horizontal steel spacing ? 20 ruler volume continuous three document, take maximum value steel bent beginning location 20 ruler check pre buried pieces center line location 5 ruler check level high poor +3,0 ruler and feeler check note: ? check pre buried pieces center line location Shi, along longitudinal, and cross two a direction volume measuring, and take which of larger value. II table of beam, Board Member the upper longitudinal reinforcement protection layer thickness of rate of 90% per cent and shall not exceed 1.5 times the size of deviations of the table. 1.4 template engineering the engineering for framework cut force wall structure, column, and cut force wall template used multilayer Board (see special construction programme), now poured roof, and stairs end of die and the Liang Mo are used high strength bamboo rubber Board, the template has 美容秘诀:回家后,第一件事就是卸妆。洗净脸后,擦上化妆水。 圈中好友: 范玮琪、潘玮柏、黄子佼、吴尊、胡宇崴、卓文萱 、周杰伦、辰亦儒、苏 打绿、罗志祥、阿信(五月天)、钟欣桐 、明道、庾澄庆、林立雯、梁静茹、王力宏、彭于 晏、黄义达、蔡健雅、蔡依林、林俊杰、棒棒堂、林志颖、郭静、徐婕儿、炎亚纶、汪东城、 郑元畅 weight light, and Board site big, seams less, construction progress fast, support split easy and concrete forming behind layer beautiful, flat degrees good, can reached water concrete effect, reduce workers intensity, features. 1 material requiring more than 1.1 multi-layer plate thickness 12mm thickness, flexural design strength of not less than 12.5N/mm2, modulus of elasticity is not less than 3.2x103 N/mm2, resistance to flooding, soaked in water at room temperature 72h, no glue, surface wear and corrosion resistance, smooth deviation is less than 1.5mm. 1.2 reinforcement pipe selection φ 48 standard pipe, tube wall thickness uniform, and no crack, and Alice song not round not whole, defects; template top support with prefabricated 50x50 concrete support block, spacing for 600mm, long with wall wide; cut force wall template reinforcement ? 0.000 following with with φ 12 of on pulled screw rod with check water tablets, ? 0.000 above with on pulled screw Rod coat PVC tube, tube out wall surface 50mm/surface, on pulled screw Rod spacing @500*500. 1.3 steel pipe connection fittings, meet quality standards, no cracks, threads oil, without accusations, torsional flexibility, use annex "u"-shaped pins are in line with quality standards. 2 floor template support 2.1 floor template by laying bamboo plywood in double keel, keel for PHI 48 steel pipe, the keel to 50*100 wood, used in steel-tube scaffold system spans greater than 2 metres from the floor, using quick-dismantling system formwork, when span is greater than or equal to 4.0 meters, template by 0.25%L arch. 2.2 pavement layer template, began laying around, shut in the Middle, corner site template Latrun line alignment, and joist nailed down. 2.3 surface layer of wood glue banpu finished, carefully check that the bracket is a solid, smooth surface, in accordance with the quality requirements, and paste the seam tape on the template. 2.4 pad 50mm planks between the body and the floor, and the same floor connected whole, to enhance the overall stability of frame. 2.5 floor model and model top pressure beam side, seam clamps 5mm sponge and paper adhesive tape, to ensure construction quality of concrete corner site. Templates support 3.1 Liang Mo 3 beam cladding wood plastic is used as templates, stared blankly for long layout 50x100 beam along the beam direction, and erection of steel pipe supports. 3.2 beam formwork, when beam span greater than or equal to 6m, the girder arches at the end of 0.4%L. 3.3 side reinforcement beams, Latrun line alignment. 3.4 header height is less than 500mm, beam width is less than 250mm, and @ 900mm beam steel frame spacing, vertical spacing 900mm horizontal tube, beam is not added on the pull bolt, when beam >600, Leung added pull bolt @600mm. On the podium and some scaffolding, vertical and horizontal pole spacing is less than 900, step less than 1500, and scissors and sweep the pipe, beams and slabs bearing fasteners must be installed under ... 4.3 in the bench on the side panel
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