

2017-09-21 9页 doc 32KB 18阅读




离开考虑考虑考虑离开离开考虑考虑考虑离开 加强朗读教学摭谈 朗读,是将无声的书面语言转化为有声语言的过程,是眼、口、耳、脑协同一致的创造性阅读活动,是一种语言能力的应用过程。因此,语文教师在教学实践中应注重培养学生的朗读能力,提高学生的朗读水平。当然,学生朗读水平的提高不是一蹴而就的事情,需要科学的训练方法。 加强朗读训练与指导 朗读训练目的要明确~安排要合理~要遵循循序渐进的原则。初读课文时,学生朗读的目的是了解课文的主要内容,要求正确流利;重点赏析时,学生在理解课文内容的基础上,体会文中的思想感情,培养语感,因此,除了读得正确流利外,...
离开考虑考虑考虑离开 加强朗读教学摭谈 朗读,是将无声的面语言转化为有声语言的过程,是眼、口、耳、脑协同一致的创造性阅读活动,是一种语言能力的应用过程。因此,语文教师在教学实践中应注重培养学生的朗读能力,提高学生的朗读水平。当然,学生朗读水平的提高不是一蹴而就的事情,需要科学的训练方法。 加强朗读训练与指导 朗读训练目的要明确~安排要合理~要遵循循序渐进的原则。初读课文时,学生朗读的目的是了解课文的主要内容,要求正确流利;重点赏析时,学生在理解课文内容的基础上,体会文中的思想感情,培养语感,因此,除了读得正确流利外,还要能传达课文的情感;学完全篇之后,学生对课文有了更深层次的理解,因此,朗读时要体会作者思想感情的变化过程,要自然而然地与作者的情感交融在一起。 朗读指导要具体~要科学。语文教师在指导朗读时常说:“我们要读好啊,读出感情来。”这不是朗读指导,只是朗读要求。我们要把朗读训练转化成一个个具体的教学步骤,每个步骤要有具体的目标、要求,还要检查、督导,做到读前有示范,读中有辨误。理解课文、体会作者思想感情的任务要在一遍又一遍的朗读中完成。朗读时,要求学生全神贯注,全身心投入,眼、耳、口、心各司其职,做到不错字、不漏字、不添字、不重复,力求停顿合理、抑扬顿挫。 把握感情基调。朗读基础是由感情基调决定的。要读好一篇课文,ensure the quality and duration of construction. 3.1.2. the General programming principles based on the total duration of the construction requirements, my unit in the project construction organization design and implementation, integrated construction of scientific organizations, network technology, a parallel job, high quality and high speed to complete the construction of the entire project. Ensure quality construction program reasonable, optimal shortest, least cost and construction schedule. 3.1.3. General construction project construction team approach, first in civilization, stadium construction and relocation of underground pipeline detection, work, strictly according to the requirements of strengthening of luanhe river water protection measures. Curtain piles, bored piles, then protection of the excavation and dewatering construction. Working pit 2-PC300 excavator excavation, slope mesh and shotcrete. Protection, resistance to move pile and supporting pile and Grouting in subgrade pit dewatering and curing in the work carried out during the excavation, protection pile and supporting pile and move the pile using reverse-circulation drilling machine drilling, concrete pouring; programme of grout cure holistic cure of roadbed. Skateboards, back beam, the frame of the project using concrete, concrete transport truck transport, concrete pump truck pouring, construction 首先要把握这篇文章的基调。如教高尔基的散文诗《海燕》一文,学生边自由朗读,边体会文中所达的思想感情,然后老师示范,引导学生注意体会语气语调,最后,理解“对不畏强暴、敢于斗争、敢于胜利的“海燕”—无产阶级先锋战士给予了最真挚、最热忱的赞颂”是这首诗的感情基调。这样,学生与作者的思想感情得到了交流,领会到此文是高尔基为无产阶级唱的一曲充满战斗激情的颂歌。 朗读教学的方式要灵活多样 首先,学生要明确朗读教学的意义与作用。明确目的后,应以学生的自觉学习为主。要以灵活多样的方法培养学生的学习兴趣。比如,为了训练朗读的速度,可运用速读、跳读、即席发言等;为了训练朗读的节奏,可进行急读、缓读。还可采用多种操作方式,如范读、领读、教读,也可让程度好的学生范读、领读,也可分组读、齐读、个人读等。对于琅琅上口的诗歌、文质兼美的名篇、脍炙人口的佳句和文章中的重点语段,教师应引导学生在细细品味的基础上反复诵读,记忆成诵。这样,学生就能在读中体会,读中领悟,读中升华,此所谓“读书百遍,其义自见”。学生在反复诵读的过程中,进入课文的意境,体会文章的思想感情,从而提高揣摩、运用祖国语言文字的能力。 在朗读中培养语感 朗读的过程,也是感受语言、培养语感的过程。培养语感能力,就是要提高学生对语言的顿悟和运用能力。学生运用这种能力迅速把握作品的语言魅力和思想真谛,内化作者的语言。实践证明:语感能力的ensure the quality and duration of construction. 3.1.2. the General programming principles based on the total duration of the construction requirements, my unit in the project construction organization design and implementation, integrated construction of scientific organizations, network technology, a parallel job, high quality and high speed to complete the construction of the entire project. Ensure quality construction program reasonable, optimal shortest, least cost and construction schedule. 3.1.3. General construction project construction team approach, first in civilization, stadium construction and relocation of underground pipeline detection, work, strictly according to the requirements of strengthening of luanhe river water protection measures. Curtain piles, bored piles, then protection of the excavation and dewatering construction. Working pit 2-PC300 excavator excavation, slope mesh and shotcrete. Protection, resistance to move pile and supporting pile and Grouting in subgrade pit dewatering and curing in the work carried out during the excavation, protection pile and supporting pile and move the pile using reverse-circulation drilling machine drilling, concrete pouring; programme of grout cure holistic cure of roadbed. Skateboards, back beam, the frame of the project using concrete, concrete transport truck transport, concrete pump truck pouring, construction 形成在很大程度上必须借助朗读。我们接触的每一个句子,都有它的 重音、停顿、语气、语调、节奏等,都蕴含着作者的思想和感情。运 用朗读,语言中所蕴含的丰富的思想感情,就能出于口、入于心。学 生只有在朗读中形成了语感,才能更准确、更深刻地表达各种不同的 思想感情。 ensure the quality and duration of construction. 3.1.2. the General programming principles based on the total duration of the construction requirements, my unit in the project construction organization design and implementation, integrated construction of scientific organizations, network technology, a parallel job, high quality and high speed to complete the construction of the entire project. Ensure quality construction program reasonable, optimal shortest, least cost and construction schedule. 3.1.3. General construction project construction team approach, first in civilization, stadium construction and relocation of underground pipeline detection, work, strictly according to the requirements of strengthening of luanhe river water protection measures. Curtain piles, bored piles, then protection of the excavation and dewatering construction. Working pit 2-PC300 excavator excavation, slope mesh and shotcrete. Protection, resistance to move pile and supporting pile and Grouting in subgrade pit dewatering and curing in the work carried out during the excavation, protection pile and supporting pile and move the pile using reverse-circulation drilling machine drilling, concrete pouring; programme of grout cure holistic cure of roadbed. Skateboards, back beam, the frame of the project using concrete, concrete transport truck transport, concrete pump truck pouring, construction 在课堂教学中培养学生的创新能力 形成宽松的教学氛围 教学过程作为一种认识过程,所追求的目的不仅是学生掌握知识数量的增加,更重要的是要促进学生知识结构的不断重组。 一般而言,促进学生知识结构的重组要经过如下几个重要环节:第一,允许并鼓励学生自由提问和发言。在这个过程中,学生原有的知识结构得以显现、得到检验,从而产生重组知识结构的内在要求。第二,恰当运用理解的差异(包括教师和学生之间、学生彼此之间理解的差异)造成知识解释中的冲突,使学生在冲突的情景下为了说服对方或说服自己而积极寻找证据,认真检验自己和他人原有的知识结构。第三,创造条件,让学生在实际生活和工作中运用自己的知识结构。通过知识结构的实际运用,学生最终发现自己知识结构的欠缺,从而为重建一个合理的知识结构提供学习的动力和方向。 如果我们能够在课堂上营造出“平等、明主、尊重、理解、关注、赏识”的新型的师生人际关系,就可以使学生的身心愉悦,思想活跃。 挖掘学生主体的潜在能量 只有使学生主动地、愉快地参与到课堂教学活动中,突出师生之间的互动,注重学生参与意识、钻研精神以及合作能力的发展创造合适的氛围,提供必需的条件。 教师应积极地研究学生的心理,根据学生特点来确定可行的教学目标和教学方法,体现教学重点,突破教学难点,选择学生乐于接受ensure the quality and duration of construction. 3.1.2. the General programming principles based on the total duration of the construction requirements, my unit in the project construction organization design and implementation, integrated construction of scientific organizations, network technology, a parallel job, high quality and high speed to complete the construction of the entire project. Ensure quality construction program reasonable, optimal shortest, least cost and construction schedule. 3.1.3. General construction project construction team approach, first in civilization, stadium construction and relocation of underground pipeline detection, work, strictly according to the requirements of strengthening of luanhe river water protection measures. Curtain piles, bored piles, then protection of the excavation and dewatering construction. Working pit 2-PC300 excavator excavation, slope mesh and shotcrete. Protection, resistance to move pile and supporting pile and Grouting in subgrade pit dewatering and curing in the work carried out during the excavation, protection pile and supporting pile and move the pile using reverse-circulation drilling machine drilling, concrete pouring; programme of grout cure holistic cure of roadbed. Skateboards, back beam, the frame of the project using concrete, concrete transport truck transport, concrete pump truck pouring, construction 且易于接受的方式进行教学;应该把课堂教学的重点由学生记忆现成结论为主转变到探索问本身上来;应加强实践活动,开设实验课,指导他们通过实验现象,把握科学规律。在实践的目的上,要有所拓展,不仅证明课本上的理论,还应该验证课本外的理论和结果。 明确教师在课堂教学中的定位 传统的应试教学的模式为:“上课划条条,课后背条条,考试默条条”。这种教学模式把学生的思维禁锢在单一的再现性思维轨道上,压抑了学生的创造性思维。 为改变这种局面,教师要充分挖掘现有教材中所蕴含的创造性因素,加强创造性思维品质的培养,提高创新能力。特别在学生思维的广阔性、深刻性、独特性、批判性、流畅性和变通性的培养下多下功夫。 教师应该转变观念,找准自己在课堂教学中的位置,把自己视为教与学的“组织者”,而不是“操纵者”;是“引导学生走向新的知识领域”,而不是“单纯地将知识传递给学生”。 教师要注意搭建好学生参与教学的舞台,不断激发学生的学习需要,给学生提供更多的思考和创造的时间和空间。在教学中,要不断具有争论性、实践性、挑战性的主题研究项目,让学生自学有关的知识和内容,或者互相学习,或者小组研究,进一步激发学生的学习兴趣,增强学习动机,促进学生的创新学习。 发展学生的个性品质 我国传统教育的通病,就是过分的讲求整齐划一,而忽视学生的ensure the quality and duration of construction. 3.1.2. the General programming principles based on the total duration of the construction requirements, my unit in the project construction organization design and implementation, integrated construction of scientific organizations, network technology, a parallel job, high quality and high speed to complete the construction of the entire project. Ensure quality construction program reasonable, optimal shortest, least cost and construction schedule. 3.1.3. General construction project construction team approach, first in civilization, stadium construction and relocation of underground pipeline detection, work, strictly according to the requirements of strengthening of luanhe river water protection measures. Curtain piles, bored piles, then protection of the excavation and dewatering construction. Working pit 2-PC300 excavator excavation, slope mesh and shotcrete. Protection, resistance to move pile and supporting pile and Grouting in subgrade pit dewatering and curing in the work carried out during the excavation, protection pile and supporting pile and move the pile using reverse-circulation drilling machine drilling, concrete pouring; programme of grout cure holistic cure of roadbed. Skateboards, back beam, the frame of the project using concrete, concrete transport truck transport, concrete pump truck pouring, construction 个性培养。事实上,营造学生个性得以自由发展的宽松氛围,是开发学生创作力的一个必不可少的重要条件。 个性特长的培养,既要得益于课堂教学之中,也要得益于课堂之外的各类活动。在课堂教学中,教师要为学生提供个性发展的环境。其中,最重要的一点就是,教师要为不同类型、不同层次的学生,提供一些恰当的学习、交流、展示及提高的机会,切忌在课堂教学中搞“一刀切”。 我们应该以动态的观点来看待和培养学生的个性特长。我们的任务就是根据学生的不同特点,采取不同的教学方式与手段来发展他们的个性品质,培养他们的能力。 ensure the quality and duration of construction. 3.1.2. the General programming principles based on the total duration of the construction requirements, my unit in the project construction organization design and implementation, integrated construction of scientific organizations, network technology, a parallel job, high quality and high speed to complete the construction of the entire project. Ensure quality construction program reasonable, optimal shortest, least cost and construction schedule. 3.1.3. General construction project construction team approach, first in civilization, stadium construction and relocation of underground pipeline detection, work, strictly according to the requirements of strengthening of luanhe river water protection measures. Curtain piles, bored piles, then protection of the excavation and dewatering construction. Working pit 2-PC300 excavator excavation, slope mesh and shotcrete. Protection, resistance to move pile and supporting pile and Grouting in subgrade pit dewatering and curing in the work carried out during the excavation, protection pile and supporting pile and move the pile using reverse-circulation drilling machine drilling, concrete pouring; programme of grout cure holistic cure of roadbed. Skateboards, back beam, the frame of the project using concrete, concrete transport truck transport, concrete pump truck pouring, construction
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