
每天早上三片生姜、一杯蜂蜜水、三颗红枣,两天一瓶酸奶,平时多吃鸭 文档

2017-08-30 18页 doc 48KB 27阅读




每天早上三片生姜、一杯蜂蜜水、三颗红枣,两天一瓶酸奶,平时多吃鸭 文档每天早上三片生姜、一杯蜂蜜水、三颗红枣,两天一瓶酸奶,平时多吃鸭 血猪血,其中特别提醒女性朋友:例假时期不能吃海带 海鲜 香蕉 西红柿 西瓜 。 另外还要记住做一些动作:梳头(百会穴),大家都知道慈禧太后80多岁 还有一头乌黑亮丽的头发,其中的秘诀就是梳头(不是有个小太监李莲英吗, 他天天给慈禧梳头~我们没有小太监给梳头就自己梳)。 三天更换枕巾,因为头发是很脏的,所以必须勤换枕巾。 洗完澡用电吹风吹肚脐眼(丹田),这里要告诉大家电吹风比吹头发更 有用的地方:低血糖患者可用电吹风吹腰,月经不调者可以吹后脑勺,再者就 是...
每天早上三片生姜、一杯蜂蜜水、三颗红枣,两天一瓶酸奶,平时多吃鸭 文档
每天早上三片生姜、一杯蜂蜜水、三颗红枣,两天一瓶酸奶,平时多吃鸭 血猪血,其中特别提醒女性朋友:例假时期不能吃海带 海鲜 香蕉 西红柿 西瓜 。 另外还要记住做一些动作:梳头(百会穴),大家都知道慈禧太后80多岁 还有一头乌黑亮丽的头发,其中的秘诀就是梳头(不是有个小太监李莲英吗, 他天天给慈禧梳头~我们没有小太监给梳头就自己梳)。 三天更换枕巾,因为头发是很脏的,所以必须勤换枕巾。 洗完澡用电吹风吹肚脐眼(丹田),这里要告诉大家电吹风比吹头发更 有用的地方:低血糖患者可用电吹风吹腰,月经不调者可以吹后脑勺,再者就 是暖丹田(吹肚脐眼)。 每天晚上泡个热水脚,如果方便可以加些艾叶,鹅卵石。有的朋友也许不 知道什么是艾叶(端午节门前插的那种植物)。 每天敲敲足三里(即膝盖外侧),不是有那么一句话吗,“每天一只老 母鸡,不如敲敲足三里. 手脚冰冷的人吃什么好呢 一种手脚冰凉是虚寒的表现,通常以服用温寒的食物。“虚寒”的原因,有天生的,也有后天生活习惯造成的。所以应该提倡多参加适宜的体育运动,饮食起居规律有序,注意温寒添减衣物,不吃生冷食物等。 另外有一种手脚冰冷,中医叫“四逆”。“四”就是四肢的末端;“逆”就是厥冷的意思。这种情况是因为血液循环不能达到四肢的末梢,因而血液供应不足而导致的肢体寒冷。 女性在特殊生理期间也容易因贫血而引起畏寒,还有就是因为肠胃出血,血液流失过多的人,也会有贫血畏寒现象。 另外,中医学上还有一种叫“血枯”的病,就是血液干枯减少导致的贫血而畏寒,这是需要补血。如果血液淤阻,就要用“破淤生新”的治疗方法,破除淤血生出新血,就是我们常听说的“活血化淤”。 但这都得由专业中医师从脉搏和表现症状来判断决定归属于哪一类的怕冷。 一、营养原则 应多食具有补气、补血、补肾的性平、温热类食物。 二、适宜食物 可多食一些具有补肾阳虚作用的食品,如羊肉、狗肉、鹿肉、鸡肉,根据"春夏养阳"的法则,夏日三伏,每一伏可食用羊肉附子汤一次,配合天地阳旺之时,以壮补人体之阳。还可以吃韭菜、泥鳅来进行食补,药物则有肾宝、玉苁蓉、金匮肾气丸、右归丸等。 另外,多吃一些性属温热的食品,以提高机体耐寒力。常见的温热食物有:牛肉、大蒜、辣椒、生姜、圆葱、山药、桂圆、当归等。 三、饮食禁忌 1.尽量避免吃一些生冷的食物,如冰冻饮品、冰激凌等。 2.在吃温补食物的同时,尽量避免同时食用滋阴类食物,出现相互抵消滋补功效。 四、其他 摆脱畏冷症,养成良好的生活习惯(供参考) 1.早上起床。有规律的生活方式是改善畏冷的第一步,早晨是一天的开始,不要老是蜗居在被窝里,振奋一下精神起床,然后好好的运动一下身体吧。心情愉悦的睁开双眼,不仅能防止畏冷,还能提高一天的效率。 2.运动身体。早晨起来运动身体,能使全身肌肉彻底的放松并舒展开来,防止由于全身僵硬导致的畏冷,人体经过一晚上的睡眠,往往处于血液不循环的状态,因此适当的运动放松身to find solutions. Especially valuable is, these two missions took the city in Beijing, the considerable work in blue, from yinglaisongwang, provide services to invite businessmen and for major projects, micromanaging, hands-on, real offices full service, full service role. Hotel in Pingliang, Pingliang building and printingBrush factory service quality and service levels have also been further enhanced. Second, creatively work towards funding projects onto a new stage. The Beijing liaison office LAN from simple secure funding, and the shift to a more directly involved in the project, from the small projects to large projects to introduce change, strengthening project work. Liaison Office in Beijing, always put the report convergence and implementation, as reported to national construction projects, I work a top priority, take the initiative to strengthen contacts with national ministries and provincial authorities on contact and, from top to bottom convergence projects in advance, timely feedback on the city and the County (district). Liaison Office in Beijing this year, and cooperate with, or directly with item 8 of the interface implemented on the national, provincial, for State investment of nearly 20 million Yuan. The blue Office closely around the city's four pillar industries, large projects and more mature projects, brand focus and direction of the project as an investment. Grasp the 体很重要。 3.吃饱早餐。新的一天从早餐开始,好的体质也从好的早餐开始。 4.注意服装。切忌穿着紧窄的内衣,以及对身体有束缚的服装,不利于周身的血液循环。 5.尽可能步行。步行是温暖身体的最方便、最快捷的方式。 6.通过午餐来温暖身体。进餐是改善畏冷的关键,通过一些高热量的午餐能够温暖身体。俗话说得好,中饭要吃的饱,一定要准时进餐,保证热量的摄取。多吃一些粥类,加入梅干菜等阳性食品,对暖身非常有效果。 7.与人谈话有奇效。与朋友聊天是减压的特殊方式,对防止畏冷有奇特效果。 8.补充适度水分。水分的补给是非常重要的,摄取水分的同时能够排出体内的废物,更能使血液循环畅通,每天补充2升的水分为佳。 9.呼吸法。感觉疲劳的时候,慢慢呼吸对畏冷症有很好的疗效,将手放在胸部,吸气的时候鼓起腹部,采用此类腹式呼吸法,能把氧气输送到体内的各个部分,促使血液循环,改善畏冷状态,在座位上就能轻松实行,亲身实践下吧。 10.晚餐。晚餐应有意识的选择一些能够温暖身体的阳性食品,阳性或阴性可以通过颜色等来识别。一些阳性食品主要为红颜色的暖色系食物,包括胡萝卜,生姜,梅干菜等。一些阴性食品多为白色或冷色系食物,如热带水果等,所以一定要适度选择。 11.洗澡和洗脚。洗澡不仅能消除畏冷症状,更能调节身体状况,因而是十分重要的。平时也坚持每晚用热水泡脚,加入有疗效的中药会更好,如红花等。 双红南瓜补血汤原料: 南瓜500克,红枣10克,红糖适量。清水2000毫升。 做法:南瓜削去表皮挖瓤,洗净,切滚刀块儿。红枣洗净,去核。将红枣、南瓜、红糖一起放入煲中,加水用文火熬至南瓜熟烂为止。 功效:南瓜性温味甘,可补中益气,含有丰富的胡萝卜素,经人体吸收后转化为维生素A,并含有丰富的维生素E,女性经期服用,可益气补血。红枣则能补脾和胃,益气生津,滋阴养血。红糖含有微量元素和多种矿物质,有暖胃、补血、活血、散寒的作用。经常食用,可使脸色红润,增加皮肤弹性。 丰胸补血,归耆鸡汤 [原料及制作] 当归1钱,黄耆2钱,鸡腿1只,水4碗。 首先,将鸡腿洗净,切块,放入水中,以大火煮开; 然后,放入黄耆,和鸡腿一起炖至七成熟后放入当归,煮5分钟,加盐便可食用。 [特点及功效] 当归具有补血之功效。黄耆具有补气之功效。所以,本品具有让女性气血通顺、月经调和之功效,在此基础上促进乳腺分泌健全,达到丰乳的目的。 养气补血的汤 花生杜仲牛尾汤 补血、益肾、强筋骨 花生60克、杜仲20克、牛尾1条、生姜3片。 花生洗净,浸泡;杜仲置镬中洒上淡盐水,慢火炒干;牛尾买时请售者代处理干净,洗净后放滚水中煮沸10分钟,再洗净。一起与生姜放进瓦煲内,加入清水3000毫升(约12碗水),武火煲沸后改为文火煲约3个小时,调入适量食盐和生油便可。此量可供3~4人用。 黄芪淮山河虾汤 补血养颜 to find solutions. Especially valuable is, these two missions took the city in Beijing, the considerable work in blue, from yinglaisongwang, provide services to invite businessmen and for major projects, micromanaging, hands-on, real offices full service, full service role. Hotel in Pingliang, Pingliang building and printingBrush factory service quality and service levels have also been further enhanced. Second, creatively work towards funding projects onto a new stage. The Beijing liaison office LAN from simple secure funding, and the shift to a more directly involved in the project, from the small projects to large projects to introduce change, strengthening project work. Liaison Office in Beijing, always put the report convergence and implementation, as reported to national construction projects, I work a top priority, take the initiative to strengthen contacts with national ministries and provincial authorities on contact and, from top to bottom convergence projects in advance, timely feedback on the city and the County (district). Liaison Office in Beijing this year, and cooperate with, or directly with item 8 of the interface implemented on the national, provincial, for State investment of nearly 20 million Yuan. The blue Office closely around the city's four pillar industries, large projects and more mature projects, brand focus and direction of the project as an investment. Grasp the 黄芪、淮山各30克,当归、杞子各15克,桔梗6克(以上中药店均有售),河虾120克。 各药物洗净,稍浸泡;河虾洗净,剪去虾头,并去壳。先把中药一起放进砂锅内,加入清水1500毫升(约6碗水量),武火煲沸后,改为文火煲约40分钟,其汤汁约为750毫升(约3碗水量),将其汤汁放进锅内,不要药渣,加入虾仁同煎约10,15分钟,以熟为度,调入适量食盐便可。饮汤食虾,此量可供2,3人用。 大枣淮山牛[月展]汤 养阳、补血、提神 淮山30克,大枣8个,党参、圆肉各20克,北芪10克(中药店有售),牛[月展]400克,生姜3片。 各药材洗净,稍浸泡;牛月展洗净,整块不用刀切,放进滚水中煮片刻,取出洗净,即过“飞水”和“冷河”。一起与生姜放进瓦煲内,加入清水3000毫升(约12碗水量),武火煲沸后改为文火煲3个小时,调入适量盐、油便可。牛月展可捞起切条状,拌酱油佐餐用。 减-肥产品:怎 么说呢,根据个人情况决定,反正对 于我这种没有什么毅力减-肥,又总会偷点懒的人来说是必吃的,应该对我成功减-肥占到了80%左右的作用(丢人 啦~(@^_^@)~)。我始终觉得中药的调补比这边的方法管用,所以每次都是从淘-宝上面买了之后带过来,或者和 需要的文件什么的一起让妈咪寄过来。吃过不少种,觉得有几种最管用,都是吃几天就能看出效果的,增强信 心啊~~(如果只推荐一种我就摆脱不了“托”的嫌疑啦~~~哇哈哈),大家可以根据自己的情况选择吃~~ 【经典燃脂】:老牌的瘦-身店铺了,点店铺名称进去你就能看见以前顾客使用前和使用后的对比照片,那是相当震撼啊~月减20斤,纯天然不反弹~最近店铺搞活动,不管是无效还是效果很好都可能免单哦,另外还有多种礼品赠送,具体的信息点进去看看就知道了~ 左旋肉碱Tb店: 适合上班族以及学生族女性的店铺,店内“绿色瘦身”分类下的“果蔬多纤维代餐粉”和“奶茶果纤瘦-身粉”尤其适合女孩子口味,每天代替一餐便可轻松告别赘肉 哦~另外,她家的“植物草本精华”瘦-身产品每期都能热销8000多件,几乎支撑了整个店铺98%的营业额,强力推荐~ 中药瘦-身:这家店实在是不知道该怎么推荐了,总之就是一个强~顾客瘦-身记录一个月劲减39斤~神一般的产品,天使一般的店主呀~~他家的东西算是比较全的,果蔬、肉碱、精油全都不错,推荐推荐推荐~~ 效果是硬道理,强效瘦-腿精油排行 千芳汇 强效瘦-腿精油 瘦大腿瘦小腿 专业瘦腿产品 店主真人秀 强效 瘦-腿精油 瘦肌肉型小腿精油 50ml(店主试三月附真人秀) 娇艳堂特效瘦-腿精油 正品防伪 月减9厘米 刮痧瘦腿 送刮痧板 软尺 蘑菇紫菜生蚝汤 滋肾养肝、补血明目 生蚝300克、蘑菇250克、紫菜30克、生姜3片。 生蚝浸泡、洗净;蘑菇洗净;紫菜浸泡、洗净。在铁镬加入清水1500毫升(约6碗水量),武火煲沸后放入蘑菇、生姜,滚后改文火滚15分钟,加入生蚝、紫菜,稍滚至熟,调入适量盐、油便可。 云苓黄精生蚝汤 补血养气、滋润心脾 云苓、黄精各20克,红枣8个,新鲜生蚝300克,鸡肉350克,生姜3片。 各药材洗净,稍浸泡,红枣去核,生蚝浸泡、洗净;鲜鸡肉洗净。然后生蚝和鸡肉置沸水稍滚(即“飞水”),药材用煲汤袋装。一起与生姜放进瓦煲内,加入清水2500毫升(约10碗水量),武火煲沸改文火煲2小时,调入适量食盐和少许生油便可。药材弃之,此量可供to find solutions. Especially valuable is, these two missions took the city in Beijing, the considerable work in blue, from yinglaisongwang, provide services to invite businessmen and for major projects, micromanaging, hands-on, real offices full service, full service role. Hotel in Pingliang, Pingliang building and printingBrush factory service quality and service levels have also been further enhanced. Second, creatively work towards funding projects onto a new stage. The Beijing liaison office LAN from simple secure funding, and the shift to a more directly involved in the project, from the small projects to large projects to introduce change, strengthening project work. Liaison Office in Beijing, always put the report convergence and implementation, as reported to national construction projects, I work a top priority, take the initiative to strengthen contacts with national ministries and provincial authorities on contact and, from top to bottom convergence projects in advance, timely feedback on the city and the County (district). Liaison Office in Beijing this year, and cooperate with, or directly with item 8 of the interface implemented on the national, provincial, for State investment of nearly 20 million Yuan. The blue Office closely around the city's four pillar industries, large projects and more mature projects, brand focus and direction of the project as an investment. Grasp the 3,4人用。 莲藕红豆白鸽汤 补血生液、养阴滋肾 莲藕750克,鱿鱼干、红豆各50克,白鸽2只,红枣5个,生姜3片。 莲藕洗净去节,切块;鱿鱼干浸透,切中块;红豆、红枣洗净、浸泡并红枣去核;白鸽宰洗净,去内脏,并置沸水稍滚片刻,再洗净(即”飞水”),一起与生姜放进瓦煲内,加入清水2500毫升(10碗量),武火煲沸后,改文火煲约2小时,调入适量食盐和少许生油便可。供3,4人用。 黄精淮山杞子兔肉汤 补血润脏、益气生精 黄精、淮山各25克,杞子、桂圆肉各20克,陈皮1/4个,兔肉500克,生姜3片。 各配料洗净,稍浸泡,并将陈皮去瓤;兔肉洗净,切为大块状,置沸水中稍滚片刻,取出再洗净(即“飞水”)。然后与生姜一起放入瓦煲内,加入清水2500毫升(约10碗水量),武火煲沸后,改文火煲约2个小时,调入适量食盐和生油便可,此量可供3,4人食用。 百合白果牛肉汤 补血养颜 滋润肌肤 煮,至水量不多时,加入米酒煮约半小时便可。此量可供1~2人。 百合、白果各50克,红枣8个,牛肉300克,生姜3片。 白果去壳,浸去外衣洗净;百合、红枣洗净,并红枣去核;牛肉切为薄片。先把百合、白果、生姜放进瓦煲内,加入清水2000毫升(8碗水量),武火煲沸,改文火煲至百合、白果熟烂,加入牛肉滚至熟,调入适量盐和油便可。 云耳红枣煲黄鳝 养阴活血 调经补血 黄鳝2,3条、云耳3小朵、红枣10个、生姜3片。 云耳、红枣分别洗净、稍浸泡并撕开、去核;黄鳝宰洗净,用热水烫去黏液,洗净、切段,一起与生姜放进瓦煲内,加入清水2000毫升(8碗量),武火煲沸后,改为文火煲约1个小时,调入适量食盐便可。此量可供3,4人用,黄鳝、云耳可捞起拌入酱油佐餐用。 莲藕花生猪骨煲白鸽 补血生津 莲藕750克、花生80克、红枣4个、陈皮1,4个、墨鱼干1只、白鸽2只、猪骨250克、生姜3片。 各配料洗净,红枣去核,陈皮去瓤,莲藕去节、切段块,墨鱼干稍浸泡;白鸽宰洗净,去脏杂;猪骨洗净,敲裂。一起与生姜下瓦煲,加水3000毫升(约12碗量),武火煲沸后改文火煲2小时,下盐便可。为3,4人量。 章鱼干猪脚姜汤 健腰膝 补血虚气弱 章鱼干1,2只(约150克)、猪脚2只、生老姜1块。 章鱼干略浸洗;老姜切片;猪脚去毛、甲,洗净,斩件,置沸水中稍滚片刻,再洗净(即“飞水”)。一起放进瓦煲内,加入清水2500毫升(约10碗量),武火煲沸后,改为文火煲约2小时,调入适量的食盐便可。此量可供3,4人用,章鱼干、猪脚可捞起佐餐用。 圆肉姜枣煲瘦肉 补血益气 养血安神 圆肉10克、生姜3片、红枣15个、猪瘦肉300克。 圆肉、红枣洗净,红枣去核;猪瘦肉洗净,切块。一起放进瓦煲内,加入清水2500毫升(约10碗量),武火煲沸后,改为文火煲约2小时,调入适量食盐便可。此量可供3,4人用。 to find solutions. Especially valuable is, these two missions took the city in Beijing, the considerable work in blue, from yinglaisongwang, provide services to invite businessmen and for major projects, micromanaging, hands-on, real offices full service, full service role. Hotel in Pingliang, Pingliang building and printingBrush factory service quality and service levels have also been further enhanced. Second, creatively work towards funding projects onto a new stage. The Beijing liaison office LAN from simple secure funding, and the shift to a more directly involved in the project, from the small projects to large projects to introduce change, strengthening project work. Liaison Office in Beijing, always put the report convergence and implementation, as reported to national construction projects, I work a top priority, take the initiative to strengthen contacts with national ministries and provincial authorities on contact and, from top to bottom convergence projects in advance, timely feedback on the city and the County (district). Liaison Office in Beijing this year, and cooperate with, or directly with item 8 of the interface implemented on the national, provincial, for State investment of nearly 20 million Yuan. The blue Office closely around the city's four pillar industries, large projects and more mature projects, brand focus and direction of the project as an investment. Grasp the 天麻炖鸡汤 补血、和血、熄风 天麻30克(中药店有售)、老母鸡1只、生姜3片。 天麻稍浸泡,洗净;老母鸡宰洗净,去脏杂、尾部,切块。一起与生姜放进炖盅内,加入冷开水1250毫升(约5碗量),加盖隔水炖3小时便可。进饮时方调入适量食盐,此量可供3,4人用。 红枣煲泥鳅鱼汤2 补血益血、调中益气 红枣4,6个、泥鳅鱼500克、猪瘦肉100克,生姜3片。 红枣去核,泥鳅鱼用盐或稍热的开水洗去生黏液,去脏杂,再洗净,一起与生姜、瘦肉下瓦煲,加水2500毫升(10碗量),武火煲沸改文火煲2小时,下盐便可,为3,4人量。 莲藕黑豆煲鲶鱼 调中益阳 补血滋阴 莲藕500克,沙参15克(中药店有售),黑豆50克,鲶鱼1条,猪脊骨250克,生姜3片。 各物洗净。莲藕刮皮、切段;鲶鱼宰洗干净,煎至微黄,溅入少许水;猪脊骨敲裂。一起下瓦煲,加水3000毫升(12碗量),武火煲沸后改文火煲2小时,下盐便可。为3~4人量。 鲜鲍鱼炖老鸡 补肾壮阳、滋阴补血、益精添髓 鲜鲍鱼或急冻鲍鱼2只、老母鸡1只、猪尾骨300克、火腿50克、生姜3片、生葱3条。 鲜鲍洗净,用盐洗擦;鸡宰洗净,去脏杂、尾部,切块;猪尾骨洗净,切段,火腿切片。起油锅爆香姜葱,加水约半锅滚沸,下猪尾骨沸2分钟,下鸡、鲍沸3分钟,取起洗净,沥干。一起与火腿下炖盅,加冷开水1500毫升(6碗),加盖隔水武火炖20分钟,改文火炖3小时便可。进饮时方下盐,为3~5人用。 高丽参炖乌鸡 补血调经 强身健体 高丽参10克、红枣6个、圆肉10克、杞子15克(以上中药店有售)。 除高丽参外,各药稍浸泡,红枣去核,洗净;乌鸡宰洗净,切块,置沸水中稍滚片刻,洗净(即“飞水”)。一起放进炖盅内,加入冷开水1250毫升(5碗量),加盖隔水炖3小时便可。进饮方下盐,为3~4人用。 黑豆鸡蛋米酒汤 温阳祛寒 补血通经 黑豆60克、鸡蛋2个、米酒100~120克。 黑豆洗净,与鸡蛋用清水500毫升(2碗量)共煮,蛋熟后取出去壳再煮,至水量不多时,加入米酒煮约半小时便可。此量可供1~2人。 紫河车炖牛肚 益气补血 平喘止咳 紫河车12克,党参、王不留行各15克,通草5克(中药店有售),牛肚150克,姜3片,蒜6个。 各物洗净。牛肚“飞水”后切块;药材包裹。起油镬炒香姜、蒜,与牛肚、药包下炖盅,加冷开水1000毫升(4碗)和少许胡椒粉、米酒,隔水炖3小时,进饮时方下盐,为3~4人用。 芡实马蹄煲羊肉 健脾补虚 养心补血 芡实30克、马蹄8个、淮山20克、杞子15克(中药店有售)、去皮羊腿肉800克、红枣to find solutions. Especially valuable is, these two missions took the city in Beijing, the considerable work in blue, from yinglaisongwang, provide services to invite businessmen and for major projects, micromanaging, hands-on, real offices full service, full service role. Hotel in Pingliang, Pingliang building and printingBrush factory service quality and service levels have also been further enhanced. Second, creatively work towards funding projects onto a new stage. The Beijing liaison office LAN from simple secure funding, and the shift to a more directly involved in the project, from the small projects to large projects to introduce change, strengthening project work. Liaison Office in Beijing, always put the report convergence and implementation, as reported to national construction projects, I work a top priority, take the initiative to strengthen contacts with national ministries and provincial authorities on contact and, from top to bottom convergence projects in advance, timely feedback on the city and the County (district). Liaison Office in Beijing this year, and cooperate with, or directly with item 8 of the interface implemented on the national, provincial, for State investment of nearly 20 million Yuan. The blue Office closely around the city's four pillar industries, large projects and more mature projects, brand focus and direction of the project as an investment. Grasp the 12个、生姜5片。 各物分别洗净。药材浸泡;马蹄去皮;红枣去核;羊肉置沸水中稍浸片刻,再洗净(即“飞水”)。一起与生姜放进瓦煲内,加入清水3000毫升(12碗量),武火煲沸后,改为文火煲2个半小时,调入适量食盐便可。为3~4人量。 无花果赤小豆生鱼汤 滋阴润燥 养气益肺 无花果6个、赤小豆100克、江珧柱40克、生鱼1,2条(约400克)、生姜3片。 各配料洗净,稍浸泡;生鱼宰洗净,慢火煎至微黄,并洒入少许水。然后一起与生姜下瓦煲,加水2500毫升(10碗量),武火煲沸后改文火煲两小时,调入适量食盐和生油便可。此量可供3,4人用。 莲藕红豆煲牛腱 健脾补益养气 莲藕600克,红豆90克,牛腱400克,陈皮1/4个,红枣4个,生姜3片。 各物分别洗净,莲藕去节、切段;红豆浸泡;陈皮去瓤;红枣去核;牛腱切块。一起与生姜放入瓦煲内,加入清水3000毫升(12碗量),武火煲沸后改用文火煲2小时,调入适量食盐便可。此量可供3,5人用。 补血当归鲫鱼汤 用料:鲫鱼(1条)、当归(1支)、枸杞(2汤匙)、黄耆(10片)、姜(5片) 调料:盐(1/4汤匙)、料酒(1汤匙) 补血当归鲫鱼汤做法: 1、鲫鱼洗净拭干水,在鱼背处横切一刀,将1汤匙盐均匀地抹在鱼身上,腌制15分锺。 2、当归洗净切成片,姜切成丝,枸杞和黄耆洗净沥干水。 3、将当归、黄耆、枸杞、1汤匙料酒和4碗清水大火煮沸,改小火焖煮25分锺。 4、往鱼腹塞入少许姜丝,将鲫鱼放入瓦煲内,倒入熬好的当归汤搅匀,大火煮沸改小火煮35分锺。 5、加1/4汤匙盐调味,便可出锅。 小贴士: 1、在鱼腹中塞入姜丝,熬成汤后,鱼腥味降低很多。 2、当归鲫鱼汤属大补之汤,适合痛经、体虚的女生饮用,一般人仅用鲫鱼熬汤,便可达到补益之效。 3、鲫鱼煮汤有健脾利湿、和中开胃、活血通络和温中下气之效,适合中老年人、病后虚弱者和产妇食用。 4、鲫鱼不宜和大蒜、白糖、冬瓜和鸡肉一同食用,吃鲫鱼前后忌喝茶。 猪肝枸杞菠菜汤 每个月“好朋友”来访的那几天都会让许多MM觉得难受,除了要保持愉快的心情以外,合理的饮食也不可以忽略,记得有一个广告说:“某某口服液,补铁补血效果真的不错。”今天我也上一个补铁补血的汤,让MM们喝出红润好脸色。 1 猪肝150克左右,菠菜三棵,枸杞适量,油,盐,姜,三花酒,蒜,大葱 2 猪肝切成薄片,在水龙头下洗干净,用大量清水浸泡一个小时左右,因为肝是排毒的器官,所以通过浸泡,漂洗,把毒素清洗掉。看网上有提议用淘米水洗效果很好,下次我也试试。 3 锅里放水烧开,把浸泡干净的猪肝放进去过水,把血沫逼出来,再在水龙头下冲洗干净。菠菜整棵洗干净,去根 4 姜,大葱,蒜切末,把猪肝姜葱蒜末放进汤锅,倒进三花酒,放油,大火烧开,转小火,煮到汤浓,放进洗干净的枸杞,接着放进菠菜,再放盐调味即可 to find solutions. Especially valuable is, these two missions took the city in Beijing, the considerable work in blue, from yinglaisongwang, provide services to invite businessmen and for major projects, micromanaging, hands-on, real offices full service, full service role. Hotel in Pingliang, Pingliang building and printingBrush factory service quality and service levels have also been further enhanced. Second, creatively work towards funding projects onto a new stage. The Beijing liaison office LAN from simple secure funding, and the shift to a more directly involved in the project, from the small projects to large projects to introduce change, strengthening project work. Liaison Office in Beijing, always put the report convergence and implementation, as reported to national construction projects, I work a top priority, take the initiative to strengthen contacts with national ministries and provincial authorities on contact and, from top to bottom convergence projects in advance, timely feedback on the city and the County (district). Liaison Office in Beijing this year, and cooperate with, or directly with item 8 of the interface implemented on the national, provincial, for State investment of nearly 20 million Yuan. The blue Office closely around the city's four pillar industries, large projects and more mature projects, brand focus and direction of the project as an investment. Grasp the 枸杞红枣乌鸡汤 《内经》中有“人之所有者,血与气耳。气为血之帅,血为气之母”之说;《医宗必读》中也有一句话“气血者,人之所赖以生者也”。气血互为影响,一些慢性疾病例如贫血、肠胃的炎症、癌症等都会导致气血两虚。气血两虚的人看起来毫无生气,大多心悸失眠、倦怠乏力、面色萎黄,应非常注意饮食方面的调养,以补气兼补血的食物为主,忌食辛辣、性寒、腌制品。 乌骨鸡可以温中益气、补肝益肾、延缓衰老、强健筋骨,对于月经不调、女性的缺铁性贫血也有很好的改善作用。 主料:乌骨鸡 辅料:大葱、陈皮、高良姜、草果、枸杞、红枣、料酒 枸杞红枣乌鸡汤的作法: 1、将乌骨鸡清洗干净,剁成块。 2、将大葱切段;把陈皮、高良姜、草果用纱布包起来。 3、砂锅内放上水,将纱布包和鸡块放进去,加料酒、葱、枸杞、红枣同煮。 4、旺火煮沸后改用中小火炖熟、炖烂,然后捞出纱布包和葱段即可。 to find solutions. Especially valuable is, these two missions took the city in Beijing, the considerable work in blue, from yinglaisongwang, provide services to invite businessmen and for major projects, micromanaging, hands-on, real offices full service, full service role. Hotel in Pingliang, Pingliang building and printingBrush factory service quality and service levels have also been further enhanced. Second, creatively work towards funding projects onto a new stage. The Beijing liaison office LAN from simple secure funding, and the shift to a more directly involved in the project, from the small projects to large projects to introduce change, strengthening project work. Liaison Office in Beijing, always put the report convergence and implementation, as reported to national construction projects, I work a top priority, take the initiative to strengthen contacts with national ministries and provincial authorities on contact and, from top to bottom convergence projects in advance, timely feedback on the city and the County (district). Liaison Office in Beijing this year, and cooperate with, or directly with item 8 of the interface implemented on the national, provincial, for State investment of nearly 20 million Yuan. The blue Office closely around the city's four pillar industries, large projects and more mature projects, brand focus and direction of the project as an investment. Grasp the
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