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怎样用电脑下载MP3歌曲到手机怎样用电脑下载MP3歌曲到手机 现在几乎人人有手机,那么怎样用电脑给手机下载MP3歌曲呢,这里就来详细介绍一下。 电脑与手机的连接 第一种:手机通过数据线连接电脑后。 第二种:手机存储卡通过读卡器连接电脑。 推荐第二种方式,这种方法传输速度比较快。 不管用哪种方式,连接好,稍等一会,等电脑系统识别后,打开“计算机”会看到多出了一个移动磁盘,如下图的Memmory card(L:),这就是们要下载文件的目标磁盘。 不同的设备在不同的电脑显示的名称和盘符可能会不同 这是智能手机连接电脑的显示,在“计算机”显示一个手机...
怎样用电脑下载MP3歌曲到手机 现在几乎人人有手机,那么怎样用电脑给手机下载MP3歌曲呢,这里就来详细介绍一下。 电脑与手机的连接 第一种:手机通过数据线连接电脑后。 第二种:手机存储卡通过读卡器连接电脑。 推荐第二种方式,这种传输速度比较快。 不管用哪种方式,连接好,稍等一会,等电脑系统识别后,打开“计算机”会看到多出了一个移动磁盘,如下图的Memmory card(L:),这就是们要下载文件的目标磁盘。 不同的设备在不同的电脑显示的名称和盘符可能会不同 这是智能手机连接电脑的显示,在“计算机”显示一个手机的图标,双击这个图标,则显示两个磁盘分区,分别是手机机身内存和存储卡 the old party and the difficulties of the masses. In the mass line of educational practice, the old party members, five households, orphans, households and households are not included in the low range of focus on helping object, clear each party members and cadres at least helping needy families, the annual visits to comfort Ask the supporting object of not less than 2 times the target. 4, at least one run Huimin practical. According to 下载方法: 第一、 IE浏览器直接下载 the old party and the difficulties of the masses. In the mass line of educational practice, the old party members, five households, orphans, households and households are not included in the low range of focus on helping object, clear each party members and cadres at least helping needy families, the annual visits to comfort Ask the supporting object of not less than 2 times the target. 4, at least one run Huimin practical. According to 打开IE浏览器,转到“百度”主页,如下图: 单击“音乐”,打开百度音乐 the old party and the difficulties of the masses. In the mass line of educational practice, the old party members, five households, orphans, households and households are not included in the low range of focus on helping object, clear each party members and cadres at least helping needy families, the annual visits to comfort Ask the supporting object of not less than 2 times the target. 4, at least one run Huimin practical. According to 例如要下载歌曲:《哥已经爱上你》,直接点击上面的歌曲名《哥已经爱上你》 再点击“下载” the old party and the difficulties of the masses. In the mass line of educational practice, the old party members, five households, orphans, households and households are not included in the low range of focus on helping object, clear each party members and cadres at least helping needy families, the annual visits to comfort Ask the supporting object of not less than 2 times the target. 4, at least one run Huimin practical. According to 弹出„„ 这时我们要选择保存目标位置,下滑红色箭头处的滚动条,找到Memmory card(L:)并点 击Memmory card(L:)图标 the old party and the difficulties of the masses. In the mass line of educational practice, the old party members, five households, orphans, households and households are not included in the low range of focus on helping object, clear each party members and cadres at least helping needy families, the annual visits to comfort Ask the supporting object of not less than 2 times the target. 4, at least one run Huimin practical. According to 再点击“保存”,这首歌曲就会下载到Memmory card(L:)根目录,如果点击Sounds文件 夹再“保存”则会下载到Sounds文件夹下。 the old party and the difficulties of the masses. In the mass line of educational practice, the old party members, five households, orphans, households and households are not included in the low range of focus on helping object, clear each party members and cadres at least helping needy families, the annual visits to comfort Ask the supporting object of not less than 2 times the target. 4, at least one run Huimin practical. According to 这种方式下载比较麻烦,而且下载的歌曲文件名不是中文的。 第二种方法:用“酷我音乐盒”下载 需要在电脑上安装“酷我音乐盒” 打开“酷我音乐盒”,如图: 上面的搜索框架可以直接搜索要下载的歌曲,可以通过歌曲的各种分类来找到要下 the old party and the difficulties of the masses. In the mass line of educational practice, the old party members, five households, orphans, households and households are not included in the low range of focus on helping object, clear each party members and cadres at least helping needy families, the annual visits to comfort Ask the supporting object of not less than 2 times the target. 4, at least one run Huimin practical. According to 载的歌曲,并能同时选择多首进行批量下载。 随便进入一个分类,例如要下载第二首歌曲《以爱为名》,只需点击歌曲后面的向下 the old party and the difficulties of the masses. In the mass line of educational practice, the old party members, five households, orphans, households and households are not included in the low range of focus on helping object, clear each party members and cadres at least helping needy families, the annual visits to comfort Ask the supporting object of not less than 2 times the target. 4, at least one run Huimin practical. According to 的箭头图标?,会弹出一个对话框,点击保存位置后的的文件夹图标 找到Memmory card(L:)并打开,再点击“确定” the old party and the difficulties of the masses. In the mass line of educational practice, the old party members, five households, orphans, households and households are not included in the low range of focus on helping object, clear each party members and cadres at least helping needy families, the annual visits to comfort Ask the supporting object of not less than 2 times the target. 4, at least one run Huimin practical. According to 这样下载路径就设置好了,再点击“直接下载”软件就开始下载歌曲《以爱为名》到 Memmory card(L:)根目录了。这个路径一次设定,以后就不会变化,直到再次改变。 the old party and the difficulties of the masses. In the mass line of educational practice, the old party members, five households, orphans, households and households are not included in the low range of focus on helping object, clear each party members and cadres at least helping needy families, the annual visits to comfort Ask the supporting object of not less than 2 times the target. 4, at least one run Huimin practical. According to 如果要批量下载 看下图,可以看到每首歌曲名的前面都有一个小方框,打钩的是表示被选择,最上面有一个方框是表示全选。 选择多首要下载的歌曲后,点击,如下图红圈中的下载图标,就会弹出下载对话框,再点击:“立即下载就开始下载了,下图表示将要下载143首歌曲到Memmory card(L:)根目录。 点击第一行菜单栏的:“下载”可以查看下载进度 the old party and the difficulties of the masses. In the mass line of educational practice, the old party members, five households, orphans, households and households are not included in the low range of focus on helping object, clear each party members and cadres at least helping needy families, the annual visits to comfort Ask the supporting object of not less than 2 times the target. 4, at least one run Huimin practical. According to the old party and the difficulties of the masses. In the mass line of educational practice, the old party members, five households, orphans, households and households are not included in the low range of focus on helping object, clear each party members and cadres at least helping needy families, the annual visits to comfort Ask the supporting object of not less than 2 times the target. 4, at least one run Huimin practical. According to
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