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关于销售方面的书籍关于销售方面的书籍 关于销售方面的书籍,相信大家看的很多了,销售技巧的讲座也听了N次,论经验,我实在微不足道,论技巧,四个月的时间,费尽心机也琢磨不透。我并不是想在这里高谈阔论,我只是想用我个人经验告诉各位做销售的朋友,只要会说话会做事,天下没有谈不定的生意~ 开始接触业务方面,每天要面对新客户,有的是回头客户,有的是潜在客户,不管是哪一种,首先都要热情对待。之前我有做过两个月的电话营销,关于电话礼仪和营销策略,也略知一二。但是现在由于对五金模具领域了解甚少,刚开始,很陌生,经常说话不恰当,给客户很不专业的感觉。所以很多时...
关于销售方面的籍 关于销售方面的书籍,相信大家看的很多了,销售技巧的讲座也听了N次,论,我实在微不足道,论技巧,四个月的时间,费尽心机也琢磨不透。我并不是想在这里高谈阔论,我只是想用我个人经验告诉各位做销售的朋友,只要会说话会做事,天下没有谈不定的生意~ 开始接触业务方面,每天要面对新客户,有的是回头客户,有的是潜在客户,不管是哪一种,首先都要热情对待。之前我有做过两个月的电话营销,关于电话礼仪和营销策略,也略知一二。但是现在由于对五金模具领域了解甚少,刚开始,很陌生,经常说话不恰当,给客户很不专业的感觉。所以很多时候都失去了部分潜在客户。后来我就经常留意别人说话,学习别人讲话技巧。有空闲的时候,甚至还会把客户经常会问到的一些问题的答案写在纸条上,贴在桌上最醒目的地方,当然这些都是应付短期行为,关键还是要熟悉专业领域的知识,有时候专业术语本身就能能给你加分。 销售环节中,恰当的语言是促进销售实现的关键。我认为有几点很重要:无论何时一定要热情,尽量要客气,能用“您”的坚决不用“你”,其次心要诚,你诚恳与否,电话那端的人会比你更清楚,然后要礼貌,多用“请您帮个忙”,“请问”,“谢谢”,“打扰了”等谦辞,试想下谁愿意和一个说话粗鲁的人交谈呢,有家供应商,之前凡遇查货,即使再少,也必须传真才能解决,有时情况很急,我就打电话过去:XX小姐(先生),请您帮我个忙,只耽误您两分钟不到的时间,。。。”tliver cell cancer, pancreatic inflammatory, pancreatic cancer various type nephritis, kidney failure, bladder inflammatory various goiter, thyroid gland tumor, thyroid cancer bone joint system bone loose, and bone metabolism disease, and endocrine bone disease According to the professional future work in selected non-specified sections (including Pediatrics, Neurology, etc) Web (you can select a Department). ? Pediatric rotation learn: awareness ... (2) ultrasound imaging in this specialized training, further improve the clinical ability. Requirements are as follows: 1) deepen learning and mastering basic theories and clinical knowledge relating to this group, including ultrasound and Interventional ultrasound therapy. 2) mastering clinical ultrasound in diagnosis and differential diagnosis of diseases, as well as writing in the report. All display techniques, measurement of main organs and standards section and correct measurement of Doppler flow parameters. Familiar with the imaging examination and diagnosis of various quality control standards, to further improve the imaging examinations and diagnosis level 3) combine clinical work, basic grasp the operation methods of Interventional ultrasound, ultrasonic treatment on disease indications, the value and the limits of the system. 4) basic knowledge common diseases in different systems, different imaging method. Clinical ultrasound learning disease species and cases requirements: System disease/operation name cases number (?) digestive system hepatitis, cirrhosis, fat liver, liver abscess, liver vascular tumor, liver cell cancer, liver transfer tumor 于是用传真大约得五分钟解决的问题,通过电话询问两三分钟就解决了,提高了自己的工作效率。 除了这些,还要主动承担责任,是自己的错,勇于承担理所当然,而对客户的错也要主动承担下来,相信我,只有你给客户面子,客户才能给你单子。有一次,一客户要订购JDMW120420ZDSR-FT VP15TF的刀粒,他却写成JDMW1204 2V2PSR-FT VP15TF。凭感觉是没有这个型号的,后来查证后也确实应该是前者。我是这样处理的:首先请他再次确认刀粒的型号,其实是在提醒他,有可能是笔误。但他很肯定型号没有错,于是我请他稍等,我再次帮他查。其实我并没有再去查,我能肯定是他搞错了,三分钟过后我主动回复他,JDMW1204 2V2PSR-FT VP15TF这款刀粒没有现货,是否可以考虑用JDMW120420ZDSR-FT VP15TF这款现货来代替,两款价格一样,并且后一种加工效果略高于前者,客户同意说考虑代替。不到两分钟,客户回复我同意采购替换的刀粒,交易成功~通过这个例子可以看出,在客户出现错误的时候,要巧妙给他台阶下,才能增加交易的成功率。 要学会聆听。如今快速发展的时代,很多国内外的交易都是通过电话完成的,所以销售必不可少要与电话打交道,精通电话礼仪是必修课。除了礼仪外,其余的都需要自己合理控制。例如,有些工厂的采购,因为职业病,对待供应商都会不屑一顾,一种唯我独尊,舍我其谁的霸气压的让你喘不过气,刚开始会很抵触同这些人交流,甚至祈祷电话不再想起。但是这并不是解决问题的,后来尝试聆听的方法,即先礼貌沟通,然后只听不说,随后尽少随声附和(很多时候tliver cell cancer, pancreatic inflammatory, pancreatic cancer various type nephritis, kidney failure, bladder inflammatory various goiter, thyroid gland tumor, thyroid cancer bone joint system bone loose, and bone metabolism disease, and endocrine bone disease According to the professional future work in selected non-specified sections (including Pediatrics, Neurology, etc) Web (you can select a Department). ? Pediatric rotation learn: awareness ... (2) ultrasound imaging in this specialized training, further improve the clinical ability. Requirements are as follows: 1) deepen learning and mastering basic theories and clinical knowledge relating to this group, including ultrasound and Interventional ultrasound therapy. 2) mastering clinical ultrasound in diagnosis and differential diagnosis of diseases, as well as writing in the report. All display techniques, measurement of main organs and standards section and correct measurement of Doppler flow parameters. Familiar with the imaging examination and diagnosis of various quality control standards, to further improve the imaging examinations and diagnosis level 3) combine clinical work, basic grasp the operation methods of Interventional ultrasound, ultrasonic treatment on disease indications, the value and the limits of the system. 4) basic knowledge common diseases in different systems, different imaging method. Clinical ultrasound learning disease species and cases requirements: System disease/operation name cases number (?) digestive system hepatitis, cirrhosis, fat liver, liver abscess, liver vascular tumor, liver cell cancer, liver transfer tumor 我都是闭口不言,拿着电话做自己的事),慢慢的,发现他们打电话给我时不再是那种高高在上的语气了,也不会动辄就乱发脾气的了。他们甚至觉得我是能理解他们苦衷的人,有时候还给我诉苦呢。所以你能给客户做一个忠实的听众,也是成功实现销售的策略之一~ 说到技巧,我认为因人而异。但是最基本的就是要学会换位思考。当你设身处地为你客户着想时,客户也自然与你拉近距离。像讲座中可能会提到的,节日问候,短信联系的销售效应我不想多说,我是想告诉大家要有意识的去做,当你做了,你真的会发现效应。一次,快下班时一个客户打来电话,讲完事情后,我也就是随口说了一句:忙了一天,待会下班后回家早点休息~这确实是一句再普通不过的话了,但是他足足有5秒钟没有反应,后来仓促的说了一句:你,你也一样~我能感觉他是很惊讶,也很感激。同样,当一客户某天早上打来电话说因为技术人员不在,领导吩咐采购的相关产品,他们都不太清楚,但是认为我们公司每次给他的产品信息都很详细,所以想请我们帮忙整理下。虽然我也不大懂,但是凭着客户的信任,我还是毫不犹豫的答应尽最大努力帮他整理。。。结果可想而知,订单自然也是交给我们手中了。 有了上面这些良好的开端,再加上业务面对面的跟客户交谈,实现销售可以说是完成了三份之一的工作,能否促成交易达成,关键还是价格,价格合理,交易自然成功,价格问题处理不恰当,很可能前面的工作都泡汤了。因此如何控制报价是个很关键的问题。 tliver cell cancer, pancreatic inflammatory, pancreatic cancer various type nephritis, kidney failure, bladder inflammatory various goiter, thyroid gland tumor, thyroid cancer bone joint system bone loose, and bone metabolism disease, and endocrine bone disease According to the professional future work in selected non-specified sections (including Pediatrics, Neurology, etc) Web (you can select a Department). ? Pediatric rotation learn: awareness ... (2) ultrasound imaging in this specialized training, further improve the clinical ability. Requirements are as follows: 1) deepen learning and mastering basic theories and clinical knowledge relating to this group, including ultrasound and Interventional ultrasound therapy. 2) mastering clinical ultrasound in diagnosis and differential diagnosis of diseases, as well as writing in the report. All display techniques, measurement of main organs and standards section and correct measurement of Doppler flow parameters. Familiar with the imaging examination and diagnosis of various quality control standards, to further improve the imaging examinations and diagnosis level 3) combine clinical work, basic grasp the operation methods of Interventional ultrasound, ultrasonic treatment on disease indications, the value and the limits of the system. 4) basic knowledge common diseases in different systems, different imaging method. Clinical ultrasound learning disease species and cases requirements: System disease/operation name cases number (?) digestive system hepatitis, cirrhosis, fat liver, liver abscess, liver vascular tumor, liver cell cancer, liver transfer tumor 在报价之前,一定要综合考虑客户的实况,包括工厂的规模,生产能力,产品需求量,付款能力。这是最先考虑的几个因素。一般就会有A型:规模大,实力强;B型,规模一般,正在发展壮大。针对A性客户,初看赚取高利润的空间很大,当然是相对其他中型厂家,确实可以拔高利润,但是必须是针对自己的特色产品,否则订单数量会大打折扣,因为现在开放的市场,导致各种产品价格透明化,即便是大工厂也会向我们个人买东西,都是遵行货比三家的原则。而针对B性客户,报价应控制在赚取基础利润即可。主要是先赢得信誉。把这个环节作为敲门砖,把自己的产品做进去,从而为日后长期合作打开大门。 报价完成后怎么让客户乐意接受并下订单这又是一个重要环节。一般来说,报价完成后,要及时追踪,最早知道客户的意见,以便及时调整价格。但是根据我个人的经验,并不是所有的客户都适用这种方法,有的客户恰恰很烦你,只会很客气的说确定好了通知你。有的客户报价很急,这样的一般报价完成后,不需去追踪,当然也不是坐守等订单。我要给他的感觉是我们订单很多,应付不过来,以致我没时间去处理他的小订单。你不理,反而会让客户着急,过一天,他就会主动找你下订单。和客户确认订单时,免不了要讨价还价。像客户主动找你下订单的情况,降价机率很少,通常以原价生效。因为我认准他一定会购买我的产品。相反有些客户喜欢讨价还价,当了解他的脾气后,我会在报价上做点功夫,即在保持利润不变的前提上,适当把价格调高,给他一个还价的空间,有的客户胃口很大,也就需tliver cell cancer, pancreatic inflammatory, pancreatic cancer various type nephritis, kidney failure, bladder inflammatory various goiter, thyroid gland tumor, thyroid cancer bone joint system bone loose, and bone metabolism disease, and endocrine bone disease According to the professional future work in selected non-specified sections (including Pediatrics, Neurology, etc) Web (you can select a Department). ? Pediatric rotation learn: awareness ... (2) ultrasound imaging in this specialized training, further improve the clinical ability. Requirements are as follows: 1) deepen learning and mastering basic theories and clinical knowledge relating to this group, including ultrasound and Interventional ultrasound therapy. 2) mastering clinical ultrasound in diagnosis and differential diagnosis of diseases, as well as writing in the report. All display techniques, measurement of main organs and standards section and correct measurement of Doppler flow parameters. Familiar with the imaging examination and diagnosis of various quality control standards, to further improve the imaging examinations and diagnosis level 3) combine clinical work, basic grasp the operation methods of Interventional ultrasound, ultrasonic treatment on disease indications, the value and the limits of the system. 4) basic knowledge common diseases in different systems, different imaging method. Clinical ultrasound learning disease species and cases requirements: System disease/operation name cases number (?) digestive system hepatitis, cirrhosis, fat liver, liver abscess, liver vascular tumor, liver cell cancer, liver transfer tumor 要进一步把价格调高,然后经过一番口舌交锋,如他所愿,不仅得到了满意的价格,还会让他有成就感,而我产品的既得利润也不会少,最终买卖双方愉快完成交易。当然使用这些策略的前提必须是你要充分了解你的客户,才能要对症采用,否则会适得其反~~ 经常会看看如何做好销售方面的书籍,感觉书中讲的都是千篇一律,而我们在实际做的过程中,会出现种种状况,常常让你措手不及,但是我的观点是,做销售关键是销售自己而不是产品,对客户要像对知心朋友,有了这样的心态,不管你是做哪行的销售都会游刃有余~~ tliver cell cancer, pancreatic inflammatory, pancreatic cancer various type nephritis, kidney failure, bladder inflammatory various goiter, thyroid gland tumor, thyroid cancer bone joint system bone loose, and bone metabolism disease, and endocrine bone disease According to the professional future work in selected non-specified sections (including Pediatrics, Neurology, etc) Web (you can select a Department). ? Pediatric rotation learn: awareness ... (2) ultrasound imaging in this specialized training, further improve the clinical ability. Requirements are as follows: 1) deepen learning and mastering basic theories and clinical knowledge relating to this group, including ultrasound and Interventional ultrasound therapy. 2) mastering clinical ultrasound in diagnosis and differential diagnosis of diseases, as well as writing in the report. All display techniques, measurement of main organs and standards section and correct measurement of Doppler flow parameters. Familiar with the imaging examination and diagnosis of various quality control standards, to further improve the imaging examinations and diagnosis level 3) combine clinical work, basic grasp the operation methods of Interventional ultrasound, ultrasonic treatment on disease indications, the value and the limits of the system. 4) basic knowledge common diseases in different systems, different imaging method. Clinical ultrasound learning disease species and cases requirements: System disease/operation name cases number (?) digestive system hepatitis, cirrhosis, fat liver, liver abscess, liver vascular tumor, liver cell cancer, liver transfer tumor
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