

2012-02-22 50页 ppt 632KB 164阅读




雅思口语基础nullIELTS SPEAKINGIELTS SPEAKINGH A R R Ynull 先听一段录音 A mock ielts interview 你估计能得几分? Why? Your reasons? null What is IELTS speaking? null What can I do for you?null 1. 讲解技巧、提供思路 2. 补充核心词汇、实用句型 3. 现场指...
nullIELTS SPEAKINGIELTS SPEAKINGH A R R Ynull 先听一段录音 A mock ielts interview 你估计能得几分? Why? Your reasons? null What is IELTS speaking? null What can I do for you?null 1. 讲解技巧、提供思路 2. 补充核心词汇、实用句型 3. 现场指导、模拟 4. 语法、发音、条理性专项训练 5. 地道口语、口语练习法 6. 影视欣赏 null What can you do for yourself ?null IN THIS CLASS, YOU NEED TO OPEN YOUR MOUTH AND SHARE YOUR IDEAS . Get involved and don’t be selfish! FIND YOUR LANGUAGE PARTNER! REMEMBER: ONLY REPEATED PRACTICE MAKES PROGRESS!null 课后如何自我练习? 研读样板,消化吸收,勾出精彩词句; 反复听配套mp3; 附送口语资源包(500M) 拓展词汇,背景阅读 《雅思真高频词汇 口语分册》 石油出版社 《剑桥雅思词汇专讲 口语分册》 外研社 《21th Century》 Economist FT Chinese 3. 组织答案(形成文字),融入个性 模拟问答,实战演练 注:此页内容参考孙涛编著《雅思口语特训》null How is it structured? 分为几个部分?null 雅思口试时间控制在11-15分钟,分三个阶段,由易到难 PART ONE: Introduction and familiar daily topics 介绍与常见话题 4 ~ 5 minutes Name family education hometown hobby and interest entertainment sport internet food shopping holidays animal flower pet mass media weather transportation … null PART TWO: Cue Card (long individual talk) 个人长谈(话题卡) 3 ~ 4 minutes people 人物类 describe a person who has influenced you describe family members describe an adventurous person describe a childhood friend objects 物品类 describe a gift you received describe a book you want to write describe a good law in China describe an interesting advertisement ·null places 地点类 describe a restaurant describe your favourite shopping mall describe a city you want to visit describe a natural beauty events 事件类 describe an exciting trip describe a positive change in your life describe a traditional Chinese festival describe a wedding you’ve been to · null PART THREE: Further Discussion 深 入 讨 论 (related to the topics in part two ) 4 ~ 6 questions 4 ~ 5 minutes 特点: 话题紧紧围绕第二部分的topic展开,4-6个问题 整体难度大大增加了, 挑战考生语言极限 关注的焦点变了 听力理解时有障碍,但有权要求考官解释 null Eg. 如果第二部分描述一个shopping mall, 那么第三部分就可能是以下问题: Do you think that small shops can compete with large department stores and supermarket chains? How do you think shopping will be different in the future? When people are shopping, do they pay more attention to quality or price?null 第三部分从题型分类 比较类(Comparison) Do men and women like the same hobbies? 预测类(Predicting) Do you think we will read books in different ways in the future? 观点类 (Opinions) Why is it important to protect historical buildings? null 优缺点类 (Advantages and disadvantages) What are the advantages and disadvantages of traveling by train? 问题与解决类 (Problem and solution) What are the problems caused by the increased number of private cars and how can these problems be solved? 操练时间 Learn to introduce yourself操练时间 Learn to introduce yourself You may talk about: Your name and its special meaning Your school, major / favourite subject Your family Your hometown Your hobbies and interests Your future plan / destination country null 考试中的注意事项: ◆ 主动交流 show that you are willing to talk Eg. Which pets are popular in your country? ◆ 保持微笑,眼神交流 ◆ 放松、自然 don’t let your interviewer sense anything fishy that you are merely reciting; use gap fillers ◆ 着装得体、礼貌大方 never ask about your performance at the end ◆ 记住:考官关注的是考生的语言能力,而非回答内容本身 As a result, you may lie here. null How is your response scored? 你认为哪几项在口语达中最重要? 你在哪几项中最薄弱? 4 分回答 5 分回答 null IELTS scoring system 1. Fluency and Coherence 流利与连贯 9 bands 仔细研读雅思官方对7分应对的描述: 能充分展开,且不会有刻意思考的痕迹,没有明显的语言上的不连贯; 能较灵活的使用连接词或语言中的信号词;有时出现由于语言水平带来的重复或自我更正 null Keep a steady flow at a reasonable speed and avoid too long pauses Use gap fillers when you can’t come up with the right words temporarily Join your ideas with linking phrases to make it logical null 2. lexical resource 词汇 9 How big the vocabulary should be? Pick a good vocabulary book Subsitute common words with uncommon words Use phrases and idioms as much as possiblenull 回答中尽量多用习语 a backseat driver 专爱指点别人的人 eg. But sometimes he is really a backseat driver, which is pretty annoying.   have a knack for 在行 精通 eg. It seems that every Chinese person has a knack for playing table tennis. all in and all out / spare no effort to 全力以赴 eg. I’m sure If I spare no effort to expand my vocabulary, I would be a very good English user in the future. ` null boil down to 归结起来是 eg. Well, in my opinion, most of the crimes may boil down to a question of money. live up to 不辜负 eg. Most young people in China choose a career that will live up to what their parents want rather than what they want. catch a flick 看电影 eg. I’d prefer to catch a flick at home instead of going to the cinema because it could be much cheaper. ` null 3. grammatical range and accuracy 语法 9 He/she/him/her correct tenses complex structure and clauses null 典型口语错误与不地道表达 I very like it. I’m come from Chengdu.  In my hometown there have many restaurants. I like to go to shopping. Computers are getting more and more. I have been to Beijing last month. null 这个用英语怎么说?How to say?     我的英语很糟糕。My English is poor.   他的身体很健康。His body is healthy.    价钱很昂贵。The price is too expensive. 这个春节你回家吗?  Will you be going back home for the Spring Festival? 是的,我回去。 Of course!null 我在大学里学到了许多知识。 I learn a lot of knowledge in the university.     音乐让我放松。  Music helps me to relax myself.     你有时间吗?我想和你出去玩。 Do you have free time? I want to play with you.null 4. Pronunciation 发音 9 4分描述: 可以发出英语中的某些音,但总体较差,给听者带来严重的理解困难 6分描述:至始至终可以被理解,尽管发音错误偶 尔会给听者带来一点费解 8分描述:至始至终易于理解,母语语音对英语的 影响极小;使用多种语音手段来有效的表达意思 null Which is more preferable? British accent or American accent? why? good news or bad news?英 音 与 美 音 British Accent or American Accent?英 音 与 美 音 British Accent or American Accent? 什么是英音? RP QUEEN’S ENGLISH COCKNEY Accent BBCnull 什么是标准美音? GA Southern accent New England VOA / CNN USAnull 这些音英国人与美国人分别怎么发? Would you like some more? pop corn porny porky short-tempered garden shark heart Who farted? Mind you, I was not raised in the barn! throw a party null nurse murder Spurs I eat like a bird. You hurt my feelings! That’s dirty cheap. teacher headmaster messenger blogger hacker podcaster Lakers 结论1:英音不卷舌,美音很夸张地卷舌 null doctor pop music water not sorry daughter a lot of hot shopping mall 结论2:英音开口较小, 美音开口很大 half an hour class grass passport plant demand can’t ask mask task fast vast last past 结论3:字母 a 在 字母组合-lf -ss -nt -st -sk前的发音不同 null 英音铿锵有力,绅士风度、贵族气派; 音调起伏大,语速较快 美音珠圆玉润,嬉皮闲散,平民作风; 音调起伏小,语速较慢null Standard British accent bbc english Standard American accent 76届奥斯卡颁奖典礼 null 英音学习材料 BBC Learning English Tony Blair’s Speeches Ielts Listening Movies with British Accent Pride and Prejudice Enlish Patient Out of Africa 美音学习材料 VOA Special English Hillary Clinton: Living History Movies with American Accent My Contact My Contact harrysheih@163.com 课后作业 课后作业做一个self-introduction, 包括各个方面,2-3分钟,录音后提交,可以改前5个。 大声朗读示范回答,每个问题做一个自己的版本。null PART ONE 应对技巧和策略 一、按照“主要信息 + 扩展信息” 的“总分结构”模式, 展开细节,充分回答 I: How do you get to work / school? C1: By bus. (无扩展信息) C2: By bus. There are many bus lines and they are quite cheap. (特征和评价) C3: By bus, because it’s much more economical than going by taxi. (理由和比较) C4: By bus. I travel 5 km from my home and it takes me around 1 hour. (时间和距离)null I: Do you like your job? C: Yes, I do. It’s quite interesting and challenging (观点) and better paid than many other jobs. (作比较) . I’ve been doing it for over 3 years (时间细节) ,so I’m quite used to it now. (观点) null 二、熟悉各种典型功能意念表达句 与考官见面时礼貌问候语 Pleased to meet you. Good morning ,sir. I’m glad to have the chance to meet you here. 考试结束时礼貌用语 Thank you, sir. Nice talking to you. Well, thanks for your time and I wish all the best. ` null 对考官所提问题完全听不懂 I beg your pardon? / Excuse me? Sorry, I didn’t quite catch you. 对考官所提问题似懂非懂 You mean…(重复你听到的)? What do you mean by…? 对考官所提问题内容不熟悉 To be quite honest, I know only very little about this topic. `null 问题棘手时,可适当评价考官问题 That’s an interesting question… Wow, that’s a big issue, but maybe… 思维不连贯时多用连接词显得更自然 Well… Actually… You know… You see… Anyway… basically… How shall I put it…hmm… Give me just a few seconds. Let me see… `null 换一种方式重述,修正或进一步解释刚才 陈述中模糊有漏之处 In other words, … What I’m trying to say is… 回答完毕,询问考官是否还需补充其他信息 Have I given you enough information? Did I make myself clear? 回答完毕,已经无话可说了 Well, that’s it. Well, I guess that’s all about it. ` null Now Let’s practice: (要求:注意眼神表情、语音语调;主动提供 扩展信息; 使用功能句型; 必要时可以编故事) 1. Do you like animals? 2. What’s the weather like in your hometown? 3. What’s your favourite food? 4. Who usually does the cooking in your home? null 实用句型套短语 总分结构串起来 眼神表情微微笑 移花接木撒小谎null 下面是一个完整的第一部分 Hello, my name is (examiner’s name) What’s your full name please? What can I call you? Can I check your identification please? Could you tell me where you come from? In the first part, I’d like to ask you some general questions about yourself. Let’s talk about your work or school. ◆ Are you a student or do you work now? ◆ What’s your major and how do you like it? ◆ Why did you choose this major? ◆ What do think of the education you received?nullLet’s move on to talk about sport. ◆ How often do you work out? ◆ What’s your favourite sport? ◆ What’s the most popular sport in your country? ◆ Do you think primary school children should have PE classes at school? Now I’d like to ask you about flowers. ◆ Do you like flowers? ◆ What’s your favourite flower? ◆ Do some flowers have special meaning in your culture? ◆ What are the occasions when people send or receive flowers?null Homework: 1. Describe the person you admire most You should say: Who he/she is; how you got to know him/her; What is special about him; why you find him/her admirable 2. Describe the most dangerous / embarrasing / scary event or moment in your life and tell the story to your partner next time ` null 主要参考书目: 《剑桥雅思口语精讲》 黄若妤 编著 外研社 《雅思口语特训》 孙涛 编著 群言出版社 《雅思口语经典教程》 王毅 Kirk Kenny 编著 中国广播电视出版社
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