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2012-01-01 3页 doc 40KB 298阅读




孟母三迁英文剧本一迁 第一幕 Children A:Hey! Are you new here? I've never seen you here before. Ken: Yeah. Mm...My mom and I have just moved here yesterday. My name is Ken. Children B:I am John. A:Alexandar.You can call me Alex. B:We are playing an interesting game, you want to join...
一迁 第一幕 Children A:Hey! Are you new here? I've never seen you here before. Ken: Yeah. Mm...My mom and I have just moved here yesterday. My name is Ken. Children B:I am John. A:Alexandar.You can call me Alex. B:We are playing an interesting game, you want to join us? Ken: What kind of game? A:"Dead body carrying". One person pretend to be a dead man, then another two carry him to the graveyard. Our village is near the graveyard, therefore many people make a living by carrying corpse for whose family has funeral affairs. B:It's a fantastic work. It also can earn a lot of money. We now learn to play this that we can make money by carrying corpse when we grow up. Ken: Sounds like an interesting game. B:Let's begin the game. A:I will play the role of the dead man. 第二幕 【地点:孟氏坟茔一隅,草房一间,孟轲家中,破烂简陋。 【孟母织绢不息,不时以手捶背、揉腰。坐立不安。 Mom: It's so late now, why hasn't Ken back home yet?(张望门口) 【孟柯浑身泥土、杂草,手持破残书本欢快上。边走边喊叫。 Ken: Mom! I'm starving, get me something to eat, please! 【柯进屋,将书本顺手一扔。 Mom: Ken, why your classes over so late? Ken: Oh, our teacher let us leave school very early before. We went to play games. It's really fun. Mom: Oh? Is it? What did you guys play? Ken: Mom, I am so hungry, let me have something, then, I will tell you. Mom: Ok, Ok, Ok, meal first~ 【母下,端饭,旋上。孟轲狼吞虎咽吃饭。 Ken: I am full. Mom: So can you tell me now? Ken: Well, we play the game called "dead body carrying". John act as the corpse, we try hard but still can't move him! Mom: There is so many kinds of game, why you prefer this? Ken: Didn't you see uncle Dog carried dead body for others again today? It can earn lots of money. When I grow up, I will take this work to earn money and then you would not need to do exhausting sewing works any more. Mom: How did you play this? Ken: One person lie on the floor, and another two lift him up and move him by grabbing his head and feet. Mom: It's so dangerous. You'd better do not play this again. Ken: It's ok. It's ok. It's a gratifying experience to be moved by others as a pretend corpse. 【孟母再三劝说孟轲不玩抬尸游戏。 【室外。两个男童欢快上。一齐呼喊孟轲。 A:Ken,let's play "dead body carry". B:Year~Let's have fun. Ken: I am coming. I am coming~ Mom: Hey! Ken! Don't play that game. Come back! 【三个儿童欢快下。 Mom: We can't live near the graveyard any more, we have to move as soon as possible.(下。) 二 迁 第一幕 【时间:数日后,清晨。 【地点:孟轲家中,房屋破旧,陈设简陋。 【附近有一屠宰房,不时传来杀猪声。 Ken: Mom, I am enough. I have to go for school now. Mom: Be careful on your way to school. Listen carefully on class. Don't truant. Don't fight with others. Back home as soon as your classes over. Remember? Ken: Mom, don't keep chattering. Mom: Back home as soon as your classes over. Don't play here and there, got it? Ken: Ok, I got it. No play. Mom: Docile you! I will buy you some meet to eat for reward after the fabric having been sold. Ken: Wonderful! We haven't eaten any meat for half a year already! Mom: If you study hard, I surely buy some meat for you. Ken: Of course I will study hard. I am dying to eat meat. Oh~ I am going to eat meat! 【柯欢快下。孟母仍织绢。 Mom: Since we had move here, Ken has not learned to carry corpse any more. It seems that I made a right decision. 【孟母一边织绢,一边哼着小曲。 Mom: It's time to cook the meal.(下。) 第二幕 【孟母出出进进,焦躁不安。 Mom: Evening is coming, why hasn't Ken back yet? I have to go and find him.(出屋) Mom: Mrs. Wong, did you see Ken somewhere? A:No,I didn't see him. Mom: Mrs. Lee, did you see Ken somewhere? B:Sorry,I didn't see him anywhere. Maybe you can go home and wait for a while, he will back soon. Mom: I hope so.(回屋) 【孟轲浑身是血,手中倒提溜着一只血淋淋的死小猪,欢快上。 Ken: Mom, quick, cook the pork, I can't wait to have a taste. Mom: Jesus! Where did you get this? Ken: We seize it together after school. Mom: No wonder you are so late to come back. Ken: Mom, I am not going to school any more, I want to learn butchering. It's very easy and can earn much. Mom: whose pig it is? Ken: We seized it in the street. Mom: Oh~, you are crazy. Go and ask who own it, so I can compensate for his lose. Ken: Well, ok~(下,旋上) Ken: Mom, it's Uncle Chan's, he said it's ok, we don't need to pay for it. Mom: It's not good. We have to pay back the money after having the fabric sold. Ken: Mom, I don't wanna go to school any more. Mom: Dropping out's not negotiable. Only studying can increase one's wisdom and that you can gain a bright future. Ken: The neighbor's son Tony doesn't go to school, just help his father to slaughter pigs, but he eat well, dress well. It proves that going to school is not necessary. Mom: My good kid, listen to my words, don't drop out. Ken: I don't wanna go to school. It won't work no matter you say. Mom: Now that you are not willing to go to school, I will no longer force you from now on.【取出剪刀,将织绢的经线一刀剪断。 Well, so I don't want to do this any more, let us starve to death together.(哭泣) Ken: Mom, please, I know I am wrong. I won't say that again. I will go to school tomorrow. Mom:(破涕为笑)That's what my good boy will do.You hungry? Let me heat the meal for you. Ken: Great! It's really hungry I feel. 【孟柯下,孟母煮饭。 Mom: It seems that we can't live here any longer. Move right away.(下。) 三迁 第一幕 【时间:数日后。 【地点:孟家,紧邻村塾。孟轲家中,破旧不堪。 【孟母为孟轲缝制新衣。朗朗读书不绝于耳(播放学生诵读国学录音带)。 Mom: It's a nice place here. I can see what Ken is doing in school just at the house's door and don't need to worry that he would play truant. 【孟轲欢快上。 Ken: Mom, night's falling, why don't you light up the light? Mom: I don't need it while I am at home alone. Ken: Didn't you ever tell me that would hurt eyes? Mom: It won't matter much to adults. You go light it up. I get the meal ready.(下,旋取饭上) 【孟轲取火种点灯,继而,取书朗读。 Mom: Ken, would you take the supper first? Aren't you hungry? Ken: I am not that hungry. I want to recite the passage first. Mom, you look at the book, I recite it, if I forget, please remind me of some words. Mom: Ok~ 【柯背书,滚瓜烂熟。 Mom: Clever you! You got them all. Now wash your hands and we can have supper. 【灯下,母子用饭毕,母织绢,柯苦读。夜深,二更。远处传来竹梆声。 Mom: Ken, it's very late now, time to go to bed. Ken: I don't want to go to bed until I get this article recited. Mom: Don't be too late. Ken: Ok. Mom: We finally move to a right place. So much the living environment affects the child. No wonder people always say that "One will learn to be a good man if stay with a good man, learn to play the piano if stay with the pianist.". (幕落)
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