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汉语成语翻译成语谚语的翻译 汉语成语翻译(100例) 1. 别跟他较劲了。他一根筋儿,你还不知道? 2. 迪克是个败家子。他几乎毁了他爸的产业。 3. 他怎么知道我会变卦?我可不是他那号人,整天喜怒无常,说变就变。 4. 玛丽虽然没有受过多少教育,她却是一个非常善良的姑娘——一个没有一点坏心眼的女孩子。 5. 汉斯真是个骗子。当着我的面他对我赞不绝口,可是在背后却总说我的坏话。 6. 我知道怎样对付两面派,而且一眼就能看出谁是一贯两面讨好的人。 7. 想让他听你的指挥?没门儿!他可是个很难对付的人啊。 8. A: 你真太勇敢了。B: 哪里...
成语谚语的翻译 汉语成语翻译(100例) 1. 别跟他较劲了。他一根筋儿,你还不知道? 2. 迪克是个败家子。他几乎毁了他爸的产业。 3. 他怎么知道我会变卦?我可不是他那号人,整天喜怒无常,说变就变。 4. 玛丽虽然没有受过多少教育,她却是一个非常善良的姑娘——一个没有一点坏心眼的女孩子。 5. 汉斯真是个骗子。当着我的面他对我赞不绝口,可是在背后却总说我的坏话。 6. 我知道怎样对付两面派,而且一眼就能看出谁是一贯两面讨好的人。 7. 想让他听你的指挥?没门儿!他可是个很难对付的人啊。 8. A: 你真太勇敢了。B: 哪里哪里,这算不了什么。 9. 詹妮特是个多面手,做饭、刺绣、织毛衣以及打字什么的,她样样都在行。 10. 她可是个令人扫兴的人。正当我们兴致勃勃的时候,她却和玛格丽特吵起架来了。 11. 她可真是个马屁精,整天围着老板眉来眼去。 12. 那个家伙可是个老色迷,整天跟在女孩子的后面惟命是从。 13. 一个捡破烂的人竟然在垃圾堆里捡到一块金手。 14. 我家邻居家里总来些不三不四的人,可想而知我的邻居不是个什么好东西。 15. 你怎么能相信他呢?他可是个墙头草,风吹两边倒。 16. 又谁会喜欢她那样的女孩子呢?她瘦得皮包骨头。 17. 她可是个外粗内秀的姑娘。别看她大大咧咧的,干起事来总是顶呱呱。 18. 你想灌醉他?他可是海量,从来没有醉过。 19. 他可是个有头脑的人,绝不会相信你的那一套。 20. 真没想到她那么没骨气,竟然嫁给了曾坑害过她父亲的人。 21. 给亚科卡当二把手我看也值得。他太能干了。 22. 他真了不起,竟然一个人对付了那么的对手。 23. 那位歌星只是昙花一现,出了几张单曲就销声匿迹了。 24. 投资时,他总喜欢单枪匹马地去干。 25. 你可以让他帮你,他在那帮人那儿特别吃得开。 26. 想陷害我?你还嫩点儿。 27. 你真是个糊涂虫,怎么能当他的面说他女朋友的坏话呢? 28. 医生说你父亲能够自己下床走动了。 29. 在赚钱方面,亨利·福特可有门道了。 30. 比赛一开始,我们队占了上风,可到最后却失利了。 31. 你骗不了我。我知道你的底细。 32. 汤姆和老板关系很好。你可以让他为你说句好话。 33. 能说那种话的人头脑肯定有点不正常。 34. 无论如何,你的这种理论是站不住脚的。 35. 不是他不愿意帮助你,而是他心有余力而力不足。 36. 她们根本就不知道什么是时尚,只不过是在盲目效仿而已。 37. 她分不清谁是好人,谁是坏人。谁的话她都相信。 38. 事到如今,我们也只好听其自然了。 39. 苏的脑瓜特别好使,什么事一点就通。 40. 迪克总是偷奸耍滑。上班时,不是打电话,就是到超市购物。 41. 即使是在十分气愤的情况下,他也能保持冷静。 42. 别跟我兜圈子了,快说你到底想干什么吧! 43. 他总是心怀叵测,对她的话你得多留神。 44. 他的心术不正,动不动就在别人的背后捅刀子。 45. 他真是个傻帽儿,时常无缘无故地就傻笑起来。 46. 你怎么能厚着脸皮抱怨别人不勤快? 47. 丽丽在老板面前可会献殷勤了。 48. 千万别得罪他,他经常血口喷人。 49. 我特别讨厌她,她说话总是假惺惺的。 50. 他坐在那里什么事都不干,总是发牢骚,烦死人了。 51. 咱们快点吧!孩子们都等不及了。 52. 从她在老板面前点头哈腰的那个样子看,你就知道她是个什么人了。 53. 对他的话不要太在意。他总是疯疯癫癫的。 54. 谁喜欢坐在那里听他废话连篇? 55. 他特别勤快,从来没有闲着的时候。 56. 我温馨无愧。我向时公正的。 57. 我们的邻居特别好客,经常请朋友们到他家里去玩。 58. 她待客特别周到,总能让客人有宾至如归的感觉。 59. 我们这里的人都知道他是个偷鸡摸狗的人。 60. 他可会巴结当官的了。 61. 我知道你当时只不过是装傻而已。 62. 她一向省吃俭用,从未浪费过一分钱。 63. 如今生米煮成了熟饭,你再反对又有什么用呢? 64. 你真是哪壶不开提哪壶。她就拍别人提起第三者插足的话题。 65. 我可不想脚踩两只船,也不乐意两面讨好。我要不就跟着汤姆干,要不就跟着杰克干。 66. 你不必对她如此不依不饶。 67. 她可会在男人面前撒娇了。 68. 你最好别和他打交道,他总爱占别人便宜。 69. 近几年来,很多政府官员都在为自己捞油水。有谁会把国家的利益当回事呢? 70. 我打算买辆汽车,珂心里一直犹豫不定,不知道买哪个牌子的好。 71. 这年头,只会埋头苦干的人是挣不了大钱的。 72. 莉莉深深地爱上了公司的老板,并打算嫁给他。但是,当她听说他耍弄过几个女孩子之后,她的心凉了半截。 73. 千万别得罪他,他会对你怀恨在心的。 74. 在这样的场合上有谁愿意受到冷落呢? 75. 我是挣了钱,但这钱挣得也不容易。 76. 我真的很为难。我本来应该给她买件毛皮大衣,可我没有那么多钱。 77. 他苦苦哀求老板再给他一次机会。 78. 当老板问起是谁把消息说出去的时候,他们两个互相推卸其责任来。 79. 沉住气,千万别暴露你的身份。 80. 他特别无聊,不是讲下流笑话,就是谈论别人的婚姻。 81. 不要往心里去,她不是有意要伤害你的。 82. 如果你抛弃你的妻子和孩子,你迟早会受到良心的谴责。 83. 我不知道为什么这几天她总是垂头丧气的。 84. 他们俩经常为某些事顶牛儿。 85. 自从美国回来以后,她和丈夫的关系就一直不很好。 86. 老板在会上严厉地批评了他,可是他却满不在乎。 87. 你们的前途都很远大,但仍须努力工作。 88. 亨利的手气特别好,干什么都赚钱。 89. 这几年他一直都很走运。 90. 我又被那个家伙骗了。 91. 不入虎穴,焉得虎子。 92. 只要打定主意,他是绝对不会再改变的。你再劝他也只是白费力气。 93. 他的命真好。爸爸是政府高级官员,妈妈是一家大公司的总经理,他自己通过了IELTS考试,并获得美国一所大学的奖学金。 94. 在家里,如果孩子们打架被父母发现了,倒霉的总是年龄最大的。 95. 在任何情况下,我从来没有让任何人为我背黑锅。 96. 他遭遇车祸,反而因祸得福了:住院时和一位漂亮的护士相爱了。 97. 古德曼先生就是个一夜成功、一举成名的典型例证。 98. 他肯定能通过这次考试,这是十拿九稳的了。 99. 别听他们胡说八道,根本就没有那回事。 100. 据说检举老总伪造账目的一位会计被打击报复了。 汉语成语翻译参考答案: 1. 别跟他较劲了。他一根筋儿,你还不知道? Stop reasoning with him. Don’t you know he is one-track minded. Dialogue: Dick: I don’t see any point in your reasoning with Lora. She has no sense. Dora: But she jumped down my throat(反驳,顶嘴) by raising Cain.(闹事)She has made a mess of our business. Dick: C’mon, Dora. She’s only one-track minded. But she didn’t mean to be harmful. Dora: I know. But I couldn’t put up with her. 2. 迪克是个败家子。他几乎毁了他爸的产业。 Dick is the black sheep of his family. He has almost ruined his father’s business. Dialogue: Mary: How could Henry put up with his son, Dick? He splashed a big sum(挥金如土)only last year. Jack: Yeah. He is really a black sheep of the family. But what could his father do? Mary: If I were Henry, I would not put up with him like that. Jack: Well… Don’t boast until you are in the same shoes. 3. 他怎么知道我会变卦?我可不是他那号人,整天喜怒无常,说变就变。(moody, capricious) How could he think I would go back on my words? I am not his sort, who is fickle and always blowing hot and cold. Dialogue: Mary: I can’t believe I’m down and out.(落魄。潦倒)I have to pinch pennies.(精打细算过日子) John: you can turn to me when the chips are down.(关键时刻,万不得已) Mary: I know… but …. John: Come on, Mary. I know you can always get out from under(摆脱困境). But I’m always glad to help. Mary: Thank you all the same, John. But I think I can work things out and stand on my own feet again.(独立自主) 4. 玛丽虽然没有受过多少教育,她却是一个非常善良的姑娘——一个没有一点坏心眼的女孩子。 Mary doesn’t have much schooling and, yet, she is a very kind girl—the salt of the earth. Dialogue: Joe: Do you really take Sally for an ignoramus, Tom? Tom: No. I have never thought of her as an ignoramus. Joe: But why should you let her into such a dirty deal? Tom: I didn’t think it was. Joe: But you let her in. You should not harm a girl like her. She is a nice girl—the salt of the earth.(心地善良) 5. 汉斯真是个骗子。当着我的面他对我赞不绝口,可是在背后却总说我的坏话。 Hans is a plain phony. He gives me a song and dance in my face, but bad-mouths me behind my back. Dialogue: Tom: What’s the worst thing that has happened to you, Jenny? Jenny: The worst thing is to be around selfish people. And I can’t stand phonies. They can’t do anything but criticize. They find fault with everything you do. Tom: I hate phonies, too. A phony pretends to be your friend and then, tries to take advantage of you. Jenny: Yes. They try to show off all the time and they act like they are so big. Tom: There are all sorts of phonies around us. Some may dance attendance on you(讨好,奉承)in your face but steal an attack on you without your knowing it. Jenny: That’s why I said that the worst thing was to be with the phonies. 6. 我知道怎样对付两面派,而且一眼就能看出谁是一贯两面讨好的人。(double-dealer) I know how to handle two-faced people and can even tell, at the first glance, who are in the habit of running with the hare and hunting with the hounds. Dialogue: John: Joe seems to be on his high horse(趾高气扬)these days. What’s the matter? Mark: This is “When the cat’s away, the mice will play.” John: But where has the cat gone? Mark: He’s on a business trip abroad. John: So he delegated his responsibility to Joe? Mark: At least nobody in the company is there to keep Joe on his toes.(指拨,发号施令) John: He’s a two-faced person. He knows how to butter up(阿谀奉承)those in power. Mark: But do you think his boss really appreciates that? John: Not really. He is the sort of person who keeps everyone at arm’s length.(保持距离) Mark: But why should the boss delegate his responsibility to a person like Joe? John: I think he’s giving him enough rope to hang himself.(放任自由) Mark: You mean he is trying him out?(试用) John: Depends on how Joe behaves. 7. 想让他听你的指挥?没门儿!他可是个很难对付的人啊。 Want him to follow your order? No way! He’s a tartar—a hard nut to crack. Dialogue: John: I’d like you to meet my friend, Linda. She’s a very nice girl to know. Mary: I ran into her the other day at the fruit market. John: How did you like her? Mary: She’s indeed swell. John: That’s why we hit it off.(合得来) Mary: But I don’t like her boy-friend. He really turns me off.(厌烦) John: You mean Jack? Mary: Yeah. He’s a tartar.(难对付的人)Each time I met him he would jump down my throat. I can’t understand why Linda should love a man like him. John: That’s what things are like. A nice girl usually married herself off to a man whom other people dislike. I hope you won’t marry a tartar like Jack. 8. A: 你真太勇敢了。B: 哪里哪里,这算不了什么。 A: You were so brave. B: Shucks. It wasn’t anything. Dialogue: Dick: You speak good English. Jane: Thanks. Dick: It was very kind of you to take care of my kids. Jane: Shucks. It was my pleasure. Dick: You have taken pains.(让你费心了) Jane: Shucks. It was nothing. Dick: Sorry to have made you suffer. Jane: Shucks. We didn’t feel that. 9. 詹妮特是个多面手,做饭、刺绣、织毛衣以及打字什么的,她样样都在行。 Jennet is a Jack-of-all-trades. She is marvelous at a range of things, such as cooking, embroidery, knitting, typing and whatnot. Dialogue: Lena: I didn’t know Mark is so capable. He’s marvelous at doing many things. Mary: Yeah. He is a Jack-of-all-trades. He can cook, knit, darn stockings and repair things, too. Lena: No wonder his wife’s so proud of him. Mary: She leads a charmed life.(过神仙般的日子)But she herself is all thumbs(笨拙) at doing things. Lena: I don’t know how Mark can put up with her. She’s useless in the house. Mary: But Mark likes her. This is what we call the way of life. 10. 她可是个令人扫兴的人。正当我们兴致勃勃的时候,她却和玛格丽特吵起架来了。(kill-joy) She’s a real wet blanket. She started quarreling with Margaret when every one of us was in high spirits. Dialogue: Mary: Did you enjoy the food at the Palace Restaurant last night? Jack: Well … er… the food was good and the atmosphere was fantastic, but … Mary: But what? Jack: But my wife quarreled with the waiter for his service. That was a real wet blanket. Mary: I’m sorry to heart that. It was just like the party I went to the other day when someone started quarreling with someone else. There seems to be a wet blanket everywhere. 11. 她可真是个马屁精,整天围着老板眉来眼去。(flunkey; arse-licker;flatterer) She’s a real apple-polisher for the way she’s crawling around the boss and making eyes at him. Dialogue: Lily: Have you heard that Susie got another promotion? Sue: Yes. But I am still in the dark about why she should have been elevated so quickly. Lily: That’s very simple: she knows how to butter up(阿谀奉承) the boss. She’s so good at doing that. Sue: You mean she’s an apple-polisher? Lily: Sure. She’s quite good at apple polishing. Sue: She’s snobbish, isn’t she? Lily: Yeah. I hate that sort of people. Sue: That’s why you are not in with the authorities. 12. 那个家伙可是个老色迷,整天跟在女孩子的后面惟命是从。 (sugar daddy; wolf, old goat, old lecher) That guy is a fool for women, who’s always at the beck and call of girls. Dialogue: Sally: I can’t understand why Joe would like to be at the beck and call of(惟命是从) some frivolous girls. Sandy: He’s a fool for women. Sally: But I think most of his girls are after his money. Sandy: Sure thing. He’s indeed filthy with dough.(满肚子坏水) Sally: He’s really a dissolute man. Sandy: We don’t need to bother. He’ll soon have it coming on him.(得到报应) 13. 一个捡破烂的女人竟然在垃圾堆里捡到一块金手表。 Isn’t amazing that a bag lady had run into a gold watch in the garbage? Dialogue: Tom: You can never tell why fools sometimes have fortune. Sue: That’s the way of life, as we often say “A cat may look at a king.” Tom: But can you give me an example? Sue: Sure. I was told the other day that a bag lady / scavenger was fumbling in a garbage heap at a back street and she hit upon an envelope in which thee were $20,000. Tom: Well, that reminds me. I heard of a similar story of a little man running from door to door collecting antiques who bought a piece for peanuts(花一点钱)but which turned out to be a genuine antique. He got more than $100,000. Sue: You’ll never know who will be on the gravy train(轻易发大财的工作)and become a millionaire overnight. 14. 我家邻居家里总来些不三不四的人,可想而知我的邻居不是个什么好东西。 There are always riff-raffs hanging around in my neighbor’s home, which gives you the feeling that my neighbor is not a good guy. Dialogue: Sally: Who are those people in the next door? Betty: God knows. There are always riff-raffs gathering here. Sally: It’s really unpleasant to have a neighbor like that. You feel frightened sometimes. Betty: That’s for sure. You know that sort of feeling when you are at the sight of those shady-looking guys. They set you on pins and needles,(如坐针毡)you know. 15. 你怎么能相信他呢?他可是个墙头草,风吹两边倒。(flip-flopper) How can you trust him? Don’t you know that he always sits on the fence? Dialogue: Tom: Don’t worry about the election. I think Joe will be on our side and so are his friends. Sue: But how can we bank on(寄希望于) him? He’s always straddling the fence and falling on the side of those who are stronger. Tom: But we have been on good terms(关系不错)all these years. Sue: All these years? He has also been on good terms with other guys. Tom: But I’m convinced that he’ll be on our side this time. Sue: No one can tell. 16. 又谁会喜欢她那样的女孩子呢?她瘦得皮包骨头。 Who will be interested in a girl like her? She’s all bones. Dialogue: Joe: I can’t understand why Jack has had the hots for(对某人有情欲)Jenny. She’s a plain Jane, you know. Tom: Love is blind. Joe: How come he should have loved a girl who is so ordinary and all bones? Tom: This is what we call “let beggars match with beggars.”(龙配龙,风配风) Joe: But Jack’s a good-looking man. He’s also very intelligent. Tom: Well, there are many good-looking men who have fallen in love with plain-looking girls. That’s the way of life. 17. 她可是个外粗内秀的姑娘。别看她大大咧咧的,干起事来总是顶呱呱。 She’s a rough diamond. Although she seems to be careless, she does everything tiptop. Dialogue: Lucy: It seems you don’t get on well with Jane. (Jane Doe, John Doe, 法庭用指某人) Lisa: I don’t like her. She is so rough and careless. She never minds what she says. Lucy: I don’t think you know her well enough. She is not that bad, actually. Lisa: How do you know? Lucy: Have you ever done anything with her? Lisa: No. Lucy: She can be very good at doing things. She can turn almost everything down to a fine art. She’s a rough diamond,(浑金璞玉)I’d say. Lisa: I didn’t know that. 18. 你想灌醉他?他可是海量,从来没有醉过。 Want to drink him under the table? Well … you can never do. He’s got a hollow leg, you know. Dialogue: Bob: You seem to be upset. What’s eating you?(为何苦恼) Sue: It’s about my boy-friend, Jack. He got drunk again last night. Bob: Why didn’t you prevent him? It’s your fault, I think. Sue: I told him many times not to drink with those guys, but he just turned a deaf ear. Those guys all have a hollow leg, you know. Bob: Doesn’t he know that? Sue: I think he does. But he insisted that he could just drink as much. 19. 他可是个有头脑的人,绝不会相信你的那一套。 He’s a brain, who wouldn’t be fooled into believing your babbling. (on the ball) Dialogue: Sue: Jack’s a brain. Ted: But I can’t stand him. He rubs me the wrong way(惹人恼怒)and I can hardly put up with him. Sue: Why? Doesn’t he have his feet on the ground?(脚踏实际,实事求是) Ted: Well … I can’t tolerate the way he talks to me. Sue: I read his application and I feel he’s the cream of the crop.(精华,精英) Ted: You mean you still want to hire him? Sue: Yeah. I wouldn’t employ a fool who’s good for nothing, you know? 20. 真没想到她那么没骨气,竟然嫁给了曾坑害过她父亲的人。 I’m surprised to learn that she has married the man who once did her father in. she really has no guts. Dialogue: John: Someone seized the opportunity and was trying to sow discord between Ted and his wife. Mary: You mean they are not on their best of terms? John: Well … his wife doesn’t seem to be on his side. Mary: She has no guts. If I were her, I wouldn’t straddle the fence. John: But she is apparently on the side of other people. 21. 给亚科卡当二把手我看也值得。他太能干了。 I feel it worth playing second fiddle to Iacocca. He’s so capable. Dialogue: Frank: Are you still working in the CD Corporation? Martin: Yes. It’s already 25 years since I came to work there. Frank: You are the boss of the corporation now, I suppose. Martin: Oh, no. I’m still playing second fiddle. It is still John who is playing first fiddle, (当一把手)you know. Frank: I thought you were the president. Martin: John has much influence in the field and he’s been doing fine. Frank: You feel sort of comfortable to be his assistant? Martin: Well … sort of “yes”. 22. 他真了不起,竟然一个人对付了那么的对手。 He overwhelmed so many of his opponents alone. He’s really something. Dialogue: Mary: It’s too bad that Henry’s political opponents resorted to mudslinging.(揭发隐私)I hate to see someone rake over the coals.(责备) Jack: They really put him through the wringer.(倍受折磨)They had no scruples(于心不忍,良心上的忐忑不安)about hitting below the belt. Mary: He won’t take it lying down.(服输)Henry will go down swinging.(体面地下台) Jack: I think so. If I were him, I wouldn’t say “uncle”, either. Mary: But he has to paddle his own canoe.(单挑)The other guys have decided to gang up on him.(联合对付) Jack: He’s really something! 23. 那位歌星只是昙花一现,出了一两张单曲就销声匿迹了。 That singer was only a flash in the pan. He disappeared into the air after having made one or two singles. Dialogue: Tom: People said that the singer was a knockout.(大众人物)She was pretty and her performance brought the house down.(演出成功) Sue: But the hit was only a flash in the pan. Her fame as a good singer didn’t last long. Tom: Why was that? Sue: There are many one-day stars like her. They all disappear into thin air.(无影无踪) Tom: But that shouldn’t be the case with her. She seems to have all the makings for a star. Sue: That’s the way of life. 24. 投资时,他总喜欢单枪匹马地去干。 When investing in a business, he always likes to play a lone hand. Dialogue: John: I hear you’re doing a very important business. Mark: It’s difficult to do business nowadays. John: Are you doing it with anyone? Mark: No. I’m doing it alone. John: Doing it alone? It seems you always like to play a lone hand in doing business, especially some important business. Mark: You’re right. I don’t want anyone to join hands.(联手,联合)I enjoy doing things alone. 25. 你可以让他帮你,他在那帮人那儿特别吃得开。 You may ask him to help. He has a big drag with those guys. Dialogue: Sandy: Are you still hunting for a job? Sandra: Yeah. I’m still pounding the pavements.(踅摸) Sandy: What kind of job are you looking for? Sandra: I’d like to find a job in a joint venture. Sandy: In a joint venture? Why don’t you ask Sue to help, then? She has a big drag with the boss of the International Chemical Co. Ltd. Sandra: Ask her to help? That’s a good idea! I hear she’s on very god terms with the president there. 26. 想陷害我?你还嫩点儿。(not fully-fledged) Attempt to do me in? You’re still wet behind the ears. Dialogue: Mark: You’re still wet behind the ears. How should you believe everything Sally says? Jack: She said that she was serious. Mark: Serious about what? Jack: But I didn’t know she could do me in.(欺骗) Mark: But she did. Jack: Maybe I’m still wet behind the ears. 27. 你真是个糊涂虫,怎么能当他的面说他女朋友的坏话呢? You’re a real nitwit. Why should you badmouth his girlfriend in his face? Dialogue: Jack: Do you know how Bob is being fingered around(指拨)in the house by his wife? Mary: I’ve heard about it. He has no say in the house. Jack: If I were him, I wouldn’t stand being led by the nose.(受人管制) Mary: And the worst thing is that he’s kept in the dark(一无所知)about what she’s been doing with her boss. Jack: He’s a nitwit. A nitwitted person is too slow to get at things.(明白事理) Mary: I feel sorry for him. Jack: But I don’t feel sorry for a nitwitted person like him. 28. 医生说你父亲能够下床走动了。 The doctor said that your father could be up and about. Dialogue: Sue: I hear that your dad had been hospitalized. What’s wrong? Tim: He got seriously injured in a fall. Sue: Can he stand and move on himself? Tim: After the accident, he couldn’t move a bit. That’s why he has been in the hospital for more than a month. Sue: How about him now? Tim: Thanks to the doctor, he can now be up and about. Sue: So he still can’t move freely? Tim: No. it takes more than three months for him to regain his ability to move. 29. 在赚钱方面,亨利·福特可有门道了。 Henry Ford has always had the means of making money. (c.f. get the hang of) Dialogue: Lucy: It seems that Jack has the means of making money. Jane: Yeah. He is always making bundles.(赚大钱) Lucy: There are always people who are lucky. Jack must be one of those people. Jane: Surely he is. He seems to have the Midas touch.(点石成金术)He can turn everything into gold. 30. 比赛一开始,我们队占了上风,可到最后却失利了。 At the beginning of the game our team gained the upper hand, but by and by, we lost our strength. Dialogue: Lucy: I don’t know why Joe would always like to get the spotlight. (出风头) He always wants to be the focus of attention. Jane: He’s very showy. He wants to boss the show whenever he sees a chance. Lucy: And he certainly seems to have got the upper hand over us in the sales business. Jane: He has all the means to gain the upper hand. But you shouldn’t have let him gain the advantage. Lucy: I know. But we can’t seem to be able to. 31. 你骗不了我。我知道你的底细。(have got one’s number) I’m from Missouri. I have your numbers. Dialogue: Buyer: Excuse me, sir. But how much is this piece? Seller: This piece? Oh, it’s really a piece of antique. It’s a genuine piece, more than 100 years old. Buyer: But how much is it? Seller: Well … you can take it for 500 dollars. Buyer: 500 dollars for an imitation? Seller: Oh, dear. This is not an imitation. It’s a genuine piece. Buyer: Oh, my brother. I’m from Missouri, you know? Seller: You’re really striking a hard bargain.(生意成交,达成) 32. 汤姆和老板关系
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