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L6680手机主板维修指导书L6680手机主板维修指导书 L6680主板维修指导书 V 1.0 2005年12月 1 概述 手机主板的维修是手机后端生产中的一个重要环节,维修的速度和质量关系到整个生产的良品率和生产效率。对一个设计合理的产品来说,在后端生产中所发现不良板中占较大比例的应该是SMT不良和元器件来料不良,所以维修时应首先从这两方面入手。故障判断的主要手段有:1. 镜检目测发现不良焊点或元件;2. 从故障现象推测故障部位;3. 信号检测确定故障单元。 2 原理框图 2.1 L6680主板系统框图 图1 L6680主板系统框图 ...
L6680手机主板维修指导书 L6680主板维修指导书 V 1.0 2005年12月 1 概述 手机主板的维修是手机后端生产中的一个重要环节,维修的速度和质量关系到整个生产的良品率和生产效率。对一个设计合理的产品来说,在后端生产中所发现不良板中占较大比例的应该是SMT不良和元器件来料不良,所以维修时应首先从这两方面入手。故障判断的主要手段有:1. 镜检目测发现不良焊点或元件;2. 从故障现象推测故障部位;3. 信号检测确定故障单元。 2 原理框图 2.1 L6680主板系统框图 图1 L6680主板系统框图 L6680手机电路从功能上分为数字基带、模拟基带芯片(集成电源管理)、存储器 (NOR+NAND), 图像处理DSP IC,SENSOR模块,键盘、LCD,音频电路、射频电路等几 个部分。 rope tube protection. (3) position of the switch box must be placed correctly, prohibit reveParts are not allowed direct contact with the ground, made of impermeable material at the bottom pad 100mm. D, packing and transport for all materials are used to make decorative uses, so all of the company's factory finished and semi-finished products are imported protective tape to protect the surface of the material, so as not to damage surface during transport, Setup, and then transported by fibrous bands or packed in to the scene. After the materials delivered to the site, special protection and builders around careful coordination. All materials delivered to the site, where are placed in a ventilated shelter. 8, on-site installation of technical control and schedule control of personnel's quality and technology is an important factor in determining quality. Our installers are professionally trained skilled workers, the company doing the engineering exercise trained a number of technical standards high, strong operational skills of the construction team, has accumulated rich experience in construction. For this project, selected the best personnel and equipped with Advanced installation techniques and equipment. Before the approach, by relevant leaders on the importance of this project, so that installers have enough awareness by technicians on the relevant standard specifications and safety guidelines all technology to Builder gives the low-down. L6680主板维修指导书 2.2 L6680主板射频原理框图 图2 射频部分原理框图 L6680手机射频部分采用的是RENESAS的B6E 射频, 该射频接收发射模块HD155166PEB采用零中频直接变换接收方案,支持13M或26M VCTCXO作为时钟输入,集成时钟buffer,集成LO VCO和 TX VCO,,所以只需外接一个LDO供电。 PA选用PF08151B,集成功率控制。 绝密资料 图3 射频收发模块HD155166PEB框架图 接收部分电路处于射频选频saw filter器件和基带处理器之间。接收信号进入 HD155166PEB,经过内部相对应的900MHZ、1800MHZ,1900MHZ带宽低噪声放大器(LNA),混 频,本振,低通滤波器等,得到频率较低的I、Q信号,输入模拟基带IC AD6535。 发送部分电路连接基带处理器和功放。AD6539从模拟基带接收到270.833kbit/s 的I、 Q信号,调制成900MHz或1800MHz或1900MHZ的 GSM,DCS,PCS信号,经过功放,射频前端 开关,最后从天线把信号发射出去。见图3。 2.3 模拟基带 模拟基带主要为模拟基带芯片AD6535(D2),该ABB芯片集成了PMU模块,主要包括基 带传送和接收部分(I,Q信号),辅助控制部分(AFCDAC,ADC,Light Control),音频编码部分 (提供8KHz和16KHz语音采样,对一般音频数据提供9个标准的采样率(8KHz-48KHz)),电源 管理部分(11个Regulator,主要包括VCORE 1.8V,VMEM 2.8V,MEXT 2.8V,VSIM 1.8 Or 2.85V, rope tube protection. (3) position of the switch box must be placed correctly, prohibit reveParts are not allowed direct contact with the ground, made of impermeable material at the bottom pad 100mm. D, packing and transport for all materials are used to make decorative uses, so all of the company's factory finished and semi-finished products are imported protective tape to protect the surface of the material, so as not to damage surface during transport, Setup, and then transported by fibrous bands or packed in to the scene. After the materials delivered to the site, special protection and builders around careful coordination. All materials delivered to the site, where are placed in a ventilated shelter. 8, on-site installation of technical control and schedule control of personnel's quality and technology is an important factor in determining quality. Our installers are professionally trained skilled workers, the company doing the engineering exercise trained a number of technical standards high, strong operational skills of the construction team, has accumulated rich experience in construction. For this project, selected the best personnel and equipped with Advanced installation techniques and equipment. Before the approach, by relevant leaders on the importance of this project, so that installers have enough awareness by technicians on the relevant standard specifications and safety guidelines all technology to Builder gives the low-down. L6680主板维修指导书 VRTC 1.8V, VMIC 2.5V,VVCXO 2.75V),数字处理接口部分(为控制数据提供串行接口). 内部原理框图请参考下图: 图 4 AD6535内部原理框图 2.4 数字基带-Hermes 数字基带部分主要由AD6529B(D1)组成,如图5。AD6529B是主要用于多媒体通信及便携式应用的GSM基带处理器,在内部集成了包括信道编解码器、交织/解交织、加密/解密在内的信道编解码子系统。 AD6529B主要包括三个主要的子系统: 1.MCU处理器 包括32位ARM7TDMI内核,其核心电压1.8V的情况下支持58.5MHz,2Mb片上系统SRAM; 2.DSP子系统 包括16位定点DSP处理器,1.8V的情况下可达91MIPS,支持全速率(FR)、增强全速率(EFR)和半速率(HR)及AMR语音编解码算法。 3.外设子系统 提供多种接口功能:并行和串行的显示接口、键盘接口、存储器接口(Burst and page mode)、1.8V和3V的64Kbps SIM卡接口、USB 2.0接口等。 除此之外,此芯片有四个可编程的背光输出,一个服务指示灯、RTC时钟、支持13MHz和26MHz时钟输入、支持GSM数据业务/GPRS/HSCSD, IrDA收发接口、SD/MMC卡接口1.8V核操作电压。 绝密资料 图5. AD6529D内部构造框图 2.5 存储器 L6680手机采用两种组合方案,一种是PSRAM(32)+ NORFLASH(128)(D7)加上NAND(512)(D18);另一种是用三合一的Flash,即PSRAM(32)+ NORFLASH(128)+ NAND(512) (D7)。NORFlash部分主要用于存储手机软件、射频校准数据、用户设置的数据以及用户下载的数据等内容,PSRAM主要用于手机软件运行所需要的空间并临时保存程序运行中的中间数据。NANDFLASH主要为作高密度,大容量的存储之用,如当U盘,下MP3铃声。内部构造如下图所示。 rope tube protection. (3) position of the switch box must be placed correctly, prohibit reveParts are not allowed direct contact with the ground, made of impermeable material at the bottom pad 100mm. D, packing and transport for all materials are used to make decorative uses, so all of the company's factory finished and semi-finished products are imported protective tape to protect the surface of the material, so as not to damage surface during transport, Setup, and then transported by fibrous bands or packed in to the scene. After the materials delivered to the site, special protection and builders around careful coordination. All materials delivered to the site, where are placed in a ventilated shelter. 8, on-site installation of technical control and schedule control of personnel's quality and technology is an important factor in determining quality. Our installers are professionally trained skilled workers, the company doing the engineering exercise trained a number of technical standards high, strong operational skills of the construction team, has accumulated rich experience in construction. For this project, selected the best personnel and equipped with Advanced installation techniques and equipment. Before the approach, by relevant leaders on the importance of this project, so that installers have enough awareness by technicians on the relevant standard specifications and safety guidelines all technology to Builder gives the low-down. L6680主板维修指导书 图6. Flash内部构造框图 3. 故障现象分析 3.1 不能下载 不能正常下载的主板绝大多数是由于虚焊或连焊造成的,这多数发生在模拟基带芯片AD6535(D2),和连接器XJ6的焊接不良上。检查故障时应首先用放大镜仔细观察这些器件的焊接情况,然后插上下载线观察电流是否正常,如果电流很大(例如在300mA以上),则说明CHARGE或BAT,有对地短路现象,此时应尽快切断电源,然后查找出短路点;如果电流大于正常值(约30多mA)但不是特别大,则有可能是某路稳压电路的输出对地短路,此时应检查VMEM(2.8V)、VCORE(1.8V)、Vext(2.95V)、VVCXO(2.75V)、VDD(2.8V)等电压是否正常,如有异常则可查出焊接不良处;如果电流很小或没有,应重点检查D2是否焊接不良,另外下载线的插头由于长期使用有可能造成接触不良,此时应重新拔下插上看看是否插头接触不良造成;下载时除了以上几个电源以外还有一个26MHz时钟信号是必需的,可用示波器测试R219看经过与非门D16输出的26MHz信号是否正常。如果信号异常,可以沿着信号来源,检查26M晶振输出和RF2的G9脚是否有26M时钟信号输出。 还有一种情况,在下载过程中,下载软件的界面底部的状态条上出现“Device Error„„”字样,并且Device Name和Size项均不能正常识别。通常可以判断为Flash焊接不良,从而使下载软件无法正确识别所用的flash器件类型,因而也无法下载软件。这种情况下,应重新焊接Flash芯片。 绝密资料 3.2 射频故障 由于L6680主板射频部分的集成度比较高:主要由二大块IC组成--射频功放(PF08151B)和射频收发芯片(HD155166PEB)。所以一般不会有什么大的问。 目前遇到的一些问题和分析解决如下: 1:没有发射 分析:首先量测是否有从AD6535的IQ信号输入,然后控制手机单向最大功率发射,正常情况下:此时的电流消耗大约在200~300mA,说明功放正常工作 如果电流很小,说明功放这部分有问题。 可以检查功放是否虚焊或更换HD155166PEB来解决 2:其他问题(例如:无信号条,找不到网等情况) 分析:主要考虑替换PF08151B、HD155166PEB、前端的开关模块(HWXQ511)来对比验 证是哪个芯片的问题 . 3.3 功能测试故障 功能测试故障中比较多的是LCD模块的问题,如蓝屏,此类问题应首先检查LCD来料有无问题,若没有问题,可以再检查图象处理芯片(D6)有无虚焊。 无显示的问题还需要检查EM1、EM1、EM3、EM4、 EM5等EMI滤波器是否焊接良好。 对于通话无声音的主板,请确认MIC,RECEIVER有无连接不良问题。 rope tube protection. (3) position of the switch box must be placed correctly, prohibit reveParts are not allowed direct contact with the ground, made of impermeable material at the bottom pad 100mm. D, packing and transport for all materials are used to make decorative uses, so all of the company's factory finished and semi-finished products are imported protective tape to protect the surface of the material, so as not to damage surface during transport, Setup, and then transported by fibrous bands or packed in to the scene. After the materials delivered to the site, special protection and builders around careful coordination. All materials delivered to the site, where are placed in a ventilated shelter. 8, on-site installation of technical control and schedule control of personnel's quality and technology is an important factor in determining quality. Our installers are professionally trained skilled workers, the company doing the engineering exercise trained a number of technical standards high, strong operational skills of the construction team, has accumulated rich experience in construction. For this project, selected the best personnel and equipped with Advanced installation techniques and equipment. Before the approach, by relevant leaders on the importance of this project, so that installers have enough awareness by technicians on the relevant standard specifications and safety guidelines all technology to Builder gives the low-down.
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