
上海交通大学大学英语 课件 book 2 unit 5a

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上海交通大学大学英语 课件 book 2 unit 5a上海交通大学大学英语 课件 book 2 unit 5a Unit 5 Focus1 content focus1highlights focus1starter focus1starter focus1starter focus1text focus1text focus1text focus1text focus1text focus1text focus1text focus1text focus1text focus1text focus1text focus1text focus1text focus1text...
上海交通大学大学英语 课件 book 2 unit 5a
上海交通大学大学英语 课件 book 2 unit 5a Unit 5 Focus1 content focus1highlights focus1starter focus1starter focus1starter focus1text focus1text focus1text focus1text focus1text focus1text focus1text focus1text focus1text focus1text focus1text focus1text focus1text focus1text focus1text focus1text focus1text focus1text focus1text focus1text focus1text focus1text Focus1wordsphrases Focus1discussion Focus1discussion Focus1interpreting Focus1interpreting Focus1interpreting Focus1interpreting Focus1translation Focus1translation Focus1translation Focus1writing Focus1writing Focus1writing Focus1writing Focus1writing Focus1internet Focus1internet Focus1internet Focus1internet 上海交通大学出版社 Back Next Text Goodbye Mr Foster 14 A few months later he was back happy as ever on a trial basis But I never again let him carry my tray I did however continue with the tips He took the money because I made him take it I was mad about him and he knew it His God bless you often came to me with a tear His spirit was gone Translation Meaning I was enchanted by him and he was aware of the fact Meaning He often said God bless you with tears in his eyes There was no longer any cheerfulness or enthusiasm in his greetings trial n [C U] 试用试验 eg The new aircraft has performed very well in its initial trials Take the car for a trial run to see if you like it We had the new medicine on trial for one year on a trial basis 试用 eg Its our policy to hire on a trial basis 14 几个月之后他 又回到这里试工依然是那股快活劲然而我不再让他帮我端盘子不过 小费我还是照付他收了因为我一定要他收下我对他极其着迷他也知 道这个他对我说上帝保佑你的时候眼里常常含着泪水那股精神已不 复存在 be mad about be crazy about 特别喜欢对着迷 eg The fans are mad about the super star cf I was mad withat the Atlanta Airport Authority I was mad at the injustice that they did to the old man 上海交通大学出版社 Back Next Text Goodbye Mr Foster 15 Today I went by Paschals Before I could even ask one of the ladies on the serving line spotted me Ive been expecting you she said Mr Fosters gone He quit Told them he was old and sick and couldnt do the work no more Then she cocked her head and added with a whisper He aint sick There aint nothing broken about that old man Translation cock vt竖起翘起 eg The boss was displeased with the newcomer who cocked his head to one side while speaking to him cf cock ones ears 竖起耳朵 cock ones nose 翘起鼻子 cock ones hat 歪戴帽子 15 我今天去 帕斯卡餐厅还没等我开口说话一个女员工就发现了我我一直在等您 来她对我说福斯特先生已经走了他是辞职走的他跟他们说自己老了 而且又有病不能再干这个工作啦然后她抬起头悄悄说了一句他没病 那老头子什么病都没有 上海交通大学出版社 Back Next Text Goodbye Mr Foster 16 Nope I thought as I turned away there aint nothing broken about that old man Nothing but his heart Translation Meaning As I left I said to myself that the old man was not sick or hurt physically It was his heart or his self-respect that was badly hurt 16 不我转身离开时 心里想他根本没病那老伙计什么病都没有他的病在心里 Questions about Para 14-16 上海交通大学出版社 He felt hurt and discouraged To put it another way he was heart-broken 7 What made Foster quit his job after the trial period The narrator meant that Foster was so frustrated and depressed that he was no longer what he used to besmiling laughing moving fast and always busy helping one person after another 8 What did the narrator mean by saying His spirit was gone Back Next Text Goodbye Mr Foster 上海交通大学出版社 Back Next 4 Working with words and phrases A Find appropriate verbs 18 in the text which fit the items ah 1 humiliate 2 retrieve 3 suspect 4 fold 5 inspire 6 summon 7 discipline 8 grab a the accused to answer the charges b the naughty boy c all the opportunities that will come their way d Stella by slapping her across the face e Fosters motives in offering to give extra help f her lost luggage g the handkerchief neatly in his jacket pocket h confidence in his nervous patient d b f g a h e c 上海 交通大学出版社 Focus1wordsphrases Back Next B Complete the following sentences with appropriate words in the text 4 Working with words and phrases 1 He found the noise of the printer a d________ 2 The audience was deeply impressed by the little actress b________ act on the arms of a chair 3 At midnight he d________ from his friends birthday party and drove home 4 The new employees were hired on a t____ basis for three months 5 It was said that he would make a p_____ for the directors post 6 The new policy needs to be polished before it is put in p______ istraction alancing isengaged rial lay lace 上海交通大学出版社 Back Next Mind Map reward improve the service and image inspire in favor of 5 Discussion Discuss the following questions with a partner or in a small group of 4 to 6 students 上海交通大学出版社 Back Next 5 Discussion 1 What would you do to help Mr Foster if you were the narrator I would write a letter to the manager and tell him my impression of Mr Foster and my friends as well and strongly suggest that he be rewarded instead of being punished so that all the other bus people would follow his example and improve the service and image of the airport on the whole Hints write to the manager about my impression of Mr Foster suggest that he be rewarded other bus people follow his example and improve the service and image of the airport 2 If you were the head of the airport would you have done the same to Mr Foster Why not If I were the head of the airport I would not have done the same Because the existence of such people as Mr Foster helped promote the image of the airport and properly dealt with might inspire other co-workers Hints No people like Mr Foster helped promote the image of the airport and if properly dealt with might inspire other co-workers 5 Discussion Back Next 3 As a customer how do you react to the two different types of bus people Im certainly in favor of the bus people who work like Mr Foster Id enjoy a good meal there and leave them enough tips As for the other type since its not their duty to help me Id treat them as mere strangers and ordinary bus people Hints Leave Mr Foster and the like enough tips treat the other type as mere strangers and ordinary bus people 5 Discussion Back Next 上海交通大学出版社 Back Next Steve the narrator of the present story met Mr Foster again who came back to work on a trial basis several months after his dismissal The following is the conversation between Steve and Mr Foster Interpret it into English with your partner 福斯特小伙子上帝祝福你 bless 史蒂夫您好福斯特 先生 福斯特很高兴又见到你 史蒂夫我也一直想念您 福斯特这么多行李让我帮你提这 个旅行包吧 luggage 史蒂夫好的谢谢 福斯特不用客气 6 Practice interpreting For Reference Answer Click Here 上海 交通大学出版社 Foster God bless you young man Steve Hi Mr Foster Foster Nice to see you again Steve Ive missed you too Foster Wow so much luggage Let me help you with the traveling bag Steve OK thank you Foster Youre welcome Back Next 6 Practice interpreting Reference answer 上海交通大学出版社 Back Next 史蒂夫前几个月没看到您是请假在家吗 on leave 福斯特哦 不我当时被解雇了 fire 史蒂夫他们凭什么解雇您呀 福斯特他们 说我碍眼 distraction 史蒂夫怎么可能呢 福斯特大概是因为我手 脚太勤快了吧 史蒂夫那不是您的错 福斯特我现在可不敢多说话多 做事啦 史蒂夫岂有此理 福斯特我得去招呼那边的客人啦再见上帝 保佑你 6 Practice interpreting For Reference Answer Click Here 上海交通大学出版社 Steve I did not spot you these last few months Were you on leave at home Foster Oh no I was fired then Steve For what reason did they fire you Foster They said I was a distraction Steve How come Foster Maybe because I did too much work Steve But it was not your fault Foster I aint gonna talk or do more than Im supposed to nowadays Steve Thats a shame Foster Id go and help those guys over there See you again God bless you 6 Practice interpreting Back Next 上海交通大 学出版社 Focus1translation Back Next 7 Practice translation 1 The old fellow grabbed my tray with a smile and was off limping heavily on one leg that was obviously shorter than the other 这位老伙计笑着一把抢下我的盘 子就走了他走起路来瘸得很厉害两条腿很明显长短不一 Put the following sentences in the text into Chinese Pay special attention to the italicized expressions 上海交通大学出版社 Focus1translation Back Next Pulling back my chair as I hurriedly retrieved three one-dollar bills from my pocket he smiled and said God bless you 他把椅子往后拉的时候我匆 忙从兜里掏出三张一美元的纸币他笑着说上帝 保佑你 7 Practice translation 3 I was curious to see if this was a new service the airport had put in place 我感到很新奇想知道这是不 是机场新的服务项目 上海交通大学出版社 Back Next 4 At that point one of them would disengage from the group clear any trash left on the table wipe it down and return to their co-workers 5 I never once suspected Mr Foster was making a play for tips 那个时候他们中才会有一人从扎 堆中出来清理留在桌上的垃圾把桌子上上下下擦干净然后又回到那 群工友身边 我从未怀疑福斯特先生是为了小费而作秀 7 Practice translation 上海交通大学出版社 Back Next B Complete the following sentences by translating into English the Chinese given in the brackets 7 Practice translation 1 Standing by and chatting with her fellow waitresses she _____________________________________________ 毫无 热情地等着他用完餐 2 _____________________________________ 一边高喊 欢笑一 边像蝴蝶一样翩翩起舞 she waited for the wedding moment was waiting without enthusiasm for him to finish his meal Cheering laughing and dancing like a butterfly 上海交通大学 出版社 Back Next 7 Practice translation 3 I ____________________________ 深深地被这个女孩 打动了 who looked so weak yet ran like the wind in the race 4 ___________________________ 不管你给不给小费 she just served you warm-heartedly with smiles 5 Faced with the big problem at work _______________ _________________________________ 我们迫切需要 其他部 门的帮助 was deeply impressed by the girl Whether you gave her tips or not we are in urgent need of help from the other departments 上 海交通大学出版社 Back Next A Write a summary of the text max 150 words referring to the outline below For Reference Answer Click Here 8 Practice writing Summary outline 1 My taking Fosters hospitality for a new service the airport offered 2 Fosters serving manner vs other servers serving manner 3 My being deeply moved by Fosters enthusiasm and devotion 4 Fosters being humiliated and fired 5 Fosters quitting his job 上海交通大学出版社 8 Practice writing Eight years ago I first met Mr Foster an old busboy at an airport In spite of his age and physical handicap he would go wherever he was needed instead of waiting to be summoned What is more he served every customer with the same enthusiasm whether they gave him tips or not or no matter how much the tips were Impressed and inspired I developed a great admiration for him in the following years I would contrast him with his fellow workers who were just loosely assembled there idly waiting by for tables to become empty However Mr Foster was ordered to stop helping people and act like his co-workers Later he was fired Though he was back at work on a trial basis several months later his spirit was gone And today I learned that he quit his jobhis heart was broken Reference answer Back Next 上海交通大学出版社 Back Next B Basic sentence writing techniques how to avoid coordination problems in writing Join the sentences in each group into one sentence 1 a I will invest my savings in Dacon Ltd b They must prove that the investment is safe Hint Use an adverbial clause of condition I will invest my savings in Dacon Ltd only if they prove that the investment is safe 8 Practice writing 上海交通大学出版社 Back Next 2 a There was a lot of discussion b Nothing was accomplished Hint Use an adverbial clause of concession 3 a The party lost seats in the election b They received a large popular vote Hint Use an adverbial clause of condition Even thoughThough there was a lot of discussion nothing was accomplished Unless it received a large popular vote the party would lose seats in the election 8 Practice writing 上海交 通大学出版社 Back Next 4 a He entered the Royal Conservatory of Music of Toronto b The purpose was to become an accomplished pianist Hint Use an adverbial clause of purpose 5 a Everyone was absent for the beginning of the concert b The traffic slowed down for the heavy fog Hint Use an adverbial clause of cause He entered the Royal Conservatory of Music of Toronto so that he could become an accomplished pianist Everyone was absent for the beginning of the concert because the traffic slowed down for the heavy fog 8 Practice writing 上海交通大学出版社 Back Next For Reference Answer Click Here 9 Surfing the Internet Go to httpmaxbook118com or httpmaxbook118com to read the job ads Then find a job for Mr Foster the jobless old man in the text Draft a passage of about 120 words to explain why you think the job fits him 上海交通大学出版社 9 Surfing the Internet Reference answer Back Next Job Title 1906 Restaurant Server Job Details City Overland Park State Kansas Job description The Server takes orders and serves food and beverage items to our customers in a timely friendly enthusiastic and professional mannerThe ideal candidate should have a passion for food and beverage a proactive and can do attitude providing exceptional service to our guests 上海交通大学出版社 9 Surfing the Internet Back Next Responsibilities include but are not limited to table set-ups and station preparation prior to service and at the end of the shift maintaining the condition of the dining room and controlling guest checks and payments The Server will also communicate and work closely with kitchen staff to ensure customer satisfaction If you enjoy working in a fast-paced team-orientedenvironment this is the ideal job for you This position can be a great entrance into other food and beverage roles Available at httpmaxbook118com 上海交通大学出版社 9 Surfing the Internet Mr Foster As a reader who has read your story and has been quite impressed by your experience I would be only too happy to see you working again in a much better and more friendly environment For this reason Ive searched the Internet for what I think the right information for your reference The major reasons for choosing this job are as follows It is still in the hospitality industry It emphasizes a timely friendly enthusiastic and professional manner and a passion for food and beveraage a proactive and can do attitude providing exceptional service to guests Most importantly it appreciates a candidate who enjoys working in a fast-paced team-orientedenvironment All in all you are the right man for the job Sincerely A warm-hearted friend Enclosure the want ad Back Next An IBM Proof of Technology Discovering the value of IBM Workplace Forms - Technical Overview 上海交通大学出版社 Book II 应用型大学英语系 列 Application-oriented college English Course 上海交 通大学出版社 Back Next Language Skills Development Language in Use Enhancement of Language Abilities Unit Five Table of Contents 上海交通大学出版社 Back Next Starter Text Goodbye Mr Foster Working with words and phrases Discussion Practice interpreting Practice translation Practice writing Surfing the Internet Highlights Table of Contents Part 1 Language Skills Development 上海交通大学出版 社 Back Next Highlights S An ideal job L Good restaurant service R Goodbye Mr Foster W How to avoid coordination problems in writing Internet work Finding a job for Mr Foster Part 1 Language Skills Development 上海交通大学出版社 Back Next 1 Starter A What is an ideal job Put the following statements in order of importance 1 most important 8 least important Discuss in class a My colleagues must be friendly b There must be chances to learn new skills c The work must be creative and interesting d I want good pay so that I can save up to travel around the world e My work must be appreciated f Im looking for an exciting working environment g The job must give high social status h I would like to freelance for different companies The order of importance 1_____ 2_____ 3_____ 4_____ 5_____ 6_____ 7_____ 8_____ Reference Answer There is no fixed answer 上海交 通大学出版社 Back Next 1 Starter B Listen to a passage and answer the following questions 1 How do customers usually respond to the service offered to them at a restaurant Customers are quick to complain when things go wrong but are always slow to offer praise when things go right 2 How did the waiter serve the speaker and his family The waiter was really attentive to them and never let them run out of sweet tea 上 海交通大学出版社 Back Next 1 Starter 3 What did the speaker do after the meal He left the waiter a nice tip and told the manager how pleased they were 4 Who was pleased when the speaker praised the waiter Both the manager and the waiters present were pleased with his praise 上海交通大学出版社 Back Next 1 Starter Mind Map exceptionally ad 例外地特别地 杰出 地罕 见地 attentive a 无微不至的体贴的 light up 眼神或面部表情突然高兴起来喜形于色 contagious a 情绪感觉看 法等有 感染力 的 上海交通大学出版社 Back May I See the Manager Having worked in food service when I was in high school I know that people are quick to complain when things go wrong but are always slow to offer praise when things go right I have tried to make it a habit to report exceptionally good service as well as exceptionally bad service For example the other day our family went to eat at a local Mexican restaurant The food was great The service was great Our waiter never let us run out of sweet tea and thats not easy not even for attentive waiters It was an enjoyable evening At the end of our meal we left the waiter a nice tip but I didnt think that was enough So on this Next 1 Starter Tapescript 上海交 通大学出版社 Back occasion I asked the waiter if I could speak with the manager so I could let her know how pleased we were His eyes lit up and off he went I told the manager how pleased we were with the food and that our waiter was excellent and took good care of us She was all smiles All the employees standing by wore similar smiles The customers around us agreed The good feeling was contagious As we left we were bid farewell as if we were old friends to the employees It felt nice Next time you get great service feel free to ask for a manager Next 1 Starter Text Lead-in Warm up Which one do you believe Good things happen to good people or Bad things to good people Give examples How can we get on well with your colleagues in the office b sailboat Back Next Text organization Text Lead-in 上海交通大学出版社 Body Paras ______ Conclusion Paras _______ Back Next 2-8 Body Paras ______ 9-14 15-16 Conclusion Para _______ 1 The theme of the story The unfair treatment of Mr Foster The narrators initial encounter with Mr Foster 8 years ago and how Mr Foster earned the narrators admiration The development of the narrators admiration in the last 8 years and the firing and recalling of Mr Foster Mr Foster quit his job because his heart was broken 上海交通大学出版社 Back Next Text Goodbye Mr Foster 1 Can an employee do his or her job too well If so what do you do Praise Raise Discipline Terminate Todays guest columnist tells the true story of Foster who did his job too well Translation 1 一个员工能把工作做得太好吗如果他她把 事情做得太好了是应该表扬晋升处分还是炒鱿鱼今天的客座专栏评 论员讲述了一个关于福斯特的真实他把工作做得太好了 discipline vt处分处罚 eg The teacher disciplined the naughty child for his bad behavior n 1 [U] 自制力 eg The soldiers showed perfect discipline under fire 2 [U] 训练磨炼 eg A little discipline would do him a world of good 3 [C] 纪律 eg The new teacher cant keep discipline in the classroom He doesnt have to submit to ordinary disciplines 上海 交通大学出版社 Back Next Text Goodbye Mr Foster 2 I met him at least 8 years ago at the Atlanta Hartsfield International Airport He wore black pants and a white shirt with a black tie and bib apron Let me carry that for you young man he said noticing the balancing act I was performing with my luggage and the tray of food from Paschals Restaurant Translation 2 我是在亚特兰大哈兹斐尔德国际机场认识 他的至少有八年了当时他身穿黑裤子白衬衫打着黑领带系着一条挡 胸工作裙他看到我一手提着行李另一只手端着从帕斯卡餐厅买来的 一盘食物 正努力保持平衡便说我来替你拿那东西小伙子 Balancing act 这里指保持平衡的动作通常指需谨慎平衡各方力量 的举措 Meaning he said as he found that I had trouble keeping my balance as I was trying to carry the tray of food as well as my luggage 上海交通大学出版社 Back Next Text Goodbye Mr Foster 3 The old fellow grabbed my tray with a smile and was off limping heavily on one leg that was obviously shorter than the other I followed him around the escalator to an empty table I would never have found and it was only then when I realized that he had also brought napkins a straw and packages of salt and pepperitems I usually forget Translation Question about Para 3 3 这位老伙计笑着 一把抢下我的盘子就走了他走起路来瘸得很厉害两条腿很明显长短 不一我跟着他绕过自动扶梯来到一张空桌子前要不是他带路我根本 找不到这张空桌子而这时我才发现他把餐巾纸吸管和食盐胡椒粉也 给带上了都是些我自己往往会忘记的小东西 grab vt 抓住攫取抢夺 eg The thief grabbed the purse and ran away with it 上海交通大学出版社 Back Next He showed me to an empty table while helping me carry my tray of food as well as bringing me napkins a straw and packages of salt and pepper items I usually forget 1 How did Foster help me when I first met him Text Goodbye Mr Foster 上海交通大学出版社 Back Next Text Goodbye Mr Foster 4 With a flourish he wiped the table removed my plate from the tray and arranged it carefully with the napkins and the iced tea Pulling back my chair as I hurriedly retrieved three one-dollar bills from my pocket he smiled and said God bless you His name tag read FOSTER Translation 4 只见他手一挥就擦好了桌子从托盘上端下 我的食物小心地把它和餐巾纸还有冰茶摆在桌上他把椅子往后拉的 时候我匆忙从兜里掏出三张一美元的纸币他笑着说上帝保佑你我瞥 见他的名牌上写着福斯特 pull back向后拉出抽出 eg The little boy insisted by pulling back his mothers handbag Antonym pull eg Push back your chair before you can safely stand up name tag名牌 cf name card 名片 name board 招 牌 name tape 布制名条 brand name商标 flourish n [C usu sing] 引人注意的夸张动作 eg The doctor ushered us in with a flourish remove vt 拿开移动 eg Ants can remove something many times as heavy as themselves He hasnt got enough strength to remove that stone retrieve vt 取出取回 eg I ran back to my room and retrieved my bag read [ say] eg The sign readssays Parking Forbidden 上海交通大学出版社 Back Next Text Goodbye Mr Foster 5 I was curious to see if this was a new service the airport had put in place Certainly I had never been helped before I saw several other men and women dressed like my new friend loosely assembled and talking with each other waiting without enthusiasm for tables to become empty At that point one of them would disengage from the group clear any trash left on the table wipe it down and return to their co-workers Translation Question about Para 5 5 我感到很新奇想 知道这是不是机场新的服务项目当然此前我从未享受过这种服务我 见到另外一些和我这位新朋友穿着一样的男男女女 懒散地聚在一起 聊天毫无热情地等待着客人离开餐桌那个时候他们中才会有一人从 扎堆中出来清理留在桌上的垃圾把桌子上上下下擦干净然后又回到 那群工友身边 put in place 付诸实施 eg Lets see whether they will keep their promise to put the new housing policy in place loosely ad 松松垮垮地 eg He enjoys lying loosely on the beach in the sunlight Meaning I found that some men and women wearing the same uniforms as Mr Foster gather in a leisurely and relaxed way chatting with each other and waiting coldly and passively to clean the table after the customers finished their meals and left wipe down 把上上下下擦干净 eg The boss felt the surface of the table to see whether it had been wiped down wipe down 把上上下下擦干净 eg The boss felt the surface of the table to see whether it had been wiped down disengage vivt 脱离使分开 eg We must disengage our army from the fighting word formation dis- cf disapprove discourage dissatisfy displace disagree disorder distaste disrepair 上海交通大学出版社 Back Next I took his service for a new service the airport had put in place 2 What did I take Fosters service for at the beginning Text Goodbye Mr Foster 上海交通大学出版社 Back Next Text Goodbye Mr Foster 6 Glancing around the huge area I quickly spotted Foster Smiling laughing and moving fast he helped one person after another He never waited to be summoned He went where he was needed Translation Question about Para 5 6 6 环顾宽广的餐 饮区我很快发现了福斯特的身影他开心地笑着快步移动着不停地去 帮助别人他从不等待客人的召唤哪里有需要他就出现在哪里 Meaning He was always ready to offer his service instead of waiting passively for the customers call cf Cant wait to can hardly wait to 迫不及待 eg She cantcan hardly wait to see her son back from abroad He couldntcould hardly wait to join the Party glance vi 扫视瞥一眼 eg He glanced at the envelope and recognized his uncles handwriting n [C] 一瞥 eg At one glance she realized what had happened 上海交 通大学出版社 Back Next Mr Foster helped one person after another smiling laughing moving fast never waiting to be summoned and going where he was needed by contrast his workmates were loosely assembled talking with each other waiting without enthusiasm for tables to become empty 3 What was the sharp contrast between the service offered by the old man and that offered by his workmates Text Goodbye Mr Foster 上海交通大学出版社 Back Next Text Goodbye Mr Foster 7 I was back through the airport the next day and couldnt wait to visit the food court again Sure enough there he was the old man with the big smile He helped me to a table as he had the day before with napkins salt and pepper and a straw and said God bless you young man as he held out my chair Translation 7 第二天我返回时经过这个机场迫不及待地 又来到餐饮区果然他就在那儿一位满脸笑容的老伙计他就像前一天 那样带着餐巾纸食盐胡椒粉和吸管把我领到一张桌子跟前一边拉出 我的座椅一边说道上帝保佑你小伙子 上海交通大学出版社 Back Next Text Goodbye Mr Foster 8 I had a twenty folded and ready to place in his hand that day I was impressed and inspired by this old man who struggled to walk yet kept moving fast all the time as he cleaned empty tables and looked for people to serve From that day forward he was Mr Foster to me Translation Question about Para 8 8 那天我把一张事 先折好的20美元纸币放到他的手里这位老人使我大为感佩他行走不 便却毫不懈怠地去收拾桌子寻找需要招呼的客人从那天开始他就是 我心目中的福斯特先生 twenty a twenty-dollar bill fold vt 折叠 eg Most westerners never fold their money when they put it in their wallet inspire vt 感动激发启示 eg He inspired many young people to take up sport Meaning Since that day the author had been showing his respect by calling him Mr Foster rather than busboy as most customers do 上海 交通大学出版社 Back Next I called him Mr Foster and gave him tips usually more than 20 dollars 4 What did I do to show my respect for Foster for his exceptional service Text Goodbye Mr Foster 上海交通大学出版社 Back Next Text Goodbye Mr Foster 9 As the years rolled by I developed a great admiration for Mr Foster I saw him several times each month and introduced him to anyone with whom I was traveling Watch this guy I would always instruct as he left our table And watch that bunch of other people over there dressed just like him The contrast was clear Translation 9 随着岁月的流逝我对福斯特先生产生了一 种景仰之情我每个月都见到他几回而且总要把他介绍给我的同伴在 他转身离去的时候我总是叫他们看瞧瞧这个伙计再瞧瞧那边跟他一 样打扮的那拨人两者的对比不言而喻 Meaning As the years went by I began to respect and like Mr Foster a lot admiration n [U] 钦佩赞赏羡慕 eg The team felt great admiration for the coach The fans admiration for the super girl was fantastic bunch n 1 [C] 大量大批 eg Your friends are all just a bunch of nobodies 2 [C]束串扎 eg Miss White received a bunch of flowers from her admirer contrast n [U C] 差别明显差异 eg There can be no differentiation without contrast Black and white show a striking contrast 上海交通大学出版社 Back Next Text Goodbye Mr Foster 10 I never once suspected Mr Foster was making a play for tips In fact though I rarely slipped him less than twenty dollars he often made me wait while he helped someone in obvious need of assistance And whether they offered money or not he always smiled held their chairs and said God bless you Translation Question about Para 10 10 我从未怀疑福 斯特先生是为了小费而作秀事实上尽管我给他的小费难得少于20美 元但是他却常常要我等他招待好那些明显需要帮助的人之后才过来 招呼我而且不论他们是否给他小费他总是微笑着帮他们摆好椅子说 声上帝保佑你 making a play for sth 为获得某物而作秀 eg He ended up in failure as he made a play for the presidency in need of sth 需要某物 eg This project is in urgent need of funding in need of sth 需要某物 eg This project is in urgent need of funding Meaning I never believed that Mr Foster provided his good service for tips Meaning In fact though the amount of tips I gave him usually exceeded twenty dollars he still kept me waiting as he turned to someone else that he thought needed his help more than I in need of sth 需要某 物 eg This project is in urgent need of funding 上 海交通大学出版社 Back Next No In fact he still kept me waiting when there were other people in obvious need of assistance whether they gave him tips or not 5 Was it getting tipped that motivated Foster to offer his exceptional assistance to customers Give examples to support your statement Text Goodbye Mr Foster 上海交通大学出版社 Back Next Text Goodbye Mr Foster 11 And then he was gone Unable to find my friend I asked the ladies at Paschals Where is Mr Foster today 12 Fired they told me They fired him Humiliated him Sent the man home Translation 11 后来他不见了我找不着这位朋友就向帕斯 卡餐厅的女工打听福斯特先生今天上哪儿啦 12 被解雇了她们告 诉我说他们炒了他鱿鱼羞辱他赶他回家啦 humiliate vt 使某人蒙羞羞辱某人 eg I felt so humiliated when Mother slapped my face The country was humiliated by defeat 上海 交通大学出版社 Back Next Text Goodbye Mr Foster 13 The Atlanta Airport Authority I was told had determined that Mr Foster had become a distraction They ordered him to stop helping people Stand with everyone else he was told and wait for the tables to become empty You are a busboy act like one Translation Question about Para 13 distraction n [C U] 使人分心的人或事 eg I study in the library as there are too many distractions at home Lets invite her to the disco―she needs distraction 13 我被告知 亚特兰大国际机场管理层认为福斯特先生已经成了一个搅乱人心之 人他们下令他停止帮助顾客他们对福斯特先生说你就跟其他人站在 一起等客人走了再干活你只是个收盘子的就收盘子吧 上海 交通大学出版社 Back Next Because the Airport Authority believed that he was a distraction at work 6 Why did the Airport Authority fire Foster Text Goodbye Mr Foster An IBM Proof of Technology Discovering the value of IBM Workplace Forms - Technical Overview An IBM Proof of Technology Discovering the value of IBM Workplace Forms - Technical Overview An IBM Proof of Technology Discovering the value of IBM Workplace Forms - Technical Overview
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