

2017-12-09 39页 doc 207KB 25阅读




新生儿常见的啼哭原因、喝奶注意事项及产后补充营奍吃物新生儿常见的啼哭原因、喝奶注意事项及产后补充营奍吃物 新生儿常见的啼哭原因 正常的运动性啼哭 这种哭声抑扬顿挫,不刺耳,声音响亮,节奏感强,常常无泪液流出,每日累计啼哭时间可达2小时,是运动的一种方式,每日一般4,5次,没有伴随症状,不影响饮食,睡眠、玩耍正常,每次哭时较短,如果轻轻触摸宝宝,宝宝会发出微笑,如果把宝宝的小手放在腹部轻轻摇两下,宝宝会安静下来。当宝宝出现这样的啼哭时,妈妈可以不要打断他。 饥饿 这种哭声带有乞求感,哭声往往是由小变大,很有节奏,不急不缓,当你用手指触碰宝宝的面颊时,宝宝会立即转过头来,...
新生儿常见的啼哭原因、喝奶注意事项及产后补充营奍吃物 新生儿常见的啼哭原因 正常的运动性啼哭 这种哭声抑扬顿挫,不刺耳,声音响亮,节奏感强,常常无泪液流出,每日累计啼哭时间可达2小时,是运动的一种方式,每日一般4,5次,没有伴随症状,不影响饮食,睡眠、玩耍正常,每次哭时较短,如果轻轻触摸宝宝,宝宝会发出微笑,如果把宝宝的小手放在腹部轻轻摇两下,宝宝会安静下来。当宝宝出现这样的啼哭时,妈妈可以不要打断他。 饥饿 这种哭声带有乞求感,哭声往往是由小变大,很有节奏,不急不缓,当你用手指触碰宝宝的面颊时,宝宝会立即转过头来,并有吸吮动作,如果你不给喂食,而是把手拿开,宝宝就会哭得更厉害,一旦喂奶,哭声嘎然而止,吃饱后绝不再哭,有时还会露出笑容。 吸吮不畅 这种啼哭发生在喂水和喂奶3,5分钟时,往往是因为水或奶过凉、过热、奶头孔太小,吸不出来奶水、奶头孔太大,呛奶等引起的。 想要抱 这种啼哭宝宝常常是头部不停地左右扭转,似左顾右盼,哭声平和,带有颤音,当你走到宝宝跟前时,啼哭就会停止,双眼盯着你,一副着急的样子,虽然停止了啼哭,但仍有哼哼声音,小嘴唇翘起,这就是要你抱抱他。 吃得过饱 这种啼哭多发生在喂食后,哭声尖锐,两腿屈曲乱蹬,向外溢奶或吐奶。若把宝宝腹部贴着妈妈抱起来,哭声加剧,甚至呕吐,如果是过饱哭闹,不必哄,哭可以加快消化。 口渴 这种哭多表现为不耐烦的哭,嘴唇干燥,时常伸出舌头,舔嘴唇,给宝宝喂水时,会立即停止啼哭。 尿布湿了 啼哭强度较轻,哭时多无泪,大多在睡醒时或吃奶后啼哭,哭的同时,两腿蹬被,当你为他换上一块干净的尿布时,他就不哭了。 想要亮光 小宝宝白天睡得很好,一到晚上就哭闹不止,这是由于昼夜颠倒,当你打开灯光,哭声就停止了。两眼睁得很大,眼神灵活,这多是白天睡得过多所致,应逐渐改变过来。 寒冷 这种哭声多较低沉,有节奏,哭时肢体少动,小手发凉,嘴唇发紫,当为宝宝加衣被,或放到暖和地方时,就变得安静了。 燥热 宝宝多大声啼哭,不安,四肢舞动,颈部多汗,当你减少衣被,或把宝宝移至凉爽地方时,宝宝就会停止啼哭。 困倦 哭声呈阵发性,一声声不耐烦的嚎叫,这是宝宝闹觉,常由于室内人太多,声音嘈杂,或室内环境污浊、过热等原因所致,换一个安静舒服的环境,宝宝就会安静下来,很快停止啼哭而入睡。 application; infection and antibacterial drug of clinical application; transfusion refers to levy; nutrition support of adapted card and clinical application; common life support technology (as cycle breathing support, and nutrition support,) and emergency technology of application; common guardianship instrument using. Look: shock, cardiac respiratory arrest and acute organ failure, systemic inflammatory response syndrome and severe infection and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS), severe disturbance of body fluid environment such as critical theory and progress of the illness. 2. basic requirements (1) species and cases of study requirements: severe pneumonia in disease-disease myocardial infarction ... 3. high requirements (1) learning disease species: disease species disease species image radiation: rheumatic heart congenital heart intestinal Crohn's (Crohn) disease intestinal tuberculosis bile duct cancer chronic pancreatic inflammatory urinary system stone urinary system tumor adrenal disease thyroid disease cranial within infection nervous system tumor nuclear medical: Digest road bleeding explicit like brain blood flow perfusion explicit like testicular blood pool explicit like salivary glands explicit like (2) clinical knowledge, and skills requirements: understand various image check 疼痛 哭声比较尖利,应该仔细检查被褥,衣服中有无异物,皮肤有无虫咬伤。 害怕 哭声突然发作,刺耳,伴有间断短暂的嚎叫,多由于恐惧黑暗,独处,怕小动物,打针吃药,听到突如其来的 声音等。要细心体贴照看宝宝,使其消除恐惧心理。 想大便 大便前,肠蠕动加快,宝宝感觉腹部不适,哭声低,两腿乱瞪。 身体不舒服 持续不断,悲悲切切地啼哭,有眼泪。如果宝宝养成了洗澡,换衣服的习惯,当不给换衣服或洗澡时;又如被 褥不平整时,尿布不柔软时,都会引起啼哭。 警惕新生儿肠绞痛 , 什么是肠绞痛 肠绞痛并不是一种病,而是新生儿常见的症状,如果宝贝不到4个月大,每周超过3天连续哭闹3个小时以上,持 续至少3周时间,而且他的身体没有什么问题,那他很可能就是肠绞痛了。 据统计,大约有20%,40%的宝贝会发生这种现象,通常从出生后2,4周时开始,3,4个月后逐渐改善。 , 肠绞痛的表现症状 宝宝可能会交替着蹬腿,或者把腿抬起来,还会放屁排气。他会在任何时候开始哭闹,感到不舒服,但通常在晚上6 点到半夜这段时间发作最厉害。 , 为什么会发生肠绞痛 关于肠绞痛发生的确切原因,至今没有定论,主要认为的原因有: 1. 新生儿的消化系统发育不成熟或比较敏感。刚出生的宝贝消化道里用于分解食物的消化酶或消化液还很少, 所以,消化母乳或者配方奶里的蛋白质时,可能会造成肚子胀气、疼痛。 2. 宝宝正在发育的神经系统还不能很好地处理周围环境中的各种刺激因素,到了晚上,因为不能接受周围环境 中的视觉图像、声音等刺激,需要通过哭这种方式来释放。 必备物品 , 奶瓶:准备5,6个奶瓶,以200毫升的耐热玻璃奶瓶为宜。 , 奶嘴:准备和奶瓶配套的奶嘴3,4个,根据选用的奶瓶挑选不同嘴型的奶嘴和型号的奶嘴。 , 清洁工具:配备专门的奶瓶刷和奶嘴刷。 可选物品 , 消毒过的方便袋:可以购买那种一次性的,消过毒的方便袋的奶瓶。这种方便袋可以减少奶瓶中的空气,尤 其适合患有腹痛的宝宝。 , 奶瓶冷却器:使用标准的野餐冷却袋,或者购买专门用来冷却奶瓶的袋子,供宝宝夜间或外出需要时使用。 , 奶瓶加热器:一个可以控制温度的加热器,能加热放置不久的冲调好的牛奶。 , 奶粉储藏罐:小型的奶粉储藏容器,外出或特别需要时可以储藏奶粉,避免携带一大罐奶粉。 system tumor nuclear medical: Digest road bleeding explicit like brain blood flow perfusion explicit like testicular blood po rvouspancreatic inflammatory urinary system stone urinary system tumor adrenal disease thyroid disease cranial within infection ne diation: rheumatic heart congenital heart intestinal Crohn's (Crohn) disease intestinal tuberculosis bile duct cancer chronicdisease myocardial infarction ... 3. high requirements (1) learning disease species: disease species disease species image ra-seasetheory and progress of the illness. 2. basic requirements (1) species and cases of study requirements: severe pneumonia in ditical and severe infection and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS), severe disturbance of body fluid environment such as crip instrument using. Look: shock, cardiac respiratory arrest and acute organ failure, systemic inflammatory response syndrome ianshisupport technology (as cycle breathing support, and nutrition support,) and emergency technology of application; common guardof clinical application; transfusion refers to levy; nutrition support of adapted card and clinical application; common life application; infection and antibacterial drug kol explicit like salivary glands explicit like (2) clinical knowledge, and skills requirements: understand various image chec2 , 奶瓶干燥架:可以将奶瓶和其它婴儿用品分开,是非常实用的随身物品。 , 奶瓶消毒锅:专门用于消毒奶瓶和婴儿用品的器具。 冲调奶粉 配方奶粉的调配是很有讲究的,调得过浓,易使宝宝发生消化不良及腹泻等等,调得过稀,宝宝摄取不到足够 的热量和养分,易营养不良,经常生病,影响生长发育。因此,做父母的必须掌握科学的配制。 第一步:清洁与消毒喂奶工具 第二步:加入适温适量的开水 先往奶瓶中加入50摄氏度左右所需量的开水,这个温度是让奶粉充分溶解,避免奶粉结块的最佳温度。具体水 量参照奶粉包装上的说明。 第三步:量出适量的奶粉 一般情况下,奶粉包装内都会附带一个专用量勺,包装上会写明不同月龄宝宝所需奶粉的准确配比和每次大致 的喂哺量。按照说明加入正确数量平匙的奶粉即可。奶粉需松松的,不可紧压,再用筷子或刀子刮平,对准奶瓶将奶 粉倒入奶瓶。 第四步:摇匀奶粉 套上奶嘴,将奶瓶沿顺时针或逆时针一个方向轻轻地摇动,使奶粉充分溶解。 , 冲调奶粉的错误方式 1. 切忌先加奶粉后加水。 2. 切忌将已冲调好的奶粉再次煮沸。已经冲调好的奶粉若再煮沸,会使蛋白质、维生素等营养物质的结构发生 变化,从而失去原有的营养价值。 3. 切忌自行增加奶粉的浓度及添加辅助品。因为这样会增加婴儿的肠道负担,导致消化功能紊乱,引起便秘或 腹泻,严重的还会出现坏死性小肠结肠炎。 4. 当婴儿患病服药时,家长不可将药物加到奶粉中给婴儿服用。 喂奶姿势 , 选好舒适的姿势 可以选择有靠背的椅子,坐在上面后将脚平放在地板上,然后将宝宝的头搁在妈妈的臂弯中,如果有需要,还 可以在椅背处或者其它需要的地方添加一个靠垫。另外,妈妈也可以斜靠在床上为宝宝喂奶,只要妈妈和宝宝的姿势 舒适即可。 , 让牛奶充满奶嘴 给宝宝喂奶时,奶瓶的倾斜要有一定角度,不要完全平放,要让牛奶充满整个奶嘴,这样可以防止宝宝喝奶时 吸到空气,引起吐奶等现象。喂奶时要注意宝宝喝奶的速度,不可过快,不然容易呛到;在喝完奶后,要将宝宝竖着 抱起来,靠在妈妈的肩膀上,帮他排除奶嗝后才可放下,这样可以防止和减少吐奶。 , 正确地拍出奶嗝 有些宝宝可能需要放平后再抱起来打,来回反复两三次;拍嗝的时候可以在背后打圈同时再往上撸撸,几个方 式结合可能更易打出来。如果大人拍嗝的姿势不对的话,是不容易拍出奶嗝的。站式拍嗝的要领如下: kills requirements: understand various image checkand sblood flow perfusion explicit like testicular blood pool explicit like salivary glands explicit like (2) clinical knowledge, sease thyroid disease cranial within infection nervous system tumor nuclear medical: Digest road bleeding explicit like brainnal disease intestinal tuberculosis bile duct cancer chronic pancreatic inflammatory urinary system stone urinary system tumor adreease species: disease species disease species image radiation: rheumatic heart congenital heart intestinal Crohn's (Crohn) didisease myocardial infarction ... 3. high requirements (1) learning dis-nd cases of study requirements: severe pneumonia in diseaseisturbance of body fluid environment such as critical theory and progress of the illness. 2. basic requirements (1) species avere drgan failure, systemic inflammatory response syndrome and severe infection and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS), semergency technology of application; common guardianship instrument using. Look: shock, cardiac respiratory arrest and acute oed card and clinical application; common life support technology (as cycle breathing support, and nutrition support,) and eapplication; infection and antibacterial drug of clinical application; transfusion refers to levy; nutrition support of adapt3 步骤一:先在肩膀上铺条毛巾。 步骤二:抱起宝宝。用一手扶助宝宝的屁股,另一只手握住宝宝的脖子,使宝宝躺在你身上。要注意:由于新 生儿的脖子还无法有效支托,所以你抱时,务必以手掌完全托住宝宝的头部和脖子才行。握住宝宝脖子的方式,为张 开手掌以虎口为中心,依序托住宝宝的头、颈、肩,然后以手臂撑住宝宝的嘴。 步骤三:将宝宝的屁股往上抬,重心前倾,而使头靠在肩膀的毛巾上,并略微调整毛巾的位置。 步骤四:将手掌略微弓起,使手心呈弓状。 步骤五:由宝宝肚脐的相对背部位置开始拍,由下而上,慢慢将宝宝体内的空气拍出。 奶量的选择 新生儿最初时喝奶量比较少,每次可能只喝50ml,但喝奶的频率高,一般一两个小时就饿了。到第二、第三周 开始,宝宝的喝奶量会增加到100ml,喝奶间隔也会增加到两三个小时。等宝宝每天喝奶6,8次,每次间隔时间在3 小时左右时,宝宝的进餐模式基本就固定了。 随着宝宝的长大,喝奶的间隔时间不会有大变动,但喝奶的量会不断增加,直至每顿210,240ml左右。如果宝 宝偶尔喝得比较少也不要太担心,宝宝能进行自我调节,只要体重增长数值理想即可。 宝宝胃口也不是恒定的,有时可能不到3小时就饿了,有时又可能吃得特别少,所以要理解宝宝的进餐时间是 弹性的,不是一直一成不变的,尤其当宝宝经历不同的生长期时。 夜间喂奶 夜间喂奶技巧 , 新生儿夜间通常需要喝两次奶,晚上10点或11点左右喝一瓶,凌晨6点或7点左右再喝一瓶。 , 睡前准备好一壶开水,同时晾半杯或一杯的凉开水,半夜起来时就可以直接兑出合适的水温,用于直接冲调 奶粉。 , 有奶瓶加热器的家庭,还可以直接将睡前晾好的凉开水放在其中加热,然后再调奶粉。 , 在床头或房间内开一盏小夜灯,半夜和奶时就可以避免开大灯刺激到宝宝的眼睛,也可以在晚上随时观察到 宝宝是否盖好被子。但要注意不可因过于昏暗而忽视观察宝宝是否溢奶或者皮肤颜色的改变。 , 如果妈妈感到特别疲倦时,也可以让宝宝的爸爸或者奶奶等亲人夜间照顾几晚,等精力有所恢复和调整后再 照顾宝宝。 错误的喂奶方式 , 宝宝醒来就给他喂奶 宝宝如果得到足够的热量,晚上一般不会因为饥饿而醒来,但是不代表宝宝就不会醒,有时宝宝醒来只是希望 得到妈妈的安慰,或者其它原因。新生的昼夜周期还没有形成,因此如果宝宝夜间醒来,要观察一下宝宝是否是饿了, 有时可能亲亲地拍拍他又能睡着了。 , 睡前奶调制得很浓 有些父母为了让宝宝晚上睡得久一些,而把睡觉前喝的配方奶调得很浓,或者加一些其它谷类食品,这样是不 合适的。过浓的牛奶只会造成宝宝肾脏的负担,而在4个月前添加固体辅食会影响宝宝的消化系统,并可能导致体重 增长过快。 , 因为困倦躺着喂奶 kol explicit like salivary glands explicit like (2) clinical knowledge, and skills requirements: understand various image checsystem tumor nuclear medical: Digest road bleeding explicit like brain blood flow perfusion explicit like testicular blood po rvouspancreatic inflammatory urinary system stone urinary system tumor adrenal disease thyroid disease cranial within infection ne diation: rheumatic heart congenital heart intestinal Crohn's (Crohn) disease intestinal tuberculosis bile duct cancer chronicdisease myocardial infarction ... 3. high requirements (1) learning disease species: disease species disease species image ra-seasetheory and progress of the illness. 2. basic requirements (1) species and cases of study requirements: severe pneumonia in ditical and severe infection and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS), severe disturbance of body fluid environment such as crip instrument using. Look: shock, cardiac respiratory arrest and acute organ failure, systemic inflammatory response syndrome ianshisupport technology (as cycle breathing support, and nutrition support,) and emergency technology of application; common guardof clinical application; transfusion refers to levy; nutrition support of adapted card and clinical application; common life application; infection and antibacterial drug 4 新生儿的肠胃尚未发育完善,躺着喂奶容易发生呛奶、溢奶、吐奶等现象,因此最好将宝宝斜抱在怀中喂奶, 或者将宝宝的上半身垫起一定高度,但要注意防止宝宝滚动倾斜。还要特别注意的是,妈妈最好在清醒后再给宝宝喂 奶,夜间由于困乏常会发生乳房或者其它物品堵住宝宝鼻孔的情况,这是十分危险的。 外出喂奶 国内传统的月子期间是不会让新妈妈出门的,老一辈人认为如果吹风或者走动容易落下月子病。但现在越来越 多的家庭开始西式的坐月子方式,如果新妈妈在月子期间必须带着宝宝外出,一定要做好各项准备工作。 首先要将需要的奶粉、奶瓶带好,如果去的地方有热水供应,可以不用带热水,如果没有,建议带上一个小型 保温瓶,将开水装在其中,可以随时用来和奶。但不宜将和好的牛奶放在保温瓶中,这样很容易滋生细菌。 清洁与消毒 宝宝的消化系统十分敏感,尤其在1岁以内时,都很容易发生细菌感染,因此,对婴儿用品的清洁与消毒是十 分必要和重要的。 清洁方式 , 清洗奶瓶时,选择专用的奶瓶刷和奶瓶清洗剂; , 每次清洗时要将奶嘴和奶瓶分别清洗干净,其它婴儿用品也要注意细节处的清洗; , 用清水将清洗后的婴儿用品冲刷干净,避免清洁剂的残留; , 将清洗好的婴儿用品进行消毒或放置晾干备用。 消毒方式 , 煮沸消毒:将婴儿用品放进平底锅,煮10分钟,需要使用时再取出。但频繁的煮沸消毒会缩短奶嘴的使用寿 命,如果是塑料制品则不适用于此法。 , 蒸汽消毒:可以用标准的植物蒸汽机,一般只能用来消毒奶瓶,而且要注意消毒的时间,不可超过15分钟, 以防把水烧干。这种消毒方式效果好,而且容量大,可以同时进行大批量消毒。 , 化学消毒:使用冷水和化学溶液或可溶的片剂。每次消毒30分钟,消毒后,器具还可以泡上24小时。在重 新使用前,要确保消毒过的器具的每一部位都用凉开水冲洗干净。 , 微波炉消毒:微波炉一般配有专门的消毒用具,但一般都不使用微波炉消毒。 , 洗碗机消毒:可以将婴儿用品放入洗碗机中用热水消毒,但是消毒完后要马上使用。 混合喂养的技巧 在确定母乳不足的情况下,以其它乳类或代乳品来补充喂养婴儿,这种母乳喂养和人工喂养同时进行,称为混 合喂养。 现在大多的新手妈妈都是上班族,生活节奏快、精神压力大、生育年龄偏大、乳量偏少,难以满足宝宝的需要, 混合喂养便成了更多妈妈的选择。 混合喂养虽然不如母乳喂养好,但在一定程度上能保证母亲的乳房按时受到婴儿吸吮的刺激,从而维持乳汁的 正常分泌,婴儿每天能吃到2,3次母乳,对婴儿的健康仍然有很多好处,优于单纯喂牛奶或其它代乳品的人工喂养。 给孩子喂牛奶的次数不要过多,最好不要超过一半,否则可能导致母乳喂养失败。 kills requirements: understand various image checkand sblood flow perfusion explicit like testicular blood pool explicit like salivary glands explicit like (2) clinical knowledge, sease thyroid disease cranial within infection nervous system tumor nuclear medical: Digest road bleeding explicit like brainnal disease intestinal tuberculosis bile duct cancer chronic pancreatic inflammatory urinary system stone urinary system tumor adreease species: disease species disease species image radiation: rheumatic heart congenital heart intestinal Crohn's (Crohn) didisease myocardial infarction ... 3. high requirements (1) learning dis-nd cases of study requirements: severe pneumonia in diseaseisturbance of body fluid environment such as critical theory and progress of the illness. 2. basic requirements (1) species avere drgan failure, systemic inflammatory response syndrome and severe infection and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS), semergency technology of application; common guardianship instrument using. Look: shock, cardiac respiratory arrest and acute oed card and clinical application; common life support technology (as cycle breathing support, and nutrition support,) and eapplication; infection and antibacterial drug of clinical application; transfusion refers to levy; nutrition support of adapt5 混合喂养的方法 刚开始混合喂养时可能不容易把握乳量,母乳到底缺多少,每次配奶要配多少,随着喂奶次数的增加,对宝宝 饥饿性啼哭的了解,新手爸妈们慢慢就会掌握诀窍。 , 一次只喂一种奶 吃母乳时就吃母乳,吃奶粉时就吃奶粉。不要先吃母乳后再吃奶粉,这样不利于宝宝的消化,也会使宝宝对乳 头发生错觉,进而引发厌食奶粉,拒吃奶瓶的状况。 , 尽量多吃母乳 混合喂养要充分利用有限的母乳,尽量多喂母乳。如果妈妈觉得母乳不足,就减少母乳的次数,这样反而会使 母乳越来越少。母乳喂养的次数要均匀分开,不要很长一段时间都不喂母乳。 , 夜间最好喂母乳 夜间妈妈比较累,尤其是后半夜,起床后给宝宝冲奶粉很麻烦,最好是用母乳喂养。夜间妈妈休息时,乳汁分 泌量相对较多,而宝宝的需要量又相对减少,所以母乳一般会满足宝宝的需要。但如果母乳量实在太少的话,就需要 以奶粉为主了。 相关阅读:人工喂养夜间喂奶详解 混合喂养的注意事项 因母乳量少而未吃饱的婴儿,喂奶后常有吸吮嘴唇或手指及左右旋头找乳头等现象。其体重增长也明显低于正 常婴儿,这就要及时喂给其它代乳食品,以补足母乳的不足部分。混和喂养时应注意: , 充分发挥母乳的作用 每次先喂母乳,吸空乳房中的乳汁后再考虑是否需要喂代乳食品。每天母乳喂养应不少于3次,否则乳房会因 得不到婴儿的吸吮刺激,而使乳汁分泌量很快减少。 , 奶粉不要额外加糖 代乳食品内不可加太多的糖,否则会使婴儿感到母乳淡而无味,不愿吸母乳。 , 判断母乳是否满足宝宝 母乳是否不足,最好根据宝宝体重增长情况。如果一周体重增长低于200克,可能是母乳量不足了,可添 加1次牛奶,一般在下午四五点钟吃1次牛奶,加多少,可根据宝宝的需要。 特别注意:如果选择混合喂养,那么在最初的几个星期尽量不要使用奶瓶,可以先用小勺喂奶,等 母乳喂养稳定后再考虑。太早使用奶瓶容易使有些宝宝只吃奶瓶而不吃母乳。 , 猪脚姜 kol explicit like salivary glands explicit like (2) clinical knowledge, and skills requirements: understand various image checsystem tumor nuclear medical: Digest road bleeding explicit like brain blood flow perfusion explicit like testicular blood po rvouspancreatic inflammatory urinary system stone urinary system tumor adrenal disease thyroid disease cranial within infection ne diation: rheumatic heart congenital heart intestinal Crohn's (Crohn) disease intestinal tuberculosis bile duct cancer chronicdisease myocardial infarction ... 3. high requirements (1) learning disease species: disease species disease species image ra-seasetheory and progress of the illness. 2. basic requirements (1) species and cases of study requirements: severe pneumonia in ditical and severe infection and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS), severe disturbance of body fluid environment such as crip instrument using. Look: shock, cardiac respiratory arrest and acute organ failure, systemic inflammatory response syndrome ianshisupport technology (as cycle breathing support, and nutrition support,) and emergency technology of application; common guardof clinical application; transfusion refers to levy; nutrition support of adapted card and clinical application; common life application; infection and antibacterial drug 6 原料:猪脚两只,老姜500克,鸡蛋15个,甜醋2500克(通常妇女在产后12天便可吃姜醋) 做法: 1. 猪脚在沸水中煮片刻,取出洗净,沥干水分备用。 2. 煮熟鸡蛋,去壳备用。 3. 姜刮皮洗净,拍松后吹干,并撒上少许盐略腌一会,然后用白锅(不用油)把姜爆炒至金黄色,备用。 4. 洗净深而大的瓦煲,倒下甜醋,煮沸后,放入老姜改用文火煲约1小时,然后加入猪脚,用文火煲至猪脚熟 烂,最后加入去壳的熟鸡蛋,再煮一会儿便可熄火,盖好煲盖,隔天食用。 功效:一日三餐,吃猪脚及鸡蛋,饮汤,可刺激食欲,为补血祛风的上品。 大枣桂圆粥 原料:小米100克、大枣100克、桂圆肉50克,红糖100克。 做法: 1. 将小米淘洗干净,大枣和桂圆肉也洗干净。 2. 沙锅置于火上,放入适量的清水,烧开后下小米,然后放入大枣、桂圆肉,煮开后改用小火。 3. 当小米快煮烂时,加入红糖,继续煮至粥稠时即可。 功效:气香、味甜。此粥有健胃益脾、安神补血的功效。含有丰富的碳水化合物和较多的维生素B2、维生素C、 钙、鉄等营养物质,有助于产妇的恢复。 黄芪乌骨鸡汤 原料:乌骨鸡1只,黄芪50克,食盐适量。 做法: 1. 乌骨鸡去毛,去内脏,留肝心,洗净。 2. 黄芪放入鸡腹中,加水适量,隔水蒸烂,加盐调味,即可。 功效:益气养血、滋补肝肾、适用于产后失血、气血亏虚、肝肾不足、气短无力、崩中带下。 枸杞子羊脊骨汤 kills requirements: understand various image checkand sblood flow perfusion explicit like testicular blood pool explicit like salivary glands explicit like (2) clinical knowledge, sease thyroid disease cranial within infection nervous system tumor nuclear medical: Digest road bleeding explicit like brainnal disease intestinal tuberculosis bile duct cancer chronic pancreatic inflammatory urinary system stone urinary system tumor adreease species: disease species disease species image radiation: rheumatic heart congenital heart intestinal Crohn's (Crohn) didisease myocardial infarction ... 3. high requirements (1) learning dis-nd cases of study requirements: severe pneumonia in diseaseisturbance of body fluid environment such as critical theory and progress of the illness. 2. basic requirements (1) species avere drgan failure, systemic inflammatory response syndrome and severe infection and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS), semergency technology of application; common guardianship instrument using. Look: shock, cardiac respiratory arrest and acute oed card and clinical application; common life support technology (as cycle breathing support, and nutrition support,) and eapplication; infection and antibacterial drug of clinical application; transfusion refers to levy; nutrition support of adapt7 原料:枸杞子1000克,白羊脊骨1具。 做法: 1. 先将枸杞子放入锅中,加水5.5升,煮取1.5升,去渣。 2. 将羊脊骨敲碎,放入砂锅中,加入枸杞子液,微火煨炖。浓缩至5升,将煎液放入瓶中密封、备用。 功效:养血补肝、补肾壮骨。适用于产后肝血亏损、面色不华、头晕眼花等。 赤豆冬瓜皮汤 原料:赤小豆30克,冬瓜皮40克。 做法:将赤小豆略炒,与冬瓜皮一同放入沙锅中煎煮30,45分钟即可。 功效:适用于血热型恶露不绝、口燥咽干、便秘等症状。本汤养阴清热止血,可代茶饮。 五味益母草蛋 原料:当归15克,川芎12克,炮姜3克,田七粉1克,益母草30克,鸡蛋2个,料酒、食盐、葱各适量。 做法: 1. 将当归、川芎、炮姜、益母草、田七粉全部装入纱布袋内,扎紧口。 2. 把鸡蛋外壳洗净,用清水泡1小时。 3. 将药袋放入大沙锅内,加清水,旺火煮20分钟。 4. 将连壳鸡蛋加入同煮。 5. 蛋熟后剥壳,将鸡蛋及壳均留在药液中,加食盐、料酒、葱,改文火再煮20分钟即可。 功效:喝汤、吃鸡蛋,每日1剂,汤分2,,次喝完。活血化瘀,行气止痛,适用于淤血内阻所致产后恶露不绝。 蛋花粥 kol explicit like salivary glands explicit like (2) clinical knowledge, and skills requirements: understand various image checsystem tumor nuclear medical: Digest road bleeding explicit like brain blood flow perfusion explicit like testicular blood po rvouspancreatic inflammatory urinary system stone urinary system tumor adrenal disease thyroid disease cranial within infection ne diation: rheumatic heart congenital heart intestinal Crohn's (Crohn) disease intestinal tuberculosis bile duct cancer chronicdisease myocardial infarction ... 3. high requirements (1) learning disease species: disease species disease species image ra-seasetheory and progress of the illness. 2. basic requirements (1) species and cases of study requirements: severe pneumonia in ditical and severe infection and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS), severe disturbance of body fluid environment such as crip instrument using. Look: shock, cardiac respiratory arrest and acute organ failure, systemic inflammatory response syndrome ianshisupport technology (as cycle breathing support, and nutrition support,) and emergency technology of application; common guardof clinical application; transfusion refers to levy; nutrition support of adapted card and clinical application; common life application; infection and antibacterial drug 8 原料:鸡蛋1个,糯米100克。 做法:米先加水如常法煮粥,待粥将熟后,把鸡蛋打匀后加入粥内,再煮片刻,放入细盐少许。 功效:具有补益五脏、滋阴润燥、养血安胎、填精补血的功效。每日早晚,趁热食用,适合于产后体虚等病症。 清蒸鳜鱼 原料:鳜鱼1条(约120克),葱、姜、盐、料酒各适量。 做法:鳜鱼刮鳞洗净,加葱、姜、盐、料酒各适量,上锅隔水蒸15分钟后即可食用。 功效:益脾胃、补气血、疗虚损,对产妇具有食疗的作用。但患寒湿的人不宜过多食用,若加入姜、葱即可消此弊。 清蒸乳鸽 原料:乳鸽2只(约150克),葱结1个,姜丝2克,水发冬菇2个,精盐适量,味精少许,清水300毫升,熟猪油10克。 做法:将乳鸽洗净,均匀地撒上盐后放入汤碗中。并放入葱结、姜丝、冬菇和熟猪油,加水,上蒸笼急火蒸15,20分钟,去葱姜,加上味精即可。 功效:可治疗妇女血虚,尤其适于夏季产妇食用。 芝麻肝 kills requirements: understand various image checkand sblood flow perfusion explicit like testicular blood pool explicit like salivary glands explicit like (2) clinical knowledge, sease thyroid disease cranial within infection nervous system tumor nuclear medical: Digest road bleeding explicit like brainnal disease intestinal tuberculosis bile duct cancer chronic pancreatic inflammatory urinary system stone urinary system tumor adreease species: disease species disease species image radiation: rheumatic heart congenital heart intestinal Crohn's (Crohn) didisease myocardial infarction ... 3. high requirements (1) learning dis-nd cases of study requirements: severe pneumonia in diseaseisturbance of body fluid environment such as critical theory and progress of the illness. 2. basic requirements (1) species avere drgan failure, systemic inflammatory response syndrome and severe infection and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS), semergency technology of application; common guardianship instrument using. Look: shock, cardiac respiratory arrest and acute oed card and clinical application; common life support technology (as cycle breathing support, and nutrition support,) and eapplication; infection and antibacterial drug of clinical application; transfusion refers to levy; nutrition support of adapt9 原料:猪肝200克,芝麻100克,面粉50克,鸡蛋2个(用蛋清),精盐、姜末、豆油适量。、 做法: 1. 将猪肝洗净,切成薄片。用鸡蛋清、面粉、精盐、姜末、葱末调匀,放入猪肝沾浆,粘满芝麻。 2. 锅中放油,烧至七分热,放入粘满芝麻的猪肝,炸透,起锅装盘。 功效:清香不腻、味醇,含人体必须氨基酸、卵磷脂、维生素E和不饱和脂肪酸,对防止产妇和婴儿缺铁性贫血更有效。 白扁豆粥 原料:白扁豆60克,粳米100克。 做法:先把白扁豆放入锅中炒成半熟后捞起备用。待粳米煮开后放白扁豆,直至煮成粥状即可食用。 功效:可治疗产妇饮食稍有不慎就呕吐、困惫乏力、眩晕作呕等病症。 赤豆鲫鱼汤 原料:赤小豆90克,鲫鱼250克。 做法:赤小豆淘洗干净。鲫鱼去鳞及内脏,洗净。将赤小豆与鲫鱼一同放入瓷罐内,加水500毫升,文火隔水炖烂后即可饮食。 功效:适用于产后脾虚水肿、面目及四肢浮肿、食欲不振等。 疏肝粥 原料:赤芍、枳壳各12克,香附、川芎各9克,柴胡、陈皮各6克,甘草3克,粳米50克,红糖适量。 做法:将七味重要水煎,取汁去渣,加入洗净的粳米煮粥,待粥将熟时,加红糖调味。 功效:疏肝解郁,理气行滞,适用于产后气滞所导致恶露不下。 哺乳期催乳食谱 丫丫网iyaya.com版权所有,转载请说明出处 kol explicit like salivary glands explicit like (2) clinical knowledge, and skills requirements: understand various image checsystem tumor nuclear medical: Digest road bleeding explicit like brain blood flow perfusion explicit like testicular blood po rvouspancreatic inflammatory urinary system stone urinary system tumor adrenal disease thyroid disease cranial within infection ne diation: rheumatic heart congenital heart intestinal Crohn's (Crohn) disease intestinal tuberculosis bile duct cancer chronicdisease myocardial infarction ... 3. high requirements (1) learning disease species: disease species disease species image ra-seasetheory and progress of the illness. 2. basic requirements (1) species and cases of study requirements: severe pneumonia in ditical and severe infection and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS), severe disturbance of body fluid environment such as crip instrument using. Look: shock, cardiac respiratory arrest and acute organ failure, systemic inflammatory response syndrome ianshisupport technology (as cycle breathing support, and nutrition support,) and emergency technology of application; common guardof clinical application; transfusion refers to levy; nutrition support of adapted card and clinical application; common life application; infection and antibacterial drug 10 猪蹄粥 原料:猪蹄2个,通草5克,漏芦10克,粳米100克,葱白段少许。 做法: 1. 将猪蹄洗净,切成小块煎取浓汤; 2. 再将通草、漏芦同煎,取汁; 3. 将猪蹄汤和药汁、粳米一起煮粥,待粥将熬成时,放入葱白段稍煮后即可食用。 功效:利尿、催乳。 花生仁猪蹄汤 原料:花生米200克,猪蹄1千克,老姜30克,盐25克,葱10克,味精少许。 做法: 1. 将猪蹄去毛、烤焦皮,浸泡后刮洗干净。对剖后砍成3厘米见方小块,将花生米在温水中浸泡后去皮,葱切 花,姜拍破; 2. 把大锅置旺火上,加清水(2.5千克),放入猪蹄,烧沸后捞尽浮沫,放进花生米、生姜; 3. 猪蹄半熟后,将锅移至小火上,加盐继续煨炖。待猪蹄炖烂后,起锅盛入汤钵,撒上味精、葱花后即可食用; 功效:汤白、肉烂、营养丰富。 鲫鱼通乳粥 原料:鲫鱼500克,通草20克,猪前蹄200克,料酒10克,精盐3克,味精2克,葱段10克,姜片10克。 做法: 1. 将猪蹄弄干净,放沸水锅中煮一下,去掉血水、洗净,将通草洗净; 2. 将鲫鱼去鳞、鳃、内脏、洗净; kills requirements: understand various image checkand sblood flow perfusion explicit like testicular blood pool explicit like salivary glands explicit like (2) clinical knowledge, sease thyroid disease cranial within infection nervous system tumor nuclear medical: Digest road bleeding explicit like brainnal disease intestinal tuberculosis bile duct cancer chronic pancreatic inflammatory urinary system stone urinary system tumor adreease species: disease species disease species image radiation: rheumatic heart congenital heart intestinal Crohn's (Crohn) didisease myocardial infarction ... 3. high requirements (1) learning dis-nd cases of study requirements: severe pneumonia in diseaseisturbance of body fluid environment such as critical theory and progress of the illness. 2. basic requirements (1) species avere drgan failure, systemic inflammatory response syndrome and severe infection and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS), semergency technology of application; common guardianship instrument using. Look: shock, cardiac respiratory arrest and acute oed card and clinical application; common life support technology (as cycle breathing support, and nutrition support,) and eapplication; infection and antibacterial drug of clinical application; transfusion refers to levy; nutrition support of adapt11 3. 锅置火上,放入适量清水,放进猪蹄煮一段时间,加入鲫鱼、通草、料酒、盐、葱段、姜片,煮至猪蹄、鱼 肉熟烂,捞出姜、葱,用味精调味后即成。 功效:适用于产后乳汁不下、乳汁少者食用。 虾仁豆腐 原料:豆腐300克,虾仁150克,鸡汤40克,鸡蛋1个,盐、味精、料酒、淀粉适量,麻油、葱、姜少许。 做法: 1. 把葱、姜洗净切成片,虾仁去沙线,备用。将豆腐切块,放水中煮一下啊,虑干水分,备用; 2. 将葱、姜、盐、味精、料酒、鸡汤、淀粉、麻油放入碗中调成汁。将虾仁放入碗中,加盐、料酒、半个鸡蛋、 搅拌均匀; 3. 炒锅内注入油,烧热后放入虾仁,烧熟后加入豆腐同炒。受热均匀后,加入碗中的汁,迅速翻炒,使汁完全 挂在原料表面,放入盘中即可食用; 功效:否豆腐和虾仁合用可治疗气血不足、脾肾阳虚,可治疗筋骨疼痛,还能够通乳脉、下乳汁,最适合产妇 食用。 红参蒸鲫鱼 原料:活鲫鱼250克,红参12克,火腿25克,虾仁15克,鸡汤、味精、姜、葱适量。 做法: 1. 将鲫鱼去鳞及内脏后洗净,放入沸水中涰一下。虾仁、红参用温水洗一下。火腿洗净切片; 2. 将鲫鱼、红参、火腿片、虾仁放入汤锅中,加拍破的姜、葱,倒入鸡汤,加少许盐后盖好,上蒸笼煮熟即可; 3. 吃时拣去姜、葱、加味精即可。 功效:可开胃、补元气、多用于产妇缺乳。 墨鱼粥 原料:墨鱼250克,猪脚1双,粳米60克,姜、料酒、盐、味精各适量。 kol explicit like salivary glands explicit like (2) clinical knowledge, and skills requirements: understand various image checsystem tumor nuclear medical: Digest road bleeding explicit like brain blood flow perfusion explicit like testicular blood po rvouspancreatic inflammatory urinary system stone urinary system tumor adrenal disease thyroid disease cranial within infection ne diation: rheumatic heart congenital heart intestinal Crohn's (Crohn) disease intestinal tuberculosis bile duct cancer chronicdisease myocardial infarction ... 3. high requirements (1) learning disease species: disease species disease species image ra-seasetheory and progress of the illness. 2. basic requirements (1) species and cases of study requirements: severe pneumonia in ditical and severe infection and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS), severe disturbance of body fluid environment such as crip instrument using. Look: shock, cardiac respiratory arrest and acute organ failure, systemic inflammatory response syndrome ianshisupport technology (as cycle breathing support, and nutrition support,) and emergency technology of application; common guardof clinical application; transfusion refers to levy; nutrition support of adapted card and clinical application; common life application; infection and antibacterial drug 12 做法: 1. 将新鲜的墨鱼洗净切片,猪脚去毛洗净切片; 2. 同粳米加水适量,炖至米稠粥,猪脚熟透; 3. 再入姜、酒、盐、味精调味。随意服用。 功效:含有大量的蛋白质、脂肪、维生素和矿物质,可提高产后泌乳量。 阿胶大枣羹 原料:阿胶250克,大枣1000克,核桃500克,冰糖500克。 做法: 1. 将核桃除皮留仁,捣烂备用。将大枣洗净,兑适量水放锅内煮烂,用干净纱布滤去皮核,置入另一锅内,放 入冰糖、核桃仁文火炖之; 2. 同时,将阿胶放碗内上屉蒸烊化后,加在大枣、阿胶锅内熬成羹即成; 3. 产后每日早晨服2,3汤匙,有补气血、调脾胃、润燥滋阴作用; 功效:本药羹对绝大多数产妇的产后康复、身体机能调理、催乳下奶都十分有效。特别是冬天生孩子的产妇, 服用效果尤佳。 小米粥 原料:小米45克,红糖适量。 做法:煮粥如常法,加糖适量。 功效:适用于产妇乳少,产后虚损而引起的乏力倦怠、饮食不香,可作为早餐食用。 月子餐 月子餐的来源 kills requirements: understand various image checkand sblood flow perfusion explicit like testicular blood pool explicit like salivary glands explicit like (2) clinical knowledge, sease thyroid disease cranial within infection nervous system tumor nuclear medical: Digest road bleeding explicit like brainnal disease intestinal tuberculosis bile duct cancer chronic pancreatic inflammatory urinary system stone urinary system tumor adreease species: disease species disease species image radiation: rheumatic heart congenital heart intestinal Crohn's (Crohn) didisease myocardial infarction ... 3. high requirements (1) learning dis-nd cases of study requirements: severe pneumonia in diseaseisturbance of body fluid environment such as critical theory and progress of the illness. 2. basic requirements (1) species avere drgan failure, systemic inflammatory response syndrome and severe infection and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS), semergency technology of application; common guardianship instrument using. Look: shock, cardiac respiratory arrest and acute oed card and clinical application; common life support technology (as cycle breathing support, and nutrition support,) and eapplication; infection and antibacterial drug of clinical application; transfusion refers to levy; nutrition support of adapt13 月子餐是从台湾传过来的概念,在台湾已经有20多年的月子餐发展历史了。近年来大陆地区出现很多月子餐品 牌,但这些月子餐的原理都是源自台湾庄淑祈博士的坐月子理论而发展起来的,现在在世界各地广为流传。 月子餐的阶段 产妇刚生完孩子是很虚的,不能一味的进补,要分阶段,分个体情况,一边调理一边进补。月子餐要针对产妇 的不同阶段来满足产妇的不同需求,分为四个阶段: , 第一阶段(1,2周):排净恶露、愈合伤口; , 第二阶段(3,4周):修复组织、调理脏器; , 第三阶段(5,6周):增强体质、滋补元气; , 第四阶段(7,8周):健体修身、美容养颜。 月子餐的特点 , 热量足够 无论是需要母乳喂养的产妇还是选择人工喂养,产后的新妈妈都需要充足的热量来维持身体的平衡。 , 营养丰富、成分均衡 月子餐含有高蛋白、足够的水分和水果、一定的脂肪、足够的钙、铁、碘、锌和维生素,满足了产后的营养需求。 , 烹调合理 产妇的膳食要清淡,食品种类要丰富,经常变化花样,多做高营养的汤水,少用煎、炸不利于产妇消化的烹调方法。 明星级月子餐食谱 甜糯米粥 用量:1日份 原料:糯米50克,月子米酒水1220毫升,桂圆5粒,红糖30克。 做法: 1. 将糯米与去皮后的桂圆肉放入月子米酒水中,用电饭锅加盖煮40分钟左右。 kol explicit like salivary glands explicit like (2) clinical knowledge, and skills requirements: understand various image checsystem tumor nuclear medical: Digest road bleeding explicit like brain blood flow perfusion explicit like testicular blood po rvouspancreatic inflammatory urinary system stone urinary system tumor adrenal disease thyroid disease cranial within infection ne diation: rheumatic heart congenital heart intestinal Crohn's (Crohn) disease intestinal tuberculosis bile duct cancer chronicdisease myocardial infarction ... 3. high requirements (1) learning disease species: disease species disease species image ra-seasetheory and progress of the illness. 2. basic requirements (1) species and cases of study requirements: severe pneumonia in ditical and severe infection and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS), severe disturbance of body fluid environment such as crip instrument using. Look: shock, cardiac respiratory arrest and acute organ failure, systemic inflammatory response syndrome ianshisupport technology (as cycle breathing support, and nutrition support,) and emergency technology of application; common guardof clinical application; transfusion refers to levy; nutrition support of adapted card and clinical application; common life application; infection and antibacterial drug 14 2. 熄火,加入红糖搅拌后放入保鲜盒中。 功效: 糯米粥营养丰富,是一种温和的滋补品。其富含B族维生素,食用可养血、活血,还可辅助治疗血虚、血瘀, 补脾益肺、温暖五脏、强壮身体,止口渴,经常食用,即可防病又能强身。但糯米较难消化,不可一次吃太多。糖尿 病人不适合。 麻油猪肝(猪心) 用量:1日份 原料:猪肝:200克(一日份),带皮老姜:6片,胡麻油:40毫升,月子米酒水200毫升。 做法: 1. 将猪肝洗干净,切成1厘米厚度; 2. 老姜洗干净,连皮切成薄片; 3. 将麻油倒入锅内,用中火烧热,放入老姜转小火,爆到姜片的两面“皱”起,呈褐色,但不焦黑; 4. 转大火放入猪肝炒至猪肝变色; 5. 加入月子米酒水煮开,转小火煮5分钟; 6. 关火出锅,即可趁热食用。 红豆汤 用量:1日份 原料:红豆70克,带皮老姜10克,月子米酒水1220毫升,红糖30克(根据情况选用)。 做法: 1. 将红豆泡放入月子米酒水中,加盖泡8小时; 2. 老姜切成丝放入已泡好的红豆中; 3. 用高压锅大火煮沸后转小火25-35分种即可;(因火大火小每个人标准不同,所以时间不同,每个料理师可 记录自己的小火标准,测定自己的时间) 4. 熟的标志是红豆已开花。加入红糖约剩600毫升放入保鲜盒内。 功效: kills requirements: understand various image checkand sblood flow perfusion explicit like testicular blood pool explicit like salivary glands explicit like (2) clinical knowledge, sease thyroid disease cranial within infection nervous system tumor nuclear medical: Digest road bleeding explicit like brainnal disease intestinal tuberculosis bile duct cancer chronic pancreatic inflammatory urinary system stone urinary system tumor adreease species: disease species disease species image radiation: rheumatic heart congenital heart intestinal Crohn's (Crohn) didisease myocardial infarction ... 3. high requirements (1) learning dis-nd cases of study requirements: severe pneumonia in diseaseisturbance of body fluid environment such as critical theory and progress of the illness. 2. basic requirements (1) species avere drgan failure, systemic inflammatory response syndrome and severe infection and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS), semergency technology of application; common guardianship instrument using. Look: shock, cardiac respiratory arrest and acute oed card and clinical application; common life support technology (as cycle breathing support, and nutrition support,) and eapplication; infection and antibacterial drug of clinical application; transfusion refers to levy; nutrition support of adapt15 红豆是补血佳品,产妇和乳母多吃红豆,有促进乳汁分泌的作用。其富含碳水化合物、蛋白质、维生素、皂角 苷、烟酸,可去水肿,改善便秘。红豆汤要分两次来吃,一次于早上10点,一次为下午3点。 助奶汤 用量:1日量 原料:生花生米30克,鲜虾30克,猪脚一只,老姜20克,香菇5克,胡麻油10毫升,月子米酒水800毫升。 做法: 1. 香菇切成丝待用,猪脚洗净切成6小块用沸水煮3分钟去腥捞出滤干; 2. 将麻油入锅,放入老姜爆透; 3. 将猪脚放入锅内炒至外皮变色为止; 4. 换高压锅,将炒好的猪脚与其它所有配料放入锅内,大火上气后,变小火; 5. 小火煮16分钟即可使猪脚烂透。 : 这款汤水是产后第三周适用。可当菜吃,尽量于早、中餐时吃,汤汁要喝一部分。奶水不好者可多饮用此汤汁, 花生米也可用黄豆调换。 kol explicit like salivary glands explicit like (2) clinical knowledge, and skills requirements: understand various image checsystem tumor nuclear medical: Digest road bleeding explicit like brain blood flow perfusion explicit like testicular blood po rvouspancreatic inflammatory urinary system stone urinary system tumor adrenal disease thyroid disease cranial within infection ne diation: rheumatic heart congenital heart intestinal Crohn's (Crohn) disease intestinal tuberculosis bile duct cancer chronicdisease myocardial infarction ... 3. high requirements (1) learning disease species: disease species disease species image ra-seasetheory and progress of the illness. 2. basic requirements (1) species and cases of study requirements: severe pneumonia in ditical and severe infection and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS), severe disturbance of body fluid environment such as crip instrument using. Look: shock, cardiac respiratory arrest and acute organ failure, systemic inflammatory response syndrome ianshisupport technology (as cycle breathing support, and nutrition support,) and emergency technology of application; common guardof clinical application; transfusion refers to levy; nutrition support of adapted card and clinical application; common life application; infection and antibacterial drug 16
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