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有机化学专业英语nullChapter 1 Inorganic ChemistryChapter 1 Inorganic ChemistrynullPeriodic table Do You Know? As, arsenic was discovered in about 1250 Only 24 elements were known at the time of the American Revolution in 1776 The first tabulation of the “chemically simple” substa...
nullChapter 1 Inorganic ChemistryChapter 1 Inorganic ChemistrynullPeriodic table Do You Know? As, arsenic was discovered in about 1250 Only 24 elements were known at the time of the American Revolution in 1776 The first tabulation of the “chemically simple” substances that we call elements appeared in a treatise published in 1789 by a French scientist named Antoine LavoisierPeriodic table When and who give the modern version of periodic table?Periodic table In 1869, the famous Russian chemist “Dmitri Mendeleev” introduced the modern periodic tablenullPeriodic table period(周期) group(族) s/p/d block (s 、p 、d 区) main group element(主族元素) transition element(过渡元素) alkali metal(碱金属) alkaline earth metal(碱土金属)Periodic table Periodic table halogen (卤素) chalcogen (硫族) rare earth (稀土) noble gas (inert gas) (惰性气体) Periodic table Periodic table lanthanide (镧系) actinide (锕系) transition metals (过渡金属) inner transition metals (内过渡金属)Periodic table null metal nonmetal metalloid (准金属, 半金属) The seven metalloid elements are: B boron Si silicon Ge germanium As arsenic Sb antimony Te tellurium Po poloniumPeriodic table NonmetalsNonmetalsHydrogen (氢) Deuterium (氘) Tritium (氚) Boron (硼) Carbon (碳)源自希腊语 tritos[ 第三 ]源自希腊语 deuteros[ 第二 ]NonmetalsNitrogen (氮) Oxygen (氧) Ozone (臭氧) Allotrope (同素异形体)源自希腊语 ozon[ 嗅 ]NonmetalsNonmetalsOxygen (氧) Sulfur (硫) Selenium (硒) Tellurium (碲)ChalcogensNonmetalsNonmetalsFluorine (氟) Chlorine (氯) Bromine (溴) Iodine (碘) Astatine(砹)HalogensNonmetalsNonmetalsHelium (氦) Neon (氖) Argon (氩) Krypton (氪) Xenon (氙) Radon (氡)Noble gasesNonmetalsMetalsMetalsLithium (锂) Sodium (钠) Potassium (钾) Rubidium (铷) Cesium (铯)Alkali metalsMetalsBeryllium (铍) Magnesium (镁) Calcium (钙) Strontium (锶) Barium (钡)Alkaline earth metalsMetalsTransition metals:Transition metals:Scandium (钪) Titanium (钛) Vanadium (钒) Chromium (铬) Manganese (锰) Iron (铁) Cobalt (钴) Nickle (镍)Copper (铜) Zinc (锌) Silver (银) Tungsten (钨) Platinum (铂) Gold (金) Palladium (钯) Ruthenium (钌) Rhodium (铑) Inner-transition metals:Inner-transition metals:lanthanide (镧系) They are called rare earth elementsactinide (锕系) Significant terms related to Inorganic chemistrySignificant terms related to Inorganic chemistryAtomic StructureAtomic Structureelectron (电子) nucleon (核子) proton (质子) neutron (中子) photon (光子) phonon (声子)Atomic Structurenucleus (原子核) relative atomic mass (相对原子量) quantum mechanics (量子力学)Atomic StructureAtomic Structureprincipal / angular momentum / magnetic / spin quantum number energy level sublevel degenerate (能量简并)Atomic StructureAtomic Structureangular / radial wavefunction probability distribution parallel spins / opposed spins ground / excited state screening effect (屏蔽效应) penetration (钻穿效应)Atomic StructureAtomic Structureelectronegativity ionization energy (电离能) electron affinityAtomic StructureChemical BondChemical Bondvalence covalent /metallic /ionic bond coordinate covalent bond(配位共价键) lattice energy(晶格能) Molecular StructureMolecular Structureoctet rule(八隅律) Homonuclear/ heteronuclear diatomic molecule molecular polarity(分子的极性) electric dipole moment(电偶极矩) polar /nonpolar molecule hybrid orbitalMolecular Structuremolecular orbital(分子轨道) bonding/ antibonding orbital molecular shape(分子的形状) Molecular StructurenullMolecular StructureBasic molecular geometries of AXn molecules are as follows: linear (直线, e.g. CO2) triangular planar (平面三角, e.g. BF3) tetrahedron (正四面体, e.g. CH4) trigonal bipyramid (三角双锥, e.g. PCl5) octahedron (正八面体 e.g. PCl6-)Molecular interactions intermolecular force (分子间作用力) orientation force(取向力) induction force(诱导力) dispersion force (London force) (色散力) hydrogen bond Van der Waals force(范德华力)Molecular interactionsFundamental theoriesClassical Lewis Theory Valence Bond Theory Molecular Orbital Theory Valence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion Theory (VSEPR Theory)(价层电子对互斥理论)Fundamental theoriesSolutionSolutionsolvent / solute /solution dilute /concentrated/ unsaturated / saturated /supersaturated solution Homogeneous/heterogeneous Concentration/activity (活度) Solutionmolarity (摩尔浓度) molality(质量摩尔浓度) mole fraction/ mass hydration(水合作用) hydrolysis(水解) Hygroscopicity(吸湿性)SolutionAcids and basesAcids and baseselectrolyte(电解质) nonelectrolyte acid / base amphoteric substance (两性物质)-lyte, suf. 示“可分解物”, “溶解质”Acids and basesarrhenius acid / base(阿仑尼乌斯酸碱) Brönsted acid / base(布朗斯特酸碱) conjugate acid / base(共轭酸碱) com-[ com- ]+ iugare[ to join ]Acids and basesAcids and basesacidic/ basic/ neutral solution dissociation equilibrium/constant polyprotic acid(多元酸) protolysis reaction(质子传递反应) buffer solution(缓冲溶液)Acids and basesAcids and basessolubility(溶解度) precipitate(沉淀) ion product constant(离子积常数) formation/ dissolution/ transformation of precipitation (沉淀生成/溶解/转化)Acids and basesAcids and basesprecipitation equilibrium(沉淀平衡) solubility product rules(溶度积规则) common ion effect(同离子效应) fractional precipitation(分步沉淀)Acids and basesCoordination CompoundCoordination Compoundcomplex ion(配离子) ligand(配体) coordination number/ atom (配位数/原子) monodentate/ bidentate / polydentate ligand(单/双/多齿配体)nullchelating agent(螯合剂) chelate(螯合物) stability constant(稳定常数) stepwise dissociation (逐级离解)Coordination Compoundnullvalence bond model/crystal field model crystal field splitting energy/crystal field stability energy Paramagnetism/diamagnetismCoordination Compoundnullgeometric isomerism (几何异构) geometric isomers (几何异构体) Pt Pt    ClClNH3NH3ClClNH3NH3cis- 顺式trans-反式[Pt(NH3)2Cl2]顺铂,抗癌药无抗癌活性Coordination CompoundnullHigh/ low spin complex (高/低自旋配合物) Outer / inner orbital coordination compound (外/内轨配合物)Coordination CompoundElectrochemistryElectrochemistryoxidation(氧化)/reduction(还原) Redox reaction(氧化-还原反应) oxidizing/ reducing agent(氧化/还原剂) electrolysisnullanode/ cathode (阳极/阴极) standard electrode potential (电极电势) Nernst equation disproportionation(歧化反应)ElectrochemistryNuclear ChemistryNuclear Chemistrynuclide (核素) isotope (同位素) nuclear decay (核衰变) radioactivity (放射性) half life (半衰期) nullnuclear reaction (核反应) artificial radioactivity (人工放射性) nuclear fission (核裂变) nuclear fusion (核聚变) Nuclear Chemistry化学专业英语中一些常用的词素化学专业英语中一些常用的词素ante-(词头)前 [L 义为时间上或 位置上在前]antecede 先前, 先行[ante- + -cede (to go)] antecessor 先驱者, 祖先[ante- + -cess +-or名词词尾] 化学专业英语中一些常用的词素化学专业英语中一些常用的词素ant-,anti- (于辅音前) (词头)[ G 词头义为对抗,反对,代替,报答]antibacterials 抗细菌剂 [anti-+bacterial细菌的] antibiotics抗菌素[anti- + biotic生命的]antifungal agents抗真菌剂[anti-+fungal真菌的+agent剂]化学专业英语中一些常用的词素化学专业英语中一些常用的词素 apo-,ap-(用于元音和h前)(词头),脱去,分离[G =away from,义为从,从…离开,分开]aphelion远日点[ap-+“希”helios太阳] apofocus [天] 远心点[apo-+ L focus壁炉] 化学专业英语中一些常用的词素化学专业英语中一些常用的词素 arch-,arche-,archi-(复合形) 原始,古老 [G arche开始的]archeology考古学[arche-+-logy学] (archaeology) archaeoastronomy 考古天文学archaeopteryx始祖鸟[archaeo- + G pterux(bird, wing)] 化学专业英语中一些常用的词素化学专业英语中一些常用的词素archi-(复合形)主要,最高,最重要的 [G arkhi-, to begin, rule]archenemy 主要敌人architect 建筑师[ archi- +tekton (builder)] patriarch 家长,族长[patr- (father) + archi- ] [‘peitra:k]化学专业英语中一些常用的词素化学专业英语中一些常用的词素 arseno- (复合形)砷[ L arsenicum砷]arsenobenzene偶砷苯[arseno-+ benzene苯]arsenotherapy砷疗法[arseno-+ therapy治疗]arsenism慢性砷中毒( = arseniasis,arseniealism) [arseno- + -ism中毒] 化学专业英语中一些常用的词素化学专业英语中一些常用的词素 arterio- (复合形)动脉[L arteria动脉]arteriofibrosis动脉纤维化[arterio-+fibrosis纤维化] arteriosclerosis动脉硬化[arterio-+sclerosis硬化] arteriology动脉学化学专业英语中一些常用的词素化学专业英语中一些常用的词素 -ase (词尾)酶的词尾[L 词尾 -ase酶]amylase淀粉酶[amyl淀粉+-ase] dehydrogenase脱氢酶[de-脱+hydrogen氢+-ase] glucase葡糖化酶[gluco-葡糖+-ase] lactase乳糖酶[ lactose乳糖+-ase] lipase脂酶[1ipo-脂+-ase] oxidase氧化酶[oxidation氧化+-ase] 化学专业英语中一些常用的词素化学专业英语中一些常用的词素 -ate (词尾)…酸盐(或酯),具有…的sulfate 硫酸盐ethyl acetate乙酸乙酯nitrate硝酸盐化学专业英语中一些常用的词素化学专业英语中一些常用的词素 audio-,audit-(复合形)听[L audire听]audiology听觉学[audio-+-logy学] audiometer听力计[audio-+-meter计]化学专业英语中一些常用的词素化学专业英语中一些常用的词素 auri-(复合形)金[‘‘拉”aurum金] aureomycin金霉素[aureo-+-mycin霉素]au‘riferous产[含]金的[auri-+-ferous产生]化学专业英语中一些常用的词素化学专业英语中一些常用的词素 auto-(于元音前用aut-)(词头)自己,独自 [ G autos自己] autocatalysis自动催化[作用][auto-+catalysis催化作用] autoclave高压灭菌器[auto-+“拉”clavis钥匙] autophilia利己狂[auto-+-philia爱好] autophobia孤独恐怖[auto-+-phobia恐怖] autoxidation自动氧化[auto-+oxidation氧化]化学专业英语中一些常用的词素化学专业英语中一些常用的词素 azo-,azoto-(复合形)偶氮-N=N- [‘‘法”azote氮]azobenzene偶氮苯[azo-+benzene苯] azo-dyestuff偶氮染料[azo-+dye染色+stuff材料]化学专业英语中一些常用的词素化学专业英语中一些常用的词素 agro-,agri- 农田,土壤[G agros田地]agrology农业土壤学, 实用土壤学 agriculture农业[agri-田地+culture耕耘] agrohydrology农业水文学[agro+hydro+logy]化学专业英语中一些常用的词素化学专业英语中一些常用的词素 alter (独立词)其它的 L alter 变更,更改 alternate 轮流,依次 altercate 争辩,口角 alterant 变质剂化学专业英语中一些常用的词素化学专业英语中一些常用的词素 alti- (复合形)高度,[L altus高,高度]altimeter高度计, 测高计 altitude高度, 海拔化学专业英语中一些常用的词素化学专业英语中一些常用的词素 ambi-,ambhi-周围[L ambient 周围]ambiance 环境,气氛, ambient 周围的,外界的 ~pressure, ~fluid ambiguous 含糊的,不确定的化学专业英语中一些常用的词素化学专业英语中一些常用的词素ambul- (复合形)走,流动 [L ambulans(to walk) ] amble 缓步,慢行 ambulance 救护车,流动医院 somnambulism 梦游症 [somni-睡眠+ambul+ism]化学专业英语中一些常用的词素化学专业英语中一些常用的词素 amor(独立词)爱[L =love, Cupid]‘amorous 恋爱中的,钟情的 ‘amiable 和蔼的,亲切的 ‘amorist 言情小说作家,情人,好色之徒 paramour 情夫,情妇[par- G 旁,侧+ amour]化学专业英语中一些常用的词素化学专业英语中一些常用的词素 anim-(复合形)呼吸 [L anima 使活,使充满生气]animal 动物 animated 有生命的,活着的,栩栩如生的 inanimate 枯燥的,无生命的,无生气的英语单词结构英语单词结构词素词根词缀自由词根粘着词根派生词缀屈折词缀前缀后缀自由形式粘附形式英语单词结构英语单词结构自由词根——简单词 粘着词根——组合形式Nomenclature of Inorganic CompoundsNomenclature of Inorganic Compoundsmonatomic ions ( 简单离子) polyatomic ions (复杂离子) ionic compounds (离子化合物) binary compounds (二元化合物) acid/oxyacid (酸, 含氧酸) coordination compounds (配位化合物)Nomenclature of Monatomic IonsNomenclature of Monatomic IonsMonatomic positive ions (cation) take the name of the metal from which they are derived. For metals which can form more than one types of positive ions, the charge is indicated by giving it as a Roman numeral in parentheses after the name.Nomenclature of Monatomic IonsMonatomic negative ions (anion) are named by adding the suffix –ide to the name of the nonmetal from which they are derived.Nomenclature of Monatomic IonsBasic numerical affixesBasic numerical affixes1 mon(o)- 2 di- 3 tri- 4 tetr(a)- 5 pent(a)-6 hex(a)- 7 hept(a)- 8 oct(a)- 9 non(a)- 10 dec(a)-nullNa+ sodium ion F- fluoride ion K+ potassium ion Cl- chloride ion Zn2+ zinc ion Br- bromide ion Fe2+ iron(II) ion I- iodide ion Fe3+ iron(Ⅲ) ionNomenclature of Monatomic IonsnullO2- oxide ion O22- peroxide ion O2- superoxide ion S2- sulfide ion H- hydride ionNomenclature of Monatomic IonsnullThey are given special names: When a nonmetal forms two oxyanions, the suffix –ate is used for the anion containing the nonmetal in the higher oxidation state and the suffix –ite for the lower oxidation state.Nomenclature of polyatomic ions nullWhen a nonmetal forms more than two oxyanions, the prefix per- is used for the highest oxidation state and hypo- for the lowest oxidation state Nomenclature of polyatomic ions nullNH4+ ammonium ion H3O+ hydronium ion OH- hydroxide ion CN- cyanide ion CO32- carbonate ionNomenclature of polyatomic ions nullNO3- nitrate ion NO2- nitrite ion SO42- sulfate ion SO32- sulfite ion PO43- phosphate ionNomenclature of polyatomic ions nullClO4- per chlorate ion ClO3- chlorate ion ClO2- chlorite ion ClO- hypo chlorite ionNomenclature of polyatomic ions Anions containing hydrogenAnions containing hydrogenHS- hydrogen sulfide ion (hydrosulfide ion) HCO3- hydrogen carbonate ion (bicarbonate ion)nullHSO3- hydrogen sulfite ion (bisulfite ion) HPO42- hydrogen phosphate ion H2PO4- di hydrogen phosphate ion CrO42- chromate ion Cr2O72- di chromate ionAnions containing hydrogenNomenclature of Ionic CompoundsNomenclature of Ionic CompoundsThe name of an ionic compound consists of two words: the first word gives the name of the cation (阳离子) the second gives that of the anion (阴离子) The word “ion” is omitted in each case Nomenclature of Ionic CompoundsNaCl Sodium chloride LiF Lithium fluoride KI Potassium iodide FeCl3 Iron (Ⅲ) chloride FeBr2 Iron(II) bromideNomenclature of Ionic CompoundsNomenclature of Ionic CompoundsBeO Beryllium oxide SnO2 Tin (IV) oxide NaH Sodium hydride CaS Calcium sulfideNomenclature of Ionic CompoundsNomenclature of Ionic CompoundsMnSO4 Manganese (II) sulfate Ni (NO3)2 Nickel (II) nitrate Cr(OH) 3 Chromium(III) hydroxide K2Cr2O7 Potassium dichromateNomenclature of Ionic CompoundsNomenclature of Ionic CompoundsSr(ClO4)2 Strontium perchlorate Ag2CO3 Silver carbonate LiAlH4 Lithium aluminum hydrideNomenclature of Ionic CompoundsNomenclature of Ionic CompoundsMgSO3 Magnesium sulfite NaHSO3 Sodium bisulfite RbNO2 Rubidium nitrite HgNO2 Mercury(Ⅰ) nitriteNomenclature of Ionic CompoundsNomenclature of Ionic CompoundsCo (ClO3)2 Cobalt (Ⅱ) chlorate Cu (ClO)2 Copper (Ⅱ) hypochlorite NaHCO3 Sodium hydrogen carbonate or sodium bicarbonateNomenclature of Ionic CompoundsNomenclature of Ionic CompoundsNa3PO4 Sodium phosphate Na2HPO4 Sodium hydrogen phosphate NaH2PO4 Sodium dihydrogen phosphateNomenclature of Ionic CompoundsNomenclature of Ionic CompoundsPb(CH3CO2) 4 Lead (IV) acetate KMnO4 Potassium permanganate Zn(BrO4)2 Zinc perbromateNomenclature of Ionic CompoundsNomenclature of Ionic CompoundsNa2TeO4 Sodium tellurate InSO4 Indium sulfate NaBH4 Sodium borohydrideNomenclature of Ionic CompoundsHydrates Hydrates CuSO4 • 5H2O Copper (II) sulfate pentahydrate nullWhen a pair of nonmetals forms only one compound, the name of the element whose symbol appears first in the formula is written first. The second part of the name is formed by adding the suffix –ide to the stem of the name of the second nonmetal.Nomenclature of Binary Compouds nullWhen a pair of nonmetals forms more than one compound, the Greek prefixes are used to show the number of atoms of each element. Nomenclature of Binary Compouds nullHCl hydrogen chloride H2S hydrogen sulfide NF3 nitrogen trifluoride N2O4 dinitrogen tetroxide N2O5 dinitrogen pentoxideNomenclature of Binary Compouds nullAs2O3 diarsenic trioxide PCl3 phosphorous trichloride PCl5 phosphorous pentachloride SiC silicon carbide GeF4 germanium tetrafluoride GaAs gallium arsenide SeO2 selenium dioxide D2O Heavy waterNomenclature of Binary Compouds null H2O water H2O2 hydrogen peroxide NH3 ammonia PH3 phosphine CO carbon monoxideNomenclature of Binary Compouds null NO nitric oxide N2O nitrous oxide (laughing gas) C2H2 acetylene CH4 methaneOrganic compoundsNomenclature of Binary Compouds AcidsAcidsPure Substance HCl hydrogen chloride HBr hydrogen bromide HI hydrogen iodideWater Solution hydrochloric acid hydrobromic acid hydriodic acidnullNomenclature of oxyacidsThe name of an oxyacid is directly related to that of the corresponding anion. The suffix -ate is replaced by –ic acid -ite is replaced by –ous acidnullNO3- nitrate ion HNO3 nitric acid NO2- nitrite ion HNO2 nitrous acidSO42- sulfate ion H2SO4 sulfuric acid SO32- sulfite ion H2SO3 sulfurous acidNomenclature of oxyacidsnullClO4- perchlorate HClO4 perchloric acid ClO3- chlorate HClO3 chloric acid ClO2- chlorite HClO2 chlorous acid ClO- hypochlorite HClO hypochlorous acidNote: for clarity, the word “ion” is not shown hereNomenclature of oxyacidsNomenclature of Coordination CompoundsNomenclature of Coordination CompoundsIn a coordination formula, the central atom is listed first. The formally anionic ligands appear next, listed in alphabetical order according to the first symbols of their formulae. The neutral ligands follow, also in alphabetical order, according to the same principle. The formula of the entire coordination entity, whether charged or not, is enclosed in square brackets. Nomenclature of Coordination CompoundsIn naming the entire complex, the name of the cation is given first and the anion second (just as for sodium chloride), no matter whether the cation or the anion is the complex species. Nomenclature of Coordination CompoundsNomenclature of Coordination CompoundsIn the complex ion, the name of the ligand or ligands precedes that of the central metal atom. (This procedure is reversed from writing formulae.) If more than one ligand is present in the species, then the ligands are named in alphabetical order regardless of the number of each. For example, NH3 (ammine) would be considered an 'a' ligand and come before Cl- (chlorido). Nomenclature of Coordination CompoundsNomenclature of Coordination Compounds Ligand names generally end with ' –o ' if the ligand is negative, and unmodified if the ligand is neutral.Nomenclature of Coordination CompoundsNomenclature of Coordination Compounds Cl- chlorido OH- hydroxo SO42- sulfato CN- cyano MeNH2 methanamine Special ligand names H2O aqua CO carbonyl NH3 ammine NO nitrosylNomenclature of Coordination CompoundsNomenclature of Coordination CompoundsA Greek prefix indicates the number of each ligand (mono is usually omitted for a single ligand of a given type). If the name of the ligand itself contains the terms mono, di, tri, e.g. triphenylphosphine, then the ligand name is enclosed in parentheses and its number is given with the alternate prefixes bis, tris, tetrakis instead. Nomenclature of Coordination CompoundsNomenclature of Coordination CompoundsA Roman numeral or a zero in parentheses is used to indicate the oxidation state of the central metal atom. If the complex ion is negative, the name of the metal ends in the suffix –ate, often to the Latin stem of the name of the metal. For example, ferrate, cuprate, nickelate, cobaltate etc. Nomenclature of Coordination Compoundsnull [Cu(H2O)4]2+ tetraquacopper(Ⅱ) ion [ Cr(NH3)6]3+ hexamminechromium(Ⅲ) ion [Zn(OH)4]2- tetrahydroxozincate(Ⅱ) ion [Cr(en)3]3+ tris(ethylenediamine)chromium(Ⅲ) ion [Cr(NH3)4Cl2]NO3 tetramminedichloridochromium (Ⅲ)nitrate K3[Fe(CN)6] potassium hexacyanoferrate (Ⅲ)null[NiCl2(PPh3)2] dichloridobis(triphenylphosphine)nickel(II) [Co(en)3]Cl3 [Co(NH3)3(NO2)3] K2[CoCl4] [Pd(PPh3)4] ExerciseChapter 2 Organic ChemistryChapter 2 Organic ChemistryIntroduction to organic chemistryIntroduction to organic chemistry 18th century Organic Those derived from living organisms-those containing the “vital force” Inorganic Compounds derived from minerals-those lacking the “vital force”Introduction to organic chemistryIntroduction to organic chemistryIn 1828, a Germany chemist, Frïedrich Wöhler, produced an organic compound called urea, which was identical to natural urea. Ammonium cyanate urea An inorganic an organic compound compoundSignificant organic chemical termsSignificant organic chemical termsTerms related to the atomic and molecular structures: bond; (ionic bond, covalent bond) bond length; bond angle; isotope; constitutional isomers; homologs hybrid orbital; molecular orbital theory; electron affinity; Significant organic chemical termshydrocarbons; saturated / unsaturated hydrocarbon; conjugate (conjugation); (碳氢化合物/烃,饱和,不饱和,共轭) aliphatic / aromatic hydrocarbons; heterocyclic compounds; (脂肪族碳氢化合物,芳香族,杂环化合物)Significant organic chemical termsSignificant organic chemical terms paraffin; olefin; (链烷烃,烯烃) amino acid; peptide; protein; enzyme; coenzyme; lipid; nucleoside; nucleotide; nucleic acid; (氨基酸,多肽,蛋白质,酶,辅酶,脂类,核苷,核苷酸,核酸)Significant organic chemical termsnullTypes of Reaction: substitution (alkylation, halogena
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