

2011-08-21 33页 doc 867KB 37阅读




初级普拉提初级普拉提 1、Angel Arms(天使之手) 动作要点: Lie on back, knees bent or straight.仰卧,弯曲或伸直膝关节。 Imprint upper back/ribs into mat.上背部/肋骨紧贴在垫子上。 Inhale and move arms out to sides and over head as far as possible without losing contact with ribs and mat or allowing ribs to pop up or f...
初级普拉提 1、Angel Arms(天使之手) 动作要点: Lie on back, knees bent or straight.仰卧,弯曲或伸直膝关节。 Imprint upper back/ribs into mat.上背部/肋骨紧贴在垫子上。 Inhale and move arms out to sides and over head as far as possible without losing contact with ribs and mat or allowing ribs to pop up or flare. 吸气同时尽可能的外展双臂并超过头顶,但背部不能离开垫子。 Exhale and return arms to sides while pulling shoulder blade inward and downward. Repeat. 呼气同时还原双臂至身体两侧,肩带内收并下压。 2、Arm Circle Raises(手臂旋转抬起) 动作要点: Stand with legs and heels together, feet turned outward.双腿并拢,脚尖外展。 Hold weights in hands at thighs, palms facing thighs.手持重物于大腿前侧,手掌面向大腿。 Inhale and make small circles with arms while raising arms upward in front, until overhead, and lifting up onto balls of feet.吸气同时手臂划小圈并慢慢向前抬起手臂,直到过头,同时抬起脚跟。 Reverse direction of circles, exhale and lower weights back down to start position and lowering heels.手臂反方向划圈,呼气同时将重物慢慢下放回起始位置,并且慢慢的放下脚跟。 Repeat.重复动作。 3、Biceps Curl Forward(二头前弯举) 动作要点: Stand with legs and heels together, feet turned outward.双脚并拢,脚尖外展。 Hold weights in hands, palms upward, arms in front at shoulder level, elbows straight.手持重物,手掌向上,手臂前平举,肘部伸直。 Inhale and bend elbows, bringing weights to shoulders.吸气屈肘,拉着重物向肩膀靠拢 Exhale and straighten.呼气并且伸直 Repeat.重复执行 4、Biceps Curl Sideways(侧平举二头弯举) 动作要点: Stand with legs and heels together, feet turned outward.双腿并拢,脚尖外展。 Hold weights in hands, palms upward, arms at sides at shoulder level, elbows straight.手持重物,手掌向上,手臂侧平举与肩同高,肘部伸直。 Inhale and bend elbows, bringing weights to shoulders.吸气屈肘,重物拉向肩膀。 Exhale and straighten.呼气伸直。 Repeat.重复 5、Bicycle Flat(仰卧自行车) 动作要点: Lie on back.仰卧。 Tighten abdominal muscles to keep lower back flat against floor.收紧腹部肌群,保持下背部紧贴地面。 Bend knees and lift legs and pedal with legs in a cycling motion.弯曲膝关节举起大腿,同时蹬腿呈骑行动作。 Keep feet and toes pointed toward shins.勾脚尖 Inhale and exhale steadily during exercise.运动时稳定呼吸 Repeat cycling in opposite direction as well.反方向重复骑行。 6、Breathing Supine 动作要点: Lie on back, knees bent, arms at side, feet flat on floor.仰卧,屈膝,手放身体两侧,脚平放地上。 Keep low back in a neutral position with light posterior tilt by tightening the transverse abdominus muscle.保持下背部在中立位置下背部微微倾斜。 Concentrate on pulling pelvic floor muscles up and in.骨盆底肌向上向内 Pull belly button in and upward under ribs.拉着肚脐向内及向上靠近下肋。 Inhale and let rib cage spread out and let spine lengthen.吸气并肋笼向外并且收紧脊柱 Exhale and pull ribs inward and downward.呼气肋骨向内向下。 Repeat.重复 注意事项: The contraction of the Transverse abdominus should remain during inhalation and exhalation. Correct breathing and core stability is crucial to performing Pilates exercises correct. Ask your health professional to check your techniques and refer to your in depth breathing handout for more details.呼吸时腹横肌仍需保持收紧,正确的呼吸方式及核心稳定是正确联系普拉提的关键。询问呼吸专家来检查您的技术并且参考您的深呼吸以获取详情。 7、Bridge Neutral 动作要点: Lie on back, knees bent, arms at side, feet flat on floor.仰卧,屈膝,手臂于身体两侧,脚平放地面。 Begin in neutral spine and maintain position.开始于脊柱中立位并保持好姿势。 Inhale and raise trunk upward as a single unit.吸气躯干作为一个单位向上抬起。 Exhale and lower, placing spine and pelvis touching down at the same time and repeat.呼气降低,脊柱及骨盆同时下放并且重复。 8、Bridging Articulating 动作要点: Lie on back, knees bent, arms at side, feet flat on floor.仰卧,膝关节弯曲,手臂放在身体两边,脚平放在地面上 Begin in neutral spine.从脊柱中立位开始 Inhale, and start at tail bone and raise on spinal segment at a time until weight is supported on feet and shoulders.吸气,从骶骨开始逐节抬起脊柱,直到由脚部和肩部支撑所有身体重量。 Exhale and lower one spinal segment at a time starting from the upper segments to the tail bone. Repeat.呼气,逐节降低脊柱直至骶骨。 9、Cervical Nod 动作要点: Lie on back, knees bent, arms at side, feet flat on floor.仰卧,膝关节弯曲,手臂于身体两侧,脚平放在地面。 Practice proper breathing method.练习正确的呼吸方式 Lengthen the neck by concentrating on extending the back of neck.通过伸展颈部后侧,收紧颈部。 Nod head up and down in a small motion, trying to make motion come from only the very upper part of neck at the base of the skull.上下做小幅度的点头动作,试着让动作只来自颈部的较上部与头部连接的位置。 10、Chest Expand 动作要点: Stand with legs and heels together, feet turned outward.双腿及脚踝并拢,脚尖外展。 Hold weights in hands, palms backward.手持重物,掌心朝后 Inhale and move arms backward, expanding chest during movement.吸气向后移动上臂,脚跟抬起,做动作时胸部打开。 Turn head to left and right头部左右旋转。 Exhale and turn head forward and return arms to side.呼气,头部转向前,手臂还原于身体两侧 Repeat.重复。 11、Clam 动作要点: Lie on right side, keeping back straight and neck supported with right hand as shown.右侧卧,保持背部伸直,右手像图示一样支撑颈部。 Hips should be flexed to about 30 degrees, knees at 90 degrees so legs are slightly in front, keeping toes pointed.髋部屈30度,膝关节弯曲呈90度 Tighten abdominals, inhale and lift right leg and knee, and touch toes of right leg to left ankle.腹部收紧,吸气并且抬起右腿、膝关节、右脚趾接触左脚踝。 Exhale, lower knee and rotate right leg so ankle lifts up, then lower.呼气,下放膝关节,内旋右腿使脚踝抬起,然后放下。 Repeat series lying on left side.左侧卧重复 注意事项: Keep hips motionless.保持臀部不动。 12、Coccyx Curl 动作要点 Lie on back, knees bent, arms at side, feet flat on floor.仰卧,膝关节弯曲,手臂位于身体两侧,脚平放于地面。 Begin in neutral spine, exhale and rock pelvis posteriorly so low back or waistline touches mat.从脊柱中立位开始,呼气并且收紧骨盆,使下背部及腰线接触垫子。 Hold, inhale and return to start position and repeat,保持住,吸气还原到开始位置,重复。 13、Crisscross Beg 动作要点: Lie on back with hips near chest and knees bent as shown.像图示一样仰卧,膝关节弯曲,让臀部靠近胸。 Place hands behind neck for support.双手放于颈后以支撑 Exhale and lift head and upper body up and twist to right, bringing left elbow to right knee.呼气头部及上身抬起,并且向右转动,使左肘触右膝 Continue with upper body lifted up, inhale and twist to left, bringing right elbow to left knee.保持上身抬起状态,吸气转向左,让右肘触左膝 Continue twisting sequence. 继续依次旋转 14、Double Leg Stretch Beg Lie on back with upper back and neck supported on bolster or pillows with knees at chest, hands on knees.仰卧双手于胸部抱膝,头部放于枕头上或bolster上。 Inhale, and straighten knees and arms upward.吸气,并且恶伸直膝关节和上举双臂。 Exhale and return to start position.呼气还原至起始位置。 Repeat.重复。 15、Flight 动作要点: Lie face down with arms at sides, palms down.俯卧双手放于身体两侧,手掌朝下 Pull shoulder blades together.同时抬起肩带 Inhale while lifting arms off floor and lifting upper body off floor.吸气的同时上身与手臂抬起离开地面。 Exhale and reach finger tips toward toes, then return to start position.呼气手指尖伸向脚趾,然后还原到起始位置 Repeat.重复 注意事项: Keep hips flat on floor. Keep head in line with spine.保持髋关节平贴地面,保持头部与脊柱位于同一直线。 16、Front Arm Support 动作要点: Begin in four point kneeling position on hands and knees。跪撑 Straighten right leg placing ball of foot on floor.伸直右腿,使脚趾头接触地面 Straighten left leg placing ball of foot on floor。伸直左腿,是脚趾头接触地面 Move to a push-up position.变成俯卧撑姿势 Reverse sequence and repeat.依次还原动作,重复。 注意事项: Keep back, hips and legs straight while in push-up position俯卧撑姿势时保持后背、臀部和腿部伸直。 17、Half Roll Down Beg 动作要点: Sit with knees bent, feet flat on floor, back straight.屈膝坐立,保持后背伸直,脚平贴地面。 Stabilize Scapulae and place hands under thighs.肩胛骨保持稳定,双手放于大腿下面 Slightly round back and sit back slightly.慢慢弯曲背部,并后仰。 Return to start position and repeat.还原至起始位置,重复。 18、Head Float 动作要点: Lie on back, knees bent, feet flat on floor and lengthen the neck by concentrating on extending the back of neck.仰卧,膝关节弯曲,脚部平贴地面,通过伸张颈部背面保持颈部收紧 Place hands behind head with index fingers on the occiput and thumbs under the jaw。手放于头后,食指位于枕骨上,拇指位于上颌。 Inhale, then exhale while pulling the shoulder blades inward and downward.and lift head off of mat. Lower and repeat.吸气,然后呼出同时肩带内收下压,并且让头部抬离垫子。下放重复。 19、Heel Slide 动作要点: Lie on back, knees bent, arms at side, feet flat on floor.仰卧,屈膝,手臂放于身体两侧,脚底平贴地面。 Slide one leg out straight while inhaling.吸气同时滑动伸直外侧腿。 Gently exhale and slide heel back up to starting position.轻轻的吸气并且滑动踝关还原至起始位置。 Maintain stable pelvis.保持骨盆稳定。 Repeat with other leg.重复用另一条腿。 注意事项: Try exercise both in neutral pelvic and with coccyx curl.试着在骨盆中立位和coccyx弯曲下的情况下练习。 20、Heel Slide Initial Lie on back, knees bent, arms at side, feet flat on floor.仰卧,膝关节弯曲,手臂位于身体两侧,脚底平贴地板。。 Slide one leg out straight while inhaling.吸气的同时滑动外侧腿。 Gently exhale and firmly dig heel into mat but do not move leg.轻轻的呼气并且脚跟固定的下压垫子但是不要移动。 Maintain stable pelvis.保持骨盆稳定。 Repeat.重复。 21、Knee Fold 动作要点: Lie on back, knees bent, arms at side, feet flat on floor.仰卧,膝关节弯曲,手臂位于身体两侧,脚底平贴地板。 Exhale, lifting right leg until hip is at 90 degrees.呼气,抬起右腿直到臀部呈90度。 Inhale and lower and repeat with other leg.吸气并且放下,重复做另一条腿。 22、Knee Sway 动作要点: Lie on back, knees bent, arms at side, feet flat on floor.仰卧,膝关节弯曲,手臂放于身体两侧,脚底平贴地面。 Exhale and slowly drop left knee outward.呼气并且慢慢的向外下放左腿。 Inhale and return knee to start position吸气还原膝盖至起始位置。 Repeat with other knee.重复做另一条腿。 23、Lower Lift Beg 动作要点: Lie on back. Begin with knees bent to 45 degrees, hips at 90 degrees, hands on floor under buttocks.仰卧,膝关节弯曲呈45度,髋部呈90度,手放于臀下。 Exhale, and lower legs together to 45 degrees.呼气,并且同时下放至髋关45度 Inhale and return to start position.吸气还原至起始位置。 Repeat.重复动作 注意事项: Keep back and pelvic area motionless and flat on floor.保持背部及骨盆位置较少动作并平贴地板。 24、Nose Circles 动作要点: Lie on back, knees bent, arms at side, feet flat on floor.仰卧,膝关节弯曲,手臂于身体两侧,脚部平贴地面。 Practice proper breathing method.练习正确的呼吸方式。 Lengthen the neck by concentrating on extending the back of neck.集中精神伸展颈部后侧收紧颈部。 Make small circles with nose, trying to make motion come from only the very upper part of neck at the base of the skull.围着鼻子做微小的转动,试着让动作仅来自颈部上半部分靠近颅骨的位置。 25、One Arm Salute 动作要点: Sit with legs crossed.盘腿坐。 Hold elastic behind back at floor with right hand. Hold other end of elastic in left hand behind neck as shown.右手将橡胶带固定于身后的地上,左手持橡胶带另一端于颈后如图所示的那样。 Inhale and tighten abdominal muscles and sit tall.吸气收紧腹部肌肉,坐直。 Exhale and raise left hand up and over head.呼气伸直左手过头。 Inhale and lower.吸气慢慢下放。 Repeat series with left hand behind back and right hand behind neck.换手重复动作。 26、One Leg Circle Beg 动作要点: Lie on back with knees bent.仰卧,膝关节弯曲。 Place arms at sides, on floor, palms down.手臂位于身体两侧,掌心朝下。 Raise one leg until hip is at 90 degrees and knee is bent.抬起一条腿直到髋部呈90度,膝关节保持弯曲。 Make circle motions with raised leg.抬起的腿作环转动作。 Inhale while crossing body and exhale when moving leg downward。吸气与身体呈交叉时,腿下放时呼气。 Repeat. Perform circles in both directions.重复。在两个方向做环转。 Repeat with other leg.另一条腿重复动作。 注意事项: Maintain abdominal stabilization and motionless pelvic area保持腹部稳定并且骨盆位置较少的移动。 27、Open Leg Balance Beg 动作要点: Sit with legs apart, knees bent, hands holding thighs.坐姿双腿分开,膝关节弯曲,手握住大腿。 Keep back straight, inhale and tighten abdominal muscles and move back to balance on sit bones.保持后背伸直,吸气并收紧腹部肌肉,后仰身体在坐骨上保持平衡。 Exhale, straighten legs, point toes, while moving hands to ankles.呼气,伸直腿,脚尖伸直,同时将手移动至脚踝部。 Hold and repeat保持并且重复。 28、Parallel Side Bend Beg 动作要点: Sit with legs in front with knees slightly bent and feet and toes upward.坐姿腿位于身体前侧,膝关节微微弯曲,脚和脚尖指向上。 Raise arms overhead with elbows bent and hands behind head and inhale.双臂弯曲位于头后并且吸气。 Exhale and lean to right keeping hips and buttocks flat on floor.呼气向右倾斜,保持髋部和臀平贴于地面。 Inhale and return to starting position.吸气回到起始位置。 Exhale and lean to left.呼气向左倾斜。 Repeat.重复。 29、Pelvic Bowl 动作要点: Lie on back, knees bent, arms at side, feet flat on floor.仰卧,膝关节弯曲,手臂位于身体两侧,脚平贴地面。 Rock pelvis upward so coccyx moves upward.晃动骨盆向上,尾骨朝上。 Rotate pelvis so left side of pelvis moves upward.旋转骨盆以使左侧骨盆朝上。 Rock pelvis backward so coccyx moves downward.晃动骨盆向后以使尾骨向下。 Rotate pelvis so right side of pelvis moves upward.旋转骨盆使右边骨盆向上。 Continue and reverse the direction every several rotations.几个旋转之后换方向继续。 注意事项: Picture the pelvic area as a bowl full of liquid. Combine all the movements in sequence so liquid sloshes gently around in a circular manner.想象骨盆的位置是一个呈满水的碗。合并所有动作连续起来,以使里面的液体轻微的沿着环形旋转。 30、Pelvic Tilt Ant/Post 动作要点: Lie on back, knees bent, feet flat on floor.仰卧,膝关节弯曲,脚部紧贴地面。 Flex low back so coccyx moves up toward ceiling.弯曲下背部使尾骨移向天花板。 Extend low back so coccyx moves downward toward mat.伸展下背部使尾骨向下靠近垫子。 Repeat.重复。 31、Pelvic Tilt Side-Side 动作要点: Lie on back, knees bent, feet flat on floor.仰卧,膝关节弯曲,脚底平贴地面。 Rock left side of pelvis upward.晃动左边的骨盆向上。 Lower and rock right side of pelvis upward.下放并且晃动右边的骨盆向上。 Lower and repeat.下放重复。 32、Prone Single Leg Raise 动作要点: Lie face down, forehead supported, with legs straight.俯卧,支撑前额,双腿伸直。 Inhale, thinking of reaching and lengthening of body.吸气想象伸展并且收紧身体, Exhale and initiate movement with hamstring and lift left leg upward.呼气,从腘绳肌开始动作,并且向上抬起左腿。 Maintain neutral pelvis.保持骨盆中立位。 Inhale and lower leg and repeat with other leg.吸气并且放低腿,另一条腿重复动作。 33、Ribcage Arms 动作要点: Lie on back, knees bent or straight.仰卧,膝关节弯曲或伸直。 Imprint upper back/ribs into mat.上背部及肋骨紧贴垫子 Inhale and lift arms up and over head as far as possible without losing contact with ribs and mat or allowing ribs to pop up or flare.吸气尽可能的抬起手臂过头,不要让肋骨离开垫子或弹出。 Exhale and lower arms while pulling shoulder blade inward and downward.呼气下放手臂,肩带内收下压。 Repeat.重复。 34、Rolling Prep 动作要点: Sit tall with knees bent, together and feet flat on floor, hand on shins.膝关节弯曲,并拢坐直,脚部紧贴地面,手放于胫骨上。 Inhale and tighten abdominal muscles and allow back to curve.吸气并且收紧腹部肌肉,别部呈曲线。 Shift weight and roll back to balance on sit bones.移动体重,向后滚动,在坐骨上维持平衡。 Exhale and move back to sitting position and sit tall again.呼气并且还原至起始坐姿,并且坐直。 Repeat.重复。 35、Rolling Wall 动作要点: Stand against wall with legs and heels together, toes turned out and feet about eight inches from wall.靠墙站立,双腿及脚跟并拢,脚尖外展,脚部离墙8英寸(20cm) Hold weights in hands at sides, palms inward.手持重物于身体两侧,手掌向内。 Keep back flat against wall.保持背部平贴墙壁。 Starting with neck, exhale and bend forward one segment at a time until reaching tail bone. 从颈部开始,呼气并且恶向前弯曲,逐节弯曲身体,直到触及尾骨。 Arms should hang loosely手臂松弛垂下。 Inhale and roll back up to start position one segment at a time, starting at low back.吸气并且向上滚动回起始位置,逐节逐节,从下背部开始。 Repeat.重复 36、Rotating Arms 动作要点: Lie on back, knees bent, arms at sides.仰卧,膝关节弯曲,手臂于身体侧面。 Move arms out to sides no more than 70 degrees.手臂外展不超过70度。 Rotate left arm inward letting shoulder blade to lift off mat. At the same time rotate right arm outward while pulling right shoulder blade inward and downward。内旋左手使肩带抬起离开垫子。同时旋转右臂向外拉动右侧肩带向内向下。 Repeat switching arm positions.重复交换手臂姿势。 37、Saw 动作要点: Sit with back straight, legs in front, slightly spread with knees straight. Keep toes pointed upward. Lift arms out to sides. Inhale and twist to right。坐姿后背伸直,腿放于身体前侧,膝关节伸直轻轻分开。保持脚尖向外。手臂外展,吸气并且向右扭动。 Exhale and lower head to right knee, rounding back one segment at a time starting at the neck.呼气并且下放头部至右膝,从颈部开始逐节弯曲后背。 At the same time place left arm over right ankle, palm down and reach left arm backward with right arm with palm up.同时左臂放于右脚踝上,手掌向下并且伸直左臂,右臂向后,手心朝上。 Inhale, return to start position one segment at a time and repeat to other side.吸气,逐节逐节的回到起始位置,换另一边重复。 38、Scissors 2 Beg 动作要点:Lie on back, neck and upper body flat on floor. Begin with knees straight, hips at 90 degrees with hands under hips as shown.仰卧,颈部上背部紧贴地板,从膝关节伸直,髋部90度,手如图示那样放于臀下开始。 Exhale, bringing right leg toward chest, left leg extending to 45 degrees. Breath and oscillate right leg twice.呼气,右腿向胸部,左腿伸展至45度。呼气并且震动右腿两次。 Inhale while returning to start position,exhale and repeat sequence with left leg to chest and right leg extended.吸气同时还原至起始位置,呼气并且重复序列左腿接近胸部,右腿伸展。 Repeat.重复。 39、Scissors Beg 动作要点: Lie on back, neck and upper body flat on floor with pelvic area supported on half moon bolster. 仰卧,颈部上背部紧贴在地面,骨盆用半月型bolster支撑。 Begin with knees straight, legs vertical with hands at knees as shown。从膝关节伸直,腿部呈90度,手放于膝关节上开始。 Exhale, bringing right leg toward chest, left leg extending until even with body midline. Reach hands to right leg. Breath and oscillate right leg twice.呼气,右腿向胸部,左腿伸展直至与身体呈一条线。双手伸向右腿,呼气并且震动右腿两次。 Inhale while returning to start position,exhale and repeat sequence with left leg to chest and right leg extended.吸气同时回到起始位置,呼气并且重复序列左腿到胸部,右腿伸展。 Repeat.重复。 注意事项: Keep back and pelvic area motionless and flat on floor.保持背部及骨盆位置动作较少及紧贴地面。 40、Side Leg Lift 动作要点: Lie on right side, keeping back straight and neck supported with right hand as shown.右侧卧,保持背部伸直,颈部用右手支撑,向图示的那样。 Hips should be flexed to about 30 degrees so legs are slightly in front, keeping knees straight with toes and foot toward shin.髋部弯曲30度,使腿稍稍向前,保持膝关节伸直,足背屈。 Tighten abdominals, inhale and lift left leg to 45 degrees keeping foot flexed.收紧腹部,吸气举起大腿至45度保持足屈。 Exhale and lower leg.呼气下放腿部。 Repeat series lying on left side.躺在左边重复数次。 注意事项: Keep hips motionless.保持髋部较小活动。 41、Side Lying Inside Leg Circles 动作要点: Lie on right side, keeping back straight and neck supported with right hand as shown.右侧卧,保持背部伸直,像图示一样用手支撑颈部。 Hips should be flexed to about 30 degrees so legs are slightly in front, keeping toes and foot pointed up toward shins.髋部弯曲呈30度,腿稍稍向前,保持足背屈。 Bend knee of right leg and place foot on floor in front of left knee or thigh.弯曲右膝将脚平放于左膝或左大腿前方。 Tighten abdominals, inhale and lift left leg.收紧腹部肌肉,吸气并且抬起左腿。 Exhale slowly and make small circles with lower leg, then lower leg.慢慢的呼气并且下面的腿划小圈。慢慢放下腿。 Repeat series lying on left side.左侧卧,重复数次。 注意事项: Keep hips motionless保持髋部较小动作。 42、Side Lying Inside Leg Lift 动作要点: Lie on right side, keeping back straight and neck supported with right hand as shown. 右侧卧,保持背部伸直,像图示一样用手支撑颈部。 Hips should be flexed to about 30 degrees so legs are slightly in front, keeping toes and foot pointed up toward shins. 髋部弯曲呈30度,腿稍稍向前,保持足背屈。 Bend knee of right leg and place foot on floor in front of left knee or thigh. 弯曲右膝将脚平放于左膝或左大腿前方。 Tighten abdominals, inhale and lift left leg. 收紧腹部肌肉,吸气并且抬起左腿。 Exhale and lower leg.呼气慢慢下放。 Repeat series lying on left side左侧卧,重复数次。 注意事项: Keep hips motionless.保持臀部较小的动作。 43、Side Lying Kick 动作要点: Lie on right side, keeping back straight and neck supported with right hand as shown.右侧卧,保持背部伸直,右手像图示一样支撑颈部。 Hips should be flexed to about 30 degrees so legs are slightly in front, keeping knees straight.髋部屈30度使腿稍稍位于身前,保持膝关节伸直。 Tighten abdominals, inhale and lift left leg to hip height keeping foot flexed.收紧腹部,吸气并且举起左腿至髋部高度,保持足背屈。 Exhale and kick leg forward two times.呼气踢腿两次。 Inhale, point toes and kick backward once.吸气,跖屈向后踢一次。 Repeat series lying on left side.左侧卧,重复数次。 44、Side Lying Leg Circles 动作要点: Lie on right side, keeping back straight and neck supported with right hand as shown.右侧卧,保持背部伸直,右手支撑颈部。 Hips should be flexed to about 30 degrees so legs are slightly in front, keeping knees straight with toes pointed.髋屈30度,腿位于身体前侧,保持膝关节伸直,脚部跖屈。 Tighten abdominals, inhale and lift left leg to 45 degrees.收紧腹部肌肉,吸并且举起左腿至45度。 Exhale slowly while making small circles with leg.慢慢呼气同时腿划小圈。 Inhale and lower leg.吸气并且慢慢下放。 Repeat series lying on left side.换左侧卧,重复数次。 注意事项: Keep hips motionless.保持髋部较小动作幅度。 45、Side lying Leg back and front 动作要点: Lie on left side, keeping back straight and neck supported with right hand as shown. 左侧卧,保持背部伸直,右手支撑颈部。 Hips should be flexed to about 30 degrees so legs are slightly in front, keeping toes pointed. 髋屈30度,腿位于身体前侧,保持膝关节伸直,脚部跖屈。 Tighten abdominals, inhale and lift right leg.收紧腹部肌肉,吸气并且举起右腿。 Exhale slowly and touch toes of right foot in front of left foot, then in back of left foot then lower leg and inhale.慢慢呼气,右脚尖在左脚前点,然后在左脚后点,然后下放腿并吸气 Repeat series lying on right side.左侧卧,重复数次。 注意事项: Keep hips motionless.保持髋部较小活动 46、Single Leg Kick 动作要点: Lie face down, propped up on elbows.俯卧肘撑。 Tighten abdominals to lift up mid section slightly.收紧腹部稍稍抬起中段 Exhale and bend right knee up to buttocks.呼气并屈右膝至臀部 Inhale and straighten leg.吸气并且伸直腿 Repeat with other leg.换另一条腿重复。 47、Single Leg Rasie 动作要点: Lie on back with right leg bent.仰卧右腿弯曲 Tighten abdominal muscles, keep foot and toes toward shin。收紧腹部肌肉,保持背屈。 Inhale and lift left leg to 90 degrees.吸气并且抬起左腿至90度 Exhale and lower leg.呼气放腿。 Repeat.重复。 Repeat series with right leg.换右腿重复数次。 注意事项: Keep hips motionless and flat on floor保持髋部较小活动及平贴地面。 48、Single Leg Stretch Beg 动作要点: Lie on back with upper back and neck supported with bolster or pillows. Begin with hips and knees at 90 degrees, and hands at sides of calves as shown.仰卧用枕头或bolster支撑上背部及颈部。开始与膝关节髋关节90度,手放于小腿侧面。 Exhale and straighten right leg and move left knee to chest. At the same time move left hand to left ankle and right hand to inside of left knee.呼气并且伸直右腿并且移动左膝向胸部。同时移动左手至左踝及右手至左膝内侧。 Inhale, return to start position, exhale, extend left leg, move right knee to chest, place left hand on inside of right knee and right hand on right ankle.吸气,还原至开始位置,呼气,伸左
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