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三个女人一个宝三个女人一个宝 Precious Babes Episode 1 现代女性思想独立,有能力也有财力,工作却像奴隶,不管你是高高在上的女强人,还是默默无名的弱女子,不管你钱多还是钱少,不敢你是淑女、熟女、剩女、还是圣女,全天下的女人都有着一样的烦恼。结婚烦,不结婚也烦,有孩子烦,没孩子也烦 Modern Women are independently-minded, capable and financially well-off, yet they work like slaves. Whether you’re high-p...
三个女人一个宝 Precious Babes Episode 1 现代女性思想独立,有能力也有财力,工作却像奴隶,不管你是高高在上的女强人,还是默默无名的弱女子,不管你钱多还是钱少,不敢你是淑女、熟女、剩女、还是圣女,全天下的女人都有着一样的烦恼。结婚烦,不结婚也烦,有孩子烦,没孩子也烦 Modern Women are independently-minded, capable and financially well-off, yet they work like slaves. Whether you’re high-powered career woman or an obscure and lowly worker; whether you are rich or poor, young or mature, in your prime or have been left on the shelf, women all over the world face the same dilemmas. Marriage has its problems but so does singlehood. The same can be said about having children or being childless. 喂,老总,什么事快说,我现在赶着去采访,已经迟到了。 What’s up, Ed? I’m already late for the event I’m covering. 什么?!今晚要交稿! What?I have to submit the article by tonight? 我晚上还要去参加宴会,怎么赶得及? I have a dinner tonight. I can’t possibly meet the deadline. 谁叫我们杂志社这么穷,只有我这么一个记者。 Just my lucky our magazine has only one reporter--me. 医生说我的精子有75%活跃了。 The doctor said 75 percent of my sperms are now active. 我还有事情要忙,访问就到此为止。 That’s all the time I have for you. 记得写好点,我可是会买你们的杂志的Give me good reviews. I will be buying your magazines. 怎么样,我的fashion show没让你失望吧? I trust my fashion show didn’t disappoint? 我来的时候你已经出来谢幕了。 When I got here, you were already taking a bow. 你能不能帮帮忙啊?叫你的模特再出来走个秀。你这个未免太过分吧? Could ask your models to parade your clothes again… I’m afraid that’s asking too much. 她真的要结婚啊?连请帖都没有。 Is she really getting married? There’s no invitation card. 连我老公是她同事也不知道她要结婚。你也知道,子清一向来喜欢搞神秘。 My husband works with her. But even he is kept in the dark. You know how secretive she’s always been. 失陪了,我要去应酬客人。 Excuse me. I have to mingle with my guests. 你跟我来,我不是一早叫你确定出席人数,准备多几张椅子吗,你到底有没有按照我的话去做。 Come with me. I told you to confirm the number of attendees and add a few more chairs and add a few more chairs. Did you do as I say?—Yes, I did. 有?搞到有些嘉宾还要罚站。今天本来可以很perfect,就是因为你的疏忽,影响了我整个FS。 You did? So how come some of our guests were left standing? The show would have been perfect if it hadn’t been for you. 驾车小心一点哪。 Drive it with care. 喂,小姐,你怎么还是这一身打扮啊? My dear girl, why are you still in the same outfit? 你老板也未免太刻薄了吧。 Your boss is such a slave-driver. 我哪有你命好啊, 老板对你那么好。 I’m not as lucky as you, having a good boss so good to you 红包你包多大? How big is your hong bao? 这么多年的朋友,当然是包大红包咯。 She’s an old friend. It calls for a big hong bao, naturally. 到底是多少啊?不告诉你。 Exactly how much is in it? I’m not telling you. 干嘛,你怕包得比我少,没有面子啊? What’s the matter? Worried you might lose face if yours is smaller? 肯定啊是包的少才不敢说。I bet you won’t tell me because there’s not much money in it. Katie, 你生完小孩身材还这么好啊。 Katie, your figure still looks amazing after childbirth. 妈,我这辈子啊,是跟定你了。别想甩掉我。 I’m going to be with you in the rest of my life. Don’t’ try to get rid of me. 真的是女大十八变哪,我差点认不出来了。How you’ve changed. I almost didn’t recognize you. 唉,我真的不敢相信诶,你爸结婚,你妈还那么大方,不但出席婚礼还帮着照顾客人。 I can’t believe your mum is so gracious about your dad’s remarriage, attending the wedding dinner and helping to see to the guests. 如果我跟Jovan结婚,我肯定跟他绝交。 If I ever divorce Jovan, I’ll have nothing more to do with him. 各位来宾,新娘新郎即将入场,请大家站起身,以热烈的掌声来欢迎他们。 Ladies and gentlemen, the bride and groom are going to make their entrance. Please rise and welcome them with a big round of applause. 最近流行老牛吃嫩草,没想到你老爸也不落人后。 May-December relationships are on the rise. Your dad is keeping up with the trend. 这就是男人的本性吧。 That’s men for you. 我早就猜到有古怪。 I smelled a rat from the start. 就是因为你们一直催我结婚。 You kept urging me to get married. 不愧是当导演的料啊。 You’re not a director for nothing. 这么喜欢自导自演,以后不当导演你可以当演员了。 You should become an actress if you ever quit directing. 自从Katie的baby满月后我们就再也没有见面了。 The last time we met was at Katie baby’s first month celebration. 萱萱好漂亮,眼睛很大,可以去拍广告了。 She’s beautiful with those gorgeous eyes. 如果你们需要baby拍戏呢,可以用她,我的小宝贝很会做表情的。 You can cast her if you have a role for a baby. My daughter is very expressive. 要不要我送你回去啊? 不用了,又不顺路。 那好吧,我先走了。 Do you want a lift? No, it’s out of your way. Well, I’ll be off then. 我呢,就只能呆在小杂志里面当一个小记者。 I end up working as a two-bit reporter for a small magazine. 小宝贝,有没有再拉肚子啊? Did you have diarrhoea again, my precious? 一晚已经拉了三次,我洗的手都软了。She had it 3 times tonight. I got tired from cleaning her up. 手好酸,你可以帮我抱一会儿么? My arms are tired. Could you carry her? 爸爸和妈妈就快没有电池了。 Daddy and Mummy’s betteries are almost flat. 真不够朋友。 Some friend she is! 只是试镜而已嘛,她未必会选上的。不过话又说回来,XX这么上镜肯定选中她的。 It’s only an audition. She might not get the part. But then again, I’m sure they’ll pick her because she’s so telegenic. 忙了一整天累死了。 It’s a long day. I’ve been tired. 小时候的照片 childhood photos 我不想呆在家里听你妈唠叨。 I don’t want to stay at home and listen to your mum’s nagging. 妈,我真服了你。爸另娶新欢,你却那么大方帮他招呼客人。 Mum, I really marvel at you. There you were, greeting the guests at Dad’s second wedding. 我的一只脚都已经踏进棺材了,还有什么好看不开的。 I already have one leg in the grave. Nothing bothers me any more. 那你就应该像爸一样,积极地寻找第二春呢。你又扯到我头上来了。 You should find a second chance at happiness like he did. Leave me out of this. 像我现在这样自由自在的多好啊,又没有感情的负担。况且结了婚又怎么样? I’m happy as I an, footloose and fancy-free。 What’s so great about marriage? 不是每段婚姻都是失败的。 Not all marriages will fail. 不跟你说了,我要睡觉了。 Enough about this. I’m off to bed. 你坐下来听我说。 Sit down and hear me out. 我会怪乖乖听你的话找周公约会,看他能不能找个白马王子给我。 Let me go off to dreamland and look for my Prince Charming , okay? 我每一次闻到都想吐。 The smell of it makes me want to puke. 记得啊,空肚子喝啊才有效的。 It has to be taken on an empty stomach for it to work. 酸的要命诶,小心你的胃。 It’s very acidic and bad for your stomach. 怎么还没怀孕啊? Why hasn’t she conceived? 这种事是急不来的。 But you can’t hurry such things. 怎么不带回来让我们看看呢? Why don’t you bring her home so that we can meet her. 搞什么神秘?你女朋友见不得人的啊?Why such secrecy? Is she not presentable enough? 戏都要开拍了,baby还找不到。 Shooting is about to start but we still haven’t found the baby we want. 她不怕生的。 She’s usually not shy in front of strangers. 带他们进来吧/出去吧 Show them in/out 拍戏最怕就是拍baby的戏了。There’s nothing I dread more than having a baby in a starring role. 上次拍<奶爸百分百>啊就拍掉我们半条命了。 We had a hard time with Nanny Daddy. 奶爸的收视率好啊。 Nanny Daddy was a big hit. 电视台说啊,是赞助商要拍的。 The new series is being shot at the sponsor’s request. 我希望孩子成长过程中有个美好的回忆。 I want her to have good memories of her growing up years. 由不得我做主,最后的决定权在老板手里It’s not up to me. The final decision lies with my boss. 我尽量啊,有消息我通知你。I’ll see what I can do. I’ll keep you posted. 我们约慧娴出来聚聚。 Let’s have a night out with Huixian. 老地方见。 See you at the usual place. 萱萱长得这么可爱,你早就应该带她来试镜了。 Xuanxuan is so adorable. You should have auditioned her long ago. 你刚才没有看到她一点反应都没有吗? But we couldn’t get any expression or reaction out of her. 总之听我的话没说,不要自找麻烦。 Take my advice and don’t invite trouble on yourself. 是不是萱萱试镜成功了? Did XX pass the audition? 萱萱又拉肚子了。 She’s having diarrhoea again. 擦屁股 clear her bottom 我的小宝贝,怎么还在拉肚子啊? Poor little darling, your tummy’s still giving you trouble? 不跟你多说了,萱萱交给你了。 Enough about this. She’s all yours. 不行也得行,你自己想办法,啊? You have to. Try to work something out. Katie, 供应商拿了一些布料样本过来。 Katie, the supplier sent us these fabric samples. 可是供应商说真丝目前缺货。我觉得这种人造丝也不错,而且价格也便宜很多。 But the supplier said real silk is currently out of stock. I find the quality of this artificial silk quite good. It’s also much cheaper. 这一系列的晚礼服是走奢华高档的路线的。 This is a range of high-end evening gowns. 用错布料就会破坏我的了。 The wrong choice of fabric will ruin my designs. 那是你们生产部的问题。 That’s Production’s problem. 总而言之,一切都要尽善尽美。 In short, everything must be perfect. 这次FS办得非常成功诶,几乎所有的记者都给你很好的。 The fashion show is a huge success. You’ve received rave reviews. 不如我们出来见个面好吗? Shall we meet up? 我的痛苦就快要开始了。 I’ll be in misery soon. Baby一开始哭啊就像地震一样。 The shrill of their cries can be earth-shattering. 萱萱有没有机会? Does XX stand a chance? 对了,这么迟了,慧娴怎么还没来啊? What’s keeping HX? 我看啊,她是不敢来了。 I bet she has no guts to come. 为什么没有请我参加? How come I wasn’t invited? 幸好只是个小杂志读者不多,要不然我会死得很惨的。 Thank goodness it only has a small circulation or I could be ruined. 你不要放在心上 Don’t take it to heart. 不要扫兴了。 Don’t spoil the fun. 你们俩老毛病又犯了,见了面就是爱斗嘴。 This is typical of you two. You’re always having wars of words. 人始终要向现实低头。既然没有这个机会,就要任明。 One has to bow to reality. I have to be resigned to my fate. 机会不会从天上掉下来的。还是得靠自己努力地去争取。 Opportunities won’t drop out of the sky. You have to fight for them. 小姐,坐。 Miss, you can take the seat. 吃得太饱,睡不着。 I had a heavy dinner. Now I can’t sleep. 孕妇是不是从一开始怀孕一直吐到生为止? Do women experience sickness throughout the entire pregnancy? 肚子已经很大了,应该有七八个月。 She’s heavily pregnant—at least 7 months along. 害我白开心一场。 I got happy for nothing. 老婆,你怎么冲了怎么久啊? Dear, you’ve been in the shower a long time. 水涨价了,快点啦。 The price of water has gone up. Don’t take so long. 这几天是最佳的黄金时段。 These few days are our “prime time”. 我相信我们这次一定可以一炮而红。 I’m confident we will “shoot to fame” this time. 又没有孩子的束缚。 There’s no baby to tie us down. 一线希望 a glimpse of hope 你放心,我现在状态很好。 Relax, I’m in top form. 看得我都流口水了 The sight of her nearly made me salivate. 托婴所 daycare 我知道你的薪水比我高 you draw a higher salary. 我看啊我干脆辞职,呆在家里当家庭煮夫,你养我算了。 你想得美啊! I might as well be a stay-at-home day and let you support me. In your dreams! 房子啊,车子啊,样样都要钱啊,还有啊,托婴所啊,医药费啊,靠我一个人的薪水怎么够! There’s the home loan, car loan, daycare and medical expenses—my income alone can’t cover them. 没事找事吵啊? Are you trying to pick a fight? 我只是就事论事。 I’m just stating a fact. 你的衣服没有塞好啊。 Your shirt’s not tucked in properly. 我走了,拜。 I’m off, bye. 小姐,你是怎么驾车的? Miss,that’s no way to drive. 整个手臂都脱臼了。快痛死了。I dislocated my arm. The pain is killing me. 人没事啊已经是不幸中的大幸了。 Be thankful you escaped relatively unscathed. 又不说自己啊精神恍惚。 You’re preoccupied. 你应该啊嫁一个姓赖的人, 那你什么都可以赖在他身上了。 You should have married a scapegoat. Then you can blame everything on him. 我是广告设计师又不是服装设计师,不需要注重打扮的。 I’m an advertising designer. I don’t have to dress like a fashion plate. 怎么绑着绷带? Why are you wearing a sling? 刚收到柏林outlet的email说刚上架的那批货卖得很好,要求补货。 Our Berlin outlet emailed us to say the new range of clothes is selling well. They’ve placed an order for more. 这么小的事情你一定要来烦我吗? Must you bother me with such a minor matter? 这么久啊?再过两天公主就会飞过来看设计图了。 That long? Princess is flying in in 2 days to see your design sketches. 公主那一系列晚礼服我已经构思好了,只是还没有画出来。 I already have ideas for the evening gown designs. But I’ve yet to translate them into drawings. 看来只能这样了。 It seems that’s the only option. 等一下会死啊,按什么按啊!Can’t you wait? Stop honking at me! 你想撞死人哪! Are you trying to get me killed? 你不要神经过敏啦。 神经病! Don’t be so paranoid. Nuts. 你近来拍的戏都很受欢迎。 You’ve had one hit series after another. 我们之前拍的戏原本就想找你来合作的,可是档期配合不到。 We had wanted to cast you in our previous production, but we couldn’t schedule the shooting dates to suit you. 刚才在楼下,我只差那么一点就给人撞死了。 I missed getting knocked down by this much just now. 如果有得罪的地方多多包涵。 Forgive me if you feel offended. 我觉得由你来演黑社会老大这个角色非常有新鲜感。现在就看你愿不愿意接下这个角色。 It will be refreshing for you to play the role of a triad boss. Are you willing to accept the part. 就这么敲定。 It’s settled then. 快说。 Out with it. 戏都还没开始拍就已经擦出火花。这象征着好的开始哦。 Sparks are flying between you before shooting has even begun. I think we’re off to a good start. 我一看就知道他是个高傲自大,不可一世,目中无人的家伙。 One look and I know he’s a conceited, arrogant and egotistic jerk. 一堆屁话 a load of crap 看来接下来的时间我们有的受了。 We’re in for a tough time. 等戏一开拍啊,看我怎么收拾他。 He’s in for it when shooting starts. 你想公报私仇啊? You’re going to get back at him? 最起码你没有伤到脸,要不然像你这么追求完美的人肯定受不了。 At least your face is unscathed. A perfectionist like you wouldn’t have been able to take it. 你到这个时候还落井下石啊? Must you rub it in? 时装插图 fashion illustrations 不识你当年的水准 you haven’t lost your touch. 表情和动作可以通过剪接来处理的。 We can make up for it with clever editing. Katie很难搞的。 Katie is not an easy person to handle. 既然这么难搞,为什么你们两个还是这么要好啊? If that’s the case, how come you are still so chummy with her? 求人不如求自己。 Better do it than wish it done. 这是真的?你没有骗我吧? You mean it? You’re not having me on? Episode 2 你还生mummy的气啊? Are you still mad at me? 呕吐 throw up 我假期已经用完了。那你就拿无薪假啊。 I’ve no more leave. Take no-pay leave then. 我最近老是请假老板已经很不高兴了。 My boss is peeved that I’ve been missing so many hours at work. 我的工作不止靠手还要靠口去发号施令。 I have a team to manage at work. 何况我的手受伤了怎么照顾萱萱? How can I take care of XX with a crocked arm? 今天真够倒霉的? What a date it’s been! 怎么肿得那么厉害。 The swelling looks bad. 公司又等着我交设计图。 I’ve yet to hand in my designs. 现在还要烦家里的事。I need you to hold the fort at home. 小孩子最怕伤到脑袋了。 Head injuries could be serious for kids. 进来吧。Come on in. 不过我们可以搞定的。 We can manage on our own. 起码解决了我们眼前的问题。 But it solves pur immediate problems. 你只看到眼前,你没有看到以后嘛。 You have to look beyond the immediate future. 他们年纪大了。 They’re getting on in years. 我知道你孝顺,想把他们接过来。 You feel you’re duty-bound to care for them. 约法三章 pact 你怎么可以反悔啊! You are going back on your words. 一切的牺牲都是值得的。 Any sacrifice is worthwhile. 这么说你同意了? Is that a yes? 我能说不吗? Do I have a choice? 今晚我们一家大小早点睡。 Let’s turn in early tonight. 回来再请你们吃饭。 I’ll give you guys a treat next time. 现在行情不好,红包又缩水。 Times are bad. People are less generous with their red packeds. 是他活该自找的。 He got himself into this! 朋友有难啊我们都帮忙,更何况啊曾经是夫妻。 You’d help a friend who’s in need, so why not an ex-spouse. 你这是什么垃圾,亏你是读服装设计的。连画个图都画不好。 I’m shocked this trash is churned out by a fashion design graduate. You can’t even manage a simple sketch! 你的老毛病又发作了,放心吧,到时有专人准备她的衣服。 There you go again. We have someone in charge of her wardrobe. 你记得后天早上带她到电视台做造型啊。 We have a wardrobe fitting day after tomorrow. 如果你要放弃要早点跟我说哦。不然等戏开拍已经来不及了。 Send me a heads-up if you want to pull out. Don’t wait till filming has started. 有什么事就直说吧。 Come straight to the point. 她说她现在每天要加班。 She has to work OT everyday. 我只好试试了,但是如果画不好你可别怪我啊。 I’ll give it a shot, but don’t blame me if it turns out hideous. 第一件晚礼服是无袖一字领,上身是以蕾丝面料, 腰的部分呢,是采用立体裁剪,同时以荷叶边做裙角。 First up is a strapless gown featuring a lace bodice, a three dimensional cut waist and a lotus inspired hem 那我不是要开夜车。 I’ve to pull an all-nighter? 早点跟你要是以防万一要修改。 We’ll have ample time to make changes if required. 不如我先把整体的概念跟你说清楚吧。 I’ll fill you in on my concepts. 我这一系列晚礼服呢,是走复古、高贵、简约的路线。 This evening dress collection will feature a vintage, elegant and minimalist look. 11:09
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