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Mona Lisa Smile

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Mona Lisa SmileMona Lisa Smile 精讲网站 I. Betty Warren: All her life she had wanted to teach at Wellesley College. So when a position opened in the Art History department, she pursued it single-mindedly until she was hired. It was whispered that Katherine Watson, a first year teacher...
Mona Lisa Smile
Mona Lisa Smile 精讲网站 I. Betty Warren: All her life she had wanted to teach at Wellesley College. So when a position opened in the Art History department, she pursued it single-mindedly until she was hired. It was whispered that Katherine Watson, a first year teacher from Oakland State, made up in brains what she lacked in pedigree, which was why this Bohemian from California was on her way to the most conservative college in the nation... Katherine Watson: Excuse me, the bus? Train Attendant: Keep walking, ma'am. Katherine: Thank you. Betty: ...But Katherine Watson didn't come to Wellesley to fit in. She came to Wellesley because she wanted to make a difference. Bill Dunbar: Violet. Violet: My favorite Italian professor. Bill: Nice summer? Violet: Terrific! Thanks! Bill: Who's that over there? Violet: Where? Oh, Katherine Watson, new teacher, Art History. I'm dying to meet her. President: Who knocks at the door of Learning? Joan Brandwyn: I am every Woman.  President: What do you seek? Joan: To awaken my spirit through hard work and dedicate my life to knowledge. President: Then you are Welcome. All women who seek to follow you can enter here. I now declare the academic year begun. 妙词佳句,活学活用 1. pedigree 这是一个相对比较正式的单词,意思一般是“出身;家族;血统;门第”等。当然在指动物时一般是指“纯种”。这种词在题材相对严肃的影片中比较容易遇到。给大家举几个例子以便更容易记住它: 1) A penniless lass with a long pedigree and a sweet face, she had been raised by a scheming aunt to find a million dollars and marry it. 这位小姑娘虽然一贫如洗,却是世家出身,由姑母抚养大,长得俏丽动人。这位长辈颇有心计,一心想让侄女嫁个百万富翁。 2)He comes from a family of pedigree. 他出身名门。 2. Katherine Watson didn't come to Wellesley to fit in. 这个句子的意思是:凯瑟琳·华森到韦尔斯利学院并非是来融入其中的。这种句式是英语中的一种常见句式,我们称之为否定转移句。此句里的否定不是针对come,而是否定fit in的。类似的句子有很多,比如: I don't teach because teaching is easy for me. 这句话的意思不是面说的“我不教书是因为教书对我来说很容易”,而是“我教书并不是因为教书对我来说很容易。” 再比如在之前的电影《情归巴黎》中,有两句台词是这样的: No self-respecting lawyer would offer less. No self-respecting waitress would take it. 要注意两句的翻译为: --任何一个有自尊的律师提供的价钱都不会比这个数目少。 --任何一个有自尊的女侍者都不会接受这笔钱。 所以大家在理解否定转移句子的时候要特别当心,同时也可以学着用类似的表达。 3. Terrific 口语中极常见的感叹词,意思一般是“好极了,棒极了,太漂亮了”等等。我们再积累一些类似表达的词汇,如: Gorgeous, fantastic, amazing, superb, fabulous, wonderful, marvelous 等等,这些词在口语中本身就可以构成单字的句子,通常表示感叹。 4. I'm dying to meet her. 相信大家一看这个句子就理解它的意思了,因为非常形象。当我们想表达对什么事情的急切和渴望的心情的时候,就可以用这种夸张的说法。意思是very eager to do sth. 如:She's dying to leave for Paris. 她非常想去巴黎。 Iam dying to watch the movie adapted from my favorite novel. 我迫不及待地想看看这部改编自我最喜欢的小说的电影。 文化面面观 Bohemian 波希米亚 波希米亚又指波希米亚主义,指一种艺术家气质、一种时尚潮流、一种反传统的生活模式。虽然波希米亚人是指捷克波希米亚省的当地人,波希米亚人的这个涵义却是出现在19世纪的法国。波希米亚人这个词被用来指称那些希望过非传统生活风格的一群艺术家、作家与任何对传统不抱幻想的人。这个词反映了15世纪以来法国人对来自于波希米亚的吉普赛人的观感。在法国人的想像中,"波希米亚人"会让他们联想到四处漂泊的吉普赛人,他们是自外于传统社会的一群人,不受传统的束缚,或许还会带来一些神秘的启示,可能对他们也有一些太不注重个人卫生的指责意味在里面。《美国大学辞典》将 bohemian 定义为"一个具有艺术或思维倾向的人,他们生活和行动都不受传统行为准则的影响"。保守的美国人经常将波希米亚人和毒品以及自陷贫困连结在一起。然而,过去一个半世纪以来许多最有才华的欧洲与美国文学名家都拥有波希米亚气质,因此如果列出一张波希米亚人名单的话会非常冗长。所以这个词在二十世纪五十年代的美国跟"垮掉的一代"和六七十年代的"嬉皮士"关系非常密切。影片中之所以用这个词来形容Katherine Watson,就是要突出她是个与众不同、反传统的人。 II. Paul: Hello. Katherine:It's me. Paul: Hey! Operator: Collect from Katherine Watson. Will you accept? Paul: Yeah; sure; of course I will. Hey, is everything okay? Katherine: Yeah. Paul: Tough , huh? Well, how are the classes? Snobs, right? I hate to say I told you so. Katherine: You don't have to. I can't really talk right now. I'll write you tonight. Nancy Abbey: So you got a fella? Katherine: He's... He's there. I'm here. Nancy: Long distance. Torture. I know. Come. Come in and sit down. When Lenny left for the South Pacific, it nearly broke my heart. We wrote every day until... He was a great man. Katherine: I'm sorry.  Nancy: It was a hundred years ago. I'm babbling. Nancy: I love Lucy. Even if she is a communist. Amanda Armstrong: The only thing red about Lucy is her hair. And even that's fake. Desi said it. Winchell wrote it. Amanda Armstrong. I see you survived. Katherine: Katherine Watson. Just barely. Nancy: Oh, good. You've met. Katherine's taken the third bedroom. How about a little dinner before What's my line ? Amanda: How about a little drink? Nancy: Her companion died in May. Katherine: Companion? Nancy: You know, companion. Josephine Burns. Taught biology here for 30 years. Nancy: You'll love it here, Katherine. You'll see. Katherine: I already do. I... Honestly, it's beautiful. It's perfect; really. Amanda: Well, don't fool yourself. They have claws underneath their white gloves. Katherine: Who? Amanda: The alumnae; their offspring, the faculty. You name it. Watch out for yourself. Too much independence frightens them. Nancy: Will you please stop? Amanda: Oh, a word of advice. Don't let those girls know that they got to you. Katherine: They didn't. Amanda: Good for you. You almost convinced me. 妙词佳句,活学活用 1. Collect  这实际上是一个很简单的词,希望大家了解这个熟悉的词的比较容易被忽略的一个意思:由对方支付费用的。Collect 本来是一个副词,但是在口语里演变为名词用法,等于省略的a collect phone call。所以以后当大家自己在电话中听到了这个词的时候,要明白这是要你自己付钱的电话哦。 2. Tough  在这个片段里这个单词的意思是“艰难;棘手”。但这实在是一个意思很多变的词,所以想用几个例子给大家加深一下印象: She is a tough mother to her only son. 对于唯一的儿子来说,她是个严厉的母亲。 But she is also a tough customer while shopping. 但是购物的时候,她也是个难伺候的顾客。 The beef we are eating is tough. 我们吃的牛肉有点嚼不动。 Journalists raised a lot of tough questions in the press conference. 记者招待会上记者们提出了很多尖刻的问题。 3. I'm babbling. 很生动的一个小句子,意思是“我瞎说的;我多嘴了”。Babbling本身就有喋喋不休的意思,也是一个比较常用的表达: Babbling bothers one's ears. 多言聒耳 Don't be fooled by their babbling. Nothing of the sort. 别听他们胡说八道,根本没那回事。 4. You name it. “凡你想得起的;不管什么(都有了或都干了等)”的意思。我们再用两个例子来加深大家的印象: 1) Fancy chocolates, exotic flowers-you name it, we had it. 精制的巧克力,外国的鲜花。只要你能想到的,我们都享用了。 2) This is the biggest department store in the city-you name it, and they've got it. 这是这座城市里最大的百货公司,你要什么这里就有什么。 文化面面观 Wellesley College 韦尔斯利女子学院 A grand building in Wellesley College 韦尔斯利女子学院,位于马萨诸塞州的韦尔斯利。在美国属于历史悠久的名校,培养了很多社会名媛名流。影片就是在韦尔斯利学院实景拍摄的。 Wellesley College is a private institution of higher education for women, located in Wellesley, Massachusetts, 19 km (12 mi) west of Boston. It was founded in 1870 and opened for instruction in 1875. An undergraduate institution, Wellesley confers bachelor's degrees in a variety of fields. Courses of study are offered in the liberal arts and sciences, the fine arts, the natural sciences, and the performing arts. Wellesley's Margaret Clapp Library holds more than 1 million items; its special collections contain the complete love letters of Elizabeth Barrett Browning and Robert Browning. Science facilities include the Margaret C. Ferguson Greenhouses. The Davis Museum and Cultural Center, which opened in 1992, houses the college's art, music, and theater departments. 考考你 用今日所学翻译下面几个句子。 1. 阿甘发现捕虾是件十分困难的事情。 2. 我吓得瘫倒在她面前,语无伦次地嗫嚅起来。 3. 我瞎说的,你别当真。 4. 这家饭店很豪华。你想吃什么他们就有什么。 Monalisa Smile 《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》精讲之一 考考你 参考 1.​ 他从小被人收养,没有机会了解自己的身世。 He was adopted as a child, so he had no opportunity of learning his own pedigree. 2. 你穿上这件衣服简直太漂亮了! You look terrific in this dress. 3. 我现在真想得到一辆好车! I'm dying to get a fancy car right now! III. Betty: What is that? Katherine: You tell me. Carcass by Soutine. 1925. Susan Delacorte: It's not on the syllabus. Katherine: No; it's not. Is it any good? Come on; ladies. There's no wrong answer. There's also no textbook telling you what to think. It's not that easy; is it? Betty: All right. No. It's not good. In fact; I wouldn't even call it art. It's grotesque. Connie Baker: Is there a rule against art being grotesque? Giselle Levy: I think there's something aggressive about it...and erotic. Betty: To you; everything is erotic. Giselle: Everything is erotic. Katherine: Girls. Susan: Aren't there standards?  Betty: Of course there are. Otherwise a tacky velvet painting could be equated to a Rembrandt. Connie: My uncle Ferdie has two tacky velvet paintings. He loves those clowns. Betty: There are standards; technique; composition; color; even subject. So if you're suggesting that rotted side of meat is art... much less good art; then what are we going to learn? Katherine: Just that. You have outlined our new syllabus; Betty. Thank you. What is art? What makes it good or bad? And who decides? Next slide; please. Twenty five years ago someone thought this was brilliant. Connie: I can see that. Betty: Who? Katherine: My mother. I painted it for her birthday. Katherine: Next slide. This is my mom. Is it art? Susan Delacorte: It's a snapshot. Katherine: If I told you Ansel Adams had taken it, would that make a difference? Betty: Art isn't art until someone says it is. Katherine: It's art! Betty: The right people. Katherine: Who are they? Giselle: Betty Warren! So lucky we have one right here. Betty: Screw you. Katherine: Could you go back to the Soutine, please? Just look at it again. Look beyond the paint. Let us try to open our minds to a new idea. All right; back to chapter three. Has anyone read it? Okay. 妙词佳句,活学活用 1. grotesque 这是这部电影里经常碰到的一个单词,意思是“(风格)奇异,古怪,荒诞的”。我们来看个例子:Everything seemed strange, so tawdry and grotesque. 一切都很新奇,很花哨,有点滑稽可笑。 在口语中还有一些其它常用的词来表示“奇怪的”这一意思的词,出现频率都很高。比如 weird,如:Sabrina went out with Linus? That's too weird. 莎宾娜和莱纳斯出去约会了?简直太奇怪了! Strange,这是一个大熟词,就不举例子了。 Odd,如 It's odd that she should have kept such an ugly name as Ellen. 真奇怪她居然一直用埃伦这么个难听的名字。 Bizarre,如:For him, it was a bizarre and tedious experience. 对他来说这是一次奇特而又乏味的经历。 2. aggressive 这个单词不知道怎么回事,很容易被大家记住的意思是“侵略性的,攻击性的”,因而我们经常把它当作贬义词来使用。但是在英语中,尤其在美语中,这个词还有另一个常用意思是“大胆的,积极进取的”。所以这个词在本片段中的意思就不是侵略性的,而是“前卫的,大胆的”。 e.g. He is an aggressive young executive. 他是一个进取心很强的年轻管理员 3. much less 这是一个固定表达,意思是“何况,更不要说……” 相当于let alone,例如: 1) I didn't even see your brother, much less speak to him. 我连见都没见过你弟弟,更别说跟他说话了。 2) I dare not speak to him, much less express my feelings to him. 我连话都不敢跟他说,更别说是表达感情了。 4. look beyond the paint 此句的意思是:别拘泥于图像本身。 很明显,这个句子中的关键词是beyond,在这里提出来是希望大家注意这个单词的意思在翻译的时候非常灵活,在本句里取的就是这个单词的基本词义:超越。我们可以看看一些其它的例子: 1)It's quite beyond me why she married such a heavy smoker. 我实在无法理解为什么她会嫁给这样一个烟鬼。 2) Understanding this article is beyond my capacity. 我看不懂这篇文章。 3) The rumor is beyond belief. 这谣言不可信。 文化面面观 1. Soutine   Chaim Soutine, (1893-1943),立陶宛裔的法国表现主义画家。他的作品多为令人不安的扭曲的人物或令人厌恶的主题。他的绘画作品有《牛肋肉》(1925年),即本片中的 Carcass of Beef,和《领班》(1928年)。   2. Ansel Adams (1902-1984) Ansel Easton Adams, American photographer, known for his black-and-white photographs of Yosemite National Park, the California coast, and other wilderness areas of the American West. Adams's painstaking control of tonality and detail made him unequalled as a technical master of the black and white print. Autumn moon by Ansel Adams   Adams published more than two dozen books, including My Camera in the National Parks (1950), Ansel Adams: Images 1923-1974 (1974), Photographs of the Southwest (1976), and Yosemite and the Range of Light (1979). Shortly after his death, Ansel Adams: An Autobiography was published in 1985.    IV. Joan: Sunflowers. Vincent van Gogh. 1888. Katherine: He painted what he felt, not what he saw. People didn't understand. To them, it seemed childlike and crude. It took years for them to recognize his actual technique to see the way his brush strokes seemed to make the night sky move. Yet, he never sold a painting in his lifetime. This is his self portrait. There's no camouflage; no romance. Honesty. Now, 60 years later where is he? Giselle: Famous? Katherine: So famous; in fact, that everybody has a reproduction. There are post cards. Connie: We have the calendar. Katherine: Here you go. With the ability to reproduce art, it is available to the masses. No one needs to own a van Gogh original. Sunflowers by Vincent van Gogh Susan: We do. In the Newport house. But it's small. Tiny. Katherine: They can paint their own. Van Gogh in a box, ladies. The newest form of mass distributed art. Paint by numbers. Connie: Now everyone can be van Gogh. It's so easy. Just follow the simple instructions and in minutes; you're on your way to being an artist. Giselle: Van Gogh by numbers?  Katherine: Ironic, isn't it? Look at what we have done to the man who refused to conform his ideals to popular taste, who refused to compromise his integrity. We have put him in a tiny box and asked you to copy him. So the choice is yours, ladies. You can conform to what other people expect or you can-- Betty: I know. Be ourselves. Connie: You're a sight for sore eyes. Betty: I would've been here sooner but, silly me; I thought class was in the classroom. Katherine: Glad you could join us, Mrs. Jones. We thought we'd lost you. Connie: There's sort of unwritten rule for marr- Betty: Don't bother. Katherine: Since your wedding, you've missed six classes, a paper and your midterm. Betty: Well, thank god I didn't miss the paint-by-numbers lecture. I was on my honeymoon and then I had to set up house. What does she expect? Katherine: Attendance. Connie: Most of the faculty turn their heads when the married students miss a class or two. Katherine: Then why not get married as freshmen? That way you could graduate without actually ever stepping foot on campus. Betty: Don't disregard our traditions just because you're subversive. Katherine: Don't disrespect this class just because you're married. Betty: Don't disrespect me just because you're not. Katherine: Come to class, do the work, or I'll fail you. Betty: lf you fail me, there will be consequences. Katherine: Are you threatening me? Betty: I'm educating you. Katherine: That's my job. 妙词佳句,活学活用 1. I would have been here sooner. 这句话的意思是我本来能早点来的。 Would/should have been on time这种表达通常的意思是“本来应该做但结果没有做成的事情”,经常在语法中被归为虚拟语气的一种。我们在听听力或者日常对话中往往容易忽略这种语气,但是英语国家的人对这个表达的意思特别敏感,因为往往一听到would/should have been,就明白对方说的事可能黄了。举几个电影中的例子: 1)I should have died there with my men. 我本来应该和我的手下一起死在战场上的。(Forrest Gump) 2)Paris is always a good idea. I was happy there. You would have been too. 去巴黎永远都是好主意。我在那儿很快乐。你本来也可以很快乐的。(Sabrina) 3)I don't think anybody doubts it would have been an enormously successful venture. 我想没人会怀疑我们合并后会成为一个相当成功的企业。(Sabrina) 2. unwritten rule 不成文的规矩 An unwritten rule, law, or agreement is one that is understood and accepted by everyone, although it may not have been formally or officially established. 例如: He bore the unwritten rule in mind. 他牢记那条不成文的规矩。 3. Don't bother. 这是一个常用短句,意思是“别劳神,别费心,别麻烦”。大家可以学着用用: 1)Don't bother, I'll do them myself later. 别麻烦了,我一会自己做。 2)I didn't bother to have the car checked, a mistake for which I paid dearly. 当时我为了省事没有检查汽车,这一失误让我付出了惨重代价。 3)Mrs. Wilkes, don't bother about your husband. 维尔克斯太太,您不必为你的先生担心。 文化面面观 Vincent Van Gogh  文森特·梵·高 Van Gogh, Vincent (1853-1890), Dutch painter who exemplified the idea of the artist as tortured genius. His work represents the epitome of expressionism: color, line, and brush stroke are used to express the artist's emotional response to the subject rather than to describe it accurately. 凡·高,文森特是荷兰后印象主义派作家。他的早期作品,如《吃马铃暑的人》,用低沉、暗淡的色彩描绘了农民的生活。他的后期作品,包括许多自画像,一系列向日葵花的画,和《星夜》(1889年),以大胆的、有节奏的绘画技巧和鲜艳的颜色为特点。他与失落情绪长期斗争最终以自杀结束. Bedroom at Arles   The Starry Night   考考你 请翻译下面一段精彩对白。 Betty: Don't disregard our traditions just because you're subversive. Katherine: Don't disrespect this class just because you're married. Betty: Don't disrespect me just because you're not. Katherine: Come to class, do the work, or I'll fail you. Betty: lf you fail me, there will be consequences. Katherine: Are you threatening me? Betty: I'm educating you. Katherine: That's my job. Monalisa Smile 《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》精讲之三 考考你 参考答案 1) "It's grotesque", he muttered, "you can't expect me to accept this!" “这件事太离奇了,”他喃喃自语道,“你们别指望我会接受!” 2) Being passive and receptive rather than active and aggressive, Carrie accepted the situation. Her state seemed satisfactory enough. 嘉莉天性被动、容忍,而不是主动、进取,因此她安于现状。她的处境似乎还很令她满意。 3) This work is beyond my grasp. 这份工作非我能力所及。 思想火花 影片中的这个片段是Katherine在影片中上的第二节课,因为第一次课上得相当狼狈,她是下定决心在这次课当中扳回一局。但是我们也能看到她并不是为了跟学生较劲才这样安排自己的课,这堂课的目的非常明确,就是为了告诉学生几句话:Look beyond the paint. Let us try to open our minds to a new idea. 艺术史不光是对艺术史死记硬背的一门课,也应该有自己对艺术的理解,所以从这节课开始,Katherine一直带着她的学生们体会近一百年来的艺术。 考考你 用今日所学将下面的句子翻译成汉语。 1) "It's grotesque", he muttered, "you can't expect me to accept this!" 2) Being passive and receptive rather than active and aggressive, Carrie accepted the situation. Her state seemed satisfactory enough. 3) This work is beyond my grasp. Monalisa Smile 《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》精讲之二 考考你 参考答案 1. 阿甘发现捕虾是件十分困难的事情。 Forrest Gump found shrimping is very tough. 2. 我吓得瘫倒在她面前,语无伦次地嗫嚅起来。 I fell to the ground before her, babbling confusedly in my terror. 3. 我瞎说的,你别当真。 I'm babbling. Don't take it seriously. 4. 这家饭店很豪华。你想吃什么他们就有什么。 This restaurant is very fancy. You name it and they've had it. V. Charlie Stewart: Hungry? Connie: Famished. Please don't say we can live on love. That's how I missed breakfast. What's the matter? What's the matter? Charlie: Phillip and Vanessa McIntyre, parents of a friend. Connie: You wanna say a quick hello? Charlie: No! No, I'll be trapped. Damn it! Connie: Could you seat us in the bar? Waitress: We're only serving in the front part of the restaurant this afternoon. Connie: Miss! Miss Stone. This has been the most romantic weekend I may ever have. Ever. And all that's standing between right now and perfection are the McIntyres over there. Now, you know with all the competition out there, a girl's got to be able to move a few mountains every once in a while. I could use all the help I could get. Waitress: Come this way. Connie: I fixed it. No more McIntyres. Charlie: Thank you. Thank you. Let's not talk about this. Connie: All right. Violet: Hold your breath and turn. Don't forget to smile. Arms up. Move together. Faster, Fran! When you surface, smile. Girls: Come on, Connie! Betty: How about we have a girls' luncheon this weekend? Just us. Giselle: Where's Spencer? Betty: Away. Girl: I'm free. Giselle: I'm busy. Joan: What are you doing? Connie: She's dating a psychoanalyst. Joan: Oh, really? Connie: Who's married. Joan: Giselle! Connie: Sorry, it slipped. Betty: Are you in , Connie? Connie: I'll check with Charlie. Betty: who? Giselle: Charlie Stewart. Your cousin. Betty: You're kidding? Connie: We spent last weekend at the cape. A little hideaway he knew about. Betty: Operative word, "hide." Men take women to the cape in the winter when they're embarrassed to be seen with them. He's using you. Giselle: He's not using you if you want to go. Come here. Don't listen to her. Betty: I love you, and I swear I'm not saying this to hurt you. Charlie's promised to Deb McIntyre. She wears his pin. Giselle, you know it's true. Giselle: I don't know anything about a pin. Connie: McIntyre? Are her parents named Phillip and Vanessa? Betty: You know them? Connie: Only from a distance. 妙词佳句,活学活用 1. I'll be trapped. 好句子,意思是“我就逃不掉了!”trap这个词的意思是“设陷,坑害”,在口语里建立在这个词义基础上的句子也显得很生动。如: 1)Don't fence me in, Mary. Don't make me feel trapped. 别约束我,玛丽,别让我觉得陷入了圈套。 2)We are trapped, Louise! 我们逃不掉了,路易斯! 2. I fixed it. 这个句子更是短小精悍,不知大家是否准确理解了它的意思:我搞定了!当然,这个意思是来自fix的词义:安排,确定。如: 1) All fix up, Jack? 都安排妥当了吗,杰克? 2) If you want to interview the Mayor, I can fix it. 如果你想采访市长的话,我来给你安排。 fix这个词还有个常用意思是“修理”,引申的意思为“康复”。如: 1) Tell him to behave, or I'll fix him. 告诉他规矩点,否则我就收拾他。 2)A few days' rest will fix me up. 休息几天我就会康复的。 3. It slipped。 我说漏嘴了。 Slip的意思很多,最常用的意思是:滑、溜、失足、纰漏、失误等。我们可以通过以下例子体会这个词的意思。 1) a slip of tongue 说漏嘴了;口误    a slip of pen 笔误 2)He was in two minds on that chance, which resulted in having let it slip through his fingers. 由于他当时犹豫不决而眼睁睁错过了最后的机会。 4. Are you in? 你来吗? 这个表达的肯定形式是 I'm in. 表示“我参加;我加入;算我一个”。这又是一个口语短句,在口语中还有类似的表达,如:Count me in. 也是“算我一个”的意思。其相反意思的表达是:Count me out. 5. She wears his pin. 这句话表面的意思是“她带了他的徽章”。Pin 在这里的意思是:a fraternity pin gave to (a woman) in token of attachment. 定情物(将自己大学联谊会会徽送女人作为定情物) 所以在这里这句话的含义是“她已经带上了他的定情信物”,或者“他们俩已经定下终身”。 文化面面观 影片中除了主角茱莉亚·罗伯茨之外,其他几个配角演员也都是近年来在好莱坞比较有影响力的年轻演员。   1. Kirsten Dunst, 柯尔斯滕·邓斯特,在本片中扮演的是保守价值观念的学生代表贝蒂。邓斯特的成功和同时期的年轻演员相比有偶然的成份,但和她本人的素质有更大的关系。12岁就因《夜访吸血鬼》中的表演技惊四座,这也是她虽然貌不出众,但却深受众多大导演器重的原因。邓斯特的其它代表作品有:《蜘蛛侠》,《勇敢者游戏》等。 2. Julia Stiles,茱莉亚·斯泰尔斯,这位当时22岁的年轻女星凭着《舞出一片天》、《奥赛罗》、《谍影重重》确立了自己在同代人之中的显赫地位。虽然中国观众可能对她的那张大饼脸不以为然,但却无法否认她身上体现出的青春气息和强烈的感染力。斯泰尔斯在片中扮演凯瑟琳的学生琼,她热情地对待生活和爰情,在凯瑟琳的启发下意识到自己的人生价值,是凯瑟琳在学生中最早的同盟军之一。 3. Maggie Gyllenhaal, 玛吉·吉伦哈尔,26岁的她扮演女大学生可能有点嫌老
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