

2018-04-30 11页 doc 38KB 7阅读




SqlServer2005用户sa登录失败SqlServer2005用户sa登录失败 用户sa登录失败,该用户与可信sql server连接无关联”错误解决方法 1、设置SQL Server Configuration Management (1) 启动SQL服务:SQL Server Configuration Management->SQL Server 2005服务->SQL Server(SQLEXPRESS)->右键启动 (2) 启用TCP/IP协议:SQL Server Configuration Management->SQL Server 2...
SqlServer2005用户sa登录失败 用户sa登录失败,该用户与可信sql server连接无关联”错误解决 1、设置SQL Server Configuration Management (1) 启动SQL服务:SQL Server Configuration Management->SQL Server 2005服务->SQL Server(SQLEXPRESS)->右键启动 (2) 启用TCP/IP:SQL Server Configuration Management->SQL Server 2005网络配置->SQLEXPRESS的协议 ->TCP/IP->右键启用 (3) 设置TCP/IP属性 SQL Server Configuration Management->SQL Server 2005网络配 置->SQLEXPRESS的协议->双击TCP/IP->IP地址->IPALL->TCP 端口,设置为你要设定的端口号。 2、设置Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express (0) 开始->所有程序->Microsoft SQL Server 2005->Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express (1) 左侧栏内服务器右击属性->安全性->服务器身份验证->选择SQL Server和Windows身份验证模式 (2) 左侧栏内安全性->登录名->选择你要设置的用户名称,双击->常 规->”默认数据库“改为你要连接的数据库 (3) 左侧栏内安全性->登录名->选择你要设置的用户名称,双击->服 务器角色->选择public和sysadmin safety catch. Any production safety accident will cause an additional burden on the county should bear joint and several liability, not worth the candle. So enterprises should conscientiously assume the production safety of the main responsibility for the safety production and then catch production. All units and departments responsible for safety production responsibility, as the main party leaders must intervene. Third, dereliction of duty will pursue responsibility. Stable now out of the question to responsibility and accountability is very strict. As far as possible to check the production is the same, the first few days of the mainland occurred in production safety accidents, the accident investigation results also did not come out, the county Party Secretary, county magistrate, deputy magistrate and deputy county magistrate all in situ removal, later also shall be investigated for criminal responsibility. This is the dereliction of duty shall be accountable, we must attach great importance to. The fourth, prevention first, safety in production in place. Safety in production to prevent the main, less trouble, not afterwards to solve. Prevention is the key to implement the safety production responsibility system and the safety measures. The danger of enterprises should take the initiative to pay close attention to the time to do procedures, there is no legal compliance procedures, once out of trouble and regret. Unannounced visits to enterprises to actively take the initiative to seize the time to formalities. In important holidays to increase publicity and education (4) 左侧栏内安全性->登录名->选择你要设置的用户名称,双击->用户映射->数据库角色成员身份->选择db_owner和public (5) 左侧栏内安全性->登录名->选择你要设置的用户名称,双击->状态->是否允许连接到数据库引擎,选”授予“;登陆,选”启用“。 3、检查连接端口是否打开 (1) 验证方法:开始->运行->cmd->telnet localhost 端口号。 (2) 如果出现黑屏,则属正常。如果出现错误提示,则需更改端口号。 (3) 更改方法:SQL Server Configuration Management->SQL Server 2005网络配置->SQLEXPRESS的协议->双击TCP/IP->IP地址->IPALL->TCP端口,设置为你要设定的端口号。 4、检查本地hosts文件 如果系统位于C盘,则地址为C:下的 \WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\hosts。 如果系统不位于C盘,则地址为你系统所在盘下的同上目录。 用记事本或其他编辑器打开hosts,添加如下一行: localhost 注意前面没有任何符号,并且如果无特殊原因,应删除其他非注释的hosts行。 safety catch. Any production safety accident will cause an additional burden on the county should bear joint and several liability, not worth the candle. So enterprises should conscientiously assume the production safety of the main responsibility for the safety production and then catch production. All units and departments responsible for safety production responsibility, as the main party leaders must intervene. Third, dereliction of duty will pursue responsibility. Stable now out of the question to responsibility and accountability is very strict. As far as possible to check the production is the same, the first few days of the mainland occurred in production safety accidents, the accident investigation results also did not come out, the county Party Secretary, county magistrate, deputy magistrate and deputy county magistrate all in situ removal, later also shall be investigated for criminal responsibility. This is the dereliction of duty shall be accountable, we must attach great importance to. The fourth, prevention first, safety in production in place. Safety in production to prevent the main, less trouble, not afterwards to solve. Prevention is the key to implement the safety production responsibility system and the safety measures. The danger of enterprises should take the initiative to pay close attention to the time to do procedures, there is no legal compliance procedures, once out of trouble and regret. Unannounced visits to enterprises to actively take the initiative to seize the time to formalities. In important holidays to increase publicity and education **********登录SqlServer2005无法连接服务器解决方法********** 1. 单击“开始”,依次指向“程序”、“Microsoft SQL Server 2005”和“配置工具”,然后单击“SQL Server 外围应用配置器”。 2. 在“SQL Server 2005 外围应用配置器”页上,单击“服务和连接的外围应用配置器”。 3. 在“服务和连接的外围应用配置器”页上,展开“数据库引擎”,依次单击“远程连接”和“本地连接和远程连接”,单击适用于您的环境的相应协议,然后单击“应用”。 注意:请在接收到以下消息时单击“确定”: 直到重新启动数据库引擎服务后,对连接设置所做的更改才会生效。 4. 在“服务和连接的外围应用配置器”页上,展开“数据库引擎”,依次单击“服务”和“停止”,等待 sqlexpress服务停止,然后单击“启动”以重新启动 sqlexpress服务。 safety catch. Any production safety accident will cause an additional burden on the county should bear joint and several liability, not worth the candle. So enterprises should conscientiously assume the production safety of the main responsibility for the safety production and then catch production. All units and departments responsible for safety production responsibility, as the main party leaders must intervene. Third, dereliction of duty will pursue responsibility. Stable now out of the question to responsibility and accountability is very strict. As far as possible to check the production is the same, the first few days of the mainland occurred in production safety accidents, the accident investigation results also did not come out, the county Party Secretary, county magistrate, deputy magistrate and deputy county magistrate all in situ removal, later also shall be investigated for criminal responsibility. This is the dereliction of duty shall be accountable, we must attach great importance to. The fourth, prevention first, safety in production in place. Safety in production to prevent the main, less trouble, not afterwards to solve. Prevention is the key to implement the safety production responsibility system and the safety measures. The danger of enterprises should take the initiative to pay close attention to the time to do procedures, there is no legal compliance procedures, once out of trouble and regret. Unannounced visits to enterprises to actively take the initiative to seize the time to formalities. In important holidays to increase publicity and education ----------------------------------- 用户 'sa' 登录失败。 2009-03-12 13:42:53| 分类: SQL Server05 | 标签: |字号大中小 订阅 用户 'sa' 登录失败。该用户与可信 SQL Server 连接无关联,做JSP项目连接数据库收藏 SQL Server2005常见错误及解决 问题一、忘记了登录Microsoft SQL Server 2005 的sa的登录密码 解决方法:先用windows身份验证的方式登录进去,然后在„安全性?-„登录?-右键单击„sa?-„属性?,修改密码点击确定就可以了。 问题二、已成功与服务器建立连接,但是在登录过程中发生错取。(provider:共享内存提供程序,error:0-管道的另一端上无任何进程。)(Microsoft SQL Server,错误:233) 解决方法:打开„程序?,„所有程序?,„Microsoft SQL Server 2005 ?,„配置工具?,„SQL Server 配置管理器?,在弹出的窗体中,找到„SQL Server 2005 网络配置?,把„MSSQLSERVER的协议?下的“Named Pipes”和“TCP/IP”启动,然后重新启动Microsoft SQL Server 2005就可以了。 问题三、无法打开用户默认数据库。登录失败。用户„sa?登录失败。(Microsoft SQL Server, 错误:4064) 解决方法:先用windows身份验证的方式登录进去,然后在„安全性?-„登录?-右键单击„sa?-„属性?,将默认数据库设置成master,点击确定就可以了。 问题四、sql server 2005 错误 18452 无法连接到服务器 服务器:消息18452, 级别16,状态1 [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]用户„sa?登陆失败。原因:未与信任SQL Server连接相关联 该错误产生的原因是由于SQL Server使用了"仅 Windows"的身份验证方式,因此用户无法使用SQL Server的登录帐户(例如 sa )进行连接,解决方法如下 设置允许SQL Server身份登录 (基本上这个很有用) 操作步骤: 1。在企业管理器中,展开"SQL Server组",鼠标右键点击SQL Server服务器的名称 2。选择"属性" 3。再选择"安全性"选项卡 safety catch. Any production safety accident will cause an additional burden on the county should bear joint and several liability, not worth the candle. So enterprises should conscientiously assume the production safety of the main responsibility for the safety production and then catch production. All units and departments responsible for safety production responsibility, as the main party leaders must intervene. Third, dereliction of duty will pursue responsibility. Stable now out of the question to responsibility and accountability is very strict. As far as possible to check the production is the same, the first few days of the mainland occurred in production safety accidents, the accident investigation results also did not come out, the county Party Secretary, county magistrate, deputy magistrate and deputy county magistrate all in situ removal, later also shall be investigated for criminal responsibility. This is the dereliction of duty shall be accountable, we must attach great importance to. The fourth, prevention first, safety in production in place. Safety in production to prevent the main, less trouble, not afterwards to solve. Prevention is the key to implement the safety production responsibility system and the safety measures. The danger of enterprises should take the initiative to pay close attention to the time to do procedures, there is no legal compliance procedures, once out of trouble and regret. Unannounced visits to enterprises to actively take the initiative to seize the time to formalities. In important holidays to increase publicity and education 4。在"身份验证"下,选择"SQL Server和 Windows" 5。确定,并重新启动SQL Server服务 问题五、用户 'sa' 登录失败。该用户与可信 SQL Server 连接无关联。 解决方法:检查你的数据库的认证模式,windows 和 混合模式,需要SA登陆的请选择混合模式。 检查计算机1433连接端口,1434数据端口是否打开 针对sql 2005 进入管理器中“安全”==》“用户”==》双击用户(弹出属性对话框)==》“状态”把状态改成enable,退出管理器重新登录(用户验证模式) 即:右键数据库属性对话框,选择“安全性”选项卡,服务器身份验证模式选择“SQL Server和Windows身份验证模式 。然后重新配置sa的登陆信息即可。 SQL SERVER 2005使用sa 登录失败-提示该用户与可信 SQL Server 连接无关联 错误提示: sa 登录失败,提示该用户与可信 SQL Server 连接无关联 解决方法: 打开SQL Server Management Studio Express, 右键点击服务器,选择Properties(属性),在弹出窗口中点击Security(安全)切换到安全面板, 将server authentication服务器认证从windows authentication mode(windows用户认证模式) 修改为Sql Server and Windows Authentication mode(Sql server和windows认证模式),ok。 打开security(安全性) -- logins(登录名) ,右键选中sa,选择properties(属性),点击Status(状态)切换到状态面板,将Login(登录)设置为Enabled(启用)。 如果还是不行那就来最后一招…… 将连接字符串的服务器改一下 默认的如下: 代码: Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS; 改了以后: 代码: Data Source=localhost; safety catch. Any production safety accident will cause an additional burden on the county should bear joint and several liability, not worth the candle. So enterprises should conscientiously assume the production safety of the main responsibility for the safety production and then catch production. All units and departments responsible for safety production responsibility, as the main party leaders must intervene. Third, dereliction of duty will pursue responsibility. Stable now out of the question to responsibility and accountability is very strict. As far as possible to check the production is the same, the first few days of the mainland occurred in production safety accidents, the accident investigation results also did not come out, the county Party Secretary, county magistrate, deputy magistrate and deputy county magistrate all in situ removal, later also shall be investigated for criminal responsibility. This is the dereliction of duty shall be accountable, we must attach great importance to. The fourth, prevention first, safety in production in place. Safety in production to prevent the main, less trouble, not afterwards to solve. Prevention is the key to implement the safety production responsibility system and the safety measures. The danger of enterprises should take the initiative to pay close attention to the time to do procedures, there is no legal compliance procedures, once out of trouble and regret. Unannounced visits to enterprises to actively take the initiative to seize the time to formalities. In important holidays to increase publicity and education safety catch. Any production safety accident will cause an additional burden on the county should bear joint and several liability, not worth the candle. So enterprises should conscientiously assume the production safety of the main responsibility for the safety production and then catch production. All units and departments responsible for safety production responsibility, as the main party leaders must intervene. Third, dereliction of duty will pursue responsibility. Stable now out of the question to responsibility and accountability is very strict. As far as possible to check the production is the same, the first few days of the mainland occurred in production safety accidents, the accident investigation results also did not come out, the county Party Secretary, county magistrate, deputy magistrate and deputy county magistrate all in situ removal, later also shall be investigated for criminal responsibility. This is the dereliction of duty shall be accountable, we must attach great importance to. The fourth, prevention first, safety in production in place. Safety in production to prevent the main, less trouble, not afterwards to solve. Prevention is the key to implement the safety production responsibility system and the safety measures. The danger of enterprises should take the initiative to pay close attention to the time to do procedures, there is no legal compliance procedures, once out of trouble and regret. Unannounced visits to enterprises to actively take the initiative to seize the time to formalities. In important holidays to increase publicity and education
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