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托幼机构卫生保健工作规范表20130606托幼机构卫生保健工作规范表20130606 附件3 托幼机构环境和物品预防性消毒方法 消毒对象 物理消毒方法 化学消毒方法 备注 开窗通风每日至少在外界温度适宜、空气质量较好、保障 2次;每次至少10, 安全性的条件下,应采取持续开窗通风 15分钟。 的方式。 1.不具备开窗通风空气消毒条件时使 用。 2.应使用移动式紫外线杀菌灯。按照每空气 采用紫外线杀菌灯立方米1.5瓦计算紫外线杀菌灯管需要进行照射消毒每日量。 1次,每次持续照射3.禁止紫外线杀菌灯照射人体体表。 时间60分钟。 4.采用反向式紫外线杀菌灯在室...
托幼机构卫生保健工作规范20130606 附件3 托幼机构环境和物品预防性消毒方法 消毒对象 物理消毒方法 化学消毒方法 备注 开窗通风每日至少在外界温度适宜、空气质量较好、保障 2次;每次至少10, 安全性的条件下,应采取持续开窗通风 15分钟。 的方式。 1.不具备开窗通风空气消毒条件时使 用。 2.应使用移动式紫外线杀菌灯。按照每空气 采用紫外线杀菌灯立方米1.5瓦计算紫外线杀菌灯管需要进行照射消毒每日量。 1次,每次持续照射3.禁止紫外线杀菌灯照射人体体表。 时间60分钟。 4.采用反向式紫外线杀菌灯在室内有 人环境持续照射消毒时,应使用无臭氧 式紫外线杀菌灯。 1.对食具必须先去残渣、清洗后再进行 消毒。 煮沸消毒15分钟或 2.煮沸消毒时,被煮物品应全部浸没在蒸汽消毒10分钟。 餐具、 水中;蒸汽消毒时,被蒸物品应疏松放炊具、 置,水沸后开始计算时间。 水杯 餐具消毒柜、消毒1.使用符合国家标准的产品。 碗柜消毒。 2.保洁柜无消毒作用。不得用保洁柜代 按产品使用。 替消毒柜进行消毒。 用洗涤剂清洗干净曝晒时不得相互叠夹。曝晒时间不低于后,置阳光直接照 6小时。 射下曝晒干燥。 煮沸消毒15分钟或煮沸消毒时,被煮物品应全部浸没在水 蒸汽消毒10分钟。 中;蒸汽消毒时,被蒸物品应疏松放置。 毛巾类织 物 使用次氯酸钠类消毒 剂消毒。 消毒时将织物全部浸没在消毒液中,消 使用浓度为有效氯毒后用生活饮用水将残留消毒剂冲净。 250,400 mg/L、浸泡 消毒20分钟。 3.1 requirements. • no load test. According to the relevant provisions of the DL/T5019 check the running of machinery and electrical equipment provided, to be correct and reliable, stable operation, impact sound and no other anomalies. • static load test. According to the construction drawings and inspection machinery and metal structure bearing capacity of the hoist. Test load rated load in turn 70%, l00% and 125%. • dynamic load tests. According to the construction drawings, dynamic loading tests on the bodies to test the dynamic stiffness of the performance of the agencies and gantries. Test load rated load 100% and then 110%. Test agencies should be conducted separately, when there is a joint commissioning requirements, should be carried out according to the construction drawings and the instructions of the supervisor. Test, repeat to start, run, stop, forward, reverse motion, duration of at least 1h. Agencies should be flexible, stable and reliable work, limit switches, safety interlocks, anti-climbing device, the movements should be accurate and reliable, the parts should be free of cracks and other damage, the connection should not be loose. (3) civil works out the hoist and installation conditions installation 消毒对象 物理消毒方法 化学消毒方法 备注 煮沸消毒15分钟或煮沸消毒时,抹布应全部浸没在水中; 蒸汽消毒10分钟。 蒸汽消毒时,抹布应疏松放置。 使用次氯酸钠类消毒消毒时将抹布全部浸没在消毒液中,消抹布 剂消毒。 毒后可直接控干或晾干存放;或用生活 使用浓度为有效氯400 饮用水将残留消毒剂冲净后控干或晾mg/L、浸泡消毒20分干存放。 钟。 1.可采用表面擦拭、冲洗消毒方式。 使用次氯酸钠类消毒餐桌、床围 剂消毒。 栏、门把2.餐桌消毒后要用生活饮用水将残留手、水龙头 消毒剂擦净。 使用浓度为有效氯 等物体表100,250 mg/L、消毒3.家具等物体表面消毒后可用生活饮 面 10,30分钟。 用水将残留消毒剂去除。 适用于不能湿式擦拭、清洗的物品。 每两周至少通风晾 曝晒时不得相互叠夹。曝晒时间不低于晒一次。 6小时。 使用次氯酸钠类消毒 玩具、图书 剂消毒。 使用浓度为有效氯 根据污染情况,每周至少消毒1次。 100,250 mg/L、表面 擦拭、浸泡消毒10,30 分钟。 便盆、坐便使用次氯酸钠类消毒1.必须先清洗后消毒。 器与皮肤剂消毒。使用浓度为有2.浸泡消毒时将便盆全部浸没在消毒接触部位、 效氯400,700 mg/L、液中。 盛装吐泻浸泡或擦拭消毒30分3.消毒后用生活饮用水将残留消毒剂 冲净后控干或晾干存放。 物的容器 钟。 使用75%,80%乙醇溶使用符合《中华人民共和国药典》规定体温计 液、浸泡消毒3,5分的乙醇溶液。 钟。 备注: 1.表中有效氯剂量是指使用符合卫生部《次氯酸钠类消毒剂卫生质量技术规范》规定的次氯酸钠类消毒剂; 2.传染病消毒根据国家法规《中华人民共和国传染病防治法》规定,配合当地疾病预防控制机构实施。 3.1 requirements. • no load test. According to the relevant provisions of the DL/T5019 check the running of machinery and electrical equipment provided, to be correct and reliable, stable operation, impact sound and no other anomalies. • static load test. According to the construction drawings and inspection machinery and metal structure bearing capacity of the hoist. Test load rated load in turn 70%, l00% and 125%. • dynamic load tests. According to the construction drawings, dynamic loading tests on the bodies to test the dynamic stiffness of the performance of the agencies and gantries. Test load rated load 100% and then 110%. Test agencies should be conducted separately, when there is a joint commissioning requirements, should be carried out according to the construction drawings and the instructions of the supervisor. Test, repeat to start, run, stop, forward, reverse motion, duration of at least 1h. Agencies should be flexible, stable and reliable work, limit switches, safety interlocks, anti-climbing device, the movements should be accurate and reliable, the parts should be free of cracks and other damage, the connection should not be loose. (3) civil works out the hoist and installation conditions installation 自制仅作参考 日常消毒记录表 单位 班级 日期 消毒对象 消毒方法 作用浓度或强度 作用时间 消毒方式 执行人 备注 8:00,8:30 通风 开窗 空气 17:00,17:30 灯管累计紫外线 1.5W/M3 17:00,18:00 照射 时间: 15分钟 煮沸消毒 蒸汽消毒 10分钟。 餐具、炊具、 水杯 餐具消毒柜消毒 消毒碗柜消毒 用洗涤剂清洗干净 6小时 照射 后,阳光曝晒 煮沸消毒 15分钟 毛巾类织物 蒸汽消毒 10分钟。 次氯酸钠类消毒剂400,500 mg/L20分钟。 浸泡 消毒(84消毒液) (1:100) 餐桌、床围 100,250 mg/L擦拭或栏、门把手、次氯酸钠类消毒剂20分钟。 水龙头等物消毒(84消毒液) (1:200) 冲洗 体表面 通风晾晒(每周至 6小时 少1次) 玩具、图书 100,250 mg/L擦拭或次氯酸钠类消毒剂20分钟。 消毒(84消毒液) (1:200) 浸泡 便盆、坐便 器与皮肤接次氯酸钠类消毒剂400,700 mg/L触部位、盛20分钟。 浸泡 消毒(84消毒液) (1:100) 装吐泻物的 容器 75%,80%乙醇溶液体温计 3,5分钟。 浸泡 消毒 3.1 requirements. • no load tes3 t. According to the relevant provisions of the DL/T5019 check the running of machinery and electrical equipment provided, to be correct and reliable, stable operation, impact sound and no other anomalies. • static load test. According to the construction drawings and inspection machinery and metal structure bearing capacity of the hoist. Test load rated load in turn 70%, l00% and 125%. • dynamic load tests. According to the construction drawings, dynamic loading tests on the bodies to test the dynamic stiffness of the performance of the agencies and gantries. Test load rated load 100% and then 110%. Test agencies should be conducted separately, when there is a joint commissioning requirements, should be carried out according to the construction drawings and the instructions of the supervisor. Test, repeat to start, run, stop, forward, reverse motion, duration of at least 1h. Agencies should be flexible, stable and reliable work, limit switches, safety interlocks, anti-climbing device, the movements should be accurate and reliable, the parts should be free of cracks and other damage, the connection should not be loose. (3) civil works out the hoist and installation conditions installation 附件4 卫生保健工作记录(登记)表 表1 晨午检及全日健康观察记录表 晨检情况 全日健康观察 日期 姓名 班级 处理 检查者 家长主诉与检查 (症状与体检) 备注: 记录晨午检和全日健康观察中发现的儿童异常情况。 表2 在园(所)儿童带药服药记录表 服用剂量和 喂药时间及 日期 班级 姓名 药物名称 家长签字 时间 签字 表3 儿童出勤登记表 班级: 年 月 日期 姓名 备注 1 2 3 4 5 „ „ 31 备注: 1.“?”代表出勤,“〇”代表缺勤; 2.缺勤儿童查明原因后在“〇”内补全相应的符号:“×”代表病假,“— ”代表事假; 3.因病缺勤,需在备注栏注明疾病名称。 3.1 requirements. • no load test. According to the relevant provisions of the DL/T5019 check the running of machinery and electrical equipment provided, to be correct and reliable, stable operation, impact sound and no other anomalies. • static load test. According to the construction drawings and inspection machinery and metal structure bearing capacity of the hoist. Test load rated load in turn 70%, l00% and 125%. • dynamic load tests. According to the construction drawings, dynamic loading tests on the bodies to test the dynamic stiffness of the performance of the agencies and gantries. Test load rated load 100% and then 110%. Test agencies should be conducted separately, when there is a joint commissioning requirements, should be carried out according to the construction drawings and the instructions of the supervisor. Test, repeat to start, run, stop, forward, reverse motion, duration of at least 1h. Agencies should be flexible, stable and reliable work, limit switches, safety interlocks, anti-climbing device, the movements should be accurate and reliable, the parts should be free of cracks and other damage, the connection should not be loose. (3) civil works out the hoist and installation conditions installation 表4 儿童传染病登记表 传染病名称 手水流猩急痢麻风传其 足痘 行红性疾 疹 疹 染它 姓 性 年 发诊诊处 口 性热 出性 病 断断 病 腮血肝 日 单 日 腺性炎 名 别 龄 期 位 期 置 炎 结 膜 炎 合计 备注: 患某种传染病在该栏内划“?”。 表5 儿童营养性疾病及常见疾病登记表 班级 姓名 疾病名称 确诊日期 干预与治疗 转归 备注: 登记范围包括营养不良、贫血、单纯性肥胖、先心病、哮喘、癫痫、听力障碍、视力低常、龋齿等。 表6 班级卫生消毒检查记录表 消毒物体 日期 班级 开窗 餐桌 床围 门把 水龙 图书 玩具 被褥 厕所 其他 ? 通风 栏 手 头 晾晒 晾晒 备注: 以“?”的方式完成此表。 表7 健康教育记录表 日期 地点 对象 形式 备注: 1.对象是指儿童、家长、保教人员等; 2.形式是指宣传专栏、咨询指导、讲座、培训、发放健康教育资料等; 3.内容是指园(所)内各项健康教育活动的主要内容。 3.1 requirements. • no load tes5 t. According to the relevant provisions of the DL/T5019 check the running of machinery and electrical equipment provided, to be correct and reliable, stable operation, impact sound and no other anomalies. • static load test. According to the construction drawings and inspection machinery and metal structure bearing capacity of the hoist. Test load rated load in turn 70%, l00% and 125%. • dynamic load tests. According to the construction drawings, dynamic loading tests on the bodies to test the dynamic stiffness of the performance of the agencies and gantries. Test load rated load 100% and then 110%. Test agencies should be conducted separately, when there is a joint commissioning requirements, should be carried out according to the construction drawings and the instructions of the supervisor. Test, repeat to start, run, stop, forward, reverse motion, duration of at least 1h. Agencies should be flexible, stable and reliable work, limit switches, safety interlocks, anti-climbing device, the movements should be accurate and reliable, the parts should be free of cracks and other damage, the connection should not be loose. (3) civil works out the hoist and installation conditions installation 表8 膳食委员会会议记录表 时间: 出席会议人员: 主持人: 会议议题: 会议记录: 备注: 1.由负责召开膳食委员会会议的人员记录; 2.会议议题:简单注明主要讨论及需解决的问题; 3.会议记录:记录围绕会议议题讨论的主要内容。 表9 儿童伤害登记表 年 月 日 姓名: 性别: 年龄: 班级: 伤害发生日期: 年 月 日 伤害发生时间:_____:____(用24小时记时法) 当班责任人: 填表人: 伤害类型: 1=交通事故 2=跌伤(跌、摔、滑、绊) 3=被下落物击中(高处落下物) 4=锐器伤(刺、割、扎、划) 5=钝器伤(碰、砸) 6=烧烫伤(火焰、高温固/液体、化学物质、锅炉、烟火、爆竹炸伤) 7=溺水(经医护人员救治存活)8=动物伤害(狗、猫、蛇等咬伤、蜜蜂、黄蜂等刺蜇) 9=窒息(异物,压、闷、捂窒息,鱼刺/骨头卡喉) 10=中毒(药品、化学物质、一氧化碳等有毒气体,农药,鼠药,杀虫剂,腐败变质食物除外) 11=电击伤(触电、雷电) 12=他伤/攻击伤 伤害发生地点: 1=户外活动场 2=活动室 3=寝室 4=卫生间 5=盥洗室 6=其他(请说明 ) 伤害发生时活动: 1=玩耍娱乐 2=吃饭 3=睡觉 4=上厕所 5=洗澡 6=行走 7=乘车 8=其他(请说明_________) 9=不知道 伤害发生时和谁在一起: 1=独自一人 2=老师 3=小伙伴 4=其他(请说明 ) 5=不知道 受伤后处理方式(最后处理方式) : 1=自行处理(保健人员)且未再就诊 2=医疗卫生机构就诊 3=其他(请说明 ) 如果就诊,诊断是:________________________ 因伤害休息多长时间(包括节日、假期及周末):_______天 转归:1=痊愈 2=好转 3=残疾 4=死亡 简述伤害发生经过(对损伤过程作综合描述): 3.1 requirements. • no load test. According to the relevant provisions of the DL/T5019 check the running of machinery and electrical equipment provided, to be correct and reliable, stable operation, impact sound and no other anomalies. • static load test. According to the construction drawings and inspection machinery and metal structure bearing capacity of the hoist. Test load rated load in turn 70%, l00% and 125%. • dynamic load tests. According to the construction drawings, dynamic loading tests on the bodies to test the dynamic stiffness of the performance of the agencies and gantries. Test load rated load 100% and then 110%. Test agencies should be conducted separately, when there is a joint commissioning requirements, should be carried out according to the construction drawings and the instructions of the supervisor. Test, repeat to start, run, stop, forward, reverse motion, duration of at least 1h. Agencies should be flexible, stable and reliable work, limit switches, safety interlocks, anti-climbing device, the movements should be accurate and reliable, the parts should be free of cracks and other damage, the connection should not be loose. (3) civil works out the hoist and installation conditions installation 附件5 卫生保健资料统计表 表1 儿童出勤统计分析表 托幼机构名称: 出 勤 情 况 缺 勤 原 因 分 析 在 册 应出勤 儿童数 日 数 应 出 勤 实际出勤出勤率 缺 勤 年份 月份 人 次 数 (%) 人 次 数 人次数 因 病 因 事 寒暑假 其他 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 9月 10月 11月 12月 1月 2月 3月 4月 5月 6月 7月 8月 备注: 1.出勤率=(实际出勤人次数/应出勤人次数)×100%; 2.缺勤人次数=应出勤人次数—实际出勤人次数; 3.各项百分率要求保留小数点后1位。 3.1 requirements. • no load tes7 t. According to the relevant provisions of the DL/T5019 check the running of machinery and electrical equipment provided, to be correct and reliable, stable operation, impact sound and no other anomalies. • static load test. According to the construction drawings and inspection machinery and metal structure bearing capacity of the hoist. Test load rated load in turn 70%, l00% and 125%. • dynamic load tests. According to the construction drawings, dynamic loading tests on the bodies to test the dynamic stiffness of the performance of the agencies and gantries. Test load rated load 100% and then 110%. Test agencies should be conducted separately, when there is a joint commissioning requirements, should be carried out according to the construction drawings and the instructions of the supervisor. Test, repeat to start, run, stop, forward, reverse motion, duration of at least 1h. Agencies should be flexible, stable and reliable work, limit switches, safety interlocks, anti-climbing device, the movements should be accurate and reliable, the parts should be free of cracks and other damage, the connection should not be loose. (3) civil works out the hoist and installation conditions installation 表2 学年(上 、下)儿童健康检查统计分析表 托幼机构名称: 体格(人数) 血红蛋白 视 力 听 力 龋 齿 中 轻 视 听 在 体 体 重 生 检 度 检 力 检 力 检 患 册 检 检 低 度 年龄组 长 消 肥 测 贫 查 不 查 异 查 龋 人 人 率 体 贫 迟 瘦 胖 人 血 人 良 人 常 人 人 数 数 (%) 重 血 缓 数 人 数 人 数 人 数 数 人 数 数 数 数 0岁, 1岁, 2岁, 3岁, 4岁, 5岁, 6,7岁 总 计 备注: 1.体检率=(体检人数/在册人数)×100%; 2.某病患病率=(某病患病人数/检查人数)×100%。 3.1 requirements. • no load test. According to the relevant provisions of the DL/T5019 check the running of machinery and electrical equipment provided, to be correct and reliable, stable operation, impact sound and no other anomalies. • static load test. According to the construction drawings and inspection machinery and metal structure bearing capacity of the hoist. Test load rated load in turn 70%, l00% and 125%. • dynamic load tests. According to the construction drawings, dynamic loading tests on the bodies to test the dynamic stiffness of the performance of the agencies and gantries. Test load rated load 100% and then 110%. Test agencies should be conducted separately, when there is a joint commissioning requirements, should be carried out according to the construction drawings and the instructions of the supervisor. Test, repeat to start, run, stop, forward, reverse motion, duration of at least 1h. Agencies should be flexible, stable and reliable work, limit switches, safety interlocks, anti-climbing device, the movements should be accurate and reliable, the parts should be free of cracks and other damage, the connection should not be loose. (3) civil works out the hoist and installation conditions installation 表3 传染病发病统计表 托幼机构名称: 各类传染病发病人数 在 册 传染病急性出年份 月份 手足 流行性传染性儿童数 发病数 水 痘 猩红热 血性结痢 疾 麻 疹 风 疹 其 他 口病 腮腺炎 肝 炎 膜 炎 9月 10月 11月 12月 1月 2月 3月 4月 5月 6月 7月 8月 合计 3.1 requirements. • no load tes9 t. According to the relevant provisions of the DL/T5019 check the running of machinery and electrical equipment provided, to be correct and reliable, stable operation, impact sound and no other anomalies. • static load test. According to the construction drawings and inspection machinery and metal structure bearing capacity of the hoist. Test load rated load in turn 70%, l00% and 125%. • dynamic load tests. According to the construction drawings, dynamic loading tests on the bodies to test the dynamic stiffness of the performance of the agencies and gantries. Test load rated load 100% and then 110%. Test agencies should be conducted separately, when there is a joint commissioning requirements, should be carried out according to the construction drawings and the instructions of the supervisor. Test, repeat to start, run, stop, forward, reverse motion, duration of at least 1h. Agencies should be flexible, stable and reliable work, limit switches, safety interlocks, anti-climbing device, the movements should be accurate and reliable, the parts should be free of cracks and other damage, the connection should not be loose. (3) civil works out the hoist and installation conditions installation 10 10
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