
0至3岁孩子如何买保险(How do children from 0 to 3 buy insurance)

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0至3岁孩子如何买保险(How do children from 0 to 3 buy insurance)0至3岁孩子如何买保险(How do children from 0 to 3 buy insurance) 0至3岁孩子如何买保险(How do children from 0 to 3 buy insurance) Insurance Daily: how do children buy insurance between the ages of 0 and 3? Http://www.sina.com.cn at 10:24 on October 18, 2011, sina finance, micro-blo...
0至3岁孩子如何买保险(How do children from 0 to 3 buy insurance)
0至3岁孩子如何买保险(How do children from 0 to 3 buy insurance) 0至3岁孩子如何买保险(How do children from 0 to 3 buy insurance) Insurance Daily: how do children buy insurance between the ages of 0 and 3? Http://www.sina.com.cn at 10:24 on October 18, 2011, sina finance, micro-blog Children are the parents of the baby, parents want to what good things to the children, but the insurance is different, this is from the meaning and function of the insurance, personal insurance is the risk transfer process of life caused by the economic loss, is a continuation of the economic life, is to create the value of people in the family security in the risk of other members of the family life is not affected, the child can continue to finish school, home life level is not decreased, the children in a very high position in the family, but the economic status is not high. Therefore, insurance or adults first after the child's principles, first to protect, after savings, pension, reinvestment principle. But in China, many people, after understanding the principle of insurance purchase, still want to buy insurance for their children, not to buy, but to buy carefully. How to choose between 0 and 3 years old, it depends on the family's financial budget. 0---3 years old child has a characteristic, the child has just been born, growth, resistance is relatively weak, more prone to illness, the child is in the reserve stage of education money. Income is not high in families, the child's premium budget within 1000 yuan of the family can consider medical insurance for their children. Many companies have health insurance packages, low premiums, can play a good complement to the role of health insurance. Prudential insurance for fidelity life, for example. Relatively good economic income, the premium budget of 3000 yuan within the family can consider buying dividends for the child's life insurance, plus lifelong catastrophic insurance + accident injury medical insurance. Because younger children, low premiums, can get the protection of major diseases 100 thousand life, compared to previously introduced health insurance packages, this combination is not the consumer type, can get the dividend distribution of the part against inflation, but in the purchase of such products must be considered, because the CIRC to below the age of 18 the adult have payment of insurance amount death limit, that is to say before the age of 18 children can not buy other insurance products covering life insurance. The children insured families is quite generous, if less than 10 thousand of the annual budget, recommendation can be considered comprehensive insurance, both gold and the return of education, illness, disease, medical accident medical security. There are policyholders, major diseases exemption insurance. Use of insurance to solve the problem of child education payments, may return is not so big, his character is stable, sustained, not for other purposes. Children are our future, education money is not risk. Family income is a good family, I suggest that you can consider the use of investment insurance to supplement the education preparation, education insurance insurance companies are given time to receive, do not always receive, need a variety of classes on the primary school after the child cost is very much, to withdraw at any time, there is a the product can be solved, is the investment insurance, investment insurance payment is flexible, the customer to decide the investment of time, time is long, the account value is high, but also can withdraw at any time, no early withdrawal fee, not too much, there are a number of investment linked insurance investment account investment, equivalent to the investment institutions to help you can choose a variety of investment accounts. He compared to the fund investment income is relatively stable, the risk is relatively low, and the fund will be to do the insurance function. I want to buy a commercial insurance (Pacific Insurance) for my 5 year old daughter, regardless of the size of the hospital. The premium is between 1000 and 2000 a year. 2011-9-4 22:27 questions: about 1314520 | reward points: 20 | why was closed | Views: 46 The proportion of reimbursement is higher, of course, is better, mainly need a copy, no matter the size of the disease, as long as the hospital can be reimbursed, but also the expiration of the return of all the insurance payments, thank you! There are 19 other answers 2011-9-4 22:31 happyziyou |十四级 医疗险是消费型的商业险对于普通门诊是免责的,只有高端医疗险可以全部报销~ 购买保险,想选大公司、广告多,是否有保障, 答:购买保险首先应关注的是业务员的专业和诚信,其次是公司时效性和产品适合性,还有未来回报如何~如果仅考虑公司大广告多的话,如果遇到业务员欺骗误导客户的话,那么不管公司和产品再有势力都将是一句空话,最终导致自己的利益损失~赞同0 2011-9-4 22:39 金石js18 |七级 你的要求太高了,好像没有这样的产品 具体报销多少也不是保险就能决定的,要看医生给你用药的情况,自费药是不报销的,在高端医疗险中可以报销,但是保费太高了 1。意外险。小孩子天性好动,好奇心强,难免会有磕磕碰碰。 2。宝宝的免疫力和抵抗力都不如成人,感冒发烧的要住院。 3。重疾险。 4。建议先考虑大人的保障,事实上父母才是孩子最好的保障。孩子发生任何问,都还有父母。父母一旦发生风险,孩子的教育,生活都成问题。所以为自己买保险,也是对孩子的负责如果父母都有保障了,可以在经济条件允许的情况下再考虑教育金保险。 具体购买多少,花多少钱买要根据自己的经济情况定,不要超过自己 的经济能力。赞同0 2011-9-4 22:42 tjwkl |三级 首先五岁的孩子上幼儿园应该参加幼儿园的团险。商业保险的保险范围是和社保一样的。社保不报的,商保也不报。每年只交1000多。大病小病都能看。而且还返还保费。这样的好事应该不会有的。医疗险是消费型的~愿望与现实差距太大。赞同0 2011-9-4 23:31 zychang001 |三级 大小病都能报的是有,但是你所说的期满能还所交的的保险金的话,还是没有的,天底下还没有这么好的事,我钱放在你那里,有病就你出,有没有事我全都拿回来,是没有的,,,,赞同0 2011-9-5向日葵保险网网友11:04 您好:建议选择宝宝快乐成长卡(180元/年)或建议做组合险,在养老的同时,加上意外医疗,重大疾病,住院医疗,住院补贴等,这样可以使保障更全面,一般保险的顺序是先健康险,再是养老,理财,投资等。具体方案还需要我们进一步的沟通,这样做出的方案才更适合您,如需详细了解欢迎随时和我联系。赞同0 2011-9-5 11:10向日葵保险网网友 您好~1、门诊补贴2、磕磕碰碰报销3、住院社保报销剩余全报,4、住院每天补助。祝平安幸福~赞同0 2011-9-5 11:12向日葵保险网网友 你好:(1)根据自己实际需求确定------意外、重疾、教育金。少儿保险是针对18周岁以下人群提供的一种人身风险保障。父母在买保险前,应清楚自己的家庭及孩子真正的保险需求后,再选择适合自己的少儿险产品。比如有的家庭注重对孩子身体的呵护,建议购买保障类的少儿险产品;还有的家庭重视孩子的教育,则建议购买储蓄型的产品。最好的儿童险搭配是,把提供教育基金为目的的分红保险作为主险,附加医疗疾病险与意外险。(2)不同年龄选择不同种类的少儿 险5岁时,由于最容易生病、发生意外,应为孩子准备一份医疗保险。 在同样的支出预算内, Should not only consider the high amount of education insurance payment, but also should provide the child with certain protection against disease or accidental risk. (3) the premiums should not exceed 15% of the total income. The risks faced by children are many. The protection should be comprehensive, but the parents should estimate the annual premiums according to their actual income levels. Under normal circumstances, annual premiums should not exceed the annual income of 15%-20%. Remind: parents are the mainstay of the family, their own security should be improved. Specific insurance plans, individual exchanges. The following cases are for reference only. Reference: 5 year old child savings protection program, economic child medical security program endorsed 0 2011-9-5 11:17 sunflower insurance net friend Daily hospitalization insurance is consumer oriented. If your partner can also refund the insurance expires, please tell me. Thank you~ Agree 0 2011-9-5 11:26 sunflower insurance net friend Hello, please understand peace happy baby health insurance card, 220 yuan and 1 years, 100 thousand inpatients (200 franchise), 5000 medical accidents (deductible 100,80% reimbursement), 50 thousand disability (death): safe children happy baby with 0 2011-9-5 13:41 sunflower Kazan insurance net friend Hello, it is recommended to give children a child medical insurance, accidental and hospitalization guarantee, can be used as a supplement to medical insurance. In addition to children to buy education insurance at the same time, please carefully examine the adequacy of the protection of adults, because the adults is child insurance, critical illness insurance savings in adults can also keep education funds for children. Reference: peace happy baby card! The general household income distribution of several hundred dollars a year of accident and hospital medical insurance plan safe family life to medical security critical illness... Agree with 0 2011-9-5 14:10 sunflower insurance network users Hello, you can consider an insurance portfolio: 1. social security: take Zhuhai as an example, more than 80 yuan a year, to solve the disease clinic, hospitalization expenses. 2. learning Ping risk: 80 yuan a year (Chinese life student auspicious card A), protection: unexpected outpatient medical treatment 5000 yuan, accident and disease hospitalization 36000 yuan. The 3. major disease insurance: China Corelle life: 5 year old female, 100 thousand security, 20 years to pay 1500 yuan, less than a year. This is the first discovery of major diseases or safe life after 100 thousand. Reference: the child's comprehensive security plan agrees with 0 2011-9-5 14:12 sunflower insurance net friend Hello! First of all, welcome to Kwai Chung. I'm glad you can think of buying insurance for your child. By the way, do you have social security for your child? In buy commercial insurance for children, to improve the basic medical insurance and children's children's fund or rural cooperative medical care, then can buy a commercial insurance card as a supplement, using the combination of the two, most of the medical expenses can be reimbursed. Recommended: new peace growth happy card A, B: (0--2 years of age) A card, 360 yuan a year, (3--18 years of age) B card, 180 yuan a year. The 100 thousand major diseases of hospitalization, 30 thousand, 5000 yuan of medical accidents, accidental death and accidental disability and disease death 50 thousand. Solve some medical problems. But is the consumption of the type of the year to do a full no return of the function. Reference: child accident, medical treatment, education (dividend return type baby safe comprehensive medical treatment, severe illness, accident... Agree with 0 2011-9-5 14:14 sunflower insurance network users Hello: which company is very good, mainly depends on the agent's professional and service! I'm glad to know you. For the 5 year old, I don't know what your income is except for the local medical insurance Do you have adequate protection? It is recommended that you choose the basic medical and accident insurance! More than 1000 yuan a year, can solve 100 thousand of the 32 major diseases or surgical protection! Outpatient, inpatient can be reimbursed! Low payment, high protection! Accidental outpatient hospitalization can be done by auspicious family card, 100 yuan a year, three a family, unexpected outpatient department can be in more than 100 of the proportion of 80% reimbursement. Hospitalization for 330 yuan a year, each time more than 500 of the hospital can be reimbursed in proportion! The remaining funds can consider participating earmarking funds for education savings, can also refer to the Xinhua "happy growth" education fund scheme, to 17 years of age, a lucky year insurance began to lead into gold, has been 17 years old, to receive college education at the age of 18 to 21 years old every year, 22 years old to receive further education gold. 25 years old to receive the gold wedding, 30 years old to receive large amounts of gold in the second career, life 60 birthday for a large birthday gold! At the same time additional critical illness and medical security! Only pay 14 years, you can give each important stage of life in children have greater concern and support! Specific product programs can call in detail, according to your income to arrange, you can provide the most practical and reasonable solution, for reference only! Agree 0 2011-9-5 15:50 sunflower insurance net friend Hello Since you mentioned Pacific Insurance, please contact the local Pacific Insurance Company and ask them to design an insurance plan for you. Agree 0 2011-9-5 16:18 sunflower insurance net friend Hello, buy insurance is to buy peace ah! Thank you, 0 2011-9-5 16:33 sunflower insurance net friend Hello ~ choose combination type can solve this kind of problem ~ ~ reference case will help you ~ reference: 0 year old baby major disease protection plan with 0 2011-9-5 19:01, sunflower net friend Hello! Pacific hospital reimbursement is 85%. At 5 years old, the premium is about 360 yuan (10 thousand /1 years). However, he needs to pay premiums more than 1000 yuan of major risks to drive. In other words, the most junior pay premiums to about 1400 yuan. Inpatient reimbursement products are consumer oriented, that is, there is no return problem. And only until 60 years of age. Subsidized products are subject to return. Details can contact me to understand. With 0 2011-9-5 20:54 two | simple Zhang Miao All you need is universal insurance, but you have to pay 5000 years. Agree with 0 2011-9-6 00:39 sunflower net friend It is right to choose a child's education insurance for children. Now the price is going up and inflation is too fast. Now if you don't save some money, when you are older, you must be temporarily flustered when you need to spend money. Children's education is like this, every year to save a little, deposit 10 years later, do not have to save, 20 years later can double, take out a one-time, and 20 years have double high accident disease guarantee. Can also add five times the major diseases ahead of schedule payment. This is the security and financial endowment insurance combination.. Let your children grow up without worries and get some money when they grow up. Education, entrepreneurship, marriage money, a good one. Of course, personal circumstances are different, there will be different insurance programs, it is important to find a professional agent for you to design a suitable insurance for yourself!! I hope I can help you, QQ can contact me to communicate!! Reference case: auspicious three treasures. Reference: China's insured share of the father of the story, the amount insured dividends and cash dividends difference, auspicious three treasures - - children's education, investment rationale
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