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朱慈勉语录完整版同济史上最受争议朱慈勉语录完整版同济史上最受争议 朱慈勉语录完整版同济史上最受争议的老师(转) 朱慈勉,同济大学土木工程学院教授,博士学位,博士研究生导师,结构力学研究室主任,国家教育部高等学校力学基础课程教学指导分委员会委员,上海市土木工程学会会员,国家一级注册结构工程师。 1970年毕业于清华大学工程力学数学系固体力学专业,此后几年在国家第一机械工业部第八设计院从事结构设计工作,1978年进入同济大学。长期从事结构力学等课程的教学和结构工程领域的科学研究与工程实践,曾多次获得国家级和上海市科技进步奖和教学成果奖,发表论文数十篇。提出...
朱慈勉语录完整版同济史上最受争议 朱慈勉语录完整版同济史上最受争议的老师(转) 朱慈勉,同济大学土木学院教授,博士学位,博士研究生导师,结构力学研究室主任,国家教育部高等学校力学基础课程教学指导分委员会委员,上海市土木工程学会会员,国家一级注册结构工程师。 1970年毕业于清华大学工程力学数学系固体力学专业,此后几年在国家第一机械工业部第八院从事结构设计工作,1978年进入同济大学。长期从事结构力学等课程的教学和结构工程领域的科学研究与工程实践,曾多次获得国家级和上海市科技进步奖和教学成果奖,发表论文数十篇。提出了“概念结构力学”与“计算结构力学”并进发展的结构力学学科发展思想,并付诸于教学实践。1997年和2003年曾先后获得上海市育才奖和高校名师奖。曾先后主持和参加数十项大型结构工程的设计和技术咨询,具有深厚的学科造诣,并善于解决实际工程问。 研究方向:概念结构力学,结构非线性分析,结构与地基的共同工作 工号: 1981128 姓名: 朱慈勉 性别: 男 籍贯: 上海 民族: 汉 出生日期: 保密 政治面貌: 中XXXXX员 参加时间: 保密 系/所: 建筑工程系 部门: 结构力学教学管理室 职称: 教授,博士生导师 现任职务: 结构力学研究室主任 传真: 65986345 办公电话: 65982927 最高学历: 博士研究生 最高学位: 博士 第一外语: 英语 家庭电话: 保密 博导任职时间: 1999年08月 享受津贴时间: 电子邮件: zcm@mail.tongji.edu.cn 抽烟,骂人,捧自己,瞧不起女生...... 朗诵俄文,抨击时政...... 上课时幽默到极点,下课时古怪到极点..... 1。全世界的结构力学书上就我编的有这个,不信你去看 100 cubic meters of reservoir engineering, the mountain residents living water, water for livestock, seedling irrigation water State. At the same time, the original embankments ditches remediation, realize the smooth flow of water, water is clear. The fourth is to the implementation of the village lighting, greening projects, by striving for financial assistance and mobilization in the successful public donations and other forms, financing to install solar powered streetlights 50 lamp, green village main road 1 km. To consolidate and deepen the education practice of the mass line of the party and "strict three real special education results, expanding the Organization Department of the four over four upgrade effectiveness of the activities, guide the majority of Party members to further enhance par consciousness, consciousness of party spirit, rule consciousness, based on the job performance of their duties, in accordance with the central, provincial and city, the latest requirements, combined with actual Tengzhou, now in the city party members to carry out" two studies do, "the theme of the activities to develop scheme are as follows: A, general requirements for conscientiously implement the party to manage the party strictly" policy, in close connection with the city's Party member troop actual, carry out to "learning the party constitution of party compasses, series 2。你平时也算是好学生,怎么每次都出这些低级错误, 3。我上周去中南地区开会,那些人都说是我的"粉丝",叫我出个题目讲解一下,我 看下面全是五六十岁的老教授,都教了一辈子结构力学了,不想为难他们,但是他们就是要我讲,没办法,我就讲了一个,就是我刚才问你们的这个,竟然没有一个人能回答,唉,概念都没掌握,教了一辈子结构力学,连最基本的都做不来,还搞出什么抛物线形........ 4。——(朱)实际上振型是由第一,第二...第n个振型合成的,就像你的基因里有你爸爸的,你妈妈的。你爸爸的是第一振型 你妈妈的是第二振型 ——(学生)那第三,四...振型呢, ——(朱)你姥姥的,你姥爷的,你爷爷的,你奶奶的 5。你妈叫你正对称,你老婆叫你反对称,你该怎么办呢, 你想出来一个办法,于是对你妈说,妈,我是正对称的(做出一个对称的 pose),对你老婆说,老婆,我是反对称的(做出一个反对称的pose),那你是个什么东西呢,你就是零 6。谈恋爱也要像惯性耦合一样,要你中有我我中有你,单相思是没有用的 7。现在的大学生十个中只有一个配得上大学生,我还是清华大学的大学生,当然是万里挑一了 8。要买我这个课件吗,三万块 100 cubic meters of reservoir engineering, the mountain residents living water, water for livestock, seedling irrigation water State. At the same time, the original embankments ditches remediation, realize the smooth flow of water, water is clear. The fourth is to the implementation of the village lighting, greening projects, by striving for financial assistance and mobilization in the successful public donations and other forms, financing to install solar powered streetlights 50 lamp, green village main road 1 km. To consolidate and deepen the education practice of the mass line of the party and "strict three real special education results, expanding the Organization Department of the four over four upgrade effectiveness of the activities, guide the majority of Party members to further enhance par consciousness, consciousness of party spirit, rule consciousness, based on the job performance of their duties, in accordance with the central, provincial and city, the latest requirements, combined with actual Tengzhou, now in the city party members to carry out" two studies do, "the theme of the activities to develop scheme are as follows: A, general requirements for conscientiously implement the party to manage the party strictly" policy, in close connection with the city's Party member troop actual, carry out to "learning the party constitution of party compasses, series 9。这个题值五百块,你们都不要 10。我就是慧眼识英雄,他没有举手吧,我一眼就看出他的眼睛里充满自信,我就知道他做对了,结果叫他上来果然就他一个人做对,你们要佩服的人是我,是我一眼就发现了这个人才 。 11。聪明得太狠了也不好,我们高中有个同学,非常聪明,比我还聪明,结果大学都没考上,因为他疯掉了。我高中还有个同学,朱邦芬,(从我看来)也不是聪明透顶的,人家现在是清华大学物理系主任,中科院院士。 12。今天西南交大发来e-mail说他们改用我编的教材了,我非常高兴,现在我们同济已经攻占了越来越多的高校,而且是名校,这说明我的书是被认可的。我们以前用天津大学的教材,现在他们用我们的,我很骄傲 1。你们要达到的境界是这个题目拿到手里三秒钟,“啪”一下就画出弯矩图。 2。谁的结构力学学得最好,猴子的结构力学学得最好。 3。——(朱)通过这个惨痛的工程教训我们学到了什么,大家能把这个事故拟一个题目嘛,(指像一位同学)你说~ ——(同学)没想到 ——(朱) 对,就是“没想到“,你能获得加分,下课后到我这来登记 4。一个人只要学会“天理”了,什么都不是问题了。结构力学理论是儿子,物理理论是爸爸,“天理”是老祖宗 1。——(朱)都说同济的建筑是全国闻名的,外人到同济大学来都要在研究生楼,中德学院什么地方留个影,其实他们都搞错了,同济最好的建筑是什么,你们说说看, 100 cubic meters of reservoir engineering, the mountain residents living water, water for livestock, seedling irrigation water State. At the same time, the original embankments ditches remediation, realize the smooth flow of water, water is clear. The fourth is to the implementation of the village lighting, greening projects, by striving for financial assistance and mobilization in the successful public donations and other forms, financing to install solar powered streetlights 50 lamp, green village main road 1 km. To consolidate and deepen the education practice of the mass line of the party and "strict three real special education results, expanding the Organization Department of the four over four upgrade effectiveness of the activities, guide the majority of Party members to further enhance par consciousness, consciousness of party spirit, rule consciousness, based on the job performance of their duties, in accordance with the central, provincial and city, the latest requirements, combined with actual Tengzhou, now in the city party members to carry out" two studies do, "the theme of the activities to develop scheme are as follows: A, general requirements for conscientiously implement the party to manage the party strictly" policy, in close connection with the city's Party member troop actual, carry out to "learning the party constitution of party compasses, series ——(学生)文远楼, ——(学生)南北楼, ——(学生)图书馆, ——(朱)南北楼.....还算,图书馆....那两个塔楼就像两个机器人从水泥堆里爬出来(要知道这可是中国九十年代十大预应力建筑啊~~~~)。我说最漂亮的是西北那个一拱一拱的砖房,就是那个小卖部,那可是上海市历史保护建筑啊,现在你要找那种砖房,都找不到拉 2。这个题是改编自以前同济大学编的教材,但是原题有一个重大的概念错误,我就改了一点,这个题就成了一道非常经典的题目了,原来那个出题的人还以为我借鉴了他的,其实我是给他一个台阶下。 3。你是谁,你是主任,我是谁,我是个小讲师,但是你在这个问题上是压不倒我的,因为我使用天理解决的这个问题。不信我们二十年后再看,现在我是主任了。 4。我本来打算把工程规范写进去的,但最后没写,为什么,因为工程规范是变的,我的书是要流芳百世的 这次我们结构赛没拿到第一,主要是我没有去指导。你看,前面几次我指导的都得了冠军 1。现在力学系的老师都找不到工程做了,为了多赚一点钱,他们就以出考研题,上考研班为生,那些报土木研究生的外校学生只要选力学系老师出的题,那就轻而易举能考上,其实都是临时抱佛脚。所以我说,同济的本科生质量最高,你们至少还要经过高考。 2。现在报土木的研究生,那些学校,听都没听说过,有个是什么粮食学校的,100 cubic meters of reservoir engineering, the mountain residents living water, water for livestock, seedling irrigation water State. At the same time, the original embankments ditches remediation, realize the smooth flow of water, water is clear. The fourth is to the implementation of the village lighting, greening projects, by striving for financial assistance and mobilization in the successful public donations and other forms, financing to install solar powered streetlights 50 lamp, green village main road 1 km. To consolidate and deepen the education practice of the mass line of the party and "strict three real special education results, expanding the Organization Department of the four over four upgrade effectiveness of the activities, guide the majority of Party members to further enhance par consciousness, consciousness of party spirit, rule consciousness, based on the job performance of their duties, in accordance with the central, provincial and city, the latest requirements, combined with actual Tengzhou, now in the city party members to carry out" two studies do, "the theme of the activities to develop scheme are as follows: A, general requirements for conscientiously implement the party to manage the party strictly" policy, in close connection with the city's Party member troop actual, carry out to "learning the party constitution of party compasses, series 还有个是东北林学院的,他还很自豪,说“我和wg是校友” 3。——(朱)我上次到清华为本科生讲课,讲完以后他们的院长对我说了一句话,哎呀,叫我非常高兴,你们猜,是那句话, ——(学生)好, ——(学生)棒, ——(学生)强, ——(朱)全错~你们怎么不能用概念分析一下呢,就是一个字:值~你们说的那些都是听起来好听,但没有用的恭维话,值就不同了,在商品经济时代,值是最实用的一个字,这说明他觉得给我报销的两张机票没白花,这就体现了我的价值 1。——(朱)你是哪里人, ——(同学)浙江人 ——(朱)哦,浙江人。不是说你们浙江人不行,而是你们太聪明了,都不屑于搞工程了,我的几个浙江的研究生毕业了都不搞工程,搞起金融证券了,呵呵。倒是江苏的同学比较努力。 2。今年是金猪年,我姓朱,又属猪。我问我那几个结婚了的研究生今年准不准备生孩子,他们都说晚点吧,现在压力这么大。我拼命劝他们今年生,生个金猪宝宝多喜庆啊,六十年一遇哦 1。一日,一位同学在下课后对朱慈勉说:“朱老师,我有一个北京大学力学系的同学想报考您的研究生,不知道能不能和他沟通一下,” 100 cubic meters of reservoir engineering, the mountain residents living water, water for livestock, seedling irrigation water State. At the same time, the original embankments ditches remediation, realize the smooth flow of water, water is clear. The fourth is to the implementation of the village lighting, greening projects, by striving for financial assistance and mobilization in the successful public donations and other forms, financing to install solar powered streetlights 50 lamp, green village main road 1 km. To consolidate and deepen the education practice of the mass line of the party and "strict three real special education results, expanding the Organization Department of the four over four upgrade effectiveness of the activities, guide the majority of Party members to further enhance par consciousness, consciousness of party spirit, rule consciousness, based on the job performance of their duties, in accordance with the central, provincial and city, the latest requirements, combined with actual Tengzhou, now in the city party members to carry out" two studies do, "the theme of the activities to develop scheme are as follows: A, general requirements for conscientiously implement the party to manage the party strictly" policy, in close connection with the city's Party member troop actual, carry out to "learning the party constitution of party compasses, series 朱老师沉默了三秒,说道“他是先知道了我的名气还是先看了我的书才准备报考我的研究生,如果是看了我的书,那么说明他很有眼光。只要他上线了,我当然没有理由不收。” 接着又说:“你们学土木工程的就是概念不清楚,我正想要找一个学力学的来继承我的概念结构力学。他是北京大学力学系的,我是清华大学力学系的,按道理他的理论应该比我还要好。” 实际上,那位同学为什么要报朱老师呢,嘿嘿.......... 1。一日,朱老师不知缘何谈起了建筑学。当时他如同愤青般说着“同济现在的建筑学教授比起以前差多了,就我这个外行都看出他们的不足之处。” 我们很八卦地问道:“举个例子吧” 朱道“就拿逸夫楼前面才竖起来的雕塑来说吧,我那天汽车经过,一眼就看出有问题。明明是一个很古朴,很自然的石头,却偏偏用一个明晃晃的钢圈箍着,简直是喧宾夺主~不知道这群设计师干什么的,真是丢同济的......” 我们开始不以为然,以为他自娱自乐一把,结果我过了一周不经意经过逸夫楼,那个钢圈果然被卸了,心中暗叹朱老还是有两把刷子,连建筑学都有所涉猎 在讲图乘法一节时,朱老师说这个方法是“很久很久以前,莫斯科铁道学院一个比他还聪明,而且爱偷懒的同学发明的”,不知道怎么最后扯到《钢铁是怎样炼成的》。结果他又慷慨激昂一番: “人最宝贵的是生命。生命 每个人只有一次。人的一生应当这样度过:回首往事,他不会因为虚度年华而悔恨,也 不会因为卑鄙庸俗而羞愧;临终之际,他能够说:“我的整个生命和全部精力,都献给 了世界上最壮丽的事业——为解放全人类而斗争” 台下尖叫不断,朱又是典型的人来疯,见大家群情激昂,又说道 100 cubic meters of reservoir engineering, the mountain residents living water, water for livestock, seedling irrigation water State. At the same time, the original embankments ditches remediation, realize the smooth flow of water, water is clear. The fourth is to the implementation of the village lighting, greening projects, by striving for financial assistance and mobilization in the successful public donations and other forms, financing to install solar powered streetlights 50 lamp, green village main road 1 km. To consolidate and deepen the education practice of the mass line of the party and "strict three real special education results, expanding the Organization Department of the four over four upgrade effectiveness of the activities, guide the majority of Party members to further enhance par consciousness, consciousness of party spirit, rule consciousness, based on the job performance of their duties, in accordance with the central, provincial and city, the latest requirements, combined with actual Tengzhou, now in the city party members to carry out" two studies do, "the theme of the activities to develop scheme are as follows: A, general requirements for conscientiously implement the party to manage the party strictly" policy, in close connection with the city's Party member troop actual, carry out to "learning the party constitution of party compasses, series “我还能用俄文背呢~” "Самое дорогое у человека - это жизнь. Она даётся ему один раз, и прожить её надо так, чтобы не было мучительно больно за бесцельно прожитые годы, чтобы не жёг позор за подленькое и мелочное прошлое и чтобы, умирая, смог сказать: вся жизнь и всё силы были отданы самому прекрасному в мире - борьбе за освобождение человечества." 台下完全沸腾了......... 结果让朱慈勉没想到的是,居然有位女生将他的“光辉形象”录了下来, 并在一周后的“概念结构力学论坛”上公之于众,让他好不尴尬 1.有一段时间,有几个从外校考进来的研究生慕名跑到我们课上听朱慈勉的课, 不久,被朱慈勉发现了。 于是他点了其中一位同学,说:“你也听了我这么久的课了,也不能老让你这 么白听,这样吧,我们来个比赛,让研究生和本科生同时做一道位移法的题,看 谁做得快。” 朱对我们说,这位同学很不错很刻苦,上他的非线性有限元,学得还不错。 那位同学很不情愿地来到讲台,接着朱又点了一名本科女生上来叫他们做 题,结果本科生五秒钟就把弯矩图画出来了,那个研究生搞了三分钟还没画好, 而且居然连那边受压,那边受拉都搞错了,这要是犯在我们身上,早就被朱给臭 骂一顿了。 结果朱老师也有点尴尬,就说:“你这也太不应该了,受拉受压都搞错,呵 呵,下去把。” 从此以后,那个同学再也没来过.......... 100 cubic meters of reservoir engineering, the mountain residents living water, water for livestock, seedling irrigation water State. At the same time, the original embankments ditches remediation, realize the smooth flow of water, water is clear. The fourth is to the implementation of the village lighting, greening projects, by striving for financial assistance and mobilization in the successful public donations and other forms, financing to install solar powered streetlights 50 lamp, green village main road 1 km. To consolidate and deepen the education practice of the mass line of the party and "strict three real special education results, expanding the Organization Department of the four over four upgrade effectiveness of the activities, guide the majority of Party members to further enhance par consciousness, consciousness of party spirit, rule consciousness, based on the job performance of their duties, in accordance with the central, provincial and city, the latest requirements, combined with actual Tengzhou, now in the city party members to carry out" two studies do, "the theme of the activities to develop scheme are as follows: A, general requirements for conscientiously implement the party to manage the party strictly" policy, in close connection with the city's Party member troop actual, carry out to "learning the party constitution of party compasses, series 1.在上矩阵位移法一节时,朱老师在解释如何利用约束条件解方程式打了一个比方: “如果一个已知位移为零,这一行一列的元素就统统枪毙(即划行划列),嗒嗒嗒”说完,还自己“拿着枪”比划了一般。 “如果一个已知位移不为零,这一行一列的元素就在枪毙之前,先要拷问拷问,要把情报给弄出来,再枪毙(即划列)” 接着又补一句“如果你先把人枪毙掉了,那你还拷问得出情报吗,” 本人觉得很形象。 (该篇可能学过矩阵位移法DE人能理解的深一点) 1.一天上课,朱老师突然问道:“你们知道我这本书的精髓在哪里吗,” 大家回答了几个,像“概念”“天理”等,朱都说不对。 “你们难道就不能用脑子好好想想吗,我一看就知道你们没仔细看过我的书。” “答案就在序言的第三自然段,以结构力学的基本概念,基本原理及其科学应用为主线;以认识规律为出发点;以工程实践为背景;以素质与能力的提高为目标。” “我的书不是像其他人编的,只是做做几个题,玩玩数学游戏,而是以工程实践为背景,我的例题都是有工程实践背景的~别人的例题数据大都与实际相差太远,而我的则与实际接近,这些东西都是在其他书上学不到的~” .................... 唉,真是自恋到家了 1.某日上课,朱老师说:“其实像我这样这么敬业的老师同济已经不多了。你们看看其他那些结构力学老师,都忙着搞工程,作业也不认真批改,考试也不认真100 cubic meters of reservoir engineering, the mountain residents living water, water for livestock, seedling irrigation water State. At the same time, the original embankments ditches remediation, realize the smooth flow of water, water is clear. The fourth is to the implementation of the village lighting, greening projects, by striving for financial assistance and mobilization in the successful public donations and other forms, financing to install solar powered streetlights 50 lamp, green village main road 1 km. To consolidate and deepen the education practice of the mass line of the party and "strict three real special education results, expanding the Organization Department of the four over four upgrade effectiveness of the activities, guide the majority of Party members to further enhance par consciousness, consciousness of party spirit, rule consciousness, based on the job performance of their duties, in accordance with the central, provincial and city, the latest requirements, combined with actual Tengzhou, now in the city party members to carry out" two studies do, "the theme of the activities to develop scheme are as follows: A, general requirements for conscientiously implement the party to manage the party strictly" policy, in close connection with the city's Party member troop actual, carry out to "learning the party constitution of party compasses, series 监考,因为教书这个行当赚不到钱啊。你们要珍惜我给你们上的课,我这几乎相当于无偿上课啊~要知道,我给外面结构工程师资格考试培训,一周就收入好几万块,你说我这不是义务吗,” 1.“我提出的是概念结构力学与计算结构力学并进的思想,清华大学他们是把结构力学化成基础部分,程序结构力学和定性结构力学,我觉得这种提法有些欠妥,没有我的这么强调概念,而且人为把结构力学与概念割裂开来。还有那个程序结构力学,总是听起来好像是学计算机专业的” 1.一次上结构动力学,讲道如何使自行车减震,朱老师问:“大家说这个骑自行车有哪些可以算弹簧啊,” 同学回答了几个答案,像坐垫,轮胎..... 朱最后补一句:“还有屁股也是啊~” 2。上动力学第一课,讲到突加荷载。书上定义是:外部作用以某一定值突然施加于结构,并在相当一段时间内基本保持不变。 朱叫我们举个例子。 一位同学说:“我一屁股坐到座位上~” “不对~” 另一位同学说:“我小心翼翼地坐到座位上~” “也不对~” 最后,他说了一个极其贴切及其恶心的例子。 只见他做了一个向上扔绳子的动作,说道:“上吊~对吧~” 100 cubic meters of reservoir engineering, the mountain residents living water, water for livestock, seedling irrigation water State. At the same time, the original embankments ditches remediation, realize the smooth flow of water, water is clear. The fourth is to the implementation of the village lighting, greening projects, by striving for financial assistance and mobilization in the successful public donations and other forms, financing to install solar powered streetlights 50 lamp, green village main road 1 km. To consolidate and deepen the education practice of the mass line of the party and "strict three real special education results, expanding the Organization Department of the four over four upgrade effectiveness of the activities, guide the majority of Party members to further enhance par consciousness, consciousness of party spirit, rule consciousness, based on the job performance of their duties, in accordance with the central, provincial and city, the latest requirements, combined with actual Tengzhou, now in the city party members to carry out" two studies do, "the theme of the activities to develop scheme are as follows: A, general requirements for conscientiously implement the party to manage the party strictly" policy, in close connection with the city's Party member troop actual, carry out to "learning the party constitution of party compasses, series 1.有一次讲到土木新大楼。朱说:“大家觉得土木新大楼怎么样啊, ” 大家说:“不错啊” 朱说:“你们都不知道什么是好的,什么是坏的。我们以前的文远楼,多好的一栋建筑啊~就被土木那一帮败家子活活卖给建筑成规学院了。”(痛心疾首的样子) “那帮人只知道面积面积,以为面积大就好,看看现在,学院建在学校最边上,面积大有什么用,你要知道那文远楼可是风水宝地啊~” “那帮人真是除了计算其他方面一窍不通,还想把文远楼的钢窗换成铝合金的~开什么玩笑~别以为铝合金是新产品就好,钢窗老了就过时了,你看看外滩,和平饭店,哪幢楼不是钢窗,告诉你们,钢窗才是最好的~那个铝合金被雨一淋就露出本色了,像鼻涕似的。” 大名鼎鼎的朱慈勉老师又要开讲了~大家听讲哈~ 朱:“前几天收到一封e-mail,是一个外校同学发来的,他跟我说,听了我的课——我不知道他是怎么听的——说要抱我的研究生。他就说他听了我的课感觉智商提高了,呵呵,那些赞美之词在这里就不用说了吧,言辞太激烈了。反正就是说我上得好。” “太激烈了”亏他想得出来~ 我上次去清华跟他们讲课时,我点了三个同学叫他们回答问题。有一个同学答得头头是道,但是答错了,另一个同学一言不发。你们说我给谁加分了,我给那位一言不发的加了,为什么,这就要问伟大的革命导师 vlakimir lennin . 他曾经说过一句话:“无知比偏见更接近真理”。的确是这样啊 新增内容: 1 上完桁架结构,老朱讲了一个什么截面法算内力。最后他来一句:“你们上完100 cubic meters of reservoir engineering, the mountain residents living water, water for livestock, seedling irrigation water State. At the same time, the original embankments ditches remediation, realize the smooth flow of water, water is clear. The fourth is to the implementation of the village lighting, greening projects, by striving for financial assistance and mobilization in the successful public donations and other forms, financing to install solar powered streetlights 50 lamp, green village main road 1 km. To consolidate and deepen the education practice of the mass line of the party and "strict three real special education results, expanding the Organization Department of the four over four upgrade effectiveness of the activities, guide the majority of Party members to further enhance par consciousness, consciousness of party spirit, rule consciousness, based on the job performance of their duties, in accordance with the central, provincial and city, the latest requirements, combined with actual Tengzhou, now in the city party members to carry out" two studies do, "the theme of the activities to develop scheme are as follows: A, general requirements for conscientiously implement the party to manage the party strictly" policy, in close connection with the city's Party member troop actual, carry out to "learning the party constitution of party compasses, series 这堂课,一定要做到解题时一刀见血,不要切来切去都且不中要害....... 2 上次结构赛,俺们寝室两位做了一个结构,拿去给老朱看,结果他看(瞟)了两眼,挤出几个字:“这是什么东东,直接枪毙~”结果他们知耻而后勇,立刻修改,结果在最后比赛中成功了。不知是要感谢老朱还是恨他..... 下面再来两个关于留学的 1。有一次朱说:“上次我一个学生突然从美国给我打了一个电话,他非常激动地跟我说,哎呀,朱老师,你的概念结构力学太强了~我到美国那邦教授要我做几个题给他们看,我就用你的概念结构力学三秒钟解决一个~把那帮美国佬嘴巴都考歪了~"朱说的时候很得意,最后还来一句:”我早就不记得那个同学是谁了,他还给我打电话,看来是真的激动了” 2。还有一次朱说:“曾经有一份出国的机会摆在我的面前,那是刚刚改革开放的时候,国家公派留学生,但是要经过严格的考试。当时我本来是第一的,但是出国的机会给了另一个清华的。但是我很服他。为什么我来第一却服他呢,因为我当时刚考完博,好多公式都记得,但是人家几十年完全不记得了,完全凭自己的数学物理底子在考试时把公式一个一个推出来,可见他概念有多强~虽然他成绩比我低,但是主考官一直认为他比我好。因此她就出去了,我留下来了。“ 3。我下棋也是搞概念,这样也好,也不好,我一看大概就用概念下棋,不拘小节,要么就大胜,要么就输 100 cubic meters of reservoir engineering, the mountain residents living water, water for livestock, seedling irrigation water State. At the same time, the original embankments ditches remediation, realize the smooth flow of water, water is clear. The fourth is to the implementation of the village lighting, greening projects, by striving for financial assistance and mobilization in the successful public donations and other forms, financing to install solar powered streetlights 50 lamp, green village main road 1 km. To consolidate and deepen the education practice of the mass line of the party and "strict three real special education results, expanding the Organization Department of the four over four upgrade effectiveness of the activities, guide the majority of Party members to further enhance par consciousness, consciousness of party spirit, rule consciousness, based on the job performance of their duties, in accordance with the central, provincial and city, the latest requirements, combined with actual Tengzhou, now in the city party members to carry out" two studies do, "the theme of the activities to develop scheme are as follows: A, general requirements for conscientiously implement the party to manage the party strictly" policy, in close connection with the city's Party member troop actual, carry out to "learning the party constitution of party compasses, series
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