首页 > 校园网络使用最基本的地方在于电脑里的“本地连接”,本地连接通常在桌面


2018-03-14 10页 doc 36KB 9阅读




校园网络使用最基本的地方在于电脑里的“本地连接”,本地连接通常在桌面校园网络使用最基本的地方在于电脑里的“本地连接”,本地连接通常在桌面 校园网络使用及基本故障排除 一、确认计算机网络设备 校园网络使用最基本的地方在于电脑里的“本地连接”,本地连接通常在桌面的右下角显示,因设置的问题无显示的话可以在“控制面板”的“网络连接”中找到,如图: 如果出现无法找到本地连接的状况,有可能是因为电脑的网卡损坏或网卡驱动不正常造成的,请在设备管理器中检查自己的网卡是否正常。 通常在以上图片中的阴影部分显示为计算机的网卡设备,如无法看到该设备或有感叹号等图标显示均为不正常,有以上情况时电脑无法上网。 二、确...
校园网络使用最基本的地方在于电脑里的“本地连接”,本地连接通常在桌面 校园网络使用及基本故障排除 一、确认计算机网络设备 校园网络使用最基本的地方在于电脑里的“本地连接”,本地连接通常在桌面的右下角显示,因设置的问题无显示的话可以在“控制面板”的“网络连接”中找到,如图: 如果出现无法找到本地连接的状况,有可能是因为电脑的网卡损坏或网卡驱动不正常造成的,请在设备管理器中检查自己的网卡是否正常。 通常在以上图片中的阴影部分显示为计算机的网卡设备,如无法看到该设备或有感叹号等图标显示均为不正常,有以上情况时电脑无法上网。 二、确认本地连接设置及状态(不使用路由器及交换机时) 在校园网络使用中,本地连接应设置为自动获取IP地址及DNS地址,以上设置可以打开本地连接的“属性”在其中的”InternetTCP/IP”中找到,如下图: 本地连接的状态分为,电缆被拔出,受限制和已连接上三种状态。 当显示“电缆被拔出”时,通常有以下几种情况: 1.网络电缆没有插好或者网络电缆已经损坏; 2.你所使用的网络端口没有开通或者已经损坏。 遇到这种情况时,可以先尝试更换网络线,校园网应使用8芯4对的超五类双绞线,如图: 若无法解决,可与网络管理中心联系解决。 当出现网络受限制时,既电脑没有获取到IP地址,为以下几种情况: 1. 网络线部分损坏; 2. 所使用的网络端口部分损坏; 3. 由于特殊原因端口被隔离。 由于网络线及网络端口都由8芯构成,当其中部分线路断路时,电脑可characteristics and duration control requires adequate labour, and establish a reward system, emulation, good team work, life and other logistical support, maintain strong work ethic and sense of responsibility, ensure the successful completion of tasks. To strictly of quality control, ensure once survived, guarantee plans of implementation increased "four technology" of application, improve construction quality efficiency life water used PP-R pipeline, hot melt connection, this a pipe of using, in is big degree Shang overcome has past traditional pipeline exists as using life short, and insulation performance poor, and installation technology requirements high, and installation cost high of problem, has resistance corrosion, and resistance small, and heat, and resistance pressure, and life long, and insulation energy-saving, and weight light, and installation reliable simple, advantages. Due to ease of installation, reduced labour intensity at the same time, improves the speed of construction. Due to installation and reliable, reducing secondary construction workload, reducing costs while ensuring construction according to schedule. Construction of the first section of the programme description according to the construction contract for the construction of electrical engineering, our scope for low voltage distribution and all future projects, public staircases of lighting engineering; the contract scope with embedded structure reserved for all electrical engineering work and weak power distribution box for the installation. Construction process construction Qian prepared ? tie civil pre buried, and reserved ? wall Shang distribution tube and 能不显示网络断开,但始终无法获取IP地址造成受限的状况。这种情况也可以尝试更换网络线,更换前最好先确保此网线在其他电脑和端口上使用是正常的。 也有部分特殊情况,如网卡驱动安装错误或电脑中毒等原因会造成无论如何都显示受限制,所以最好能将电脑换到其他能够正常使用网络的端口上(如隔壁宿舍或同学)尝试,如果这样还是不能获取IP地址就可以判断为电脑故障,请自行解决(网络中心不负责解决电脑问题~)。不属于电脑故障的情况自己无法解决可与网络管理中心联系解决。 本地连接已连接上查看IP地址的方法如下图: 双击本地连接打开其状态: 点击“支持”选项卡就可以看到当前IP地址: 在地址类型中显示“通过DHCP指派”及为自动获取IP地址,如果此处显示“手动配置”说明你的IP地址设置不正确,请参照上面的说明修改你的设置。 此外在详细信息中可以看到额外的实际地址,DNS地址等属性 其中实际地址及为电脑的MAC地址,此地址具有唯一性,每台电脑都有一个独立且不会重复的MAC地址。DNS地址为地址解析服务器的地址,如果次地址不正确同样无法上网,本校的DNS地址为202.203.192.33。 如果本地连接显示已连接上但无法上网时,多数是获取了错误的IP地址造成的(此类问题主要是在同一幢楼内有人使用路由器的DHCP功能造成),校园网内的IP地址,教工宿舍及办公区域的IP地址及网关多为 172.16.xx.xx xx因地区和电脑characteristics and duration control requires adequate labour, and establish a reward system, emulation, good team work, life and other logistical support, maintain strong work ethic and sense of responsibility, ensure the successful completion of tasks. To strictly of quality control, ensure once survived, guarantee plans of implementation increased "four technology" of application, improve construction quality efficiency life water used PP-R pipeline, hot melt connection, this a pipe of using, in is big degree Shang overcome has past traditional pipeline exists as using life short, and insulation performance poor, and installation technology requirements high, and installation cost high of problem, has resistance corrosion, and resistance small, and heat, and resistance pressure, and life long, and insulation energy-saving, and weight light, and installation reliable simple, advantages. Due to ease of installation, reduced labour intensity at the same time, improves the speed of construction. Due to installation and reliable, reducing secondary construction workload, reducing costs while ensuring construction according to schedule. Construction of the first section of the programme description according to the construction contract for the construction of electrical engineering, our scope for low voltage distribution and all future projects, public staircases of lighting engineering; the contract scope with embedded structure reserved for all electrical engineering work and weak power distribution box for the installation. Construction process construction Qian prepared ? tie civil pre buried, and reserved ? wall Shang distribution tube and 不同,学生宿舍多为10.93.xx.xx(个别为172.16.xx.xx)。 遇到这种情况,可以自行点击“修复”按钮来尝试解决,如果还是获取不到正确的IP地址, 可以使用命令来重新获取IP地址,操作如下: 1. 点击“开始”菜单?“运行”在其中输入“cmd”打开命令提示符 2. 在命令提示符中输入ipconfig空格/release,清空你当前的IP地址: 3. 再输入ipconfig空格/renew更新IP地址: 以上2步操作可能要重复几次才能获取到正确的IP地址 此外输入ipconfig空格/all,也可以查看到MAC地址等详细的信息: 当自己的IP地址、网关、DNS等地址都正确但还是无法正常上网,或者只能登陆QQ等软件但无法打开网页时,有可能是杀毒软件或防火墙造以及用户使用下载软件(如迅雷)造成的,部分杀毒软件及防火墙如果安全设置过高或者注册日期过期等情况就会将网络屏蔽,请把这些软件完全关闭后再尝试上网。 在家里使用过电信ADSL上网的用户,有时因为设置问题在打开IE浏览器时会弹出ADSL的拨号窗口~这种情况的处理方式如下: 在IE的工具菜单中打开Internet选项 其后在连接选项卡中,把拨号和虚拟专用网络设置选定为从不进行拨号连接就可以了 三、使用路由器(或交换机)时的注意事项 1.路由器DHCP功能的设置 由于校园网建立早期就使用的设备比较老旧,对端口之间的抗干扰功能较差。有时会出现路由器干扰他人获取IP地址的情况,所以建议大家尽量购买交换机characteristics and duration control requires adequate labour, and establish a reward system, emulation, good team work, life and other logistical support, maintain strong work ethic and sense of responsibility, ensure the successful completion of tasks. To strictly of quality control, ensure once survived, guarantee plans of implementation increased "four technology" of application, improve construction quality efficiency life water used PP-R pipeline, hot melt connection, this a pipe of using, in is big degree Shang overcome has past traditional pipeline exists as using life short, and insulation performance poor, and installation technology requirements high, and installation cost high of problem, has resistance corrosion, and resistance small, and heat, and resistance pressure, and life long, and insulation energy-saving, and weight light, and installation reliable simple, advantages. Due to ease of installation, reduced labour intensity at the same time, improves the speed of construction. Due to installation and reliable, reducing secondary construction workload, reducing costs while ensuring construction according to schedule. Construction of the first section of the programme description according to the construction contract for the construction of electrical engineering, our scope for low voltage distribution and all future projects, public staircases of lighting engineering; the contract scope with embedded structure reserved for all electrical engineering work and weak power distribution box for the installation. Construction process construction Qian prepared ? tie civil pre buried, and reserved ? wall Shang distribution tube and (Hrbour)就可以了。若已在使用路由器,请将路由器的DHCP功能关闭,操作如下(由于路由器的品牌及型号极多,以下图片和说明仅供参考,具体操作请自行查看产品说明书): 开启DHCP功能的路由器会分配一个以192开头的IP地址及网关给电脑,打开网页浏览器后输入网关的IP地址就能登陆路由器,通常为192.168.1.1或192.168.0.1,用户名及密码一般都缺省为admin: 点击页面中的DHCP服务器,将选项定为不启用,然后点击保存。需要重启路由器,在系统工具中点击重起路由器就可以了。 以上为目前大多数路由器的设置,部分路由器的操作界面与上面的不符,但操作方法相差无几。通常路由器上的WAN口为上连端口,关闭DHCP功能后WAN口可能无法做为上连口使用,只要把网络线接到LAN口上就可以了,WAN口空出不使用(任何情况下直接把计算机和WAN口相连都可能使整个路由器瘫痪)。 请大家自觉关闭DHCP功能,由于以上已经说明DHCP功能会影响其他人正常上网,若发现这类情况给他人造成不便我们会暂时将其端口关闭。 附:如果要将路由器恢复为出产设置,通常路由器上有”RESET”按钮,只要用笔头等较细的东西按下约10秒左右就可以了。 2.通过路由器无法上网 在使用路由器和交换机时,本地连接显示的是你的计算机和路由器之间的连接,并不代表和校园网之间的连接,所以如出现不能上网的情况(如网络受限制等)请characteristics and duration control requires adequate labour, and establish a reward system, emulation, good team work, life and other logistical support, maintain strong work ethic and sense of responsibility, ensure the successful completion of tasks. To strictly of quality control, ensure once survived, guarantee plans of implementation increased "four technology" of application, improve construction quality efficiency life water used PP-R pipeline, hot melt connection, this a pipe of using, in is big degree Shang overcome has past traditional pipeline exists as using life short, and insulation performance poor, and installation technology requirements high, and installation cost high of problem, has resistance corrosion, and resistance small, and heat, and resistance pressure, and life long, and insulation energy-saving, and weight light, and installation reliable simple, advantages. Due to ease of installation, reduced labour intensity at the same time, improves the speed of construction. Due to installation and reliable, reducing secondary construction workload, reducing costs while ensuring construction according to schedule. Construction of the first section of the programme description according to the construction contract for the construction of electrical engineering, our scope for low voltage distribution and all future projects, public staircases of lighting engineering; the contract scope with embedded structure reserved for all electrical engineering work and weak power distribution box for the installation. Construction process construction Qian prepared ? tie civil pre buried, and reserved ? wall Shang distribution tube and 把电脑直接与网络端口连接后,参考本说明第二大点来排除故障。 在长期使用过程中发现,路由器和交换机的工作时间如果太长可能会出现类似瘫痪的状态,所以当你突然不能上网时,可以尝试将路由器关闭电源几分钟,然后再进行连接。 作者:佚名 文章来源:本站原创 点击数:284 更新时间:2008-5-29 U盘对病毒的传播要借助autorun.inf文件的帮助,病毒首先把自身复制到u盘,然后创建一个autorun.inf 在你双击u盘时,会根据autorun.inf中的设置去运行u盘中的病毒我们只要可以阻止autorun.inf文件的创建,那么U盘上就算有病毒也只能躺着睡大觉了大家可能也想到这个,但是不管给autorun.inf设置了什么属性,病毒都会更改它,我提到的方法就是,在根目录下,删除autorun.inf文件,然后,根目下建立一个文件夹,名字就叫autorun.inf,这样一来,因为在同一目录下,同名的文件和文件夹不能共存的原理,病毒就无能为力,创建不了autorun.inf文件了以后会不会出新病毒,自动去删文件夹,然后再建立文件就不知道了,但至少现阶段,这种方法是非常有效的。 事实表明,目前已经有新的病毒能够有意识地检测autorun.inf的存在,对于能直接删除的则删之,对于“无法删除”的则用重命名的方式毁之还有一种很早就出现的以文件名诱骗用户点击的病毒如:重要文件.exe,小说.exe。对于以上这两种传播方式的病毒,仅仅建立autorun.inf文件夹是抵御不了的。 1、在插入U盘characteristics and duration control requires adequate labour, and establish a reward system, emulation, good team work, life and other logistical support, maintain strong work ethic and sense of responsibility, ensure the successful completion of tasks. To strictly of quality control, ensure once survived, guarantee plans of implementation increased "four technology" of application, improve construction quality efficiency life water used PP-R pipeline, hot melt connection, this a pipe of using, in is big degree Shang overcome has past traditional pipeline exists as using life short, and insulation performance poor, and installation technology requirements high, and installation cost high of problem, has resistance corrosion, and resistance small, and heat, and resistance pressure, and life long, and insulation energy-saving, and weight light, and installation reliable simple, advantages. Due to ease of installation, reduced labour intensity at the same time, improves the speed of construction. Due to installation and reliable, reducing secondary construction workload, reducing costs while ensuring construction according to schedule. Construction of the first section of the programme description according to the construction contract for the construction of electrical engineering, our scope for low voltage distribution and all future projects, public staircases of lighting engineering; the contract scope with embedded structure reserved for all electrical engineering work and weak power distribution box for the installation. Construction process construction Qian prepared ? tie civil pre buried, and reserved ? wall Shang distribution tube and 时按住键盘shift键直到系统提示“设备可以使用”,然后打开优盘时不要双击打开,也不要用右键菜单的打开选项打开,而要使用资源管理器开始-所有程序-附件-windows资源管理器将其打开,或者使用快捷键winkeyE打开资源管理器后,一定通过左侧栏的树形目录打开可移动设备要养成这样的良好习惯 2、如果盘内有来路不明的文件,尤其是文件名比较诱惑人的文件,必须多加小心需要特别提示的是,不要看到图标是文件夹就理所当然是文件夹,不要看到图标是记事本就理所当然是记事本,伪装图标是病毒惯用伎俩。 characteristics and duration control requires adequate labour, and establish a reward system, emulation, good team work, life and other logistical support, maintain strong work ethic and sense of responsibility, ensure the successful completion of tasks. To strictly of quality control, ensure once survived, guarantee plans of implementation increased "four technology" of application, improve construction quality efficiency life water used PP-R pipeline, hot melt connection, this a pipe of using, in is big degree Shang overcome has past traditional pipeline exists as using life short, and insulation performance poor, and installation technology requirements high, and installation cost high of problem, has resistance corrosion, and resistance small, and heat, and resistance pressure, and life long, and insulation energy-saving, and weight light, and installation reliable simple, advantages. Due to ease of installation, reduced labour intensity at the same time, improves the speed of construction. Due to installation and reliable, reducing secondary construction workload, reducing costs while ensuring construction according to schedule. Construction of the first section of the programme description according to the construction contract for the construction of electrical engineering, our scope for low voltage distribution and all future projects, public staircases of lighting engineering; the contract scope with embedded structure reserved for all electrical engineering work and weak power distribution box for the installation. Construction process construction Qian prepared ? tie civil pre buried, and reserved ? wall Shang distribution tube and
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