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店长工资试点方案店长工资试点方案 薪酬福利制度之 店长,助理店长,工资试点改革办法,草稿, 为加强店面管理~提高店长的工作积极主动性~增加公司整体绩效~增强服务意识和服务形式。将对市区内5家直营店进行试点考核~并以“公平、公正、以人为本”的原则~进行实施改革。具体细则如下: 一、管理机构 ,一,薪酬福利管理委员会 主任:执行总经理 成员:副总经理、财务总监、各部门经理、以及店长代表。 ,二,委员会职责: 1、审查人力资源部提出的薪酬调整策略及其他各种货币形式的激励手段,如年终奖、专项奖等,。 2、审查个别薪酬调整及整体薪酬调整...
店长工资试点方案 薪酬福利之 店长,助理店长,工资试点改革办法,草稿, 为加强店面管理~提高店长的工作积极主动性~增加公司整体绩效~增强服务意识和服务形式。将对市区内5家直营店进行试点考核~并以“公平、公正、以人为本”的原则~进行实施改革。具体细则如下: 一、管理机构 ,一,薪酬福利管理委员会 主任:执行总经理 成员:副总经理、财务总监、各部门经理、以及店长代。 ,二,委员会: 1、审查人力资源部提出的薪酬调整策略及其他各种货币形式的激励手段,如年终奖、专项奖等,。 2、审查个别薪酬调整及整体薪酬调整方案和建议~并行使审定权。 本规定所指薪酬管理的最高机构为薪酬管理委员会~日常薪酬管理由人力资源部负责。 二、工资组成 工资构成=基本工资,岗位工资+绩效工资,+考核奖+业务提成+年终奖,有条件,—应扣除项目 说明:单店整体完成80%的任务~店长方可提取业务提成。 三、基本工资 ,一,店长工资:一级店长2800,二级店长2400,助理店长2000。 including incentives) to ensure the achievement of the quality objectives. According to the company's quality system documents, combined with the specific circumstances of the project, preparation of project quality manual, procedures and work related to the project implementation rules to improve the quality management system of the project. A management review meeting held each year, on the implementation of the quality policy, objectives and review of the problems and propose corrective measures. Efforts and resources necessary for optimal allocation of project construction management (personnel, finance, facilities, information, etc). 3.2 with customer focus project staff establish a "customer-focused" thinking, fully aware that meet their customers ' needs and expectations is the fundamental pursuit of production and services projects. Projects in production and service processes, to: 3.2.1 identify and determine the needs and expectations of the project legal person, interests as the interests of the customer, with customer satisfaction as satisfied, good faith and cooperation, win-win and development; 3.2.2 needs and expectations of the project legal person into production and service management or technical requirements, and allocation of appropriate resources; 3.2.3 meet legal requirements and strive to exceed their expectations. 3.2.4 customers on the quality of projects put into operation for standards, in accordance with the national standard of quality works. 3.2.5 regulations and standards requires the State and issued by the Ministry of the project related to the current version of the technical specifications, procedures, design institutes and ,二, 基本工资=岗位工资,基本工资*80%,+绩效工资(基本工资*20%, ,三,岗位工资:是薪酬的基本组成部分~根据相应的职级和职位予以核定。正常出勤即可享受~无出勤不享受。按照基本工资的80%计提~作为员工的基本保障性工资。随着员工的职级调整~岗位工资将进行调整。 ,四,绩效工资:绩效工资是指员工完成岗位责任及工作~公司对该岗位所达成的业绩而予以支付的薪酬部分~按照基本工资的20%计提。 1、绩效工资发放: 当月未完成单店任务的80%,含,~无绩效工资, 当月完成单店任务80%-100%,含,~绩效工资按100%发放, 当月超额完成任务~每增加10%~奖励100元~不足10%~按照超额完成比例发放。 2、绩效工资计算 当月完成125%的任务~绩效工资=2000*40%+200元+100*,5%/10%,=800元+200元+50元=1050元。 四、考核奖 ,一,考核分值:200分 ,二,考核项目:业绩完成考核100分,店面管理考核100分。 1、业绩考核:业务完成率为量化分值~如完成任务89%~考核分为89分,毛利率为30%为合格线~减少1个百分点扣除考核分2分。 2、店面管理考核:详见《店面管理考核表》 including incentives) to ensure the achievement of the quality objectives. According to the company's quality system documents, combined with the specific circumstances of the project, preparation of project quality manual, procedures and work related to the project implementation rules to improve the quality management system of the project. A management review meeting held each year, on the implementation of the quality policy, objectives and review of the problems and propose corrective measures. Efforts and resources necessary for optimal allocation of project construction management (personnel, finance, facilities, information, etc). 3.2 with customer focus project staff establish a "customer-focused" thinking, fully aware that meet their customers ' needs and expectations is the fundamental pursuit of production and services projects. Projects in production and service processes, to: 3.2.1 identify and determine the needs and expectations of the project legal person, interests as the interests of the customer, with customer satisfaction as satisfied, good faith and cooperation, win-win and development; 3.2.2 needs and expectations of the project legal person into production and service management or technical requirements, and allocation of appropriate resources; 3.2.3 meet legal requirements and strive to exceed their expectations. 3.2.4 customers on the quality of projects put into operation for standards, in accordance with the national standard of quality works. 3.2.5 regulations and standards requires the State and issued by the Ministry of the project related to the current version of the technical specifications, procedures, design institutes and 店长工资试点改革办法 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 依据考核表分值进行确定。 ,三,考核奖发放:综上两项考核分值之和~按照分值总数发放。 ,四,取消考核奖事项:考核总分值低于120分取消考核奖,出勤低于24天,次,取消奖励,出现重大事故,如出入库有差异、造成恶劣影响、诋毁员工,取消奖励。出现以上任何一条将取消奖励。 五、晋升路线 (一,导购员---医药顾问---金牌医药顾问---助理店长---店长---区域经理---市场部经理---副总经理---总经理 ,二,晋升办法:考核周期为11月和12月综合排名~名次在第一名的晋升一级店长。 ,三,考核排名项目:业绩考核和店面管理考核 六、店面规模与定编标准 依据《关于医药行业企业劳动定员定额工作的暂行规定》确定店面定员。现有店长为二级店长~7人,含,以下设助理店长~7人--14人,含,为标准店长~超出1人补贴50元。北仓店和和平路店原店长改为助理店长~绿化路、明珠和新兴店设店长。 七、薪酬工资调整 薪酬调整分为整体调整和个别调整。 ,一,整体调整:公司根据国家政策和物价水平等宏观因素的变化、行业及地区竞争状况、公司发展战略变化以及公司整体效益情况而进行的调整~包括薪酬水平调整和薪酬结构调整~调整幅度根据经营状况决定。 including incentives) to ensure the achievement of the quality objectives. According to the company's quality system documents, combined with the specific circumstances of the project, preparation of project quality manual, procedures and work related to the project implementation rules to improve the quality management system of the project. A management review meeting held each year, on the implementation of the quality policy, objectives and review of the problems and propose corrective measures. Efforts and resources necessary for optimal allocation of project construction management (personnel, finance, facilities, information, etc). 3.2 with customer focus project staff establish a "customer-focused" thinking, fully aware that meet their customers ' needs and expectations is the fundamental pursuit of production and services projects. Projects in production and service processes, to: 3.2.1 identify and determine the needs and expectations of the project legal person, interests as the interests of the customer, with customer satisfaction as satisfied, good faith and cooperation, win-win and development; 3.2.2 needs and expectations of the project legal person into production and service management or technical requirements, and allocation of appropriate resources; 3.2.3 meet legal requirements and strive to exceed their expectations. 3.2.4 customers on the quality of projects put into operation for standards, in accordance with the national standard of quality works. 3.2.5 regulations and standards requires the State and issued by the Ministry of the project related to the current version of the technical specifications, procedures, design institutes and ,二,个别调整:主要指薪酬级别的调整~分为定期调整与不定期调整。 薪酬级别定期调整:指每年的4月份公司根据绩效考核结果对员工岗位工资进行的调整。 薪酬级别不定期调整:指公司在年中由于职务变动等原因对员工薪酬进行的调整。 ,三,各岗位员工薪酬调整由薪酬管理委员会审批~审批通过的调整方案和各项薪酬发放方案由人力资源部执行。 八、职级薪级表 职级等级 职务岗级 基本工资 晋升级差 浮动区间 A A3 总经理 ----- B B3 副总经理 ----- C C3 市场经理 4500 500 300 D D3 区域经理 3000 500 300 E E1 店长 2800 400 200 E2 店长 2400 400 200 E3 助理店长 2000 400 200 F F1 金牌医药顾问 1800 300 100 F2 医药顾问 1500 300 100 F3 导购员 1200 100 九、工资组成一览表 基本工资 考核奖 业务提成 年终奖 扣除项 工资组成 岗位工资 绩效工资 业绩考核 店面管理 任务目标 基本工资基本工资100分 100分 按照业务按照原办保险、罚款比例分值 *80% *20% 提成办法 法 等 按照出勤 完成任务完成任务检查获取A类3%,B超额完成实现扣除 发放标准 比例~80%比例量化分值 类1.5% 进行奖励 为临界点 分值 C、D不提 附件:《店面管理考核表》《执行方案》待讨论定稿后制作执行文本 薪酬福利管理委员会 2014年9月28日 including incentives) to ensure the achievement of the quality objectives. According to the company's quality system documents, combined with the specific circumstances of the project, preparation of project quality manual, procedures and work related to the project implementation rules to improve the quality management system of the project. A management review meeting held each year, on the implementation of the quality policy, objectives and review of the problems and propose corrective measures. Efforts and resources necessary for optimal allocation of project construction management (personnel, finance, facilities, information, etc). 3.2 with customer focus project staff establish a "customer-focused" thinking, fully aware that meet their customers ' needs and expectations is the fundamental pursuit of production and services projects. Projects in production and service processes, to: 3.2.1 identify and determine the needs and expectations of the project legal person, interests as the interests of the customer, with customer satisfaction as satisfied, good faith and cooperation, win-win and development; 3.2.2 needs and expectations of the project legal person into production and service management or technical requirements, and allocation of appropriate resources; 3.2.3 meet legal requirements and strive to exceed their expectations. 3.2.4 customers on the quality of projects put into operation for standards, in accordance with the national standard of quality works. 3.2.5 regulations and standards requires the State and issued by the Ministry of the project related to the current version of the technical specifications, procedures, design institutes and 店长工资试点改革办法 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 以上方案为讨论版~请不吝指教~谢谢。 including incentives) to ensure the achievement of the quality objectives. According to the company's quality system documents, combined with the specific circumstances of the project, preparation of project quality manual, procedures and work related to the project implementation rules to improve the quality management system of the project. A management review meeting held each year, on the implementation of the quality policy, objectives and review of the problems and propose corrective measures. Efforts and resources necessary for optimal allocation of project construction management (personnel, finance, facilities, information, etc). 3.2 with customer focus project staff establish a "customer-focused" thinking, fully aware that meet their customers ' needs and expectations is the fundamental pursuit of production and services projects. Projects in production and service processes, to: 3.2.1 identify and determine the needs and expectations of the project legal person, interests as the interests of the customer, with customer satisfaction as satisfied, good faith and cooperation, win-win and development; 3.2.2 needs and expectations of the project legal person into production and service management or technical requirements, and allocation of appropriate resources; 3.2.3 meet legal requirements and strive to exceed their expectations. 3.2.4 customers on the quality of projects put into operation for standards, in accordance with the national standard of quality works. 3.2.5 regulations and standards requires the State and issued by the Ministry of the project related to the current version of the technical specifications, procedures, design institutes and
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