
黑珍珠 ― 珍妮・杰克逊 

2017-09-02 3页 doc 18KB 27阅读




黑珍珠 ― 珍妮・杰克逊 黑珍珠 ― 珍妮・杰克逊  黑珍珠 — 珍妮?杰克逊 , 作者:佚名 来源:本站原创 阅读:242 时间:2006-4-8 , 珍妮?杰克逊是天皇巨星麦克尔?杰克逊的妹妹,作为这个音乐大家庭的一员, 珍妮的歌唱生涯开始并不顺利,于是她改头换面,以性感偶像的新形象出现。在经 过一番拚搏之后,终于在歌坛闯出了一片属于自己的天空。 Though born into America's greatest musical family, Janet Jackson began her show business career a...
黑珍珠 ― 珍妮・杰克逊 
黑珍珠 ― 珍妮・杰克逊  黑珍珠 — 珍妮?杰克逊 , 作者:佚名 来源:本站原创 阅读:242 时间:2006-4-8 , 珍妮?杰克逊是天皇巨星麦克尔?杰克逊的妹妹,作为这个音乐大家庭的一员, 珍妮的歌唱生涯开始并不顺利,于是她改头换面,以性感偶像的新形象出现。在经 过一番拚搏之后,终于在歌坛闯出了一片属于自己的天空。 Though born into America's greatest musical family, Janet Jackson began her show business career as Willona's adopted daughter, Penny, on the sitcom Good Times. Roles in Diff'rent Strokes and Fame followed, and, in the eighties, she finally managed to shed her brother Michael's eerie shadow to become one of the decade's sexiest and most successful singers. 注: eerie:巨大的,可怕的;珍妮的哥哥麦克尔?杰克逊是美国流行乐坛的天皇巨 星,珍妮一直被笼罩在哥哥巨大的阴影之下。 Her third release, Control, recorded in 1986, was her breakthrough; "What Have You Done for Me Lately?" and four other cuts off the album landed on top of the charts. Videos choreographed by Paula Abdul helped foster Jackson's erotic image and increase album sales. Rhythm Nation 1814 and its sold-out tour deposited countless more checks to her mutual fund, and four more No. 1 singles on her resume? 注: 1.breakthrough:突破;珍妮86年发行的专辑Control成为她事业的突破点,这 张专辑里的“你为我做了什么,”与其他四首歌曲都登上了排行榜榜首。 2.erotic:性感的;同为歌星的宝拉?阿布杜尔为珍妮设计的舞蹈动作把她变成 性感女神。 3.choreograph:设计舞蹈动作。 In 1996, Jackson signed a record $70-million, five-album deal with Virgin Records. The following year, she released her most personal and revealing album to date, The Velvet Rope, as well as was honored with Soul Train's Lena Horne Lifetime Achievement Award, a career distinction which only seems premature until you remember that Jackson's been in show business for some twenty-five of her thirty-one years. 注: 1.revealing:内幕的;97年珍妮发行了讲述个人的专辑“天鹅绒”,这张专 辑大获成功,在当年的格莱美奖上一举夺魁。 2.distinction:名声,声望。 Jackson is an active anti-drug proselytizer, perhaps in reaction to her first husband's cocaine problems. She teamed up with Michael to produce a hit single, "Scream," and a strangely fascinating video for his greatest-hits album, HIStory. Oddly, she showed up for the 1995 MTV Video Awards wearing a shirt that read "Pervert 2," which, in light of the allegations that were leveled against her brother at the time, has to make you wonder. 注: 1.proselytizer:劝导者,说客;珍妮是一个积极的反毒者,这可能与她的第一 个丈夫是一个瘾君子有关。 2.in light of:按照,根据;在95年的MTV大奖颁奖晚会上,珍妮身着写着 “变态”字眼的衬衫出现,联想到当时许多媒体正在攻击她的哥哥,不知她这样做有 何用意。
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