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学院宣传画册中英文对照最新版(2011.11.14)英文翻译确认版学院宣传画册中英文对照最新版(2011.11.14)英文翻译确认版 学院宣传画册中英文对照最新版 (2011-11-14)修订 ?页 封 面 Logo 苏州工业园区职业技术学院 Suzhou Industrial Park Institute of Vocational Technology 今天的学员 为未来服务 用明天的科技 培养 Train today’s students with tomorrow’s technology to serve the future. 两张照片更换。(大黄蜂+电子屏前跳...
学院宣传画册中英文对照最新版(2011.11.14)英文翻译确认版 学院宣传画册中英文对照最新版 (2011-11-14)修订 ?页 封 面 Logo 苏州工业园区职业技术学院 Suzhou Industrial Park Institute of Vocational Technology 今天的学员 为未来服务 用明天的科技 培养 Train today’s students with tomorrow’s technology to serve the future. 两张照片更换。(大黄蜂+电子屏前跳跃) ?页 封面内页 苏州工业园区是中新两国政府间最重要的合作项目,截止2010年底,累计引进外企4000 余家,其中,世界500强项目137个、上亿美元项目112个,16年间平均每天吸引外资近 600万美元,是中国最具竞争力的开发区。 As the most important cooperative project between China and Singapore, Suzhou Industrial Park had attracted over 4000 foreign enterprises by the end of 2010, among which there were 137 “Fortune 500” projects and 112 “hundred-million-dollar” projects. With an average of 6 million dollars of foreign investment per day coming into the Park in the past 16 years, it now boasts the most competitive development park in China. “在中新苏州工业园区项目上的成功合作,给双方带来了切实利益。” ——胡锦涛 The successful cooperation in the SIP project has brought substantial benefits to the both parties. --Hu Jintao 中新合作苏州工业园区——IVT独特的发展环境 Sino-Singapore Suzhou Industrial Park – A Unique Context for IVT’s Development ?页 学院简介 (Brief Introduction) (学校中英文简介更新) 苏州工业园区职业技术学院(英文简称IVT)是为配合苏州工业园区开发建设,更好地 服务区域外资企业,由新加坡前总理吴作栋先生提议,于1997年12月经江苏省人民政府正 式批准建立的一所新型高等职业技术学院。学院积极借鉴新加坡、德国等发达国家先进的职 教理念,并加以本土化创新,形成了以股份制办学、紧密校企合作、国际化为特色的办学风 科技园、创意产业园以及入驻高教区的十多家全国知格。学院位于独墅湖科教创新区,毗邻 名高校、科研院所,为产学研的紧密结合提供了得天独厚的区位优势。 学院拥有雄厚的师资力量和先进的教学实训设施,先后与德国博世汽车部件(苏州)有 限公司(BOSCH)、芬兰诺基亚西门子通信公司苏州分公司(NOKIA)、韩国三星电子(苏 州)半导体有限公司(SAMSUNG-SESS)等著名跨国公司合作共建了110余间校内实训室。 学院坚持“以明天的科技,培养今天的学员,为未来服务”的办学宗旨,恪守“好学、敬业、 德高、技强”的校训,发扬“IVT的活力来自于我们的创造力”的校风,遵循“企业的需要, 我们的目标;学生的需求,我们的追求”的办学理念,依据区域产业结构重点建设42个专 业,为区域经济发展输送了2万余名优秀毕业生,其中80%的工科毕业生成为外资企业生 产线的技术骨干。江泽民、吴邦国、李瑞环、李岚清、陈至立、李光耀、吴作栋等中新两国 国家领导先后到学院视察和指导工作,对学院的办学成绩给予了充分肯定。 作为百所国家示范性高职院校之一,学院是教育部首批“全国职教师资专业技能培训示 范单位”、“江苏省中等职业教育师资培养培训基地”、“联合国教科文组织中国高等工科教育 和产业合作教席研究基地”、“江苏省文明学校”,连续多年被江苏省教育厅表彰为“毕业生 就业工作先进集体”。被外企亲切地称为“灰领”的西点军校~ Established in 1997 to meet the needs of the development of Suzhou Industrial Park and provide better services to the foreign enterprises in the region, Suzhou Industrial Park Institute of Vocational Technology (hereinafter called “IVT”) is a higher vocational institute initiated by the then Singapore Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong and approved by Jiangsu Provincial Government. By drawing on the experience of vocational education from Singapore, Germany and other developed countries, following the guideline of “adopting international ideas of vocational education, conducting local innovative practices, and sharing achievements within the regional community”, IVT has constituted a brand-new pattern of vocational education featuring shareholding-system-based operation, strong partnership with the industry, and comprehensive international cooperation. The Institute is located in the Dushu Lake Higher Education and Innovative Zone, neighbouring the Science & Technology Park, the Creative Industrial Zone, and over ten well known universities and research institutes. The new campus is designed under the latest philosophy of higher education, enjoying a favorable location superiority for high-degree integration of production, education and research. Equipped with a high quality teaching force and cutting-edge training facilities, including over eighty on-the-campus training labs established together with top multinational enterprises such as BOSCH,NOKIA and SAMSUNG-SESS, IVT aims at "training today's students with tomorrow's technology to serve the future", and is committed to making the students "be eager to learn and dedicated to career, have a high moral integrity and a good command of skills". We believe in that "IVT's vitality comes from our creativity" and "the needs of enterprises set our goals; the needs of students drive our ambitions". Our key specialities tally with the regional industrial structure, and we work hard to achieve a win-win development cooperation with the enterprises, for whom we have provided over 20 thousand graduates, and 80% of the engineering graduates now work as key technical staff in foreign invested companies. What IVT has been practicing was highly praised and fully acclaimed by all visitors, including government leaders and officials from both China and Singapore, such as Jiang Zemin, Wu Bangguo, Li Ruihuan, Li Lanqing, Chen Zhili, Lee Kuan Yew and Goh Chok Tong. IVT is one of the Top 100 National Exemplary Higher Vocational Education Colleges in China, and is among the first approved by the Ministry of Education as the National Exemplary Organization for Training Teachers from Vocational Schools, the Jiangsu Provincial Training Base for Teachers from Secondary Vocational Schools, the UNESCO Chair of Research on Cooperation between Higher Engineering Education and Industries, and winning titles for years as Jiangsu Province Role Model School in Ethical & Cultural Progress and Model School in Employment Services for Graduates by the Jiangsu Provincial Department of Education. 照片更新:江泽民换有学生的那张;周济换陈至立的那张。 ?页 原第11页名誉董事长朱永新照片移过来 名誉董事长寄语 Honorary Chairman’s Message 理想的职业教育 当中国从人力资源大国向人力资源强国转型的过程中,职业教育作为以就业为导向、与 产业结合紧密的教育类型,将承载起发展经济、改善民生,建设和谐社会的历史责任。 胡锦涛总书记曾强调说要“让广大劳动群众实现体面劳动”,温家宝总理也提出要“让 人民生活的更加幸福、更有尊严”。这无疑是对职业教育寄予厚望~ 联合国教科文组织指出,21世纪教育的使命是帮助学生“学会做人、学会求知、学会 做事、学会共处”。职业教育的不但要关注学生“学习性质量”,更要重视学生“发展性质量” 和“生命性质量”,社会呼唤一种新的职业教育。 这需要我们以一种追求师生发展的眼光审视职业教育,以使我们的教育充满生机与活 力,师生拥有巨大的发展潜力; 这需要我们用一种师生意义生成的视野看待职业教育,以使我们的教育充满尊严与自 信,师生激发无限的创造性; 这需要我们以一种本真的态度投入职业教育,以使我们的教育充满关怀与热爱,让师生 享受幸福完整的生活。 能创造幸福完整生活的教育,是我心中理想的职业教育~ The Ideal Kind of Vocational Education With the transformation of China from a big country of human resources to a great power of human resources, vocational education as an employment-oriented type of education closely related to the industry, will surely take on its historic responsibility in the development of economy, the improvement of people’s livelihood, and the construction of a harmonious society. President Hu Jintao once stressed that we should “ensure the broad mass of ordinary people have decent work”, while Premier Wen Jiabao also pointed out that we have to “make people's lives happier and more dignified”, both showing great expectation on vocational education. stThe mission of education in the 21 century, as stated by UNESCO, is to help students “learn to be, learn to know, learn to do, and learn to live together”. Vocational education addresses not only the “quality of studies” of the students, but also the “quality of development” and the “quality of the students. Thus we call for a new kind of vocational education. of life” This kind of vocational education focuses on the growth of both the teachers and the students; it is full of vitality and energy; both the teachers and the students enjoy enormous potential of development; This kind of vocational education fosters significance for what both the teachers and the students do; with great dignity and self-confidence, both the teachers and the students command limitless power of creativity; This kind of vocational education requires that we dedicate ourselves to it with sincerity and honesty, and make it a world of care and love, where both the teachers and the students are able to live a happy and complete life. An education that leads to happy and complete lives, we believe, shall be the ideal kind of Vocational Education. ?页 一、借鉴国外先进办学理念 (An International Horizon of Education) 作为中国和新加坡两国政府的合作项目,学院成功借鉴新加坡南洋理工学院“教 学工厂”的职教模式,并先后与美国德克萨斯大学、密歇根大学、莫瑞州立大 学、加拿大尼亚加拉学院、德国曼海姆教育中心、比利时鲁汶工程联合大学、 芬兰帕堪玛技术学院、澳大利亚悉尼科技大学、启思蒙职业技术学院、圣力嘉 (塞纳卡)应用艺术与技术学院、韩国大邱大学、台湾大同技术学院等海外教 育机构开展各种类型的广泛合作。通过借鉴、创新,学院形成了自己鲜明的办 学特色,被誉为“园区之珠,职教之光。” As the cooperation project between China and Singapore government, IVT has successfully adopted the teaching factory mode of vocational education from Nanyang Polytechnic, Singapore. IVT has also built partnerships with many renowned universities and colleges, like University of Texas (USA), Michigan University (USA), Murray State University (USA), Niagara College (Canada), IB-Bildungszentrum Mannheim (Germany), Group T Leuven Engineering School (Belgium), Pirkanmaa College (Finland), University of Technology, Sydney (Australia), Chisholm Institute of TAFE,Seneca College of Applied Arts and Technology,Daegu University (Korea), Dangtong Technical Institute (Taiwan). By drawing on the advanced experiences of vocational education from other schools and exploring innovative ways in its own practice,IVT has been praised as “ the Pearl of SIP, the Light of Vocational Education”. 原第6页上的照片:第二张换GROUP T;第三张换启思蒙 的;第四张换中芬技能大赛的。 Maria Peters, CEO of Chisholm Institute of TAFE, has been to IVT President Shan Qiang has been invited to join the Board of GROUP T ?页不变(原第7页) 办学宗旨 用明天的科技,培养今天的学员,为未来服务。 Train Today’s Students With Tomorrow’s Technology To Serve The Future. 办学理念 企业的需要,我们的目标;学生的需求,我们的追求。 The Needs of Enterprises Set Our Goals ; The Needs of Students Drive Our Ambitions. 办学思路 国际职教理念,本土创新实践,区域成果分享。 International Ideas ,Local Practices ,Regional Prosperity 校风 IVT的活力,来自我们的创造力 IVT's Vitality Comes From Our Creativity 教风 细节决定品质 Details Ensure Quality 学风 让优秀成为习惯 Let Excellence Be Our Motivation 校训 好学、敬业、德高、技强 Be Eager To Learn And Dedicated To Career, Have A High Moral Integrity And A Good Command Of Skills 愿景 IVT与你共成长 Growing Up Together With You ?页 二、董事会与卓越的师资队伍 (Board Governance and an Excellent Teaching Force) 学院组建了由政府主管部门、中外著名跨国公司、国内外知名高校组成的董事会,实行董事会领导下的院长负责制。董事会融合了政府、企业和学术三种资源,三方董事也分别从政策、经费、专业等方面为学院发展提供了强大的支 持,真正体现了政府主导、行业指导、企业参与、学校自主的现代职业教育体 系。 The board of IVT is composed of personnel from government department, famous multinational companies and well-known universities at home and abroad. The institute implements the president responsibility system under the leadership of the board. As the decision-maker and director, the board plays a decisive role in the construction and development of the institute. Acting as a bridge between the institute, enterprises and other universities, the board takes the enterprises’ requirements as its goal to run the school and gets technical support from the universities by keeping up with the latest development of science and technology. The board incorporates the resources from government, enterprises and academic circles. The board members provide powerful support in terms of policy-making, funding and setting –up of specialties. The board governance practice at IVT embodies a real modern system of vocational education which runs under the direction of the government, in collaboration with the industry, and with autonomy in management of the Institute’s operation. 董事单位列表: 苏州市教育局、苏州市人力资源和社会保障局、董事会成员有中新苏州工业园 区开发有限公司(CSSD)、上海翔宇教育集团、苏州光华投资管理有限公司、 德国费斯托(中国)有限公司(FESTO)、德国博世汽车部件(苏州)有限公司 (BOSCH)、德国安特优发动机工程(苏州)有限公司(MTU)、德国奇梦达科 技(苏州)有限公司(QIMONDA)、美国旭电(苏州)科技有限公司 (SOLECTRON)、美国艾默生环境优化技术(苏州)有限公司(EMERSON)、 美国安德鲁电信器材(中国)有限公司(ANDREW)、美国超威半导体技术(中 国)有限公司(AMD)、美国飞索半导体(中国)有限公司(SPANSION)、芬 兰诺基亚通信有限公司苏州分公司(NOKIA)、荷兰威特立创能科技(苏州)有 限公司(VDL)、韩国三星电子(苏州)半导体有限公司(SAMSUNG)、台湾 明基电通信息技术有限公司(BENQ)、比利时鲁汶工程联合大学、清华大学、 东南大学、苏州大学等28家单位。 The board members (28 in total) include: Suzhou Educational Bureau, Suzhou Labor and Security Bureau, China-Singapore Suzhou Industrial Park Development Co., Ltd, Shanghai Xiangyu Education Group, Suzhou Guanghua Education Investment Co., Ltd., Festo (China) Ltd., BOSCH Automotive Products (Suzhou) Co., Ltd., MTU Engineering (Suzhou) Co., Ltd., Qimonda Technology (Suzhou) Co., Ltd., Solectron (Suzhou) Technology Co., Ltd., Emerson Climate Technologies (Suzhou) Co.,Ltd., Andrew Telecommunications (China) Co., Ltd., AMD Technologies (China) Co., Ltd., Spansion (China) Ltd., NOKIA Telecommunications Ltd. Suzhou Branch, VDL Enabling Technologies Group of Suzhou Ltd., Samsung Electronics (Suzhou) Semiconductor Co., Ltd., BENQ (IT) Co., Ltd., Group T Leuven Engineering School(Belgium),Tsinghua University, Southeast University, and Soo Chow University. 学院的专职教师面向全国公开招聘,优先聘请具有企业工作经验和国际化背 景的“双师型”教师,并分批派到新加坡、德国、法国、荷兰、芬兰、比利时、 加拿大、澳大利亚、日本、韩国等国进行专业培训和学术访问。专业教师不但 具有广阔的国际视野、较高的专业理论基础,而且具有丰富的工程实践经验和 先进技术的应用能力,他们既能胜任专业理论的教学,又能进行实践操作指导, 还可承担工业项目的研制和开发,成为一支融理论教学、实训指导、项目开发 为一体的三维“复合型”师资队伍。 The Institute recruits full-time teachers nationwide, particularly those with rich work experiences in the industry and with international background. Many of the teachers have been sent to Singapore, Germany, France, Holland, Belgium, Finland, Canada, Australia, Japan, and South Korea for professional training and academic visits. The teachers boast an open international mindset, solid theoretical foundation as well as rich practical experience and strong technical skills. They constitute a team who are competent for both theoretical teaching and teaching of practical skills as well as undertaking research and developing industrial projects. (原第10页图1:第六届国家教学名师王应海教授指导机器鼠研发小组 ) Prof. Wang Yinghai, winner of the State Famous Teacher Prize, instructs the I-Mouse team. (原第10页图2:微电子专业教学团队与三星公司研发人员联合开发新产品 ) Teachers of Microelectronics work with Samsung R&D members on new product development. ?页 (原第11页图:朱永新照片换到名誉董事长致辞页 ) (第11页图:朱永新照片位置换王董照片 ) 上图:学院董事长王玉芬女士主持召开学院董事会 Ms. Wang Yufeng, Chairwoman of IVT Board, presides at a board meeting. 下图:左换“外企董事”;右不变,换新拍照片 ?页 三、与跨国公司鼎力合作 (Close Cooperation with MNCs) 学院成立以来得到世界著名跨国公司的鼎立支持,德国费斯托(FESTO)、博世 (BOSCH)、安特优(MTU)、奇梦达(QIMONDA)公司,美国旭电 (SOLECTRON)、艾默生(EMERSON)、安德鲁(ANDREW)、超威半导体 (AMD)、飞索(SPANSION),芬兰诺基亚(NOKIA),荷兰威特立(VDL), 韩国三星(SAMSUNG)、台湾明基电通(BENQ)公司等13家跨国公司加入学 院董事会。110多家世界500强企业与学院建立了长期合作关系,2000多家企业 与学院形成紧密的伙伴关系。企业在学院设立的各类奖学金、奖教金达28项, 捐赠的先进设备价值近3500多万元,与学院共建115间高水平实训室,大大增 强了学院的办学实力,创新了“双主体”人才培养模式,为学生学习掌握先进 的技术装备提供了有利的条件。学校与企业在人才、设备、场地和技术方面实 现了资源共享、优势互补、互惠互利、共同发展的良好局面。 IVT has gained support from famous multinationals since its establishment. Thirteen companies like FESTO, BOSCH, MTU, QIMONDA, SOLECTRON, EMERSON, ANDREW, AMD, SPANSION, NOKIA, VDL,SAMSUNG and BENQ have joined the Board of IVT. Over 110 companies among the Fortune 500 companies have established long-term cooperative relationship with IVT and more than 2000 companies have set up close partnership with us. The 28 various scholarships for students as well as awards for excellent teachers sponsored by the enterprises, RMB 35 million worth of donated facilities and 115 high-level labs co-built with enterprises offer a favorable campus to learn advanced technologies. A win-win situation between IVT and foreign-funded enterprises appears in the fields of human resources, equipment and technology. (原第8页照片换三星培训学院的,需重拍) 三星企业培训学院,学校专业老师与企业技术骨干携手进行 技术革新、新品研发和产品改造。 Teachers from IVT and technical professionals from the industry work together in R&D at Samsung Training Center. ?页 (原第9页照片更新:1.换成原本页第3张;2.换成原设备 的那张,数字改成“3000多万元” 3.换“访问工程师” 4.单院 长赴德国探望毕业生) President Shan visits graduates in Germany ?页 四、面向产业开发专业 (The Specialities) (此页英文全删了,只留汉语,原2页合并成1页) 学院目前设置了机电一体化技术、机电设备维修与管理、汽车检测与维修技术、数控技术、模具设计与制造、应用电子技术、微电子技术、光电子技术、电子表面组装技术、通信技术、移动通信技术、计算机网络技术、软件技术、物流管理、商务管理、旅游管理、应用英语、应用日语、影视动画、环境艺术设计、多媒体设计与制作、产品造型设计、视觉传达艺术设计、建筑工程技术、工程造价等42个专业及专业方向。 学院成立了由外企人事经理、工程师、同行专家组成教学指导委员会,建立了科学严谨的专业开发管理程序,针对区域产业结构的最新发展态势,不断开发新专业,最大限度地满足外资企业的人力资源需求。 1国家示范院校重点建设专业 机电一体化技术 本专业培养德、智、体、美全面发展,能在现代企业的机电产品制造及生产设备维护等岗位从事各类机电设备和自动化生产设备的操作管理、安装调试及运行维护,从事机电产品的组装与质量控制、产品销售与客户服务、产品技术改造等方面工作的高素质技能型、管理型人才。 微电子技术 本专业针对集成电路设计、晶圆制造、封装测试企业中的版图设计、设备操作、工艺管理、产品测试等岗位所需的知识、技能和素养,培养德、智、体、美全面发展的,较好地掌握电子技术、计算机应用技术,以及半导体物理与器件、集成电路制造工艺、集成电路CAD方法,能在有关企业从事产品装配与调试、品质管理、设备维护及产品设计与开发的高素质技能型人才。 数控技术 本专业培养德、智、体、美全面发展,熟悉机械加工工艺过程,熟练掌握计算机辅助设计(CAD)和计算机辅助制造(CAM)技术,并能够熟练操作数控机床的高素质技能型人才。 移动通信技术 本专业培养能在移动通信行业从事产品装配与测试、电路故障测试与维修、生产设备维护、辅助生产管理、售后技术服务等方面工作的高素质技能型、管理型人才。 软件技术 本专业与世界一流信息技术教育培训机构——印度国家信息技术学院(NIIT)全面合作,培养德、智、体、美全面发展,具有基本的计算机软件编程能力,掌握软件项目的实用开发方法和实践技能,具有团队合作精神,能从事计算机软件产品的开发、测试与服务的高素质技能型人才。 2国家重点建设专业 电子组装技术与设备 本专业培养德、智、体全面发展,熟悉现代电子制造行业的技术与设备、材料与制程、工艺与检测技术,能从事表面组装的生产、测试、管理及微型化电子产品设计与开发等相关岗位工作的高素质技能型人才。 报关与国际货运 本专业培养面向国际货运代理、报关、物流企业一线,具有较快适应国际货运代理海运业务、国际货运代理空运业务、报检与报关、第三方物流仓储与配送、国际贸易单证处理等岗位需要的实际工作能力,以及较强的操作技能、综合管理技能、信息获取和信息综合分析能力和观察、组织、协调能力的德、智、体等方面全面发展的高素质技能型人才。 3省特色专业介绍 机电一体化技术 应用电子技术 微电子技术 数控技术 移动通信技术 汽车运用技术 建筑工程技术 ?页 五、先进的教学方法与教学设施 (The Cutting-edge Teaching Methods and Facilities) 学院借鉴了新加坡南洋理工学院“教学工厂”的模式,采用24人小班制,实施 CDIO项目教学法。实训设备大多从德国、美国、日本、荷兰等国进口,达到生 产级要求。学院现有PLD实训室、SMT实训室、虚拟测试实训室、功率电子实 训室、电机驱动实训室、IC设计实训室、应用光学实训室、光电实训室、液晶 显示技术实训室、CNC实训中心、测量实训室、CAD/CAM实训室、FESTO气 液动实训室、MPS实训室、FMS实训室、电工技术与应用电器实训室、汽车检 测与维修实训室、ERP实训室、第三方物流实训室、数字化语言实训室等110 多个。并与德国费斯托、瑞士夏米尔、荷兰威特立(原飞利浦)、韩国三星电子、 台湾明基电通、法国欧尚等世界著名跨国公司合作创建技术培训中心和实训基 地。为满足项目制教学需要,全院各系设CDIO中心,学院建Gameboy工作室, 构建了系统的创新学习环境。 Learning from the “teaching factory” mode of Nanyang Polytechnic, Singapore, IVT adopts small teaching class size of twenty-four students. IVT also introduces the CDIO project-led pattern in teaching and training. With state-of-the-art equipment imported from Germany, USA, Japan, and Holland, IVT has built over 110 labs including Electronics, Mechatronics and Business Management, including the PLD Lab, SMT Lab, Virtual Testing Lab, Power Electronics Lab, IC Design Lab, Applied Optics Lab, Photoelectricity Lab, LCD Lab, CNC Lab, Measurement Lab, CAD/CAM Lab, Festo Pneumatic& Hydraulic Lab, MPS Lab, FMS Lab, Electrotechnics & Electrical Application Lab, Automotive Testing and Maintenance Lab, ERP Lab, 3PL Lab, Digital Language Lab, and etc. IVT has also established technical training centers and practice bases in cooperation with some renowned multi-national enterprises including Festo from Germany, Charmill Switzerland, VDL from Holland and Auchan from France. To cater for the project teaching pattern, each Department has developed a CDIO Center. The Institute also established the Gameboy Studio to help create an innovative learning environment for the students. 此页照片:上、Gameboy“玩中学”;教学工厂“做中学” 英文翻译:Gameboy Studio: “Learn by Playing”; Teaching Factory: “Learn by Doing” ?页 下页照片: 下上:学院领导看望顶岗实习学生 IVT president and vice president visit On-job-learning students 下下:项目制教学 The project teaching pattern ?页 六、独特的软技能教育 (A Unique Competency-oriented Education System) 学院不仅重视“硬技能”培养,还十分重视“软技能”培养,通过企业化的 5S管理、多样化的学生社团、多元化的文化活动、综合化的IVT论坛,使IVT 成为莘莘学子愉快学习、施展才华、接受挑战、提高综合素质的舞台。我们的 使命是把每一位毕业生都造就为“好学、敬业、德高、技强”的高端技能型人 才~ IVT attaches great importance to fostering students’ “soft skills” through a variety of platforms including the 5S management system, student club and society activities, rich extracurricular events, and comprehensive IVT Forums, orchestrating a well-round campus culture to make the Institute a place for the students to enjoy their studies, display their talents, and develop their interests and capabilities in various fields to get prepared for their future career as high quality skilled professionals. 企业化的5S管理The 5S Management 多样化的学生社团Diversified students’ clubs and societies 多元化的文化活动Rich extracurricular activities 综合化的IVT论坛The Comprehensive IVT Forum 晓之以理的“国旗下讲话” The inspiring “Speeches under the National Flag” 动之以情的“真情面对面” The touching “Face to Face Talk” 以人为本的“新教育实验” The people-oriented “New Education Experiment” 图:上:超级“计算机之父”,美国两院院士陈。。。 下:艺术系照片换“社团活动” The activities of students’ clubs and societies 翻译: ?页 七、集约柔性的学校管理 (Intensive and Flexible Management Style) 为了满足学生多样化、个性化的学习需求,学院以ICT技术为基础构建了E-leaning中心和I-college管理平台;通过以门禁系统为载体的智慧校园管理,提高学生学习的自觉性、主动性和自主性。 The ICT-based E-leaning Center and I-College Management Platform have been developed to meet the students’ diversified and personalized needs in their studies. The Intelligent Campus Management System helps foster students’ self-consciousness, initiative, and autonomy. 照片:1。学生刷卡 2。E-leaning平台 3。, ?页 八、以亲商理念服务客户 (Serve the Customers with “Pro-business” Mindset) 学院作为苏州工业园区重要的投资软环境,自创办之日起就肩负为外企培养高 技能人才的使命。为了适应企业和社会的需求,学院招生规模不断扩大,目前 各类在校生已达11200余人,以持续不断地满足园区及周边地区企业对高素质技 能型人才的需求。 学院培养的学生在核心技术、管理能力、外语沟通、综合素质方面都得到全面 提升。历届毕业生均被苏州工业园区、苏州新区和上海浦东的外资企业争相聘 用,出现了供不应求的喜人景象。其中工科专业40%以上录用在名列世界500 强的著名跨国公司,80%走上外企班组长、生产线长、技术员、主管等关键技 术岗位。 为满足客户对学历提升、专业技能培训、科研项目开发的需求,IVT还先后设 立了国家职业技能鉴定所、先进技术制造中心、继续教育学院等工作机构,充 分利用IVT的区位优势和办学资源,为企业和社会提供更多层次的职业技术教 育和培训服务。 As part of the important investment environment of SIP, IVT has set its mission as training high-level employees for enterprises since its establishment. To meet the growing need of enterprises in SIP and its neighboring area, IVT has been enlarging its enrollment scale continuously. There are about 11200 students studying on the campus now. IVT graduates have all-round development in core technologies, management ability, foreign language communication and general skills. They have been recruited by multinationals in SIP, Suzhou New District and Pudong New Area of Shanghai. 40% of the graduates are employed by the Fortune 500 companies and 80% of them are working in key positions like line leaders, technicians and supervisors. To meet customers’ needs for upgrading education levels, professional knowledge training and research and development of projects, IVT has set up institutions like National Occupational Skill Testing Center, Manufacturing Center of Advanced Technologies and the Department of Continuous Education to offer industries and communities various levels of vocational education and training programs by making full use of its regional advantage and abundant resources. 照片:1。换优秀毕业生的 2(换走访外资企业的 ?页 九、社会各界的广泛认同 图1 芬兰教育部官员带队参加由IVT承办的中芬国际职业技能 大赛 The Finnish team led by officials from Finnish National Board of Education at 2011 ChiNet (Jiangsu) Vocational Skills Competition organized by IVT. 图2 中、非教育部长论坛考察座谈在IVT举行 The “Sino-African Education Ministers Forum” Session was held at IVT . ?这是我心目中真正的高等职业教育。 ----国务委员(前教育部长) 陈至立 This is what I believe in my heart as the true higher vocational education. ---Chen Zhili, State Councilor, former Minister of Education ?“IVT一直积极借鉴国外先进的办学经验,努力探索新颖的办学模式和运行机 制,培养出了能够适应企业发展需要的人才,受到了社会各界的好评。安德鲁 公司十分愿意成为IVT学生的实习基地,并尽可能地进行其他方面的合作。” (——中国美国商会会长、美国安德鲁电信器材(中国)有限公司前总经理柏 迈高先生(Mr. Michael Barbalas)) “IVT has been actively drawing on advanced foreign education experience and exploring new modes of operation. Graduates from IVT are well received by enterprises and the society. Our company is glad to be its internship base and is looking forward to further possible cooperation.” --- Mr. Michael Barbalas, former GM of Andrew Telecommunications (China) Co.Ltd, President of The American Chamber of Commerce of China. ?IVT在与行业企业紧密合作方面的做法,可以说是“青出于蓝 而胜于蓝”。 ——新加坡南洋理工学院创始人、首任院长林靖东先生 ---Mr.Lin Jingdong, founder and first president of Nanyang Polytechnic, Singapore ?“他们受到良好的教育,能够很好地完成本职工作。IVT的发展很快,特别令 我们印象深刻的是所有教职员工亲商意识非常强,协助企业做了非常多的工 作。” ——艾默生环境优化技术(苏州)有限公司前总经理唐艾迪先生 “They are well-educated and able to do a good job. IVT develops rapidly, and what impresses us most is the strong pro-business mindset all the IVT members share. Their work is of a great help to our enterprises.” ---- Mr. Eddie Turrentine, former GM of Emerson Climate Technologies (Suzhou) Co.Ltd ?“IVT的学生年轻有开拓精神,他们拥有良好的团队合作意识和人际交流能 力,他们所具备的专业知识增加了在日后工作中的竞争力。” ——博世汽车部件(苏州)有限公司前总经理顾克林先生 Graduates of IVT are young and pioneering with good teamwork spirit and communication skills. Their professional knowledge adds to the competitive power in their future career. --- Mr. Hlmuth Kuklinski, former GM of BOSCH Automotive Products (Suzhou) Co.Ltd ? 我一直认为,学会做人比学会学习、学会做事、提高技能更 重要,IVT的“软技能”培养很有特色,对学生的身心健康发 展非常有利。 ——学生家长 I believe that learning to be a person of integrity is more important than learning to study, to accomplish tasks and develop technical skills. IVT features a unique “soft skills” training system, which benefits a lot the physical and mental development of the students. ---Parent of a student ?页 不变 ?页 愿景 (The 5E Visions) ISO质量方针 以卓越课程和优质服务,使我们的学生“好学、敬业、德高、技强”,持 续不断满足客户需求。 Quality Policy By providing superior courses and excellent services, IVT is committed to making the students “be eager to learn and dedicated to career, have a high moral integrity and a good command of skills”, and continuously meeting customer requirements. (五个E) Excellence in Team优秀团队 Excellence in Curriculum优越课程 Excellence in equipment优良设施 Excellence in Administration优质服务 Excellence in Environment优美环境 图片 换独墅湖隧道+学院北门欢迎照 ?页 十五、封底 企业的需要,我们的目标 The Needs of Enterprises Set Our Goals. 学生的需求,我们的追求 The Needs of Students Drive Our Ambitions.
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