

2018-06-28 16页 doc 55KB 12阅读




苏州公务员考试:2015年江苏苏州市公务员考试公告苏州公务员考试:2015年江苏苏州市公务员考试公告 苏州公务员考试:2015年江苏苏州市公务员考试公告 更多请关注:苏州人事考试网 根据中共江苏省委组织部、江苏省人力资源和社会保障厅、省公务员局印发的《江苏省2015年考试录用公务员工作实施方案》,我市各级机关、参公机关(单位)及省垂直管理单位将面向社会公开考试录用担任科员及其他相当职务层次的非领导职务公务员(参公人员)720名,其中:市级机关84名、市参公机关(单位)81名;县(市、区)级机关(含参公)335名;乡镇(街道)机关153名;委托招录的省垂直管理单位67名。...
苏州公务员考试:2015年江苏苏州市公务员考试公告 苏州公务员考试:2015年江苏苏州市公务员考试公告 更多请关注:苏州人事考试网 根据中共江苏省委组织部、江苏省人力资源和社会保障厅、省公务员局印发的《江苏省2015年考试录用公务员工作实施》,我市各级机关、参公机关(单位)及省垂直管理单位将面向社会公开考试录用担任科员及其他相当职务层次的非领导职务公务员(参公人员)720名,其中:市级机关84名、市参公机关(单位)81名;县(市、区)级机关(含参公)335名;乡镇(街道)机关153名;委托招录的省垂直管理单位67名。现就有关事项公布如下: 一、招录范围 全市各级党委、人大、行政、政协、审判、检察、民主党派和工商联机关、省垂直管理系统所属机构;参照公务员法管理的人民团体、群众团体机关以及参照公务员法管理的事业单位。 二、报考条件和对象 1.具有中华人民共和国国籍; 2.拥护中华人民共和国宪法; 3.年龄为18周岁以上、35周岁以下(即1979年2月6日至1997年2月12日期间出生);全日制普通高校2015年具有研究生学历并取得硕士及以上学位的应届毕业生(非在职)以及定向招录优秀村(社区)党组织书记(主任)的职位,年龄可放宽至40周岁(1974年2月6日以后出生);报考人民警察(含法院、检察院系统司法警察)职位的,年龄按照《关于调整公安机关和监狱及劳动教养管理机关录用人民警察招考年龄的通知》要求执行; 4.具有本科及以上学历,部分定向招录优秀村(社区)党组织书记(主任)的职位可放宽至大专学历; 5.具有良好的品行; 6.具备正常履行职责的身体条件; 7.具有符合职位要求的工作能力; 8.报考公安人民警察、法院和检察院司法警察职位的还须具备《苏州市公安机关2015年考试录用公务员(人民警察)简章》的条件;报考监狱、戒毒管理机关人民警察职位的还须具备《江苏省司法行政系统2015年考试录用公务员(人民警察)简章》规定的条件; 9.具备市公务员主管部门规定的拟任职位所要求的其他资格条件; of door and window boxes, the jambs set aside in advance to check geometry meets the design requirements. Installation of door and window frames would preferably be conducted upon completion of the construction of the main structure, door and window door installation should be at the end of the indoor and outdoor decoration, so as to avoid civil installation damage to each other. Popup +500mm elevations in advance, as door and window level control line. Exterior door and window installation will pop up on the walls a uniform elevation control line and vertical line from bottom to top, elevation and vertical deviation is controlled with doors and Windows. Check the embedded specification of the number, location and planting method, aluminum window has no damage, deformation, repair, correction or replacement should be carried out promptly. Check for corrosion materials, sealing materials and cleaning materials with the design requirements and specifications. 2, installation procedure 1) door and window frame installation according to the location of the doors and Windows installed wire, when doors and Windows opening to the edge of the door and window frames size is greater than 15mm, first with cement mortar plastering the wall size on all sides from the door and window frames edge 15mm position and the surface is rough. If the thickness is greater than 30mm, should be of fine stone concrete formwork for concrete pouring. After the base strength. Door frame mounting hole place to wedge 10.2015 年全日制普通高校本科及以上学历应届毕业生报考不受生源地限制;具有研究生学历并取得硕士及以上学位的社会人员报考不受户籍限制;本科学历的社会人员限苏州户籍,可在全市范围内报考;大专学历的人员限苏州户籍;符合政策性安置等条件的人员(如:夫妻分居两地、父母身边无子女、符合随军条件的军人配偶等),可以报考配偶或父母户籍所在市、县市的职位; 11.尚未就业、户籍仍保留在原就读学校的2013、2014年全日制普通高等院校苏州生源的毕业生视为具有苏州户籍,按社会人员身份报考;毕业后户籍仍保留在苏州高校的外市生源考生不视为具有苏州户籍; 12.报考监狱、戒毒系统职位的人员,户籍按司法行政系统招警简章的规定执行; 13.定向招录大学生村官的职位,职位代码“90”—“93”,招录对象为:我市聘期已满3年且考核合格,现仍在我市村(社区)任职的省、市组织人社部门选聘大学生村官; 定向招录“面向服务基层项目人员”的职位,职位代码“94”—“96”,招录对象为:经我省项目办选拔派遣,服务期满且考核合格的“西部计划”、“苏北计划”、“三支一扶计划”志愿者(含外省选派的江苏生源“西部计划”志愿者);在村(社区)服务满3年且考核合格的省、我市选聘大学生村官; 定向招录优秀村(社区)党组织书记(主任)的职位,职位代码“98”,招录对象为:各县(市、区)辖区内工作表现优秀、任职满2年的现任优秀村(社区)党组织书记、村委会(社区)主任(不含大学生村官); 14.经我省项目办选拔派遣的“西部计划”、“苏北计划”、“三支一扶计划”志愿者(含外省选派的江苏生源“西部计划”志愿者)服务期满考核合格后两年内,可不受户籍限制报考符合条件的其他非定向职位; 省选聘的大学生村官,在聘期内,可不受户籍限制报考符合条件的其他非定向职位; 15.下列人员不得报考:2012年1月1日以后录用的公务员和参公管理机关(单位)工作人员、现役军人、在读的全日制普通高校非应届毕业生、被辞退未满5年的公务员和参公管理机关(单位)工作人员;曾因犯罪受过刑事处罚的人员和曾被开除公职的人员、在各级公务员招录中被认定有舞弊等严重违反录用纪律行为的人员、以及法律规定不得录用为公务员的其他情形人员; 报考人员不得报考录用后即构成与本人有《中华人民共和国公务员法》第六十八条规定的回避关系的职位; 16.招录职位要求的基层工作经历是指:在县级及以下党政机关,各类企事业单位、村(社区)组织及其他经济组织和社会组织等工作的经历。以聘用、劳务派遣等方式在各级党政机关工作(不具有公务员或参公工作人员身份)的经历,毕业离校未就业高校毕业生到高校毕业生实习见习基地(该基地为基层单位)参加见习或者到企事业单位参与项目研究的经历,在军of door and window boxes, the jambs set aside in advance to check geometry meets the design requirements. Installation of door and window frames would preferably be conducted upon completion of the construction of the main structure, door and window door installation should be at the end of the indoor and outdoor decoration, so as to avoid civil installation damage to each other. Popup +500mm elevations in advance, as door and window level control line. Exterior door and window installation will pop up on the walls a uniform elevation control line and vertical line from bottom to top, elevation and vertical deviation is controlled with doors and Windows. Check the embedded specification of the number, location and planting method, aluminum window has no damage, deformation, repair, correction or replacement should be carried out promptly. Check for corrosion materials, sealing materials and cleaning materials with the design requirements and specifications. 2, installation procedure 1) door and window frame installation according to the location of the doors and Windows installed wire, when doors and Windows opening to the edge of the door and window frames size is greater than 15mm, first with cement mortar plastering the wall size on all sides from the door and window frames edge 15mm position and the surface is rough. If the thickness is greater than 30mm, should be of fine stone concrete formwork for concrete pouring. After the base strength. Door frame mounting hole place to wedge 苏州中公教育 队团和相当团以下单位的工作经历,可视为基层工作经历;应届毕业生在校期间的社会实践经历,不能视为工作经历; 有关政策解答详见《苏州市2015年考试录用公务员报考指南》。 三、报名办法 1.报名方式:报名、照片上传、资格初审和缴费,通过网络同步进行。报考人员在全省范围只能报考一个职位,应按职位要求和网上提示,如实填写信息。报考时可选择在全省任一省辖市考区参加笔试。 2.报名网址:苏州市人事考试中心(www.szrsks.com)。 3.报名、照片上传时间:2015年2月6日09:00 - 2月12日16:00 (照片要求:近期免冠正面二寸35×45毫米证件照,jpg格式,大小为20KB以下)。 4.资格初审时间:2015年2月6日09:00 - 2月13日16:00; 缴费时间:2015年2月6日09:00 - 2月14日16:00。 报考人员网上提交报名信息,24小时后可到报名网站查询是否通过资格初审,通过初审人员使用具有网上支付功能的银行卡在网上缴纳有关费用,完成缴费方视为报名成功。 享受最低生活保障的城镇家庭和农村绝对贫困家庭的报考人员,先在网上缴费并参加考试后,于2015年3月23日- 24日凭相关单位出具的证明材料到笔试所在地考试机构办理减免笔试费用手续,退还报名费。 5.报名成功的人员,自行到报名确认的网站打印准考证,时间:2015年3月17日- 21日。 6.开考比例为3:1,报名结束后达不到开考比例的职位,由市公务员主管部门按规定的办法核减招录计划,直至取消该职位。报考被取消职位并缴费成功的人员,可重新补报其他职位(按原报名程序进行),补报名时间:2015年2月16日09:00 - 16:00。 报考单位根据报考人员提供的信息进行审核,凡弄虚作假的,一经查实,即取消考试资格,并按《公务员录用考试违纪违规行为处理办法(试行)》的规定严肃处理。 四、笔试 1.笔试分为A、B、C三类: A类职位考试科目为:《公共基础知识》(A)、《行政职业能力测验》(A)、《申论》三科; B类职位考试科目为:《公共基础知识》(B)、《行政职业能力测验》(B)两科; C类职位考试科目为:《公共基础知识》(C)、《行政职业能力测验》(C)两科; of door and window boxes, the jambs set aside in advance to check geometry meets the design requirements. Installation of door and window frames would preferably be conducted upon completion of the construction of the main structure, door and window door installation should be at the end of the indoor and outdoor decoration, so as to avoid civil installation damage to each other. Popup +500mm elevations in advance, as door and window level control line. Exterior door and window installation will pop up on the walls a uniform elevation control line and vertical line from bottom to top, elevation and vertical deviation is controlled with doors and Windows. Check the embedded specification of the number, location and planting method, aluminum window has no damage, deformation, repair, correction or replacement should be carried out promptly. Check for corrosion materials, sealing materials and cleaning materials with the design requirements and specifications. 2, installation procedure 1) door and window frame installation according to the location of the doors and Windows installed wire, when doors and Windows opening to the edge of the door and window frames size is greater than 15mm, first with cement mortar plastering the wall size on all sides from the door and window frames edge 15mm position and the surface is rough. If the thickness is greater than 30mm, should be of fine stone concrete formwork for concrete pouring. After the base strength. Door frame mounting hole place to wedge 考试范围以《江苏省2015年考试录用公务员公共科目考试大纲》为准,可到江苏人力资源和社会保障网(www.jshrss.gov.cn)和苏州市人事考试中心(www.szrsks.com)查阅。考试不指定复习用书。 2.笔试时间:2015年3月22日,具体安排为: 上午8:00-9:30《公共基础知识》(A、B、C); 10:30-12:00《行政职业能力测验》(A、B、C); 下午14:30-17:00《申论》; 报考人员应携带准考证和有效期内的二代身份证,按照准考证上规定的时间和地点参加笔试。报考人员参加考试时持有的身份证必须与报名时所使用的身份证相一致,否则不得进入考场。 各类职位笔试合格分数线由省委组织部、省人力资源和社会保障厅、省公务员局研究确定。考生可登录下列网站查询笔试成绩:苏州人力资源和社会保障网 (www.jsszhrss.gov.cn)、苏州市人事考试中心(www.szrsks.com)。 五、资格复审 在笔试成绩合格的考生中,根据笔试成绩从高分到低分按计划录用人数3倍的比例确定参加面试的人选,并在领取面试通知书前对面试人选进行资格复审。资格复审时,考生应提供符合报考职位条件和报考要求的相关证明材料: 1.2015 年普通高校应届毕业生须持本人身份证、学生证、所在院校出具的《毕业生双向选择就业推荐表》或《普通高校毕业生就业协议书》(指已与用人单位签约的大学生)、报考职位要求提供的资格证书及其他证明材料,委培、定向、联办的毕业生还应提供委培、定向、联办单位出具的同意报考证明,并经所在院校同意。 2.社会人员须提供本人身份证、户籍证明、毕业证(学位证)、报考职位要求提供的资格证书及其他证明材料。有工作单位的人员还须提供单位同意报考的证明,其他人员还须提供人事档案代理等相关证明;经市以上公务员主管部门同意,单位同意报考证明或人事档案代理等相关证明也可在体检前(面试前组织体检的职位在考察前)提供。 3.夫妻两地分居的,还应出示结婚证、在苏州一方的身份证、户籍证明;父母身边无子女的,还应出示父母双方在苏州的户籍证明;符合随军条件的军人配偶,还应出示军队师以上政治部门同意随军的批文。 4.留学回国人员、赴台陆生(在台湾高等学校接受学历教育并获得学士及以上学位的大陆学生)还应出具教育部门的学历认证材料。 5.大学生村官还须出具服务地所属县(市、区)组织部门的相关证明。 上述证明材料均要出示原件并提供复印件,复印件由招录单位留存。 委托招录的省垂直管理单位的资格复审工作,由其市级主管机关组织并实施。 of door and window boxes, the jambs set aside in advance to check geometry meets the design requirements. Installation of door and window frames would preferably be conducted upon completion of the construction of the main structure, door and window door installation should be at the end of the indoor and outdoor decoration, so as to avoid civil installation damage to each other. Popup +500mm elevations in advance, as door and window level control line. Exterior door and window installation will pop up on the walls a uniform elevation control line and vertical line from bottom to top, elevation and vertical deviation is controlled with doors and Windows. Check the embedded specification of the number, location and planting method, aluminum window has no damage, deformation, repair, correction or replacement should be carried out promptly. Check for corrosion materials, sealing materials and cleaning materials with the design requirements and specifications. 2, installation procedure 1) door and window frame installation according to the location of the doors and Windows installed wire, when doors and Windows opening to the edge of the door and window frames size is greater than 15mm, first with cement mortar plastering the wall size on all sides from the door and window frames edge 15mm position and the surface is rough. If the thickness is greater than 30mm, should be of fine stone concrete formwork for concrete pouring. After the base strength. Door frame mounting hole place to wedge 苏州中公教育 经复审,不具备报考资格、材料不全或材料信息不实影响资格复审结果的,由招录单位报市公务员主管部门同意后,取消其面试资格。因放弃或复审不合格造成缺额时,在报考同一职位的笔试合格人员中从高分到低分依次递补面试人选。通过资格复审的,发放领取面试通知书的凭证。 进入面试人员名单在苏州人力资源和社会保障网(www.jsszhrss.gov.cn)、苏州市人事考试中心(www.szrsks.com)公布。 六、面试及总成绩计算 面试时间、地点以面试通知书为准。 面试采用结构化面试的形式,面试成绩经监督人员审核后当场通知考生。 面试成绩不设合格线,但对面试未形成竞争的职位,考生面试成绩达到60分为合格。面试结束后,先将笔试总成绩折合成百分制,再将其乘以50%,与面试分的50%相加,得出报考人员总成绩。以上成绩均精确到两位小数。 根据考试总成绩,按照拟录用人数1:1的比例从高分到低分确定参加体检人员(总成绩相同的,取笔试总成绩高者;笔试总成绩仍相同的,取行政职业能力测验成绩高者)。 面试结束当天,在面试考点张榜公布成绩、排名及进入情况(吴江区、各县市的公布方式可自定)。进入体检环节的考生,携带照片两张、当场填写体检表。直接进入考察(政审)环节(指已通过体能测评及体检)的考生,请等待电话通知。 七、体检和考察(政审) 1.2015年考录体检工作按修订后的《公务员录用体检通用(试行)》和《公务员录用体检特殊标准(试行)》执行。 2.报考公安、监狱、戒毒管理机关的人民警察和法院、检察院司法警察的,体能测评、体检在面试前安排。体能测评按《关于印发公安机关录用人民警察体能测评项目和标准(暂行)》执行。 3.体能测评和体检时间、地点另行通知。 4.对体检合格人员按有关规定进行考察(报考法院、检察院系统和人民警察的,按有关规定进行政审)。 5.因体检、考察(政审)不合格等出现缺额时,在报考同一职位的考生中,按总成绩从高分到低分一次性递补。 八、公示和录用 各招录单位要严格按照考录工作要求,从考试成绩、体检(体能测评)、考察(政审)都合格的人员中确定拟录用人员,在苏州人力资源和社会保障网进行公示,接受社会和考生监督,of door and window boxes, the jambs set aside in advance to check geometry meets the design requirements. Installation of door and window frames would preferably be conducted upon completion of the construction of the main structure, door and window door installation should be at the end of the indoor and outdoor decoration, so as to avoid civil installation damage to each other. Popup +500mm elevations in advance, as door and window level control line. Exterior door and window installation will pop up on the walls a uniform elevation control line and vertical line from bottom to top, elevation and vertical deviation is controlled with doors and Windows. Check the embedded specification of the number, location and planting method, aluminum window has no damage, deformation, repair, correction or replacement should be carried out promptly. Check for corrosion materials, sealing materials and cleaning materials with the design requirements and specifications. 2, installation procedure 1) door and window frame installation according to the location of the doors and Windows installed wire, when doors and Windows opening to the edge of the door and window frames size is greater than 15mm, first with cement mortar plastering the wall size on all sides from the door and window frames edge 15mm position and the surface is rough. If the thickness is greater than 30mm, should be of fine stone concrete formwork for concrete pouring. After the base strength. Door frame mounting hole place to wedge 期限为7天。如有举报,要求举报者署名,实事求是地反映问,并提供必要的调查线索及有效联系方式。 公示期满后,没有问题或者反映的问题不影响录用的,办理录用手续;对反映有影响录用的问题并查有实据,不符合录用条件的,不予录用;对反映的问题一时难以查实的,可暂缓录用,待查清后再决定是否录用。 拟录用人员主动放弃录用资格的,在报考同一职位的人员中,按考试总成绩从高分到低分一次性递补。公示结束,不再递补。 经批准录用的人员,由省或市公务员主管部门发放《录用通知书》。其中,2015年全日制普通高校毕业生,须于2015年8月31日前凭毕业证书(学位证书)原件领取《录用通知书》。被录用人员凭《通知书》到所在院校(单位)办理人事关系的派遣(转移)手续,与有关单位签有或聘用协议的,由本人按有关规定负责处理。报考者一旦被录用,须按《通知书》规定时间及时报到。 新录用的公务员实行一年试用期。试用期满后,经考核合格,予以任职定级;考核不合格的,经批准取消其录用资格。 根据中共中央办公厅《关于加强乡镇干部队伍建设的若干意见》(中办发〔2014〕14号)精神,为保持干部队伍的相对稳定,自2015年起,我省新录用乡镇(街道)公务员在乡镇机关最低服务年限为5年(含试用期)。 九、有关要求 在招录各环节中,考生应保持通讯畅通,以电话等方式通知考生前来补充材料、体检、报到等,在规定的时间期限内未到达的,视为自动放弃。 体检合格的将不再电话通知考生。考察(政审)系组织行为,如有需要,招录单位会与考生联系。体检后请考生注意浏览官方网站(www.jshrss.gov.cn)信息,耐心等待。 十、纪律和监督 公开考试录用公务员必须贯彻“公开、平等、竞争、择优”的原则,严肃招录纪律,严格秉公办事,严把公务员“进口”渠道,杜绝公务员录用上的不正之风,一经发现予以查处。 十一、本简章由中共苏州市委组织部、苏州市人力资源和社会保障局负责解释;省垂直管理系统所属机构考录事项由省行政主管部门负责解释。 (原标题:苏州市2015年考试录用公务员简章) 点击下载>>> 2015年江苏苏州市公务员考试职位表.xls 中共苏州市委组织部 苏州市人力资源和社会保障局 2015年2月3日 of door and window boxes, the jambs set aside in advance to check geometry meets the design requirements. Installation of door and window frames would preferably be conducted upon completion of the construction of the main structure, door and window door installation should be at the end of the indoor and outdoor decoration, so as to avoid civil installation damage to each other. Popup +500mm elevations in advance, as door and window level control line. Exterior door and window installation will pop up on the walls a uniform elevation control line and vertical line from bottom to top, elevation and vertical deviation is controlled with doors and Windows. Check the embedded specification of the number, location and planting method, aluminum window has no damage, deformation, repair, correction or replacement should be carried out promptly. Check for corrosion materials, sealing materials and cleaning materials with the design requirements and specifications. 2, installation procedure 1) door and window frame installation according to the location of the doors and Windows installed wire, when doors and Windows opening to the edge of the door and window frames size is greater than 15mm, first with cement mortar plastering the wall size on all sides from the door and window frames edge 15mm position and the surface is rough. If the thickness is greater than 30mm, should be of fine stone concrete formwork for concrete pouring. After the base strength. Door frame mounting hole place to wedge 苏州中公教育 更多江苏公务员考试相关信息请访问苏州公务员考试网 注:本站稿件未经许可不得转载,转载请保留出处及原文地址。 of door and window boxes, the jambs set aside in advance to check geometry meets the design requirements. Installation of door and window frames would preferably be conducted upon completion of the construction of the main structure, door and window door installation should be at the end of the indoor and outdoor decoration, so as to avoid civil installation damage to each other. Popup +500mm elevations in advance, as door and window level control line. Exterior door and window installation will pop up on the walls a uniform elevation control line and vertical line from bottom to top, elevation and vertical deviation is controlled with doors and Windows. Check the embedded specification of the number, location and planting method, aluminum window has no damage, deformation, repair, correction or replacement should be carried out promptly. Check for corrosion materials, sealing materials and cleaning materials with the design requirements and specifications. 2, installation procedure 1) door and window frame installation according to the location of the doors and Windows installed wire, when doors and Windows opening to the edge of the door and window frames size is greater than 15mm, first with cement mortar plastering the wall size on all sides from the door and window frames edge 15mm position and the surface is rough. If the thickness is greater than 30mm, should be of fine stone concrete formwork for concrete pouring. After the base strength. Door frame mounting hole place to wedge
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