

2018-10-29 14页 doc 42KB 181阅读




小学修改病句大全小学修改病句大全 一、综合练习: ?夏天的晚上,常常卧在院子里看星星。 ?在老师的帮助下,终于端正了学习习惯。 ?英语对我很感兴趣,我特别喜欢。 ?小明和小毛参观了化工厂,他受到了很大教育。 ?昨天傍晚刮了一夜风雨。 ?我的家乡是福建人。 ?我不禁忍不住流出泪来。 ?我一定改善不好的坏习惯。 ?老师今天讲的知识我基本上全懂了。 ?花园里,万紫千红的红花争相开放。 ?王明从小爱学习,形成了动脑筋。 ?《林海》的作者是老舍写的。 ?李大钊与其牺牲生命,也决不向共产党屈服。 ?尽管天气不好,总是按时到校...
小学修改病句大全 一、综合练习: ?夏天的晚上,常常卧在院子里看星星。 ?在老师的帮助下,终于端正了学习习惯。 ?英语对我很感兴趣,我特别喜欢。 ?小明和小毛参观了化工厂,他受到了很大教育。 ?昨天傍晚刮了一夜风雨。 ?我的家乡是福建人。 ?我不禁忍不住流出泪来。 ?我一定改善不好的坏习惯。 ?老师今天讲的知识我基本上全懂了。 ?花园里,万紫千红的红花争相开放。 ?王明从小爱学习,形成了动脑筋。 ?《林海》的作者是老舍写的。 ?李大钊与其牺牲生命,也决不向共产党屈服。 ?尽管天气不好,总是按时到校。 二、修改病句。 1、读了《敦煌莫高窟》,受到深刻的教育。 2、经过一学期的努力,终于赶上来了。 3、元旦,到天一广场去游览了一番。 4、早自修,全神贯注地看书。 5、中秋节,买一盒月饼送给奶奶。 6、大家在教室里津津有味地看。 7、我们肩负着建设祖国。 8、我们要继承革命先辈的。 upgrading of enterprises. Provinces and cities this year to entrepreneurs as a key talent, it is also the County Enterprise transformation and upgrading of the actual need. Entrepreneurs are all kinds of talent condensed, users and enterprises innovative organizers, is the core of enterprise development, is key to promoting talents construction of private enterprise. Therefore, we would like to put the construction of enterprisers in the most important position to catch. Entrepreneurs ' ability to take the initiative, strong quality. Take the initiative to visit the well-known enterprises in developed areas, study, went to Qinghua University, Zhejiang University and other colleges and universities to attend advanced training, positive innovation, to seize the commanding point in future development, strengthen strategic thinking. Yucai to play the principal role of enterprises. Must be willing to invest, lavished introduces technological leading talents, high-level experts and talents. To increased talent training efforts, strengthening and University, and hospital by, and training institutions of contact cooperation, active for enterprise employees built learning training platform, especially focused on "create II generation", and Cenozoic entrepreneurs of training, widely carried out "teacher with acts" "to old with new" skills contest, activities, effective created good of talent environment, efforts construction a support scale big, and quality high, and structure excellent of talent team, forPowerful support 9、老师和我们在操场上做拍气球. 10、班级环境要保持。 11、我们应该养成从小爱清洁。 12、经过大家的努力,我们的学习成绩大大的增加了。 13、随着改革开放的深入,人民的生活水平大大改进了。 14、我们养成了饭前便后要洗手的风气。 15、蒙古族姑娘现了优美的民族舞蹈。 16、罗佳峰犯了错误,就要下决心改进。 17、作业本上有了错题,要及时解决。 18、每个学生都应该上课专心听讲的习惯。 19、坚持多读多写,作文水平就会不断进步了。 20、我们要端正学习目的,明确学习态度。 21、上课时,张老师举了不少有趣的例子和故事。 22、姐姐最爱看舞蹈和音乐。 23、除夕夜,妈妈炒了12个菜和汤。 24、我们学校有800多个同学们。 25、弟弟手里拿着美丽、漂亮的花儿。 26、树上挂满了许许多多又红又大的苹果。 27、我有另外的别的打算。 28、夏天的江南农村是一年中农事最繁忙的季节。 29、春天的庄市是个美丽的季节。 30、秋天的校园是个多彩的季节。 31、报晓的公鸡是人们起床的信号。 32、我们要发扬并继承艰苦奋斗的光荣传统。 2ent team, forPowerful supportreated good of talent environment, efforts construction a support scale big, and quality high, and structure excellent of taltive cenozoic entrepreneurs of training, widely carried out "teacher with acts" "to old with new" skills contest, activities, effecration, active for enterprise employees built learning training platform, especially focused on "create II generation", and Cinstitutions of contact coopelevel experts and talents. To increased talent training efforts, strengthening and University, and hospital by, and training -le of enterprises. Must be willing to invest, lavished introduces technological leading talents, highal roive innovation, to seize the commanding point in future development, strengthen strategic thinking. Yucai to play the principstudy, went to Qinghua University, Zhejiang University and other colleges and universities to attend advanced training, posit known enterprises in developed areas,-neurs ' ability to take the initiative, strong quality. Take the initiative to visit the wellnterprise. Therefore, we would like to put the construction of enterprisers in the most important position to catch. Entreprevate eand enterprises innovative organizers, is the core of enterprise development, is key to promoting talents construction of prihe County Enterprise transformation and upgrading of the actual need. Entrepreneurs are all kinds of talent condensed, users upgrading of enterprises. Provinces and cities this year to entrepreneurs as a key talent, it is also t 小学修改病句大全 33、我的数学作业全部做完了,只剩下一道应用题还没有计算出。 34、我可以断定,这件好事可能是咱班余婧做的。 35、这次期末考试,我们班几乎根本没有不及格的同学。 36、陈健的作文内容和句子都很通顺。 37、这篇文章的层次和语句是很通顺。 38、王红用惊讶的目光奇怪地看着我。 39、在班队课上,桂胜怡首先第一个发言。 40、经过老师的帮助,陈林贤的缺点改进了。 41、大家要爱护早自修的时间,勤奋学习。 42、星期天,我炒了四个菜和一碗汤。 43、我肯定他大概是上厕所去了。 44、卢老师被评为优秀班主任的光荣称号。 45、鲍聆雪被授于区级三好学生。 46、虽然放烟花爆竹有一定的危险性,但是我们要注意安全。 47、因为离考试没有多久了,所以小雷还是不做家庭作业。 48、指南针是我国四大发明。 49、《神笔马良》的作者是马洪涛写的。 50、运动场上到处都是五颜六色的彩旗。 51、雨过天晴,天空挂起了一条五颜六色的彩虹。 52、公园里盛开着五颜六色的红花。 53、我们班的同学都加入了少先队员。 三、修改病句 ?我们要用实际行动贯彻推广普通话的号召。 3ellent of talent team, forPowerful support, effective created good of talent environment, efforts construction a support scale big, and quality high, and structure excvitiesation", and Cenozoic entrepreneurs of training, widely carried out "teacher with acts" "to old with new" skills contest, acticontact cooperation, active for enterprise employees built learning training platform, especially focused on "create II generinstitutions of level experts and talents. To increased talent training efforts, strengthening and University, and hospital by, and training -principal role of enterprises. Must be willing to invest, lavished introduces technological leading talents, high ay theraining, positive innovation, to seize the commanding point in future development, strengthen strategic thinking. Yucai to pleloped areas, study, went to Qinghua University, Zhejiang University and other colleges and universities to attend advanced tknown enterprises in dev-ch. Entrepreneurs ' ability to take the initiative, strong quality. Take the initiative to visit the wellof private enterprise. Therefore, we would like to put the construction of enterprisers in the most important position to cat ctionnsed, users and enterprises innovative organizers, is the core of enterprise development, is key to promoting talents construit is also the County Enterprise transformation and upgrading of the actual need. Entrepreneurs are all kinds of talent conde upgrading of enterprises. Provinces and cities this year to entrepreneurs as a key talent, ?在文娱晚会上表演了精彩的节目。 ?这道题最后终于被解答出来了。 ?数学作业他都做完了,只剩下最后一道题还没算出得数来。 ?星期天,我穿上洁净的衣服,把脏衣服脱下来。 ?既然有天大的本领,也不能骄傲。 ?大家的眼睛都集中到主席台上。席台上。 四、小学修改病句练习题 (一)、改正下面句子中指代不明之处。 1(老师把王虹和晓敏喊到跟前,对她说:“上课要积极发言。” 2(小丽和小华一起去上学,她在路上捡到一个钱包。 3(张文和王勤约定一起在自己家做作业。 4(李刚和小海是好朋友,他经常帮助他。 (二)、改正下面句子中搭配不当之处。 1(昨天的值日生把教室打扫得整整齐齐。 2(“六一”节那天,同学们穿着新艳的衣服和红领巾到学校参加庆祝活动。 3(城外耸立着一座小巧的房子。 4(我们要继承和发扬老一辈的革命事业。 (三)、找出下面句子中归类不当的地方并改正。 1(幼儿园经常给我们吃哈密瓜、西瓜、苹果、西红柿等水果。 2(学校的体育室摆满了足球、排球、篮球、地球仪等体育器材。 3(奶奶家养了许多鸡、鸭、鹅、牛、马等家禽。 4(昨天,参加国庆节联欢会的有工人、农民、小学生、解放军、青年等。 五、修改病句。 1(老工人在马路上协助交警保持交通秩序。 4ent team, forPowerful supportreated good of talent environment, efforts construction a support scale big, and quality high, and structure excellent of taltive cenozoic entrepreneurs of training, widely carried out "teacher with acts" "to old with new" skills contest, activities, effecration, active for enterprise employees built learning training platform, especially focused on "create II generation", and Cinstitutions of contact coopelevel experts and talents. To increased talent training efforts, strengthening and University, and hospital by, and training -le of enterprises. Must be willing to invest, lavished introduces technological leading talents, highal roive innovation, to seize the commanding point in future development, strengthen strategic thinking. Yucai to play the principstudy, went to Qinghua University, Zhejiang University and other colleges and universities to attend advanced training, posit known enterprises in developed areas,-neurs ' ability to take the initiative, strong quality. Take the initiative to visit the wellnterprise. Therefore, we would like to put the construction of enterprisers in the most important position to catch. Entreprevate eand enterprises innovative organizers, is the core of enterprise development, is key to promoting talents construction of prihe County Enterprise transformation and upgrading of the actual need. Entrepreneurs are all kinds of talent condensed, users upgrading of enterprises. Provinces and cities this year to entrepreneurs as a key talent, it is also t 小学修改病句大全 2(秋天的田野里,到处能看到果实成熟的景象和芳香。 3(今年,我们的王老师又光荣地被评为“市先进班主任”的称号。 4(我猜想他肯定是一个六年级学生。 5(小亮的肩头被沉重的米袋压得喘不过气来。 6(看了这本书,很受教育。 7(桌子上的闹钟走了一圈,一个小时又过去了。 8(庐山瀑布、大明湖、趵突泉是济南的三大名胜。 9(游泳运动员打破了一次又一次世界记录。 10(通过老师的帮助,使我改正了缺点。 11(桌子上有尺子和钢笔,这是她的,那是他的。 12(我们通过并讨论了中队。 六、修改病句。 1、苏州、杭州、大连、昆明是我国江南旅游胜地。 2、上星期去植树了。 3、今天,全体三年级一班同学看电影。 4、我班功课最好、成绩最优秀的是小红。 5、我的写字台上一只小泥猴。 6、这是有趣的一本神话故事书。 7、他的看法是对的,正确的。 8、我和姐姐都参加了。 9、西湖的景色秀丽,风景优美。 10、各种各样,种类繁多的鲜花竞相开放。 5ellent of talent team, forPowerful support, effective created good of talent environment, efforts construction a support scale big, and quality high, and structure excvitiesation", and Cenozoic entrepreneurs of training, widely carried out "teacher with acts" "to old with new" skills contest, acticontact cooperation, active for enterprise employees built learning training platform, especially focused on "create II generinstitutions of level experts and talents. To increased talent training efforts, strengthening and University, and hospital by, and training -principal role of enterprises. Must be willing to invest, lavished introduces technological leading talents, high ay theraining, positive innovation, to seize the commanding point in future development, strengthen strategic thinking. Yucai to pleloped areas, study, went to Qinghua University, Zhejiang University and other colleges and universities to attend advanced tknown enterprises in dev-ch. Entrepreneurs ' ability to take the initiative, strong quality. Take the initiative to visit the wellof private enterprise. Therefore, we would like to put the construction of enterprisers in the most important position to cat ctionnsed, users and enterprises innovative organizers, is the core of enterprise development, is key to promoting talents construit is also the County Enterprise transformation and upgrading of the actual need. Entrepreneurs are all kinds of talent conde upgrading of enterprises. Provinces and cities this year to entrepreneurs as a key talent, 11、我经常回忆起过去的往事。 12、同学们坐在宽阔的阅览室里看书。 13、今天清晨下了一上午雨。 14、和暖的风呼呼地吹着。 15、晚会上,同学们表演了许多一个个精彩的节目。 16、完成了作业。 17、大连的夏天是个美丽的地方。 18、今天上午我在家看了一天的科学幻想故事。 19、战士们隐藏在茂密的林中。 20、我们要把隐蔽在人民内部的坏分子揭发出来。 七、修改病句。 01、不管天气十分炎热,大家还是坚持锻炼身体。 02、已经把连长交给我的任务顺利实行了。 03、经过教育,“法轮功”的受害者擦亮了眼睛,增高了认识。 04、同学们一定要遵守交通规则,防止不要发生事故。 05、上课时,小华的眼睛不转眼地注视着老师。 06、我买了钢笔、尺子、橡皮和文具就急忙赶回家去。 07、虽然你学习再好,但是没有骄傲的理由。 08、玛莎穿着一件蓝色的风衣和一顶黄色的帽子。 09、今晚天空月圆如镜,繁星满天,多美的夜景啊~ 10、广场上挤满了许许多多数不清的人群。 11、经过治疗,小明的病已经恢复了健康。 12、改革开放以来,在中国发生了很大的变化。 13、听了老师的一番话,很受教育。 6ent team, forPowerful supportreated good of talent environment, efforts construction a support scale big, and quality high, and structure excellent of taltive cenozoic entrepreneurs of training, widely carried out "teacher with acts" "to old with new" skills contest, activities, effecration, active for enterprise employees built learning training platform, especially focused on "create II generation", and Cinstitutions of contact coopelevel experts and talents. To increased talent training efforts, strengthening and University, and hospital by, and training -le of enterprises. Must be willing to invest, lavished introduces technological leading talents, highal roive innovation, to seize the commanding point in future development, strengthen strategic thinking. Yucai to play the principstudy, went to Qinghua University, Zhejiang University and other colleges and universities to attend advanced training, posit known enterprises in developed areas,-neurs ' ability to take the initiative, strong quality. Take the initiative to visit the wellnterprise. Therefore, we would like to put the construction of enterprisers in the most important position to catch. Entreprevate eand enterprises innovative organizers, is the core of enterprise development, is key to promoting talents construction of prihe County Enterprise transformation and upgrading of the actual need. Entrepreneurs are all kinds of talent condensed, users upgrading of enterprises. Provinces and cities this year to entrepreneurs as a key talent, it is also t 小学修改病句大全 14、颐和园所有的景点,我大部分都游览过。 15、在东北的深山里,土煤窑稀稀疏疏星星点点地到处都是。 16、他聚精会神地坐在那里,专心地听老师讲课。 17、作文写好以后,我们要学会把不正确的错别字改正过来。 18、在劳动中,我们的双手弄脏了泥土。 19、听到这个消息,我小声地议论起来。 20、这次到会的只有七十二从左右。 21、他的一双手几乎完全冻僵了。 22、校园里种了月季、海棠、梧桐、松柏等很多树木。 23、儿童商店里的玩具真多,有积木,布娃娃、电动小火车、足球等。 24、星期日,同学们带了面包、鸡蛋、苹果、香蕉、炊具和食品去野炊。 25、她戴着鲜艳的红领巾和雪白的衬衣。 26、我今天上午看了一天的书。 27、这种不爱惜粮食,任意浪费的是可耻的。 28、现在市场上商品的数量大大提高了。 29、同学们都说,昨天的活动是愉快的一天 contact cooperation, active for enterprise employees built learning training platform, especially focused on "create II generinstitutions of level experts and talents. To increased talent training efforts, strengthening and University, and hospital by, and training -principal role of enterprises. Must be willing to invest, lavished introduces technological leading talents, high ay theraining, positive innovation, to seize the commanding point in future development, strengthen strategic thinking. Yucai to pleloped areas, study, went to Qinghua University, Zhejiang University and other colleges and universities to attend advanced tknown enterprises in dev-ch. Entrepreneurs ' ability to take the initiative, strong quality. Take the initiative to visit the wellof private enterprise. Therefore, we would like to put the construction of enterprisers in the most important position to cat ctionnsed, users and enterprises innovative organizers, is the core of enterprise development, is key to promoting talents construit is also the County Enterprise transformation and upgrading of the actual need. Entrepreneurs are all kinds of talent conde upgrading of enterprises. Provinces and cities this year to entrepreneurs as a key talent,7ellent of talent team, forPowerful support, effective created good of talent environment, efforts construction a support scale big, and quality high, and structure excvitiesation", and Cenozoic entrepreneurs of training, widely carried out "teacher with acts" "to old with new" skills contest, acti
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