

2018-08-06 24页 doc 67KB 44阅读




异地社保、档案转移流程异地社保、档案转移流程 (2008-08-15 00:48:15)转载标签:异地社保档案转移流程杂谈 zz由于工作变动的关系,我的养老保险、医疗保险、人事档案真是让人又烦又累,同时也深深地为政府人员办事的淡漠和低效而叹息~今天写这篇文章主要想把异地转保转档相关的办理流程和注意点列示出来与大家共享,以便后来者少走冤枉路,少费冤枉的时间和金钱。 一、人事档案转移 1、到接收地人才服务中心开具《人事关系及档案接受函》,并加盖公章; 2、到调出地人才服务中心综合事务办公室,凭《接受函》填写一式两份《商调人员情况登记表》; ...
异地社保、档案转移流程 (2008-08-15 00:48:15)转载标签:异地社保档案转移流程杂谈 zz由于工作变动的关系,我的养老保险、医疗保险、人事档案真是让人又烦又累,同时也深深地为政府人员办事的淡漠和低效而叹息~今天写这篇文章主要想把异地转保转档相关的办理流程和注意点列示出来与大家共享,以便后来者少走冤枉路,少费冤枉的时间和金钱。 一、人事档案转移 1、到接收地人才服务中心开具《人事关系及档案接受函》,并加盖公章; 2、到调出地人才服务中心综合事务办公室,凭《接受函》填写一式两份《商调人员情况登记表》; 3、到调出地人才服务中心人事档案办公室,凭《接受函》查阅人事关系计算机资料,确认在案后缴纳所欠的人事代理费用,以20元/月累计;交清后在两份《登记表》主管部门意见栏加盖公章; 4、人事档案办公室随即将你的档案袋调送到综合事务办公室; 5、到原就职单位,在两份《登记表》调出单位意见栏加盖公章;(该步可能可以免除) 6、凭《接受函》和两份《登记表》到综合事务办公室开具protection design of tall buildings GB50045-95 the construction interior trim design fire protection standard GB50222-95 6, building curtain wall design code for lightning protection lightning protection standard building GB50057-94 7, building curtain wall technical standards for lighting architectural lighting design standard GB/T50033-2001 optical properties of glass curtain wall GB/ T18091-2000 8, physical inspection and technical standards of architectural curtain wall construction performance testing method for in-plane deformation of curtain wall GB/T18250-2000 classification GB/T15225-94 wind pressure of building curtain wall building curtain wall physical properties deformation performance test method GB/T15227-94 curtain GB/T15226-94 curtain air permeability test methods rainwater seepage performance test methods GB/T15228-94 9, Windows testing technical standards of architectural curtain wall House Windows airtight, watertight and wind resistance performance test method JG/T211-2007 House Windows lighting performance graduation and test method for GB/T11976-2002 wind pressure resistance performance of building exterior Windows graduation and test method for GB/T7106-2002 House Windows sound 介绍信;此时工作人员会问你自带还是邮寄,如果自带,则会将档案袋连同介绍信用封条封好,并在封条处加盖十几个公章,办公室同时保留一份《登记表》,另一份由你带走; 7、到现就职单位在《登记表》上加盖调入部门意见栏公章;(该步可能可以免除) 8、将密封好的档案袋妥善地移送到接受地人才服务中心,并在《登记表》上加盖调入地主管部门意见栏公章; 9、完成。 二、养老保险和医疗保险转移 1、到接收地社保局,养老保险窗口开具《企业职工异地转入联系函》(含开户银行和帐号),医疗保险窗口开具《职工跨地区统筹基本医疗保险关系转移情况表》,一式两份; 2、原就职单位填写社保增减表,中止原单位对你的社保金缴纳义务; 3、到调出地社保局综合服务窗口,凭《联系函》、《转移情况表》、《职工社会养老保险手册》、《职工医疗保险手册》、医疗保险卡办理,办理结果为取得《职工基本养老保险个人帐户转移情况》一式三联、《XX市城镇职工基本医疗保险基金异地转移表》一份,分别要仔细核对开户银行和帐号;之后将第一联《职工基本养老保险个人帐户转移情况》交给财务窗口,其余两联带回接受地,同时医保卡收回作废; 4、半个月后由个人或接受地工作单位凭《职工基本养老保protection design of tall buildings GB50045-95 the construction interior trim design fire protection standard GB50222-95 6, building curtain wall design code for lightning protection lightning protection standard building GB50057-94 7, building curtain wall technical standards for lighting architectural lighting design standard GB/T50033-2001 optical properties of glass curtain wall GB/ T18091-2000 8, physical inspection and technical standards of architectural curtain wall construction performance testing method for in-plane deformation of curtain wall GB/T18250-2000 classification GB/T15225-94 wind pressure of building curtain wall building curtain wall physical properties deformation performance test method GB/T15227-94 curtain GB/T15226-94 curtain air permeability test methods rainwater seepage performance test methods GB/T15228-94 9, Windows testing technical standards of architectural curtain wall House Windows airtight, watertight and wind resistance performance test method JG/T211-2007 House Windows lighting performance graduation and test method for GB/T11976-2002 wind pressure resistance performance of building exterior Windows graduation and test method for GB/T7106-2002 House Windows sound 险个人帐户转移情况》两联、《XX市城镇职工基本医疗保险基金异地转移表》一份到接受地社保局办理具体转移手续; 5、完成。 三、注意事项 1、社保、医保月结时间为每月20日,每临近20日窗口办理非常繁忙,通常排队要1小时左右,建议尽量错开高峰日提前办理; 2、是否可以补交上月保险费视接受地政策而异; 3、政府部门办公时间一般为:上午:8:30~12:00 下午:14:00~17:30 4、社保包含:养老保险,医疗保险,失业保险,生育保险和工伤保险。 来源:() - 异地社保、档案转移流程_天山雪_新浪博客 **************************************** 跨省转移养老保险关系需要走三个流程: 新参保地审核转移接续申请并向原参保地发出同意接收函——>原参保地办理转移手续——>新参保地接收转移手续和资金。 三个流程走完之后即可办妥转移接续手续。办法规定每个流程最多15个工作日,也就说对于参保者来说,最多45个工作日就可以将全protection design of tall buildings GB50045-95 the construction interior trim design fire protection standard GB50222-95 6, building curtain wall design code for lightning protection lightning protection standard building GB50057-94 7, building curtain wall technical standards for lighting architectural lighting design standard GB/T50033-2001 optical properties of glass curtain wall GB/ T18091-2000 8, physical inspection and technical standards of architectural curtain wall construction performance testing method for in-plane deformation of curtain wall GB/T18250-2000 classification GB/T15225-94 wind pressure of building curtain wall building curtain wall physical properties deformation performance test method GB/T15227-94 curtain GB/T15226-94 curtain air permeability test methods rainwater seepage performance test methods GB/T15228-94 9, Windows testing technical standards of architectural curtain wall House Windows airtight, watertight and wind resistance performance test method JG/T211-2007 House Windows lighting performance graduation and test method for GB/T11976-2002 wind pressure resistance performance of building exterior Windows graduation and test method for GB/T7106-2002 House Windows sound 部手续办完。 医疗保险并不支持异地转移,且只能在购买地消费使用和享受报销待遇.也就是其它除种只能在本地使用.(2010年7月后有变化) 在统筹区域内可以随便办理转移关系,而在非统筹区域,转移社保中,只能转移养老保险,且只能往户口所在地社保局转入,因此,如果说你的户口是当地,是可以办理转移的. 对于跨省市转移,其手续需要分别向两地社保局提出申请,且只能转移个人帐户部分,不能将个人账户和统筹账户一起取走,做好心理准备. 公积金可以自解除劳动之日起两年后到当地公积金管理中心申请办退. 江苏省省内养老保险转移已恢复办理。办理流程、转移规模按国家的跨省转移一样。 只要在南京开个缴费凭证,到句容或者其他江苏省内的城市建立账户后就可合并接续。 目前只能转养老保险,其他的还不能转。 protection design of tall buildings GB50045-95 the construction interior trim design fire protection standard GB50222-95 6, building curtain wall design code for lightning protection lightning protection standard building GB50057-94 7, building curtain wall technical standards for lighting architectural lighting design standard GB/T50033-2001 optical properties of glass curtain wall GB/ T18091-2000 8, physical inspection and technical standards of architectural curtain wall construction performance testing method for in-plane deformation of curtain wall GB/T18250-2000 classification GB/T15225-94 wind pressure of building curtain wall building curtain wall physical properties deformation performance test method GB/T15227-94 curtain GB/T15226-94 curtain air permeability test methods rainwater seepage performance test methods GB/T15228-94 9, Windows testing technical standards of architectural curtain wall House Windows airtight, watertight and wind resistance performance test method JG/T211-2007 House Windows lighting performance graduation and test method for GB/T11976-2002 wind pressure resistance performance of building exterior Windows graduation and test method for GB/T7106-2002 House Windows sound 省内转移没有损失,个人账户全额转移,单位缴纳部分的转移资金和本人无关,江苏省内各地养老金计算都按省的在岗职工平均工资计算的。 原单位开解除劳动的证明、个人养老手册和身份证去原参保地社保中心办理社保转出,再到现在工作的地的社保中心办理社保接续。同一个省一般属于同一个社保统筹区,只需转移社保关系,不需要转移社保资金。 ******************************** 人力资源和社会保障部出台《流动就业人员基本医疗保障关系转接接续暂行办法》,这是继半个月前出台基本养老关系跨省转移办法后的又一项惠及个人基本保障的政策,这一办法将于2010年7月1日起实行。 暂行办法规定,从2010年7月1日开始,流动人员跨省就业时可以转移自己的医保关系,个人账户可以跟随转移划转。具体尚未出台。 protection design of tall buildings GB50045-95 the construction interior trim design fire protection standard GB50222-95 6, building curtain wall design code for lightning protection lightning protection standard building GB50057-94 7, building curtain wall technical standards for lighting architectural lighting design standard GB/T50033-2001 optical properties of glass curtain wall GB/ T18091-2000 8, physical inspection and technical standards of architectural curtain wall construction performance testing method for in-plane deformation of curtain wall GB/T18250-2000 classification GB/T15225-94 wind pressure of building curtain wall building curtain wall physical properties deformation performance test method GB/T15227-94 curtain GB/T15226-94 curtain air permeability test methods rainwater seepage performance test methods GB/T15228-94 9, Windows testing technical standards of architectural curtain wall House Windows airtight, watertight and wind resistance performance test method JG/T211-2007 House Windows lighting performance graduation and test method for GB/T11976-2002 wind pressure resistance performance of building exterior Windows graduation and test method for GB/T7106-2002 House Windows sound **************************************** 鞍山市民养老保险跨省转移全方位权威解读 养老保险转移办理流程 参保人员跨省流动前(转出我省),持解除劳动关系证明(或在外省落户证明或与外省企业签订的劳动合同或在外省注册的工商户营业执照等外省接收或定居手续),到参保地社会保险经办机构负责企业个人账户管理部门,核对缴费情况。 参保单位或参保人持《养老保险手册》到参保地社会保险机构负责社会保险登记的部门,按规定打印《基本养老保险参保缴费凭证证明》,参保人持《基本养老保险参保缴费凭证证明》交到转移地参保单位即可。 负责社保登记的部门在收到参保人员新就业地社保机构邮寄的《基本养老关系转移接续联系函》后,在7个工作日内核对有关信息并生成《基本养老保险关系转移接续信息表》,由负责企业个人账户的部门认定后,将《信息表》送交财务部门办理基金划转手续,并终止参保人员在本地的基本养老保险关系。 养老金领取地确定 A 基本养老保险关系在户籍所在地的,在户籍所在地办理待遇领取手续,享受待遇。 protection design of tall buildings GB50045-95 the construction interior trim design fire protection standard GB50222-95 6, building curtain wall design code for lightning protection lightning protection standard building GB50057-94 7, building curtain wall technical standards for lighting architectural lighting design standard GB/T50033-2001 optical properties of glass curtain wall GB/ T18091-2000 8, physical inspection and technical standards of architectural curtain wall construction performance testing method for in-plane deformation of curtain wall GB/T18250-2000 classification GB/T15225-94 wind pressure of building curtain wall building curtain wall physical properties deformation performance test method GB/T15227-94 curtain GB/T15226-94 curtain air permeability test methods rainwater seepage performance test methods GB/T15228-94 9, Windows testing technical standards of architectural curtain wall House Windows airtight, watertight and wind resistance performance test method JG/T211-2007 House Windows lighting performance graduation and test method for GB/T11976-2002 wind pressure resistance performance of building exterior Windows graduation and test method for GB/T7106-2002 House Windows sound B 如果养老保险关系不在户籍所在地,并且在养老保险关系所在地缴费满10年的,在养老保险关系所在地办理待遇领取手续,享受待遇。 C 养老保险关系不在户籍所在地,并且在养老保险关系所在地缴费不满10年的,转回到上一个缴费满10年的原参保地办理待遇领取手续,享受待遇。 D 养老保险关系不在户籍所在地,并且在每个参保地的累计缴费年限均不满10年的,将其养老保险关系及相应资金归集到户籍所在地,由户籍所在地办理待遇领取手续,享受待遇。 E 对于建立临时账户的人员,达到待遇领取条件时,将临时缴费账户中的全部缴费本息,转移归集到原参保地办理退休和领取待遇。 提醒:办理养老保险关系由外省转入我省,也可比照上述流程办理。 【权威解读】 本人只需提出转续书面申请 王福朋副处长介绍,参保人员办理跨省养老保险关系转移接续业务时,本人只需提出转续关系的书面申请,其他的审核、确认、跨地区转续等程序都由转入地和转出地社保经办机构之间办理。参保人员再也不用两地往返奔波。 暂行办法规定,确定养老金领取地的基本条件是要看在各个参保地的缴费年限,然后按照“户籍地优先,从长、从后计算”的原则来确定领取地。 protection design of tall buildings GB50045-95 the construction interior trim design fire protection standard GB50222-95 6, building curtain wall design code for lightning protection lightning protection standard building GB50057-94 7, building curtain wall technical standards for lighting architectural lighting design standard GB/T50033-2001 optical properties of glass curtain wall GB/ T18091-2000 8, physical inspection and technical standards of architectural curtain wall construction performance testing method for in-plane deformation of curtain wall GB/T18250-2000 classification GB/T15225-94 wind pressure of building curtain wall building curtain wall physical properties deformation performance test method GB/T15227-94 curtain GB/T15226-94 curtain air permeability test methods rainwater seepage performance test methods GB/T15228-94 9, Windows testing technical standards of architectural curtain wall House Windows airtight, watertight and wind resistance performance test method JG/T211-2007 House Windows lighting performance graduation and test method for GB/T11976-2002 wind pressure resistance performance of building exterior Windows graduation and test method for GB/T7106-2002 House Windows sound 转移单位缴费不影响个人待遇 暂行办法规定,参保人员跨省就业,除转移个人账户储存额外,还转移缴费基数12%的单位缴费。而在此之前,参保人员在跨地区转移养老保险关系时,只转个人账户储存额,不转单位缴费。 王福朋解释,跨地区转移单位缴费,是为了平衡地区之间的资金关系,并不影响个人养老保险权益的累积流动就业人员的权益累计和养老金待遇的核定。因为,参保人养老金的计发办法是根据本人缴费的多少和缴费年限的长短来计算的,跟地区之间资金转移多少没有直接的关系。 所以,只要参保人员参保以后缴费年限长,缴的钱多,那么你的这些权益都是会被累积计算的,所以对于只转12%的单位缴费而担心个人养老保险权益受损完全没有必要。 【特殊情况】 已领养老金退休人员 不能转移基本养老保险关系 暂行办法规定,对于已经按国家规定办理退休且领取基本养老保险待遇的人员,不在转移接续政策的实施范围之内,即已经退休领取基本养老金的人员,不再转移基本养老保险关系。对于一些已经退休,随子女在外地居住的退休人员,为了使他们方便快捷地领取养老金,社保机构可以为其代办邮寄业务,通过金融系统实现异地支付,以保证退休人员的基本生活。 年龄偏大流动就业者 protection design of tall buildings GB50045-95 the construction interior trim design fire protection standard GB50222-95 6, building curtain wall design code for lightning protection lightning protection standard building GB50057-94 7, building curtain wall technical standards for lighting architectural lighting design standard GB/T50033-2001 optical properties of glass curtain wall GB/ T18091-2000 8, physical inspection and technical standards of architectural curtain wall construction performance testing method for in-plane deformation of curtain wall GB/T18250-2000 classification GB/T15225-94 wind pressure of building curtain wall building curtain wall physical properties deformation performance test method GB/T15227-94 curtain GB/T15226-94 curtain air permeability test methods rainwater seepage performance test methods GB/T15228-94 9, Windows testing technical standards of architectural curtain wall House Windows airtight, watertight and wind resistance performance test method JG/T211-2007 House Windows lighting performance graduation and test method for GB/T11976-2002 wind pressure resistance performance of building exterior Windows graduation and test method for GB/T7106-2002 House Windows sound 建临时账户保留原来关系 对于一些年龄偏大(男年满50岁,女年满40岁,距正常领取待遇年龄不足10年)的参保人员流动就业,原则上在原参保地保留养老保险关系,同时在新参保地建立临时养老保险缴费账户,以确保其继续参保缴费、权益累计和待遇核定,待符合待遇领取条件后,转回原参保地办理退休和领取待遇。这就使年龄偏大的异地就业参保人员也不再有后顾之忧,有效地保障了他们的权益。 中断就业返乡农民工 累计缴费年限合并个人账户 过去,由于参保人员流动就业时只能转移个人账户资金,不能转移单位缴费等原因,造成养老保险关系转续困难,致使一些人员特别是农民工大量退保。退保后,原来已经建立的养老保险权益就终止了,重新参保后缴费年限要重新算起。这实际上损害了这些参保人员的养老保险权益。 暂行办法规定,对农民工中断就业或返乡期间中断缴费的,由原参保地保留其养老保险关系,保存其全部参保缴费,个人账户储存额继续按规定计息,使农民工的权益不因往返城乡而受损。如返回城镇就业并继续参保缴费的,无论是回到原参保地就业还是到其他城镇就业,都累计计算缴费年限,合并计算个人账户储存额,而不再办理退保。 农民工达到规定的退休条件,可以同城镇职工一样,按月领取基本养老保险待遇。对于返乡不再回城镇就业的农民工,达不到领取条protection design of tall buildings GB50045-95 the construction interior trim design fire protection standard GB50222-95 6, building curtain wall design code for lightning protection lightning protection standard building GB50057-94 7, building curtain wall technical standards for lighting architectural lighting design standard GB/T50033-2001 optical properties of glass curtain wall GB/ T18091-2000 8, physical inspection and technical standards of architectural curtain wall construction performance testing method for in-plane deformation of curtain wall GB/T18250-2000 classification GB/T15225-94 wind pressure of building curtain wall building curtain wall physical properties deformation performance test method GB/T15227-94 curtain GB/T15226-94 curtain air permeability test methods rainwater seepage performance test methods GB/T15228-94 9, Windows testing technical standards of architectural curtain wall House Windows airtight, watertight and wind resistance performance test method JG/T211-2007 House Windows lighting performance graduation and test method for GB/T11976-2002 wind pressure resistance performance of building exterior Windows graduation and test method for GB/T7106-2002 House Windows sound 件的,可以转回接续参加新农保。 ****************************************************************** 城镇企业职工基本养老保险关系转移接续暂行办法_百度百科 基本介绍 城镇企业职工基本养老保险关系转移接续暂行办法(Cities enterprise staff basic old-age insurance relations shift connection tentative method ;The basic old-age insurance for urban enterprise workers Interim Measures on the relationship between the transfer of continuation) 城镇企业职工基本养老保险关系转移接续暂行办法[1]是国务院总理 温家宝2009年12月22日主持召开国务院常务会议上决定的、从2010 年1月1日起施行的《城镇企业职工基本养老保险关系转移接续暂行 办法》。 该办法的主要内容包括:农民工在内的参加城镇企业职工基本养老保 险的所有人员,其基本养老保险关系可在跨省就业时随同转移;在转 移个人账户储存额的同时,还转移部分单位缴费;参保人员在各地的 缴费年限合并计算,个人账户储存额累计计算,对农民工一视同仁。 protection design of tall buildings GB50045-95 the construction interior trim design fire protection standard GB50222-95 6, building curtain wall design code for lightning protection lightning protection standard building GB50057-94 7, building curtain wall technical standards for lighting architectural lighting design standard GB/T50033-2001 optical properties of glass curtain wall GB/ T18091-2000 8, physical inspection and technical standards of architectural curtain wall construction performance testing method for in-plane deformation of curtain wall GB/T18250-2000 classification GB/T15225-94 wind pressure of building curtain wall building curtain wall physical properties deformation performance test method GB/T15227-94 curtain GB/T15226-94 curtain air permeability test methods rainwater seepage performance test methods GB/T15228-94 9, Windows testing technical standards of architectural curtain wall House Windows airtight, watertight and wind resistance performance test method JG/T211-2007 House Windows lighting performance graduation and test method for GB/T11976-2002 wind pressure resistance performance of building exterior Windows graduation and test method for GB/T7106-2002 House Windows sound 近年来,我国企业职工养老保险不断完善,各省(区、市)已全部出台养老保险省级统筹办法,城镇职工和农民工在本省内城市间流动就业,基本可以实现养老保险关系转移接续。解决好基本养老保险关系的跨省转移接续问题,对于更好地保障流动就业人群的权益,建立健全全国统一的社会保险制度,具有重要意义。 国务院办公厅关于转发人力资源社会保障部、财政部 城镇企业职工基本养老保险关系转移接续暂行办法的通知 国办发〔2009〕66号 各省、自治区、直辖市人民政府,国务院各部委、各直属机构: 人力资源社会保障部、财政部《城镇企业职工基本养老保险关系转移接续暂行办法》已经国务院同意,现转发给你们,请结合实际,认真贯彻执行。 主要内容 国务院办公厅 二??九年十二月二十八日 城镇企业职工基本养老保险关系转移接续暂行办法 人力资源社会保障部 财政部 第一条 为切实保障参加城镇企业职工基本养老保险人员(以下简称参保人员)的合法权益,促进人力资源合理配置和有序流动,保证参保人员跨省、自治区、直辖市(以下简称跨省)流动并在城镇就业时protection design of tall buildings GB50045-95 the construction interior trim design fire protection standard GB50222-95 6, building curtain wall design code for lightning protection lightning protection standard building GB50057-94 7, building curtain wall technical standards for lighting architectural lighting design standard GB/T50033-2001 optical properties of glass curtain wall GB/ T18091-2000 8, physical inspection and technical standards of architectural curtain wall construction performance testing method for in-plane deformation of curtain wall GB/T18250-2000 classification GB/T15225-94 wind pressure of building curtain wall building curtain wall physical properties deformation performance test method GB/T15227-94 curtain GB/T15226-94 curtain air permeability test methods rainwater seepage performance test methods GB/T15228-94 9, Windows testing technical standards of architectural curtain wall House Windows airtight, watertight and wind resistance performance test method JG/T211-2007 House Windows lighting performance graduation and test method for GB/T11976-2002 wind pressure resistance performance of building exterior Windows graduation and test method for GB/T7106-2002 House Windows sound 基本养老保险关系的顺畅转移接续,制定本办法。 第二条 本办法适用于参加城镇企业职工基本养老保险的所有人员,包括农民工。已经按国家规定领取基本养老保险待遇的人员,不再转移基本养老保险关系。 第三条 参保人员跨省流动就业的,由原参保所在地社会保险经办机构(以下简称社保经办机构)开具参保缴费凭证,其基本养老保险关系应随同转移到新参保地。参保人员达到基本养老保险待遇领取条件的,其在各地的参保缴费年限合并计算,个人账户储存额(含本息,下同)累计计算;未达到待遇领取年龄前,不得终止基本养老保险关系并办理退保手续;其中出国定居和到香港、澳门、台湾地区定居的,按国家有关规定执行。 第四条 参保人员跨省流动就业转移基本养老保险关系时,按下列计算转移资金: (一)个人账户储存额:1998年1月1日之前按个人缴费累计本息计算转移,1998年1月1日后按计入个人账户的全部储存额计算转移。 (二)统筹基金(单位缴费):以本人1998年1月1日后各年度实际缴费工资为基数,按12%的总和转移,参保缴费不足1年的,按实际缴费月数计算转移。 第五条 参保人员跨省流动就业,其基本养老保险关系转移接续按下列规定办理: (一)参保人员返回户籍所在地(指省、自治区、直辖市,下同)就protection design of tall buildings GB50045-95 the construction interior trim design fire protection standard GB50222-95 6, building curtain wall design code for lightning protection lightning protection standard building GB50057-94 7, building curtain wall technical standards for lighting architectural lighting design standard GB/T50033-2001 optical properties of glass curtain wall GB/ T18091-2000 8, physical inspection and technical standards of architectural curtain wall construction performance testing method for in-plane deformation of curtain wall GB/T18250-2000 classification GB/T15225-94 wind pressure of building curtain wall building curtain wall physical properties deformation performance test method GB/T15227-94 curtain GB/T15226-94 curtain air permeability test methods rainwater seepage performance test methods GB/T15228-94 9, Windows testing technical standards of architectural curtain wall House Windows airtight, watertight and wind resistance performance test method JG/T211-2007 House Windows lighting performance graduation and test method for GB/T11976-2002 wind pressure resistance performance of building exterior Windows graduation and test method for GB/T7106-2002 House Windows sound 业参保的,户籍所在地的相关社保经办机构应为其及时办理转移接续手续。 (二)参保人员未返回户籍所在地就业参保的,由新参保地的社保经办机构为其及时办理转移接续手续。但对男性年满50周岁和女性年满40周岁的,应在原参保地继续保留基本养老保险关系,同时在新参保地建立临时基本养老保险缴费账户,记录单位和个人全部缴费。参保人员再次跨省流动就业或在新参保地达到待遇领取条件时,将临时基本养老保险缴费账户中的全部缴费本息,转移归集到原参保地或待遇领取地。 (三)参保人员经县级以上党委组织部门、人力资源社会保障行政部门批准调动,且与调入单位建立劳动关系并缴纳基本养老保险费的,不受以上年龄规定限制,应在调入地及时办理基本养老保险关系转移接续手续。 第六条 跨省流动就业的参保人员达到待遇领取条件时,按下列规定确定其待遇领取地: (一)基本养老保险关系在户籍所在地的,由户籍所在地负责办理待遇领取手续,享受基本养老保险待遇。 (二)基本养老保险关系不在户籍所在地,而在其基本养老保险关系所在地累计缴费年限满10年的,在该地办理待遇领取手续,享受当地基本养老保险待遇。 (三)基本养老保险关系不在户籍所在地,且在其基本养老保险关系protection design of tall buildings GB50045-95 the construction interior trim design fire protection standard GB50222-95 6, building curtain wall design code for lightning protection lightning protection standard building GB50057-94 7, building curtain wall technical standards for lighting architectural lighting design standard GB/T50033-2001 optical properties of glass curtain wall GB/ T18091-2000 8, physical inspection and technical standards of architectural curtain wall construction performance testing method for in-plane deformation of curtain wall GB/T18250-2000 classification GB/T15225-94 wind pressure of building curtain wall building curtain wall physical properties deformation performance test method GB/T15227-94 curtain GB/T15226-94 curtain air permeability test methods rainwater seepage performance test methods GB/T15228-94 9, Windows testing technical standards of architectural curtain wall House Windows airtight, watertight and wind resistance performance test method JG/T211-2007 House Windows lighting performance graduation and test method for GB/T11976-2002 wind pressure resistance performance of building exterior Windows graduation and test method for GB/T7106-2002 House Windows sound 所在地累计缴费年限不满10年的,将其基本养老保险关系转回上一个缴费年限满10年的原参保地办理待遇领取手续,享受基本养老保险待遇。 (四)基本养老保险关系不在户籍所在地,且在每个参保地的累计缴费年限均不满10年的,将其基本养老保险关系及相应资金归集到户籍所在地,由户籍所在地按规定办理待遇领取手续,享受基本养老保险待遇。 第七条 参保人员转移接续基本养老保险关系后,符合待遇领取条件的,按照《国务院关于完善企业职工基本养老保险制度的决定》(国发〔2005〕38号)的规定,以本人各年度缴费工资、缴费年限和待遇领取地对应的各年度在岗职工平均工资计算其基本养老金。 第八条 参保人员跨省流动就业的,按下列程序办理基本养老保险关系转移接续手续: (一)参保人员在新就业地按规定建立基本养老保险关系和缴费后,由用人单位或参保人员向新参保地社保经办机构提出基本养老保险关系转移接续的书面申请。 (二)新参保地社保经办机构在15个工作日内,审核转移接续申请,对符合本办法规定条件的,向参保人员原基本养老保险关系所在地的社保经办机构发出同意接收函,并提供相关信息;对不符合转移接续条件的,向申请单位或参保人员作出书面说明。 (三)原基本养老保险关系所在地社保经办机构在接到同意接收函的protection design of tall buildings GB50045-95 the construction interior trim design fire protection standard GB50222-95 6, building curtain wall design code for lightning protection lightning protection standard building GB50057-94 7, building curtain wall technical standards for lighting architectural lighting design standard GB/T50033-2001 optical properties of glass curtain wall GB/ T18091-2000 8, physical inspection and technical standards of architectural curtain wall construction performance testing method for in-plane deformation of curtain wall GB/T18250-2000 classification GB/T15225-94 wind pressure of building curtain wall building curtain wall physical properties deformation performance test method GB/T15227-94 curtain GB/T15226-94 curtain air permeability test methods rainwater seepage performance test methods GB/T15228-94 9, Windows testing technical standards of architectural curtain wall House Windows airtight, watertight and wind resistance performance test method JG/T211-2007 House Windows lighting performance graduation and test method for GB/T11976-2002 wind pressure resistance performance of building exterior Windows graduation and test method for GB/T7106-2002 House Windows sound 15个工作日内,办理好转移接续的各项手续。 (四)新参保地社保经办机构在收到参保人员原基本养老保险关系所在地社保经办机构转移的基本养老保险关系和资金后,应在15个工作日内办结有关手续,并将确认情况及时通知用人单位或参保人员。 第九条 农民工中断就业或返乡没有继续缴费的,由原参保地社保经办机构保留其基本养老保险关系,保存其全部参保缴费记录及个人账户,个人账户储存额继续按规定计息。农民工返回城镇就业并继续参保缴费的,无论其回到原参保地就业还是到其他城镇就业,均按前述规定累计计算其缴费年限,合并计算其个人账户储存额,符合待遇领取条件的,与城镇职工同样享受基本养老保险待遇;农民工不再返回城镇就业的,其在城镇参保缴费记录及个人账户全部有效,并根据农民工的实际情况,或在其达到规定领取条件时享受城镇职工基本养老保险待遇,或转入新型农村社会养老保险。 农民工在城镇参加企业职工基本养老保险与在农村参加新型农村社会养老保险的衔接政策,另行研究制定。 第十条 建立全国县级以上社保经办机构联系方式信息库,并向社会公布,方便参保人员查询参保缴费情况,办理基本养老保险关系转移接续手续。加快建立全国统一的基本养老保险参保缴费信息查询服务系统,发行全国通用的社会保障卡,为参保人员查询参保缴费信息提供便捷有效的技术服务。 第十一条 各地已制定的跨省基本养老保险关系转移接续相关政策与本办法规定不符的,以本办法规定为准。在省、自治区、直辖市内protection design of tall buildings GB50045-95 the construction interior trim design fire protection standard GB50222-95 6, building curtain wall design code for lightning protection lightning protection standard building GB50057-94 7, building curtain wall technical standards for lighting architectural lighting design standard GB/T50033-2001 optical properties of glass curtain wall GB/ T18091-2000 8, physical inspection and technical standards of architectural curtain wall construction performance testing method for in-plane deformation of curtain wall GB/T18250-2000 classification GB/T15225-94 wind pressure of building curtain wall building curtain wall physical properties deformation performance test method GB/T15227-94 curtain GB/T15226-94 curtain air permeability test methods rainwater seepage performance test methods GB/T15228-94 9, Windows testing technical standards of architectural curtain wall House Windows airtight, watertight and wind resistance performance test method JG/T211-2007 House Windows lighting performance graduation and test method for GB/T11976-2002 wind pressure resistance performance of building exterior Windows graduation and test method for GB/T7106-2002 House Windows sound 的基本养老保险关系转移接续办法,由各省级人民政府参照本办法制 定,并报人力资源社会保障部备案。 第十二条 本办法所称缴费年限,除另有特殊规定外,均包括视同缴 费年限。 第十三条 本办法从2010年1月1日起施行。 protection design of tall buildings GB50045-95 the construction interior trim design fire protection standard GB50222-95 6, building curtain wall design code for lightning protection lightning protection standard building GB50057-94 7, building curtain wall technical standards for lighting architectural lighting design standard GB/T50033-2001 optical properties of glass curtain wall GB/ T18091-2000 8, physical inspection and technical standards of architectural curtain wall construction performance testing method for in-plane deformation of curtain wall GB/T18250-2000 classification GB/T15225-94 wind pressure of building curtain wall building curtain wall physical properties deformation performance test method GB/T15227-94 curtain GB/T15226-94 curtain air permeability test methods rainwater seepage performance test methods GB/T15228-94 9, Windows testing technical standards of architectural curtain wall House Windows airtight, watertight and wind resistance performance test method JG/T211-2007 House Windows lighting performance graduation and test method for GB/T11976-2002 wind pressure resistance performance of building exterior Windows graduation and test method for GB/T7106-2002 House Windows sound
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