
生活小窍门让你活得顺畅101条(Life tips for you to live smoothly, 101)

2017-10-18 13页 doc 44KB 25阅读




生活小窍门让你活得顺畅101条(Life tips for you to live smoothly, 101)生活小窍门让你活得顺畅101条(Life tips for you to live smoothly, 101) 生活小窍门让你活得顺畅101条(Life tips for you to live smoothly, 101) 1. too much hair on the floor? Take the plastic bag and catch the broom. 2. bathroom spray on the mirror wet towels are difficult to clean up. First...
生活小窍门让你活得顺畅101条(Life tips for you to live smoothly, 101)
生活小窍门让你活得顺畅101条(Life tips for you to live smoothly, 101) 生活小窍门让你活得顺畅101条(Life tips for you to live smoothly, 101) 1. too much hair on the floor? Take the plastic bag and catch the broom. 2. bathroom spray on the mirror wet towels are difficult to clean up. First, apply a layer of soap on the mirror, then dry it with a dry cloth, so that the mirror can be easily restored. 3. winter due to dry itching all over the body, cut can not use hand grasping, or easy to scratch the skin, causing secondary infection, can drink more water, eat more fruit prevention. 4. coffee can relieve stress, relax and stimulate peristalsis. A laxative effect; people who have constipation can drink coffee at breakfast. 5. drawer when musty closet in the suitcase, put a piece of soap on the inside, you can remove the. 6. buy gift box to send people, the price tag is difficult to tear off, you can use the hair dryer blowing heat in the tear, it will easily tear down, leaving no traces. 7. grapefruit skin boiled water can cure chilblain. Boiled water scrub affected area with grapefruit skin, wash 1-2 times a day, can be effective for several times. 8., milk can strengthen the body, drinking 250 milliliters of milk per day can reduce the risk of colon cancer. But drinking too much can cause prostate disease. 9. ginger can be refreshing, may be appropriate to eat ginger in winter, experts believe that eating ginger can relieve rheumatoid arthritis caused by pain, improve joint mobility. 10. bogey will head over winter in the nest, because carbon dioxide and impure gases accumulate, will make people feel have dizzy spells woke up, tired. 11. mung bean fever, cold tips to cure, you can first cook mung beans, boiled after the addition of ginger and cola, while the hot drink, you can cure the flu. 12., drink an hour before the milk should not eat oranges, because the milk protein and orange in the acid met, coagulation will occur, it is not conducive to milk absorption. 13. banana peel can effectively treat frostbite, banana inside Peter softly frostbite, until the fever, can be effective for several times. 14. raw peanuts can cure presbyopia, eat peanuts 25 grams, once daily, long-term adherence to presbyopia have helped restore. 15., orange peel water wash your face can be emollient, with water soaked several orange peel, to be suitable after the temperature, with orange peel water wash your face, you can emollient. 16. nail, do not use the left hand fixed position. 17. hold swimming can exercise the body, but also help to treat tinnitus, need to insist for a long time. 18. tea catechins have the effect of inhibiting influenza virus activity, and insist on gargling with tea water, can effectively prevent influenza. 19. bananas, rock sugar, steamed cough, bananas 3, rock sugar 5 grams, into a bowl on the pan, steam for 15 minutes, food, cough, the effect is very good. 20. feet of water treatment of Zanthoxylum heel pain, fresh pepper leaves boiled in water, while hot bubble feet, even every half an hour for several days, will soon heal. 21. lard honey cream can remove frostbite, take 20 grams of lard, honey 80 grams, put together and mix into cream, apply to the affected area, 3 times a day, a few days to cure. 22. ginger juice drinks can cure dizziness and nausea. Drink ginger powder with seasoning. Take half an hour before the train. It can prevent dizziness and nausea. 23., jujube treatment of hand and foot crack, the number of dates to remove the skin and core, add water to make a paste, smear at the gap, two times a day, a few days later can be cured. 24. soy sauce mouthwash can cure sore throat. A sore throat, with a spoon of soy sauce mouthwash, about 1 minutes out, for 3 to 4 times, the effect is very good. 25. if the wooden furniture crack, the old newspaper cut alum, rice soup boiled into a paste, which is embedded into the cracks, after drying is very strong. 26. pear mash add sugar transfer service, can cure hoarseness, pear plus 1 grams of Ephedra into the pot boiled, eat 2 times a day, can cure whooping cough. 27. bath, if there is a wound, can be painted oil in the wound, Such as cream, and water isolation, it will not inflammation, it will not hurt. 28. newspaper ink repellent, in clothes box under a layer of newspaper, put in the clothes, so that the 2 clothing from insect bites. 29., the amount of fresh lotus root washed, crushed, squeezed 250 grams of juice, add honey 52 grams, mix thoroughly, divided into 5 clothes, used for several days, can cure colds and coughs. 30., chocolate should not be placed in the refrigerator, easy to mildew, lose the original flavor. 31. the pull ring of the pop can is sheathed on the coat rack, and the small clothes hanger is hung on the pull ring. 32. eat fresh aloe vera leaves, sooner or later each 6 to 9 grams, and Aloe Vera nasal drops, can cure flu symptoms, take 4 to 5 days can be. 33. put the pepper into the pot fried paste, crushed into shape, the amount of sugar water, take a spoon of pepper with every night before bed, commonly used thin. 34., patients with chronic pharyngitis should eat Chinese cabbage, do not eat spicy food, and slowly can alleviate the disease. 35. clothes for grease, slightly squeeze toothpaste on the pollution, gently rub, then rinse with clear water, oil stains can be removed. The 36. body is knock against, can use sesame oil daub, and gently rub the affected area, will not appear green spots and mass. 37. sugar steamed tofu can cure a cold, sprinkle a little sugar in the tofu, cooked food steamer, 3 times a day, a few days can cure a cold. 38., with fried food, and sometimes after boiling oil will overflow from the pot, you can immediately put a few grains of pepper, boil oil is good to go down. 39. dirty water soaked rattan, brushed, and then ignited to sulfur smoked, will be bright and clean as new. 40. just bought ceramic tableware, with 4 vinegar, water immersion boiling, can remove most of the toxic substances. 41. hot yellow silk clothing, can be a little soda water into a paste, coated on the coke trace, until the water evaporates, the ironing cloth pad, Brown can be eliminated. 42. in the bottom of a small tomato cross into the hot boiling water for 5 seconds, remove immediately immersed in cold water, and can easily peel off. 43., 150 grams of Chinese wolfberry into the amount of white wine soaked, ten days after drinking, once a day, long-term drinking, can effectively treat low back pain. 44., every day after dinner or before going to sleep, to eat two cloves of garlic, after a period of time can cure insomnia, so that sleep back to normal. 45. nasal plug can cure wormwood stuffy nose, moxa knead well into the nose, the nose will make smooth breathing. 46. do not overflow the pot soup. 47., dipped in glycerin and egg yolk cloth covered in the stain surface for a moment, wash with water, you can remove stains. 48., boiling water clothes vinegar can prevent motion sickness, take a little vinegar, drink with boiling water, then ride, can prevent motion sickness. 49., experts suggest that in winter can eat red pepper, carrots, hawthorn and other food, or drink twice a day 3 yogurt, a bowl of chicken soup, can effectively prevent colds. 50., winter decoration, wood should pay attention to moisture, so as not to deformation, hydraulic products should be promptly sealed oil, in order to prevent contraction, wood floor to flow about 2 millimeters, have expansion joints. The 51. cold season every day to rub ears, rub, and then these parts of the moment by blowing warm air blower, can effectively prevent frostbite. 52., autumn and winter season, eating white radish, carrots, and even soup with vegetables, sooner or later take a small bowl, long-term adherence, can be effective in the treatment of chronic bronchitis. 53., wear a long sweater, and some parts will be polished to shine, with vinegar, water, half a mixture of liquid sprayed, in the wash. Have red blood fall 54. eyes, eat Qijudihuangwan (Henan West Wan, Lanzhou foci). 55. into the porridge orange peel, not only delicious fragrance, but also can play a role in appetite, abdominal distension or cough phlegm much, therapeutic effect. Fifty-six Autumn and winter chapped hands, can be left against the blood blisters tea wash feet for about 10 minutes a week, the skin can be smooth. 57., white sweater wear long will be black, will be washed sweater, refrigerator freezer for an hour, remove in the air, you can white as new. 58., lampblack machine oil box is difficult to clean, but in the clean oil box first put some water, let the oil drop in water, quick cleaning when poured, oil soon poured out. In the 59. chap to put some toothpaste on the hands and feet, can stop bleeding pain, heal quickly. 60. see TV that can not find the remote control, on the sofa in valgus to turn to is very headache and slight fever? Place the remote control on the side of the tea table with nylon velcro. When you use it, you can find it. 61. cotton clothes occurred mildew, with few teeth to knead in mung bean mildew, and then rinse with clean water, to remove mildew. 62. eat radish in winter to beauty: detoxification, treatment of urination and other symptoms. Do not wash your hair before going to bed after 63. winter, cold hot water washing head, a lot of water evaporates away a lot of heat, this time to sleep, prone to colds. 64., peanut can cure cold, stomach pain, after cold wind stimulation, often cause stomach pain, can eat some cooked fried peanuts, stomach pain can be reduced. 65., knock the eggs broken, the separation of egg yolk and protein, the egg yolk into the fresh milk with the boil, after drinking, can play the role of the town's brain soothe the nerves. 66. iodine wipe affected area can remove hand moss, wipe iodine 4 to 5 times in the affected area every day, the skin lesion gradually dry off, hand with moss cure. 67., in the glass wound first coated with gypsum powder and chalk ash water, dry and then dry cloth rub, you can easily polish the glass. 68., beer mouthwash can go to dust elimination mold, gargle with beer can wash away the dust in the throat, and disinfection role, can make the throat more comfortable. 69. liquor treating sweaty feet smelly feet. Feet every night after the liquor by the little foot rub, and dry, adhere to a month, can cure foot odor. 70. skillful brush suede shoes, with alcohol and rice flour tune into a paste coated on the upper. The dried rice flour brush off, dirty things will get rid of. 71., eat more boiled fish, prone to skin problems, boiled fish in chili stimulation, and some restaurants use sea fish as raw material, some diners will have allergies. 72. skillfully wash woolen sweater: when washing, put in warm water, add proper amount of dry cleaning agent and ammonia water, rinse, add a few drops of vinegar, can help restore the original luster and softness of wool fabric. 73. tofu in the refrigerator to keep fresh tips, tofu directly into the refrigerator, water will overflow, flavor is poor, can be soaked in water storage refrigerator. 74. coke can cure cold. When a cold begins, you can add a few slices of ginger and a lemon, and then drink it, which has significant curative effect. 75. walnut cleaning damaged wooden furniture. 76., eggs rich in sulfur, 4 eggs a week can make hair shiny, often eat high protein foods and fresh vegetables, can make hair thick. 77. vinegar can eliminate the smell of the refrigerator, some vinegar into the open glass bottle near the refrigerator, deodorizing, anti-virus role. 78. licorice, mung bean soup to resolve drug poisoning. When the drug poisoning, licorice 15 grams, mung bean 80 grams of decoction, one day a dose, take 3 times. 79., after eating candy, ginger, can cure stomach acid, stomach pain, after each meal to eat three, four pieces of Fujian ginger (ie sugar ginger), long-term adherence, can cure gastric acid disease, stomach pain. 80., drunk should not drink soda pop, wine and soda with the drink, will soon make the alcohol volatile in the body, resulting in large amounts of carbon dioxide, the stomach, liver and kidney organs are seriously damaged. 81. winter can often drink cold boiled water can prevent colds, especially fresh morning cup of cold white boiling water, can make the detoxification of the liver and kidneys row washing capacity. 82. feet of water can cure frostbite. With warm water at night with a 2 - foot 3 drops of medicine to sue water, after several times of frostbite was. 83. white radish for nasal congestion. Take the white radish 3-4, put into the pot, add boiling water, boil with steam after the nose, and a few minutes after the nose can be ventilated. 84. eat sour food too much, the teeth will feel sour, commonly known as "teeth". As long as you eat two walnuts, you can immediately make the teeth back to normal. 85., make the teeth quickly change white soil: with salt, baking soda equal amount, add water and mix thoroughly, brush your teeth once a day, 4 days can remove the teeth surface stains. 86., swallow leek, governance fishbone card throat, will be a chopped leek cooked, and then swallow down, you can remove the card throat fishbone. 87. treatment of anemia from chicken blood flow in the earth, a piece of white paper, sun Gan dry blood knead powder, adjustable suit with red wine, a half spoon of powder, two times a day. 88. salt water in addition to corn, with a spoonful of salt water boil, cool slightly after the foot, feet can be dried, and every half an hour, about a week, corns can fall off their own. 89., cooked cabbage, such as overnight consumption, the nitrate in the food will be reduced to nitrite, so that the human body due to hypoxia, resulting in diseases, therefore, must be cooked cabbage now eaten. 90. some shower eye plug? Pour the vinegar in the plastic bag and put it on the nozzle for a night. 91. feet pillow pillow for cramps, sleep every night at the foot of a pillow, can prevent cramps symptoms occur during sleep. 92. apply soap can be swelling and pain, whether by boiling water or fire immediately after scald, daub some soap in the wound, swelling and pain can be temporarily. 93. kelp mud mixed with honey cure canker, kelp (or eggplant skin) scorched, broken, honey mixed with smearing on the affected area, the effect is very good. 94. empty stomach to eat walnuts can cure rheumatism, fasting every day to eat 5-6 walnuts, adhere to a few months later, rheumatism symptoms can disappear. 95. if the sweater, cuff or hem has lost its elasticity, soak it in hot water for 20 minutes, and then dry it after airing. 96., to clear the refrigerator mold, you can use dry cloth dipped in soapy water, such as wiping off, you can use a dry cloth dipped in a small amount of alcohol wipe. 97. massage eye socket, treat rhinitis, both hands index finger in the eye under the orbit of the bone, two times a day knead two hundred times, after a period of time can bear fruit. 98. chewing peanuts effective for treating teeth, chewing peanuts or a raw onion, teeth immediately recover, you can continue to chew. 99. milk can make delicious soup in the pot, a few drops of milk in a stew soup, which not only can make the fish white fish soup will be very delicious. 100. out of perfume bottles, cosmetic bottles do not immediately put them away, open the lid, put in the suitcase or wardrobe will make the clothes become fragrant. 101. old stockings hung around the vacuum cleaner's mouth to find bits and pieces.
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