
Will Smith

2019-05-28 14页 doc 41KB 17阅读




Will Smith(第一周播音稿) PART 1 (V:Vanessa P:Patener) (节目开始前播放…………) V:Hello my dear audience! What you are listening to is 78.2MHz, the English Teaching Station of ZZIA.I`m your friend Vanessa .Do you still remember me? P:And this is your old friend().Glad to meet you again i...
Will Smith
(第一周播音稿) PART 1 (V:Vanessa P:Patener) (节目开始前播放…………) V:Hello my dear audience! What you are listening to is 78.2MHz, the English Teaching Station of ZZIA.I`m your friend Vanessa .Do you still remember me? P:And this is your old friend().Glad to meet you again in the new term.在新的学期里,我们依旧会在每周一至周五晚的9点到10点为大家带来精彩的节目。So ~what’s your holiday V? V:(Ohoo yeah .Pretty good. It should be the most relaxing holiday I’ve ever had since I graduated from the primary school~) P:Oh, that’s really a long time. V:Yeah~then how about you? P:……………… V:Ok,back to our program .Let’s see ,today we goanna to introduce a super star to you. Before that, (), have you ever seen the movie Pursuit of Happiness? P:Of course I have!It’s very famous.It`s starred by Will Smith. Y:That’s right. So today we’re introducing the super star Will Smith! P:Okay! (放音乐…………) V:Will Smith is an American actor, he is also a hip-hop singer. He received Oscar and Golden Globe nominations, and also won in the music more than a dozen Grammy Awards. He is a minority in the United States three major entertainment media - movies, television and music at the same time .He is a successful artist. P:威尔·史密斯是一名美国演员,同时也是嘻哈歌手。他曾获奥斯卡奖和金球奖提名,在音乐方面也拿下多座格莱美音乐大奖。他是少数在美国三大主要娱乐媒体—电影、电视和音乐方面同时获得成功的艺人。 V:其实will可以说是一位不可多得的王牌艺人。那这样一个堪称伟大的艺人究竟有着怎样的身世呢,下面,让我们一起来了解一下这位重量级的人物吧…… P:Ok,September 25, 1968, Will was born in Philadelphia, United States,then grew up in the Germany Street in northwest Philadelphia. His mother was a local school management, while his father was a refrigeration engineer. V:1968年9月25日,威尔出生在美国费城,母亲是一所学校的校长,而父亲则是一名师。在威尔13岁的时候,他的父母就分居了,而此时正在读小学的威尔却因为自己极具魅力的费城西部的圆润口音,被老师冠以“王子”的绰号,而随后他也以Fresh Prince这个绰号与绰号为DJ Jazzy Jeff的Jeff Townes两人一同组成了一个说唱组合,名为DJ Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince,由Will Smith担当说唱歌手,而DJ Jazzy Jeff则担任DJ和制作工作。 P: Such a group that was made up by a DJ and a MC was very popular at the late 80s and early 90s when Will was only 17 years old.(加入:1985年,Jeff Townes和Will Smith通过朋友介绍认识。一天晚上,Will Smith听说Townes就在他家楼下的一家人家举办家庭派对,而Townes需要一个替他伴唱的说唱歌手,Will Smith决定去看看,两人一拍即合随后两人便决定组一个组合。) (插入Girls Aren’t Nothing But Troubles) P:Welcome back!刚才大家听到的那首hip-hop风的歌曲就是由威尔和杰夫两人带来的Girls Aren’t Nothing But Troubles,And this is their first single song when they are in the Word Up company in 1985.This song is about the troubles the girls bring to them. V:这是1985年,他们在费城的Word Up唱片公司发行的首支单曲,歌曲中谈论了女孩给他们带来的麻烦。The song also called the bosses of Jive Record Company and Def Jam Company. They finally signed with Jive, and released their first album in Word Up Records in 1986.The album were sold about 300000,and Girls Aren’t Nothing But Troubles was included. P:这首歌同时还引起了Jive唱片公司与Def Jam唱片公司老总Russell Simmons的注意。最终他们与Jive签约,1986年在Word Up唱片公司发行的处子专辑《Rock The House》也于1987年3月通过Jive唱片公司发行,专辑卖出大约30万张,当然,Girls Aren’t Nothing But Troubles也收录其中。 V:In the following year of 1988,they released their second album < He's the DJ, I'm the Rapper>,which made them the household name to because of their millions of sales of the album. P:在此后的1988年,他们发行了第二张专辑《He's the DJ, I'm the Rapper》让他们成为了家喻户晓的百万销量超级巨星。专辑内的一首主打单曲“Parents Just Don't Understand”大红大紫,获得了格莱美历史上第一座颁给嘻哈歌曲的奖杯,也让他们彻底打进了主流市场。稍后我们将为大家播放这首使他们大红大紫的嘻哈歌曲。 V:从这儿来看,威尔的音乐事业似乎是蒸蒸日上,但其实这却是一个转折点,尽管1989年组合推出的《And in This Corner》专辑获得黄金销量,他们还是走上了下坡路,他们也陷入了说唱歌手不能太过流行的泥潭,原先的观众群认为他们太过流行了,而当时含有流行元素的组合反倒是拥有大批的街头追随者。而与此同时,流行音乐电台也开始播放一些新人的歌曲,而不听电台的人又喜欢那些硬核组合。导致他们的人气开始跌落…… P: But in fact, it may not be a bad thing, shortly after that, NBC television production and music producer Quincy Jones looked on him, whether he is willing to appear in a TV soap opera, Will Smith finally decided to be a part of the film "The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air", and DJ Jazzy Jeff is also playing a small role called "Jazz" in the opera. This TV comedy is not only made Will become famous once again but also brought him a lot of money, which has also become the beginning of his career. V:但事实上,这也许并不是什么坏事,在这之后不久,NBC电视台的制作人和音乐制作人Quincy Jones找上了他,与他商量他是否愿意参演一部电视肥皂剧,Will Smith觉得何乐而不为,就参演了这部《The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air》,而DJ Jazzy Jeff也在影片中饰演一个名为“Jazz”的小角色。这部电视喜剧不但让Will Smith再次成为焦点,同时也让他赚足了钞票。这也成为他涉足演艺事业的开端,为他今后在电影界的成功做足了铺垫。P:However, attending the comedy did not prevent Will’s pursuit of music. In 1991, the group came back with the album , which also takes an access, to platinum sales. As the rapidly changing in hip-hop music, Will has changed his voice slightly to make it more suitable to the overall trend. The "Summertime" became a classic, and helped them get a second Grammy Awards. V: 然而涉足影视并没有阻止威尔在音乐上的追求。1991年,组合以一张《Home base》回归,专辑更为成熟,同时也获得白金销量。由于嘻哈音乐变化迅速,威尔也稍微改变了自己的声音,使之更适合当时的整体趋势。专辑中的一首“Summertime”成为了经典,并为他们获得了第二座格莱美奖杯。 It is also worth mentioning that in the album's fourth single, "You Saw My Blinker" , Will Smith said the word “bitch”for the first time. P:而另外还值得一提的是在专辑的第四单曲“You Saw My Blinker”中,Will Smith说唱生涯以来第一次说了脏话,在歌曲中他用了“bitch(婊子)”这个词。 V:In 1993 ,the combination of the last album “Code Red”issued,made an access to gold sales. However ,shortly after the album, Will put almost all his time in acting. In 1993, he dedicated his first starring film “Six Degree of Separation” P:1993年,组合的最后一张专辑《Code Red》发行,获得黄金销量。专辑风格要比之前的更为强硬。不过专辑发行后不久,Will Smith就把所有时间都几乎放在了演戏上。1993年,他的第一次主演献给了电影《六度分离)》。Then in 1996, after exiting the TV series “Fresh Prince”, he appeared in the scientific movie “Independence Day” made him a first-line star in Hollywood. V:1996年,在退出电视剧《新鲜王子》之后,他参演的科幻电影《独立日》让他成为了好莱坞一线明星。而DJ Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince遭到了Jive唱片公司的起诉,因为根据合约他们还得发行新专辑,而他们与Jive唱片公司也因为电影《Men In Black(黑衣人)》主题歌的发布与否而关系破裂。 P:随后Will继续着他的好莱坞巨星之路,并在Columbia唱片公司发行了3张个人专辑,在Inters cope发行了1张专辑。而DJ Jazzy Jeff也通过英国DJ厂牌BBE发行了2张专辑,并为许多其他艺人打造歌曲。两人也仍然是好朋友,并偶尔在对方的音乐中客串。 (插音乐) V:威尔的音乐生涯并没有就此完结,在他红遍电影界的同时,他的音乐事业也在慢慢爬升,一首(歌名)之后,我们一起来进入威尔的电影世界。 (插音乐) PART 2 P: Welcome back .首先,我们先来大致了解威尔的电影生涯。In 1993,Will Smith played his first role as a gay in the movie .In the show ,Will posing as the well-known black star Sidney Poitier`s son,he broke into the house of Shi Daka Channing,and scared the couple and made Shi Daka think his life在over and over. V:1993年威尔?史密斯初登影坛,饰演《六度分裂》里的一个同性恋,在电影中威尔史密斯冒充知名黑人影星薛尼鲍迪的儿子. The flat and thin piece has to six degree separation's theories mentions, but has not passed to elaborate. It can be said the act that stealing the phone book and pretending the son of Shi Daka carried on the action which pretends to be he wants to practice six degrees separations theories. P:片子对六度分离的理论有提及,但是并没有通篇去阐述。可以说威尔史密斯因为偷盗了朋友的电话簿,去进行冒充的举动是他想要实践六度分离的理论。但影片的重点比较是史达卡钱宁对过往生活的醒悟。史达卡钱宁还因为此片入围过奥斯卡女主角奖。 V:The year of 1995 ,Will and another black actor Martin Lawrence co-star a gangster action movie “Bad Boys”, gained a great success.Which made Will`s acting fee rise to 5 million dollars per film, leading a large number of film companies to seek them out. P:1995年,威尔?史密斯和另一个也是演电视剧出身的黑人演员马丁?劳伦斯合演一部警匪动作片《绝地战警》,大获成功。威尔?史密斯的片酬也由此升到五百万美金一部,大量的片商纷纷找上门来。Unfortunately, as Will`s acting career rising up,his three years` marriage broke down.At the end of 1995, Will and his wife divorced,and he was responsible for his son. V:然而不幸的是,在威尔?史密斯的电影事业蒸蒸日上的同时,他的维持了三年的婚姻却破裂了。1995年底,威尔?史密斯与妻子离婚,他负责抚养儿子。 (插音乐Men in Black) P:1996年威尔?史密斯接拍了一部科幻大片《独立日》,大爆票房纪录,成为当年的票房冠军.随后,1997年的《黑衣人》使他同时在电影界和说唱界大有收获。《黑衣人》主题曲的成功给威尔?史密斯带来了灵感,于是在电影拍完之后,他钻进录音棚,接着在1997年11月发行了四年以来的第一张新专辑“Big Willie Style”。刚刚我们听到的就是该影片的主题曲《Men in Black》。 V:On the 1998 new year`s Eve,Will and his girlfriend Jada got married.The same year in the summer ,their son Jaden was born.Still the same year Will joined the movie . P:1998年元旦前夜,威尔?史密斯与多年女友捷达?娉琦喜结联理。同年夏天儿子贾登出世。威尔?史密斯1998年还拍了反映中情局阴谋的《国家公敌》,他当时接片时有两个选择,尼古拉斯?凯奇的《蛇眼》和《国家公敌》,他选了后者。结果《国家公敌》大爆票房,而《蛇 眼》却是马马虎虎。 V:Then in 1999 ,Will played the movie .However,this was the most terrible movie Will has played,he hated this movie so much.这部耗资1.7亿美元的影片,最终全球票房只有2.22亿,可以说是史密斯从影以来极少见的惨败。这部影片在1999年的北美票房榜上只排到第17位,比成本仅为它一半的《国家公敌》还低两位。P:In 2002 ,Will has taken the “Men In Black 2”,which is the follow-up of the “Men In Black”5 years ago,but still a bad copy. But even so, "Men in Black II" is still a sequel to the Ministry of passing, at least the box office is very plausible, although the box office in North America and the global box office has shrunk a lot better than the previous set. V:2002年,威尔又拍摄了《黑衣人2》,这是五年前的那部《黑衣人》的正牌续集,但也是那部大获成功的科幻喜剧的拙劣的复制品。不过,即便如此,《黑衣人II》仍是部及格的续集,起码在票房上很说得过去,虽然在北美票房和全球票房上都比前一集缩水不少。《黑衣人II》1.9亿的北美票房在当年名列第八,而在全球票房榜上,这部影片4.41亿的成绩更位列第五。 P: In the following year of 2003 and 2004, Will take a role in and respectively. Then in 2005,Will changed his style, filming the movie “Hitch”.Previously,Will only act in science fiction ,so it is really risky when starring up in this romantic comedy .However ,the venture seems a great success. V:影片4312万的首映票房是有史以来二月第四好的成绩。1.79亿的北美票房排在2005年北美票房榜的第11位,对一部浪漫喜剧片来所,这简直好得令人难以置信。而在全球票房榜上,3.68亿美元的《全民情敌》则更进一步,攀到了第十位。 V:After that Will joined 《the pursuit of happyness》,《i`m ledgen》 and 《Hancock》seperately in the year of 2006,2007and 2008.其中的《当幸福来敲门》是威尔·史密斯迄今为止口碑最佳的影片,它为威尔带来了第二个奥斯卡最佳男演员奖提名。并且这也成为威尔的儿子贾登的首部电影,在片中正是演的威尔的儿子。而其女儿维罗则在我是传奇中试演了他的女儿。 (插音乐) V:在分别了解了威尔的音乐生涯和电影生涯后,我觉得至少是我自己最开始知道并关注威尔史密斯是因为他的电影,甚至不知道他还是一位嘻哈歌手,并且是一位曾四次 问鼎格莱美大奖的这么一位成功的歌手。我个人觉得他在电影方面的成就要高于音乐方面的成就,但是就是这样一个成功的算是电影人吧,却没有一次获得过奥斯卡大奖,都仅仅只是提名而已,我不知道P你对这个有什么看法呢? P:(自己的看法) V:ok,那其实针对这个问题,威尔曾在一些访谈节目中透露过自己的想法。He says: P:从威尔的话里不难看出,其实他把自己赢得票房看做是最好的大奖,奥斯卡对于他来说真的是无所谓了。 V:恩,其实不能说威尔史密斯比较实际吧,比较看重票房,是每个人看待荣誉的角度不一样,而史密斯所认为的荣誉就是观众选择了他的作品,选择了他的艺术,而票房只不过是这种选择的价值体现。 P:没错~ (插音乐) PART 3: V:OK,what you are listening to is 78.2MHz,the English Teaching Station of ZZIA.每周一至周五晚的9点到10点都会陪伴大家。那我们今天为您带来的是超级巨星威尔史密斯的精彩人生。 P:是的,我们之前呢已经对威尔的音乐和影视经历做了介绍,那么这样一位超级巨星又会拥有着怎样的家庭呢?稍后为您奉上…… (插音乐) P:首先是威尔的父母。Will has said that if it was not his father taught him how to be a person, he won’t won what he has won today.He grew up in a middle-class family,his father is a retired soldier while his mother was a teacher. Will said his father is very rigid, but he is Will's first teacher. V:His father will not educate their children with great truth, but always use some of the little things around to made them know the reason.威尔出身在中产阶级家庭,父亲是一名退役军人,母亲是位老师。他的父亲不会用大的道理教育子女,却总能用一些身边的小事让他们懂得道理。 P:Exept caring about his parents,Will also cares about his wife and kids so much.His family life is very harmonious.一家人其乐融融,让人羡慕,他和贾达相处十分融洽,彼此都深爱对方。 V:(我记得我好像在网上看过一段视频,说的是哪一年来着?忘了,反正是《人物》杂志评选的好莱坞十大性感男星么,然后威尔史密斯就被选上了么,还有评语说的好像是“如果世界上只能有一个男人存在,我会选择他。”当时威尔还分幽默的说却“我宁愿选择和妻子一起面对死亡。”) P:发表自己的看法。(而且他还很幽默……) V::Except his wife ,there are three children in their home.老大特里史密斯是威尔和前妻雪莉?赞彼诺的孩子,在1995年两人离婚后,由父亲威尔抚养,在随后的98年,威尔发表歌曲《Just the Two of Us》献给小特里——这支歌曲的音乐录影带就由父子俩出演,以此告诉特里:父母的离异不会给他带来伤害,他要相信一直有爱陪伴着他。P:Will and Jada have two children ,son Jaden Smith and daughter Willow Smith.Jaden is a lovely boy,he inherit his father`s acting genes .He had a great performance in the movie 《the persuit of happyness》,which made him be a little star. V:可爱的贾登凭借着在《当幸福来敲门》中的出色表演,成为了小童星,也许看到哥哥一下子那么火,当时六岁的维罗也想在银幕上大显身手。不过她也确实有机会,在《我是传奇》中,她就演了威尔所饰演的罗伯特的女儿,而且相当敬业! P:In the year of 2009,to achieved his dream——learning Chinese kongfu,Jaden came to china to join the movie 《The Karate Kid》. V:恩,我知道这部电影,拍摄这部电影的时候小贾登只有11岁,而且担任这部戏的主角。那既然说到了这部电影,不知道P你看过了这部电影了没? P:…… V:其实这部电影是翻拍自1984好莱坞的电影《龙威小子》,只是把整个故事发生的环境搬到了中国。In the movie Jaden played the role of Dre Parker who was forced to move to China from America.First came to China ,Dre can`t adapt to the new environment quickly,and different cultures made him frustrate with making friends. P:在剧中小贾登饰演被迫跟随母亲从美国搬到中国的12岁的Dre Parker,初到中国的德瑞对周围环境不能很快适应,文化差异也让他与中国朋友的友情屡屡受挫。更糟糕的是,Dre成了班里的老大程的眼中钉。在功夫的世界里,Dre除了空手道几乎什么也不知道。程可以轻易的把这个“空手道小子”放倒在地。In another country ,Dre doesn`t have a friend and he can not anyone to ask for help. V:最终,Dre找到了韩师傅,而他正是不被人知的功夫大师。正如韩师傅教给Dre的,功夫不是出拳和防卫,而是成熟和冷静,Dre意识到,勇敢的面对敌人将会成为他所要为之奋斗的人生。 P:Compared with the movie before , Jackie Chan almost has no martial arts.与之前的戏相比,成龙在这部电影中几乎没有武打动作,他自己也说这是他拍过的最不像武打片的武打片了。 V:其实我个人觉这还是一部相当不错的电影,里面不仅有搞笑的镜头,还有很多感人的场面,其实最值得我们学习的还是德瑞帕克的那种不放弃生活的精神。 (插入音乐whip my hair) P:介绍完了贾登史密斯,下面就让我们来看看史密斯家的小女儿——维罗史密斯。V: As the youngest star in this family,Willow Smith also refuse to be let behind.Young as she is,she has involved in the music industry.Her track《Whip My Hair》in September 2010 has acquired a high network CTR.The singer and music produser Jay-Z appreciate it so much. P:著名歌手、音乐制作人Jay-Z在听到这首单曲后对维罗·史密斯(Willow Smith) 的音乐才华大加赞赏,并力邀维罗·史密斯(Willow Smith) 与自己的音乐厂牌Roc Nation签约。2007,Willow first on the silver screen in his father`s movie . V: 2007,Willow was first on the silver screen in his father`s < I Am Legend>,and she played the of Will`s daughter Marley.她也因为此角色获得了2008年度Young Artist Awards“10岁以下最佳女演员奖”的提名。 P: 而维罗·史密斯极具个性的摇滚风着装——机车夹克、马丁靴是维罗·史密斯(Willow Smith) 的最爱,就连难以驾驭的豹纹也敢大面积穿上身,甚至还曾顶着“莫西干”发型亮相红毯,小小年纪就炼成了酷女郎的气场,也使得她在一众明星子女中显得格外出挑。 V: Although still young,Willow has begun to actively participate in the public welfare, she and Jaden are the young ambassador of the United Nations to save Africa's AIDS orphans. P:虽然年纪还小,但是维罗已经开始积极参与公益事业了,她和哥哥贾登都是联合国救助非洲艾滋病孤儿行动的少年形象大使。 (插入音乐) V:Will is very proud of owning such lovely children.So he is fair with every kid.在许多的访谈节目中,威尔都毫不掩饰他对儿女们的爱。 P:When asked why must him spent 13 hours on the plane to fly back to America to watch his elder son`s football game on each Friday in such a busy time filming the movie in China,Will says that he wants every child enjoy the same love. V:威尔希望他的每一个孩子享受到相等的父爱,因此,他坚持在拍摄《功夫梦》这样繁忙的时候,每周搭乘13小时的飞机飞回美国观看大儿子的橄榄球比赛。他想他们知道他们中的每一个对于自己都是重要的,他要让大儿子知道,在国外忙着帮助弟弟拍电影的父母,甚至整个家庭,没有忘记他每周五的橄榄球比赛。他的橄榄球比赛与弟弟的电影同样重要。 P:(说说自己的看法………………) V:其实,威尔夫妻两个对子女的爱有很多体现,就比如在奥斯卡的颁奖典礼上,威尔已经获得最佳演员提名了,正在播放他的电影的时候,他们得到了女儿高烧40度的消息,夫妻两人立刻离开了颁奖典礼现场,而此时,距离整个典礼结束只剩下20分钟了。 P:其实作为父母,做到这样的程度,已经很伟大了。 V:(略加想法)我们今天的节目就快要结束了,通过今天的节目,你有没喜欢上这位巨星呢? P:如果您有什么想法,都可以登陆我们的博客来给我们留言,我们的博客地址是:……V:那今天就到这里了,晚安各位听众~ P:Have a sweet dream!
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