

2017-09-28 9页 doc 30KB 37阅读




怎样开家政公司怎样开家政公司 开家政公司,首先就要到工商部门办理企业注册登记手续。据市工商局企业注册处介绍,目前,家政服务类公司最低注册资金为10万元人民币。在有了合法的经营场所、所注册的公司章程、人员、备用名称后,市民带上全部股东的身份证明,到所在地的工商部门办理即可。不过创业者可以选择加盟广州家事无忧家庭服务有限公司的方式,在总公司的全程指导下来实现自己开家政公司的想法。 对于家政服务公司本身来说,必备的办公设备,如电话及相关清洁工具是必不可少的。首先,公司的选址可尽量选择在居民区内,让附近的居民逐渐熟悉自己公司的品牌,打免费广告;...
怎样开家政公司 开家政公司,首先就要到工商部门办理企业注册登记手续。据市工商局企业注册处介绍,目前,家政服务类公司最低注册资金为10万元人民币。在有了合法的经营场所、所注册的公司章程、人员、备用名称后,市民带上全部股东的身份证明,到所在地的工商部门办理即可。不过创业者可以选择加盟广州家事无忧家庭服务有限公司的方式,在总公司的全程指导下来实现自己开家政公司的想法。 对于家政服务公司本身来说,必备的办公设备,如电话及相关清洁工具是必不可少的。首先,公司的选址可尽量选择在居民区内,让附近的居民逐渐熟悉自己公司的品牌,打免费广告;其次,联络雇主与家政服务员用的电话及电话接线员,一些必要的清洁设施也是必不可少的,公司员工可用雇主家的清洁工具打扫卫生,但像擦窗的抹布、长竿扫把、转角拖把等专业清洁工具,公司还是要准备的,以防因缺少必要清洁工具导致不能进行正常家政服务工作。 经营关键:人员培训最重要 从现在家政服务公司经营方式来看,一般都是推荐家政服务人员到雇主家工作,公司与家政服务员的关系是松散的,所以,对于员工的职业素养的培训就显得极为重要。 对这方面管理和人员培训,每个进入公司的家政服务员都要接受为期一个月的职业培训教育,教给员工一些家政服务专业知识,如要擦个地板,就要教 to take the lead for rectification. Through the "top-down" action, formation of a higher level with subordinates, mainly Leaders with team members, a grasp of the level, the implementation of the good situation. 5, strengthening publicity, and create atmosphere. Concerned about the education of the whole Party and expectations of the masses, pays special attention to the work of propaganda and public opinion is very important. To intensify propaganda, forms loved by the masses, propaganda of the central and provincial Party committee's decision to deploy, significance of promotional activities, promotional activities of the objectives and requirements, effectiveness of promotional activities experience guide cadres and the masses thinking and action systemTo catch the education to a central and province, city, county Party committee spirit. Attention should be paid to the typical propaganda, propaganda of advanced typical, play a leading role model, and exposure of negative typical, play a warning role. To innovation and public opinion guidance method, positive guidance of public opinion on the net, in order to improve the "learning" education, and actively create a good public opinion environment. "A" study and education, cities and counties have held a special meeting, the introduction of the relevant documents, we want to the counties datum line, fully understand the development of "two a" study and education is of great significance to "learn" study and education as an important political task, cogent accomplish "two school do "To achieve results. 会员工去辨别不同的地板类型,实木地板如何清洗、杂木地板要怎么洗等相关知识必须具备。 对于公司管理方面,有关业内人士提醒道,随着社会对家政服务业要求的逐步提高,员工素质决定公司品质,加强对员工的培训同时,对员工的管理要尽量采用人性化方式,当员工生日或逢年过节时,公司可向员工送个生日蛋糕或发些生活用品作为福利,提高员工对公司的忠诚度和信任感。 另外,对于面向高端客户提供服务的家政公司,除在员工素质上做到“胜人一筹”外,其专业性的体现还应在清洁工具上得到体现。一家专业的家政服务公司光清洁玻璃窗的抹布就有多种,“干布、湿布、百洁布等都应具备,对于玻璃窗上的难擦洗不掉的污垢,还应具备专门的药水来清洗。” 四、员工 家政服务人员输出大省为湖北、湖南、广西、安徽、四川等。家政公司可直接与当地妇联联系。有的地方会向家政公司收取一定的输送费,目前行情300元/人,对新开的家政公司可能收费更高一些。家政服务人员主要以18~40岁妇女为主。 家政服务产业三种经营模式 1、员工制。员工制是指从事家政服务业的实体招聘家政服务员作为其员工,由该实体对员工进行培训并派遣到客户家工作,客户支付的费用先交给实体,由实体扣除管理费后再发给家政服务员。家政服务员在转换工作的间隙, to take the lead for rectification. Through the "top-down" action, formation of a higher level with subordinates, mainly Leaders with team members, a grasp of the level, the implementation of the good situation. 5, strengthening publicity, and create atmosphere. Concerned about the education of the whole Party and expectations of the masses, pays special attention to the work of propaganda and public opinion is very important. To intensify propaganda, forms loved by the masses, propaganda of the central and provincial Party committee's decision to deploy, significance of promotional activities, promotional activities of the objectives and requirements, effectiveness of promotional activities experience guide cadres and the masses thinking and action systemTo catch the education to a central and province, city, county Party committee spirit. Attention should be paid to the typical propaganda, propaganda of advanced typical, play a leading role model, and exposure of negative typical, play a warning role. To innovation and public opinion guidance method, positive guidance of public opinion on the net, in order to improve the "learning" education, and actively create a good public opinion environment. "A" study and education, cities and counties have held a special meeting, the introduction of the relevant documents, we want to the counties datum line, fully understand the development of "two a" study and education is of great significance to "learn" study and education as an important political task, cogent accomplish "two school do "To achieve results. 由实体为其提供免费住宿。目前实行员工制经营模式的实体主要为有限责任公司,因员工制对实体的要求较高,比如要有培训能力,要有解决家政服务员食宿的能力等等,一般的个体工商户往往难以达到。 主要特点: (1)合同。公司与家政服务员之间系聘用合同关系,而公司与客户之间系服务合同关系。 (2)管理。由公司派遣家政服务员到客户家工作,家政服务员在原雇主家工作期满或中止工作时,可回到公司等待再次分配,公司应为家政服务员提供免费住宿,并尽快为其重新安排工作。公司每 月收取管理费,收费各地有所不同。 (3)工资。由客户每月将费用支付给公司,由公司扣除管理费后再支付给员工。 (4)责任承担。因家政服务员造成的对客户、客户家人、客户物品的伤害或损失,先由公司承担相应责任,然后由公司对家政服务员进行追偿。同时,在家政服务员受到客户的侵害时,公司有义务协助家政服务员向客户提出损害赔偿的请求。 (5)保险。通常情况下,公司会为员工购买一份商业保险。具体的金额和保险内容各地不太一样,但是都是由公司购买。 2、会员制。会员制是指从事家政服务业的实体招募家政服务员作为其会员,由实体对会员进行培训后介绍到客户家工作,客户将工资直接支付给家政服务员,实体不介入其中,但会员每年要向实体交纳一次会费。家政服务员在转换工作的间隙,由实体为其提供免费住宿。实行会员制经营模式的实体主要 to take the lead for rectification. Through the "top-down" action, formation of a higher level with subordinates, mainly Leaders with team members, a grasp of the level, the implementation of the good situation. 5, strengthening publicity, and create atmosphere. Concerned about the education of the whole Party and expectations of the masses, pays special attention to the work of propaganda and public opinion is very important. To intensify propaganda, forms loved by the masses, propaganda of the central and provincial Party committee's decision to deploy, significance of promotional activities, promotional activities of the objectives and requirements, effectiveness of promotional activities experience guide cadres and the masses thinking and action systemTo catch the education to a central and province, city, county Party committee spirit. Attention should be paid to the typical propaganda, propaganda of advanced typical, play a leading role model, and exposure of negative typical, play a warning role. To innovation and public opinion guidance method, positive guidance of public opinion on the net, in order to improve the "learning" education, and actively create a good public opinion environment. "A" study and education, cities and counties have held a special meeting, the introduction of the relevant documents, we want to the counties datum line, fully understand the development of "two a" study and education is of great significance to "learn" study and education as an important political task, cogent accomplish "two school do "To achieve results. 为有限责任公司,因会员制经营模式也要求实体有培训能力、解决家政服务员食宿的能力等等。 主要特点: (1)合同。由家政服务员与客户签订服务合同,约定双方的权利及义务,公司不是服务合同的主体,只起见证人的作用。 (2)管理。家政服务员在公司登记注册为会员后,由公司负责为其介绍工作,会员每年交一次费用,金额为家政服务员一个月的工资数额。介绍工作的方式与 员工制相似,即会员在原雇主家服务期满或中止服务后,由公司为其重新安排工作,并在重新安排工作期间为会员提供免费住宿。 (3)工资。由客户将费用直接支付给家政服务员,公司不再收取费用。 (4)责任承担。家政公司不承担任何由家政服务员给客户造成的损失,客户与家政服务员之间的纠纷由其自主解决,公司可予以协助。 (5)保险。由客户决定是否为家政服务员购买商业保险,公司不承担保险责任。 3、中介制。中介制是指由从事家政服务的实体作为中间人,为前来找工作的家政服务员联系客户,由客户与家政服务员签订家政服务合同,实体按次收取介绍费,不承担其它任何责任。中介制的经营模式对实体的要求低,往往被个体工商户所采纳。 主要特点: (1)合同。由客户与家政服务员签订服务合同,中介组织起见证人的作用。 (2)管理。中介组织没有管理职能,只按次收 取介绍费,一般按月工资的百分比收取,各地标准有所不同,10%-30%不等。 to take the lead for rectification. Through the "top-down" action, formation of a higher level with subordinates, mainly Leaders with team members, a grasp of the level, the implementation of the good situation. 5, strengthening publicity, and create atmosphere. Concerned about the education of the whole Party and expectations of the masses, pays special attention to the work of propaganda and public opinion is very important. To intensify propaganda, forms loved by the masses, propaganda of the central and provincial Party committee's decision to deploy, significance of promotional activities, promotional activities of the objectives and requirements, effectiveness of promotional activities experience guide cadres and the masses thinking and action systemTo catch the education to a central and province, city, county Party committee spirit. Attention should be paid to the typical propaganda, propaganda of advanced typical, play a leading role model, and exposure of negative typical, play a warning role. To innovation and public opinion guidance method, positive guidance of public opinion on the net, in order to improve the "learning" education, and actively create a good public opinion environment. "A" study and education, cities and counties have held a special meeting, the introduction of the relevant documents, we want to the counties datum line, fully understand the development of "two a" study and education is of great significance to "learn" study and education as an important political task, cogent accomplish "two school do "To achieve results. (3)工资。由客户直接将工资付给家政服务员,与中介组织无关。 (4)责任承担。中介组织不承担任何责任。 (5)保险。中介组织不负责家政服务员的保险事宜。 to take the lead for rectification. Through the "top-down" action, formation of a higher level with subordinates, mainly Leaders with team members, a grasp of the level, the implementation of the good situation. 5, strengthening publicity, and create atmosphere. Concerned about the education of the whole Party and expectations of the masses, pays special attention to the work of propaganda and public opinion is very important. To intensify propaganda, forms loved by the masses, propaganda of the central and provincial Party committee's decision to deploy, significance of promotional activities, promotional activities of the objectives and requirements, effectiveness of promotional activities experience guide cadres and the masses thinking and action systemTo catch the education to a central and province, city, county Party committee spirit. Attention should be paid to the typical propaganda, propaganda of advanced typical, play a leading role model, and exposure of negative typical, play a warning role. To innovation and public opinion guidance method, positive guidance of public opinion on the net, in order to improve the "learning" education, and actively create a good public opinion environment. "A" study and education, cities and counties have held a special meeting, the introduction of the relevant documents, we want to the counties datum line, fully understand the development of "two a" study and education is of great significance to "learn" study and education as an important political task, cogent accomplish "two school do "To achieve results.
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