

2017-10-06 14页 doc 38KB 19阅读




外贸跟单工作内容及流程外贸跟单工作内容及流程 一(内容概要 目的: 本指引介绍了订单跟进过程中的工作流程和方法,以及工作中所涉及到相关部门的工作职责, 旨在规范跟单程序,保证跟单过程的合理安排及定单准时顺利的完成。及强调跟单如何控制 物料,提高跟单员的成本意识及跟单技能管理. 范围: 本文件适用于外贸订单跟进工作。 职责: 控制好物料,保持高度成本意识. 准确无误的完成客人订单并准时出货。 跟单员五大必备品德: 1. 坚韧的性格; 2. 顽强的意志; 3. 良好的情绪; 4. 丰富的知识; 5. 原则兼灵活 跟单自我成长...
外贸跟单工作及流程 一(内容概要 目的: 本指引介绍了订单跟进过程中的工作流程和方法,以及工作中所涉及到相关部门的工作职责, 旨在规范跟单程序,保证跟单过程的合理安排及定单准时顺利的完成。及强调跟单如何控制 物料,提高跟单员的成本意识及跟单技能管理. 范围: 本文件适用于外贸订单跟进工作。 职责: 控制好物料,保持高度成本意识. 准确无误的完成客人订单并准时出货。 跟单员五大必备品德: 1. 坚韧的性格; 2. 顽强的意志; 3. 良好的情绪; 4. 丰富的知识; 5. 原则兼灵活 跟单自我成长不可缺少的四种才能: 1. 成本意识与价值分析能力(此点最为重要) 2. 预测能力(判断能力) 3. 表达能力(沟通能力) 4. 专业知识(跟单知识) 跟单员人际关系技巧/内部沟通协调技巧(做好一个优秀的跟单员,要时刻留意以下几个方面) 1. 要有创新的思维 2. 计划充足 3. 准确的判断 4. 小心观察 5. 可处理冲突及对立 6. 能处理危机 7. 良好的管制 8. 良好的发问技巧 9. 可抵受压力 10. 认真及小心聆听,明白对方 (二) 详细工作流程 (每收到一张单最好排好跟单日程表,会附上一份跟单日程表及详细解 释如何填此表格,以便可以有计划的安排自己跟进的订单): the Department during a visit to the camp, a few shells of explosions were heard in the distance. Back to Headquarters, Zhu Xi staff was informed by the Department to strengthen alert, watch, place to rest, for night operations. Near 9 o'clock, attack the elves have on the formation of Zhong Jia DUN encirclement. Southeast corner of sudden intense machine gunfire were heard, energize sent a platoon of Shao and attacked the enemy, fighting more hotly, gunfire was tight for a while. Troops were the shock seemed a bit out the chain of command. Offensive Zhong Jia DUN elves, planes covered in the air, river patrol boats, with the, to heavily guard the way to the village of only access--a stone bridge and a path. Under heavy fire against the enemy troops has been disrupted, Zhu Xi himself Despite repeated organizing death squads under the, but terrain unfavorable, enemy fire is too strong, paid a very high casualties and tremendous power again, and finally failed. Second head of mission and Deputy Commander Wang Hesong remnants kill one and five Fan Chunsheng, head of rates of Hades and survive. Qiu Acai Commander Zhu Xi in local farmers risking death save, Ling bin to swim across the river and escaped alone, Yuhang is in court the headquarters report of Jiangsu Zhong Jia DUN bloody situation. Zhu Xi organized forces to break through at the same time, Wen Yongzhi instructed to rate the Department staff retreat. But under the enemy's army arrives, this tiny place where withdrawal? yellow around the rice fields, and everywhere is the devil, mulberry has nowhere to hide in the Woods in the fall. In desperation, temperature a few people from the Department to the local people, and House of a rich family. Officer Xie Chengji, see the living room hangs a plaque, after hiding 2 1( 接单后报价 2( 安排造办(若客人需要) 3( 收到新订单后,一定要详细了解此客人订单跟进的程序及相应的要求,特别是客人对样 办种类的要求及正常情况下批办和批物料的时间. 此点如果是旧客人的话,一定要接手时 就认真阅读理解此客人对应的”跟单总结”,如果是新客人的话,可以将我们预计的跟单日 程写给客人,要求客人对应我们的日程表做具体的安排,故如果客人发现我们排的流程有 什么漏洞的话,也可以第一时间马上提出.. 4( 订单确认接到正式PO后,在船期表内取裁单号码,再将详细的订单资料填于”订单跟踪 表”内. 另需要生产部门订单的情况,以便他们安排排单 5( 出发票给客人安排30%定金(如果是新客人及付款方式是T/T),如果是旧客人,就要根 据实际付款条约来定. 一般我们做开的客户都不需要提前收定金,只是新客人就需要收取 30%的定金后,再安排具体的订单事宜. 同时交由生产部排货期以及采购部安排物料色样 及质量办等. 6( 客人批核样办或批核色办,质量办等(此点可与第3点,,点根据客人的实际情况调换先 后顺序)。 7( 订单款式和尺寸表确实后,要交相关资料给纸样房和裁单安排排唛架,然后根据准确的 用料数打配件纸给采购订购物料,大货唛架用量一定要与cost成本表内的用量相比较, 如果有超出用量的话,一定要查原因及采取相应的解决,比如如果是客人修改尺寸导 致用量加大的话,则要及时向客人提出加价. 8( 采购部退回的订购单一定要认真核对,要核对颜色/订购数量/相应要求/物料单价/要求交 货期等,特别是采购的物料单价,一定要与我们的cost成本表核对,如果有任何异常, 要马上查清楚原因及向自己的主管反应情况. 9( 物料回厂及检查ok & 客人批核PP办后,要安排制作裁单给生产部安排生产,另需要 比开裁期提前一星期左右发裁单. 所有事项都ok后,要发开裁通知单给各部门,请留意 要提前一个星期左右给到裁单给车间,以便纸样房有时间排唛架 & 车间准备工序&安排 订线等,现纸样房和车间经常投诉跟单很多时候都是裁单和开裁通知单一起发,导致他们 没有时间提前做好相应的准备 11. 开裁生产后,跟单要及时去仓库将所有已批核可以用的面料和配件等签名确实ok,因仓库 一定要看到有跟单签名后,才会发物料给车间. 此点我们经常有同事漏签名,要仓库打电 话催,请留意签名前一定要与仓库检测员核对是否测试已经ok. 之前曾出现过跟单不问 测试情况就签名,导致车间生产过程中才发现配件与面料发生化学反应,而没有任何办法 挽救 12. 跟单要跟进生产情况. 如果有丝印或是刺绣的款式,要追紧他们尽快安排,另要提前与生 产部确实看中期及尾期的时间,确实后要提前通知客人,一般情况下,客人都要提前一个 星期左右通知他们看中期或是看尾期的时间. 13. 生产过程中如果出现少物料或是少面料的情况,跟单一定要及时与采购部协商,寻找最佳 的解决方法. 及要强调时间的紧及性. 14. 最少要提前15 天左右给到出货通知单给报关部,以便安排订船和做相关的文件, 另有部 分客人是跟单自行与船公司订船及联系的,一般情况下也需要提前15天左右给shipping booking给船公司 15. 有部分客人如果客人是T/T付款的话,要提前将70%尾款的invoice资料给到客人,以便the Department during a visit to the camp, a few shells of explosions were heard in the distance. Back to Headquarters, Zhu Xi staff was informed by the Department to strengthen alert, watch, place to rest, for night operations. Near 9 o'clock, attack the elves have on the formation of Zhong Jia DUN encirclement. Southeast corner of sudden intense machine gunfire were heard, energize sent a platoon of Shao and attacked the enemy, fighting more hotly, gunfire was tight for a while. Troops were the shock seemed a bit out the chain of command. Offensive Zhong Jia DUN elves, planes covered in the air, river patrol boats, with the, to heavily guard the way to the village of only access--a stone bridge and a path. Under heavy fire against the enemy troops has been disrupted, Zhu Xi himself Despite repeated organizing death squads under the, but terrain unfavorable, enemy fire is too strong, paid a very high casualties and tremendous power again, and finally failed. Second head of mission and Deputy Commander Wang Hesong remnants kill one and five Fan Chunsheng, head of rates of Hades and survive. Qiu Acai Commander Zhu Xi in local farmers risking death save, Ling bin to swim across the river and escaped alone, Yuhang is in court the headquarters report of Jiangsu Zhong Jia DUN bloody situation. Zhu Xi organized forces to break through at the same time, Wen Yongzhi instructed to rate the Department staff retreat. But under the enemy's army arrives, this tiny place where withdrawal? yellow around the rice fields, and everywhere is the devil, mulberry has nowhere to hide in the Woods in the fall. In desperation, temperature a few people from the Department to the local people, and House of a rich family. Officer Xie Chengji, see the living room hangs a plaque, after hiding 3 第一部分 : 外贸跟单工作内容和流程 客客人准时安排付款及出货, 请留意我们跟进的基本是外国客户,客人安排汇款后最少要 3-4个工作天才可以到帐. 16. 出货后需要将大货图片,跟单总结,裁单,配件纸,包装表等相关重要资料放到指定的公用 Order C文件夹方便日后查询以及资料共享, 同时将核算好的成本核算表交由营业部进行 订单评分. 17. 所有的电脑资料应分门别类归档, 同时将文件夹做成有标识的File,放到指定地方存档(文 件夹一定要分类清楚,现在大部分新跟单的文件规档得很混乱 其中要留意送货单一定要 与对应的采购单钉在一起 以上各个程序的详细工作指引文件,请看附页。 相关文件表格: 报价单/报价成本表/文件/办单/生产单/包装资料/开裁通知单/物料明细表/物料卡/样品卡/物料订购合同/成本核算表/相关测试表/订单船期表/订单跟踪表/办单登记表/出货通知单/跟单日程表。 按客人分文件夹 1(电脑文件夹整理 成 本 做 办 做 货 出 货 the Department during a visit to the camp, a few shells of explosions were heard in the distance. Back to Headquarters, Zhu Xi staff was informed by the Department to strengthen alert, watch, place to rest, for night operations. Near 9 o'clock, attack the elves have on the formation of Zhong Jia DUN encirclement. Southeast corner of sudden intense machine gunfire were heard, energize sent a platoon of Shao and attacked the enemy, fighting more hotly, gunfire was tight for a while. Troops were the shock seemed a bit out the chain of command. Offensive Zhong Jia DUN elves, planes covered in the air, river pa资料整理: 蔡婷 2011.3.17 trol boats, with the, to heavily guard the way to the village of only access--a stone bridge and a path. Under heavy fire against the enemy troops has been disrupted, Zhu Xi himself Despite repeated organizing death squads under the, but terrain unfavorable, enemy fire is too strong, paid a very high casualties and tremendous power again, and finally failed. Second head of mission and Deputy Commander Wang Hesong remnants kill one and five Fan Chunsheng, head of rates of Hades and survive. Qiu Acai Commander Zhu Xi in local farmers risking death save, Ling bin to swim across the river and escaped alone, Yuhang is in court the headquarters report of Jiangsu Zhong Jia DUN bloody situation. Zhu Xi organized forces to break through at the same time, Wen Yongzhi instructed to rate the Department staff retreat. But under the enemy's army arrives, this tiny place where withdrawal? yellow around the rice fields, and everywhere is the devil, mulberry has nowhere to hide in the Woods in the fall. In desperation, temperature a few people from the Department to the local people, and House of a rich family. Officer Xie Chengji, see the living room hangs a plaque, after hiding 4 本成发客做裁验杂包出出报 价本票人办单货资装货货 & 成核资资资资料资通文 合 本算料料料料料知件 同 表 2(外部文件夹整理 按客人裁单号来分 跟单日程表及通知 邮件确认事项 裁单及办单资料 订购单及送货单 色办&物料卡 合同及成本表 出货文件及包装表 QC文件及查料,查货 3(备注事项 1. 所有资料尽可能的保留齐全, 以便日后查询及翻单跟进. 2. 如果客人有资料更新时,要将相关的邮件保存到每个客人相应的重要邮件内,另要把大概内容注 明在此客人的跟单总结内. 3. 许多客人均有手册之类的资料且每年均有更新, 如有可能, 资料夹内需存好客人资料, 如太多, 可以另外开一个文件夹来单独存放, 客人有更改时, 须及时打印及存底.每次收到客人的订单及 做资料时,一定要重新查下客人是否有特别要求及最近的资料更新,特别是LE客人和Disney客 人等,此些客人经常在网站上更新资料,每次做单都需要去查核. the Department during a visit to the camp, a few shells of explosions were heard in the distance. Back to Headquarters, Zhu Xi staff was informed by the Department to strengthen alert, watch, place to rest, for night operations. Near 9 o'clock, attack the elves have on the formation of Zhong Jia DUN encirclement. Southeast corner of sudden intense machine gunfire were heard, energize sent a platoon of Shao and attacked the enemy, fighting more hotly, gunfire was tight for a while. Troops were the shock seemed a bit out the chain of command. Offensive Zhong Jia DUN elves, planes covered in the air, river patrol boats, with the, to heavily guard the way to the village of only access--a stone bridge and a path. Under heavy fire against the enemy troops has been disrupted, Zhu Xi himself Despite repeated organizing death squads under the, but terrain unfavorable, enemy fire is too strong, paid a very high casualties and tremendous power again, and finally failed. Second head of mission and Deputy Commander Wang Hesong remnants kill one and five Fan Chunsheng, head of rates of Hades and survive. Qiu Acai Commander Zhu Xi in local farmers risking death save, Ling bin to swim across the river and escaped alone, Yuhang is in court the headquarters report of Jiangsu Zhong Jia DUN bloody situation. Zhu Xi organized forces to break through at the same time, Wen Yongzhi instructed to rate the Department staff retreat. But under the enemy's army arrives, this tiny place where withdrawal? yellow around the rice fields, and everywhere is the devil, mulberry has nowhere to hide in the Woods in the fall. In desperation, temperature a few people from the Department to the local people, and House of a rich family. Officer Xie Chengji, see the living room hangs a plaque, after hiding 5 第一部分 : 外贸跟单工作内容和流程 4. 部分客人有查厂要求, 跟单须将客人联系资料以及查厂要求交给行政部负责查厂的相关人员. 5. 每个星期要翻阅跟单日程表,如果跟进过程中发现客人批办时间过长或是欠我们什么资料未确实 的话,一定要马上追紧客人,如果一直催都没有办法收到回复的话,则要及时向客人提出如果规 定时间内复不到的话,货期将要推迟到什么时候,如果只是催客人,但不给客人施加压力的话, 最后货期延迟,客人就有可能要求我们自行付走飞机的费用等,此点跟单一定要随时留意及要有 技巧的提醒客人,不能处于被动位置. 6. 跟单要对自己跟进的订单时刻保持清醒的头脑,做事要有条理,一定要多了解自己厂做开的产品 特性等,如果客人有提出不合理要求的话,一定要提出专业的意见来说服客人更改做法等,很多 时候要让客人承认我们的专业水平和能力才能说服到客人 7. 跟单要随时与采购部门查核及控制跟踪好物料和时间,要做到以下几点: A. 不断料(即不让生产部门停工等待物料) B. 不呆料(不要让不需要使用或是不可以使用的物料呆在仓库,即一方面不可以给错资料给采购部,另需 要按照订单交货期来预物料时间,尽量不要让大货物料提前太早存在仓库,故我们每次通知采购部 订物料的时候可以与生产部门查核下大货的物料需要日期) C. 不积料(即物料采购要适时,适量,要严格按回我们厂制定的损耗表格来预计损耗,以减少资金的积 压及减少存料的情况) D. 紧急采购(跟单过程中经常会出现临时收到生产部门通知少物料,或是发现有物料有错的情况,故跟 单一定要具备临时应变技巧,比如配件或是少面料等情况下,第一时间要反应查是否有存仓及及时 提供资料给采购部向供应商查询. 比如马上要出货了,但发现唛头有错,但唛头已全部车好于衫身上, 此种情况下跟单要第一时间查此唛头的,如果是普通胶带唛的话,我们是否能找到相应材质的 贴纸可以贴于唛头上,及向客人查询是否可以接受此情况,之前我们厂也出现过此种情况,唛头和 挂牌出现错误,但又急着要出货,此种情况跟单应该跟据自己的经验或向其它有经验的同事请教, 找到适合的解决方式建议给客人 the Department during a visit to the camp, a few shells of explosions were heard in the distance. Back to Headquarters, Zhu Xi staff was informed by the Department to strengthen alert, watch, place to rest, for night operations. Near 9 o'clock, attack the elves have on the formation of Zhong Jia DUN encirclement. Southeast corner of sudden intense machine gunfire were heard, energize sent a platoon of Shao and attacked the enemy, fighting more hotly, gunfire was tight for a while. Troops were the shock seemed a bit out the chain of command. Offensive Zhong Jia DUN elves, planes covered in the air, river pa资料整理: 蔡婷 2011.3.17 trol boats, with the, to heavily guard the way to the village of only access--a stone bridge and a path. Under heavy fire against the enemy troops has been disrupted, Zhu Xi himself Despite repeated organizing death squads under the, but terrain unfavorable, enemy fire is too strong, paid a very high casualties and tremendous power again, and finally failed. Second head of mission and Deputy Commander Wang Hesong remnants kill one and five Fan Chunsheng, head of rates of Hades and survive. Qiu Acai Commander Zhu Xi in local farmers risking death save, Ling bin to swim across the river and escaped alone, Yuhang is in court the headquarters report of Jiangsu Zhong Jia DUN bloody situation. Zhu Xi organized forces to break through at the same time, Wen Yongzhi instructed to rate the Department staff retreat. But under the enemy's army arrives, this tiny place where withdrawal? yellow around the rice fields, and everywhere is the devil, mulberry has nowhere to hide in the Woods in the fall. In desperation, temperature a few people from the Department to the local people, and House of a rich family. Officer Xie Chengji, see the living room hangs a plaque, after hiding
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