

2017-09-01 14页 doc 48KB 14阅读




日常洗照片常用尺寸日常洗照片常用尺寸 types: one is the lack of capacity, "cannot be". Full stopped cutting Hou, some people spirit slack, in its bit not conspiracy to its political, not Dan thing, and not steward, and perfunctory, some cadres on innovation development "six big industry", and...
日常洗照片常用尺寸 types: one is the lack of capacity, "cannot be". Full stopped cutting Hou, some people spirit slack, in its bit not conspiracy to its political, not Dan thing, and not steward, and perfunctory, some cadres on innovation development "six big industry", and advance supply side structural reform, and "three to a drop a fill" and PPP mode, new knowledge not familiar, and not learning, and not study, skills panic, carried out work to no avail, and loss, on in there, by to. Second, lack of motivation, "don't want to". Pipe tightening now, not seeking privileges, some cadres enthusiasm weakened progressive consciousness, and do the work, look dry; some of the older, long-serving officials, ship to dock at the station, no longer willing to endure hardship to get tired, advance into the "remainder" State. In particular, some cadres do not clean all day, scary, absent-minded, in no mood for officers. Three acts as the lack of "dare". Some cadres responsibility consciousness not strong, can't play hardball face difficult problems, fear hit interests, and offend, fear work errors, and take risk, fear media hype, and into hot, encountered contradictions on around, met problem on hiding, see trouble on push, work up timid, and timid, and swayed, pursues more a thing than less a thing, not seeking active but seeking no had, even trying to avoidance thing avoidance accountability. Second, the dialectical strategy, positive change. Now some officials "for the officers not to" phenomenon has become a prominent issue, a few local and political ecology in a sub-healthy or unhealthy condition, colleagues of the circle, and the relationship, some people 日常洗照片常用尺寸 1、常用尺寸 尺寸名 厘米数 英寸数 一寸 2.5 x 3.6 cm 1x1.4寸 二寸 3.4 x 5.2 cm 1.5x2寸 三寸 5.5 x 8.4 cm 2.25x3.25寸 五寸 8.3 x 12.7cm 3.25x5寸 六寸 10.1 x 15.2cm 4x6寸 七寸 12.7 x 17.8cm 5x7寸 八寸 15.2 x 20.3cm 6x8寸 十寸 20.3 x 25.4cm 8x10寸 十二寸 25.4 x 30.5cm 10x12寸 十四寸 28.0 x 35.6cm 11x14寸 十六寸 30.5 x 40.6cm 12x16寸 十八寸 35.6 x 45.8cm 14x18寸 十八寸以内按英寸数为准,二十寸以上按厘米数为准。备注:1英寸=2.54厘米 二十寸 40 x 50 cm 二十四寸 50 x 60 cm 三十寸 60 x 75 cm 三十二寸 60 x 80 cm 三十六寸 60 x 90 cm 四十寸 70 x 100 cm 四十八寸 90 x 120 cm 五十八寸 100 x 115 cm 六十八寸 112 x 170 cm 注意事项: types: one is the lack of capacity, "cannot be". Full stopped cutting Hou, some people spirit slack, in its bit not conspiracy to its political, not Dan thing, and not steward, and perfunctory, some cadres on innovation development "six big industry", and advance supply side structural reform, and "three to a drop a fill" and PPP mode, new knowledge not familiar, and not learning, and not study, skills panic, carried out work to no avail, and loss, on in there, by to. Second, lack of motivation, "don't want to". Pipe tightening now, not seeking privileges, some cadres enthusiasm weakened progressive consciousness, and do the work, look dry; some of the older, long-serving officials, ship to dock at the station, no longer willing to endure hardship to get tired, advance into the "remainder" State. In particular, some cadres do not clean all day, scary, absent-minded, in no mood for officers. Three acts as the lack of "dare". Some cadres responsibility consciousness not strong, can't play hardball face difficult problems, fear hit interests, and offend, fear work errors, and take risk, fear media hype, and into hot, encountered contradictions on around, met problem on hiding, see trouble on push, work up timid, and timid, and swayed, pursues more a thing than less a thing, not seeking active but seeking no had, even trying to avoidance thing avoidance accountability. Second, the dialectical strategy, positive change. Now some officials "for the officers not to" phenomenon has become a prominent issue, a few local and political ecology in a sub-healthy or unhealthy condition, colleagues of the circle, and the relationship, some people types: one is the lack of capacity, "cannot be". Full stopped cutting Hou, some people spirit slack, in its bit not conspiracy to its political, not Dan thing, and not steward, and perfunctory, some cadres on innovation development "six big industry", and advance supply side structural reform, and "three to a drop a fill" and PPP mode, new knowledge not familiar, and not learning, and not study, skills panic, carried out work to no avail, and loss, on in there, by to. Second, lack of motivation, "don't want to". Pipe tightening now, not seeking privileges, some cadres enthusiasm weakened progressive consciousness, and do the work, look dry; some of the older, long-serving officials, ship to dock at the station, no longer willing to endure hardship to get tired, advance into the "remainder" State. In particular, some cadres do not clean all day, scary, absent-minded, in no mood for officers. Three acts as the lack of "dare". Some cadres responsibility consciousness not strong, can't play hardball face difficult problems, fear hit interests, and offend, fear work errors, and take risk, fear media hype, and into hot, encountered contradictions on around, met problem on hiding, see trouble on push, work up timid, and timid, and swayed, pursues more a thing than less a thing, not seeking active but seeking no had, even trying to avoidance thing avoidance accountability. Second, the dialectical strategy, positive change. Now some officials "for the officers not to" phenomenon has become a prominent issue, a few local and political ecology in a sub-healthy or unhealthy condition, colleagues of the circle, and the relationship, some people 我们拍摄好的数码照片一般都不是标准的照片尺寸,用数码相机所拍出的图像一般是按计算机屏幕的分辨率来设定的,所以基本上都是4?3的比例,而标准照片尺寸的比例不同,如5寸照片的比例为10?7,6寸照片的尺寸为3?2,如不裁剪,在冲印的过程中,往往会在照片旁留下白边或者照片不完全。因此我们必须用软件对照片进行裁剪加工。 表一:常见的标准照片规格表二:数码照片冲印质量对照表胶卷质量:能保持原照片的最佳效果。优秀:细看能看出像素不够对照片的轻微影响,但并不影响照片质量,可得到比较理想的打印效果。好:像素对照片的影响较明显,但冲印效果仍较满意。一般:像素不足对照片的影响明显,但照片仍可使用。1英寸=2.54厘米,我们说照片尺寸通常是讲英寸的,照片尺寸的常规标准在10寸内的规格是相差2,比如5寸照片就是5X3,7寸=7X5 8寸=8X6。如果照片尺寸大于10寸的就相差4,12寸=12X8 14寸=14X10 18寸=18X14照片的尺寸 。 2、常见证件照对应尺寸 1英寸25mm×35mm 2英寸35mm×49mm 3英寸35mm×52mm 港澳通行证33mm×48mm 赴美签证50mm×50mm 日本签证45mm×45mm 大二寸35mm×45mm 护照33mm×48mm 毕业生照33mm×48mm 身份证22mm×32mm 驾照21mm×26mm 车照60mm×91mm *** 3、数码相机和可冲印照片最大尺寸对照表 500万像素有效4915200,像素2560X1920。可冲洗照片尺寸17X13,对角线21英寸 400万像素有效3871488,像素2272X1704。可冲洗照片尺寸15X11,对角线19英寸 sit, stood watching, slack. We can't wait, drag, dialectical, and strive for an early reverse. To strengthen education and training. Leading cadres should have a professional thinking, professionalism, professional way. District Committee party school and county level theoretical study Central Group of the Party Committee leaders to address gaps in knowledge, experience blind, weakness, precision of theoretical training, policy training, it training, management training, and regulatory training, highlights the pertinence and effectiveness of ensuring political qualities of leading cadres to keep up, thinking to keep up with, knowledge structure to keep up with and ability to keep up with, expert economic and social management. Discipline must be strengthened. Party committees at all levels should adhere to the overall strictness, discipline ... And political rules, effectively enhance political par core awareness, situation awareness, consciousness and awareness. To strengthen care and support. From "love" starts with protection on cadres, strict management of cadres at the same time, cadres on political motivation, work, psychological care, General relief, shelter, security, promoting the cadres and feel comfortable, confident, positive, and dare to play. To established fault-tolerant exemption mechanism, let officer of people not chilling, seriously implementation types: one is the lack of capacity, "cannot be". Full stopped cutting Hou, some people spirit slack, in its bit not conspiracy to its political, not Dan thing, and not steward, and perfunctory, some cadres on innovation development "six big industry", and advance supply side structural reform, and "three to a drop a fill" and PPP mode, new knowledge not familiar, and not learning, and not study, skills panic, carried out work to no avail, and loss, on in there, by to. Second, lack of motivation, "don't want to". Pipe tightening now, not seeking privileges, some cadres enthusiasm weakened progressive consciousness, and do the work, look dry; some of the older, long-serving officials, ship to dock at the station, no longer willing to endure hardship to get tired, advance into the "remainder" State. In particular, some cadres do not clean all day, scary, absent-minded, in no mood for officers. Three acts as the lack of "dare". Some cadres responsibility consciousness not strong, can't play hardball face difficult problems, fear hit interests, and offend, fear work errors, and take risk, fear media hype, and into hot, encountered contradictions on around, met problem on hiding, see trouble on push, work up timid, and timid, and swayed, pursues more a thing than less a thing, not seeking active but seeking no had, even trying to avoidance thing avoidance accountability. Second, the dialectical strategy, positive change. Now some officials "for the officers not to" phenomenon has become a prominent issue, a few local and political ecology in a sub-healthy or unhealthy condition, colleagues of the circle, and the relationship, some people 300万像素有效3145728,像素2048X1536。可冲洗照片尺寸14X10,对角线17英寸 200万像素有效1920000,像素1600X1200。可冲洗照片尺寸11X8,对角线13英寸 130万像素有效1228800,像素1280X960。可冲洗照片尺寸9X6, 对角线11英寸 080万像素 有效786432,像素1024X768。可冲洗照片尺寸7X5, 对角线9英寸 有效480000, 像素800X600。 可冲洗照片尺寸5X4, 对角线7英寸 050万像素 030万像素 有效307200, 像素640X480。 可冲洗照片尺寸4X3, 对角线5英寸 所以: 5寸照片(3X5),采用800X600分辨率就可以了 6寸照片(4X6),采用1024X768分辨率 7寸照片(5X7),采用1024X768分辨率 8寸照片(6X8),采用1280X960分辨率 常用照片尺寸照片规格 [英寸] [厘米] [像素] 1寸 2.5*3.5 413*295 身份证大头照 3.3*2.2 390*260 2寸 3.5*5.3 626*413 小2寸(护照) 4.8*3.3 567*390 5 寸[5x3.5] 12.7*8.9 1200x840 以上 100万像素 6寸[6x4] 15.2*10.2 &nb sp1440x960以上 130万像素 7寸[7x5] 17.8*12.7 &nb sp1680x1200以上 200万像素 8寸[8x6] 20.3*15.2 &nb sp1920x1440以上 300万像素 10寸[10x8] 25.4*20.3 2400x1920以上 400万像素 12寸 [12x10] 30.5*20.3 2500x200 0以上 500万像素 15寸[15x10] 38.1*25.4 3000x200 0 600万像素 types: one is the lack of capacity, "cannot be". Full stopped cutting Hou, some people spirit slack, in its bit not conspiracy to its political, not Dan thing, and not steward, and perfunctory, some cadres on innovation development "six big industry", and advance supply side structural reform, and "three to a drop a fill" and PPP mode, new knowledge not familiar, and not learning, and not study, skills panic, carried out work to no avail, and loss, on in there, by to. Second, lack of motivation, "don't want to". Pipe tightening now, not seeking privileges, some cadres enthusiasm weakened progressive consciousness, and do the work, look dry; some of the older, long-serving officials, ship to dock at the station, no longer willing to endure hardship to get tired, advance into the "remainder" State. In particular, some cadres do not clean all day, scary, absent-minded, in no mood for officers. Three acts as the lack of "dare". Some cadres responsibility consciousness not strong, can't play hardball face difficult problems, fear hit interests, and offend, fear work errors, and take risk, fear media hype, and into hot, encountered contradictions on around, met problem on hiding, see trouble on push, work up timid, and timid, and swayed, pursues more a thing than less a thing, not seeking active but seeking no had, even trying to avoidance thing avoidance accountability. Second, the dialectical strategy, positive change. Now some officials "for the officers not to" phenomenon has become a prominent issue, a few local and political ecology in a sub-healthy or unhealthy condition, colleagues of the circle, and the relationship, some people types: one is the lack of capacity, "cannot be". Full stopped cutting Hou, some people spirit slack, in its bit not conspiracy to its political, not Dan thing, and not steward, and perfunctory, some cadres on innovation development "six big industry", and advance supply side structural reform, and "three to a drop a fill" and PPP mode, new knowledge not familiar, and not learning, and not study, skills panic, carried out work to no avail, and loss, on in there, by to. Second, lack of motivation, "don't want to". Pipe tightening now, not seeking privileges, some cadres enthusiasm weakened progressive consciousness, and do the work, look dry; some of the older, long-serving officials, ship to dock at the station, no longer willing to endure hardship to get tired, advance into the "remainder" State. In particular, some cadres do not clean all day, scary, absent-minded, in no mood for officers. Three acts as the lack of "dare". Some cadres responsibility consciousness not strong, can't play hardball face difficult problems, fear hit interests, and offend, fear work errors, and take risk, fear media hype, and into hot, encountered contradictions on around, met problem on hiding, see trouble on push, work up timid, and timid, and swayed, pursues more a thing than less a thing, not seeking active but seeking no had, even trying to avoidance thing avoidance accountability. Second, the dialectical strategy, positive change. Now some officials "for the officers not to" phenomenon has become a prominent issue, a few local and political ecology in a sub-healthy or unhealthy condition, colleagues of the circle, and the relationship, some people 英寸 规格(cm) 1"-------------2.5×3.5 2"-------------3.5×5 3"-------------6.4×8.9 5"-------------8.9×12.7 大5"-----------10×12.7 6"-------------10.3×15.2 7"-------------12.7×17.8 8"-------------15.2×20.3 9"-------------17.5×24.5 10"------------20.3×25.4 12"------------25.4×30.5 8x12"----------20.3×30.5 14"------------25.4×36.5 15"------------25.4×37.5 16"------------30.5×40 小18"----------30.5×45 大18"----------35×50.8 20"------------40×50.8 22"------------40×55 24"------------50.8×61 26"------------50.8×66 28"------------50.8×71 窄30"----------50.8×76 30"------------61×76 32"------------61×81.5 36"------------61×91.5 40"------------76×101 小48"----------91×122 48"------------101×122 sit, stood watching, slack. We can't wait, drag, dialectical, and strive for an early reverse. To strengthen education and training. Leading cadres should have a professional thinking, professionalism, professional way. District Committee party school and county level theoretical study Central Group of the Party Committee leaders to address gaps in knowledge, experience blind, weakness, precision of theoretical training, policy training, it training, management training, and regulatory training, highlights the pertinence and effectiveness of ensuring political qualities of leading cadres to keep up, thinking to keep up with, knowledge structure to keep up with and ability to keep up with, expert economic and social management. Discipline must be strengthened. Party committees at all levels should adhere to the overall strictness, discipline ... And political rules, effectively enhance political par core awareness, situation awareness, consciousness and awareness. To strengthen care and support. From "love" starts with protection on cadres, strict management of cadres at the same time, cadres on political motivation, work, psychological care, General relief, shelter, security, promoting the cadres and feel comfortable, confident, positive, and dare to play. To established fault-tolerant exemption mechanism, let officer of people not chilling, seriously implementation types: one is the lack of capacity, "cannot be". Full stopped cutting Hou, some people spirit slack, in its bit not conspiracy to its political, not Dan thing, and not steward, and perfunctory, some cadres on innovation development "six big industry", and advance supply side structural reform, and "three to a drop a fill" and PPP mode, new knowledge not familiar, and not learning, and not study, skills panic, carried out work to no avail, and loss, on in there, by to. Second, lack of motivation, "don't want to". Pipe tightening now, not seeking privileges, some cadres enthusiasm weakened progressive consciousness, and do the work, look dry; some of the older, long-serving officials, ship to dock at the station, no longer willing to endure hardship to get tired, advance into the "remainder" State. In particular, some cadres do not clean all day, scary, absent-minded, in no mood for officers. Three acts as the lack of "dare". Some cadres responsibility consciousness not strong, can't play hardball face difficult problems, fear hit interests, and offend, fear work errors, and take risk, fear media hype, and into hot, encountered contradictions on around, met problem on hiding, see trouble on push, work up timid, and timid, and swayed, pursues more a thing than less a thing, not seeking active but seeking no had, even trying to avoidance thing avoidance accountability. Second, the dialectical strategy, positive change. Now some officials "for the officers not to" phenomenon has become a prominent issue, a few local and political ecology in a sub-healthy or unhealthy condition, colleagues of the circle, and the relationship, some people 60"------------122×153 72"------------122×180 types: one is the lack of capacity, "cannot be". Full stopped cutting Hou, some people spirit slack, in its bit not conspiracy to its political, not Dan thing, and not steward, and perfunctory, some cadres on innovation development "six big industry", and advance supply side structural reform, and "three to a drop a fill" and PPP mode, new knowledge not familiar, and not learning, and not study, skills panic, carried out work to no avail, and loss, on in there, by to. Second, lack of motivation, "don't want to". Pipe tightening now, not seeking privileges, some cadres enthusiasm weakened progressive consciousness, and do the work, look dry; some of the older, long-serving officials, ship to dock at the station, no longer willing to endure hardship to get tired, advance into the "remainder" State. In particular, some cadres do not clean all day, scary, absent-minded, in no mood for officers. Three acts as the lack of "dare". Some cadres responsibility consciousness not strong, can't play hardball face difficult problems, fear hit interests, and offend, fear work errors, and take risk, fear media hype, and into hot, encountered contradictions on around, met problem on hiding, see trouble on push, work up timid, and timid, and swayed, pursues more a thing than less a thing, not seeking active but seeking no had, even trying to avoidance thing avoidance accountability. Second, the dialectical strategy, positive change. Now some officials "for the officers not to" phenomenon has become a prominent issue, a few local and political ecology in a sub-healthy or unhealthy condition, colleagues of the circle, and the relationship, some people
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