

2017-12-29 50页 doc 459KB 21阅读




决斗-金融战争决斗-金融战争 《练 习 题》 泉州医学高等专科学校 解剖学教研室 production and non-production areas and non-production areas and water sources are on a chicken farm in the wind, net road and dirt road separating uncrossed, dung farm is located in the field is downwind, brood care and adult c...
决斗-金融战争 《练 习 》 泉州医学高等专科学校 解剖学教研室 production and non-production areas and non-production areas and water sources are on a chicken farm in the wind, net road and dirt road separating uncrossed, dung farm is located in the field is downwind, brood care and adult care homes apart, brood care in chicken farms of the upper hand to the 6. Understand the poultry epidemic situation on the ground, trying to avoid the endemic or outbreaks have occurred in area 7. Avoid contaminated areas of the city, take appropriate environmental measures to minimize pollution to the environment, building the second design 1. chicken coop construction General requirements (1) to meet the needs of the broiler (2) left room for technological transformation, ease of reproduction. Construction, and energy savings funds (3) meet GA requirements in chicken farm 2, chicken coop chicken coop building type of the construction of closed-end and open-end, closed henhouse four-week window, using artificial light, mechanical ventilation for energy Coop, microclimate environment is easy to control and easy to manage. Windows that open sheds sheds are used outside of natural resource and energy saving the hen house. General no power ventilation, sufficient artificial lighting is used. Disadvantages are subject to external influence. Design of building structure is built on chicken the best environment of rational index and building cost index based on both, mainly related to the hen house ventilation, warmth, cooling, water supply and drainage, lighting and other factors. 3, ventilation air is designed to exclude as much as possible residential air pollution: the introduction of fresh 第一篇 运动系统 第一章 骨 学 一、填空: 1.运动系由 、 和 组成,其中 是运动枢纽(支点), 是运动动力。 2.人体全身的骨共有 块(按其部位可分为 、 和 。 3.骨按其形态可分为 、 、 、 、和 。 4.长骨可分为两端的 和中部细长的 ,多分布于人体的 。 5.骨主要由 、 和 等构成 。 6.骨膜被覆于除 以外的骨表面(对骨的 、 或 具有重要的 作用。 7.骨质包括: 和 两种(其中 由大量相互交织的骨小粱构成。位于颅盖 骨内、外板之间的骨松质部分称为 。 8.骨髓主要位于 和 ,成人的骨髓分为 和 两种(其中具有造血 机能的是 。 9.红骨髓在成人主要分布于 、 、 和 的骨松质内。 10.骨的化学成分包含 和 其中 减少易发生骨折。 11.椎骨由 和 两部分组成(从椎弓伸出的7个突起分别是成对的 、 和 突,不成对的 。 12.第一颈椎又称 ,其特点是没有 、第二颈椎又称 ,其特点是 ;第七颈椎又称 。特点是 。 13.骶骨是由 融合而成(其前面有四对 ,后面有四对 ,骶管下 端的裂孔称 。 14.肋由 和 两部分组成(第一肋骨上面中部的结节称 。 15.胸骨由 、 和 三部分组成。 16.颅由 块骨组成的。依其位置可分为 和 两部分。 17.不成对的脑颅骨包括 、 、 和 。 18.成对的面颅骨主要有 、 、 、 、 和 。 19.鼻腔外侧壁的三块弯曲骨片分别是 、 和 。 20.鼻旁窦包括 、 、 和 。其中开口于中鼻道的主要 有 、 和 。 21.颅囟主要包括 和 等(它们的闭合时间分别是 和 。 22.上肢骨包括 、 、 、 、 和 。 23.腕骨包括近侧列的 、 、 和 ,远侧列 的 、 、 和 。 24.下肢骨包括 、 、 、 、 和 。 -fourend, closed henhouse -end and open-rements in chicken farm 2, chicken coop chicken coop building type of the construction of closed2) left room for technological transformation, ease of reproduction. Construction, and energy savings funds (3) meet GA requiler (e environment, building the second design 1. chicken coop construction General requirements (1) to meet the needs of the broioccurred in area 7. Avoid contaminated areas of the city, take appropriate environmental measures to minimize pollution to th have of the upper hand to the 6. Understand the poultry epidemic situation on the ground, trying to avoid the endemic or outbreaksuncrossed, dung farm is located in the field is downwind, brood care and adult care homes apart, brood care in chicken farms production areas and water sources are on a chicken farm in the wind, net road and dirt road separating-production areas and non-production and nondesigned to exclude as much as possible residential air pollution: the introduction of fresho the hen house ventilation, warmth, cooling, water supply and drainage, lighting and other factors. 3, ventilation air is ted tlding structure is built on chicken the best environment of rational index and building cost index based on both, mainly relapower ventilation, sufficient artificial lighting is used. Disadvantages are subject to external influence. Design of bui oeasy to manage. Windows that open sheds sheds are used outside of natural resource and energy saving the hen house. General nweek window, using artificial light, mechanical ventilation for energy Coop, microclimate environment is easy to control and 1 25(髋骨由 、 和 三骨融合而成。 二、单选题 1.属于籽骨的是( ) A、豌豆骨 B、跟骨 C、髌骨 D、肋骨 E、末节指骨 2.下列哪项骨属含气骨 A、椎骨 B、上颌骨 C、下颌骨 D、枕骨 E、以上均不是 3.颈椎均有( ) A、棘突 B、椎体 C、侧块 D、横突孔 E、齿突 4.胸椎的主要特征是( ) A、椎体较小 B、椎体侧面有肋凹 C、有横突孔D、棘突仲向后下 E、以上均不是 5.胸骨角平对( ) A、第二肋间 B、第二肋软骨 C、第一肋间 D、第三肋软骨 E、锁胸关节 6.下鼻甲属于( ) A、面颅骨 B、筛骨 C、上颌骨 D、脑颅骨 E、腭骨 7.泪腺窝位于眼眶( ) A、上壁外侧 B、上壁 C、内侧壁 D、外侧壁 E、以上均不是 8.有关骨下列哪项描述错( ) A、骨是一个器官 B、是贮备钙的钙库 C、具有支持和杠杆作用 D、约占体重的40, E、具有造血机能 9.开口子蝶筛隐窝的是( ) A、筛窦前中群 B、筛窦后群 C、额窦 D、上颌窦 E、蝶窦 10.前囟闭合时问是( ) A、1岁 B、专岁 c、l.5岁 D、2岁 E、出生后不久 11.肩部最高点是( ) A、肱骨大结节 B、肩峰 C、喙突 D、小结节 E、以上均不是 12(肩胛下角平对( ) A、第5肋 B、第6肋 c、第7肋 D、第8肋 E、第12肋 13.两侧髂嵴最高点连线平( ) A、第三腰椎棘突 B、第三、四腰椎间隙 C、第四腰椎棘突 D、第四、五腰椎问隙 E、第五腰椎棘突 14.髋骨由髂骨、耻骨和坐骨三骨构成(其融合为一骨的时间一般在( ) A、12岁 B、14岁 C、16岁 D、18岁 E、25岁 三、多选题 1.属于不规则骨有( ) A、颈颞 B、椎骨 C、豌骨 D、骰骨 E、上颌骨 2.下列哪些为含气骨( ) 。 A、髋骨 B、椎骨 C、筛骨 D、额骨 E、蝶骨 3.终身保持红骨髓的骨是( ) A、颞骨 B、椎骨 C、胸骨 D、尺骨 E、胫骨 4.寰椎的特征有( ) r is designed to exclude as much as possible residential air pollution: the introduction of freshion aiy related to the hen house ventilation, warmth, cooling, water supply and drainage, lighting and other factors. 3, ventilatof building structure is built on chicken the best environment of rational index and building cost index based on both, mainlsign General no power ventilation, sufficient artificial lighting is used. Disadvantages are subject to external influence. De ntrol and easy to manage. Windows that open sheds sheds are used outside of natural resource and energy saving the hen house.week window, using artificial light, mechanical ventilation for energy Coop, microclimate environment is easy to co-end, closed henhouse four-end and open-requirements in chicken farm 2, chicken coop chicken coop building type of the construction of closedGA broiler (2) left room for technological transformation, ease of reproduction. Construction, and energy savings funds (3) meet to the environment, building the second design 1. chicken coop construction General requirements (1) to meet the needs of the lutionbreaks have occurred in area 7. Avoid contaminated areas of the city, take appropriate environmental measures to minimize polfarms of the upper hand to the 6. Understand the poultry epidemic situation on the ground, trying to avoid the endemic or outis located in the field is downwind, brood care and adult care homes apart, brood care in chicken production areas and water sources are on a chicken farm in the wind, net road and dirt road separating uncrossed, dung farm -production areas and non-and nonproduction 2 A、无椎体 B、无横突孔 C、无棘突 D、无横突孔 E、无关节突 5.胸椎的特征有( ) A、有横突孔 B、棘突长、伸向后下 C、椎孔较小 D、椎体侧面及横突末端有肋凹 E、椎体呈肾形(较大 6.体表能触及并作为计数肋的标志有( ) A、胸骨角 B、肩胛下角 c、第七颈椎棘突 D、剑突 E、颈静脉切迹 7.属不成对脑颅骨的是( ) A、颞骨 B、枕骨 C、顶骨 D、蝶骨 E、筛骨 8.不成对面颅骨包括( ) A、上颌骨 B、下颌骨 C、舌骨 D、犁骨 E、筛骨 9.开口于中鼻道的鼻旁窦有( ) A、额窦 B、上颌窦 C、筛窦前组 D、缔窦中组 ,、筛窦后组 四、名词解释 1.推管 2.椎问孔 3.隆椎 4.骶管裂孔 胸骨角 5. 6.翼点 7.蝶筛隐窝 8.颅囟 9.髋臼 五、问答题: 1.试述骨的构造及其各部分结构的功能。 2.临床上常在胸骨、髂嵴等处穿刺抽取骨髓进行俭查(请说说其解剖学依据。 3.试述翼点的构成及其临床意义 4.清写出各鼻旁窦的名称及其开口部位。 5.试述新生儿颅的特征。 [参考答案] 一、填空题: 1.骨、骨连结、骨骼肌、关节、骨骼肌 2.206块、颅骨、躯干骨和四肢骨 3.长骨、短骨、扁骨和不规则骨 4.骨骺、骨干、四肢 5.骨质、骨膜、骨髓 6.关节软骨、营养、再造和感觉 7.密质和松质、松质骨、报障 8.骨髓腔和松质骨的间隙(红骨髓和黄骨髓。红骨髓 easy to manage. Windows that open sheds sheds are used outside of natural resource and energy saving the hen house. General nweek window, using artificial light, mechanical ventilation for energy Coop, microclimate environment is easy to control and -fourend, closed henhouse -end and open-rements in chicken farm 2, chicken coop chicken coop building type of the construction of closed2) left room for technological transformation, ease of reproduction. Construction, and energy savings funds (3) meet GA requiler (e environment, building the second design 1. chicken coop construction General requirements (1) to meet the needs of the broioccurred in area 7. Avoid contaminated areas of the city, take appropriate environmental measures to minimize pollution to th have of the upper hand to the 6. Understand the poultry epidemic situation on the ground, trying to avoid the endemic or outbreaksuncrossed, dung farm is located in the field is downwind, brood care and adult care homes apart, brood care in chicken farms production areas and water sources are on a chicken farm in the wind, net road and dirt road separating-production areas and non-production and nondesigned to exclude as much as possible residential air pollution: the introduction of fresho the hen house ventilation, warmth, cooling, water supply and drainage, lighting and other factors. 3, ventilation air is ted tlding structure is built on chicken the best environment of rational index and building cost index based on both, mainly relapower ventilation, sufficient artificial lighting is used. Disadvantages are subject to external influence. Design of bui o3 9.长骨的两端、短骨、扁骨和术规则骨的松质内 10.有机质、无机质、有机质 11.椎体和椎弓、上、下关节突、横突、棘突 12.寰椎(前弓、后弓和侧块、椎体、棘突和关节突 13.5块骶椎,骶前孔、骶后孔、骶管裂孔 14.肋骨和肋软骨、斜角肌结节 15.胸骨柄、胸骨体和剑突 16.脑颅和面颅 17.额骨、枕骨、蝶骨、筛骨 18.上颌骨、鼻骨、泪骨、颈骨、腭骨、下鼻甲 19.上、中、下鼻甲 20.额窦、筛窦、蝶窦和上颌窦(额窦、上颌窦、筛窦前中组 21.额(前)囟和枕(后)囟,出生后1-2岁和出生后不久 22.锁骨、眉胛骨、肱骨、尺骨、桡骨和手骨 23.手舟骨、月状骨、三角骨、豌豆骨。大多角骨、小多角骨、头状骨、钩骨 24.髓骨、股骨、髌骨、胫骨、腓骨和足骨 25.髂骨、耻骨和坐骨。髂嵴、髂结节、髂前上棘、髂后上棘、耻骨结节和坐骨结节 二、单选题 1.C 2.B 3.D 4.B 5.B 6.A 7.A 8.D 9.E 10.C 11.B 12.C 13.C 14.C 三、多选题 1.ABE 2.CDE 3.ABC 4.ACE 5.BCD 6.BCD 7.BDE 8.BCD 9.ABCD 四、名词解释 1.由椎骨的椎孔和骶管连接而成。内含脊髓和血管等结构。 2.由相邻椎骨的椎弓根围成(与椎管相通。有脊神经和血管通过。 3.隆椎即第七颈椎(因其棘突较长而称之,是计数椎骨的重要标志。 4.位于骶骨背面、两侧骶角之间的裂孔(上通骶管(是临床进行骶管内麻醉的重要体表标志。 5.胸骨柄和胸骨体交界处形成的向前微突的横行隆起,两侧平对第(--肋软骨,是作为计数肋的重 要标志。 6.翼点是指额、顶、颞骨和蝶骨大翼四骨连接处,该处骨质较薄(内面有脑膜中动脉前支经过。 7.是指上鼻甲后上方的浅凹(是蝶窦的开口部位。 8.是指连结新生儿脑颅骨之问的膜性组织结构。 9.髋骨外面中央部的深窝。参与髋关节的构成。 五、问答题: 1.骨的构造及各部分的功能分别是: (1)骨质,包括密质和松质(是骨的主要成分。 (2)骨膜,对骨的营养、再生和感觉具重要作用。 (3)骨髓,具有造血功能 r is designed to exclude as much as possible residential air pollution: the introduction of freshion aiy related to the hen house ventilation, warmth, cooling, water supply and drainage, lighting and other factors. 3, ventilatof building structure is built on chicken the best environment of rational index and building cost index based on both, mainlsign General no power ventilation, sufficient artificial lighting is used. Disadvantages are subject to external influence. De ntrol and easy to manage. Windows that open sheds sheds are used outside of natural resource and energy saving the hen house.week window, using artificial light, mechanical ventilation for energy Coop, microclimate environment is easy to co-end, closed henhouse four-end and open-requirements in chicken farm 2, chicken coop chicken coop building type of the construction of closedGA broiler (2) left room for technological transformation, ease of reproduction. Construction, and energy savings funds (3) meet to the environment, building the second design 1. chicken coop construction General requirements (1) to meet the needs of the lutionbreaks have occurred in area 7. Avoid contaminated areas of the city, take appropriate environmental measures to minimize polfarms of the upper hand to the 6. Understand the poultry epidemic situation on the ground, trying to avoid the endemic or outis located in the field is downwind, brood care and adult care homes apart, brood care in chicken production areas and water sources are on a chicken farm in the wind, net road and dirt road separating uncrossed, dung farm -production areas and non-and nonproduction 4 2.是因为胸骨和髂骨内的骨髓终生保持红骨髓。 3.(1)翼点是由额骨、顶骨、颞骨和蝶骨大翼四骨交界处构成。 (2)临床意义:该处骨质较薄,内面有脑膜巾动脉的前支通过,如骨折极易造成脑膜中动躲损伤而致 硬膜外血肿等。 4.鼻旁窦名称及开口部位见下表 名称 开口部位 额窦 中鼻道 蝶窦 蝶筛隐窝 上颌窦 中鼻道 筛窦 前、中组 中鼻道 后组 上鼻道 5.新生儿颅的特点是: ?脑颅远大于面颅,其比例为8:1 ?新生儿颅顶略呈五角形 ?鼻旁窦旁尚未发育 ?脑颅骨借颅囟相连 ?下颁角角度呈钝角 第二章 关节学 [] 一、填空 1.全身的骨连结包括 和 两大类。 2.直接连结包括 、 和 三种。 3.间接连结又称 。其基本结构包括 、 和 。 4.关节的辅助结构有 、 和 等( 5.与关节有关的韧带依其依置可分为 和 两种,如股骨头韧带属于 韧 带(髂股韧带属 韧带。 6.关节的运动有 、 , 、 , 、 三种基本方式。 7.连结相邻两椎体的结构主要有 、 和 。 8.椎间盘是连接——的纤维软骨板,可分为 和 两部分(其厚度可因位置不同 而异,一般 的椎问盘最厚,而 椎间盘最薄。 9(脊柱由 、 和 借韧带和关节等连结而成(成人脊柱从侧面看可见 、 、 和 四个生理性弯曲 和 是出生后发 育过程中产生的。 10.脊柱可作 、 、 、 和 运动,活动度最大的是 部。 11(胸廓由 、 和 借骨连结相连结而成,它有上下两口(其中上口为 与 相通的通道,由 、 和 围成。 12(颅的连结中唯一的一个关节是 ,它由 、 和 构成。 13(肩关节由 和 构成(可作 、 、 、 , 、 -rements in chicken farm 2, chicken coop chicken coop building type of the construction of closed2) left room for technological transformation, ease of reproduction. Construction, and energy savings funds (3) meet GA requiler (e environment, building the second design 1. chicken coop construction General requirements (1) to meet the needs of the broioccurred in area 7. Avoid contaminated areas of the city, take appropriate environmental measures to minimize pollution to th have of the upper hand to the 6. Understand the poultry epidemic situation on the ground, trying to avoid the endemic or outbreaksuncrossed, dung farm is located in the field is downwind, brood care and adult care homes apart, brood care in chicken farms production areas and water sources are on a chicken farm in the wind, net road and dirt road separating-production areas and non-production and nondesigned to exclude as much as possible residential air pollution: the introduction of fresho the hen house ventilation, warmth, cooling, water supply and drainage, lighting and other factors. 3, ventilation air is ted tlding structure is built on chicken the best environment of rational index and building cost index based on both, mainly relapower ventilation, sufficient artificial lighting is used. Disadvantages are subject to external influence. Design of bui oeasy to manage. Windows that open sheds sheds are used outside of natural resource and energy saving the hen house. General nweek window, using artificial light, mechanical ventilation for energy Coop, microclimate environment is easy to control and -fourend, closed henhouse -end and open5 和 运动。 14.肘关节由 、 和 构成。包含 、 和 三 个关节。 15.前臂骨借 、 、和 相互连结。 16.桡腕关节的关节头由 、 和 骨组成,该关节不能作 运动。 17.坐骨大孔和坐骨小孔分别是由 和 与 、 两韧带围成的。 18.骨盆的 、 和 及其连续围成,它被 分为大、小骨盆。 19.骨盆下口由 、 、 、 、 和 围成。 20.髋关节由 和 构成,可作 、 , 、 , 和 等运动。 21.膝关节由 、 和 构成,关节囊内有 和 两交叉韧带及 内外侧 , 可作 、 及 运动。 22.小腿骨之间借 、 和 相连续。 23.距小腿关节由 和 构成。 24.足弓包括 和 两种,它具有 、 和 等作用。 二、单选题 1.属于关节基本结构的是( ) A、关节盘 B、半月板 C、关节囊 D、韧带 E、关节唇 2.属于关节囊内韧带的是( ) A、侧副韧带 B、膝交叉韧带 C、喙肩韧带 D、髌韧带 E、以上均是 3.关于椎间盘,下列哪项正确( ) A、是连续相翎椎体的重要结构 B、腰椎间盘厚度最厚 C、纤维环的后份最薄 D、具有承受压力,缓冲震荡的作用 E、以上均正确 4.椎间盘厚度最小的部位是( ) A、上胸段 B、中胸段 C、下胸段 D、颈段 E、以上均不是 5.不参与构成胸廓下口的结构是( ) A、剑突 B、第12胸椎 C、第12肋 D、第11胸椎 E、第11肋 6.关节囊内有肌腱穿经的关节是( ) A、肩关节 B、膝关节 C、肱关节 D、髋关节 E、以上均是 7.肩关节的结构特点决定其易发生脱位的是( ) A、向上 B、向下 C、向前 D、向后 E、以上均可 8.踝关节扭伤易发生于踝关节处于以下哪一姿势( ) A、背屈 B、外翻 C、跖屈 D、以上均是 E、以上均不是 9、含关节盘的关节( ) A、肩关节 B、肘关节 C、髓关节 D、颞下颁关节 E、腕关节 10、骨盆( ) A、由左右髋骨、骶骨和尾骨围成 B、以界线分为大、小骨盆 C、小骨盆上口由耻骨联合上缘,耻骨弓和骶岬等围成。 r is designed to exclude as much as possible residential air pollution: the introduction of freshion aiy related to the hen house ventilation, warmth, cooling, water supply and drainage, lighting and other factors. 3, ventilatof building structure is built on chicken the best environment of rational index and building cost index based on both, mainlsign General no power ventilation, sufficient artificial lighting is used. Disadvantages are subject to external influence. De ntrol and easy to manage. Windows that open sheds sheds are used outside of natural resource and energy saving the hen house.week window, using artificial light, mechanical ventilation for energy Coop, microclimate environment is easy to co-end, closed henhouse four-end and open-requirements in chicken farm 2, chicken coop chicken coop building type of the construction of closedGA broiler (2) left room for technological transformation, ease of reproduction. Construction, and energy savings funds (3) meet to the environment, building the second design 1. chicken coop construction General requirements (1) to meet the needs of the lutionbreaks have occurred in area 7. Avoid contaminated areas of the city, take appropriate environmental measures to minimize polfarms of the upper hand to the 6. Understand the poultry epidemic situation on the ground, trying to avoid the endemic or outis located in the field is downwind, brood care and adult care homes apart, brood care in chicken production areas and water sources are on a chicken farm in the wind, net road and dirt road separating uncrossed, dung farm -production areas and non-and nonproduction 6 D、骨盆下口由尾骨、骶结节韧带、坐骨结节、坐骨支、耻骨联合组成, E、男女性骨盆形态上相差无几 三、多选题 l、具有囊内韧带的关节( ) A、膝关节 B、髋关节 C、肩关节 D、肘关节 E、预下颌关节 2、具有关节盘的关节( ) A、肩关节 B、颞下颌关节 C、膝关节 D、髋关节 E、胸锁关节 3、关节的基本结构有( ) A、关节面 B、韧带 C、关节囊 D、关节唇 E、关节腔 4、属椎弓间连结的结构是( ) A、椎间盘 B、黄韧带 C、棘上韧带 D、棘问韧带 E、横突间韧带 5、参与构成胸廓下口的结构有( ) A、胸骨柄 B、第一肋 C、剑突 D、第10胸椎 E、第12肋 6、参与构成胸锁关节的有( ) A、胸骨体 B、肩胛骨 C、胸骨柄锁切迹 D、锁骨 E、第1肋软骨 7、肩关节( ) A、由肱骨头和肩胛骨关节盂构成 B、关节头大、关节盂小(故稳定性较差 C、囊内有喙肱韧带通过 D、囊内有舷二头肌长头肌腱穿过 E、由于囊后壁较薄弱,故易于向后脱位 8、肘关节( ) A、是复合关节 B、关节囊内含三个关节 C、囊前后壁薄而松弛 D、仅能作屈、伸运动 E、幼儿桡骨头发育不完全,环状韧带较松驰 9、参与构成界线的有( ) A、骶岬 13、弓状线 C、耻骨弓 D、耻骨梳 E、坐骨结节 10、男女性骨盆下列哪几方面相异( ) A、构成 B、形状 C、耻骨下角角度 13、骨盆腔形态 E、下口构成 11、髋关节( ) A、运动灵活、辐度大 B、关节囊后壁。附于股骨颈中内l/3交界处 C、囊内有交叉韧带 D、囊的下壁较薄弱 E、不能作旋转运动 12、膝关节( ) A、是人体最大的一个关节 B、关节四周均有韧带加强 C、囊内的半月板将关节腔分为上下两个不相通的腔隙D、前交叉韧带可防止胫骨过度前移 E、半屈时可使小腿旋内旋外 四、名词解释 1.关节盘 2.椎间盘 3.坐骨大孔 4.界线 ted tlding structure is built on chicken the best environment of rational index and building cost index based on both, mainly relapower ventilation, sufficient artificial lighting is used. Disadvantages are subject to external influence. Design of bui oeasy to manage. Windows that open sheds sheds are used outside of natural resource and energy saving the hen house. General nweek window, using artificial light, mechanical ventilation for energy Coop, microclimate environment is easy to control and -fourend, closed henhouse -end and open-rements in chicken farm 2, chicken coop chicken coop building type of the construction of closed2) left room for technological transformation, ease of reproduction. Construction, and energy savings funds (3) meet GA requiler (e environment, building the second design 1. chicken coop construction General requirements (1) to meet the needs of the broioccurred in area 7. Avoid contaminated areas of the city, take appropriate environmental measures to minimize pollution to th have of the upper hand to the 6. Understand the poultry epidemic situation on the ground, trying to avoid the endemic or outbreaksuncrossed, dung farm is located in the field is downwind, brood care and adult care homes apart, brood care in chicken farms production areas and water sources are on a chicken farm in the wind, net road and dirt road separating-production areas and non-production and nondesigned to exclude as much as possible residential air pollution: the introduction of fresho the hen house ventilation, warmth, cooling, water supply and drainage, lighting and other factors. 3, ventilation air is 7 5.半月板 6.足弓 7.肋弓 8.耻骨弓 9.胸骨下角 10.耻骨下角 五、问答题 1.肩关节的构成、特点及其运动。 2.髋关节的构成、特点及其运动。 3.膝关节的构成、特点及其运动。 4.从颞下颌关节的解剖结构知识解释为什么“笑得合不拢嘴”? 5.为什么踝关节扭伤易发生于人们走下坡路时?(请用解剖学知识解释) 6.列表说明男女性骨盆的主要区别。 [参考答案] 一、填空题 1.直接连结、间接连结,相邻骨面之间无间隙、相邻的骨面之间有问隙 2.纤维连结、软骨连结、骨性连结 3(滞膜关节、关节面、关节囊、关节腔 4.韧带、关节盘、关节唇,增加关节的稳固性、灵活性 5.囊内韧带、囊外韧带、囊内韧带、囊外韧带 6.屈、仲(收、展(旋内、旋外 7.椎间盘、前纵韧带、后纵韧带 8.相邻两椎体之间,纤维环、髓核,腰部、胸部 椎骨、骶骨、尾骨,颈曲、胸曲、腰曲、骶曲(颈曲、腰曲 9. 10.屈、伸、侧屈、旋转、环转(腰椎 11.12对肋、12块胸椎、1块胸骨,颈部、胸部,骨柄上缘、第1肋、第l胸椎体 12.颞及下颔关节。下颌骨的下颌头、颞骨的下颌窝、关节结节 13.肩胛骨的关节盂、肱骨头,屈、伸,收、展(旋内、旋外和环转 14.肱骨的下端、尺、桡骨上端,肱尺关节、肱桡关节、桡尺近侧关节、屈肘关节、伸肘关节、协助 前臂旋转。 15.桡尺近侧关节、桡尺远侧关节、前臂骨间膜 16.手舟骨、月状骨、三角骨。旋转 17.坐骨大切迹、坐骨小切迹、骶棘韧带、骶结节韧带 18.骶骨、尾骨、髋骨(界线 19.耻骨联合下缘、耻骨下支、坐骨支、骨结节、骶结节韧带、尾骨尖 20.髓臼(股骨头。屈、伸、外展、内收、旋内、旋外和环转 21.股骨下端、胫骨上端、腓骨上端,前、后,半月板,使小腿屈、伸、旋转 22.胫腓关节、胫腓韧带、小腿骨间膜 r is designed to exclude as much as possible residential air pollution: the introduction of freshion aiy related to the hen house ventilation, warmth, cooling, water supply and drainage, lighting and other factors. 3, ventilatof building structure is built on chicken the best environment of rational index and building cost index based on both, mainlsign General no power ventilation, sufficient artificial lighting is used. Disadvantages are subject to external influence. De ntrol and easy to manage. Windows that open sheds sheds are used outside of natural resource and energy saving the hen house.week window, using artificial light, mechanical ventilation for energy Coop, microclimate environment is easy to co-end, closed henhouse four-end and open-requirements in chicken farm 2, chicken coop chicken coop building type of the construction of closedGA broiler (2) left room for technological transformation, ease of reproduction. Construction, and energy savings funds (3) meet to the environment, building the second design 1. chicken coop construction General requirements (1) to meet the needs of the lutionbreaks have occurred in area 7. Avoid contaminated areas of the city, take appropriate environmental measures to minimize polfarms of the upper hand to the 6. Understand the poultry epidemic situation on the ground, trying to avoid the endemic or outis located in the field is downwind, brood care and adult care homes apart, brood care in chicken production areas and water sources are on a chicken farm in the wind, net road and dirt road separating uncrossed, dung farm -production areas and non-and nonproduction 8 23.胫骨下端、雕骨下端、距骨滑车、跖屈、背屈、内翻、外翻 24(纵弓、横弓,保证人体直立稳定、缓冲震荡、保护足底血管神经免受压迫 二、单选题: 1.C 2.B 3.E 4.B 5.D 6.A 7.B 8.C 9.D 10.B 三、多选题 1.AB 2.BCE 3.ACE 4.BCDE 5.CE 6.CD 7.ABD 8.ABCE 9.ABD 10.BCD 11.D 12.ABDE 四、名词解释 1.位于两相邻关节面之间的纤维软骨盘。可增加关节的稳圈性和灵活性。 2.椎间盘是连结相邻椎体的纤维软骨,其中央是胶状物质的髓核。周围是多层排列的纤维环。 3.由坐骨大切迹,骶结节韧带和骶棘韧带围成的孔,有肌肉、血管及神经等经过。 4.是大、小骨盆的分界线,由骶骨岬、弓状线、耻骨梳、耻骨结节、耻骨联合上缘构成。 5.是指位于膝关节囊内的半月形的纤维软骨盘,是关节盘的一种特殊形成。 6.足骨中的跗骨和跖骨借其连结而形成的凸向上的弓形结构即称是弓。 7.肋弓是指第8、9、10肋借其前端的肋软骨与上使肋相连结所形成的弓状结构,是临床触诊肝、脾 的重要标志。 8.耻骨弓是由耻骨下支和坐骨支构成的结构,参与骨盆下口的构成。 9.胸骨下角是位于剑下方由两侧肋相聚所围成的有。 10.是指位于耻骨联合下方由两侧耻骨弓所围成的夹角。 五、问答题 1.(1)肩关节由肩胛骨的关节盂和肱骨头构成。 关节囊薄而松 (2)肩关节的结构特点:?肱骨头大、关节盂浅而较小(因此稳固性差,灵活性大;? 弛;?关节囊的前、上、后壁均有肌腱纤维编入。增加了关节的稳固性,但囊的下壁较薄弱(肩关 节脱位时,肱骨头易从下壁脱出;?关节囊内有舷二头肌长头肌腱通过。 (3)肩关节可作屈、伸、外展、内收、旋内、旋外和环转运动。 2.(1)髋关节由髋臼和股骨头构成。 (2)结构特点:?髋臼关节窝深,因此髋关节稳固性好(灵活性小;?关节囊紧张而紧韧,囊的下端 后面附平股骨颈的巾外1/3交界处(故股骨颈骨折有囊内、外之分;?关节囊的周围育韧带加强, 但后下壁较薄弱。故髓关节脱位时。股骨头易从下方脱出;?关节囊内有股骨头韧带。 (3)髋关节可作屈、仲、外展、内收、旋内、旋外及环转运动。 3.(1)膝关节由股骨的下端、胫骨上端及髌骨构成。 (2)结构特点:?是全身最大最复杂的关节;?关节囊薄而松弛。四周分别有髌韧带、侧副韧带等加 强;?关节囊内有前后交叉韧带;?股骨和胫骨相邻的关节面之间垫有由纤维软骨构成的内、外侧 半月板。增加了关节的稳同性和灵活性。 (3)膝关节使小腿作屈、伸。半屈位时能使小腿作旋内、旋外运动。 4.“笑得台不拢嘴”是因顾下颔关节脱位所致。因为。该关节的关节囊较松弛,当大笑时由于张口 过大,下须头可向前滑至关节结节的前方而不能退回关节窝内。造成关节脱位。 5.当人走下坡路时(踝关节处于跖屈伴内翻状态。这时构成踝关节的距骨头的关节面是后部面积较 窄的都位。关节头两侧的间隙大。踝关节不稳固(同时踝关节的外侧韧带较薄弱,因此此时易于发 rements in chicken farm 2, chicken coop chicken coop building type of the construction of closed2) left room for technological transformation, ease of reproduction. Construction, and energy savings funds (3) meet GA requiler (e environment, building the second design 1. chicken coop construction General requirements (1) to meet the needs of the broioccurred in area 7. Avoid contaminated areas of the city, take appropriate environmental measures to minimize pollution to th have of the upper hand to the 6. Understand the poultry epidemic situation on the ground, trying to avoid the endemic or outbreaksuncrossed, dung farm is located in the field is downwind, brood care and adult care homes apart, brood care in chicken farms production areas and water sources are on a chicken farm in the wind, net road and dirt road separating-production areas and non-production and nondesigned to exclude as much as possible residential air pollution: the introduction of fresho the hen house ventilation, warmth, cooling, water supply and drainage, lighting and other factors. 3, ventilation air is ted tlding structure is built on chicken the best environment of rational index and building cost index based on both, mainly relapower ventilation, sufficient artificial lighting is used. Disadvantages are subject to external influence. Design of bui oeasy to manage. Windows that open sheds sheds are used outside of natural resource and energy saving the hen house. General nweek window, using artificial light, mechanical ventilation for energy Coop, microclimate environment is easy to control and -fourend, closed henhouse -end and open-9 生扭伤。 6.男女性骨盆的主要区别有: 男性 女性 骨盆形状 较窄长 较短宽 骨盆上口 呈心形 椭圆形 骨盆下口 较狭小 较宽大 骨盆腔 漏斗形 圆桶状 骶骨 窄长、曲度大 宽短、曲度小 骶骨岬 前突明显 前突不明显 。。。。 眼骨下角 较小(70-75) 较大(80-100) 第三章 肌 学 [练习题] 一、填空题 1.肌的辅助结构包括: 、 和 。 2.躯干肌包括 、 、 、和 。 3.全身最大的阔肌是 ,它起自 和 止于 。 4.腹前外侧肌群,由浅入深依次是 、 和 。 5.腹肌沟管外口又称 ,位于 ,由 形成。 6.腹肌沟管内口又称 ,位于 ,由 形成。 7.咀嚼肌包括 、 、 和 。 8.胸锁乳突肌起自 和 ,止于 ,一侧收缩使头转向 侧,颜面转向 侧, 两侧同时收使头 。 9.臂部前肌群包括 、 、和 肌。 10.前臂前肌群的主要作用是 、 、 和 。 11.前臂后肌群的主要作用是 、 和 。 12.髂腰肌包括 和 两肌,止于 ,作用是使髋关节 和 。 13.股四头肌止于 ,作用是 和 。 14.小腿三头肌由 和 合成,向下续为人体最粗大的 ,止于 , 主要作用是 。 15.大腿内肌群包括 、 、 、 和 。 16.维持人体直立的下肢肌主要有 、 和 。 17.写出下列各个肌内的起止点和主要作用。 r is designed to exclude as much as possible residential air pollution: the introduction of freshion aiy related to the hen house ventilation, warmth, cooling, water supply and drainage, lighting and other factors. 3, ventilatof building structure is built on chicken the best environment of rational index and building cost index based on both, mainlsign General no power ventilation, sufficient artificial lighting is used. Disadvantages are subject to external influence. De ntrol and easy to manage. Windows that open sheds sheds are used outside of natural resource and energy saving the hen house.week window, using artificial light, mechanical ventilation for energy Coop, microclimate environment is easy to co-end, closed henhouse four-end and open-requirements in chicken farm 2, chicken coop chicken coop building type of the construction of closedGA broiler (2) left room for technological transformation, ease of reproduction. Construction, and energy savings funds (3) meet to the environment, building the second design 1. chicken coop construction General requirements (1) to meet the needs of the lutionbreaks have occurred in area 7. Avoid contaminated areas of the city, take appropriate environmental measures to minimize polfarms of the upper hand to the 6. Understand the poultry epidemic situation on the ground, trying to avoid the endemic or outis located in the field is downwind, brood care and adult care homes apart, brood care in chicken production areas and water sources are on a chicken farm in the wind, net road and dirt road separating uncrossed, dung farm -production areas and non-and nonproduction 10 名称 起点 止点 主 要 作 用 斜方肌 胸大肌 三角肌 肱二头肌 肱三头肌 臀大肌 二、单选题 1.下列肌肉中,不属于躯干肌的是( ) A、背阔肌 B、斜方肌 C、膈 D、三角肌 E、腹外斜肌 2.前锯肌( ) A、起止于8个肋软骨 B、止于肩胛骨腑缘 C、覆盖肩胛骨后面 D、能上提肩胛骨 E、能使肩胛骨下角余旋 3.对肩关节有外展作用的肌( ) A、冈上肌 B、冈下肌 C、小圆肌 D、大圆肌 E、肩胛下肌 膈( ) 4. A、收缩时,膈穹上升(用力吸气 B、收缩时,膈穹下降。用力呼气 C、舒张时(膈穹上升(用力呼气 D、舒张时(膈穹下降(用力吸气 E、收缩时(膈穹上升(用力呼气 5.下列各肌中(既能屈髋关节(又能屈膝关节的肌肉是( ) A、股直肌 B、肌内侧肌 C、股外侧肌 D、股中闯肌 E、缝匠肌 6.下述各肌中,既能屈髋关节(又有伸膝关节的肌肉是( ) A、股直肌 B、股内侧肌 C、股外侧肌 D、股中间肌 E、缝匠肌 7.既能屈髋关节(又能外旋髋关节的肌肉是( ) A、髂腰肌 B、臀大肌 C、臀中肌D、梨状肌 E、大圆肌 8.下列各肌中(何者无伸腕作用?( ) A、指伸肌 B、旋后肌 C、桡侧腕长伸肌 9.不属小腿后肌群的是( ) A、比目鱼肌 B、腓肠肌 C、腓骨长肌 D、胫骨后肌 E、趾长屈肌 三、多选题 l、斜方肌起于( ) A、上项线 B、枕外隆凸 C、项韧带 D、全部胸椎棘突 E、全部腰椎棘突 2、背阔肌的作用有( ) A、内收肩关节’B、外展肩关节 C、使囊关节旋肉? D、伸肩关节 E、屈肩关节 lding structure is built on chicken the best environment of rational index and building cost index based on both, mainly relapower ventilation, sufficient artificial lighting is used. Disadvantages are subject to external influence. Design of bui oeasy to manage. Windows that open sheds sheds are used outside of natural resource and energy saving the hen house. General nweek window, using artificial light, mechanical ventilation for energy Coop, microclimate environment is easy to control and -fourend, closed henhouse -end and open-rements in chicken farm 2, chicken coop chicken coop building type of the construction of closed2) left room for technological transformation, ease of reproduction. Construction, and energy savings funds (3) meet GA requiler (e environment, building the second design 1. chicken coop construction General requirements (1) to meet the needs of the broioccurred in area 7. Avoid contaminated areas of the city, take appropriate environmental measures to minimize pollution to th have of the upper hand to the 6. Understand the poultry epidemic situation on the ground, trying to avoid the endemic or outbreaksuncrossed, dung farm is located in the field is downwind, brood care and adult care homes apart, brood care in chicken farms production areas and water sources are on a chicken farm in the wind, net road and dirt road separating-production areas and non-production and nondesigned to exclude as much as possible residential air pollution: the introduction of fresho the hen house ventilation, warmth, cooling, water supply and drainage, lighting and other factors. 3, ventilation air is ted t11 3、胸大肌的作用有( ) A、内收肩关节 B、外展肩关节 C、使肩关节旋内 D、仲肩关节 E、屈肩关节 4、参与呼吸的肌肉有( ) A、膈 B、肋间外肌 C、肋间内肌 D、腹直肌 E、胸小肌 5、属于面肌的是( ) A、颞肌 B、枕额肌 C、眼轮匝肌 D、口轮匝肌 E、咬肌 6、附着于肱骨大结节的肌肉有( ) A、三角肌 B、冈上肌 c、冈下肌 D、大圆肌 E、小圆肌 7、具有屈髋关节作用的肌肉有( ) A、髂腰肌 B、阔筋膜张肌 C、缝匠肌 D、臀大肌 E、股二头肌 8、具有屈膝关节作用的肌肉有( ) A、股四头股B、股二头肌(C、腓肠肌D、比目鱼肌、E、半麓肌 四、名词解释 1.腱 鞘 2.腹股沟韧带 3.腹直肌鞘 4.白 线 5.斜角肌间隙 6.收肌腱裂孔 7.腹股沟管 8.肘 窝 9.股三角 五、问答题 1.试述膈的三个裂孔的名称、位置和穿经的结构。 2.试述斜角肌间隙的组成及其穿经的结构。 3.试述腹般沟管的组成及其穿经的结构。 4.试述腋窝各壁的组成。 5.试述收肌管的组成。 6.右下腹部经麦氏点做麦氏切口(由浅入深需经过哪些结构进入腹膜腔? [参考答案] 一、填空题 1.筋膜,滑膜囊。腱鞘 2.背肌,胸肌,膈,腹肌 3.背阔肌,第6胸椎以下全部棘突。髂蝽后份,肱骨小结节嵴 4.腹外斜肌,腹内斜肌,腹横肌( 5.腹股沟管(浅)皮下环。耻骨结节外上方,腹外斜肌腱膜 6.腹股沟管(深)腹环,腹股沟韧点中点上方一横指,腹横筋向外突出 r is designed to exclude as much as possible residential air pollution: the introduction of freshion aiy related to the hen house ventilation, warmth, cooling, water supply and drainage, lighting and other factors. 3, ventilatof building structure is built on chicken the best environment of rational index and building cost index based on both, mainlsign General no power ventilation, sufficient artificial lighting is used. Disadvantages are subject to external influence. De ntrol and easy to manage. Windows that open sheds sheds are used outside of natural resource and energy saving the hen house.week window, using artificial light, mechanical ventilation for energy Coop, microclimate environment is easy to co-end, closed henhouse four-end and open-requirements in chicken farm 2, chicken coop chicken coop building type of the construction of closedGA broiler (2) left room for technological transformation, ease of reproduction. Construction, and energy savings funds (3) meet to the environment, building the second design 1. chicken coop construction General requirements (1) to meet the needs of the lutionbreaks have occurred in area 7. Avoid contaminated areas of the city, take appropriate environmental measures to minimize polfarms of the upper hand to the 6. Understand the poultry epidemic situation on the ground, trying to avoid the endemic or outis located in the field is downwind, brood care and adult care homes apart, brood care in chicken production areas and water sources are on a chicken farm in the wind, net road and dirt road separating uncrossed, dung farm -production areas and non-and nonproduction 12 7.咬肌,颞肌,翼内肌(翼外肌 8.胸骨柄(锁骨内侧端,颞骨乳突,同(对,后仰 9.肱二头肌,喙肱肌(肱肌 10.屈肘关节(屈掌指关节。屈指间关节,使前臂旋前 11.伸腕关节,伸掌指关节。伸指问关节,使前臂旋后 12.髂肌(腰大肌(股骨小转子。前屈(旋外 13.胫骨粗隆(伸膝关节(屈髋关节 14.腓肠肌。比目鱼肌(肌腱(跟骨结节。屈膝关节和跖屈踝关节 15.耻骨肌(股薄肌(长收肌(短收肌。大收肌 16.小腿三头肌。股四头肌。臀大肌 17. 名称 起点 止点 主要作用 上项线,枕外降凸,项韧带,全部锁骨外1/3,肩峰胛冈 使肩胛骨向中线靠拢 斜方肌 胸椎刺突 胸大肌 销骨外侧半,胸骨,第1-6肋软骨 肱骨大结节嵴 内收,内旋及屈上臂 名称 起点 止点 主要作用 三角肌 锁骨外侧1/3,肩峰,肩胛冈 肱骨三角肌粗隆 上臀外展 长头:肩胛有盂上结节,短头;肩桡骨粗隆 屈前臂 肱二头肌 胛骨喙突 长头:肩胛骨盂下结节,内外 尺骨鹰咀 伸前臂 肱三头肌 侧头:肱骨背面 臂大肌 髂骨、骶骨背面 股骨臀肌粗隆 伸髋关节 二、单选题 1.D 2.E 3.A 4.C 5.E 6.A 7.A 8.B 9.C 三、多选题 1.ABCDE;2.ACD:3.ACE;4.ABCD;5.BCD;6.BCE; 7.ABC;8.BCE 四、名词解释 1.腱鞘:包绕在手、足的(一切长的活动性大的肌腱周围的鞘性结构,它具有保持腱的位置翔减少 运动时与骨面摩擦的作用(可分为外层的纤维层和内层的滑膜层。 2.腹股沟韧带:腹外斜肌腱膜下缘增厚卷曲(张于髂前上棘和耻骨结节之间,称为腹股沟韧带,是 一种重要的肌性标志。 3.腹直肌鞘是腹前外侧群三块阔肌的腱膜包裹腹直肌而成的腱膜鞘。其中腹内斜肌腱膜的前层与腹 外斜肌腱膜结合构成鞘的前层(腹内斜肌腱膜的后层与腹横肌腱膜结合构成鞘的后层。 4.白线:为腹前壁正中线上的一个腱性条(由三对陌肌的腱膜在中线交织而成。白线上端附于胸骨 剑突。下端附于耻骨联合。白线上宽下窄(坚韧而少血管(常作为腹部手术的入路。 5.斜角肌问隙:由前斜角肌、中斜角肌和第一肋围成的三角形问隙(称斜角肌间隙,有锁骨下动脉 和臂丛由此进入腋窝。 6.收肌腱裂孔:大收肌止于收肌结节的腱与股骨下端之问有一裂孔称收肌腱裂孔,有下肢大血管穿 week window, using artificial light, mechanical ventilation for energy Coop, microclimate environment is easy to control and -fourend, closed henhouse -end and open-rements in chicken farm 2, chicken coop chicken coop building type of the construction of closed2) left room for technological transformation, ease of reproduction. Construction, and energy savings funds (3) meet GA requiler (e environment, building the second design 1. chicken coop construction General requirements (1) to meet the needs of the broioccurred in area 7. Avoid contaminated areas of the city, take appropriate environmental measures to minimize pollution to th have of the upper hand to the 6. Understand the poultry epidemic situation on the ground, trying to avoid the endemic or outbreaksuncrossed, dung farm is located in the field is downwind, brood care and adult care homes apart, brood care in chicken farms production areas and water sources are on a chicken farm in the wind, net road and dirt road separating-production areas and non-production and nondesigned to exclude as much as possible residential air pollution: the introduction of fresho the hen house ventilation, warmth, cooling, water supply and drainage, lighting and other factors. 3, ventilation air is ted tlding structure is built on chicken the best environment of rational index and building cost index based on both, mainly relapower ventilation, sufficient artificial lighting is used. Disadvantages are subject to external influence. Design of bui oeasy to manage. Windows that open sheds sheds are used outside of natural resource and energy saving the hen house. General n13 过。 7.腹股沟管:位于腹股沟韧带内侧半的上方(为腹前壁三层阔肌之间的一条斜行裂隙,长约4, 5cm(男性的精索或女性的子宫圆韧带由此通过。 8.肘窝;为位于肘关节前方的三角形浅凹,外侧界为肱桡肌(内侧界为旋前圆肌,上界为肱骨内、 外上髁之问的连线。窝内有血管、神经通过, 9.股三角:位于大腿前上部,由腹股沟韧带(缝匠肌内侧缘和长收肌内侧缘嘲成的三角形区域。有 股血管和股神经通过。 五、问答题 1.(1)主动脉裂孔(在第12胸槛前方左右膈脚之间(有主动脉和胸导管通过。 (2)食管裂孔,在第10胸惟水平,主动脉裂孔的左前上(方,有食管和迷走神经通过。 (3)腔静脉孔,在第8胸椎水平,食管裂孔的右前方(有下腔静脉通过。 2.斜角肌间隙(由前斜角肌。中斜角肌第一助围城,有锁骨下动脉和臂丛通过。 3.腹股沟管有两口、四壁,内口称腹股沟深环,位子腹股沟韧带中点上方一横指处,为腹横筋膜向 外的突出口;为腹股沟管浅环(位于耻骨结节外上方,为腹外斜肌腱膜的一个裂口,前壁为腹外斜 肌腱膜;后壁为腹股沟镰和腹横筋膜;上璧为腹内斜肌和腹横肌的弓状下缘;下壁为腹股沟韧带。 男性的精索或女性的子富圆韧带由此通过, 4.腋窝有四壁:前壁为胸大肌、胸小肌;后壁为肩胛下肌、大圆肌和背阔肌,内侧壁为前锯肌,外 侧壁为肱二头肌和喙舷肌。 5.收肌管位于大腿中部内侧(为缝匠肌、股内侧肌和大收肌之间形成的三棱形间隙。上口接股三角(下 口借收肌腱裂孔通腘窝。 6.由浅入深依次是:皮肤——浅筋膜——腹外斜肌腱膜——腹内斜肌及其筋膜——腹横肌及其筋膜 ——腹横筋膜——腹膜外脂肪组织—一壁腹膜——腹膜腔 r is designed to exclude as much as possible residential air pollution: the introduction of freshion aiy related to the hen house ventilation, warmth, cooling, water supply and drainage, lighting and other factors. 3, ventilatof building structure is built on chicken the best environment of rational index and building cost index based on both, mainlsign General no power ventilation, sufficient artificial lighting is used. Disadvantages are subject to external influence. De ntrol and easy to manage. Windows that open sheds sheds are used outside of natural resource and energy saving the hen house.week window, using artificial light, mechanical ventilation for energy Coop, microclimate environment is easy to co-end, closed henhouse four-end and open-requirements in chicken farm 2, chicken coop chicken coop building type of the construction of closedGA broiler (2) left room for technological transformation, ease of reproduction. Construction, and energy savings funds (3) meet to the environment, building the second design 1. chicken coop construction General requirements (1) to meet the needs of the lutionbreaks have occurred in area 7. Avoid contaminated areas of the city, take appropriate environmental measures to minimize polfarms of the upper hand to the 6. Understand the poultry epidemic situation on the ground, trying to avoid the endemic or outis located in the field is downwind, brood care and adult care homes apart, brood care in chicken production areas and water sources are on a chicken farm in the wind, net road and dirt road separating uncrossed, dung farm -production areas and non-and nonproduction 14 第二篇 内 脏 学 第一章 总 论 [练习题] 一、填空题 1.内脏学包括 、 、 和 四个系统。 二、简答题 按三部九区分法可将腹部分为哪九区, [参考答案] 一、填空题 消化系统,呼吸系统,泌尿系统,生殖系统 二、问答题 腹上部分为中间的腹上区和两侧的左、右季肋区; 腹中部分为中间的脐区和两侧的左、右腹外侧区(腰区); 腹下部分为中间的耻区(腹下区)和两侧的左、右腹股沟区(髂区) 第二章 消 化 系 统 [练习题] 一、填空题 1.消化系统由 和 两部组成。 2.舌体上面及两侧缘的粘膜有许多小突起称舌乳头,按形态可分为: 、 、 和 乳头。 3.牙周组织包括 、 和 三部分。 4.牙按功能和形态特点可分为 、 、 和 牙。 5.大唾液腺有 、 和 三对。 6.咽自上而下依次分为 、 和 三部分。 7.鼻咽外侧壁上有 ,咽腔借此经 与中耳的 相通。 8.口咽外侧壁在腭咽弓与腭舌弓之间的凹陷称 内容纳 。 9.食管有三个生理性狭窄,第一个在 处,距切牙 ?;第二个狭窄在 处,距 切牙 ?;第三个狭窄处为 处,距切牙约 ?。 10.胃可分为以下四部 、 、 和 。 11.小肠包括 、 和 三部分。 oeasy to manage. Windows that open sheds sheds are used outside of natural resource and energy saving the hen house. General nweek window, using artificial light, mechanical ventilation for energy Coop, microclimate environment is easy to control and -fourend, closed henhouse -end and open-rements in chicken farm 2, chicken coop chicken coop building type of the construction of closed2) left room for technological transformation, ease of reproduction. Construction, and energy savings funds (3) meet GA requiler (e environment, building the second design 1. chicken coop construction General requirements (1) to meet the needs of the broioccurred in area 7. Avoid contaminated areas of the city, take appropriate environmental measures to minimize pollution to th have of the upper hand to the 6. Understand the poultry epidemic situation on the ground, trying to avoid the endemic or outbreaksuncrossed, dung farm is located in the field is downwind, brood care and adult care homes apart, brood care in chicken farms production areas and water sources are on a chicken farm in the wind, net road and dirt road separating-production areas and non-production and nondesigned to exclude as much as possible residential air pollution: the introduction of fresho the hen house ventilation, warmth, cooling, water supply and drainage, lighting and other factors. 3, ventilation air is ted tlding structure is built on chicken the best environment of rational index and building cost index based on both, mainly relapower ventilation, sufficient artificial lighting is used. Disadvantages are subject to external influence. Design of bui15 12.结肠和盲肠具有三种特征性结构: 、 和 。 13.直肠在矢状面上有两个弯曲称 和 。 14.肛管是 以下的消化管。 15.肝的下面有一近似“H”形的沟即有二条纵沟和一条横沟。左纵沟的前部有 ,后部 有 ;左纵沟的前部有一凹窝称 ,后部为 沟;横沟称为 。 16.平时状态下,肝分泌的胆汁经 , 和 贮存于 。当需要时胆汁经 和 排入十二指肠腔。 17.腹膜腔在男性盆腔中只有 陷凹,在女性盆腔中则有 陷凹和 陷凹。 18.把肠管悬吊于腹后壁的系膜主要有 、 和 系膜。 19.十二指肠呈“C”形包绕 ,可分为 、 、 和 四部。 20.十二肠的悬肌的作用是将 固定于腹后壁,同时出是手术中确定 起始部的标志。 21.十二指肠大乳头位于十二指肠 ,是 和 共同开口。 二、单选题 1.上消化道指( ) A、从口腔到食管 B、从口腔到胃 C、从口腔到十二指肠 D、从口腔到空肠 2.不含味蕾的舌乳头是( ) A、丝状乳头 B、菌状乳头 C、轮廓乳头 D、叶状乳头 3.下颌下腺导管开口于( ) A、舌下襞 B、舌下阜 C、舌系带 D、舌扁桃体 4.没有结肠带的肠管是( ) A、攒结肠 B、直肠 C、盲肠 D、乙状结肠 5.属于通行肝门的结构是( ) A、门静脉 B、肝固有动脉 C、肝管 D、肝静脉 6.胆总管理干部和胰管共同开口于( ) A、十二指肠上部 B、十二指肠降部 C、十二指肠水平部 D、十二指肠升部 7.胆囊底的体表投影( ) A、在右锁骨中线与第5肋软骨相交处 B、在剑突下lcm处 C、在左锁骨中线与左肋弓相交处D、在右锁骨中线与右助弓相交处 8.腮腺导管开口于哪个牙相对的颊粘膜上( ) A、上颌第1前磨牙 B、上颌第2前磨牙 C、上颌第l磨牙 D、上颁第2磨牙 9.咽的以下说法(何者错误( ) A、上起颅底 B、与鼓室相通 C、下至第6颈椎下缘 D、喉咽部下方接喉 三、多选题 1.胆总管( ) A、由左右肝管汇合而成 B、由肝总管和胆囊管汇合而成 C、在肝十二指肠韧带后方下降 D、直接开口于十二指肠上部 E、在肝十二指肠韧带内下行 2.属于腹膜内位的器官是( ) r is designed to exclude as much as possible residential air pollution: the introduction of freshion aiy related to the hen house ventilation, warmth, cooling, water supply and drainage, lighting and other factors. 3, ventilatof building structure is built on chicken the best environment of rational index and building cost index based on both, mainlsign General no power ventilation, sufficient artificial lighting is used. Disadvantages are subject to external influence. De ntrol and easy to manage. Windows that open sheds sheds are used outside of natural resource and energy saving the hen house.week window, using artificial light, mechanical ventilation for energy Coop, microclimate environment is easy to co-end, closed henhouse four-end and open-requirements in chicken farm 2, chicken coop chicken coop building type of the construction of closedGA broiler (2) left room for technological transformation, ease of reproduction. Construction, and energy savings funds (3) meet to the environment, building the second design 1. chicken coop construction General requirements (1) to meet the needs of the lutionbreaks have occurred in area 7. Avoid contaminated areas of the city, take appropriate environmental measures to minimize polfarms of the upper hand to the 6. Understand the poultry epidemic situation on the ground, trying to avoid the endemic or outis located in the field is downwind, brood care and adult care homes apart, brood care in chicken production areas and water sources are on a chicken farm in the wind, net road and dirt road separating uncrossed, dung farm -production areas and non-and nonproduction 16 A、子宫 B、胃 C、升结肠、 D、输尿管 E、乙状结肠 3.属于膜外位的器官是( ) A、胰 B、胆囊 C、肾 D、胃 E、膀胱 4.幼儿肝下缘位置较低( ) A、可低于右肋弓下缘3cm B、7岁以上的儿童不能触及 C、可低于右肋弓下缘l-2cm D、5岁以下的儿童不能触及 5.食管的说法,何者错误( ) A、分颈、胸、腹三段 B、具有三个狭窄,二个弯曲 C、被有腹膜 D、受交感神经和副交感神经支配 E、以上都不是 6.胃的说法何者为正确( ) A、有两壁、两缘、两口 B、胃可分胃底、胃体、贲门部、幽门部 C、胃后壁邻网膜囊 D、胃属腹膜内位器官 E、太弯侧有一角切迹 7.腭扁桃体位于( ) A、口腔内 B、咽腔口部 C、扁桃体窝内 D、腭舌弓前方 E、咽隐窝内 8.阑尾( ) A、附于结肠起始部 B、根部有三条结肠带集中处 C、动脉来自肠系膜下动脉 D、动脉来自回结肠动脉 E、属腹膜内位器官 9.直肠( ) A、男性直肠后面有前列腺 B、女性直肠前面有子宫及阴道 C、男性直肠前面有膀胱 D、女性直肠后面有前庭大腺 E、女性直肠前面有精囊腺 10.属于消化腺的是( ) A、肝 B、脾 C、胰 D、舌下腺 E、肾上腺 11.属于唾液腺的是( ) A、腮腺 B、胰 C、下颌下腺 D、肝 E、舌下腺 12.咽的交通( ) A、与口腔相通 B、与鼻腔相通 C、与喉腔相通 D、与食管相通 E、与中耳鼓室相通 13.具有肠脂垂的肠管是( ) A、空肠 B、盲肠 C、结肠 D、直肠 E、十二指肠 14.进出肝门的结构( ) A、肝固有动脉 B、肝静脉 C、门静脉 D、肝管 E、神经 15.胆囊( ) A、位于肝下面的胆囊窝内 B、属腹膜间的器官 C、分泌胆汗 D、胆囊管和胰管合成肝胰壶腹 E、分为底、体、颈、管四部 16.小网膜分为( ) A、肝胃韧带 B、肝圆韧带 C、镰状韧带 D、脾胃韧带 E、肝十二指肠韧带 17.回肠( ) A、有系膜 B、上接十二指肠 C、动脉来自肠系膜上动脉 D、以Treitz韧带附着于腹后壁 E、动脉来自肠系膜下动脉 -rements in chicken farm 2, chicken coop chicken coop building type of the construction of closed2) left room for technological transformation, ease of reproduction. Construction, and energy savings funds (3) meet GA requiler (e environment, building the second design 1. chicken coop construction General requirements (1) to meet the needs of the broioccurred in area 7. Avoid contaminated areas of the city, take appropriate environmental measures to minimize pollution to th have of the upper hand to the 6. Understand the poultry epidemic situation on the ground, trying to avoid the endemic or outbreaksuncrossed, dung farm is located in the field is downwind, brood care and adult care homes apart, brood care in chicken farms production areas and water sources are on a chicken farm in the wind, net road and dirt road separating-production areas and non-production and nondesigned to exclude as much as possible residential air pollution: the introduction of fresho the hen house ventilation, warmth, cooling, water supply and drainage, lighting and other factors. 3, ventilation air is ted tlding structure is built on chicken the best environment of rational index and building cost index based on both, mainly relapower ventilation, sufficient artificial lighting is used. Disadvantages are subject to external influence. Design of bui oeasy to manage. Windows that open sheds sheds are used outside of natural resource and energy saving the hen house. General nweek window, using artificial light, mechanical ventilation for energy Coop, microclimate environment is easy to control and -fourend, closed henhouse -end and open17 18.肛门指诊检查可触到( ) A、子宫颈 B、卵巢 C、前列腺 D、精囊腺 E、输精管壶腹 四、名词解释 l、十二指肠球 2、上消化道 3、口腔前庭 4、咽峡 5、咽淋巴环 6、肝胰壶腹(Vater壶腹) 7、肛窦 8、十二指肠悬肌 9、回盲瓣 10、齿状线 11、肝门 五、问答题 1、三对唾液腺各开口于何处? 2、何谓McBUTn@y点? 3、试述肝外胆道的组成。 4、咽的分部与交通如何? 5、食管有那几处狭窄?各距切牙多少厘米?。 6、试述胃的位置和形态。 7、胰的位置和分部如何? 8、试述胆汁在平时和进食时的排泄途径。 [参考答案] 一、填空 1、消化管(消化腺 2、丝状乳头(菌状乳头,轮廓乳头(叶状乳头 3、牙周膜(牙槽骨,牙龈 4、切牙,尖牙。前磨牙,磨牙 5、腮腺,卞颌下腺,舌下腺 6、鼻咽。口咽(喉咽 7、咽鼓管咽口(咽鼓管,鼓室 8、扁桃体窝(腭扁桃体 9、食管的起始处(15,食管与左主支气管交叉处,25,穿过膈的食管裂孔处。40 10、胃底(胃体、贲门部(幽门部’ 11、十二指肠。空肠。回肠 12、结肠带,结肠袋,肠脂垂 13、骶曲(会阴曲 r is designed to exclude as much as possible residential air pollution: the introduction of freshion aiy related to the hen house ventilation, warmth, cooling, water supply and drainage, lighting and other factors. 3, ventilatof building structure is built on chicken the best environment of rational index and building cost index based on both, mainlsign General no power ventilation, sufficient artificial lighting is used. Disadvantages are subject to external influence. De ntrol and easy to manage. Windows that open sheds sheds are used outside of natural resource and energy saving the hen house.week window, using artificial light, mechanical ventilation for energy Coop, microclimate environment is easy to co-end, closed henhouse four-end and open-requirements in chicken farm 2, chicken coop chicken coop building type of the construction of closedGA broiler (2) left room for technological transformation, ease of reproduction. Construction, and energy savings funds (3) meet to the environment, building the second design 1. chicken coop construction General requirements (1) to meet the needs of the lutionbreaks have occurred in area 7. Avoid contaminated areas of the city, take appropriate environmental measures to minimize polfarms of the upper hand to the 6. Understand the poultry epidemic situation on the ground, trying to avoid the endemic or outis located in the field is downwind, brood care and adult care homes apart, brood care in chicken production areas and water sources are on a chicken farm in the wind, net road and dirt road separating uncrossed, dung farm -production areas and non-and nonproduction 18 14、盆膈 15、肝圆韧带(静脉韧带(胆囊窝(腔静脉沟(肝门 16(左右肝管(肝总管,胆囊管(胆囊(胆囊管(胆总管 17、直肠膀胱,膀胱子宫(直肠子宫 18、小肠系膜,横结肠系膜(乙状结肠系膜 19、胰头(上部(降部,水平部,升部 20、、十二指肠空肠曲。空肠 21、降部,胆总管,胰管 二、单选题 1(C;2(A;3(B;4(B;5(D;6(13;7(D;8(D;9(D 三、多选题 1(BE;2(BE;3(AC;4(BC;5(CE;6(ABCD;7(BC;8(BIDE;9(BC;10(ACD; I1(ACE;12(ABCDE;13(BC;14(AClDE;15(ABE;16:AE;17(AC;18(ACDE 四、名词解释 1(十二指肠球:十二指肠上部左侧与幽门相接的一段肠壁较薄,粘膜面光滑无环状襞称为十二指肠 球,是溃疡的好发部位。 2(上消化道:指口腔、咽、食管、胃、十二指肠的一段消化管。 3(口腔前庭:口腔以上、下牙弓分为前外侧和后内侧两部分,前外侧部称为口腔前庭。 4(咽蛱:腭帆后缘,左右腭舌弓及舌根共同围成咽峡,是口腔和咽的分界处。 5(咽淋巴环:咽扁桃体,腭扁桃体和舌扁桃体等共同围成咽淋巴环。 6(肝胰壶腹(Vater壶腹):胆总管与胰管汇合共同穿过十二指肠降部的后内侧壁,汇合形成的膨大 处。 7(肛窦:肛瓣与相邻两个肛柱下份之间形成的小隐窝。 8(十二指肠悬肌连于十二指肠空肠曲与腹后壁之间(是空肠起始处的标志。 9(回盲瓣:是回肠末端突入盲肠内形成的两个半个月形的皱襞,有控制回肠内容物过快地流入盲肠。 又可防止大肠内容物逆流入回肠的作用。 10(齿状线:是肛瓣与肛柱下端共同形成锯齿状的环形线。是区别内、外痔的标志。 11、肝门:位于肝的脏面,是肝固有动脉、门静脉和肝管等出入肝的门户。 五、问答题 1、腮腺开口于与上颌第二磨牙相对的颊粘膜上,舌下腺以大管与下颌下腺导管汇合,开口于舌下阜, 以放多开口于舌下襞。下颌下腺的导管开口天舌下阜。 2、阑尾根部位置比较固定,其体表投影位于脐与右髂前上棘连结的中、外1/3交点处称McBurney 点,急性阑尾炎时,此点附近有明显压痛,具有一诊断价值。 3、肝外胆道包括胆囊和输胆管道两部分,输胆管道还包括左、右肝管,肝总管,后者与胆囊管汇合 为胆总管。 4、咽分为鼻咽、口咽和喉咽三部,咽腔分别可与鼻腔、口腔、喉腔和中耳的鼓室相通,并向下延伸 为食管。 5.食管有三处狭窄,第一狭窄在食管的起始都,距切牙15cm,第二狭窄她在食管与左支气管交叉处, ted tlding structure is built on chicken the best environment of rational index and building cost index based on both, mainly relapower ventilation, sufficient artificial lighting is used. Disadvantages are subject to external influence. Design of bui oeasy to manage. Windows that open sheds sheds are used outside of natural resource and energy saving the hen house. General nweek window, using artificial light, mechanical ventilation for energy Coop, microclimate environment is easy to control and -fourend, closed henhouse -end and open-rements in chicken farm 2, chicken coop chicken coop building type of the construction of closed2) left room for technological transformation, ease of reproduction. Construction, and energy savings funds (3) meet GA requiler (e environment, building the second design 1. chicken coop construction General requirements (1) to meet the needs of the broioccurred in area 7. Avoid contaminated areas of the city, take appropriate environmental measures to minimize pollution to th have of the upper hand to the 6. Understand the poultry epidemic situation on the ground, trying to avoid the endemic or outbreaksuncrossed, dung farm is located in the field is downwind, brood care and adult care homes apart, brood care in chicken farms production areas and water sources are on a chicken farm in the wind, net road and dirt road separating-production areas and non-production and nondesigned to exclude as much as possible residential air pollution: the introduction of fresho the hen house ventilation, warmth, cooling, water supply and drainage, lighting and other factors. 3, ventilation air is 19 距切牙25cm。第三狭窄处在食管穿过膈处(距切牙40cm。 6.胃的大部分在左季肋区,小部分在腹上区。胃是一肌性囊,有两壁,两口,两缘,并可分为四部 分。两壁即前壁、后壁;入口是贲门,出口是幽门;上缘叫胃小弯,下缘称胃大弯;分为贲门部、 胃底部、胃体部、幽门部,幽门部又分为幽门窦和幽门管。 7、胰在第l、2腰椎前方,横位于腹后壁。属腹膜外位器官。胰分头、体、尾兰部分。胰液经胰管 ?肝胰壶腹?十二指肠大乳头?十二指肠腔。 8.平时胆汁自肝分泌?左、右肝管?肝总管?胆囊管?胆囊贮存与浓缩。当进食时胆汁经胆囊管? 胆总管?肝胰壶腹?十二指肠大乳头?十二指肠腔。 第三章 呼 吸 系 统 [练习题】 一、填空题 l、呼吸系统由输送气体的 和执行气体交换的 两部分组成( 2、呼吸道包括 、 、 、 和 等。 3、鼻分为 、 和 。 4、鼻中隔由 、 和 等覆以粘膜而成。 5、喉软骨包括单块的 、 。 和成对的 等。 6、喉腔上通 下通 。喉腔的入口称 7、喉腔中部有两对自外侧壁突入腔内呈前后方向的粘膜皱襞,上方一对称 ,下方一对 称 。 8、声门裂可分为两侧声襞之间的 和杓状软骨间的 。 9、喉腔可分为三部分: 、 和 。 10、左肺被斜裂分为 、 两叶,右肺被斜裂和水平裂分为 、 、 三 叶。 11、壁胸膜可分 、 、 和 四部分。 二、单选题 1、开口子上鼻道的鼻旁窦是( ) A、上颌窦 B、额窦 C、筛窦前群 D、筛窦后群 2、上颌窦开口于( ) A、蝶筛隐窝 B、上鼻道 C、中鼻道D、下鼻道 3、急性喉炎时容易水肿的部位是( A、喉口粘膜 B、喉前庭粘膜 C、喉中间腔粘膜 D、声们下腔粘膜 4、成对的喉软骨( ) A、甲状软骨 B、环状软骨 C、会厌软骨 D、杓状软骨 5、喉室位于( ) A、喉口的外侧 B、喉前庭内 C、喉中间腔的两侧 D、前庭襞的上方 6、成人喉的下界平( ) r is designed to exclude as much as possible residential air pollution: the introduction of freshion aiy related to the hen house ventilation, warmth, cooling, water supply and drainage, lighting and other factors. 3, ventilatof building structure is built on chicken the best environment of rational index and building cost index based on both, mainlsign General no power ventilation, sufficient artificial lighting is used. Disadvantages are subject to external influence. De ntrol and easy to manage. Windows that open sheds sheds are used outside of natural resource and energy saving the hen house.week window, using artificial light, mechanical ventilation for energy Coop, microclimate environment is easy to co-end, closed henhouse four-end and open-requirements in chicken farm 2, chicken coop chicken coop building type of the construction of closedGA broiler (2) left room for technological transformation, ease of reproduction. Construction, and energy savings funds (3) meet to the environment, building the second design 1. chicken coop construction General requirements (1) to meet the needs of the lutionbreaks have occurred in area 7. Avoid contaminated areas of the city, take appropriate environmental measures to minimize polfarms of the upper hand to the 6. Understand the poultry epidemic situation on the ground, trying to avoid the endemic or outis located in the field is downwind, brood care and adult care homes apart, brood care in chicken production areas and water sources are on a chicken farm in the wind, net road and dirt road separating uncrossed, dung farm -production areas and non-and nonproduction 20 A、第3颈椎体下缘 B、第4颈椎体下缘 C、第5颈椎体下缘 D、第6颈椎体下缘 7、喉腔最狭窄的部位是( ) A、前庭裂 B、声门裂 C、喉口 D、喉中间腔 8、右主支气管的特点是( ) A、细而长 B、粗而短 C、细而短 D、桓而长 9、中纵隔内有( ) A、心包和心脏 B迷走神经 C、气管 D、食管 10、胸膜腔叙述(何者错误( ) A、腔内呈负压 B、有少量浆液 C、左右胸膜腔不相通 D、胸膜腔也叫胸腔 ll、上颌窦炎穿刺引流常用的部位( ) A、上鼻道 B、中鼻道 C、尖牙窝 D、下鼻道 三、多选题 1、后纵隔内有( ) A、迷走神经 B、食管 C、气管 D、胸导管 E、胸主动脉 2、开口于中鼻道的鼻旁窦有( ) A、额窦 B、蝶窦 c、上颌窦 D、筛窦前、中群 E、筛窦后群 3、肺根内含有( ) A、气管 B、主支气管 C、肺动脉 D、淋巴管 E、肺静脉 4、壁胸膜包括( ) A、胸膜顶 B、肋胸膜 C、肺胸膜 D、膈胸膜 E、纵隔胸膜 5、胸膜腔( ) A、左右胸膜腔内只有二肺 B、左右胸膜腔在肺根相通 C、腔内呈负压 D、腔内有浆液 E、腔内有空气 6、关于纵隔的说法,正确的是( ) A、位于胸膜腔内 B、容纳心和肺 C、以胸骨角平面为界分为上、下纵隔 D、两侧界为纵隔胸膜 E、心位于中纵隔 7、关于肋膈隐窝的说法(正确的是( ) A、位于胸腔内 B、位于肋胸膜和膈胸膜的转折处,呈半环形间隙 c、内呈负压 D、是胸膜腔的一部分,并且是最低点 E、深吸气时肺下缘不能伸入其内 8、喉的位置( ) A、位于颈前部 B、在舌骨下方(上通喉咽,下接气管 C、其前面有食管和颈部大血管 D、后面有食管 E、两侧有甲状腺侧叶和颈部大血管 四、名词解释 l、上呼吸道 2、下呼吸道 3、声韧带 o the hen house ventilation, warmth, cooling, water supply and drainage, lighting and other factors. 3, ventilation air is ted tlding structure is built on chicken the best environment of rational index and building cost index based on both, mainly relapower ventilation, sufficient artificial lighting is used. Disadvantages are subject to external influence. Design of bui oeasy to manage. Windows that open sheds sheds are used outside of natural resource and energy saving the hen house. General nweek window, using artificial light, mechanical ventilation for energy Coop, microclimate environment is easy to control and -fourend, closed henhouse -end and open-rements in chicken farm 2, chicken coop chicken coop building type of the construction of closed2) left room for technological transformation, ease of reproduction. Construction, and energy savings funds (3) meet GA requiler (e environment, building the second design 1. chicken coop construction General requirements (1) to meet the needs of the broioccurred in area 7. Avoid contaminated areas of the city, take appropriate environmental measures to minimize pollution to th have of the upper hand to the 6. Understand the poultry epidemic situation on the ground, trying to avoid the endemic or outbreaksuncrossed, dung farm is located in the field is downwind, brood care and adult care homes apart, brood care in chicken farms production areas and water sources are on a chicken farm in the wind, net road and dirt road separating-production areas and non-production and nondesigned to exclude as much as possible residential air pollution: the introduction of fresh21 4、声襞 5、声带 6、声门裂 7、肺根 8、肋膈隐窝(肋膈窦) 五、问答题 l、鼻旁窦有哪几对?各开口于何处, 2、试述左、右主支气管的解剖特点及其临床意义。 3、试述肺的形态和位置。 4、试述纵隔的定义及其境界。 [参考答案] 一、填空题: 1、呼吸道;肺 2、鼻;咽;喉;气管;支气管 3、外鼻;鼻腔;鼻旁窦 4、犁骨;筛骨垂直板;鼻中隔软骨 5、甲状软骨;环状软骨;会厌软骨;杓状软骨 6、喉咽;气管;喉口 7、前庭襞;声襞 8、膜间部;软骨间部 9、喉前庭;喉中间腔;声门下腔 10、上、下;上、中、下 11、肋胸膜;膈胸膜;纵隔胸膜;胸膜顶 二、单选题: 1(D;2(C;3(D;4(D;5(C;6(D;7(B;8(B;9(A;10(D;11(D 三、多选题: 1(ABCDE;2(ACD;3(BCDE;4(ABDE;5(CD;6(CDE;7(BCDE;8(ABE 四、名词解释: l、鼻、咽、喉、称为上呼吸道。 2、气管、支气管及其在肺内的各级分支称下呼吸道。 3、弹性圆锥的上缘游离,其前后端分别附着于甲状软骨的前角后面与杓状软骨的声带突之间称声韧 带。 4、喉腔内的粘膜覆盖于声韧带上所形成的粘膜皱襞称为声襞。 5、声襞及声襞内的声韧带和声带肌等构成声带。 6、在声襞及杓状软骨底部之间的裂隙称声门裂。 7、进出肺门的主支气管、肺动脉,肺静脉,淋巴管和神经等结构。包以结缔组织将肺连于纵隔称为 肺根。 8、肋胸膜与膈胸膜转折处称肋膈隐窝。为半环形间隙,是胸膜腔最低部位,当胸膜炎时,渗出液首 r is designed to exclude as much as possible residential air pollution: the introduction of freshion aiy related to the hen house ventilation, warmth, cooling, water supply and drainage, lighting and other factors. 3, ventilatof building structure is built on chicken the best environment of rational index and building cost index based on both, mainlsign General no power ventilation, sufficient artificial lighting is used. Disadvantages are subject to external influence. De ntrol and easy to manage. Windows that open sheds sheds are used outside of natural resource and energy saving the hen house.week window, using artificial light, mechanical ventilation for energy Coop, microclimate environment is easy to co-end, closed henhouse four-end and open-requirements in chicken farm 2, chicken coop chicken coop building type of the construction of closedGA broiler (2) left room for technological transformation, ease of reproduction. Construction, and energy savings funds (3) meet to the environment, building the second design 1. chicken coop construction General requirements (1) to meet the needs of the lutionbreaks have occurred in area 7. Avoid contaminated areas of the city, take appropriate environmental measures to minimize polfarms of the upper hand to the 6. Understand the poultry epidemic situation on the ground, trying to avoid the endemic or outis located in the field is downwind, brood care and adult care homes apart, brood care in chicken production areas and water sources are on a chicken farm in the wind, net road and dirt road separating uncrossed, dung farm -production areas and non-and nonproduction 22 先聚积于此,同时也是易发生粘连的部位。 五、问答题 1、鼻旁窦包括上颁窦、额窦、筛窦和蝶窦四对。上颁窦、额窦和筛窦的前群、中群分别开口于中鼻 道(筛窦后群开口子上鼻道,蝶窦开口于蝶筛隐窝。 2、左主支气管细而长,与气管中线延长线形成35—36角。走行较倾斜。右主支气管粗而短,与气 管中线延长线以22—25角,走行较陡直(气管隆嵴偏左侧,临床上气管内异物多堕入右主支气管, 故气管内取异物时必需先找右主支气管。 3、肺位于胸腔内、左右两肺分居纵隔的两侧。形似半个圆锥形,有一尖、一底、两面和二三缘、肺 尖经胸廓上口,向上突至颈根部,高出锁骨内侧1/3上方2—3cm,肺底位于膈上面,又称膈面。与 肋骨及肋间肌相邻的面称肋面。内侧面凹陷部称肺门,有主支气管,肺动脉、肺静脉(淋巴管和神 经等进出肺。三个缘即前缘,后缘和下缘。左肺前缘下部有一左肺心切迹(切迹下方有肺小舌。左 肺被斜裂分为上、下2叶。右肺被斜裂和水平裂分为上、中、下3叶: 4、纵隔是两侧纵隔胸膜之间的全都器官、结构和结缔组织的总称。纵隔的境界:前为胸骨、后为脊 柱胸段(两侧界为纵隔胸膜,上界为胸廓上口。下界为膈。 第四章(泌尿系统、生殖系统、腹膜 一、填空题: 1(泌尿系统由 、 、 和 组成。 2(肾实质分为 和 两部分。肾实质产生的尿液,经 孔流出(经 、 、 汇入输尿管。 3(肾的被膜由外向内依次是 , 和 。 4(输尿管按其行经可分为 、 和 。 5(膀胱的外形可分 、 、 和 四部分。 6(男性尿道可分为 、 和 三部分,临床上男性后尿道指的是 和 。 7(膀胱三角位于 内面,下角为 。两个侧角是 。该区域是 的好发 部位。 8(在女性,膀胱后方与 和 相邻;在男性。膀胱后方与 、 和 相邻。 9(男性尿道的三个扩大部是 , 和 。两个弯曲是 和 。 10(男性生殖腺是 ,它产生的精子经 、 , 和 排出体外。而 附属腺 、 和 所分泌的液体与精子合成精液。 11(输精管全程可分为 , 、 和 四部。 12(前列腺的上端称 ,与 相接。有 和 穿入。下端称 ,与 相邻。前列腺后面与 相邻其正中有一纵行浅沟称 ,前列腺肥大时此沟变浅 或消失。 13(尿道海绵体位于两 的腹侧,其前端膨大为 后端膨大为 。全长有 穿过。 14(女性的生殖腺是 。输送管道包括 、 和 。 rements in chicken farm 2, chicken coop chicken coop building type of the construction of closed2) left room for technological transformation, ease of reproduction. Construction, and energy savings funds (3) meet GA requiler (e environment, building the second design 1. chicken coop construction General requirements (1) to meet the needs of the broioccurred in area 7. Avoid contaminated areas of the city, take appropriate environmental measures to minimize pollution to th have of the upper hand to the 6. Understand the poultry epidemic situation on the ground, trying to avoid the endemic or outbreaksuncrossed, dung farm is located in the field is downwind, brood care and adult care homes apart, brood care in chicken farms production areas and water sources are on a chicken farm in the wind, net road and dirt road separating-production areas and non-production and nondesigned to exclude as much as possible residential air pollution: the introduction of fresho the hen house ventilation, warmth, cooling, water supply and drainage, lighting and other factors. 3, ventilation air is ted tlding structure is built on chicken the best environment of rational index and building cost index based on both, mainly relapower ventilation, sufficient artificial lighting is used. Disadvantages are subject to external influence. Design of bui oeasy to manage. Windows that open sheds sheds are used outside of natural resource and energy saving the hen house. General nweek window, using artificial light, mechanical ventilation for energy Coop, microclimate environment is easy to control and -fourend, closed henhouse -end and open-23 15(输卵管由外侧向内侧可分为 、 、 和 四部。卵细胞通常在 部 受精。 16(子宫分 、 和 三部分(子宫蛱是 和 连接的狭细部。子宫 内腔可分为 和 。 17(子宫位于盆腔内介于 和 之间,下端突入 。维持子宫正常位置的韧带 有 、 、 和 。 18(节育手术中,男性常在输精管 部结轧。女性则常在输卵管 部。 19、狭义会阴是指 和 之间的小区。妇女分娩时易于撕裂。 20(腹膜腔是由 和 相互移行所围成的一个浆膜间隙。男性完全密闭,在女性则借 口经 、 、 与外界相通。 21(肝十二指肠韧带是 的一部分(其内含有 、 和 等。其后方是 孔。 22(大网膜由 层腹膜构成,连于 和 之间。 23(网膜囊的左壁是 。 和 。右侧经 与大腹膜腔相通。 24(具有系膜的肠管包括 、 、 、 和 。 二、单选题 1(不属于肾蒂的结构是( ) A(肾动脉 B(肾静脉 C(肾盂 D(输尿管 E(神经、淋巴管 2(输卵管腹腔口开口于( ) A(输卵管壶腹 B(腹膜腔 C(腹腔 D(盆腔 E(子宫腔 3(维持子宫前倾的主要结构是( ) A(子宫圆韧带 B(子宫阔韧带 C(子宫主韧带 D(骶子宫韧带 E(盆膈 4、男性生殖腺是( ) A(睾丸 B(前列腺 C(精囊腺 D(尿道球腺 E(以上都是 5(前列腺( ) A(位于膀胱底后面 B(能产生精子 C(直肠指检不能触及 D(位于膀胱颈和尿生殖膈之间 E(可分为前、中、后三叶 6(属于腹膜问位的器官有( ) A(肝和胆 B(胰和脾 C(胃和十二指肠 D(盲肠和阑尾 E(肾和输尿管 7(关于输卵管的说法,何者为错?( ) A(一端连通子宫 B(一端连通卵巢 C(绝育手术多在峡部结轧 D(宫外孕多发生在壶腹部 E(位于阔韧带上缘 8(肾的位置( ) A(左肾上端平第12胸椎下缘 B(左肾下端平第2腰椎下缘 C(右肾卞端平第3腰椎下缘 D(右肾上端平第1l胸椎上缘 E(以上均错 9(输卵管( ) A(壶腹部最窄 B(输卵管结扎部位通常在壶腹部 C(峡部最短 r is designed to exclude as much as possible residential air pollution: the introduction of freshion aiy related to the hen house ventilation, warmth, cooling, water supply and drainage, lighting and other factors. 3, ventilatof building structure is built on chicken the best environment of rational index and building cost index based on both, mainlsign General no power ventilation, sufficient artificial lighting is used. Disadvantages are subject to external influence. De ntrol and easy to manage. Windows that open sheds sheds are used outside of natural resource and energy saving the hen house.week window, using artificial light, mechanical ventilation for energy Coop, microclimate environment is easy to co-end, closed henhouse four-end and open-requirements in chicken farm 2, chicken coop chicken coop building type of the construction of closedGA broiler (2) left room for technological transformation, ease of reproduction. Construction, and energy savings funds (3) meet to the environment, building the second design 1. chicken coop construction General requirements (1) to meet the needs of the lutionbreaks have occurred in area 7. Avoid contaminated areas of the city, take appropriate environmental measures to minimize polfarms of the upper hand to the 6. Understand the poultry epidemic situation on the ground, trying to avoid the endemic or outis located in the field is downwind, brood care and adult care homes apart, brood care in chicken production areas and water sources are on a chicken farm in the wind, net road and dirt road separating uncrossed, dung farm -production areas and non-and nonproduction 24 D(卵细胞受精部位在漏斗部 E(以上均正确 10(属予腹膜内位器官的是( ) A(肝 B(胰 C(肾 D(子宫 E(脾 11(肝十二指肠韧带( ) A(是小网膜的一部分 B(右缘为游离缘 C(右缘的后方为网膜孔 D(韧带内含有胆总管等结构 E(以上均正确 12(膀胱的最下部称( ) A(膀胱尖 B(膀胱底 C(膀胱颈 D(膀胱体 E(膀胱三角 13(输精管结扎术的常用部位是哪一段( ) A(皋丸部 B(精索部 C(腹股沟管部 D盆部 E(任何一部 14(下列属腹膜外位的器官是( ) A(十二指肠 B(肝 C(肾 D(升结肠 E(直肠 15(与腹膜腔相通的管道是( ) A(输尿管 B(输精管 C(输卵管 D(食管 E(气管 16(子宫( ) A(常呈前倾前屈位 B(宫颈下段伸入阴道内 C(位于直肠和膀胱之间 D(维持子宫位置主要靠韧带和盆膈 E(以上均正确 17(肾筋膜( ) A(分前后两层 B(为腹膜一部分 C(紧贴肾实质 D(半包被肾上腺 E(以上都错 18(肾蒂主要结构壶前向后依次是( ) A(肾动脉、肾静脉、肾盂 B(肾盂、肾静脉、肾动脉 C(肾静脉、肾盂、肾动脉 D(肾静脉、肾动脉、肾盂 E(肾动静、肾盏、肾静脉 19(输精管( ) A(起于睾丸下端 B(起于附皋尾 c(开口于前列腺 D(开口于精囊腺 E(以上都错 20(前列腺位于( ) A(膀胱与尿生殖膈之间 B(膀胱与盆膈之间 C(膀胱与直肠之间 D(膀胱与耻骨联合之间 E(以上都错 21(卵巢( ) A(位于盆侧壁髂内、外动脉所夹成的卵巢窝内 B(卵巢悬韧带将卵巢固定于子宫角 C(卵巢固有韧带含有卵巢的血管和神经 D(属于腹膜间位 E(以上都错 22(有关阴道的论述,下列哪项是错的( ) A、(阴道是肌性管道 13(其长轴与子宫长轴形成向前开放的钝角 C(后穹比前穹深 D(子宫颈全部突入阴道的上部 E(阴道口开口于尿道口的后疗 23(有关肾的下述说法。错误的是( ) A(两肾均为腹膜外位器官 B(左肾因左肺底较低(而低于右肾 C(有三层被膜 D(肾门平第一腰椎 E(肾门向内凹陷的腔称肾窦 24(肾蒂内主要结构的排列关系,(由上向下依法为( ) A(肾动脉、肾静脉、肾盂( B(肾静脉、肾动脉、肾盂 C(肾动脉、肾盂、肾静脉 designed to exclude as much as possible residential air pollution: the introduction of fresho the hen house ventilation, warmth, cooling, water supply and drainage, lighting and other factors. 3, ventilation air is ted tlding structure is built on chicken the best environment of rational index and building cost index based on both, mainly relapower ventilation, sufficient artificial lighting is used. Disadvantages are subject to external influence. Design of bui oeasy to manage. Windows that open sheds sheds are used outside of natural resource and energy saving the hen house. General nweek window, using artificial light, mechanical ventilation for energy Coop, microclimate environment is easy to control and -fourend, closed henhouse -end and open-rements in chicken farm 2, chicken coop chicken coop building type of the construction of closed2) left room for technological transformation, ease of reproduction. Construction, and energy savings funds (3) meet GA requiler (e environment, building the second design 1. chicken coop construction General requirements (1) to meet the needs of the broioccurred in area 7. Avoid contaminated areas of the city, take appropriate environmental measures to minimize pollution to th have of the upper hand to the 6. Understand the poultry epidemic situation on the ground, trying to avoid the endemic or outbreaksuncrossed, dung farm is located in the field is downwind, brood care and adult care homes apart, brood care in chicken farms production areas and water sources are on a chicken farm in the wind, net road and dirt road separating-production areas and non-production and non25 D(肾静脉、肾盂、肾动静 E(以上都错 25(肾的固定装置不健全。肾可向何方游走( ) A(向内侧 B(向外侧 C(向上 D(向下 E(以上全错 26、女性内生殖器官不包括( ) A(卵巢 B(输卵管 C(子宫 D(阴道 E(前庭大腺 27、何者不是男性膀胱后面的结构( ) A(精囊腺 B、输精管壶腹 C(直畅 D(前列腺 E(以上全不是 28、关于输精管。说法错误的是( ) A(构威精索的主要成分 B(经输尿管末端前上方至膀胱底之后面 C(末端至精囊腺内侧膨大为壶腹 D(与精囊腺排泄管汇合成射精管 E、以上全错 29(维持子宫正常位置,防止子宫向下脱垂的主要韧带是( ) A(子宫阔韧带 B(子宫主韧带 C(骶子宫韧带 D(子宫圆韧带 E(以上全是 30、乳房( ) A(由皮肤、纤维组织、乳腺和脂肪组织构成 B(乳头一般平对第四肋间隙或第五 C(输乳管以乳头为中心呈放射状排列 D(乳房悬韧带有支持乳腺的作用 E、上述全对 三、多选题 1、穿入前列腺底的是( ) A、输尿管 B(输精管 C(尿道 D(射精管 E(以上全对 2(前列腺肥大常发生在( ) A、前叶 B(中叶 C(后叶 D(右侧叶 E(左侧叶 3(维持子宫前倾前屈位的韧带是( ) A、子宫阔韧带 B(子宫圆韧带 C(骶子宫韧带 D(子宫主韧带 E(卵巢悬韧 带 4(属于腹膜内位的器官有( ) A(胃和空回肠 B(盲肠和阑尾 C(肝和胆囊 D(升、降结肠 E(输卵管和卵巢 5(主要由腹膜形成的韧带是( ) A(肝圆韧带 B(肝胃韧带 C(卵巢悬韧带 D(卵巢固有韧带 E(冠状韧带 6(关于子宫阔韧带的说法(错误的是( ) A(为子宫两则至盆腔侧壁的双层腹膜皱襞(B(前叶覆盖子宫圆韧带 C、后叶包被卵巢 D(可限制子宫向前、后移动 E(各部只构成子宫卵巢的系膜 四、名词解释 1(肾门 2(肾窦 3(肾区 4(膀胱三角 5(精索 6(乳房悬韧带 7(直肠子宫陷凹 r is designed to exclude as much as possible residential air pollution: the introduction of freshion aiy related to the hen house ventilation, warmth, cooling, water supply and drainage, lighting and other factors. 3, ventilatof building structure is built on chicken the best environment of rational index and building cost index based on both, mainlsign General no power ventilation, sufficient artificial lighting is used. Disadvantages are subject to external influence. De ntrol and easy to manage. Windows that open sheds sheds are used outside of natural resource and energy saving the hen house.week window, using artificial light, mechanical ventilation for energy Coop, microclimate environment is easy to co-end, closed henhouse four-end and open-requirements in chicken farm 2, chicken coop chicken coop building type of the construction of closedGA broiler (2) left room for technological transformation, ease of reproduction. Construction, and energy savings funds (3) meet to the environment, building the second design 1. chicken coop construction General requirements (1) to meet the needs of the lutionbreaks have occurred in area 7. Avoid contaminated areas of the city, take appropriate environmental measures to minimize polfarms of the upper hand to the 6. Understand the poultry epidemic situation on the ground, trying to avoid the endemic or outis located in the field is downwind, brood care and adult care homes apart, brood care in chicken production areas and water sources are on a chicken farm in the wind, net road and dirt road separating uncrossed, dung farm -production areas and non-and nonproduction 26 五、问答题 1(男性肾盂结石排出体外,先后需经过哪些狭窄处? 2(精子排出体外依次需经过哪些结构? 3(女性内生殖器包括哪些?它们和腹膜的关系如何, 4(试述网膜孔的围成。 [参考答案] 一、填空题 1(肾,输尿管(膀胱(尿道 2(皮质。髓质(乳头,肾小盏(肾大盏(肾盂 3(肾筋膜,脂肪囊。纤维囊 4(腹部(盆部(壁内部 5(膀胱尖,膀胱底。膀胱体。膀胱颈 6(前列腺部,膜部,海绵体部,膜部。前列腺部 7(膀胱底(尿道内口(输尿管口。肿瘤和结核 8(子宫(阴道,精囊腺,输精管壶腹。直肠 9(前列腺部(尿道球部(尿道舟状窝。耻骨下弯,耻骨前弯 lO(睾丸,附睾、输精管,射精管,尿道(精囊腺(前列腺(尿道球腺 11(睾丸部,精索部,腹股沟部(盆部 12(前列腺底(膀胱颈(尿道(射精管(前列腺尖(尿生殖膈,直肠,前列腺沟 13(明茎海绵体(阴茎头(尿道球(尿道 14(卵巢,输卵管。子宫,阴道 15(漏斗部,壶腹部。峡部,子宫部,壶腹部 16(子宫底(子宫体。子宫颈,子宫颈(子宫体。子宫腔,子宫颈管 17(膀胱(直肠(阴道(子宫阀韧带(子宫圆韧带(子宫主韧带,骶子宫韧带 18(精索。峡 19(外生殖器,肛门( 20(腹膜壁层(腹膜脏层,输卵管腹腔,输卵管,子宫(阴道 21(小网膜(胆总管。肝固有动脉(门静脉,网膜 22(四,胃大弯(横结肠 23(胃脾韧带(脾(脾肾韧带。网膜孔 24(空肠,回肠(阑尾(横结肠,乙状结肠( 二、单选题 1.D 2.B 3.A 4.A 5.D 6.A 7.B 8.B 9.C 10.E 11.B 12.C 13.B 14.C 15.C 16.E 17.A 18.D 19.B 20.A 21.A 22.D 23.B 24.A 25.D 26.E 27.D 28.B 29.B 30.E 三、多选题 1(CD 2(BDE 3(BC 4(ABE 5(BCE 6(DE 四、名词解释 1(肾的内侧缘中部凹陷(称为肾门。它是肾的动脉、静脉、肾盂、淋巴管椰神经出入的部位。 end and open-rements in chicken farm 2, chicken coop chicken coop building type of the construction of closed2) left room for technological transformation, ease of reproduction. Construction, and energy savings funds (3) meet GA requiler (e environment, building the second design 1. chicken coop construction General requirements (1) to meet the needs of the broioccurred in area 7. Avoid contaminated areas of the city, take appropriate environmental measures to minimize pollution to th have of the upper hand to the 6. Understand the poultry epidemic situation on the ground, trying to avoid the endemic or outbreaksuncrossed, dung farm is located in the field is downwind, brood care and adult care homes apart, brood care in chicken farms production areas and water sources are on a chicken farm in the wind, net road and dirt road separating-production areas and non-production and nondesigned to exclude as much as possible residential air pollution: the introduction of fresho the hen house ventilation, warmth, cooling, water supply and drainage, lighting and other factors. 3, ventilation air is ted tlding structure is built on chicken the best environment of rational index and building cost index based on both, mainly relapower ventilation, sufficient artificial lighting is used. Disadvantages are subject to external influence. Design of bui oeasy to manage. Windows that open sheds sheds are used outside of natural resource and energy saving the hen house. General nweek window, using artificial light, mechanical ventilation for energy Coop, microclimate environment is easy to control and -fourend, closed henhouse -27 2(肾门向肾内续于一个较大的腔,叫肾窦(它由肾实质围成,窦内含有肾动脉、静脉的主要分支、 肾小盏、、肾大盏、肾盂和脂肪组织等: 3(又称脊肋角,是竖肌外测缘与第12肋下缘之问的区域。肾病变时,此处常有压痛或叩击痛 4(在膀胱底内面,左右输尿管门和尿道内口之间的(三角形区域(称为膀胱三角二无论膀胱空奄魏(它 的表面都是光滑的。该区域是膀胱8叶,瘤和结核的好发部位。 5(是一对由腹股沟管深环延至睾丸上端的柔软圆索状结构。它是由三层被膜包被输精管以及睾丸脉、 蔓状静脉丛、输精管动静脒、淋巴管、神经丛和鞘韧带等组成 6(乳房皮肤与乳腺深面胸筋膜之间,连有的许多结缔组织小束,称为乳房悬韧带。它对乳房有支持 作用。乳腺癌时它可能受侵犯而缩短,牵拉乳房皮肤产生凹陷。 7(直肠与子宫之间的腹膜腔凹陷,称为直肠子宫陷凹。它在直立或平卧时均为腹膜腔的最低点(故 腹膜腔内的积液常积存于此二它和阴道后穹仅隔一薄层阴道后壁。故常经阴道后穹进行穿刺抽液检 查。 五、问答题 1(答:需经过输尿管和男性尿道的狭窄处,即:肾盂输尿管移行处。输尿管跨髂血管处,输尿管壁 内段,尿道内口(尿道膜都。尿道外口。 2(答:依次需经过:附睾、输精管及其壶腹、射精管、尿道前列腺部、膜部、海绵体部尿道外口。 3(答:包括卵巢、输卵管、子宫和阴道。其中卵巢和输卵管属腹膜内痊,子宫为唆膜间位(阴道为 腹膜外位。 4(答:网膜孔的上界为肝尾状叶,下界为十二指肠上部;前界为肝十二指肠韧带;后界为腹膜覆盖 的下腔静脉。 r is designed to exclude as much as possible residential air pollution: the introduction of freshion aiy related to the hen house ventilation, warmth, cooling, water supply and drainage, lighting and other factors. 3, ventilatof building structure is built on chicken the best environment of rational index and building cost index based on both, mainlsign General no power ventilation, sufficient artificial lighting is used. Disadvantages are subject to external influence. De ntrol and easy to manage. Windows that open sheds sheds are used outside of natural resource and energy saving the hen house.week window, using artificial light, mechanical ventilation for energy Coop, microclimate environment is easy to co-end, closed henhouse four-end and open-requirements in chicken farm 2, chicken coop chicken coop building type of the construction of closedGA broiler (2) left room for technological transformation, ease of reproduction. Construction, and energy savings funds (3) meet to the environment, building the second design 1. chicken coop construction General requirements (1) to meet the needs of the lutionbreaks have occurred in area 7. Avoid contaminated areas of the city, take appropriate environmental measures to minimize polfarms of the upper hand to the 6. Understand the poultry epidemic situation on the ground, trying to avoid the endemic or outis located in the field is downwind, brood care and adult care homes apart, brood care in chicken production areas and water sources are on a chicken farm in the wind, net road and dirt road separating uncrossed, dung farm -production areas and non-and nonproduction 28 第三篇 内分泌系统 [练习题] 一、填空题 1、内分泌器官包括 、 、 、 、 和 。 2(垂体位于蝶骨体上方的 内,借 与下丘脑相连。根据结构特点分为 和 两部分。 3(甲状腺由左、右两个 和中间的 组成。甲状腺峡位于 之前方。 4(肾上腺位于 上端。左肾上腺呈 形,右肾上腺呈 形。 二、单选题 1(不属于内分泌腺的是( ) A、甲状腺 B、肾上腺 C、垂体 D、腮腺 E、胸腺 2(对垂体的说法哪项是错误的( ) A、属于内分泌器官 B、垂体是成对器官 C、位于蝶骨的垂体窝内 D、借漏斗连予下丘脑 E分腺垂体和神经垂体两部分 3(肾上腺( ) A、是成对器官 B、位于肾的后方 c、左肾上腺呈三角形 D、右肾上腺呈半月形 E、以上全错 三、多选题 1(甲状腺( ) A、分左、右两则叶和峡部 B、铡叶贴于喉和气管的两则 C、峡部位于第4—6气管软骨环的前方 D、吞咽时可随喉上、下移动E、有时峡都伸出一个锥状叶 2(属于内分泌腺的是( ) A、垂体 B甲状腔 C、甲状旁腺 D、肾上腺 E、胸腺 [参考答案] 一、填空题 1(甲状腺,甲状旁腺(胸腺。肾上腺,垂体,松果体 2(垂体窝(漏斗(腺垂体和神经垂体 3(侧叶(甲状腺,峡,第2-4气管软骨环 4.肾,半月,三角 二、单选题 1.D 2.B 3.A 三、多选题 1.ABDE 2.ABDEC 、 oeasy to manage. Windows that open sheds sheds are used outside of natural resource and energy saving the hen house. General nweek window, using artificial light, mechanical ventilation for energy Coop, microclimate environment is easy to control and -fourend, closed henhouse -end and open-rements in chicken farm 2, chicken coop chicken coop building type of the construction of closed2) left room for technological transformation, ease of reproduction. Construction, and energy savings funds (3) meet GA requiler (e environment, building the second design 1. chicken coop construction General requirements (1) to meet the needs of the broioccurred in area 7. Avoid contaminated areas of the city, take appropriate environmental measures to minimize pollution to th have of the upper hand to the 6. Understand the poultry epidemic situation on the ground, trying to avoid the endemic or outbreaksuncrossed, dung farm is located in the field is downwind, brood care and adult care homes apart, brood care in chicken farms production areas and water sources are on a chicken farm in the wind, net road and dirt road separating-production areas and non-production and nondesigned to exclude as much as possible residential air pollution: the introduction of fresho the hen house ventilation, warmth, cooling, water supply and drainage, lighting and other factors. 3, ventilation air is ted tlding structure is built on chicken the best environment of rational index and building cost index based on both, mainly relapower ventilation, sufficient artificial lighting is used. Disadvantages are subject to external influence. Design of bui 29 第四篇 脉 管 学 第一章 心血管系统 心、动脉部分 [练习题] 一、填空题 l、脉管系由 和 两部分组成。 2(心血管系统是由 、 、 和 所组成。 3(根据血液循环途径,将血循环分为 和 。 4(心位于胸腔的 内,心的后方有 、 和 。 5(心房和心室表面分界的标志是 ,左、右心室表面的分界标志是 和 。 6(分隔左、右心房的中隔称 。分隔左、右心室的中隔称 ,其下部大部分为肌质构 成称为 ,上部缺乏肌层的薄弱区域称 。后者右侧面常被(三尖瓣隔侧尖附着缘分为 上、下二部。上部分隔 和 ,下部分隔 和 。 、 和 ,其出口为 。 7(右心房的3个入口为 8(右心室的入口是 ,其出口是 ,两口之间的室壁上有一弓形的肌隆起称 , 它将室腔分为 和 两部分。 9(右心室壁厚约 。壁内有纵横交错的肌隆起称 。其中从室间隔至前乳头肌根部有 一圆肌束。称 。 l0(左心室壁厚约 。主动脉口上附有 瓣。当心室舒张时,阻止血液从 流 回 。 11(心壁可分为三层从内向外为 、 和 。 12(心传导系统包括 、 、 和 。 13(窦房结位于 与 交界处 的深面;房室结位于 与 之间的 面。 14(房室束起于 ,下行穿过 至室问隔 上缘分为 。 15。营养心的动脉为 和 ,它们都起源于 动脉。 16(右冠状动脉分布于 、 、 及 部分(还发出分支到 和 。 17(旋支起源于 动脉(它沿 向左后行至膈面(沿途分支分布于 及 。 18(前室间支沿途分布于 、 及 的区域。 19(冠状窦的主要属支包括 、 和 。 20(心包是包裹 及 的纤维浆膜囊(它可分为 和 。 21(浆膜心包可分脏、壁两层。壁层紧贴 的内面,脏层覆于 的表面,又称 。脏 壁二层之间的腔隙,称 。 22(肺动脉干起自 (向左后上斜行至 下方。分为 和 。 23(主动脉根据行程可分为 、 和 三段。 r is designed to exclude as much as possible residential air pollution: the introduction of freshion aiy related to the hen house ventilation, warmth, cooling, water supply and drainage, lighting and other factors. 3, ventilatof building structure is built on chicken the best environment of rational index and building cost index based on both, mainlsign General no power ventilation, sufficient artificial lighting is used. Disadvantages are subject to external influence. De ntrol and easy to manage. Windows that open sheds sheds are used outside of natural resource and energy saving the hen house.week window, using artificial light, mechanical ventilation for energy Coop, microclimate environment is easy to co-end, closed henhouse four-end and open-requirements in chicken farm 2, chicken coop chicken coop building type of the construction of closedGA broiler (2) left room for technological transformation, ease of reproduction. Construction, and energy savings funds (3) meet to the environment, building the second design 1. chicken coop construction General requirements (1) to meet the needs of the lutionbreaks have occurred in area 7. Avoid contaminated areas of the city, take appropriate environmental measures to minimize polfarms of the upper hand to the 6. Understand the poultry epidemic situation on the ground, trying to avoid the endemic or outis located in the field is downwind, brood care and adult care homes apart, brood care in chicken production areas and water sources are on a chicken farm in the wind, net road and dirt road separating uncrossed, dung farm -production areas and non-and nonproduction 30 24(主动脉弓凸侧的分支自右向左依次发出 、 和 。 25(颈外动脉的主要分支是 、 、 、 和 。等。 26(当头前外侧部出血时,可在 前方将 动脉压向颧弓根部而止血。此处亦是常用作 的部位。 27(锁骨下动脉,左侧者起于 右侧者起于 。它沿肺尖内侧斜越 前面,弓形向外 穿过 (至第l肋外侧缘,移行为 动脉: 28(椎动脉起自 (向上穿过 经 入颅腔。 29(胸廓内动脉可分为 和 两终末支。 30(甲状腺下动脉起自 ,经 深面至甲状腺侧叶下部的后方。 31(腋动脉的主要分支有 、 、 和 。 32(肩胛下动脉可分为 和 动脉。 33(肱动脉自 下缘处续于腋动脉与 神经相伴行,沿 内侧缘下行至肘窝。在肘窝 平 处分为 和 。 34(在肘窝稍上方,肱二头肌腔腱的内侧(可触到 动脉搏动,该处常为临床测量 的听 诊部位。 35(胸主动脉的主要脏支有 、 和 。 36(腹主动脉自膈的 处续于 ,沿一前左侧下行(至第 椎体下缘前方分为 和 。 37(腹主动脉不成对脏支自上而下依次发出 、 和 。 38(腹脏干由 发出(立即分出 、 和 三大支。 39(胃十二指肠动脉分支有 和 。 40(胆囊动脉多发自 ;胃短动脉发自 ;阑尾动脉发自 。 41(升、降结肠分别由 动脉和 动脉分支分布,而横结肠和乙状结肠分别由 和 动 脉分支分布。 42(腹主动脉成对的脏支包括 、 和 。 43(闭孔动脉沿 向前下行(经 至股内侧部。分布于 和 。 44(子宫动脉从 发出后。走行予 内。距子宫颈外侧约 cm处。越过 前上 方。分支分布于 、 、 和 。 45(阴部内动脉从 出盆腔。再绕 。经 至 ,分支分支分布于 和 。 46(臀下动脉发自 腹壁下动脉发自 。 47(在股三角内,股动脉位于 外侧, 的内侧,位置表浅。在 中点稍下方可触到 搏动。 48(股深动脉分支有 、 和三条 。 49(腓动脉由 动脉起始处分出,斜向外下,分布于 和 。 50(胫后动脉经 后方转至足底。分为 和 动脉。 二、单选题 1、毛细血管分布于( ) A、软骨 B、角膜 C、牙髓 D、牙釉质 E、毛发和指甲 end, closed henhouse -end and open-rements in chicken farm 2, chicken coop chicken coop building type of the construction of closed2) left room for technological transformation, ease of reproduction. Construction, and energy savings funds (3) meet GA requiler (e environment, building the second design 1. chicken coop construction General requirements (1) to meet the needs of the broioccurred in area 7. Avoid contaminated areas of the city, take appropriate environmental measures to minimize pollution to th have of the upper hand to the 6. Understand the poultry epidemic situation on the ground, trying to avoid the endemic or outbreaksuncrossed, dung farm is located in the field is downwind, brood care and adult care homes apart, brood care in chicken farms production areas and water sources are on a chicken farm in the wind, net road and dirt road separating-production areas and non-production and nondesigned to exclude as much as possible residential air pollution: the introduction of fresho the hen house ventilation, warmth, cooling, water supply and drainage, lighting and other factors. 3, ventilation air is ted tlding structure is built on chicken the best environment of rational index and building cost index based on both, mainly relapower ventilation, sufficient artificial lighting is used. Disadvantages are subject to external influence. Design of bui oeasy to manage. Windows that open sheds sheds are used outside of natural resource and energy saving the hen house. General nweek window, using artificial light, mechanical ventilation for energy Coop, microclimate environment is easy to control and -four31 2(心室舒张时(防止血液逆流的装置( ) A、二尖瓣 B、三尖瓣 C、主动脉瓣和二尖瓣 D、肺动脉瓣和三尖瓣 E、主动脉瓣和肺动脉瓣 3(卵圆窝位于( ) A、左心房的房间隔下部 B、右心室的室间隔上部 C、左心室的室间隔上部 D、右心房的房问隔下部 E、右心房前壁 4(左心室流入道和流出道的分界是( ) A、二尖瓣前瓣 B、二尖瓣后瓣 C、前乳头肌 D、后乳头肌 E、二尖瓣后瓣、腱索和乳头肌 5(心( ) A、心尖平对第5肋问隙 B、心底与膈相贴 C、房间隔分为肌性部和膜部 D、右冠状动脉前室问支行于前室问沟内 E、右心房、右心室位于左心房、左心室的右前方 6(心尖( ) A、朝向前下方 B、平对第5肋间隙 C、由左心室构成 D、由左、右心室构成 E、稍左侧的凹陷称心尖切迹 7(心底朝向( ) A、右前方 B、上方 C、左后上方 D、下(疗 E、右后下方 8(参与心底构成的有( ) A、左心房和左心室 B、右心房和右心室 C、左心房和右心房 D、左心室和右心室 E、左、右心房和左、右心室的一部分 9(构成心左缘的是( ) A、主动脉弓(肺动脉和左心室 B、左心室 C、肺动脉和左心房 D、左心耳和左心室 E、升主动脉(肺动脉(左心房和左心室 10(右心室流入道和流出道的分界至( ) A、隔缘肉拄 B、室上嵴 C、三尖瓣隔瓣 D、前乳头肌 E、三尖瓣前瓣 11(冠状窦注入( ) 人、左心房 B、右心房 C、右心室 D、左心室 E、上腔静脉 12(纤维性心包( ) 人、分壁层和脏层 B、下方与膈胸膜相贴 C、与出入心的大血管外膜相续 D、与心外膜之间的窄隙称心包腔 E、后壁与左心房、肺静脉、下腔静脉之间为心包斜窦 13(心包横窦位于( ) A、心包腔前下部 B、升主动脉和肺动脉干后方 C、下腔静脉和心包后壁之间 D、上腔静脉和右肺血管之间 E、无上述情况 14(肺动脉千( ) A、位于主动脉起始部后方 B、位于右心室和腔静脉之间 C、运送动脉血 D、起始处有三个半月瓣 E、有动脉韧带连于胸主动脉起始处 15(肱动脉全长( ) r is designed to exclude as much as possible residential air pollution: the introduction of freshion aiy related to the hen house ventilation, warmth, cooling, water supply and drainage, lighting and other factors. 3, ventilatof building structure is built on chicken the best environment of rational index and building cost index based on both, mainlsign General no power ventilation, sufficient artificial lighting is used. Disadvantages are subject to external influence. De ntrol and easy to manage. Windows that open sheds sheds are used outside of natural resource and energy saving the hen house.week window, using artificial light, mechanical ventilation for energy Coop, microclimate environment is easy to co-end, closed henhouse four-end and open-requirements in chicken farm 2, chicken coop chicken coop building type of the construction of closedGA broiler (2) left room for technological transformation, ease of reproduction. Construction, and energy savings funds (3) meet to the environment, building the second design 1. chicken coop construction General requirements (1) to meet the needs of the lutionbreaks have occurred in area 7. Avoid contaminated areas of the city, take appropriate environmental measures to minimize polfarms of the upper hand to the 6. Understand the poultry epidemic situation on the ground, trying to avoid the endemic or outis located in the field is downwind, brood care and adult care homes apart, brood care in chicken production areas and water sources are on a chicken farm in the wind, net road and dirt road separating uncrossed, dung farm -production areas and non-and nonproduction 32 A、行经桡神经沟 B、沿肱二头肌外侧沟下行 C、与肌皮神经伴行 D、与正中神经伴行 E、与展神经伴行 16(桡动脉( ) A、是掌浅弓的主要组成动脉 B、与桡神经伴行 C、远侧段行于舷桡肌腱与桡侧腕屈肌腱之间 D、绕桡骨茎突(经拇指三个肌腱浅面至手背 E、发出骨问前动脉 17(掌深弓( ) A、由桡动脉掌深支和尺动脉末端组成 B、由桡动脉掌深支和尺动脉掌深支组成 C、由尺动脉掌深支和桡动脉末端组成 D、由桡、尺动脉末端组成 E、位于指浅屈肌腱深面 18(睾丸动脉起自( ) A、髂内动脉 B、髂外动脉 C、髂总动脉 D、腹主动脉 E、肾动脉 19(肠系膜上动脉起始部闭塞。不出现血运障碍的肠管是( ) A、回肠 B、阑尾 C、横结肠 D、升结肠 E、降结肠 20(胰的动脉主要来自( ) A、胃左动脉 B、胃右动脉 C、胃短动脉 D、脾动脉‘E、胃网膜左动脉 21(常用于压迫止血的动脉不包括( ) A、面动脉 B、颞浅动脉 C(腋动脉 D、股动脉 E、指掌侧固有动脉 22(不属于髂内动脉脏支的是( ) A、膀胱下动脉 B、直肠上动脉 C、脐动脉 D、子宫动脉 E、阴部内动脉 23(与旋肱后动脉描述不符的是( ) A、由腋动脉发出 B、穿三边孔 C、旋绕肱骨外科颈 1)、分布肩关节 ,、分布三角肌 24(胫后动脉经过( ) A、内踝前方 B、内踝后方 C、外蹀前方 D、外踝后方 E、与腓深神经伴行 25(触摸足背动脉搏动的位置在( ) A、胫骨前肌腱外侧 B、胫骨前肌睫内侧 C、拇长仲肌腱内侧 D、拇长仲肌腱外侧 E、趾长仲肌腱外侧 三、多选题 1(动脉结构的特点( ) A、外观呈圆管状 B、管壁平滑肌和弹性纤维较多 C、可分为大、中、小动脉 D、其舒缩运动影响血流外周阻力的大小 E、管径比相应J(伴行)的静脉略大 2(心( ) A、是心血管系的动力部分 B、位于胸腔的后纵隔内 c、前面全部与胸前壁相贴 D、其长轴从右后上向左前下倾斜约45角 E、临床多在胸骨左缘第4肋问行心内注射 3(肺动脉口( ) A、是动脉圆锥的出口 B、口周围有三个袋口朝下的肺动脉瓣 ted tlding structure is built on chicken the best environment of rational index and building cost index based on both, mainly relapower ventilation, sufficient artificial lighting is used. Disadvantages are subject to external influence. Design of bui oeasy to manage. Windows that open sheds sheds are used outside of natural resource and energy saving the hen house. General nweek window, using artificial light, mechanical ventilation for energy Coop, microclimate environment is easy to control and -fourend, closed henhouse -end and open-rements in chicken farm 2, chicken coop chicken coop building type of the construction of closed2) left room for technological transformation, ease of reproduction. Construction, and energy savings funds (3) meet GA requiler (e environment, building the second design 1. chicken coop construction General requirements (1) to meet the needs of the broioccurred in area 7. Avoid contaminated areas of the city, take appropriate environmental measures to minimize pollution to th have of the upper hand to the 6. Understand the poultry epidemic situation on the ground, trying to avoid the endemic or outbreaksuncrossed, dung farm is located in the field is downwind, brood care and adult care homes apart, brood care in chicken farms production areas and water sources are on a chicken farm in the wind, net road and dirt road separating-production areas and non-production and nondesigned to exclude as much as possible residential air pollution: the introduction of fresho the hen house ventilation, warmth, cooling, water supply and drainage, lighting and other factors. 3, ventilation air is 33 C、肺动脉瓣游离缘中央有半月瓣小结D、心室收缩时,肺动脉瓣开放 E、此瓣作用是防止血流逆流入左心室 4(窦房结( ) A、呈长椭圆形 B、由结细胞团和结缔组织构成 C、是心正常的起搏点 D、其发出的神经冲动首先引起心室肌收缩 E、位于上腔静脉与右心耳交界处的心外膜深面 5(房室柬的右束支( ) 人、又称His柬 B、下行穿过右纤维三角 C、在室间隔膜部由房室柬分出 D、经室间隔右侧心内膜深面下行 E、经隔缘内柱至右室前乳头肌根部 6(左心室内可见( ) A、肉柱 B、乳头肌 c、腱索 D、二尖瓣 E、主动脉El 7(右心室内可见( ) A、三尖瓣 B、肺动脉EI C、动脉圆锥 D、梳状肌 E、隔缘肉柱 8(主动脉弓( ) A、起自升主动脉 B、止于第4胸椎体下缘左侧处 C、其壁内有压力感受器 D、其下方有化学感受器 E、发出左、右锁骨下动脉 9(颈外动脉( ) A、它均上行于颈内动脉的外侧 B、在甲状软骨上缘处发自颈总动脉 C、起始部的壁内有压力感受器 D、在下颌颈的高度分为两个终支 E、发出甲状腺下动脉等 10(营养腭扁桃体的动脉( ) A、舌动脉 B、上颌动脉 C、而动脉 D、颞浅动脉 E、下牙槽动脉 11(脑膜中动脉( ) A、发自面动脉 B、穿颈动脉管入颅中窝 C、营养脑 D、其前支紧贴颅骨经翼点内面行走 E、外力打击颞区易伤其形成硬膜外血肿 12(进入颅内的动脉( ) A、颈内动脉 B、颈外动脉 c、脑膜中动脉 D、推动脉 E、枕动脉 13(均成掌浅弓的有( ) A、桡动脉末端 B、桡动脉掌浅支 C、尺动脉末端 D、尺动脉掌深支( E、桡、尺动脉末端 14(头面部的体表能触及动脉搏动的有( ) A、面动脉 B、枕动脉 C、颈外动脉 D、颞浅动脉 E、内眦动脉 l5(下肢在体表能触及动脉搏动的有( ) A、股动脉 B、腰动脉 C、胫前动脉 『)、腓动脉 E、足背动脉 16(由腹腔干直接发出的分支( ) A、胃左动脉 B、胃右动脉 C、脾动脉 13、肝总动脉 E、肝固有动脉 17(营养胃的动脉( ) A、胃左动脉 B、胃右动脉 C、胃短动脉 r is designed to exclude as much as possible residential air pollution: the introduction of freshion aiy related to the hen house ventilation, warmth, cooling, water supply and drainage, lighting and other factors. 3, ventilatof building structure is built on chicken the best environment of rational index and building cost index based on both, mainlsign General no power ventilation, sufficient artificial lighting is used. Disadvantages are subject to external influence. De ntrol and easy to manage. Windows that open sheds sheds are used outside of natural resource and energy saving the hen house.week window, using artificial light, mechanical ventilation for energy Coop, microclimate environment is easy to co-end, closed henhouse four-end and open-requirements in chicken farm 2, chicken coop chicken coop building type of the construction of closedGA broiler (2) left room for technological transformation, ease of reproduction. Construction, and energy savings funds (3) meet to the environment, building the second design 1. chicken coop construction General requirements (1) to meet the needs of the lutionbreaks have occurred in area 7. Avoid contaminated areas of the city, take appropriate environmental measures to minimize polfarms of the upper hand to the 6. Understand the poultry epidemic situation on the ground, trying to avoid the endemic or outis located in the field is downwind, brood care and adult care homes apart, brood care in chicken production areas and water sources are on a chicken farm in the wind, net road and dirt road separating uncrossed, dung farm -production areas and non-and nonproduction 34 D、胃网膜左动脉 E、胃网膜右动脉 18(脾动脉营养的器官( ) A、胃 B、肝 C、胆囊 D、胰 E、脾 19(胸主动脉( ) A、与腹主动脉的分界标志是主动脉裂孔 B、下行于后纵隔内 C、其脏支粗大 D、发出12对肋间后动脉 E、营养所有肋间内、外肌 20(分布于臀大肌和臀中肌的动脉是( ) A、腰动脉 B、臀下动脉 C、臀上动脉 D、闭孔动脉 E、阴部内动脉 四、名词解释 1(血液循环 2(侧支循环 3(心包 4(心包裸区 5(心包腔 6(房室交点 7(隔缘肉柱 8(卵圆窝 9(动脉圆锥 10(室上嵴 11(主动脉前庭 12(梳状肌 13,心传导系 14(His束 15(旋支 16(心包横寞 17(心包斜窦 18(动脉韧带 19(颈动脉窦 20(颈动脉小球 21(掌浅弓 22(掌深弓 23(结肠缘动脉 五、问答题 1(试述体循环的循环途径、特点和功能。 2(试述肺循环的循环途径、特点和功能。 3(试述心脏的位置和毗邻关系。 4(试述三尖瓣的形态、位置和作用特点。 5(试述左冠状动脉的起始、经过和分支分布。 fourend, closed henhouse -end and open-rements in chicken farm 2, chicken coop chicken coop building type of the construction of closed2) left room for technological transformation, ease of reproduction. Construction, and energy savings funds (3) meet GA requiler (e environment, building the second design 1. chicken coop construction General requirements (1) to meet the needs of the broioccurred in area 7. Avoid contaminated areas of the city, take appropriate environmental measures to minimize pollution to th have of the upper hand to the 6. Understand the poultry epidemic situation on the ground, trying to avoid the endemic or outbreaksuncrossed, dung farm is located in the field is downwind, brood care and adult care homes apart, brood care in chicken farms production areas and water sources are on a chicken farm in the wind, net road and dirt road separating-production areas and non-production and nondesigned to exclude as much as possible residential air pollution: the introduction of fresho the hen house ventilation, warmth, cooling, water supply and drainage, lighting and other factors. 3, ventilation air is ted tlding structure is built on chicken the best environment of rational index and building cost index based on both, mainly relapower ventilation, sufficient artificial lighting is used. Disadvantages are subject to external influence. Design of bui oeasy to manage. Windows that open sheds sheds are used outside of natural resource and energy saving the hen house. General nweek window, using artificial light, mechanical ventilation for energy Coop, microclimate environment is easy to control and -35 6(试述右冠状动脉的起始、经过和分支分布。 7(掌浅弓的位置、沟成和分支如何? 8(掌深弓的位置、构成和分支如何? 9(试述营养脑、甲状腺、肾、睾丸、阑尾、空回肠和直肠的供血动脉及来源。 [参考答案] 一、填空题 1(心血管系统(淋巴系统 2(心(动脉(毛细血管(静脉 3(体循环(大循环),肺循环(小循环) 4(前纵隔下部(中纵隔)(食管,迷走神经(胸主动脉 5(冠状沟(前室间沟(后室问沟 6(房问隔,室间隔(肌部(膜部(右心房(左心室(左心室(右心室 7(上腔静脉口。下腔静脉口(冠状窦口,右房室口 8(右房室口(肺动脉口,室上嵴,流入道。流出道 9(3-4mm,肉柱,隔缘肉柱(节制带) 、 10(9-12ram,主动脉(升主动脉。左心室 11(心内膜(心肌(心外膜 12(窦房结(房室结(房室柬,Purkinje纤维 13(上腔静脉。右心耳,心外膜,冠状窦口,右房室口,心内膜 14(房室结(右纤维三角(肌部(左右两柬支 15(左冠状动脉(右冠状动脉,升主 16(右心房,右心室(室间隔后1,3。左心室后壁(窦房结(房室结 17(左冠状动脉,冠状沟。左心房(左心室膈面 3 18(左心室前壁(右心室前壁小部分,室间隔前2, 19(心大静脉。心中静脉(心小静脉 20(心(大血管根部。纤维心包,浆膜心包 2l纤维心包(心肌层(心外膜(,心包腔 22.右心室(主动脉弓。左肺动脉。右肺动脉 23(升主动脉。主动脉弓(降主动脉 24(头臂干(左颈总动脉(左锁骨下动脉 25(甲状腺上动脉(舌动脉,面动脉(颞浅动脉,上颌动脉,扰动脉 26(外耳门(颞浅动脉(触摸脉搏 27(主动脉弓(头臂干(胸膜顶(斜角肌间隙,腋动脉( 28(锁骨下动脉(上位6个颈椎横突孔,沈骨大孔 29(腹壁上动脉(肌膈动脉 30(甲状颈干(颈动脉鞘 31(胸肩峰动脉,胸外侧动脉,肩胛下动脉,旋肱后动脉 32(胸背动脉(旋肩胛 r is designed to exclude as much as possible residential air pollution: the introduction of freshion aiy related to the hen house ventilation, warmth, cooling, water supply and drainage, lighting and other factors. 3, ventilatof building structure is built on chicken the best environment of rational index and building cost index based on both, mainlsign General no power ventilation, sufficient artificial lighting is used. Disadvantages are subject to external influence. De ntrol and easy to manage. Windows that open sheds sheds are used outside of natural resource and energy saving the hen house.week window, using artificial light, mechanical ventilation for energy Coop, microclimate environment is easy to co-end, closed henhouse four-end and open-requirements in chicken farm 2, chicken coop chicken coop building type of the construction of closedGA broiler (2) left room for technological transformation, ease of reproduction. Construction, and energy savings funds (3) meet to the environment, building the second design 1. chicken coop construction General requirements (1) to meet the needs of the lutionbreaks have occurred in area 7. Avoid contaminated areas of the city, take appropriate environmental measures to minimize polfarms of the upper hand to the 6. Understand the poultry epidemic situation on the ground, trying to avoid the endemic or outis located in the field is downwind, brood care and adult care homes apart, brood care in chicken production areas and water sources are on a chicken farm in the wind, net road and dirt road separating uncrossed, dung farm -production areas and non-and nonproduction 36 33(大圆肌(正中神经(肱二头肌(桡骨颈,挠动脉(尺动脉 34(肱(血压 35(食管支(文气管支(心包支 36(主动脉裂孔(胸主动脉。脊柱,4腰(左髂总动脉,右髂总动脉 37(腹腔干(肠系膜上动脉(肠系膜下动脉 38(腹主动脉(胃左动脉(肝总动脉(脾动脉 39(胃网膜右动脉(胰十二指肠上动脉 40(肝固有动脉右支。脾动脉。回结肠动脉 41(右结肠(左结肠。中(结肠动脉(乙状结肠 42(肾上腺中动脉。肾动脉,皋丸(卵巢)动脉 43(盆侧璧。闭膜管(股内侧群肌(髋关节 44(髂内动脉。子宫阔韧带。2,输尿管(子宫,输卵管,卵巢,阴道 45、梨状肌下孔(坐骨棘,坐骨小孔(坐骨肛门窝。会阴部,外生殖器官 46(髂内动脉。髂外动脉 47(股静脉。股神经(腹股沟韧带 48(旋股内侧动脉,旋股外侧动侧(穿动脉 49(胫后。胫骨,腓骨。小腿后、外群肌 50(内踩。足底内侧动脉,足底外侧 二、单选题 1(C 2(E 3(D 4(A 5(E 6(C 7(C 8(C 9(D 10(B 11(B 12(C 13(B 14(D 15(D 16(C 17(C 18(D 19(E 20(D 21(C 22(B 23(B 24(B 25(D 三、多选题 1(A B D 2(A D E 3(A C D(4(A B C E 5(D E 6(A B C D E 7(A B C E 8(A B C D 9(B D 10(A C 11(D E 12(A C D 13(B C 14(A B D 15(A E 16(A C E 17(A B C D E 18(A D E 19(A B 20(B C 四、名词解释 1(血液由心室流经动脉、毛细血管、静脉又返回心房,这种周而复始的循环流动,称为血液循环。 2(当动脉千发生阻塞时(血液可经侧副管及其吻合输送到远侧的分布区域。侧副管逐渐变粗(血流 量增大以代偿主干的功能。这种通过侧剐管重新建立的循环称侧支循环。 3(心包是包裹心及大血管根部的纤维浆膜囊,可分为外层的纤维心包和内层的浆膜心包。纤维心包 是坚韧的结缔组织囊。向上与出入心的大血管外膜延续。向下则附着于膈中心腱上。浆膜心包薄而 光滑,分脏、壁两层。 4(心前方大部分被肺和胸膜遮盖,仅有下部一小区域与胸骨体下部和左侧第4、5肋软骨相毗邻。 即裸区。临床上进行心内注射多在胸骨左缘第4肋间隙进针,以免损伤肺和胸膜。 5(心包腔是由浆膜心包的脏层(紧贴心肌层表面)和壁层(衬于纤维心包的内面)的两层结构在大血管 根部互相移行,围成的密闭腔隙(内含少量浆液。 6(为后室间沟与冠状沟的交汇点(冠状窦位于此处。 7(指右心室,室间隔至前乳头根部的圆肌束,内含心传导系统的纤维。 ted tlding structure is built on chicken the best environment of rational index and building cost index based on both, mainly relapower ventilation, sufficient artificial lighting is used. Disadvantages are subject to external influence. Design of bui oeasy to manage. Windows that open sheds sheds are used outside of natural resource and energy saving the hen house. General nweek window, using artificial light, mechanical ventilation for energy Coop, microclimate environment is easy to control and -fourend, closed henhouse -end and open-rements in chicken farm 2, chicken coop chicken coop building type of the construction of closed2) left room for technological transformation, ease of reproduction. Construction, and energy savings funds (3) meet GA requiler (e environment, building the second design 1. chicken coop construction General requirements (1) to meet the needs of the broioccurred in area 7. Avoid contaminated areas of the city, take appropriate environmental measures to minimize pollution to th have of the upper hand to the 6. Understand the poultry epidemic situation on the ground, trying to avoid the endemic or outbreaksuncrossed, dung farm is located in the field is downwind, brood care and adult care homes apart, brood care in chicken farms production areas and water sources are on a chicken farm in the wind, net road and dirt road separating-production areas and non-production and nondesigned to exclude as much as possible residential air pollution: the introduction of fresho the hen house ventilation, warmth, cooling, water supply and drainage, lighting and other factors. 3, ventilation air is 37 8(位于右心房内、房间隔下部较薄的浅窝。是胎儿卵圆孔闭锁后的遗迹。 9(指右心室流出道上。为室上嵴与肺动脉口之间的光滑区域(形似倒置的漏斗形。 lO(位于右心室内。右房室口和肺动脉口之间的室壁上有一弓形的肌隆起,它将室腔分为流入道和 流出道两部分。 11(为左心室流出道的主动脉口下方,由室间隔上部和二尖瓣的前瓣围成。该室壁平滑无肉拄。缺 乏收缩性与伸展性。 12、为右心耳内的许多平行排列的肌隆起,称梳状肌。当心功能发生障碍血流瘀滞时,易在心耳内 形成血凝块脱落形成栓子。 13、心传导系包括窦房结(房室结、房室束和Purkinje纤维(它们是由特殊分化的心肌纤维所组成(位 于心壁内,具有产生兴奋和传导冲动、维护心正常节律性搏动的功能。 14、His柬是指房室柬,它起于房室结,下行穿过右纤维三角至室间隔肌部上缘分为左、右两束支。 15、旋支是由左冠状动脉发出的一支(它沿冠状沟向左后行至膈面(沿途分布于左心房及左心室面。 16、心包横窦为心包腔内的,个窦隙(位于升主动脉,肺动脉干与左心房、上腔静脉之间(呈横位。 17、心包斜窦为心包腔内的一个窦隙(位于左心房后方(左、右肺静脉和下腔静脉与心包后壁之间。 18、在肺动脉干分又处稍(左侧(有一结缔组织索(连于主动脉弓的下缘称为动脉韧带,它是胚胎 时期动脉导管闭锁后的遗迹。 19、颈动脉窦为颈总动脉末端和颈内动脉起始处的膨大部(窦壁内有压力感受器。当血压升高时可 刺激该感受器、反射性的引起心跳减慢,末梢血管扩张,血压下降(以调节血压。 20、颈动脉小球是一扁圆形小体。位于颈内、外动脉分叉处后方(为化学感受器。当血液中二氧化 碳浓度升高时,反射性引起呼吸加深、加快(以降低血中二氧化碳浓度。 21、掌浅弓是由尺动脉末端和桡动脉掌浅支吻合而成(位于掌腱膜和屈指肌腱之间。掌浅弓分支有 小指尺掌侧动脉和三支指掌侧总动脉。 22、掌深弓是由桡动脉末端与尺动脉掌深支吻合而成(位于屈指肌腱的深面(约平腕掌关节高度。 掌深弓的凸侧发出三支掌心动脉。 23、结肠缘动脉是指至结肠的各动脉的分支,在接近结肠壁时(彼此互相吻合(从网盲部至乙状结 肠末端。形成一完整的动脉弓,由它再发出直行小支至结肠壁。 五、问答题 1(体循研:途径从左心室至动脉(经毛细血管和静脉向心回流至右心房。其特点是流经范围广,流 程长。主要功能是以含氧高和营养物质丰富的血液,营养身体各处组织(并将代谢产物运回右心房。 2(肺循环的途径是从右心室至肺动脉(经肺泡壁毛细血管网和肺静脉向心回流至左心房。此循环特 点是路程短。只通过肺(主要功能是完成气体交换。 3(心位于胸腔的前纵隔下部(外面裹以心包。约2,3位于前正中线的左侧(1,3在右侧。心的长 轴从右后上向左前下倾斜约45角。心的上方是出入的大血管;下方为膈的中心键:左面大部被肺和 胸膜遮盖。只有小部分与胸骨体下半和左第4—6肋软骨相贴;后方有食管、迷走神经和胸主动脉; 心的两侧为胸膜腔和肺。 4(三尖瓣位于右房室口,分为前尖瓣、后尖瓣和隔侧尖瓣。分别在两个尖瓣相对的边缘上(通过腱 索分别与室腔内前、后、内侧壁上的3组乳头肌相连。三尖瓣、乳头肌、腱索和纤维环,在功能上 是一个整体。当右心室收缩时(由于血液的推动使3个尖瓣互相对合,封闭右房室口,乳头肌收缩(腱r is designed to exclude as much as possible residential air pollution: the introduction of freshion aiy related to the hen house ventilation, warmth, cooling, water supply and drainage, lighting and other factors. 3, ventilatof building structure is built on chicken the best environment of rational index and building cost index based on both, mainlsign General no power ventilation, sufficient artificial lighting is used. Disadvantages are subject to external influence. De ntrol and easy to manage. Windows that open sheds sheds are used outside of natural resource and energy saving the hen house.week window, using artificial light, mechanical ventilation for energy Coop, microclimate environment is easy to co-end, closed henhouse four-end and open-requirements in chicken farm 2, chicken coop chicken coop building type of the construction of closedGA broiler (2) left room for technological transformation, ease of reproduction. Construction, and energy savings funds (3) meet to the environment, building the second design 1. chicken coop construction General requirements (1) to meet the needs of the lutionbreaks have occurred in area 7. Avoid contaminated areas of the city, take appropriate environmental measures to minimize polfarms of the upper hand to the 6. Understand the poultry epidemic situation on the ground, trying to avoid the endemic or outis located in the field is downwind, brood care and adult care homes apart, brood care in chicken production areas and water sources are on a chicken farm in the wind, net road and dirt road separating uncrossed, dung farm -production areas and non-and nonproduction 38 索的牵拉,使3个瓣膜刚好闭合而不致翻入右心房,以阻止血液逆流, 5(左冠状动脉起自升主动脉(经左心耳与肺动脉干之间向左行(立即分为旋支和前室问支。旋支沿 冠状沟向左后行至瞩面、沿途分支分布于左心房及左心室晒面;前室问支沿前室间 沟下行,绕 过心尖右侧至膈面(在后室间沟上行一小段与后室问支吻合(沿途分布于左心室 前壁,部分右心室前壁及室间隔前213的区域。 6(右冠状动脉起自升主动脉。经右心耳与肺动脉干之间(入冠状沟向右后行,至冠状沟后部分为一 支粗大的后室间支。沿后室间沟下行与前室间支吻合(另一支较细分布于左室后壁。右冠状动脉沿 途发支分布于右心房、右心室、室间隔后1/3及左心室后壁一部分,还发出分到窦房结和房室结。 7(掌浅弓位于掌腱膜和屈指肌腱之间,由尺动脉末端和桡动脉掌浅支吻合而成。掌浅弓分支有小指 尺掌侧动脉和3支指掌侧总动脉。前者位于小指尺侧缘,后者达掌指关节附近,又各分出2支指掌 侧固有动脉。分别布于2-5指的相对缘。 8(掌深弓位于屈指肌腱的深面,约平腕掌关节高度。由桡动脉末端与尺动脉掌深支吻合而成。,由 弓的凸侧发出3支掌心动脉,至掌指关节附近(分别与相应的指掌侧总动脉吻合。 9(脑的血供来源予左、右颈内动脉和左、右椎动脉。甲状腺的血供主要来源于颈外动脉发出酌甲状 腺上动脉和甲状颈干发出的甲状腺下动脉。 肾的营养动脉是由腹主动脉发出的肾动脉。 睾丸的血供来源于腹主动脉发出的睾丸动脉。 阑尾的血供来源于回结肠动脉发出的阑尾动脉。 空、回肠的血供来源于肠系膜上动脉发出的空回肠动脉。 直肠的血供主要来源于肠系膜下动脉发出的直肠上动脉和由髂内动脉发出的直肠下动脉。 静 脉 部 分 [练习题] 一、填空题 1(头静脉起于 经过前臂 ,肘 ,肱二头肌 问沟(穿深筋膜注入 。 2(贵要静脉起于 经过前臂 ,肘 ,肱二头肌 。达上臂中部内侧(穿过 , 注入 。 3(大隐静脉起于 ,经过内踝 ,小腿 ,膝关节 ,大腿 穿过 。 注入 。 4(小隐静脉起于 ,经过 , ,到达胭窝处(穿过 注入 。 5(上下腔静脉借 、 , , 而存在丰富的吻合。 6(下腔静脉由 汇成,上行子 的右侧(经肝的 ,再穿过膈的 到达胸腔,注 入右心房。 7(大隐静脉在穿筛筋膜前还接受 、 、 、 和 五条静 脉血。 8(门静脉在 交界的后方,由 和 合成,其特点是?介予 之间的静脉干,? 。 9(门静脉借 丛、 丛、 和门腔静脉贴近腹后壁的 与腔静脉吻合。 ted tlding structure is built on chicken the best environment of rational index and building cost index based on both, mainly relapower ventilation, sufficient artificial lighting is used. Disadvantages are subject to external influence. Design of bui oeasy to manage. Windows that open sheds sheds are used outside of natural resource and energy saving the hen house. General nweek window, using artificial light, mechanical ventilation for energy Coop, microclimate environment is easy to control and -fourend, closed henhouse -end and open-rements in chicken farm 2, chicken coop chicken coop building type of the construction of closed2) left room for technological transformation, ease of reproduction. Construction, and energy savings funds (3) meet GA requiler (e environment, building the second design 1. chicken coop construction General requirements (1) to meet the needs of the broioccurred in area 7. Avoid contaminated areas of the city, take appropriate environmental measures to minimize pollution to th have of the upper hand to the 6. Understand the poultry epidemic situation on the ground, trying to avoid the endemic or outbreaksuncrossed, dung farm is located in the field is downwind, brood care and adult care homes apart, brood care in chicken farms production areas and water sources are on a chicken farm in the wind, net road and dirt road separating-production areas and non-production and nondesigned to exclude as much as possible residential air pollution: the introduction of fresho the hen house ventilation, warmth, cooling, water supply and drainage, lighting and other factors. 3, ventilation air is 39 10(上腔静脉由左右头臂静脉在 与 的后方汇合而成(入心前尚有 注入。 11(面静脉起自 (经鼻翼及12角外侧斜向下后方,在 附近接受 的前支,下行 至( 高度,注入 。 12(颈外静脉是颈部最大的浅表静脉,由 的后支和 汇合而成,沿一表面下行至其下端 后方穿颈深筋膜注入 。 13(面静脉在 平面以上一般无 ,并借 、 与 相通,又可经 、 、 与 相通。 14(静脉角是由同侧的 和 在 汇合而成,其中左侧静脉角有 注入,右侧静 脉角有 注入。 15(无名静脉是由同侧的 和 汇合而成,它除了收集 和 的静脉血外,还收 纳 、 、 等的静脉血液回流。 二、单选题 1(下列静脉中,不是下腔静脉直接属支的是( ) A、门静脉 B、肝静脉 C、左肾静脉 D、左腰静脉 E、右睾丸静脉 2(关于锁骨下静脉的下列诸叙述中错误的是( ) A、与颈内静脉会合成无名静脉 B、有锁骨下动脉与其伴行 C、与颈外静脉构成静脉角 D、是腋静脉的延续 E、上肢的深静脉都汇入锁骨下静脉 3(肝静脉注入( ) A、肝脏 B、右心房 C、上腔静脉 D、门静脉 E、下腔静脉 4(门静脉是由( ) A、肠系膜上、下静脉合成的 B、肝静脉和脾静脉合成的 C、附脐静脉和胃左静脉合成的 D、脾静脉和肠系膜上静脉合成的 E、由上述所有的静脉一起合成的 5(下列关于静脉的描述哪项是错误的( ) ( A、静脉一般可分为浅、深两种 B、静脉的吻合要比动脉丰富的多 C、四肢的静脉瓣较多(其中上肢尤多于下肢 D、重力、静脉瓣、周围肌肉收缩等因素均会影响静脉回流 E、静脉的管腔较大,属支多,血液总容积超过动脉的总容 6(下列哪条不是颈内静脉的颅外支( ) A、面静脉 B、下颌后静脉 C、上颌静脉 D、颞浅静脉 E、以上均是 7(贵要静脉一般注入( ) A、桡静脉 B、尺静脉 C、头静脉 D、肱静脉 E、腋静脉 8(半奇静脉注入( ) A、上腔静脉 B、奇静脉 C、副半奇静脉 D、腰静脉 E、腰升静脉 9(下列哪条静脉不是头臂静脉的直接属支( ) A、颈内静脉 B、锁骨下静脉 C、甲状腺下静脉 D、颈外静脉 E、胸廓内静脉 10(关于颈内静脉的描述错误的是( ) r is designed to exclude as much as possible residential air pollution: the introduction of freshion aiy related to the hen house ventilation, warmth, cooling, water supply and drainage, lighting and other factors. 3, ventilatof building structure is built on chicken the best environment of rational index and building cost index based on both, mainlsign General no power ventilation, sufficient artificial lighting is used. Disadvantages are subject to external influence. De ntrol and easy to manage. Windows that open sheds sheds are used outside of natural resource and energy saving the hen house.week window, using artificial light, mechanical ventilation for energy Coop, microclimate environment is easy to co-end, closed henhouse four-end and open-requirements in chicken farm 2, chicken coop chicken coop building type of the construction of closedGA broiler (2) left room for technological transformation, ease of reproduction. Construction, and energy savings funds (3) meet to the environment, building the second design 1. chicken coop construction General requirements (1) to meet the needs of the lutionbreaks have occurred in area 7. Avoid contaminated areas of the city, take appropriate environmental measures to minimize polfarms of the upper hand to the 6. Understand the poultry epidemic situation on the ground, trying to avoid the endemic or outis located in the field is downwind, brood care and adult care homes apart, brood care in chicken production areas and water sources are on a chicken farm in the wind, net road and dirt road separating uncrossed, dung farm -production areas and non-and nonproduction 40 A、其属支可分为颅内支和颅外支两种 B、由乙状窦延续而成 C、损伤时(管腔不易闭锁(故损伤时易致气栓 D、颅外主要属支为下颌后静脉和面静脉 E、以上均不对 11(面静脉( ) A、注入颈外静脉 B、注入锁骨下静脉 C、直接与海绵窦相通 D、与上颌后静脉、舌静脉合成下颌后静脉 E、在口角平面以上通常无静脉瓣 12(静脉角位于( ) A、颈内、外静脉汇合处 B、左、右头臂静脉汇合处 C、锁骨下静脉与颈内静脉汇合处 D、颈外静脉注入锁骨下静脉处 E、奇静脉注入上腔静脉处 13(颈外静脉( ) A、由颞浅静脉和上颌静脉合成 B、与颈外动脉伴行 C、收纳颈外动脉供血区的静脉血 D、是颈部的深静脉 E、是镟骨下静脉的属支 14(下腔静脉( ) A、由左、右髂内静脉合成 B、合成处平第4腰椎高度 C、沿腹主动脉右后方行走 D、穿膈的腔静脉孔入胸腔 E、无上述情况 15(大隐静脉( ) A、在足前面起自足背静脉弓 B、行经内踝前方 C、于耻骨结节内下方3,4CM处穿筋膜注入股静脉 D、在内踝前位置最深 E、在穿筛筋膜前接受腹壁下静脉等5条浅静脉 16(小隐静脉( ) A、在足背前面起于足背静脉弓 B、经外踝前方转至小腿后面 C、沿小腿外侧面上行 D、在胭窝穿深筋膜,注入胭静脉 E、缺乏静脉瓣 17(肾静脉( ) A、右肾静脉较粗较长 B、注入门静脉 C、左肾静脉收纳左睾丸静脉回流 D、在肾动脉后方横行注入下腔静脉 E、以上均不对 18(睾丸静脉( ) A、起自附睾和睾丸的数条小静脉 B、其曲张常以右侧多见 C、左睾丸静脉以锐角注入下腔静脉 D、右睾丸静脉以直角注入右肾静脉 E、两侧均注入肾静脉 19(门静脉( ) A、多由肠系膜上、下静脉合成 B、多由肠系膜上静脉和脾静脉合成 C、多由肠系膜下静脉和脾静脉合成 D、与胆囊管、肝总动脉伴行与肝十二指肠韧带内 E、收纳腹腔内全部脏器的静脉血 20(下列静脉中哪一支属门静脉系( ) oeasy to manage. Windows that open sheds sheds are used outside of natural resource and energy saving the hen house. General nweek window, using artificial light, mechanical ventilation for energy Coop, microclimate environment is easy to control and -fourend, closed henhouse -end and open-rements in chicken farm 2, chicken coop chicken coop building type of the construction of closed2) left room for technological transformation, ease of reproduction. Construction, and energy savings funds (3) meet GA requiler (e environment, building the second design 1. chicken coop construction General requirements (1) to meet the needs of the broioccurred in area 7. Avoid contaminated areas of the city, take appropriate environmental measures to minimize pollution to th have of the upper hand to the 6. Understand the poultry epidemic situation on the ground, trying to avoid the endemic or outbreaksuncrossed, dung farm is located in the field is downwind, brood care and adult care homes apart, brood care in chicken farms production areas and water sources are on a chicken farm in the wind, net road and dirt road separating-production areas and non-production and nondesigned to exclude as much as possible residential air pollution: the introduction of fresho the hen house ventilation, warmth, cooling, water supply and drainage, lighting and other factors. 3, ventilation air is ted tlding structure is built on chicken the best environment of rational index and building cost index based on both, mainly relapower ventilation, sufficient artificial lighting is used. Disadvantages are subject to external influence. Design of bui 41 A、肝静脉 B、肾静脉 C、肠系膜下静脉 D、卵巢静脉 E、直肠下静脉 21(盆腔内感染、肿瘤偶可侵入颅内。其最可能途径是( ) A、椎静脉丛 B、下腔静脉 C、奇静脉 D、门静脉系 E、上述都不可能 22(头静脉( ) A、起于手背静脉网尺侧 B、在肘窝处位于深筋膜深面 C、沿肱二头肌内侧沟上行 D、延续为肱静脉 E、在肘窝处通过肘正中静脉与贵要静脉交通 23(行经三角肌胸大肌沟的静脉是( )( A、贵要静脉 B、腋静脉 C、锁骨下静脉 D、头静脉 E、肱静脉 三、多选题 1(上腔静脉( ) A、由左右头臂静脉汇合而成 B、由颈内静脉和锁骨下静脉汇合而成 C、入心前有奇静脉注入 D、在升主动脉的右侧垂直下行 E、在升主动脉的左侧垂直下行 2(奇静脉( ) A、注入上腔静脉 B、绕右肺根上方 C、是沟通上、下腔静的重要通道 D、起自右腰升静脉E、以上均不对 3(椎静脉丛( ) A、有椎内、外静脉丛之分 B、上端与硬脑膜窦、下端与盆腔静脉交通 C、收集椎骨、脊髓和邻近肌的器脉血 D、行经肝的腔静脉沟 E、沿腹主动脉右侧上行 4(下腔静脉( ) A、是体内最大的静脉干( B、在第4腰椎右前方由左、右髂总静脉汇合而成 C、在第5腰椎右前方由左、右髂总静脉汇合而成 D、行经肝的腔静脉沟 E、沿腹主动脉右侧上行 5(连接上、下腔静脉的血管有( ) A、奇静脉 B、副半奇静脉 C、椎静脉丛 D、直肠静咏丛 E、以上均是 6(直接注入下腔静脉的内脏静脉有( ) A、左侧睾丸静脉 B、右侧睾丸静脉 C、左侧肾上腺静脉 D、右侧肾上腺静脉 E、门静脉 7(门静脉( ) A、缺乏静脉瓣 B、既有属支又有分支 C、有属支无分支 D、由肠系膜上静脉和脾静脉汇合而成 E、由肠系膜下静脉和脾静脉汇合而成 8(门静脉高压引起食管静脉曲张时(门静脉系血流至上腔静脉通过的静脉有( ) A、胃右静脉 B、胃左静脉 C、食管静脉丛 D、食管静脉 E、奇静脉 9(门静脉高压引起直肠静脉曲张时,其静脉血经何静脉流至髂内静脉和下腔静脉( ) A、肠系膜下静脉 B、直肠上静脉 C、肛静脉、直肠下静脉 D、左结肠静脉 E、以上均有 r is designed to exclude as much as possible residential air pollution: the introduction of freshion aiy related to the hen house ventilation, warmth, cooling, water supply and drainage, lighting and other factors. 3, ventilatof building structure is built on chicken the best environment of rational index and building cost index based on both, mainlsign General no power ventilation, sufficient artificial lighting is used. Disadvantages are subject to external influence. De ntrol and easy to manage. Windows that open sheds sheds are used outside of natural resource and energy saving the hen house.week window, using artificial light, mechanical ventilation for energy Coop, microclimate environment is easy to co-end, closed henhouse four-end and open-requirements in chicken farm 2, chicken coop chicken coop building type of the construction of closedGA broiler (2) left room for technological transformation, ease of reproduction. Construction, and energy savings funds (3) meet to the environment, building the second design 1. chicken coop construction General requirements (1) to meet the needs of the lutionbreaks have occurred in area 7. Avoid contaminated areas of the city, take appropriate environmental measures to minimize polfarms of the upper hand to the 6. Understand the poultry epidemic situation on the ground, trying to avoid the endemic or outis located in the field is downwind, brood care and adult care homes apart, brood care in chicken production areas and water sources are on a chicken farm in the wind, net road and dirt road separating uncrossed, dung farm -production areas and non-and nonproduction 42 10(肝静脉( ) A、注入门静脉 B、与肝固有动脉伴行出肝门 C、经腔静脉沟上部出肝注入下腔静脉 D、收集肝窦回流的静脉血 E、以上均不对 11(下述静脉中哪些是大隐静脉的属支( ) A、腹壁浅静脉 B、腹壁上静脉 c、腹壁下静脉 D、阴部外静脉 E、以上均是 12(大隐静脉( ) A、起自足背静脉网外侧 B、经外踝前方 C、穿隐静脉裂孔入股静脉 D、沿小外腿外侧及大腿前外侧上升 E、是下肢静脉曲张的好发部位 13(面静脉( ) A、起自内眦静脉 B、在口角平面上一般无静脉瓣 C、可借内眦静脉、眼静脉与海绵窦根交通 D、又可经面深静脉、翼丛、眼下静脉与海绵窦交通 E、以上均正确 14(下列静脉中是门静脉属支的有( ) A、肝静脉 B、肾静脉 C、肠系膜l::静脉 D、肠系膜下静脉 E、脾静脉 四、名词解释 1(静脉角 2(面部危险三角区 3硬脑膜窦 4(奇静脉 5(椎静脉丛 6(大隐静脉 五、问答题 1(试述门静脉的组成、属支、结构特点以及与上、下腔静脉的交通途径? 2(泼述大隐静脉的起始、行径、收纳范围及属支? 3(阑尾炎时,药物从头静脉滴注。发挥治疗作用。药物是沿什么途径到达阑尾的? 4 肝硬化门脉高压病入。会出现哪些症状?为什么?(要说明其血流途径) [参考答案] 一、填空题 1(手背静脉网的桡侧,桡侧。前方,外侧缘,三角肌胸大肌。腋静脉或锁骨下静脉 2(手背静脉网的尺侧(尺侧。前内侧,内侧,深筋膜(肱静脉 3(足背静脉弓内侧。前方,内侧,内侧(前内侧,隐静脉裂孔(股静脉 4(足背静脉弓外侧。外踝后方(小腿后面中央,腘筋膜(膪静脉 5(食管静脉丛。直肠静脉丛(脐周静脉丛,椎静脉丛 6(左右髂总静脉(腹主动脉,腔静脉沟(腔静脉孔 7(腹壁浅静争脉,股内侧静脉(股外侧静脉,阴部外静脉,旋髂浅静脉 8(胰头和胰体。脾静脉,肠系膜上静脉(两种毛细血管(一般无静脉瓣 9(食管静脉丛,直肠静脉丛(脐周静脉丛(小属支 lO(右侧第1肋软骨(胸骨结合处,奇静脉 week window, using artificial light, mechanical ventilation for energy Coop, microclimate environment is easy to control and -fourend, closed henhouse -end and open-rements in chicken farm 2, chicken coop chicken coop building type of the construction of closed2) left room for technological transformation, ease of reproduction. Construction, and energy savings funds (3) meet GA requiler (e environment, building the second design 1. chicken coop construction General requirements (1) to meet the needs of the broioccurred in area 7. Avoid contaminated areas of the city, take appropriate environmental measures to minimize pollution to th have of the upper hand to the 6. Understand the poultry epidemic situation on the ground, trying to avoid the endemic or outbreaksuncrossed, dung farm is located in the field is downwind, brood care and adult care homes apart, brood care in chicken farms production areas and water sources are on a chicken farm in the wind, net road and dirt road separating-production areas and non-production and nondesigned to exclude as much as possible residential air pollution: the introduction of fresho the hen house ventilation, warmth, cooling, water supply and drainage, lighting and other factors. 3, ventilation air is ted tlding structure is built on chicken the best environment of rational index and building cost index based on both, mainly relapower ventilation, sufficient artificial lighting is used. Disadvantages are subject to external influence. Design of bui oeasy to manage. Windows that open sheds sheds are used outside of natural resource and energy saving the hen house. General n43 11(内眦静脉(下额角(下颌后静脉(舌骨(颈内静脉 12(下领后静脉,耳后静脉,胸锁乳突肌(锁骨下静脉 13(口角,静脉瓣,内眦静脉(跟静脉,海绵窦(面深静脉,翼静脉丛。眼下静脉,海绵窦 14(颈内静脉,锁骨下静脉,胸锁关节。胸导管,右淋巴导管 15(颈内静脉(锁骨下静脉,颈内静脉,锬骨下静脉(椎静脉,甲状腺下静脉。胸廓内静脉 二、单选题 1(A 2(E 3(E 4(D 5(C 6(E 7(D 8(B 9(D 10(E 11(E 12(C 13(E 14(p 15(B 16(D 17(C 18(A 19(B 20(C 21(A 22(E 23(D 三、多选题 1(A C D 2(A B C D 3。A B C 4(A C D E 5(A C D 6(B D 7(A B D 8(A B C D E 9:A B C 10(CD 11(A D 12(C E:13(A B C D E 14(C D E 四、名词解释 1(由同侧的颈内静脉和锁骨下静脉在胸锁关节后方汇合而成,汇合处的夹角称为静脉角,其中,左 侧有胸导管注入(右侧有右淋巴导管注入。 2(是指在面部鼻根至口角间的三角区,由于面静脉在口角平面以上一般无静脉瓣。并多种途径与颅 内海绵窦相通,故当此三角区发生感染时,若处理不当,感染可逆行传入引起颅内感染的严重后果。 3(位于颅内,为硬脑膜两层之间形成的腔隙,窦壁无肌层。窦腔常处于扩张状态。血流通畅,一旦 破裂窦壁不易塌陷往往出血不止。 4(起自右腰升静脉。穿膈沿脊椎右侧行至第4胸椎高度(向前绕过右肺根上方,注入一卜腔静脉。 它可接受食管静脉,支气管静脉。右肋间后静脉。半奇静脉的血液回流。 5(位于椎管内外。连贯脊柱全长,分为椎内、外静脉丛,收集脊髓。椎骨、邻近肌的血液(它分与 椎静脉、肋问后静脉、腰静脉和盆腔内的静脉交通,且向上与颅内硬脑膜窦相通,是沟通上下腔静 脉系的重要途径之一。 6(起自足背静脉弓内侧。经内踝前方(沿小腿内侧及大腿前内侧上行。于耻骨结节处外方3-4cm 处,穿隐静脉裂孔注入股静脉。除收集小腿及大腿内侧浅静脉外。注入处接受腹壁浅静脉、阴部外 静脉、旋髂浅静脉、股内侧浅静脉、股外侧浅静脉5条属支。 五、问答题 1(组成:门V由肠系膜上V和脾V在胰头后方汇合而成。斜向右上进入肝十二指肠韧带内(在胆总 管和肝固有动脉的后方上达肝门,分为左右两支入肝。结构特点:门静脉及其属支一般无V瓣(其 管道的起始与终止均为毛细血管。属支:肠系膜上、下静脉,胃左、右静脉,脾静脉,胆囊静脉, 附脐静脉与腔静脉系的交通途径: (一)门静脉一脾静脉—肠系膜下静脉一直肠上静脉一直肠静脉丛一直肠下静脉及肛静脉一髂内静脉 一髂总静脉一下腔静脉一心 (二)门静脉一胃左静脉一食管静脉丛一奇静脉一食管静脉一上腔静脉一心 (二)静脉一附脐静脉腹壁上静脉—胸郭内静脉—头臂静脉—上腔静脉—心 腹壁下静脉—髂外静脉—骨总静脉—下腔静脉—心 (四)门静脉一附脐静脉 胸腹静脉一腋静脉一锁骨下静脉一头臂静脉一上腔静脉一心 r is designed to exclude as much as possible residential air pollution: the introduction of freshion aiy related to the hen house ventilation, warmth, cooling, water supply and drainage, lighting and other factors. 3, ventilatof building structure is built on chicken the best environment of rational index and building cost index based on both, mainlsign General no power ventilation, sufficient artificial lighting is used. Disadvantages are subject to external influence. De ntrol and easy to manage. Windows that open sheds sheds are used outside of natural resource and energy saving the hen house.week window, using artificial light, mechanical ventilation for energy Coop, microclimate environment is easy to co-end, closed henhouse four-end and open-requirements in chicken farm 2, chicken coop chicken coop building type of the construction of closedGA broiler (2) left room for technological transformation, ease of reproduction. Construction, and energy savings funds (3) meet to the environment, building the second design 1. chicken coop construction General requirements (1) to meet the needs of the lutionbreaks have occurred in area 7. Avoid contaminated areas of the city, take appropriate environmental measures to minimize polfarms of the upper hand to the 6. Understand the poultry epidemic situation on the ground, trying to avoid the endemic or outis located in the field is downwind, brood care and adult care homes apart, brood care in chicken production areas and water sources are on a chicken farm in the wind, net road and dirt road separating uncrossed, dung farm -production areas and non-and nonproduction 44 腹壁浅静脉一大隐静脉一股静脉一髂外静脉—髂总静脉一下腔静脉一心 2(起自足背静脉弓内侧。经内踝前方,沿小腿内侧及大腿前内侧上行,于耻骨结节下外方3—4cm 处。穿隐静脉裂孔注入股静脉。除收集小腿及大腿内侧浅静脉外。注入处接受腹壁浅静脉、阴部外 静脉、旋髂浅静脉、股内侧浅静脉、股外侧浅静脉5条属支。大隐静脉是下肢 3(基途径是:头静脉?腋静脉一锁骨下静脉一头臂静脉一上腔静脉一右心房一右房室口—心室一肺 主动脉口动脉口一肺动脉干一左、右肺动脉一肺毛细血管网一肺静脉一左心房一左房室口左心室— 一升主动脉一主动脉弓一主动脉胸部一主动脉腹部一肠系膜上动脉(回结肠动脉一阑尾动脉一阑尾。 4(会出现呕血、便血和腹壁皮下静脉怒张。因为肝硬变,门脉血不能经肝至下腔静脉而回心(所以 门脉血倒流经食管静脉和直肠静脉丛及腹壁静脉而回心(由于这些丛内血流多,压力高,管壁膨大(容 易破裂,出现呕血、便血或静脉怒张。 具体途径: (一)门静脉血一脾静脉一肠系膜下静脉一直肠上静脉一直肠静脉丛一赢肠下静脉及肛静脉一储内静 脉一髂总静脉一下腔静脉一心 (二)门静脉血一胃左静脉一食管静脉丛一食管静脉一奇静脉一上腔静脉一心 (三)门静脉血—附脐静脉 腹壁上静脉—胸廓内静脉—奇静脉—上腔静脉—心 腹壁下静脉—髂外静脉—髂总静脉—下腔静脉—心 胸腹壁静脉—胸外侧静脉一腋静脉一锬骨静脉一头臂静脉一上腔静脉一+心 腹壁浅静脉一大隐静脉一股静脉一髂外静脉一髂总静脉一下腔静脉一心 第二章 淋 巴 系 统 一、填空题 1(淋巴系统由 、 和组成。 2(淋巴器官包括 、 和 。 3(淋巴于包括 、 、 、 和 。 4(淋巴管道接口径大小(自小而大依将为 、 、 、。 5(脾位于 (恰与 相对。其长轴与 致。 6(胸导管收集 、 、 、 (即全身 区域的淋巴(最后法入 。 7、右淋巴导管收典 、 、 即全身 区域的淋巴,最后注入 。 8(胸导管始端膨大称 。由 ( 。 汇合而成。起始后穿胸腔(继而在 之 前 之后(至 胸椎附近转向左侧,出胸廓上口后注入 。于注入前接纳 、 、 等淋巴干。 9(般淋巴结可分为5群:有位于 的 淋巴结:位于 的 淋巴结。位于 的 淋巴结;上述3群淋巴结的输出管注入位于 的 (淋巴结;再注入位于 的 淋 巴结(其输出管组成 干。 10(帅淋巴结位于 处。收纳 的淋巴(输出管入 淋巴结。 11(腹腔淋巴结包括 , , , ( 。 12(肠系膜上淋巴结位于 ,接受 、 、 、 淋巴结的输出管,其输出 rements in chicken farm 2, chicken coop chicken coop building type of the construction of closed2) left room for technological transformation, ease of reproduction. Construction, and energy savings funds (3) meet GA requiler (e environment, building the second design 1. chicken coop construction General requirements (1) to meet the needs of the broioccurred in area 7. Avoid contaminated areas of the city, take appropriate environmental measures to minimize pollution to th have of the upper hand to the 6. Understand the poultry epidemic situation on the ground, trying to avoid the endemic or outbreaksuncrossed, dung farm is located in the field is downwind, brood care and adult care homes apart, brood care in chicken farms production areas and water sources are on a chicken farm in the wind, net road and dirt road separating-production areas and non-production and nondesigned to exclude as much as possible residential air pollution: the introduction of fresho the hen house ventilation, warmth, cooling, water supply and drainage, lighting and other factors. 3, ventilation air is ted tlding structure is built on chicken the best environment of rational index and building cost index based on both, mainly relapower ventilation, sufficient artificial lighting is used. Disadvantages are subject to external influence. Design of bui oeasy to manage. Windows that open sheds sheds are used outside of natural resource and energy saving the hen house. General nweek window, using artificial light, mechanical ventilation for energy Coop, microclimate environment is easy to control and -fourend, closed henhouse -end and open-45 管参与组成 。 13(肠系膜下淋巴结位于 ,接受 、 、 淋巴结的输出管(其输出管参与组 成 。 14、股沟浅淋巴结分为上、下2群,分别位于 下方和 周围,上群接受 ( , ; 下群收集 , ,以及 。 15(淋巴器官包括 , , 和 ,具有 , 和 等功能。 16.下颌下淋巴结位于 (收纳来自 和 的淋巴。其输出管注入 淋巴结及 淋 巴结。 17.颏下淋巴结位于 收纳来自 和 , 的淋巴(其输出管注入 淋巴结。 18.颈外侧深淋巴沿 排列,直接或间接接受 淋巴结的输出管及 等处来的淋巴,其输 出淋巴管合成 19.胃癌晚期患者癌细胞可经 转移由 逆行至 淋巴结。 20.肠干是由 和 、 淋巴结的输出管汇合而成(然后注入 。 二、单选题 1(胸导管收集身体各部的淋巴,除外的是( ) A、右上半身 B、右下半身 C、左上半身D、左下半身 E、下半身 2(脾( ) A、位于左季肋区 B、与8,lo肋相对 E、其长轴与肋弓一致 D、下缘有2,3个脾切迹 E、无上述情况 3(关于腋淋巴结收集范围的叙述(哪一项是错误的( ) A、腹前壁脐平面以上的深层结构 B、上肢的浅层结构 C、胸前外侧壁的浅层结构 D、乳房的外侧部 E、上肢的深层结构 4(脐以下腹前壁的浅淋巴注入( ) A、髂外淋巴结 B、腹股沟浅淋巴结 C、腹股沟深淋巴结 D、胸骨旁淋巴结 E、腋淋巴结 5(乳糜池( ) A、由左右腰干和肠干合成 B、由左右肠干和腰干合成 c、向上穿过膈肌的腔静脉孔 D、向上穿过膈肌的食管裂孔 E、相当于第2腰椎高度前面 6、关予淋巴结的叙述中,何者是错误的( ) A、一侧隆凸;一侧凹陷,称门 B、输出管与凹侧相连 C、输出管与凸侧相连 D、常聚集群 E、多沿血管周围配布 7(不成对的淋巴干有( ) A、颈干 B、锁骨下干 C、支气管纵隔干D、腰干 E、肠干 8(下列何者的浅淋巴不注入腹股沟浅淋巴结( ) A、腹前壁下部 B、臀部 C、会阴部 D、外生殖器 E、小腿后外侧部 9(腋外侧淋巴结位于(() A、胸外侧血管周围 B、腋腔后壁 C、腋腔中央 D、腋静脉周围 E、以上均不对 r is designed to exclude as much as possible residential air pollution: the introduction of freshion aiy related to the hen house ventilation, warmth, cooling, water supply and drainage, lighting and other factors. 3, ventilatof building structure is built on chicken the best environment of rational index and building cost index based on both, mainlsign General no power ventilation, sufficient artificial lighting is used. Disadvantages are subject to external influence. De ntrol and easy to manage. Windows that open sheds sheds are used outside of natural resource and energy saving the hen house.week window, using artificial light, mechanical ventilation for energy Coop, microclimate environment is easy to co-end, closed henhouse four-end and open-requirements in chicken farm 2, chicken coop chicken coop building type of the construction of closedGA broiler (2) left room for technological transformation, ease of reproduction. Construction, and energy savings funds (3) meet to the environment, building the second design 1. chicken coop construction General requirements (1) to meet the needs of the lutionbreaks have occurred in area 7. Avoid contaminated areas of the city, take appropriate environmental measures to minimize polfarms of the upper hand to the 6. Understand the poultry epidemic situation on the ground, trying to avoid the endemic or outis located in the field is downwind, brood care and adult care homes apart, brood care in chicken production areas and water sources are on a chicken farm in the wind, net road and dirt road separating uncrossed, dung farm -production areas and non-and nonproduction 46 10(下述关于胸肌淋巴结的描述,何者正确( ) A、沿胸外侧血管周围排列 B、收纳乳房内侧的淋巴管 C、收纳胸、腹壁浅淋巴管 D、沿胸肌间排列 E、以上均不对 三、多选题 1(下列关于淋巴系统的描述(哪些是正确的( ) A、由淋巴管道、淋巴器官、淋巴组织组成 B、是静脉的辅助部分 C、具有参与体液循环、造血等功能 D、组织液大部分是经淋巴系统回流的 E、以上均对 2(属于淋巴器官的有( ) A、脾 B、淋巴结 C、扁桃体 D、胸腺 E、胰 3(属于淋巴干的有( ) A、头臂干 B、腹腔干 C、肠干 D、腰干 E、颈干 4(成对的淋巴干有( ) A、颈干 B、锁骨下干(C、支气管纵隔干 D、肠干 E、腰干 5(胸导管( ) A、由左侧锁骨下干、颈干和支气管纵隔干汇合而成 B、穿主动脉裂孔上行 C、注入左静脉角D、注入右静脉角 一E、收纳下半身及右上半身的淋巴 6(关于胸导管的描述。正确的是( ) A、是全身最大的淋巴导管 B、起于第1腰椎体前面 C、经膈的主动脉裂孔入胸腔 D、收纳人体3,4的淋巴回流 E、注入左静脉角 7(右淋巴导管(( ) A、是全身最大的淋巴导管 B、由所有右侧的淋巴干汇合而成 c、收纳右半身的淋巴回流 D、收纳人体1,4的淋巴回流 E、注入右静脉角 8(淋巴结( ) A、是淋巴回流过程中不断经过的淋巴器官 B、其隆凸侧有输出淋巴管 C、其凹侧有输入淋巴管 D、具有过滤异物、吞噬细菌和产生抗体等作用 E、常聚集成群。且有浅深之分 9(颈外侧浅淋巴结( ) A、沿颈外静脉排列 B、沿颈内静脉排列 C、位于胸锁乳突肌表面 D、位于胸锁乳突肌深面 E、是颈部淋巴结核好发部泣 lO(颈外侧深淋巴结( ) A、沿颈外静脉排列 B、沿颈内静脉排列 C、少数可沿锁骨下血管排列 D、其输出管汇合成颈干 E、其输出管汇合成锁骨下干 11(腋淋巴结包括( ) A、外侧淋巴结 B、胸肌淋巴结 C、肩胛下淋巴结 D、中央淋巴结 E、尖淋巴结 12(乳房的淋巴回流途径( ) A、外侧部的汇入外侧淋巴结 B、外侧部的汇入胸肌淋巴结 C、上部的汇入腋尖淋巴结 D、上部的汇入锁骨下淋巴结 E、是感染或癌细胞易扩散途径 l3(关于腹股沟浅淋巴结的说法(哪些正确( ) o the hen house ventilation, warmth, cooling, water supply and drainage, lighting and other factors. 3, ventilation air is ted tlding structure is built on chicken the best environment of rational index and building cost index based on both, mainly relapower ventilation, sufficient artificial lighting is used. Disadvantages are subject to external influence. Design of bui oeasy to manage. Windows that open sheds sheds are used outside of natural resource and energy saving the hen house. General nweek window, using artificial light, mechanical ventilation for energy Coop, microclimate environment is easy to control and -fourend, closed henhouse -end and open-rements in chicken farm 2, chicken coop chicken coop building type of the construction of closed2) left room for technological transformation, ease of reproduction. Construction, and energy savings funds (3) meet GA requiler (e environment, building the second design 1. chicken coop construction General requirements (1) to meet the needs of the broioccurred in area 7. Avoid contaminated areas of the city, take appropriate environmental measures to minimize pollution to th have of the upper hand to the 6. Understand the poultry epidemic situation on the ground, trying to avoid the endemic or outbreaksuncrossed, dung farm is located in the field is downwind, brood care and adult care homes apart, brood care in chicken farms production areas and water sources are on a chicken farm in the wind, net road and dirt road separating-production areas and non-production and nondesigned to exclude as much as possible residential air pollution: the introduction of fresh47 A、可分为两群 B、上群排列于腹股沟韧带下方 C、下群沿股静脉末端排列 D、其输出管注入腹股沟深淋巴结 E、以上均对 四、名词解释 1(局部淋巴结 2(右淋巴导管 3(乳糜池 4(锬骨上淋巴结 5(腹股沟浅淋巴结 五、问答题 1(试述胸导管的起始、组成、行径和收纳范围。 2(试述腋淋巴结的各分群的名称、位置和收纳范围。 3(简述乳房的淋巴回流途径。 4(描述腹股沟淋巴结分布及收纳情况。 [参考答案] 一、填空题 1(淋巴管道,淋巴器官,淋巴组织 2(淋巴结,脾。胸腺。扁桃体 3(左右颈干,左右锁骨下干(左右支气管纵隔干,左右腰干(肠干 4(毛细淋巴管,淋巴管,淋巴干。淋巴导管 5(左季肋区胃底与膈之间(第9-11肋相对,第10肋 6(两下肢。腹盆部,左半胸,左上肢;左半头颈部(3/4,左静脉角 7(右半头颈部,右上肢(右半胸部。1/4,右静脉角 8(乳糜池,一条肠干,左腰干,右腰干。脊椎。食管(第4。左静脉角,颈干,锁骨下干,支气管 纵隔干 9(沿腋静脉排列,外侧淋巴结,沿胸外侧血管排列,胸肌淋巴结,沿肩胛下血管排列(肩胛下淋巴 结(腋窝中央脂肪组织内(中央淋巴结。沿腋静脉近段排列。腋尖淋巴结(锁骨下干 10(沿肺动脉和支气管分支排列。肺,肺门淋巴结 11(胃左右淋巴结(胃网膜左右淋巴结,幽门淋巴结,肝淋巴结,脾淋巴结 12(沿肠系膜上动脉及其分支排列,肠系膜巴结,回肠淋巴结,右结肠淋巴结(中结肠淋巴结,肠 干 13(沿肠系膜下动脉及其分支排列,左结肠淋巴结,乙状结肠滞巴结,直肠上淋巴结(肠干 14(腹股沟韧带,大隐静脉。会阴部(外生殖器。臀部,腹前壁下部(足内侧部(小腿前内侧,大 腿的浅淋巴管,股静脉根部,腹股沟深淋巴结 15(淋巴结。脾(扁桃体。制造淋巴细胞(产生抗体,过滤异物(吞噬细菌) 16(下颌下腺周围,颜面(口腔(颈外侧浅淋巴结。颈外侧深淋巴结 17(颏下部。颏部(下唇内侧面。舌尖,颈外侧深淋巴结 18(颈内静脉,头部诸淋巴结,胸壁上部,颈干 19(胸导管。颈干,锁骨上淋巴结 r is designed to exclude as much as possible residential air pollution: the introduction of freshion aiy related to the hen house ventilation, warmth, cooling, water supply and drainage, lighting and other factors. 3, ventilatof building structure is built on chicken the best environment of rational index and building cost index based on both, mainlsign General no power ventilation, sufficient artificial lighting is used. Disadvantages are subject to external influence. De ntrol and easy to manage. Windows that open sheds sheds are used outside of natural resource and energy saving the hen house.week window, using artificial light, mechanical ventilation for energy Coop, microclimate environment is easy to co-end, closed henhouse four-end and open-requirements in chicken farm 2, chicken coop chicken coop building type of the construction of closedGA broiler (2) left room for technological transformation, ease of reproduction. Construction, and energy savings funds (3) meet to the environment, building the second design 1. chicken coop construction General requirements (1) to meet the needs of the lutionbreaks have occurred in area 7. Avoid contaminated areas of the city, take appropriate environmental measures to minimize polfarms of the upper hand to the 6. Understand the poultry epidemic situation on the ground, trying to avoid the endemic or outis located in the field is downwind, brood care and adult care homes apart, brood care in chicken production areas and water sources are on a chicken farm in the wind, net road and dirt road separating uncrossed, dung farm -production areas and non-and nonproduction 48 20(蝮腔淋巴结。肠系膜上淋巴结。肠系膜下淋巴结,乳糜池 二、单选题 1(A 2(A 3(A 4(B 5(A 6(C 7(E 8(E 9(D 10(A 三、多选题 1(A B C 2(ABCD 3(CDE 4(ABCE 5(BC 6(ABCDE 7(DE 8(ADE 9(ACE; 10(BCD 11(ABCDE 12(BCE 13(ABD 四、名词解释 1(人体某器官或某部位的淋巴引流至一定的淋巴结,该淋巴结称为该器官或该部位的局部淋巴结。 当局部感染、病毒或癌细胞等可沿淋巴官侵入,引起局部淋巴肿大。 2(位于右颈根部,由右颈干、右锁骨下干、右支气管纵隔干汇合而成,注入右静脉角,主要收集右 半头颈部、右上肢和右半胸部的淋巴,即人体1/4的淋巴回流。 3(乳糜池是胸导管起始处的膨大,通常位于第l腰椎前方,由1条肠干和左右腰干汇合而成。 4(有部分的额外侧深淋巴沿锁骨下血管排列,位于锁骨上窝内,称为锁骨上淋巴结,胃癌或食管癌 患者时癌细胞经胸导管由颈干逆行转移到左镇骨上淋巴结,临床上可触到肿天的淋巴结。 5。分为上、下两群(上群排列于腹股沟韧带下方并与其平行,收纳会阴部、外生殖器、臀部和腹前 壁下部的浅淋巴管;下群沿大隐静脉末端纵行排列(收集足内侧部、小腿前内侧以及大腿的浅淋巴 管(其输出管注入腹股沟深淋巴结。 五、问答题 1(胸导管是全身最大的淋巴导管,通常起自第1腰椎体前方的乳糜池,乳糜池是胸导管起始处的膨 大,它由一条肠干和左右腰干汇合而成。胸导管经主动脉裂孔入胸腔,在食管右后方(沿脊椎右前 方上升,至第5胸椎附近转向左侧。在脊椎左侧上行胸腔上口达左颈根部,呈弓状弯曲斜向外侧注 入左静脉角。在注入前还接纳左颈干、左锁骨下干、左支气管纵隔干。胸导管主要收集两下肢、腹 盆部、左半胸、左上肢和左半头颈部的淋巴,即人体3/4的淋巴流。 2(腋淋巴结位于腋窝内(约有20一30个(可分为五群: (一)外侧淋巴结:沿腋静脉排列,收纳上肢的浅、深淋巴管。 (二)胸肌淋巴结:沿胸外侧血管排列,收纳胸、脐以上腹前侧壁浅淋巴管和乳房外侧的淋巴管。 (三)肩胛下淋巴结:在腋窝后壁沿肩胛下血管排列,收纳项、背部淋巴管。 (四)中央淋巴结:位于腋窝中央脂肪组织内,收纳上述三淋巴结的输出管。 (五)腋尖淋巴结:沿腋静脉近侧段排列。收纳中央淋巴结的输出管、伴头静脉走行的淋巴管和乳房 上部淋巴管(其输出管组成锁骨下干,左侧注入胸导管,右侧注入淋巴导管。 3(乳房的淋巴管是以乳头为中心。向四周呈方射状排列。乳房外侧部的淋巴管入胸肌淋巴结;乳房 上部的淋巴管注入腋尖淋巴结;乳房内侧部的浅淋巴管与对侧交通(而深淋巴管注入胸骨旁淋巴结; 乳房下内侧淋巴管注入膈上淋巴结(前组)。乳房感染或癌细胞转移(可沿上述途径扩散。 4(腹股沟淋巴结分为浅、深两组。其中腹股沟浅淋巴结又分为上、下两群:上群排列于腹股沟韧带 下方并与其平行,收纳会阴部、外生殖器、臀部腹前壁下部的浅淋巴管;下群沿大隐静脉末端纵行 排列。收集足内侧部、小腿前内侧以及大腿的浅淋巴管。腹股沟浅淋巴结的输出管注入腹股沟深淋 巴结。腹股沟深淋巴结位于股静脉根部周围,收纳腹股沟浅淋巴结和腘淋巴结的输出管以及大腿深 淋巴管,其输出管注入髂外淋巴结。 -fourend, closed henhouse -end and open-rements in chicken farm 2, chicken coop chicken coop building type of the construction of closed2) left room for technological transformation, ease of reproduction. Construction, and energy savings funds (3) meet GA requiler (e environment, building the second design 1. chicken coop construction General requirements (1) to meet the needs of the broioccurred in area 7. Avoid contaminated areas of the city, take appropriate environmental measures to minimize pollution to th have of the upper hand to the 6. Understand the poultry epidemic situation on the ground, trying to avoid the endemic or outbreaksuncrossed, dung farm is located in the field is downwind, brood care and adult care homes apart, brood care in chicken farms production areas and water sources are on a chicken farm in the wind, net road and dirt road separating-production areas and non-production and nondesigned to exclude as much as possible residential air pollution: the introduction of fresho the hen house ventilation, warmth, cooling, water supply and drainage, lighting and other factors. 3, ventilation air is ted tlding structure is built on chicken the best environment of rational index and building cost index based on both, mainly relapower ventilation, sufficient artificial lighting is used. Disadvantages are subject to external influence. Design of bui oeasy to manage. Windows that open sheds sheds are used outside of natural resource and energy saving the hen house. General nweek window, using artificial light, mechanical ventilation for energy Coop, microclimate environment is easy to control and 49 第五篇 感觉器 第一章 视器 [练习题] 一、填空题 1(视器由 和 两部组成。 2(眼球壁由外向内依次为 、 和 。 3(眼球外膜又叫 ,前1/6为 。后5/6为 。 4(巩膜和角膜交界处深部有一环形小管称 ,是 流出的通道。 5(眼球壁中膜由前向后分为 、 和 三部分。 6(虹膜中央有一圆孔,称 ,周围有环形排列的平滑肌称 ,受 支配; 有呈放射状排列的平滑肌称 ,受 支配。 7(眼球壁内膜又称 。由前向后可分为 、 和 。 8、用眼底镜检查眼底时。可见视神经盘颞侧有一黄色区,称 (其中央凹陷处称 ,是视 力 的部位。 9(眼的屈光装置有 、 、 和 。 10(房水由 产生,流经 、 、 ,再经 的 进入 ,最后流 。 入 11(眼副器包括 、 、 和 。 12(眼结膜可分为覆盖在眼睑内面的部分称 ,覆盖在巩膜表面的部分称 。 13(泪道包括 、 、 和 。 14(泪液由——分泌(借眨眼涂布于结膜表面。然后经 、 、 、 流入 。 15(运动眼球和眼睑的肌肉有 、 、 、 、 、 、 7条。 16(外直肌瘫痪时瞳孔偏向 。上斜肌收缩时,瞳孔转向 。 二、单选题: 1(黄斑( ) A、无感光细胞 B、因色素沉着而得名 C、是节细胞轴突汇集处 D、为感光最敏锐区 E、位于视神经盘的鼻侧 2(视神经盘的错误描述是( ) A、位于眼球后部视神经起始处 B、呈一圆盘形隆起 C、视网膜中央动脉由此穿出 D、颜色鲜红 E、是生理学上的盲点 3(下列哪不属于折光装置( ) A、角膜 B、虹膜 C、房水 D、晶状体 E、玻璃体 4(内直肌瘫痪( ) A、眼球向内斜 B、眼球向外斜 C、因外展神经受损伤 D、因滑车神经受损伤 E、以上全错 三、多选题 1(属于眼球中膜的是( ) A、巩膜 B、视神经盘 C、虹膜 D、脉络膜 E、睫状体 r is designed to exclude as much as possible residential air pollution: the introduction of freshion aiy related to the hen house ventilation, warmth, cooling, water supply and drainage, lighting and other factors. 3, ventilatof building structure is built on chicken the best environment of rational index and building cost index based on both, mainlsign General no power ventilation, sufficient artificial lighting is used. Disadvantages are subject to external influence. De ntrol and easy to manage. Windows that open sheds sheds are used outside of natural resource and energy saving the hen house.week window, using artificial light, mechanical ventilation for energy Coop, microclimate environment is easy to co-end, closed henhouse four-end and open-requirements in chicken farm 2, chicken coop chicken coop building type of the construction of closedGA broiler (2) left room for technological transformation, ease of reproduction. Construction, and energy savings funds (3) meet to the environment, building the second design 1. chicken coop construction General requirements (1) to meet the needs of the lutionbreaks have occurred in area 7. Avoid contaminated areas of the city, take appropriate environmental measures to minimize polfarms of the upper hand to the 6. Understand the poultry epidemic situation on the ground, trying to avoid the endemic or outis located in the field is downwind, brood care and adult care homes apart, brood care in chicken production areas and water sources are on a chicken farm in the wind, net road and dirt road separating uncrossed, dung farm -production areas and non-and nonproduction 50 2(调节晶状体凸度的结构是( ) A、睫状肌 B、瞳孔开大肌 C、瞳孔括约肌 D、睫状小带 3(物象落在何处无视觉( ) A、视网膜虹膜部 B、视网膜睫状体部 C、黄斑 D、视神经盘 E、中央凹 4(眼内的平滑肌( ) A、瞳孔括约肌 B、瞳孔开大肌 C、Mfiller肌 D、睫状肌 E、上睑提肌 5(眼球内容物包括( ) A、前房与后房 B、虹膜 C、晶状体 D、玻璃体 E、房水 四、名词解释 1(视神经盘 2(黄斑 3(巩膜静脉窦 4(结膜囊 5(虹膜角膜角 五、问答题 1(房水的产生、作用及循环途径如何? 2(泪液的产生及排出途径如何? 3(运动眼球的肌肉有哪些? [参考答案] 一、填空题: I(眼球。眼副器 2(外膜,中膜。内膜 3(眼球纤维膜(角膜(巩膜 4(巩膜静脉窦(房水 5(虹膜,睫状体(脉络膜 6(瞳孔。瞳孔括约肌,副交感神经;瞳孔开大肌,交感神经 7(视网膜。虹膜部(睫状体部和视网膜视部 8(黄斑。中央凹(最敏锐 9(角膜。房水。晶状体,玻璃体 lo(睫状体,眼后房(瞳孔,眼前房(虹膜角膜角(虹膜角膜角隙,巩膜静脉窦。眼上、下静脉 11(眼睑。结膜(泪器(眼外肌 12(睑结膜(球结膜 13(泪点。泪小管(泪囊(鼻泪管 14(泪腺,泪点。泪小管(泪囊(鼻泪管(下鼻道 15(内直肌,外直肌,上直肌,下直肌,上斜肌,下斜肌。上睑提肌 16(内上方,外下方 二、单选题 1(D 2(D 3(B 4(B -fourend, closed henhouse -end and open-rements in chicken farm 2, chicken coop chicken coop building type of the construction of closed2) left room for technological transformation, ease of reproduction. Construction, and energy savings funds (3) meet GA requiler (e environment, building the second design 1. chicken coop construction General requirements (1) to meet the needs of the broioccurred in area 7. Avoid contaminated areas of the city, take appropriate environmental measures to minimize pollution to th have of the upper hand to the 6. Understand the poultry epidemic situation on the ground, trying to avoid the endemic or outbreaksuncrossed, dung farm is located in the field is downwind, brood care and adult care homes apart, brood care in chicken farms production areas and water sources are on a chicken farm in the wind, net road and dirt road separating-production areas and non-production and nondesigned to exclude as much as possible residential air pollution: the introduction of fresho the hen house ventilation, warmth, cooling, water supply and drainage, lighting and other factors. 3, ventilation air is ted tlding structure is built on chicken the best environment of rational index and building cost index based on both, mainly relapower ventilation, sufficient artificial lighting is used. Disadvantages are subject to external influence. Design of bui oeasy to manage. Windows that open sheds sheds are used outside of natural resource and energy saving the hen house. General nweek window, using artificial light, mechanical ventilation for energy Coop, microclimate environment is easy to control and 51 三、多选题 1(CDE 2 A D 3(A B D 4(A B D 5(C D E 四、名词解释 l(视神经盘:视网膜视部的后部偏鼻侧,有一圆盘形隆起,疆视神经的起始部称视神经盘,此处无 感光。 2(黄斑:在视神经盘的颞侧约3.5cm(处有一黄色的小区称黄斑。 3(巩膜静脉窦;巩膜与角膜交界处深部有环形小管称巩膜静脉窦,是房水流出的通道。 4(结膜囊;当眼睑闭合时(全部结膜连同它们围成的腔隙称结膜囊。 5(巩膜角膜角:在眼前房内,虹膜与角膜交界处构成巩膜角膜角。 五、问答题: 1(答:房水由睫状体产生(经眼球后房,瞳孔到眼前房,再经虹膜角膜角的虹膜角膜角隙进入巩膜 静脉窦,最后流入眼静脉。其作用是维技眼内压,营养角膜和晶状体的作用。 2(答;泪液由泪腺产生(借眨眼涂布于结膜表面,经泪点,泪小管,泪囊,鼻泪管排泄于下鼻道。 3(答:有上直肌,下直肌(内直肌,外直肌(上斜肌,下斜肌。 第二章 位 听 器 [练习题] 一、填空题 1(外耳包括 、 和 。 2(鼓膜位于 与 之间(其中心部凹陷称 :其上1/4的小区称 。下3/4的小 区称 ,前下部有三角形的反光区称 。 3(中耳包括 、 和 。 4(鼓室是 内的一个不规则含气腔(有六个壁,上壁是 ,分隔 与 ;下壁是 ;前壁是 。此壁上方是 开口;后壁是 。 上部有——的开口由此向后通入 ;外侧壁是 ;内侧壁是 ,壁的中部隆凸称 , 其后上方有卵圆形孔称 。后下方有茹硼形的开口称 。 5(咽鼓管近鼓室的l/3为 ,近鼻咽的2/3为 。 6(骨迷路可分为 , 和 三部分。 7(鼓室内三块听小骨为 、 、和 。 二、单选题 1(成人检查鼓膜时(须将耳廓拉向( ) A、上 B、下 C、后上 D、后下 2(内耳的听觉感受器是( ) A、球囊斑 B、椭圆囊斑 C、螺旋器 D、壶腹嵴 3(不属于骨迷路是( ) A、耳蜗 B、骨半规管 C、乳突窦和乳突小房 D、前庭 E、蜗轴 4(不属于鼓室迷路壁的结构是( ) r is designed to exclude as much as possible residential air pollution: the introduction of freshion aiy related to the hen house ventilation, warmth, cooling, water supply and drainage, lighting and other factors. 3, ventilatof building structure is built on chicken the best environment of rational index and building cost index based on both, mainlsign General no power ventilation, sufficient artificial lighting is used. Disadvantages are subject to external influence. De ntrol and easy to manage. Windows that open sheds sheds are used outside of natural resource and energy saving the hen house.week window, using artificial light, mechanical ventilation for energy Coop, microclimate environment is easy to co-end, closed henhouse four-end and open-requirements in chicken farm 2, chicken coop chicken coop building type of the construction of closedGA broiler (2) left room for technological transformation, ease of reproduction. Construction, and energy savings funds (3) meet to the environment, building the second design 1. chicken coop construction General requirements (1) to meet the needs of the lutionbreaks have occurred in area 7. Avoid contaminated areas of the city, take appropriate environmental measures to minimize polfarms of the upper hand to the 6. Understand the poultry epidemic situation on the ground, trying to avoid the endemic or outis located in the field is downwind, brood care and adult care homes apart, brood care in chicken production areas and water sources are on a chicken farm in the wind, net road and dirt road separating uncrossed, dung farm -production areas and non-and nonproduction 52 A、岬 B、锥隆起 C、蜗窗 D、前庭窗 E、面神经管凸 三、名词解释 1(乳突窦 2(咽鼓管 四、问答题 1(鼓室有哪6个壁?与哪些结构和部位相邻接?通过何种结构与哪些部位相交通? 2(咽炎经何途径蔓延而致中耳炎、乳突炎,甚或可致面神经瘫痪? [参考答案] 一、填空题 1(耳廓,外耳道,鼓膜 2(外耳道底,鼓室,鼓膜脐(松弛部(紧张部,光锥 3(鼓室,咽鼓管(乳突小房 4(颞骨岩部,鼓室盖,鼓室(颅中窝,颈静脉壁(颈动脉壁,咽鼓管(乳突壁,乳突窦(乳突小房, 鼓膜壁,迷路壁,岬(前庭窗(蜗窗。 5(骨部(软骨部 6(前庭,骨半规管,耳蜗 7(锤骨(砧骨(镫骨 二、单选题: 1(C 2(C 3(C 4(B 三、名词解释 1(乳突窦:乳突内有一个最大的含气小腔位于鼓室上隐窝的后方,称乳突窦。 2(咽鼓管:沟通鼓室与鼻咽(使鼓室内的气压与外界大气压一致(有利于鼓膜振动。分为骨部和软 骨部 四、问答题: 1(答:鼓室有6个壁:上壁、下壁、前壁、后壁、内侧壁、外侧壁。上壁即鼓室盖与颅中窝相邻; 下壁即颈静脉壁与颈内静脉起始部相邻; 前壁即颈动脉壁,与颈动脉管相邻。可经咽鼓管鼓室口、咽鼓管与鼻咽相通; 后壁即乳突壁(有乳突窦的开口,入乳突窦(向后通乳突小房。 外侧壁即鼓膜壁,与外耳道相邻。 内侧壁即迷路壁(与内耳相邻。 2(答:咽炎时,细菌可能经咽鼓管的咽口(咽鼓管。咽鼓管鼓室口入鼓室,导致中耳炎;当炎症经 后壁的乳突窦口入乳突窦及乳突小房,导致乳突炎;当中耳炎破坏面神经管凸,累及面神经,可导 致面神经瘫痪。 -rements in chicken farm 2, chicken coop chicken coop building type of the construction of closed2) left room for technological transformation, ease of reproduction. Construction, and energy savings funds (3) meet GA requiler (e environment, building the second design 1. chicken coop construction General requirements (1) to meet the needs of the broioccurred in area 7. Avoid contaminated areas of the city, take appropriate environmental measures to minimize pollution to th have of the upper hand to the 6. Understand the poultry epidemic situation on the ground, trying to avoid the endemic or outbreaksuncrossed, dung farm is located in the field is downwind, brood care and adult care homes apart, brood care in chicken farms production areas and water sources are on a chicken farm in the wind, net road and dirt road separating-production areas and non-production and nondesigned to exclude as much as possible residential air pollution: the introduction of fresho the hen house ventilation, warmth, cooling, water supply and drainage, lighting and other factors. 3, ventilation air is ted tlding structure is built on chicken the best environment of rational index and building cost index based on both, mainly relapower ventilation, sufficient artificial lighting is used. Disadvantages are subject to external influence. Design of bui oeasy to manage. Windows that open sheds sheds are used outside of natural resource and energy saving the hen house. General nweek window, using artificial light, mechanical ventilation for energy Coop, microclimate environment is easy to control and -fourend, closed henhouse -end and open53 第六篇 神 经 系 统 第一章 中枢神经系统 [练习题] 一、填空题 1(神经系统由 和 两大部分组成。 2(中枢神经系统包括 和 。 3(脊髓位于 内,下端尖细,称 约平 水平。 4、脊髓有两处膨大,上方的叫 (发出到 的神经,下方的叫 ,发出至 的神 经。 5(第6胸髓节位于第 椎体水平高度。 6(脊髓前角内含有 神经元(后角畲有 神经元;侧角只见于 和 ,是 的 低级中枢,其神经元轴突是 的节前纤维。 7(脑包括 、 、 、 、 和 。 8(脊髓后索中的主要纤维束有 和 ,上述纤维柬损伤,会引起损伤平面以下同侧躯体 和 障碍。 9(脑干包括 、 和 。 ,其内自内侧向外侧依次连有 、 和 。 10(延髓和脑桥在腹侧面的分界是 11、脑桥腹侧面正中的纵行沟称 ,其中行有 ,后者由两侧的 汇合而成。 12(与延髓相连的脑神经共 对,其中连于前外侧淘的,自上而下依次是 、 和 。 13(与中脑相连的脑神经有 和 。 14、组成空侧丘系的神经纤维来自 和 ,一侧内侧丘系损伤,表现为 侧肢体的 和 障碍。 15(当颅内压增高时(可嵌入枕骨大孔的小脑结构是 。 16(背侧丘脑的腹后核可分为 和 。前者接受 的纤维(后者接受 和 的 纤维。 17(后丘脑包括 和 。 18(下丘脑位于下丘脑沟以下的第三脑室下部侧壁。在脑底面此部还包括 、 、 和 。 19(大脑皮质的躯体感觉区位于 和 。 20、大脑皮质的躯体运动区包括位于 和 。 21(侧脑室可分为 、 、 和 四部分。 22、基底核包括 、 、 和 ,其中 和 合称为 纹状体。新纹状体是由 和 组成,旧纹状体是指 。 23、内囊由 、 和 围成,可分成三部分,内囊前肢位于 和 之间,内 囊后肢位于 和 之间。前后肢会合处称为 。 24(视觉中枢位于枕叶内侧面的 沟两侧的皮质。 25(听区位子 。 26(说话中枢位于 ,听话中枢位予 ,写中枢位于 。 r is designed to exclude as much as possible residential air pollution: the introduction of freshion aiy related to the hen house ventilation, warmth, cooling, water supply and drainage, lighting and other factors. 3, ventilatof building structure is built on chicken the best environment of rational index and building cost index based on both, mainlsign General no power ventilation, sufficient artificial lighting is used. Disadvantages are subject to external influence. De ntrol and easy to manage. Windows that open sheds sheds are used outside of natural resource and energy saving the hen house.week window, using artificial light, mechanical ventilation for energy Coop, microclimate environment is easy to co-end, closed henhouse four-end and open-requirements in chicken farm 2, chicken coop chicken coop building type of the construction of closedGA broiler (2) left room for technological transformation, ease of reproduction. Construction, and energy savings funds (3) meet to the environment, building the second design 1. chicken coop construction General requirements (1) to meet the needs of the lutionbreaks have occurred in area 7. Avoid contaminated areas of the city, take appropriate environmental measures to minimize polfarms of the upper hand to the 6. Understand the poultry epidemic situation on the ground, trying to avoid the endemic or outis located in the field is downwind, brood care and adult care homes apart, brood care in chicken production areas and water sources are on a chicken farm in the wind, net road and dirt road separating uncrossed, dung farm -production areas and non-and nonproduction 54 27(边缘叶包括 、 、 、 和 等组成。 28(四肢和躯干的本体感觉传导通路中,第一级神经元在 ;第二级神经元在 和 ;第三级神经元在 。 29(躯干和四肢的浅感觉传导通路中:第一级神经元胞体位于 内;第二级神经元在 ;第三级神经元在 。 30(头面部的浅感觉传导通路中(第一、二、三级神经元的胞体,分别位于 和 内。第三级纤维经 ,投射到在 的大脑皮质。 31(一侧内囊损伤(临床上可能表现为 、 和 。 32(视觉传导通路由三级神经元组成,第一级神经元在 ,第二级神经元在 ,第三级神经元在 。 33(脑和脊髓外面包有三层被膜,从外向内依次为 、 和 。 34(伸入两大脑半球之问的硬脑膜称 ,而伸入枕叶与小脑之间的称 。 35(硬脊膜外面与 之间的狭窄腔隙称 ,内含 。 36(蛛网膜为半透明的薄膜,它与 之间有一间隙。称 ,内含脑脊液。 37(侧脑室的脑脊液经 入 ,经 入第四脑室;再经 孔和 孔入 然后通过蛛网膜粒渗入 ,最后流入颈内静脉。 38(脑的供血动脉主要来源予 和 。 39(大脑动脉环由 、 、 、 和 ,在脑底部相互吻合而成,该环围绕在 、 和 周围,将两侧的 和 动脉系统连接起来。 40(穿过海绵窦和其侧壁的神经有 、 、 、 和 。 41(大脑中动脉起自 ,供应大脑半球 的大部分,在脑底(其起始部发出细小的 动脉,呈直角穿入脑实质(主要供应 、 和 。 42(运动传导路可分为 系和 系二部分。 43(皮质脊髓束的上运动神经元主要位于 皮质的锥体细胞,下运动神经元位于 。上运动神经元损伤时,产生 瘫。下运动神经元损伤时,产生 瘫。 44(皮质核束的上运动神经元主要位于 皮质的锥体细胞,下运动神经元为 。 45(第四脑室底称为 ,在正中线上有一纵沟称 ,在此沟的外侧有一纵沟称 。两沟之间的部分称 ,界沟的外侧呈三角形区称 。 46(在延髓内与迷走神经相关的核团有 、 、 和 。 47(在延髓内与舌咽神经相关的核团有: 、 、 和 。 48(在脑干内与三叉神经相关的核团有: 、 、 和 。 49(动眼神经的二种神经纤维成分为 和 ,它们分别发自 核和 核。 50(在脑干内作为本体觉传导的中继核团有 和 。 51(在脑干内起着大脑皮质和小脑之间联系的重要中继核有 和 。 52在中脑被盖与脚底之间有含色索的神经细胞称为 ,能合成 ,是锥体外系的重要神经递质,经神经纤维输送至 。若该神经递质减少。将出现 的症状。 53(古小脑包括 ,它主要与 和 有密切联系。旧小脑包括 、 和 , 它们主要与 有联系。新小脑是指小脑的 部分。它主要与 有密切关系。 fourend, closed henhouse -end and open-rements in chicken farm 2, chicken coop chicken coop building type of the construction of closed2) left room for technological transformation, ease of reproduction. Construction, and energy savings funds (3) meet GA requiler (e environment, building the second design 1. chicken coop construction General requirements (1) to meet the needs of the broioccurred in area 7. Avoid contaminated areas of the city, take appropriate environmental measures to minimize pollution to th have of the upper hand to the 6. Understand the poultry epidemic situation on the ground, trying to avoid the endemic or outbreaksuncrossed, dung farm is located in the field is downwind, brood care and adult care homes apart, brood care in chicken farms production areas and water sources are on a chicken farm in the wind, net road and dirt road separating-production areas and non-production and nondesigned to exclude as much as possible residential air pollution: the introduction of fresho the hen house ventilation, warmth, cooling, water supply and drainage, lighting and other factors. 3, ventilation air is ted tlding structure is built on chicken the best environment of rational index and building cost index based on both, mainly relapower ventilation, sufficient artificial lighting is used. Disadvantages are subject to external influence. Design of bui oeasy to manage. Windows that open sheds sheds are used outside of natural resource and energy saving the hen house. General nweek window, using artificial light, mechanical ventilation for energy Coop, microclimate environment is easy to control and -55 54(下丘脑的视上区内的主要核团有 和 ,它们能合成 和 , 通过 输送至 。 55(后丘脑包括 和 ,前者接受 纤维,换元后再投射到 ,后者接受 纤维。换元后再投射到 。 56(小脑核有4对,包括 、 、 和 。 二、单选题 1(成人脊髓末端一般在何水平?( ) A、第十二胸椎体下缘 B、第一腰椎体下缘 C、第二椎体下缘 D、第三椎体下缘 E、第四椎体下缘 2(将脊髓从两侧固定封硬脊膜的结构是( ) A、马尾 B、终丝 C、蛛网膜 D、齿状韧带 E、脊髓圆锥 3(脊髓第十胸节约平( ) A、第五胸椎水平 B、第六胸椎体水平 C、第七胸椎体水平 D、第八胸椎体水平 E、第十胸推体水平 4(脊髓腰骶膨大以下变细的部分称( ) A、马尾 B、齿状韧带 C、终丝 D、脊髓圆锥 E、以上全错 5(传导躯体痛觉温度觉及粗触觉冲动的纤维束是( ) A、薄束和楔束 B、脊髓丘脑束 C、网状脊髓束 D、红核脊髓束 E、皮质脊髓侧束 6(与延髓相连的神经是( ) A、动眼神经B、舌咽神经C、展神经 D、迷走神经E、舌咽神经和迷走神经 7(自中脑脚间窝穿出的脑神经是( ) A、嗅神经 B、滑车神经 C、视神经 D、动眼神经 E、舌下神经 8(脑神经核的含义( ) B、是脑干内不连续的灰质团块 A、是神经元胞体聚集丽成 C、是脑干内与脑神经有关的灰质团块 D、是与神经冲动传导有关的灰质团块 E、以上全错 9(视交叉属于( ) A、背测丘脑 B、中脑 C、上丘脑 D、下丘脑 E、端脑 10(孤束核可接受来自下列脑神经的传入纤维( ) A、第?、V、?对 B、第V、?、? C、第?、?、X对 D、第V、?、X、对 E、第V、?、X对 11(一侧面神经丘处室管膜肿块压迫首先造成( ) A、同侧睑裂以下表情肌瘫痪 B、对侧睑裂以下表情肌瘫痪 C、同侧眼球以上表情肌瘫痪 D、对侧表情肌全部瘫痪 E、同侧表情肌全部瘫痪 12(丘脑腹后内厕核接受( ) A、内侧丘系和外侧丘系的纤维投射 B、内侧丘系和脊髓丘系的纤维投射 C、内侧丘系和三叉丘系的纤维投射 D、三叉系和脊髓丘系的纤维投射 E、三叉丘系的纤维投射 13(传导躯干四肢痛温觉的:级纤维止于丘脑的( ) A、背外侧 B、腹外侧核 C、腹后外侧核 D、后外侧核 E、腹后内侧核 r is designed to exclude as much as possible residential air pollution: the introduction of freshion aiy related to the hen house ventilation, warmth, cooling, water supply and drainage, lighting and other factors. 3, ventilatof building structure is built on chicken the best environment of rational index and building cost index based on both, mainlsign General no power ventilation, sufficient artificial lighting is used. Disadvantages are subject to external influence. De ntrol and easy to manage. Windows that open sheds sheds are used outside of natural resource and energy saving the hen house.week window, using artificial light, mechanical ventilation for energy Coop, microclimate environment is easy to co-end, closed henhouse four-end and open-requirements in chicken farm 2, chicken coop chicken coop building type of the construction of closedGA broiler (2) left room for technological transformation, ease of reproduction. Construction, and energy savings funds (3) meet to the environment, building the second design 1. chicken coop construction General requirements (1) to meet the needs of the lutionbreaks have occurred in area 7. Avoid contaminated areas of the city, take appropriate environmental measures to minimize polfarms of the upper hand to the 6. Understand the poultry epidemic situation on the ground, trying to avoid the endemic or outis located in the field is downwind, brood care and adult care homes apart, brood care in chicken production areas and water sources are on a chicken farm in the wind, net road and dirt road separating uncrossed, dung farm -production areas and non-and nonproduction 56 14(下列哪个结构不属边缘叶( ) A、扣带回 B、钩 C、海马 D、乳头体 E、海马旁回 15(听区位于( ) A、角回 B、舌回 C、中央旁小叶 D、颞磺回 E、枕极 16(书写中枢位于( ) A、额中回后部 B、额下回后部 C、颞横回 D、角回 E、顿上回后部 17(阅读中枢位于( ) A、额中圆后部 B、额下回后部 C、颞上回后部D、角回 E、颞横回 18(皮质核柬( ) A、仅支配对侧动眼神经运动核 B、仅支配对侧动眼神经副核 C、仅支配对侧滑车神经核 D、支配双侧疑核 E、仅支配对侧面神经核上半 19(视辐射的起始细胞是( ) A、视网膜节细胞层 B、内侧膝状体核 C、外侧膝状体核D、上丘核 E、顶盖前区 20(不参与大脑动脉环组成的动脉有( ) A、前交通动脉 B、大脑前动脉 C、大脑中动脉 D、大脑后动脉 E、后交通动脉 三、多选题 1(脊髓( ) A、与3l对脊神经相连 B、前角内为运动性神经元 C、侧角存在于胸髓和上3节腰髓 D、骶副交感核在第l-4骶节 E、以上全对 2(薄、楔束传导( ) A、痛觉 B、精细触觉 C、温度觉 D、本体觉 E、味觉 3(脊髓一侧横断后将导致( ) A、同侧损伤平面以下躯体运动障碍 B、同侧损伤平面以下精细触觉障碍 C、同侧损伤平面以下粗触觉障碍 D、同侧损伤平面以下内脏感觉障碍 E、对侧损伤平面以下温度觉和痛觉障碍 4(在延髓脑桥沟处与脑相连的神经是( ) A、动眼神经 B、三叉神经 C、展神经 D、面神经 E、前庭蜗神经 5(与面神经有关的核团有( ) A、面神经核 B、孤束核 C、上泌涎核 D、疑核 E、三叉神经脊束核 6(下列哪些核团与舌咽神经有关?( ) A、孤束核 B、疑核 C、下泌涎核 D、三又神经脊束核 E、上泌涎核 7(下泌涎核( ) A、是副交感核 B、发出纤维入面神经 C、支配泪腺分泌 D、支配舌下腺 E、支配腮腺 8(下列结构中属于后丘脑的有( ) A、内侧膝状体 B、乳头体 C、松果体 D、外侧膝状体 E、胼胝体 9(下丘脑在脑底面的结构为( ) A、视交叉 B、乳头体 C、灰结节 D、漏斗 E、胼胝体 10(大脑半球的分叶包括( ) -rements in chicken farm 2, chicken coop chicken coop building type of the construction of closed2) left room for technological transformation, ease of reproduction. Construction, and energy savings funds (3) meet GA requiler (e environment, building the second design 1. chicken coop construction General requirements (1) to meet the needs of the broioccurred in area 7. Avoid contaminated areas of the city, take appropriate environmental measures to minimize pollution to th have of the upper hand to the 6. Understand the poultry epidemic situation on the ground, trying to avoid the endemic or outbreaksuncrossed, dung farm is located in the field is downwind, brood care and adult care homes apart, brood care in chicken farms production areas and water sources are on a chicken farm in the wind, net road and dirt road separating-production areas and non-production and nondesigned to exclude as much as possible residential air pollution: the introduction of fresho the hen house ventilation, warmth, cooling, water supply and drainage, lighting and other factors. 3, ventilation air is ted tlding structure is built on chicken the best environment of rational index and building cost index based on both, mainly relapower ventilation, sufficient artificial lighting is used. Disadvantages are subject to external influence. Design of bui oeasy to manage. Windows that open sheds sheds are used outside of natural resource and energy saving the hen house. General nweek window, using artificial light, mechanical ventilation for energy Coop, microclimate environment is easy to control and -fourend, closed henhouse -end and open57 A、额叶 B、顶叶 C、枕叶 D、顾叶 E、岛叶 11(一侧伪囊损伤时。可出现( ) A、同侧半身瘫 B、对侧半身瘫 C、同侧半身感觉障碍 D、对侧半身感觉障碍 E、对侧视野同向偏盲 12(组成内囊的的纤维束有( ) A、脊髓丘脑柬 B、皮质脊髓束 C、丘脑中央辐射 D、皮质核束 E、视辐射( 13(只接受对侧皮质核束纤维的核园有( ) A、动眼神经核 B、舌下神经核 C、面神经核上部 D、面神经核下部 E、展神 经核 14(脑脊液( ) A、主要产生于脉络丛 B、主要产生于蛛网膜 C、主要经蛛网膜粒回流入血液 D、有保护脑、脊髓的作用 E、直接回流入颈内静脉 四、名词解释 1(马尾 2(脊髓节段 3(神经核 4(神经节 5(灰质 6(白质 7(第四脑室脉络组织 8(内侧丘系 9(三叉丘系 10(内囊 11(硬膜外隙 12(蛛网膜下隙 13(齿状韧带 14(蛛网膜粒 15(大脑动脉环 五、问答题 i(脊髓白质各索内(主要传导束的名称、位置及功能 2(脊髓灰质的分部及各部内的神经核备称 3(试述内囊的位置、分部及各部通过的主要传导束? 4(营养大脑半球的动脉名称及来源? 5(试述大脑动脉环的位置、构成及意义。 6(试述皮质脊髓侧束的传导通路。 7(试述躯干、四肢浅感觉的传导通路: 8(试述躯干与四肢深感觉及精细触觉的传导通路。 9(试述视觉和瞳孔对光反射的传导通路。 10(试述脑脊液的产生及循环途径。 r is designed to exclude as much as possible residential air pollution: the introduction of freshion aiy related to the hen house ventilation, warmth, cooling, water supply and drainage, lighting and other factors. 3, ventilatof building structure is built on chicken the best environment of rational index and building cost index based on both, mainlsign General no power ventilation, sufficient artificial lighting is used. Disadvantages are subject to external influence. De ntrol and easy to manage. Windows that open sheds sheds are used outside of natural resource and energy saving the hen house.week window, using artificial light, mechanical ventilation for energy Coop, microclimate environment is easy to co-end, closed henhouse four-end and open-requirements in chicken farm 2, chicken coop chicken coop building type of the construction of closedGA broiler (2) left room for technological transformation, ease of reproduction. Construction, and energy savings funds (3) meet to the environment, building the second design 1. chicken coop construction General requirements (1) to meet the needs of the lutionbreaks have occurred in area 7. Avoid contaminated areas of the city, take appropriate environmental measures to minimize polfarms of the upper hand to the 6. Understand the poultry epidemic situation on the ground, trying to avoid the endemic or outis located in the field is downwind, brood care and adult care homes apart, brood care in chicken production areas and water sources are on a chicken farm in the wind, net road and dirt road separating uncrossed, dung farm -production areas and non-and nonproduction 58 [参考答案] 一、填空题: 1(中枢神经系统(周围神经系统 2(脑(脊髓 3(椎管(脊髓圆锥(第一腰椎下缘 4(颈膨大,上肢,腰骶膨大,下肢 5(4,胸椎 6(运动(感觉传导中继,胸l-12(腰1-3,交感神经(交感神经 7(延髓、脑桥、中脑,间脑,小脑、端脑 8(薄束,楔束,本体(深)感觉(精细触觉 9(延髓,脑桥(中脑 lO(延髓脑桥沟(展神经(面神经(前庭蜗神经 11(基底沟(基底动脉,椎动脉 12(4,舌咽神经、迷走神经、副神经 13(动眼神经,滑车神经 14(薄束核,楔柬核(对。本体觉(精细触觉 15(小脑扁桃体 16(腹后内侧核,腹后外侧核。三叉丘系。内侧丘系和脊髓丘脑束 17(内侧膝状体,外侧膝状体 18(视交叉,灰结节,漏斗(乳头体 19(中央后回,中央旁小叶后部 20(中央前回(中央旁小叶前部 21(前角,中央部(后角。下角 22(尾状核。豆状核,屏状核(杏仁体,尾状核(豆状核,尾状核。壳(苍白球(内囊膝 23(背侧丘脑(尾状核,豆状核(尾状核头(豆状核,豆状核(背侧丘脑 24(距状沟 25(颞横回 26(额下网后部,颞上回后部。额中回后部 27(隔区。扣带回(海马旁回(钩,海马结构 28(脊神经节(薄束核(楔束核。腹后外侧核 29(脊神经节(脊髓后角灰质,腹后外侧核 30(三叉神经节(脑桥和延髓,腹后内侧核,内囊后肢。中央后回下部 31(对侧半身瘫痪(对侧半身感觉障碍(双跟对侧同向性视野偏盲 32(双极细胞,节细胞(外侧膝状体 33(硬膜。蛛网膜。软膜 34(大腩镰(小脑幕 35(椎管(硬膜外腔(脂肪、椎内静脉丛、脊神经根 36(软膜(蛛网膜下腔 37(室问孔(第三脑室,中脯水管,正中孔,外侧孔(蛛网膜下腔,上矢状窦 38(颈内动脉,推动脉 39(颈内动脉。大脑前动脉(前交通动脉,后交通动脉,大脑后动脉视交叉(灰结节,乳头体(颈 end, closed henhouse -end and open-rements in chicken farm 2, chicken coop chicken coop building type of the construction of closed2) left room for technological transformation, ease of reproduction. Construction, and energy savings funds (3) meet GA requiler (e environment, building the second design 1. chicken coop construction General requirements (1) to meet the needs of the broioccurred in area 7. Avoid contaminated areas of the city, take appropriate environmental measures to minimize pollution to th have of the upper hand to the 6. Understand the poultry epidemic situation on the ground, trying to avoid the endemic or outbreaksuncrossed, dung farm is located in the field is downwind, brood care and adult care homes apart, brood care in chicken farms production areas and water sources are on a chicken farm in the wind, net road and dirt road separating-production areas and non-production and nondesigned to exclude as much as possible residential air pollution: the introduction of fresho the hen house ventilation, warmth, cooling, water supply and drainage, lighting and other factors. 3, ventilation air is ted tlding structure is built on chicken the best environment of rational index and building cost index based on both, mainly relapower ventilation, sufficient artificial lighting is used. Disadvantages are subject to external influence. Design of bui oeasy to manage. Windows that open sheds sheds are used outside of natural resource and energy saving the hen house. General nweek window, using artificial light, mechanical ventilation for energy Coop, microclimate environment is easy to control and -four59 内动脉(椎动脉 40(胺神经(动眼神经,滑事神经。眼神经。上颌神经 41(颈内动脉。背外侧面(中央动脉 豆状核(尾状核,内囊 42(锥体系,锥体外系 43(中央前同上2/3和中央旁小叶前部,脊髓灰质前角,硬(痉挛性),软(弛缓性) 44(中央前回下1/3(脑干脑神经躯体运动核 45(菱形窝,正中沟。界沟,正中隆起(前庭区 46(迷走神经背核(疑核(孤束核(三叉神经脊束核 47(疑核。下泌涎核,孤束核,三叉神经脊柬核 48(三叉神经运动核(三叉神经中脑核,三叉神经脑桥核,三又神经脊束核 49(躯体运动,一般内脏运动。动眼神经核,动眼神经副核 50(薄束核,楔束核 51(下橄榄核。脑桥核 52(黑质,多巴胺,纹状体,震颤麻瘅 53(绒球小结叶,前庭神经。前庭神经核,前叶。蚓垂(蚓锥体脊髓(后叶,大脑皮质 54(视上核,室旁核(抗利尿激素,催产索,视上垂体束,垂体后叶 55(外侧膝状体。内侧膝状体。视束,视皮质。外侧丘系,颞横回 56(齿状核(栓核,球状核,顶核 二、单选题 1(B 2(D 3(C 4(D 5(B 6(E 7(D 8(C 9(D、10。C 11(E 12(E 13(C 14(D 15(D 16(A lZ(D 18(D 19;C 20(C 三、多选题: 1(ABC。2(BD。3(ABE,4(CDE,5(ABC,6(ABCD,7(AE,8(AD 9(ABCD(10(ABlE,11(BDE,12(BCDE,13(BC,14、ACD 四、名词解释 1(连于脊髓腰、骶、尾段的脊神经根,在未合成脊神经穿椎间孔之前,在椎管内几乎垂直下行,脊 髓圆锥下方围绕终丝丽形成。 2(与(二对脊神经根相连的一段脊髓为一个脊髓节、共有31个节段。 3(形态和功能相同的神经元的胞体在中枢内聚集成团。 4(形态和功始相同的神经元的胞体在周围神经聚集成团。 5(在中枢神经内,神经元胞体和树突聚集在一起,在新鲜标本上呈灰色。 6(在中枢神经内,有髓鞘的纤维集中之处在新鲜标本上色泽较白。 7(在第诬脑室顶的后部。在后髓帆后部和菱形窝下角之闷的由室管膜,软膜和血管共同构成。 8(内侧丘系:薄柬核、楔束核发出的纤维左右交叉后折向上行组成,是传导本体觉和精细触觉的纤 维束。 9(三叉丘系:由三叉神经脑桥核和三叉神经脊束核发出的纤维交叉至对侧上行的纤维束,是传导面 部皮肤。粘膜的感觉的纤维束。 10(内囊:投射纤维在尾状核,背侧丘脑和豆状核之间高度集中所形成的自质板(它是大脑皮质与 间脑、脑干相脊髓的上、下行纤维束、视辐射和听辐射组成。 11(在硬脊膜与椎管内骨膜、黄韧带之间窄隙。内含静脉丛、脂肪和脊神经根,为硬膜外麻醉注射 麻醉药之处。 r is designed to exclude as much as possible residential air pollution: the introduction of freshion aiy related to the hen house ventilation, warmth, cooling, water supply and drainage, lighting and other factors. 3, ventilatof building structure is built on chicken the best environment of rational index and building cost index based on both, mainlsign General no power ventilation, sufficient artificial lighting is used. Disadvantages are subject to external influence. De ntrol and easy to manage. Windows that open sheds sheds are used outside of natural resource and energy saving the hen house.week window, using artificial light, mechanical ventilation for energy Coop, microclimate environment is easy to co-end, closed henhouse four-end and open-requirements in chicken farm 2, chicken coop chicken coop building type of the construction of closedGA broiler (2) left room for technological transformation, ease of reproduction. Construction, and energy savings funds (3) meet to the environment, building the second design 1. chicken coop construction General requirements (1) to meet the needs of the lutionbreaks have occurred in area 7. Avoid contaminated areas of the city, take appropriate environmental measures to minimize polfarms of the upper hand to the 6. Understand the poultry epidemic situation on the ground, trying to avoid the endemic or outis located in the field is downwind, brood care and adult care homes apart, brood care in chicken production areas and water sources are on a chicken farm in the wind, net road and dirt road separating uncrossed, dung farm -production areas and non-and nonproduction 60 12(在蛛网膜与软膜之间的腔隙。内含脑脊液。 13(软脊膜在脊髓两侧(脊神经前、后根之间呈齿状向外突起附着于脊髓蛛网膜和硬脊膜(具有固 定脊髓、防止震荡和突然移位的作用。 14(蛛网膜的某些部位,其间皮细胞增生成绒毛并密集形成小结节状结构。脑脊液经此渗入硬脑膜 窦。 15(是在脑底部由前交通动脉,两侧大脑前动脉起始段、两侧颈内动脉、两侧后交通动脉和两侧大 脑后动脉起始段相吻合成的动脉环、围绕视交叉、灰结节和乳头体。它在调整脑的血供和建立脑的 侧副循环方面起重要作用。 五、问答题: 1、脊髓后索内有薄束和楔柬(传导本体(深)感觉。外侧索内有:?皮质脊髓侧束(位于后角基底部 的外侧(管理躯干和四肢的骨骼肌运动。 ?红核脊髓束,住于皮质脊髓侧柬的腹侧、功能:激活屈肌运动神经元。 ?脊髓丘脑束,位于外侧索的前部和前索内(功能:传导对侧躯干和四肢的痛、温、触觉。 ?脊髓小脑前、后柬(分别位于外侧索,外侧缘的前、后。功能:传导对侧和小部分同侧的下肢和 躯干部的非意识性本体觉。 前索内有:?皮质脊髓前束(位于前正中裂两旁,功能:管理对侧躯干固有肌的运动。?前庭脊髓 束、网状脊髓束(顶盖脊髓柬、内侧纵束。功能:参与调节骨骼肌的张力和运动。 2、分:后角、莳角、侧角 后角内有后角边缘核、胶状质、后角固有核、胸核等。 前角内有成群的运动神经元和其他小型细胞。 侧角在胸段和腰段1-3节,内有中间外侧核。 3、内囊位于背侧丘脑、尾状核和豆状核之间。分:前肢——含额桥束、丘脑前辐射。膝——含有皮 质核束 后肢——含有皮质脊髓束、皮质红核束、丘脑中央辐射、顶、枕颞桥束、视辐射和昕副射。 4、?大脑前动脉。源自颈内动脉,?大脑中动脉,源自颈内动脉,?天脑后动脉(源自基底动脉。 5、(见名词解释15) 6、由大脑皮质中央前回上2/3和中央旁小叶前部的神经元发出纤维组成皮质脊髓束下行一内囊后肢 一中脑大脑脚底一脑桥基底部一锥体一锥体交叉组成皮质脊髓侧束下行一脊髓前角 7、皮肤感受器一脊神经节假单极神经元周围突一中枢突组成后根一后角(换神经元,(后角固有核) 一经自质前连合交叉一组成脊髓丘脑束一背侧丘脑腹后外侧核换元(内囊后肢—中央后回上2/3和 中央旁小叶后部的大脑皮质。 8、躯干、四肢的肌、关节、骨一脊神经节帜单极神经元周围突一中枢突组成后根—后索组成薄束(T4 以下)(楔束一延髓薄束核、楔束核一内侧丘系交叉一内侧丘系一背侧丘脑腹后外侧核一经内囊后肢 一中央前回、中央后回上2/3和中央旁小叶后部。 9、视网膜的双极细(胞一节细胞一视神经一视交叉(鼻侧视网膜的纤维交又,颞侧视网膜的纤维不 交叉)一视束一外侧膝状体换元一视辐射一内囊后肢一视中枢。瞳孔对光么射:视网膜一视神经一视 交叉一视束。侧支至顶盖前区一两侧动眼神经副核一动眼神经一睫状神经节,换元,节后纤维支配 瞳孔括约肌(引起双侧瞳孔缩小。 10、侧脑室脉络丛产生的脑脊液(经室间孔一第三脑室+第三脑室及络丛产生的CSF—经中脑水管一 一第四脑室+第四脑室脉络丛产生的CSF。经正中孔、外侧孔一蛛网膜下腔一蛛网膜粒一上矢状窦及 其他硬脑膜窦一颈内静脉。 end and open-rements in chicken farm 2, chicken coop chicken coop building type of the construction of closed2) left room for technological transformation, ease of reproduction. Construction, and energy savings funds (3) meet GA requiler (e environment, building the second design 1. chicken coop construction General requirements (1) to meet the needs of the broioccurred in area 7. Avoid contaminated areas of the city, take appropriate environmental measures to minimize pollution to th have of the upper hand to the 6. Understand the poultry epidemic situation on the ground, trying to avoid the endemic or outbreaksuncrossed, dung farm is located in the field is downwind, brood care and adult care homes apart, brood care in chicken farms production areas and water sources are on a chicken farm in the wind, net road and dirt road separating-production areas and non-production and nondesigned to exclude as much as possible residential air pollution: the introduction of fresho the hen house ventilation, warmth, cooling, water supply and drainage, lighting and other factors. 3, ventilation air is ted tlding structure is built on chicken the best environment of rational index and building cost index based on both, mainly relapower ventilation, sufficient artificial lighting is used. Disadvantages are subject to external influence. Design of bui oeasy to manage. Windows that open sheds sheds are used outside of natural resource and energy saving the hen house. General nweek window, using artificial light, mechanical ventilation for energy Coop, microclimate environment is easy to control and -fourend, closed henhouse -61 第二章 周围神经系统 第一节 脊 神 经 [练习题] 一、填空 1(周围神经按其与中枢神经的连接部位和分布范围不同(通常分为三部分:即与一相连的 ; 与 相连的 ;以及 神经。 2(31对脊神经中,可分为 神经、 神经、 ,神经、 神经和 神经。 3(脊神经前支形成的神经丛计有 、 、 和 。 4(脊神经出椎间孔后立即分为四支,包括 、 、 、 。 5、颈丛皮支由 附近穿出到浅筋膜,呈放射状分布,其分支包括 、 、 、 。 6(下列结构的神经支配: (1)肱二头肌 (2)肱三头肌 (3)手骨间肌 (4)三角肌 (5)背阔肌 (6)小圆肌 (7)旋前圆肌 (8)旋前方肌 (10)拇收肌 (9)指伸肌 (11)第3、4蚓状肌(手) (12)肌四头肌 (13)耻骨肌 (14)胫骨后肌 7(肱骨中段骨折易损伤 神经;肱骨内上髁骨折易损伤 神经;腓骨颈骨折易损伤 神 经。 8(胸神经前支在胸腹壁皮肤分布有叫显节段性,第二胸神经(简写为T2)相当于 平面,T4相 当于 平面,T6相当于 。T10相当于 平面(T12相当于 平面。 9(膈神经的行程是:自颈丛发出后,越过 的前面,经 之间下行入胸腔,越过肺根 的 ,沿心包的外侧面下降入膈。 10(腰丛的主要分支有 、 、 、 、 、 、 等。 11(骶丛的主要分支有 、 、 、 、 。 12(坐骨神经是一的分支。在 下缘出盆腔在臀大肌的深面下行,经过 与 连线的 巾点稍内侧,向下至胭窝上角分为 和 。 13(手掌和手指的掌面及背面的皮肤感觉是由 神经、 神经和 神经管理。 14(肌皮神经肌支支配 肌、 肌和 肌,终支延续为 神经,分布于 皮 肤。 15(腋神经发自臂丛 束,伴 动脉向后,绕 至三角肌深而,其肌支支配 肌 和 肌。 16(腓深神经分布于 前群和 肌以及 的皮肤。 17(腓浅神经肌支支配 、 肌;皮支主要分布于 。 18(脊神经共 对,借 和 与脊髓相连(每对脊神经均是 性的,前根属 r is designed to exclude as much as possible residential air pollution: the introduction of freshion aiy related to the hen house ventilation, warmth, cooling, water supply and drainage, lighting and other factors. 3, ventilatof building structure is built on chicken the best environment of rational index and building cost index based on both, mainlsign General no power ventilation, sufficient artificial lighting is used. Disadvantages are subject to external influence. De ntrol and easy to manage. Windows that open sheds sheds are used outside of natural resource and energy saving the hen house.week window, using artificial light, mechanical ventilation for energy Coop, microclimate environment is easy to co-end, closed henhouse four-end and open-requirements in chicken farm 2, chicken coop chicken coop building type of the construction of closedGA broiler (2) left room for technological transformation, ease of reproduction. Construction, and energy savings funds (3) meet to the environment, building the second design 1. chicken coop construction General requirements (1) to meet the needs of the lutionbreaks have occurred in area 7. Avoid contaminated areas of the city, take appropriate environmental measures to minimize polfarms of the upper hand to the 6. Understand the poultry epidemic situation on the ground, trying to avoid the endemic or outis located in the field is downwind, brood care and adult care homes apart, brood care in chicken production areas and water sources are on a chicken farm in the wind, net road and dirt road separating uncrossed, dung farm -production areas and non-and nonproduction 62 性,后根属 性。 二、单选题 1(某胸椎骨折患者(剑突以下皮肤感觉丧失(推断脊髓的损伤平面最大可能是( ) A、第2胸髓 B、第4胸髓+ ?、第6胸髓 D、第8胸髓 E、第10胸髓 2(关于坐骨神经的下列说法,错误的是( ) A、予梨状肌下缘出骨盆 B、行经大转子与坐骨结节之间 C、位子臀中肌深面 D、于胭窝上方分为胫神经和腓总神经 E、其分支分布于大腿后群肌 3(有关膈神经的叙述(哪项是正确的( ) A、是臂丛的一个重要分支 B、是一对运动神经 c、穿斜角肌问隙下行 D、右侧膈 神经还分支分布到肝和胆囊 E、以上叙述都正确 4(下列有关颈丛的论述(何者有误?( ) A、由上四对颈神经的前支组成 B、位于胸锁乳突肌深面 C、皮支从胸锁乳突肌深面 D、皮支仅支配颈部皮肤 E、含有支配膈肌的神经 5(下五对肋问神经及一对肋下神经行径于( ) A、腹外斜肌、腹内斜肌之问 B、腹外斜肌与皮肤之间 C、腹内斜肌、腹横肌之间 D、腹横肌、腹横筋膜之间 E、贴腹膜壁层外表与腹横筋膜之间 6(支配背阔肌的神经的来源是( ) A、脊神经后支 B、臂丛的分支 C、腰丛的分支 D、颈丛的分支 E、胸神经前支 7(胸长神经支配( ) A、背阔肌 B、前锯肌 C、菱形肌 D、大圆肌 E、肩胛下肌 8(支配旋前圆肌和旋前方肌的是( ) A、腋神经 B、正中神经 C、肌皮神经 D、桡神经 E、尺神经 9(支配旋后肌的是( ) A、肌皮神经 B、尺神经 C、腋神经 D、桡神经 E、正中神经 10(尺侧腕伸肌由哪条神经支配( ) A、肌皮神经 B、尺神经 C、正中神经 D、桡神经深支 E、骨问前神经 11(支配拇收肌的是( ) A、正中神经返支 B、桡神经浅支 C、肌皮神经 D、尺神经深支 E、尺神经浅支 12(以下哪一条神经受损,拇指的运动和感觉功能不受影响( ) A、正中神经 B、桡神经深支 C、尺神经深支 D、桡神经浅支 E、尺神经浅支 13(股神经( ) A、发自骶丛 B、在股二角内位于股动脉的内侧 C、支配大腿前群肌和内侧群肌 D、支配耻骨肌和大腿前群肌 E、经腹股沟中点进入股部 14(关于隐神经的说法哪种错误( ) A、在膝部穿出深筋膜 B、全程与大隐静脉伴行 C、是股神经的皮支 D、分布至 足内侧 皮肤 E、分布至小腿内侧皮肤 15(由两条神经支配的肌是( ) A、闭孔外肌 B、长收肌 C、半膜肌D、耻骨肌 E、半腱肌 rements in chicken farm 2, chicken coop chicken coop building type of the construction of closed2) left room for technological transformation, ease of reproduction. Construction, and energy savings funds (3) meet GA requiler (e environment, building the second design 1. chicken coop construction General requirements (1) to meet the needs of the broioccurred in area 7. Avoid contaminated areas of the city, take appropriate environmental measures to minimize pollution to th have of the upper hand to the 6. Understand the poultry epidemic situation on the ground, trying to avoid the endemic or outbreaksuncrossed, dung farm is located in the field is downwind, brood care and adult care homes apart, brood care in chicken farms production areas and water sources are on a chicken farm in the wind, net road and dirt road separating-production areas and non-production and nondesigned to exclude as much as possible residential air pollution: the introduction of fresho the hen house ventilation, warmth, cooling, water supply and drainage, lighting and other factors. 3, ventilation air is ted tlding structure is built on chicken the best environment of rational index and building cost index based on both, mainly relapower ventilation, sufficient artificial lighting is used. Disadvantages are subject to external influence. Design of bui oeasy to manage. Windows that open sheds sheds are used outside of natural resource and energy saving the hen house. General nweek window, using artificial light, mechanical ventilation for energy Coop, microclimate environment is easy to control and -fourend, closed henhouse -end and open-63 16(腓总神经的错误描述:( ) A、发自坐骨神经 B、绕行腓骨颈外侧 C、分为腓浅和腓深神经 D、不管理小腿的皮肤感觉 E、支配小腿前群肌和外侧群肌 17(胫神经的错误描述是:( ) A、与胭血管伴行 B、与胫后血管伴行 C、在小腿三头肌间下行 D、经内踝后方至足底 E、支配小腿后群肌和足底肌 三、多选题 1(支配上臂肌肉的神经有( ) A、桡神经 B、正中神经 C、肌皮神经 D、尺神经 E、腋神经 2(支配前臂肌肉的神经有( ) A、正中神经 B、桡神经 C、尺神经 D、肌皮神经 E、尺神经浅支 3(脊神经( ) A、由前、后根组成 B、含有4种纤维成分 C、共有31对脊神经 D、所有脊神经都靠白交通支与交感干相连 E、都以灰、白交通与交感干相连 4(关于颈丛的描述,哪些是正确的( ) A、由上4对颈神经前支形成 B、发出耳大神经 C、支配甲状舌骨肌 D、发出皮支至颈部的皮肤 E、其分支中有分布至肝、胆囊者 5(臂丛在颈部与何肌相邻?( ) A、肩胛舌骨肌上腹 B、前斜角肌 C、中斜角肌 D、后斜角肌 E、胸骨舌骨肌 6(腋神经支配( ) A、大圆肌 B、三角肌 C、前锯肌 D、小圆肌 E、肩胛下肌 7(桡神经( ) A、为臂丛外侧束的分支 B、经桡神经沟行向肘的前外侧 C、支配旋前圆肌 D、肱 骨解部颈骨折易损伤之 E、为支配上肢伸肌的主要神经 8(正中神经支配的肌有( ) A、拇长屈肌 B、拇短展肌 C、拇对掌肌 D、拇收肌 E、骨间肌 9(在行程中有一段紧贴骨面行走的神经是( ) A、桡神经 B、腋神经 C、腓总神经 D、尺神经 E、正中神经 四、名词解释 1(脊神经节 2(腰骶干 五、问答题 1(试述膈神经的纤维性质、行径及其分布。 2(腹前壁的肌肉是哪些神经支配的?它们分布的规律如何。 3(试述骶丛的组成及其主要分支的名称。 4、试述臂丛的组成,其内侧束、外侧束和后束各分出哪些神经。 5(上臂和前臂的肌肉各由哪些神经支配? 6(腰丛的位置、组成,股神经和闭孔神经的分布。 r is designed to exclude as much as possible residential air pollution: the introduction of freshion aiy related to the hen house ventilation, warmth, cooling, water supply and drainage, lighting and other factors. 3, ventilatof building structure is built on chicken the best environment of rational index and building cost index based on both, mainlsign General no power ventilation, sufficient artificial lighting is used. Disadvantages are subject to external influence. De ntrol and easy to manage. Windows that open sheds sheds are used outside of natural resource and energy saving the hen house.week window, using artificial light, mechanical ventilation for energy Coop, microclimate environment is easy to co-end, closed henhouse four-end and open-requirements in chicken farm 2, chicken coop chicken coop building type of the construction of closedGA broiler (2) left room for technological transformation, ease of reproduction. Construction, and energy savings funds (3) meet to the environment, building the second design 1. chicken coop construction General requirements (1) to meet the needs of the lutionbreaks have occurred in area 7. Avoid contaminated areas of the city, take appropriate environmental measures to minimize polfarms of the upper hand to the 6. Understand the poultry epidemic situation on the ground, trying to avoid the endemic or outis located in the field is downwind, brood care and adult care homes apart, brood care in chicken production areas and water sources are on a chicken farm in the wind, net road and dirt road separating uncrossed, dung farm -production areas and non-and nonproduction 64 7(试述正中神经的起始,主要行径及主要分布区。 [参考答案] 一、填空题 1(脊髓;脊神经;脑;脑神经;内脏神经 2(颈;胸;腰;骶;尾 3(颈丛;臂丛;腰丛;骶丛 4(前支;后支;脊膜支;交通支 5(胸锁乳突肌后缘中点;枕小神经;耳大神经;颈横神经;锁骨上神经 6((1)肌皮神经;(2)桡神经;(3)尺神经深支;(4)腋神经;(5)胸背神经;(6)腋神经;(7)正中神 经;(8)正中神经;(9)挠神经;(10)尺神经;(11)尺神经;(12)股神经;(13)股神经(闭孔神经; (14)胫神经 7(桡神经;尺神经;腓总神经 8(胸骨角;乳头;剑突;脐;脐与耻骨联合连线中点 9(前斜角肌;锁骨下动、静脉;前方 10(髂腹下神经;髂腹股沟神经;生殖股神经;股外侧皮神经;股神经;闭孔神经 11(臀上神经;臀下神经;阴部神经;股后皮神经;坐骨神经 12(骶丛;梨状肌;坐骨结节;股骨大转子;胫神经;腓总神经 13(正中神经、尺神经、桡神经 14(肱二头肌、喙肱肌、肱肌、前臂外侧皮神经、前臂外侧 15(后;旋肱后;肱骨外科颈;三角;小圆 16(小腿;足背;足第l、2趾背面相对缘 17(腓骨长肌;腓骨短肌;小腿前外侧面;足背及第2-5趾背面相对缘皮肤 18( 3l对;前根;后根;混合;运动;感觉 二、单选题 1(C;2(C;3(D;4(D;5.C 6(B;7(B;8(B;9(D;10(D;11(D;12(E;13(D;14(B: 15(D;16(D;17(C 三、多选题 1(AC;2(ABC;3(AC;4(ABDE;5(BC;6(BD;7(BE;8(ABC;9(ABCD 四、名词解释 1(脊神经后根在近推间孔处有一椭圆形膨大,称为脊神经节。该神经节主要由假单极神级元胞体聚 集而成。 2(第4腰神经前支一部分加入腰丛,而其余部分与第5腰神经翦支合成腰骶干(向下加入骶丛。 五、问答题 1(膈神经为混合性神经,自颈丛发出后经前斜角肌前面下降至其内侧。穿锁骨下动、静脉之问入胸 腔。然后经肺根前方,行于纵隔胸膜与心包之间下行至膈。其运动纤维支配膈肌(感觉纤维分带子 心包、纵隔胸膜和膈下的腹膜。右膈神经的感觉纤维还分布到肝和胆囊表面的瞍膜: 2(是第7,11对肋间神经、助下神经和髂腹下神经及髂腹股沟神经支配的。规律:剑突平面是笫6 肋问神经,脐水平是第10肋间神经。髂前上棘水平面以下是髂腹下神经支配的,腹股沟上方是髂腹 rements in chicken farm 2, chicken coop chicken coop building type of the construction of closed2) left room for technological transformation, ease of reproduction. Construction, and energy savings funds (3) meet GA requiler (e environment, building the second design 1. chicken coop construction General requirements (1) to meet the needs of the broioccurred in area 7. Avoid contaminated areas of the city, take appropriate environmental measures to minimize pollution to th have of the upper hand to the 6. Understand the poultry epidemic situation on the ground, trying to avoid the endemic or outbreaksuncrossed, dung farm is located in the field is downwind, brood care and adult care homes apart, brood care in chicken farms production areas and water sources are on a chicken farm in the wind, net road and dirt road separating-production areas and non-production and nondesigned to exclude as much as possible residential air pollution: the introduction of fresho the hen house ventilation, warmth, cooling, water supply and drainage, lighting and other factors. 3, ventilation air is ted tlding structure is built on chicken the best environment of rational index and building cost index based on both, mainly relapower ventilation, sufficient artificial lighting is used. Disadvantages are subject to external influence. Design of bui oeasy to manage. Windows that open sheds sheds are used outside of natural resource and energy saving the hen house. General nweek window, using artificial light, mechanical ventilation for energy Coop, microclimate environment is easy to control and -fourend, closed henhouse -end and open-65 股沟神经支配的。 3(由腰骶干、全部骶神经前支及尾神经前支组成。主要分支是坐骨神经、臀上神经、臂下神经,股 后皮神经和阴部神经。 4(由C,8,T的前支大部分组成,其内侧束分出前臀内侧皮神经(臂内侧皮神经(尺神经和正中51 神经的内侧根;外侧束分出肌皮神经。正中神经外侧根;后束分出腋神经和桡神经。 5、上臂前群肌由肌皮神经支配,后群由桡神经支配,前臂后群肌由桡神经支配,前群肌由正中神经、 尺神经和桡神经支配。 6(由第12胸神经前支一部分及第l,3腰神经前支和第4腰神经前支一部分组成。位于腰大肌之中 及其后方。股神经肌支支配耻骨肌、股四头肌及缝匠肌,皮支分布于股前皮肤及小腿内侧面及足内 侧缘皮肤。闭孔神经分布于大腿内侧群肌和大腿内侧的皮肤。 7(正中神经来自臂丛内侧柬和外侧束的两个根合成。沿肱二头肌内侧沟(伴肱动脉下行到肘窝(继 在前臂指浅、深屈肌之间沿前臂正中线下行(经腕管至手掌,发出正中神经返支,进入鱼际,发出 3条指掌侧总神经,再各分为2-3条指掌侧固有神经至1,4指相对缘。正中神经在肘部和前臂发肌 支支配除胧桡肌、尺侧腕屈肌和指深屈肌尺侧半以外所有前臂屈肌及旋前肌。在手掌支配除拇收肌 以外的鱼际肌和第一、二鲻状肌。发皮支:支配手掌桡侧2/3的皮肤、桡侧三个半指的掌面皮肤(以 及其背酉中书和远节的皮肤。 第二节 脑 神 经 [练习题] 一、填空题 1(写出下列结构的神经支配 (1)腮腺分泌 (2)瞳孔括约肌 (3)面部表情肌 (4)咀嚼肌 (5)舌前2/3味蕾 (6)舌前2/3粘膜,般感觉 (7)舌后1/3的粘膜和味蕾 (8)舌下腺的分泌 (9)泪腺的分泌 (10)下颁下腺的分泌 2(下颌神经的主要分支有 、 、 和 神经等。 3(穿经颈静脉孔的脑神经有 、 、 。 4(滑车神经、前庭蜗神经及迷走神经分别属于 、 和 性质。 5(中脑内的动眼神经副核。发出纤维参加组成 神经,然后入眶终止于 神经节,交换神 经元后,其节后纤维支配 和 。 6(喉上神经的 支支配 肌, 支布于 以上的 。右喉返神经绕 左 喉返神经绕 ,它们支配 肌和一以下的 。 7、12对脑神经中:端脑连结 ,间脑连结 ,中脑连结 ,脑桥连结 ,延髓 连结 ;感觉性脑神经是 ,运动性脑神经是 ,混合性脑神经是 ,含有副交 感纤维的脑神经是 ;唯一从脑干背面出脑的是 神经。 二、单选题 r is designed to exclude as much as possible residential air pollution: the introduction of freshion aiy related to the hen house ventilation, warmth, cooling, water supply and drainage, lighting and other factors. 3, ventilatof building structure is built on chicken the best environment of rational index and building cost index based on both, mainlsign General no power ventilation, sufficient artificial lighting is used. Disadvantages are subject to external influence. De ntrol and easy to manage. Windows that open sheds sheds are used outside of natural resource and energy saving the hen house.week window, using artificial light, mechanical ventilation for energy Coop, microclimate environment is easy to co-end, closed henhouse four-end and open-requirements in chicken farm 2, chicken coop chicken coop building type of the construction of closedGA broiler (2) left room for technological transformation, ease of reproduction. Construction, and energy savings funds (3) meet to the environment, building the second design 1. chicken coop construction General requirements (1) to meet the needs of the lutionbreaks have occurred in area 7. Avoid contaminated areas of the city, take appropriate environmental measures to minimize polfarms of the upper hand to the 6. Understand the poultry epidemic situation on the ground, trying to avoid the endemic or outis located in the field is downwind, brood care and adult care homes apart, brood care in chicken production areas and water sources are on a chicken farm in the wind, net road and dirt road separating uncrossed, dung farm -production areas and non-and nonproduction 66 1(舌的味觉神经纤维属于( ) A、面神经和舌咽神经B、面神经C、舌下神经D、迷走神经E、舌神经 2(下唇的感觉神经主要来自( ) A、舌下神经B、面神经C、下颌神经D、上颁神经E、颈神经的皮支 3(支配跟外肌运动的神经(下列哪一组全对( ) A、动眼神经,滑车神经,眼神经 B、滑车神经(眼神经(展神经 C、视神经,展神经,动眼神经 D、展神经,动眼神经,眶下神经 E、动眼神经,滑东神经。展神经 4(支配胸镇乳突肌的神经是( ) A、颈神经后交 B、臂丛的锁骨上分支 C、面神经的颈支D、三叉神经的肌支 E、这里未列出 5(滑车神经支配( ) A(上直 B、内直肌 C、外直肌 D、上脸提肌 E、上斜肌 6(下列神经红眶上裂,除( )之外 A、滑车神经 B、视神经 C、展神经 D、动眼神经 E、眼神经 7(面神经( ) A(发自中脑 B、经外耳门离开颅腔 C、支配咀嚼肌运动 D、分布于面部皮肤 E、含有泪腺的分泌纤维 8(下列脑神经中,含有内脏运动纤维的是( ) A、眼神经 B、动眼神经 C、展神经 D、枧神经 E、滑车神经 9(支配下斜肌的是( ) A、面神经 B、滑车神经 C、动眼神经 D、眼神经 E、视神经 10(支配面部表情肌的是( ) A、颊神经 B、面神经 C、下颌舌骨肌神经 D、眼神经 E、视神经 11(支配颊肌的神经是( ) A、喉内诸肌 B、环甲肌 C、喉内诸肌和声门裂以下的粘膜 D、环甲肌和声门裂以下的牯膜 E、无上述情况 12(穿过茎乳孔的是( ) A、舌咽神经 B、面神经 C、副神经 D、舌下神经 E、脑膜中动脉 13(经过卵圆孔的结构( ) A、脑膜中动脉 B、眼神经 C、上颁神经 D、下颌神经 E、面神经 14(上颁神经通过( ) A、棘孔 B、卵圆孔 C、圆孔 D、破裂孔 E、茎乳孔 三、多选题 1(嗅神经起于以下哪些区域的粘膜( ) A、鼻腔顶B、鼻中隔上部C、上鼻甲 D、鼻前庭E、鼻中隔后下部 2(下颌神经的颊神经管理( ) A、颊部的皮肤 B、牙龈的外侧面 C、牙龈的内侧面 D、颊桔膜 E、颊肌 3(面神经管理( ) A、舌前213粘膜的味觉 B、下颌下腺(舌下腺的分泌 -rements in chicken farm 2, chicken coop chicken coop building type of the construction of closed2) left room for technological transformation, ease of reproduction. Construction, and energy savings funds (3) meet GA requiler (e environment, building the second design 1. chicken coop construction General requirements (1) to meet the needs of the broioccurred in area 7. Avoid contaminated areas of the city, take appropriate environmental measures to minimize pollution to th have of the upper hand to the 6. Understand the poultry epidemic situation on the ground, trying to avoid the endemic or outbreaksuncrossed, dung farm is located in the field is downwind, brood care and adult care homes apart, brood care in chicken farms production areas and water sources are on a chicken farm in the wind, net road and dirt road separating-production areas and non-production and nondesigned to exclude as much as possible residential air pollution: the introduction of fresho the hen house ventilation, warmth, cooling, water supply and drainage, lighting and other factors. 3, ventilation air is ted tlding structure is built on chicken the best environment of rational index and building cost index based on both, mainly relapower ventilation, sufficient artificial lighting is used. Disadvantages are subject to external influence. Design of bui oeasy to manage. Windows that open sheds sheds are used outside of natural resource and energy saving the hen house. General nweek window, using artificial light, mechanical ventilation for energy Coop, microclimate environment is easy to control and -fourend, closed henhouse -end and open67 C、腮腺的分泌 D、面部表情肌 E、从延髓橄榄后沟出脑 4(副神经( ) A、经颈静脉孔出颅 B、外支纤维支配胸锁乳突肌。斜方肌 C、内支纤维支配咽肌 D、为混合性神经 E、从延髓橄榄后沟出脑 5(行经海绵窦外侧壁的脑神经有( ) A、动眼神经 B、滑车神经 C、眼神经 D、展神经E、上颌神经 6(下列神经的描述何者错误( ) A、动眼神经支配上直肌 B、展神经支配外直肌 C、滑车神经支配上斜肌 D、三叉神经支配颊肌 E、面神经支配下颌舌骨肌 7(管理头、面和颈部皮肤的神经有( ) A、颈丛分支 B、颈神经后支 C、二叉神经 D、面神经 E、副神经 8(支配舌的神经有( ) A、舌神经 B、舌咽神经 C、舌下神经 D、鼓索 E、颏神经 9(进出颅中窝的脑神经是:( ) A、视神经 B、三叉神经 C、嗅神经 D、动眼神经 E、舌下神经 四、名词解释 1(鼓索 2(三叉神经节 五、问答题 1(眼外肌各由哪些神经支配的, 2(试述舌的神经支配。 3(试述十二对脑神经的名称、性质和出(入)颅部位。 4(试述两侧喉返神经的起始(行径及其分布。 5(面神经在面神经管内或管外受损伤(各自症状如何? 6(十二对脑神经中(哪几对含有内脏运动神经纤维?这些纤维来自什么神经核?分别支配哪些器官? [参考答案] 一、填空题 1((1)舌咽神经;(2)动眼神经;(3)面神经;(4)三叉神经;(5)面神经鼓索;(6)舌神经;(7)舌咽 神经;(8)鼓索;(9)面神经;(10)鼓索 2(耳颞神经;下牙槽神经;颊神经;舌神经 3(舌咽神经;迷走神经;副神经 4(运动性;感觉性;混合性 5(动眼神经;睫状;瞳孔括约肌;睫状肌 6(喉外支;环甲肌;喉内支;声门裂;喉粘膜;右锁骨下动脉;主动脉弓;除环甲肌以外的喉肌; 声门裂;喉粘膜 7(嗅神经;视神经;动眼神经(滑车神经;三叉神经,展神经,面神经,前庭蜗神经:舌咽神经(迷 走神经,副神经(舌下神经;???;硼,?(?,?(?;V(?(?。X,?(?(IX,X ;滑 车神经。 r is designed to exclude as much as possible residential air pollution: the introduction of freshion aiy related to the hen house ventilation, warmth, cooling, water supply and drainage, lighting and other factors. 3, ventilatof building structure is built on chicken the best environment of rational index and building cost index based on both, mainlsign General no power ventilation, sufficient artificial lighting is used. Disadvantages are subject to external influence. De ntrol and easy to manage. Windows that open sheds sheds are used outside of natural resource and energy saving the hen house.week window, using artificial light, mechanical ventilation for energy Coop, microclimate environment is easy to co-end, closed henhouse four-end and open-requirements in chicken farm 2, chicken coop chicken coop building type of the construction of closedGA broiler (2) left room for technological transformation, ease of reproduction. Construction, and energy savings funds (3) meet to the environment, building the second design 1. chicken coop construction General requirements (1) to meet the needs of the lutionbreaks have occurred in area 7. Avoid contaminated areas of the city, take appropriate environmental measures to minimize polfarms of the upper hand to the 6. Understand the poultry epidemic situation on the ground, trying to avoid the endemic or outis located in the field is downwind, brood care and adult care homes apart, brood care in chicken production areas and water sources are on a chicken farm in the wind, net road and dirt road separating uncrossed, dung farm -production areas and non-and nonproduction 68 二、单选题 1(A;2(C;3:E;4(E;5(E;6(B;7(E;8(B;9(C;10(B;11(E;12(B;13(D;14(C 三、多选题 1(BC;2(AD;3(ABD;4(ABCE:5(ABCE;6(DE;7(AC;8(ABCD;9(ABD 四、名词解释 1(鼓索为面神经的重要分支(含内脏运动纤维及内脏感觉纤维。在面神经出茎乳孔前发出(穿过鼓 室至颞下窝,后进入舌神经(其中内脏感觉纤维分布于舌前2/3的味蕾,而内脏运动纤维在下颌下 神经节换神经元,节后纤维分布予下颌下腺和舌下腺。支配其分泌活动。 2(三叉神经感觉根上有一三叉神经节(此节位于颞骨岩部尖端的三叉神经压迹处(主要由感觉神经 元胞体聚集而成。 五、问答题 1(提上脸肌上直肌、下直肌、内直肌和下斜肌由动眼神经支配(上斜肌由滑车神经管理(外直肌由 展神经支配。 2(舌前2/3一般粘膜感觉由舌神经管理。舌前2/3味觉由面神经鼓索中内脏感觉纤维支配(舌后 1/3粘膜感觉和味觉由舌咽神经管理。舌肌的运动由舌下神经管理。 3( 名称 性质 进出颅腔的部位 (1)嗅神经 感觉性 筛孔 (2)枧神经 感觉性 视神经管 (3)动眼神经 运动性 眶上裂 (4)滑车神经 运动性 眶上裂 眼神经 眶上裂 (5)三叉神经 混合性 上颌神经 圆孔 下颌神经 卯圆孔 (6)展神经 运动性 眶上裂 (7)面神经 混合性 内耳门——茎乳孔 (8)前庭蜗神经 感觉性 内耳门 (9)舌咽神经 混合性 颈静脉孔 (10)迷走神经 混合性 颈静脉孔 (11)副神经 运动性 颈静脉孔 (12)舌下神经 运动性 舌下神经管 4(左喉返神经发自左迷走神经(绕主动脉弓返回颈部(右喉返神经发自右迷走神经勾绕右锁骨下动 脉返回。左、右喉返神经返回颈部均沿气管与食管间的沟上行,其终末支称喉下神经,在甲状腺侧 叶深面环甲关节后方入喉(其感觉纤维分布于声门裂以下的喉粘膜(运动纤维支配除环甲肌以外的 所有喉肌。 5(在管内受损后(表现面部表情肌全瘫和下颌下腺、舌下腺、泪腺分泌障碍(舌前2,3味觉障碍。 在管外受损伤后,只表现面部表情肌全瘫。镫骨肌瘫痪(听觉过敏。 6(动眼神经、面神经、舌咽神经、迷走神经中含有内脏运动神经纤维。动眼神经副核发出的节前纤 维加入到动眼神经后入睫状神经节换神经元(节后纤维支配瞳孔括约肌和睫状肌。上泌涎核发出的 -rements in chicken farm 2, chicken coop chicken coop building type of the construction of closed2) left room for technological transformation, ease of reproduction. Construction, and energy savings funds (3) meet GA requiler (e environment, building the second design 1. chicken coop construction General requirements (1) to meet the needs of the broioccurred in area 7. Avoid contaminated areas of the city, take appropriate environmental measures to minimize pollution to th have of the upper hand to the 6. Understand the poultry epidemic situation on the ground, trying to avoid the endemic or outbreaksuncrossed, dung farm is located in the field is downwind, brood care and adult care homes apart, brood care in chicken farms production areas and water sources are on a chicken farm in the wind, net road and dirt road separating-production areas and non-production and nondesigned to exclude as much as possible residential air pollution: the introduction of fresho the hen house ventilation, warmth, cooling, water supply and drainage, lighting and other factors. 3, ventilation air is ted tlding structure is built on chicken the best environment of rational index and building cost index based on both, mainly relapower ventilation, sufficient artificial lighting is used. Disadvantages are subject to external influence. Design of bui oeasy to manage. Windows that open sheds sheds are used outside of natural resource and energy saving the hen house. General nweek window, using artificial light, mechanical ventilation for energy Coop, microclimate environment is easy to control and -fourend, closed henhouse -end and open69 纤维入面神经,一部分分布到泪腺另一部分支配下颌下腺、舌下腺及口腔粘膜的腺体(部分鼻粘膜 腺。下泌涎核发出的纤维入舌咽神经(最后分布到腮腺。迷走神经背核发出的纤维入迷走神经,最 后分布到心、肺、肝、脾、胰、肾及结肠左曲以上的消化管(这些器官内的平滑肌心肌和腺体。 第三节 内 脏 神 经 [练习题] 一、填空题 1(交感神经的低级中枢位于 。 2(椎前节位于 前方。包括成对的 以及单个的 。 3(副交感神经的低级中枢位于 。 4(脑干中的副交感神经核包括 。 5(在内脏运动神经中,从低级中枢发出的纤维称 ;从内脏神经节发出的纤维称 。 6(内脏大神经起自 ,终于 ;内脏小神经起自 ;止于 。 7(支配泪腺和腮腺的副交感纤维分别来自 神经和 神经。 二、单选题 1(不含交感神经节前或节后纤维的是( ) A、脊神经后支B、脊神经前支 C、脊神经后根 D、脊神经前根 E、脊神经 2(内脏大小神经发自( ) A、交感干的颈部 B、交感干的胸部 C、交感干的腰部 D、交感干的骶都 E、交感干的胸腰部 3(交感神经与副交感神经的相同点( ) A、从低级中枢至支配器官有两个神经元 B、周围神经节的位置一致 C、节前、节后神经元间的比例相同 D、分面范围一致 4(颈神经( ) A、以灰、白交通支与颈交感神经节相连B、灰交通支多于白交通支 C、白交通支多于灰交通支D、只有白交通支E、只有灰交通支 5(支配盆腔内脏的副交感神经来自( ) A、迷走神经 B、内脏大、小神经C、骶丛的分支 D、盆内脏神经 E、腹腔神经丛 6(最大的内脏神经丛( ) A、心丛 B、肺丛 C、盆丛 D、腹腔丛 E、腹主动脉丛 7(下列是内脏感觉的特点,但应除J'l-( ) A、对切割刺激不敏感B、对痉挛刺激敏感 C、一般强度的刺激不产生感觉 D、痛觉定位准确 E、以上均不是 8(瞳孔散大是由于损伤了( ) A、视神经 B、迷走神经 C、动眼神经 D、三叉神经 E、交感神经 9(支配泪腺的副交感纤维来源于( ) A、迷走神经 B、面神经 C、三叉神经 D、舌咽神经 E、动眼神经 三、多选题 r is designed to exclude as much as possible residential air pollution: the introduction of freshion aiy related to the hen house ventilation, warmth, cooling, water supply and drainage, lighting and other factors. 3, ventilatof building structure is built on chicken the best environment of rational index and building cost index based on both, mainlsign General no power ventilation, sufficient artificial lighting is used. Disadvantages are subject to external influence. De ntrol and easy to manage. Windows that open sheds sheds are used outside of natural resource and energy saving the hen house.week window, using artificial light, mechanical ventilation for energy Coop, microclimate environment is easy to co-end, closed henhouse four-end and open-requirements in chicken farm 2, chicken coop chicken coop building type of the construction of closedGA broiler (2) left room for technological transformation, ease of reproduction. Construction, and energy savings funds (3) meet to the environment, building the second design 1. chicken coop construction General requirements (1) to meet the needs of the lutionbreaks have occurred in area 7. Avoid contaminated areas of the city, take appropriate environmental measures to minimize polfarms of the upper hand to the 6. Understand the poultry epidemic situation on the ground, trying to avoid the endemic or outis located in the field is downwind, brood care and adult care homes apart, brood care in chicken production areas and water sources are on a chicken farm in the wind, net road and dirt road separating uncrossed, dung farm -production areas and non-and nonproduction 70 1(以下哪些结构含有交感神经节前纤维( ) A、灰交通支B、所有胸神经前根C、盆内脏神经 D、内脏大神经 E、内脏小神经 2(交感干胸部( ) A、位于脊柱两旁B、大约有6个交感节C、在肋头前方下行 D、内脏大神经之纤维由其发出 E、发出的白交通支和相应的胸神经相连 3(交感神经( ) A、低级中枢位于脊髓灰质的侧角 B、属内脏运动神经 C、支配平滑肌、心肌和腺体 D、交感神经节包括椎前节和椎旁节 E、内脏大神经是节前纤维 4(副交感神经( ) A、节前纤维比交感神经的长 B、神经节多位于所支配器官旁或在其壁内 C、颅部发出的节前纤维分别走行于?、?、?、?脑神经内 D、分布于全身的平滑肌和竖毛肌 E、节后纤维比交感神经的短。 四、名词解释 1(内脏神经 2(交感干 3(盆丛 4(盆内脏神经 5(灰交通支 6(白交通支 7(节前纤维 8(节后纤维 9(颈胸神经节 10(内脏大神经 11(内脏小神经 五、问答题 1(内脏运动神经与躯体运动神经有哪些差异? 2(简述交感神经与副交感神经的区别? [参考答案] 一、填空题 1(脊髓第l胸段至第3腰段的侧角 2(椎体;腹腔神经节;主动脉肾神经节;肠系膜上神经节;肠系膜下神经节 3(腩干的内脏运动核和脊髓第2-4骶副交感核 4(动眼神经副核;上泌涎核;下泌涎核;迷走神经背核 5(节前纤维;节后纤维 6(胸交感干的第5-9胸交感神经节发出的节前纤维;腹腔神经节;主动脉肾节;第l0-12胸段交感 神经节的节前纤维;主动脉肾节、肠系膜上神经节 fourend, closed henhouse -end and open-rements in chicken farm 2, chicken coop chicken coop building type of the construction of closed2) left room for technological transformation, ease of reproduction. Construction, and energy savings funds (3) meet GA requiler (e environment, building the second design 1. chicken coop construction General requirements (1) to meet the needs of the broioccurred in area 7. Avoid contaminated areas of the city, take appropriate environmental measures to minimize pollution to th have of the upper hand to the 6. Understand the poultry epidemic situation on the ground, trying to avoid the endemic or outbreaksuncrossed, dung farm is located in the field is downwind, brood care and adult care homes apart, brood care in chicken farms production areas and water sources are on a chicken farm in the wind, net road and dirt road separating-production areas and non-production and nondesigned to exclude as much as possible residential air pollution: the introduction of fresho the hen house ventilation, warmth, cooling, water supply and drainage, lighting and other factors. 3, ventilation air is ted tlding structure is built on chicken the best environment of rational index and building cost index based on both, mainly relapower ventilation, sufficient artificial lighting is used. Disadvantages are subject to external influence. Design of bui oeasy to manage. Windows that open sheds sheds are used outside of natural resource and energy saving the hen house. General nweek window, using artificial light, mechanical ventilation for energy Coop, microclimate environment is easy to control and -71 7(面神经;舌咽神经 二、单选题 1(C;2(B;3(A;4(E;5(D;6(D;7(1);8(C;9(B 三、多选题 1(BDE;2(ACD;3(ABCDE;4(ABCE 四、名词解释 1(是三要分布于内脏、心血管和和腺体的神经。可分为内脏运动神经和内脏感觉神经,前者支配平 滑肌、心肌的运动和腺体的分泌以控制和调节人体的新陈代谢活动。后者将来自内脏,心血管等处 的内感觉器的感觉冲动传入中枢,通过反射调节内脏、心血管等器官的活动。 2(位于脊往两旁,由交感干神经节和节间支组成,呈串珠状。交感干上自颅底,下至尾骨前方,左 右各有一条(两干下端在尾骨前方相连,会合于单一的奇神经节。 3(由上蝮下丛延续到直肠两侧,并接受骶部交感干的节后纤维和第2,4骶神经的盆内脏神经组成。 此丛伴随髂内动脉的分支组成直肠丛、膀胱丛、前列腺丛、予寓阴道丛等,分布盆腔各器官。其中 副交感纤维还分佑于降结肠和乙状结肠。 4(由脊髓第2-4骶段的骶副交感核发出的节前纤维,加入骶神经前支,出骶前孔,离开骶神经,构 成盆内脏神经。加入盆丛,随盆丛分支分布盆部内脏和降结肠、乙状结肠 5(是由椎旁节内神经元发出的无髓鞘的节后纤维返至脊神经,因无髓鞘,色灰暗(故称灰交通支。 6(是脊髓侧角细咆发出的具有髓鞘的节前纤维,经脊神经前根、脊神经、白交通支进入交感干神经 节,因髓鞘发亮色自故称交通支: 7(内脏运动神经由低级中枢发出的纤维叫节前纤维。 8(由内脏运动神经节所发出的纤维啊节后纤维。 9(由交感干的颈下神经节与第一胸神经节合并。弥为颈胸神经节,亦称星状神经节。 10(是第5-9胸段交感神经节发出的节前纤维(合成一干,组成内脏大神经。穿过膈脚,终于 腹腔神经节和主动脉肾节(换神经元。 11(是第10-12胸段交感神经节发出的节前纤维(合成一干,向下穿过膈脚后,终于主动脉肾 节和肠系膜上神经节(换神经元。 五、问答题 1(它们的差异是: 躯体运动神经 内脏运动神经 支配骨骼肌并受意志支配 支配平滑肌、心肌、腺体,在一定程度上不受意志直接 控制 低级中枢是连续位于脑干内的躯体低级中枢较分散地位于脑干内的内脏运动核和脊髓第1 运动神经核和脊髓灰质前角 胸段至第3腰段的侧角以及第2-4骶段的骶副交感核 自低级中枢骨骼肌只有一个神经元 自低级中枢发出,必须经两级神经元到达所支配的器官 只有一种纤维成分 有交感、副交感两种纤维成分,而多数内脏器官又同时 接受该两种神经的双重支配 r is designed to exclude as much as possible residential air pollution: the introduction of freshion aiy related to the hen house ventilation, warmth, cooling, water supply and drainage, lighting and other factors. 3, ventilatof building structure is built on chicken the best environment of rational index and building cost index based on both, mainlsign General no power ventilation, sufficient artificial lighting is used. Disadvantages are subject to external influence. De ntrol and easy to manage. Windows that open sheds sheds are used outside of natural resource and energy saving the hen house.week window, using artificial light, mechanical ventilation for energy Coop, microclimate environment is easy to co-end, closed henhouse four-end and open-requirements in chicken farm 2, chicken coop chicken coop building type of the construction of closedGA broiler (2) left room for technological transformation, ease of reproduction. Construction, and energy savings funds (3) meet to the environment, building the second design 1. chicken coop construction General requirements (1) to meet the needs of the lutionbreaks have occurred in area 7. Avoid contaminated areas of the city, take appropriate environmental measures to minimize polfarms of the upper hand to the 6. Understand the poultry epidemic situation on the ground, trying to avoid the endemic or outis located in the field is downwind, brood care and adult care homes apart, brood care in chicken production areas and water sources are on a chicken farm in the wind, net road and dirt road separating uncrossed, dung farm -production areas and non-and nonproduction 72 -rements in chicken farm 2, chicken coop chicken coop building type of the construction of closed2) left room for technological transformation, ease of reproduction. Construction, and energy savings funds (3) meet GA requiler (e environment, building the second design 1. chicken coop construction General requirements (1) to meet the needs of the broioccurred in area 7. Avoid contaminated areas of the city, take appropriate environmental measures to minimize pollution to th have of the upper hand to the 6. Understand the poultry epidemic situation on the ground, trying to avoid the endemic or outbreaksuncrossed, dung farm is located in the field is downwind, brood care and adult care homes apart, brood care in chicken farms production areas and water sources are on a chicken farm in the wind, net road and dirt road separating-production areas and non-production and nondesigned to exclude as much as possible residential air pollution: the introduction of fresho the hen house ventilation, warmth, cooling, water supply and drainage, lighting and other factors. 3, ventilation air is ted tlding structure is built on chicken the best environment of rational index and building cost index based on both, mainly relapower ventilation, sufficient artificial lighting is used. Disadvantages are subject to external influence. Design of bui oeasy to manage. Windows that open sheds sheds are used outside of natural resource and energy saving the hen house. General nweek window, using artificial light, mechanical ventilation for energy Coop, microclimate environment is easy to control and -fourend, closed henhouse -end and open73
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