

2017-10-23 21页 doc 239KB 26阅读




iphone3g刷机完美越狱教程iphone3g刷机完美越狱教程 有些用户在使用iTunes 恢复 iPhone、iPad或 iPod touch 时,恢复过程可能会停止,iTunes 中显示警 告信息“未能恢复iPhone 发生未知错误”并后跟错误编号 1015。 设备上还可能会显示“连接 iTunes”屏幕: 发生原因: 尝试将 iPhone、iPad 或 iPod touch 的软件降级会导致此错误。尝试使用旧的 .ipsw 文件进行恢复时会出现这种情况。系统不支持降级到以前的版本,要解决此问题,需尝试从 Apple 获取的最新 iPhon...
iphone3g刷机完美越狱教程 有些用户在使用iTunes 恢复 iPhone、iPad或 iPod touch 时,恢复过程可能会停止,iTunes 中显示警 告信息“未能恢复iPhone 发生未知错误”并后跟错误编号 1015。 设备上还可能会显示“连接 iTunes”屏幕: 发生原因: 尝试将 iPhone、iPad 或 iPod touch 的软件降级会导致此错误。尝试使用旧的 .ipsw 文件进行恢复时会出现这种情况。系统不支持降级到以前的版本,要解决此问,需尝试从 Apple 获取的最新 iPhone、iPad 或 iPod touch 软件来进行恢复。 解决方法: that the wiring is correct, the operation is flexible, auxiliary contact is accurate. 11 current and voltage circuits check: current transformer wiring is correct, correct polarity, the secondary side are not allowed to open. debugging 12 wiring insulation resistance test methods: secondary circuit insulation resistance must be greater than 1M (use 500V megohmmeter to check). 2 control loop simulation action test: disconnect electrical line of main loop switch outlet at, motor, electrical equipment not by electric, connected control power, check the Department of voltage whether meet provides, lights following electrical, work whether normal; operation the button or switch, corresponding of the following electrical, and contact device of sucking collection and release are should quickly, the related lights indicates to meet drawings requirements; with artificial simulation of method try moving the protection components, should can achieved quickly, and accurate, and reliable of protection function; manual the trip switch, Check its limited bit role of directional and the reliability; on has electrical joint lock link of equipment, should according to principle figure check chain function anti-mine grounding system debugging grounding resistance of test method following figure by shows, along was measuring grounding very E' makes potential detection needle P' and current detection needle C' according to line each other apart 20m, insert to in the, and 第一步,需要让手机进入DFU模式。 打开iPhone,使用USB连接上电脑,确保电量充足。 同时按住顶部的电源键+HOME键10秒(直到屏幕变黑),然后仅仅松开电源键,继续按住HOME键,再等 待15秒。iTunes识别出现,DFU模式驱动成功,但是屏幕始终是黑的~这时成功进入DFU模式. 此时,iPhone看起来是关机了,但是实际上是进入了一种特殊的DFU恢复模式(提示:这时屏幕必须保持 变黑的状态)。 第二步,打开iTunes 打开itunes时会提示检测到一个处于恢复模式的iPhone,点击确定。 最近错误1015又流行起来了是因为很多有锁机为了解锁而改了基带,一旦软件错误想重新刷机或者白苹果 了想恢复就会碰到1015错误。别急,仔细看看这篇文章吧,问题会解决的。 that the wiring is correct, the operation is flexible, auxiliary contact is accurate. 11 current and voltage circuits check: current transformer wiring is correct, correct polarity, the secondary side are not allowed to open. debugging 12 wiring insulation resistance test methods: secondary circuit insulation resistance must be greater than 1M (use 500V megohmmeter to check). 2 control loop simulation action test: disconnect electrical line of main loop switch outlet at, motor, electrical equipment not by electric, connected control power, check the Department of voltage whether meet provides, lights following electrical, work whether normal; operation the button or switch, corresponding of the following electrical, and contact device of sucking collection and release are should quickly, the related lights indicates to meet drawings requirements; with artificial simulation of method try moving the protection components, should can achieved quickly, and accurate, and reliable of protection function; manual the trip switch, Check its limited bit role of directional and the reliability; on has electrical joint lock link of equipment, should according to principle figure check chain function anti-mine grounding system debugging grounding resistance of test method following figure by shows, along was measuring grounding very E' makes potential detection needle P' and current detection needle C' according to line each other apart 20m, insert to in the, and 按住shift键,并用鼠标点击“恢复”按钮,弹出选择固件的窗口后松开Shift键,选择官方固件 第三步:刷机过程中出现“发生未知错误1015” that the wiring is correct, the operation is flexible, auxiliary contact is accurate. 11 current and voltage circuits check: current transformer wiring is correct, correct polarity, the secondary side are not allowed to open. debugging 12 wiring insulation resistance test methods: secondary circuit insulation resistance must be greater than 1M (use 500V megohmmeter to check). 2 control loop simulation action test: disconnect electrical line of main loop switch outlet at, motor, electrical equipment not by electric, connected control power, check the Department of voltage whether meet provides, lights following electrical, work whether normal; operation the button or switch, corresponding of the following electrical, and contact device of sucking collection and release are should quickly, the related lights indicates to meet drawings requirements; with artificial simulation of method try moving the protection components, should can achieved quickly, and accurate, and reliable of protection function; manual the trip switch, Check its limited bit role of directional and the reliability; on has electrical joint lock link of equipment, should according to principle figure check chain function anti-mine grounding system debugging grounding resistance of test method following figure by shows, along was measuring grounding very E' makes potential detection needle P' and current detection needle C' according to line each other apart 20m, insert to in the, and 刷机过程中会出现“发生未知错误1015”窗口。保持该错误窗口不用确定,同时保持itunes的打开状态, 此时手机屏幕上出现的是“usb+itunes”图。 打开TinyUmbrella,出现如下界面时,点击“Kick Device out of recovery”。 that the wiring is correct, the operation is flexible, auxiliary contact is accurate. 11 current and voltage circuits check: current transformer wiring is correct, correct polarity, the secondary side are not allowed to open. debugging 12 wiring insulation resistance test methods: secondary circuit insulation resistance must be greater than 1M (use 500V megohmmeter to check). 2 control loop simulation action test: disconnect electrical line of main loop switch outlet at, motor, electrical equipment not by electric, connected control power, check the Department of voltage whether meet provides, lights following electrical, work whether normal; operation the button or switch, corresponding of the following electrical, and contact device of sucking collection and release are should quickly, the related lights indicates to meet drawings requirements; with artificial simulation of method try moving the protection components, should can achieved quickly, and accurate, and reliable of protection function; manual the trip switch, Check its limited bit role of directional and the reliability; on has electrical joint lock link of equipment, should according to principle figure check chain function anti-mine grounding system debugging grounding resistance of test method following figure by shows, along was measuring grounding very E' makes potential detection needle P' and current detection needle C' according to line each other apart 20m, insert to in the, and 此时,iphone会出现“„„SOS”,即可拨打紧急电话的界面(停留在iTunes+数据线的画面,只能拨打紧急电话),不用理他,稍等一会后,itunes会自动运行。 这个时候不要把iPhone拔下,也不要把iTunes关掉,手机就会接着出现刚刚的进度条,就说明iTunes已经在激活手机了~ 解锁,iPhone自动重新启动,进入正常界面,此时,系统回复完毕,没有cydia软件。 附:有部分机油反应小雨伞无法踢出,以下为网友意见: 1.如果你还为恢复的时候 就是当你恢复的时候,快到最后的时候,会启动一次。在启动的过程中,有苹果图标的时候点击kick out recovery。记住,不要让出现usb的画面,否则的话,是踢不出去的。 2.如果你已经恢复完了,启动发现出现usb的画面,解决如下 就是把手机关机,从新启动,这个时候小雨伞的kick out recovery是可以点击的。当画面上出现苹果图标,而为出现usb连线的图标的时候,点击kick out recovery,就会踢出来,而不会跑到usb画面上的。然后手机会自动启动,成功。 3.查看是否有其他硬件 kick无反应,下拉硬件列表,即Advanced Options上方的硬件列表,看是否有其他硬件,选择其他硬件后再kick out recovery。 that the wiring is correct, the operation is flexible, auxiliary contact is accurate. 11 current and voltage circuits check: current transformer wiring is correct, correct polarity, the secondary side are not allowed to open. debugging 12 wiring insulation resistance test methods: secondary circuit insulation resistance must be greater than 1M (use 500V megohmmeter to check). 2 control loop simulation action test: disconnect electrical line of main loop switch outlet at, motor, electrical equipment not by electric, connected control power, check the Department of voltage whether meet provides, lights following electrical, work whether normal; operation the button or switch, corresponding of the following electrical, and contact device of sucking collection and release are should quickly, the related lights indicates to meet drawings requirements; with artificial simulation of method try moving the protection components, should can achieved quickly, and accurate, and reliable of protection function; manual the trip switch, Check its limited bit role of directional and the reliability; on has electrical joint lock link of equipment, should according to principle figure check chain function anti-mine grounding system debugging grounding resistance of test method following figure by shows, along was measuring grounding very E' makes potential detection needle P' and current detection needle C' according to line each other apart 20m, insert to in the, and 第四步,按照越狱教程进行越狱即可。 1.下载你的设备对应的iOS4.2.1固件。(点此前往固件下载版块) 2.下载红雪Redsn0w 0.9.6rc8(点此下载for Windows系统)(点此下载for Mac系统) 3.将下载下来的红雪解压到您电脑上,并双击解压出来的程序,运行它(此时您电脑上运行中的iTunes会被自动关闭,请保持iTunes关闭,不要重新启动它)。 4.点击红雪界面上的“Browse”按钮,选择下载到电脑上的 iOS 4.2.1 固件。 点击“Browse”按钮 that the wiring is correct, the operation is flexible, auxiliary contact is accurate. 11 current and voltage circuits check: current transformer wiring is correct, correct polarity, the secondary side are not allowed to open. debugging 12 wiring insulation resistance test methods: secondary circuit insulation resistance must be greater than 1M (use 500V megohmmeter to check). 2 control loop simulation action test: disconnect electrical line of main loop switch outlet at, motor, electrical equipment not by electric, connected control power, check the Department of voltage whether meet provides, lights following electrical, work whether normal; operation the button or switch, corresponding of the following electrical, and contact device of sucking collection and release are should quickly, the related lights indicates to meet drawings requirements; with artificial simulation of method try moving the protection components, should can achieved quickly, and accurate, and reliable of protection function; manual the trip switch, Check its limited bit role of directional and the reliability; on has electrical joint lock link of equipment, should according to principle figure check chain function anti-mine grounding system debugging grounding resistance of test method following figure by shows, along was measuring grounding very E' makes potential detection needle P' and current detection needle C' according to line each other apart 20m, insert to in the, and 选择4.2.1固件 5.红雪会验证选择的固件 正确识别4.2.1固件 6.验证成功后,点击“Next>”按钮进入下一步,红雪会对固件进行打补丁操作,请耐心等待该操 作完成 that the wiring is correct, the operation is flexible, auxiliary contact is accurate. 11 current and voltage circuits check: current transformer wiring is correct, correct polarity, the secondary side are not allowed to open. debugging 12 wiring insulation resistance test methods: secondary circuit insulation resistance must be greater than 1M (use 500V megohmmeter to check). 2 control loop simulation action test: disconnect electrical line of main loop switch outlet at, motor, electrical equipment not by electric, connected control power, check the Department of voltage whether meet provides, lights following electrical, work whether normal; operation the button or switch, corresponding of the following electrical, and contact device of sucking collection and release are should quickly, the related lights indicates to meet drawings requirements; with artificial simulation of method try moving the protection components, should can achieved quickly, and accurate, and reliable of protection function; manual the trip switch, Check its limited bit role of directional and the reliability; on has electrical joint lock link of equipment, should according to principle figure check chain function anti-mine grounding system debugging grounding resistance of test method following figure by shows, along was measuring grounding very E' makes potential detection needle P' and current detection needle C' according to line each other apart 20m, insert to in the, and 开始对固件打补丁 7.打完补丁后,redsn0w会进入越狱选项界面,界面如下图,只需勾选Install Cydia一项,点击 “Next>”进入下一步 只需勾选Install Cydia一项 8.确保你的设备已关机并连接到电脑上,然后点击“Next”。 that the wiring is correct, the operation is flexible, auxiliary contact is accurate. 11 current and voltage circuits check: current transformer wiring is correct, correct polarity, the secondary side are not allowed to open. debugging 12 wiring insulation resistance test methods: secondary circuit insulation resistance must be greater than 1M (use 500V megohmmeter to check). 2 control loop simulation action test: disconnect electrical line of main loop switch outlet at, motor, electrical equipment not by electric, connected control power, check the Department of voltage whether meet provides, lights following electrical, work whether normal; operation the button or switch, corresponding of the following electrical, and contact device of sucking collection and release are should quickly, the related lights indicates to meet drawings requirements; with artificial simulation of method try moving the protection components, should can achieved quickly, and accurate, and reliable of protection function; manual the trip switch, Check its limited bit role of directional and the reliability; on has electrical joint lock link of equipment, should according to principle figure check chain function anti-mine grounding system debugging grounding resistance of test method following figure by shows, along was measuring grounding very E' makes potential detection needle P' and current detection needle C' according to line each other apart 20m, insert to in the, and 9.按照界面上亮起的每一行字的顺序操作,让您的设备进入DFU模式 1、按下iPhone/iPad/iPod Thouch上的电源键,保持3秒 2、保持电源键按住不放的同时,按下iPhone上的Home键(方块键)保持10秒 3、放开电源键,保持Home键按住30秒后放开 that the wiring is correct, the operation is flexible, auxiliary contact is accurate. 11 current and voltage circuits check: current transformer wiring is correct, correct polarity, the secondary side are not allowed to open. debugging 12 wiring insulation resistance test methods: secondary circuit insulation resistance must be greater than 1M (use 500V megohmmeter to check). 2 control loop simulation action test: disconnect electrical line of main loop switch outlet at, motor, electrical equipment not by electric, connected control power, check the Department of voltage whether meet provides, lights following electrical, work whether normal; operation the button or switch, corresponding of the following electrical, and contact device of sucking collection and release are should quickly, the related lights indicates to meet drawings requirements; with artificial simulation of method try moving the protection components, should can achieved quickly, and accurate, and reliable of protection function; manual the trip switch, Check its limited bit role of directional and the reliability; on has electrical joint lock link of equipment, should according to principle figure check chain function anti-mine grounding system debugging grounding resistance of test method following figure by shows, along was measuring grounding very E' makes potential detection needle P' and current detection needle C' according to line each other apart 20m, insert to in the, and 10.安装开始后,红雪会替你完成剩下的工作。在此过程中,请不要断开您iPhone与电脑的USB 连接,也不要操作您的iPhone。直到整个过程结束。一旦完成,你的iPhone或iPod touch将自 动重启,设备已经在最新的iOS 4.2.1上完成越狱。 that the wiring is correct, the operation is flexible, auxiliary contact is accurate. 11 current and voltage circuits check: current transformer wiring is correct, correct polarity, the secondary side are not allowed to open. debugging 12 wiring insulation resistance test methods: secondary circuit insulation resistance must be greater than 1M (use 500V megohmmeter to check). 2 control loop simulation action test: disconnect electrical line of main loop switch outlet at, motor, electrical equipment not by electric, connected control power, check the Department of voltage whether meet provides, lights following electrical, work whether normal; operation the button or switch, corresponding of the following electrical, and contact device of sucking collection and release are should quickly, the related lights indicates to meet drawings requirements; with artificial simulation of method try moving the protection components, should can achieved quickly, and accurate, and reliable of protection function; manual the trip switch, Check its limited bit role of directional and the reliability; on has electrical joint lock link of equipment, should according to principle figure check chain function anti-mine grounding system debugging grounding resistance of test method following figure by shows, along was measuring grounding very E' makes potential detection needle P' and current detection needle C' according to line each other apart 20m, insert to in the, and 您可以安装91手机助手的守护程序到你的iPhone上(点此查看如何安装91手机助手的守护程 序),并用91手机助手来管理你的iPhone,进行安装卸载游戏,修改铃声,更换壁纸主题等操 作。(点此查看91手机助手详细使用教程)。 that the wiring is correct, the operation is flexible, auxiliary contact is accurate. 11 current and voltage circuits check: current transformer wiring is correct, correct polarity, the secondary side are not allowed to open. debugging 12 wiring insulation resistance test methods: secondary circuit insulation resistance must be greater than 1M (use 500V megohmmeter to check). 2 control loop simulation action test: disconnect electrical line of main loop switch outlet at, motor, electrical equipment not by electric, connected control power, check the Department of voltage whether meet provides, lights following electrical, work whether normal; operation the button or switch, corresponding of the following electrical, and contact device of sucking collection and release are should quickly, the related lights indicates to meet drawings requirements; with artificial simulation of method try moving the protection components, should can achieved quickly, and accurate, and reliable of protection function; manual the trip switch, Check its limited bit role of directional and the reliability; on has electrical joint lock link of equipment, should according to principle figure check chain function anti-mine grounding system debugging grounding resistance of test method following figure by shows, along was measuring grounding very E' makes potential detection needle P' and current detection needle C' according to line each other apart 20m, insert to in the, and
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