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兰溪市汪高中心小学岗位实施方案兰溪市汪高中心小学岗位实施方案 兰溪市汪高中心小学岗位设置实施方案 为深化事业单位人事制度改革~建立健全聘用制度和岗位管理制度~实现单位人事管理的科学化、规范化和制度化~根据《兰溪市事业单位岗位设置管理实施意见,试行,》,兰委办[2010]103号,和《关于事业单位设置管理有关问题的处理意见》,兰人劳[2010]88号,等有关文件精神~结合岗位设置方案及单位实际~制定本实施方案。 一、指导思想 通过建立岗位管理制度和人员聘用制度~创新管理体制~转换用人机制~整合人才资源~凝聚优秀人才~实现由身份管理向岗位管理的转变~由...
兰溪市汪高中心小学岗位实施 兰溪市汪高中心小学岗位设置实施方案 为深化事业单位人事制度改革~建立健全聘用制度和岗位~实现单位人事管理的科学化、化和制度化~根据《兰溪市事业单位岗位设置管理实施意见,试行,》,兰委办[2010]103号,和《关于事业单位设置管理有关问题的处理意见》,兰人劳[2010]88号,等有关文件精神~结合岗位设置方案及单位实际~制定本实施方案。 一、指导思想 通过建立岗位管理制度和人员聘用制度~创新管理体制~转换用人机制~整合人才资源~凝聚优秀人才~实现由身份管理向岗位管理的转变~由固定用人向合同用人转变~调动单位各类人员的积极性和创造性~促进社会事业可持续发展。 二、基本原则 坚持科学设岗、宏观调控的原则,坚持优化结构、精干高效的原则,坚持按岗聘用、合同管理的原则,坚持平稳实施、稳步推进的原则。 三、实施范围与对象 本校正式在册的管理人员、专业技术人员~均适用本实施方案。 未经编制部门核编或组织人事部门正式办理手续的各类人员~不列入本实施方案的管理范围。 四、政策依据 1、省委办公厅、省政府办公厅《浙江省事业单位岗位设置管理实施办法,试行,》,浙委办[2009]138号,和省委组织部、省人力资源和社会保障厅《关于事业单位岗位设置管理有关问题的处理意见》,浙人社发[2010]37号,, 2、金华市委办公室、金华市政府办公室《金华市事业单位岗位设置管理实施意见,试行,》,市委办[2010]38号,和金华市委组织部、金华市人事局《关于事业单位设置管理有关问题的处理意见》,金市人通[2010]27号,, 3、市委办公室、市政府办公室《兰溪市事业单位岗位设置管理实施意见,试行,》,兰委办[2010]103号,和市委组织部、市人事劳动社会保障局局《关于事业单位设置管理有关问题的处理意见》,兰人劳[2010]88号,, practice activities implementation programme, and XX town party leadership party of mass line education practice activities rectification programme, and XX town carried out four wind aspects highlight problem special regulation implementation programme and XX town system construction plans,. One is to pay special attention to education. A party Lecture with 71 for all party members and cadres education, organizations watch anti-corruption warning education propaganda, promoting seven special and 9+1+X problems of rectification, Enhance the awareness of all the party members and cadres and the sense, honesty in politics and corruption of immunity. Second, well check the urge. Efforts to increase the annual implementation of the supervision to ensure completion of the various tasks. Third, conscientiously implement the Central, provincial, municipal and County requirements. All party members and cadres and workers to improve the style of work of the Organization, and strive to improve the level of services and service for the masses. Four are in strict accordance with the Central eight regulations and requirements set out in provincial, city and County of ten, resolutely eliminate and prevent expensive recreational activities and entertainment, such as during the holiday season. Five is the renovation of office space. In accordance with the requirements for Office space over standard treatment. Town check the swing team issue 12, make the action 35, carefully check the system, develop and improve the system 8. (D) three 4、省人社厅、教育厅、卫生厅、农业厅等七厅局《浙江省部分行业事业单位专业技术岗位结构比例控制标准,试行,》,浙人社发[2010]165号,, 5、省政府办公厅《浙江省事业单位人员聘用制度试行细则》,浙政办发„2004?117号,, 6、省人事厅《浙江省事业单位人员聘用制度试行细则若干问题的意见》,浙人专[2005]290号,。 7、省人事厅、财政厅《浙江省事业单位工作人员收入分配制度改革实施意见》,浙人薪[2006]307号,。 五、经核准的岗位设置情况 ,一,岗位总量、岗位类别及比例 根据市编办下达的编制数确定~岗位总量为42个。 本单位岗位分为管理岗位、专业技术岗位两种类别。 岗位的结构比例具体控制标准如下:专业技术岗位占主体~为岗位总量的100%,管理岗位,双肩挑,为岗位总量的14%。 ,二,管理岗位的名称、等级、数量 总数6个~占我校岗位总量的14%。其中:九级,科员,3个~十级,办事员,3个。 1、单位领导岗位3个,双肩挑,。其中:九级职员岗位3个~名称是校长、副校长、校长助理。 2、内设机构领导岗位3人,双肩挑,。其中:十级职员岗位3个~名称分别是教导处主任、总务处主任、教科室主任。 ,三, 专业技术岗位等级、数量及结构比例 1、副高级岗位2个~占专业技术岗位比例4%。其中:六级岗位1个~占副高级岗位比例40%~七级岗位1个~占副高级岗位比例40%。 2、中级岗位21个~占专业技术岗位比例51%。其中:八级岗位6个~占中级岗位比例30%~九级岗位8个~占中级岗位比例40%~十级岗位7个~占中级岗位比例30%。 practice activities implementation programme, and XX town party leadership party of mass line education practice activities rec— —tification programme, and XX town carried out four wind aspects highlight problem special regulation implementation programme and XX town system construction plans,. One is to pay special attention to education. A party Lecture with 71 for all party members and cadres education, organizations watch anti-corruption warning education propaganda, promoting seven special and 9+1+X problems of rectification, Enhance the awareness of all the party members and cadres and the sense, honesty in politics and corruption of immunity. Second, well check the urge. Efforts to increase the annual implementation of the supervision to ensure completion of the various tasks. Third, conscientiously implement the Central, provincial, municipal and County requirements. All party members and cadres and workers to improve the style of work of the Organization, and strive to improve the level of services and service for the masses. Four are in strict accordance with the Central eight regulations and requirements set out in provincial, city and County of ten, resolutely eliminate and prevent expensive recreational activities and entertainment, such as during the holiday season. Five is the renovation of office space. In accordance with the requirements for Office space over standard treatment. Town check the swing team issue 12, make the action 35, carefully check the system, develop and improve the system 8. (D) three2 3、初级岗位19个~占专业技术岗位比例45%。其中:十一级岗位9个~占初级岗位比例50%~十二级岗位10个~占初级岗位比例50%。 六、拟设置岗位明细及岗位职责和任职条件 ,一,各类岗位的基本要求 管理岗位、专业技术岗位的基本要求如下: 1、符合基本任职条件~并能自觉履行相应专业技术职务职责, 2、有良好师德修养~教育思想端正~关心爱护学生~品德言行堪为学生的表率, 3、善于学习~敬业爱岗~团结协作~严于律己, 4、任职期间应完成市教育行政部门及学校所规定的任课课时量、工作量, 5、现任教学科或工作须与申报学科职务相一致, 6、首次竞聘可越级竞聘~今后正常竞聘不实行越级竞聘。 ,二,管理岗位基本任职条件 1、管理岗位一般应具有中专以上文化程度~其中六级以上职员岗位~一般应具有大学专科以上文化程度。 2、各等级职员岗位的基本任职条件: 六级职员岗位~须在七级职员岗位上工作三年以上。 七级、八级职员岗位~须分别在八级、九级职员岗位上工作三年以上。 ,三,专业技术岗位职责与任职条件 1、五级,中学高级教师一级岗位, ,1,原则上应具有大学专科及以上学历, ,2,在高级教师岗位上任职须满10年,,职龄计算到2010年12月30日, ,3,任高级职务期间师德优秀~得到学生、家长和同行赞同~为人师表、教书育人方面起表率作用, ,4,对所教学科具有系统的、坚实的基础理论和专业知识~能出色胜任本学科各年级教育教学工作~任中学高级教师职务以来~在校级及以上的教育教学公开课,研究课,、专题讲座或学术中获得优良评价。在推动素质教育、 practice activities implementation programme, and XX town party leadership party of mass line education practice activities rec— —tification programme, and XX town carried out four wind aspects highlight problem special regulation implementation programme and XX town system construction plans,. One is to pay special attention to education. A party Lecture with 71 for all party members and cadres education, organizations watch anti-corruption warning education propaganda, promoting seven special and 9+1+X problems of rectification, Enhance the awareness of all the party members and cadres and the sense, honesty in politics and corruption of immunity. Second, well check the urge. Efforts to increase the annual implementation of the supervision to ensure completion of the various tasks. Third, conscientiously implement the Central, provincial, municipal and County requirements. All party members and cadres and workers to improve the style of work of the Organization, and strive to improve the level of services and service for the masses. Four are in strict accordance with the Central eight regulations and requirements set out in provincial, city and County of ten, resolutely eliminate and prevent expensive recreational activities and entertainment, such as during the holiday season. Five is the renovation of office space. In accordance with the requirements for Office space over standard treatment. Town check the swing team issue 12, make the action 35, carefully check the system, develop and improve the system 8. (D) three3 课程教材改革及培养学生创新能力方面成绩显著~在本市本学科的教育教学或所从事的工作中有较高的知名度~应是学校本学科的教育教学或所从事工作的骨干。 ,5,承担学校教育教学研究的组织、指导工作~或从事教育教学某一方面的科学研究,任职期间有校级及以上课题研究成果~教科研论文评比获市级及以上奖项~或在市级及以上刊物上独立发表过学术论文或出版过专著。 ,6,任职期间学年度或年度考核合格以上。在学科建设、人才培养中成绩优秀~个人业绩显著~获得过市级及以上的荣誉称号。 2、六级,中学高级教师二级岗位, ,1,应具有国家教育部、省教育厅所规定的学历, ,2,在七级教师岗位上工作应5年以上, ,3,任期内师德优良~得到学生、家长和同行认可~在教书育人方面有比较突出的专长和丰富的经验, ,4,任期内对所教学科具有比较系统的、坚实的基础理论和专业知识~能较出色胜任本学科各年级教育教学工作~任中学高级教师职务以来~在校级及以上的教育教学公开课,研究课,、专题讲座或学术报告中获得优良评价。在推动素质教育、课程教材改革及培养学生创新能力方面成绩显著~在本学科的教育教学或所从事的工作中有一定的影响~曾获得过校级及以上的教育教学骨干称号。 ,5,能承担学校一定的教育教学研究的组织、指导工作~或从事教育教学某一方面的科学研究,任职期间有校级及以上课题研究成果~教科研论文评比获市级及以上奖项~或在市级及以上刊物上独立发表过学术论文。 ,6,任职期间学年度或年度考核合格以上。在教研组建设、带教指导、完成市和学校重点工作等方面有贡献~个人业绩明显~获得过各级各类奖项。 3、七级,中学高级教师三级岗位, 具有高级职务任职资格~任期内学年度或年度考核合格及以上,能完成高级教师应承担的各项教育教学工作。 practice activities implementation programme, and XX town party leadership party of mass line education practice activities rec— —tification programme, and XX town carried out four wind aspects highlight problem special regulation implementation programme and XX town system construction plans,. One is to pay special attention to education. A party Lecture with 71 for all party members and cadres education, organizations watch anti-corruption warning education propaganda, promoting seven special and 9+1+X problems of rectification, Enhance the awareness of all the party members and cadres and the sense, honesty in politics and corruption of immunity. Second, well check the urge. Efforts to increase the annual implementation of the supervision to ensure completion of the various tasks. Third, conscientiously implement the Central, provincial, municipal and County requirements. All party members and cadres and workers to improve the style of work of the Organization, and strive to improve the level of services and service for the masses. Four are in strict accordance with the Central eight regulations and requirements set out in provincial, city and County of ten, resolutely eliminate and prevent expensive recreational activities and entertainment, such as during the holiday season. Five is the renovation of office space. In accordance with the requirements for Office space over standard treatment. Town check the swing team issue 12, make the action 35, carefully check the system, develop and improve the system 8. (D) three4 4、八级,中级职务一级岗位, ,1,应具有国家教育部、省教育厅所规定的学历, ,2,任教师中级职务须满8年, ,3,任期内师德优良~得到学生、家长和同行认可~在教书育人方面教育效果好, ,4,能比较系统掌握和熟练运用所教学科的基础理论和专业知识~独立分析和掌握所教学科的教学大纲、教材、教学~能胜任本学科各年级教育教学工作~任中级专业技术职务以来~在校级及以上的教育教学公开课,研究课,、专题讲座或学术报告中获得良好评价,在实施素质教育、课程教材改革及培养学生能力方面效果好~应是学校本学科的教育教学或所从事工作的骨干, ,5,具有组织和指导教育教学研究的能力~并承担学校一定的教育教学研究任务~要有研究成果或阶段性成果~或结合自身教育教学实践特点和所从事的工作的经验总结~在校级及以上范围交流并获好评, ,6,任职期间学年度或年度考核合格以上。在教研组建设、带教指导、完成学校重点工作等方面成绩显著~个人业绩突出~获得过各级各类奖项。 5、九级,中级职务二级岗位, ,1,应具有国家教育部、省教育厅所规定的学历, ,2,任十级教师岗位上工作应4年以上, ,3,任期内师德优良~得到学生、家长和同行认可~在教书育人方面教育效果好, ,4,能比较系统掌握和熟练运用所教学科的基础理论和专业知识~解决工作中的一般问题~能胜任本学科各年级教育教学工作~任中级专业技术职务以来~在校级及以上的教育教学公开课,研究课,、专题讲座或学术报告中获得良好评价,在实施素质教育、课程教材改革及培养学生能力方面效果较好, ,5,具有组织和指导教育教学研究的能力~并承担学校一定的教育教学研究任务~结合自身教育教学实践特点和所从事的工作小结~在校级及以上范围交流~并获得认可, practice activities implementation programme, and XX town party leadership party of mass line education practice activities rec— —tification programme, and XX town carried out four wind aspects highlight problem special regulation implementation programme and XX town system construction plans,. One is to pay special attention to education. A party Lecture with 71 for all party members and cadres education, organizations watch anti-corruption warning education propaganda, promoting seven special and 9+1+X problems of rectification, Enhance the awareness of all the party members and cadres and the sense, honesty in politics and corruption of immunity. Second, well check the urge. Efforts to increase the annual implementation of the supervision to ensure completion of the various tasks. Third, conscientiously implement the Central, provincial, municipal and County requirements. All party members and cadres and workers to improve the style of work of the Organization, and strive to improve the level of services and service for the masses. Four are in strict accordance with the Central eight regulations and requirements set out in provincial, city and County of ten, resolutely eliminate and prevent expensive recreational activities and entertainment, such as during the holiday season. Five is the renovation of office space. In accordance with the requirements for Office space over standard treatment. Town check the swing team issue 12, make the action 35, carefully check the system, develop and improve the system 8. (D) three5 ,6,任职期间学年度或年度考核合格以上。在教研组建设、带教指导、完成学校重点工作等方面有一定的成绩~个人有各级各类奖项。 6、十级,中级职务三级岗位, 具有中级职务任职资格~任期内学年度或年度考核合格,能完成中级教师应承担的各项教育教学工作。 7、十一级,初级职务一级岗位, ,1,应具有国家教育部、省教育厅所规定的学历, ,2,在十二级教师岗位上工作应是3年以上, ,3,任期内师德良好~得到学生、家长和同行认可, ,4,在所从事的教育教学工作中~能基本掌握和运用所教的基础理论和专业知识~有校级及以上的教育教学公开课(研究课)~在实施素质教育、课程教材改革及培养学生能力方面勇于探索和实践, ,5,能结合自身教育教学实践和所从事的工作进行总结和交流,任期内学年度或年度考核合格~能独立完成学习各项教育教学工作。 8、十二级,初级职务二级岗位, ,1,应具有国家教育部、省教育厅所规定的学历, ,2,在十三级教师岗位上工作应是3年以上, ,3,任期内师德良好~得到学生、家长和同行认可, ,4,在所从事的教育教学工作中~能基本掌握和运用所教的基础理论和专业知识~胜任本职工作~有校级及以上的教育教学公开课(研究课)~在实施素质教育、课程教材改革及培养学生能力方面勇于探索, ,5,能结合自身教育教学实践和所从事的工作进行总结,任期内学年度或年度考核合格~完成学习各项教育教学工作。 9、十三级,初级职务员级岗位, 应具有国家教育部、省教育厅所规定的学历,师德良好~任期内的学年度或年度考核合格,能完成学校所布置的公开课,研究课,~及各项教育教学工作。 practice activities implementation programme, and XX town party leadership party of mass line education practice activities rec— —tification programme, and XX town carried out four wind aspects highlight problem special regulation implementation programme and XX town system construction plans,. One is to pay special attention to education. A party Lecture with 71 for all party members and cadres education, organizations watch anti-corruption warning education propaganda, promoting seven special and 9+1+X problems of rectification, Enhance the awareness of all the party members and cadres and the sense, honesty in politics and corruption of immunity. Second, well check the urge. Efforts to increase the annual implementation of the supervision to ensure completion of the various tasks. Third, conscientiously implement the Central, provincial, municipal and County requirements. All party members and cadres and workers to improve the style of work of the Organization, and strive to improve the level of services and service for the masses. Four are in strict accordance with the Central eight regulations and requirements set out in provincial, city and County of ten, resolutely eliminate and prevent expensive recreational activities and entertainment, such as during the holiday season. Five is the renovation of office space. In accordance with the requirements for Office space over standard treatment. Town check the swing team issue 12, make the action 35, carefully check the system, develop and improve the system 8. (D) three6 七、岗位聘用程序和形式 按照《兰溪市中小学校岗位设置管理实施意见》等有关文件规定的程序、形式予以聘用。 岗位聘用基本程序: ,1,公布岗位 公布岗位设置实施方案、岗位及其岗位职责、聘用条件, ,2,申请应聘 应聘人员向学校提出书面应聘申请~并按要求提交相关证明材料, ,3,资格审核 学校岗位设置工作组对应聘人员的资格、条件进行初审, ,4,对通过初审的应聘人员进行竞聘上岗或考核~根据结果择优提出拟聘人员名单, ,5,学校岗位设置负责人员集体讨论决定受聘人员~并进行公示, ,6,学校法定代表人与受聘人员签订聘用合同。 八、组织领导 学校成立岗位设置管理领导小组和办公室~负责对各类各级岗位职级评定人员进行审定、申报、推荐和初审。 领导小组由下列人员组成: 组 长:童飞,汪高中心小学校 长、书记, 副组长:徐圣镔,汪高中心小学副校长, 邱晓强,汪高中心小学校长助理, 徐爱娟,登胜辅导完小负责人, 组 员:叶丽娟,汪高中心小学教导主任, 胡文娟,汪高中心小学教科室主任, 胡晓峰,汪高中心小学总务处主任, 徐晓华,登胜辅导完小教导主任, 下设办公室~由邱晓强任办公室主任~成员由叶丽娟、胡文娟、胡晓峰、 practice activities implementation programme, and XX town party leadership party of mass line education practice activities rec— —tification programme, and XX town carried out four wind aspects highlight problem special regulation implementation programme and XX town system construction plans,. One is to pay special attention to education. A party Lecture with 71 for all party members and cadres education, organizations watch anti-corruption warning education propaganda, promoting seven special and 9+1+X problems of rectification, Enhance the awareness of all the party members and cadres and the sense, honesty in politics and corruption of immunity. Second, well check the urge. Efforts to increase the annual implementation of the supervision to ensure completion of the various tasks. Third, conscientiously implement the Central, provincial, municipal and County requirements. All party members and cadres and workers to improve the style of work of the Organization, and strive to improve the level of services and service for the masses. Four are in strict accordance with the Central eight regulations and requirements set out in provincial, city and County of ten, resolutely eliminate and prevent expensive recreational activities and entertainment, such as during the holiday season. Five is the renovation of office space. In accordance with the requirements for Office space over standard treatment. Town check the swing team issue 12, make the action 35, carefully check the system, develop and improve the system 8. (D) three7 徐晓华组成。 九、实施步骤和完成时间 本校岗位设置管理工作总体安排是:2011年7月底前完成岗位设置和聘用工作~具体分以下四个步骤实施: 1.2011年7月20日—2011年7月23日~公布岗位设置实施方案~广泛听取职工对实施方案的意见~由学校教代会,或教职工大会,讨论通过。 2.2011年7月24日—2011年7月31日~制定岗位说明书~组织聘用工作~签订聘用合同。 3.2011年7月底前~完成岗位设置和聘用工作~并经主管部门审核后~报市人事部门认定。 十、其他需要说明的问题 1、本校岗位设置实施过程依据“绩效与资历统筹考虑、同等资历绩效优先”的原则~合理的定编、定岗、定人。 2、本方案未尽事宜或某些特殊情况~由“汪高中心小学岗位设置管理工作领导小组”根据上级部门的岗位设置相关文件精神结合我校实际情况~集体协商解决。 3、本方案的最终解释权归“汪高中心小学岗位设置管理工作领导小组”。 兰溪市汪高中心小学 2011年 7 月 20 日 practice activities implementation programme, and XX town party leadership party of mass line education practice activities rec— —tification programme, and XX town carried out four wind aspects highlight problem special regulation implementation programme and XX town system construction plans,. One is to pay special attention to education. A party Lecture with 71 for all party members and cadres education, organizations watch anti-corruption warning education propaganda, promoting seven special and 9+1+X problems of rectification, Enhance the awareness of all the party members and cadres and the sense, honesty in politics and corruption of immunity. Second, well check the urge. Efforts to increase the annual implementation of the supervision to ensure completion of the various tasks. Third, conscientiously implement the Central, provincial, municipal and County requirements. All party members and cadres and workers to improve the style of work of the Organization, and strive to improve the level of services and service for the masses. Four are in strict accordance with the Central eight regulations and requirements set out in provincial, city and County of ten, resolutely eliminate and prevent expensive recreational activities and entertainment, such as during the holiday season. Five is the renovation of office space. In accordance with the requirements for Office space over standard treatment. Town check the swing team issue 12, make the action 35, carefully check the system, develop and improve the system 8. (D) three8
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