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雪山上的红盖头雪山上的红盖头 《雪山上的红盖头》教学设计 【教学目标】 1(通过自读锻炼阅读能力。 2(理解文章主旨,领悟爱的真谛,每个人都有自己的责任和义务,要在履行自己的职责之中兼顾自己的感情,才能让你的人生完满~ 【教学重点】 通过自读的形式学生自己阅读体会文章。 【教学难点】 体会高尚的爱情,领悟爱的真谛,每个人都有自己的责任和义务,要在履行自己的职责之中兼顾自己的感情,才能让你的人生精彩完满~ 【教学方法】 谈话法,演示法,阅读法 【课时安排】 一课时。 【教学过程】 一、 导入 (配图加情景导入) 同学们我们今...
雪山上的红盖头 《雪山上的红盖头》教学 【教学目标】 1(通过自读锻炼阅读能力。 2(理解文章主旨,领悟爱的真谛,每个人都有自己的责任和义务,要在履行自己的职责之中兼顾自己的感情,才能让你的人生完满~ 【教学重点】 通过自读的形式学生自己阅读体会文章。 【教学难点】 体会高尚的爱情,领悟爱的真谛,每个人都有自己的责任和义务,要在履行自己的职责之中兼顾自己的感情,才能让你的人生精彩完满~ 【教学方法】 谈话法,演示法,阅读法 【课时安排】 一课时。 【教学过程】 一、 导入 (配图加情景导入) 同学们我们今天要讲得主是关于爱情的,人们说,爱情有一千个动人心弦而又各不相同的音符。所以老师知道每个人心中都怀有一份对于爱情的憧憬,无论你是普通人,还是处在边防的战士,军人。对于普通人来说,要获得一份爱情并收获一份美满的幸福是比较容易的,只要我们真心真意,懂得去爱。而对于军人呢,他们的爱情又是怎样的呢,他们的爱情有多少人能懂,他们都能收获像他们(配图军purpose is help construction personnel learning fire, and fire, and refuge, and dangerous goods transfer, various security evacuation knowledge and should method, improve construction personnel on fire, and explosion occurred Shi of psychological bear capacity and strain force, once occurred burst event, construction personnel not only can steady to self-help, also can calm to tie fire Member do fire work, put fire accident loss down to minimum level; event occurred Shi, in security zone of construction personnel can through phone, and Radio information passed to the builders upstairs. Infectious disease emergency measures because of the large project construction workers gathered, on-site infectious disease prevention of avian flu, dengue fever epidemic and strong strong, deadly diseases. (1) construction management work, daily temperature measuring system, measuring, cutting off cross infection and spread of the epidemic; The labour team in conditions of strict management: the service must be living in a well-ventilated environment, keep the room well ventilated, and make the fire, and security work plan; Enhance site measures: improving construction workers toilet facilities, and configure the appropriate hygiene, wash hands before meals and after; more publicity, strengthen staff awareness of self protection. (2) avian influenza prevention measures for management of infection: the 人结婚照)一样的幸福时刻吗,他们的我们今天就来感悟一下军人的爱情,来学习一下《雪山上的红盖头》。 二、 整体感知,概括文章段落 小说的情节发展以“红盖头”为线索,串起了苏唯和小雪的爱情故事文章可分为四部分 第一部分(第1——3自然段),故事开端:写苏唯第一次见到小雪 第二部分(第4——9自然段),故事发展:写8年后邂逅小雪,两人从相知到相爱 第三部分(第10——11自然段),故事高潮:写小雪放弃北京的生活毅然进藏演出 第四部分(第12——13自然段)故事结局:写苏唯赶到乃拉堆哨所,在小雪的雕像前倾诉 三、 走进课文,研读文章 自行阅读文章,回答课后第一二大题以及下面这些问题: (一)课后习题: 第一大题: 1.文章为什么把题目定为“雪山上的红盖头”,改为“爱情似火的红盖头”行不行, 明确:因为是雪山边防哨所的爱情故事,所以叫做“雪山上的红盖头”, 改为“爱情似火的红盖头”不行,因为这里的“爱情”已经超出了狭隘的爱情观,是一种对事业、对人类的大爱 2.在文中,“红盖头”一共出现了几次,起到了什么样的作用, purpose is help construction personnel learning fire, and fire, and refuge, and dangerous goods transfer, various security evacuation knowledge and should method, improve construction personnel on fire, and explosion occurred Shi of psychological bear capacity and strain force, once occurred burst event, construction personnel not only can steady to self-help, also can calm to tie fire Member do fire work, put fire accident loss down to minimum level; event occurred Shi, in security zone of construction personnel can through phone, and Radio information passed to the builders upstairs. Infectious disease emergency measures because of the large project construction workers gathered, on-site infectious disease prevention of avian flu, dengue fever epidemic and strong strong, deadly diseases. (1) construction management work, daily temperature measuring system, measuring, cutting off cross infection and spread of the epidemic; The labour team in conditions of strict management: the service must be living in a well-ventilated environment, keep the room well ventilated, and make the fire, and security work plan; Enhance site measures: improving construction workers toilet facilities, and configure the appropriate hygiene, wash hands before meals and after; more publicity, strengthen staff awareness of self protection. (2) avian influenza prevention measures for management of infection: the 明确:在文中,“红盖头”一共出现了四次,串起了苏唯和小雪的故事,小雪和乃拉堆哨所的故事 第二大题: 1、这段文字当中有几个人物,人物之间的关系是什么,他们各自有什么样的性格特点, 点明:有小雪和苏唯两个人。两人是恋人关系。小雪,有责任心,热情似火,有真爱,热爱事业。苏唯勇于承认错误,敢于改错。 2、文中提到的“同龄人”是什么样的人,他们生活在怎样的环境下,他们的责任是什么,他们的外特征是怎样形成的, 点明:边防战士。恶劣的环境。保卫祖国。他们的外表特征是在恶劣的噶欧安环境中形成的。 3、“他想:该和小雪好好聊聊了”,他要和小雪聊些什么呢, 告诉她画画的男孩是谁,告诉她他理解一切,以前是自己错了 ,聊聊他对小雪的理解和支持。 补充题: 1、令苏唯热泪盈眶的那段动人的爱情故事是——戴着红盖头的新娘冻死在了乃堆拉哨所 2.“从那以后,再没有女人上过乃堆拉,因为太苦了„„”,“苦”具体表现在, (1)要对应高原反应 (2)气温很低(3)生活寂寞枯燥 3.文中的官兵们说“白雪是他们心中最美的雪山女神”,你对这句话是如何理解的, purpose is help construction personnel learning fire, and fire, and refuge, and dangerous goods transfer, various security evacuation knowledge and should method, improve construction personnel on fire, and explosion occurred Shi of psychological bear capacity and strain force, once occurred burst event, construction personnel not only can steady to self-help, also can calm to tie fire Member do fire work, put fire accident loss down to minimum level; event occurred Shi, in security zone of construction personnel can through phone, and Radio information passed to the builders upstairs. Infectious disease emergency measures because of the large project construction workers gathered, on-site infectious disease prevention of avian flu, dengue fever epidemic and strong strong, deadly diseases. (1) construction management work, daily temperature measuring system, measuring, cutting off cross infection and spread of the epidemic; The labour team in conditions of strict management: the service must be living in a well-ventilated environment, keep the room well ventilated, and make the fire, and security work plan; Enhance site measures: improving construction workers toilet facilities, and configure the appropriate hygiene, wash hands before meals and after; more publicity, strengthen staff awareness of self protection. (2) avian influenza prevention measures for management of infection: the 明确:在文中,白雪其实是女孩小雪的象征,她爱岗敬业,舞蹈也很棒,她仅仅为了一个小小哨所的几个战士演出,不顾强烈的高原反应、不顾条件艰苦,轮流在雪地上演出,直到口吐鲜血、生命终止她义无反顾,她至死不悔,把自己大爱献给了祖国的边防事业她在战士们的心中是“雪山女神”。 4.题目“雪山上的红盖头”既是指——又是指——, 明确:既是指老兵故事中的红盖头也是指白雪为士兵演出的曲目为“雪山上的红盖头” 四、 分析人物形象 小雪:小雪是一个美丽纯洁的女孩,大眼睛、笑得很甜,美丽笑脸上有甜甜酒窝,保留着少年时的那份纯真。小雪是一个敬业爱业的女孩通过侧面描写我们能够了解到,小雪很小的时候就喜欢跳舞,她很刻苦、很努力她的舞蹈很棒,能“把一段动人的爱情故事演绎得荡气回肠”小雪是一个富有爱心的女孩红盖头的故事在她的心底播下了为边防战士服务的种子,舞蹈的成功鉴定了她奔赴哨所演出的决心,她在给苏唯留下的信中说:“我喜欢为那些边防的战士们表演,为能给他们枯燥的生活带来快乐而高兴我去过西藏两次,每次都能感到心灵的升华我忘不了那些脸庞黑红、指关节粗大、指甲凹陷的同龄人,那些可敬可爱的战士年复一年在千里无人雪线上重复着单调的巡逻;忘不了一个小战士把自己舍不得喝的水留给正在绽放的太阳花;忘不了给我讲故事的老兵满面的流水„„”,这是一种大爱,一种与天地等齐的人间大爱。小雪是战士心中的“雪山女神”,她为了一个小小purpose is help construction personnel learning fire, and fire, and refuge, and dangerous goods transfer, various security evacuation knowledge and should method, improve construction personnel on fire, and explosion occurred Shi of psychological bear capacity and strain force, once occurred burst event, construction personnel not only can steady to self-help, also can calm to tie fire Member do fire work, put fire accident loss down to minimum level; event occurred Shi, in security zone of construction personnel can through phone, and Radio information passed to the builders upstairs. Infectious disease emergency measures because of the large project construction workers gathered, on-site infectious disease prevention of avian flu, dengue fever epidemic and strong strong, deadly diseases. (1) construction management work, daily temperature measuring system, measuring, cutting off cross infection and spread of the epidemic; The labour team in conditions of strict management: the service must be living in a well-ventilated environment, keep the room well ventilated, and make the fire, and security work plan; Enhance site measures: improving construction workers toilet facilities, and configure the appropriate hygiene, wash hands before meals and after; more publicity, strengthen staff awareness of self protection. (2) avian influenza prevention measures for management of infection: the 哨所的几个战士演出,不顾强烈的高原反应和条件的艰苦,在雪地上做轮流的演出,直到口吐鲜血、生命终止这种把自己的大爱献给祖国边防事业而义无反顾、至死不悔的无私已经成为了雪山上精神的象征。 苏唯: 他是一位有才华、有理想、有真情的青年战士,他爱小雪,从8年前“深深地记住了她”,到8年后全军文艺会演再次相遇,经朋友介绍两人重新相识,“成为极好的朋友”,产生“浓浓的恋情”,最后在雪山女神雕像前倾情陈诉:“我一直爱着你,爱了8年”,他一直是深爱小雪的,就是两人因为进藏问题发生争执,他也从未放弃对小雪的爱。 五、表达技巧 1.文笔清丽,语言简洁课文的语言没有过多的赘述,8年前与8年后相知相遇到相爱,没有过多的叙述和描写,简单的几个段落就能使人了解了全貌 2.人物思想成熟是自然的小雪爱舞蹈、小雪演出“雪山上的红盖头”受到教育、小雪毅然赴藏演出牺牲,这些情感是自然发生的,突出了人的天性很真爱而苏唯对小雪的理解也是自然的,是因为爱小雪而理解,最后在小雪的雕像前的倾诉,正是一种自然情感的展现。 六、文章主旨 这篇短篇小说以“红盖头”为线索,塑造了“小雪”这位“雪山女神”的高大形象,歌颂了解放军战士将一腔热血将无私地奉献给祖 purpose is help construction personnel learning fire, and fire, and refuge, and dangerous goods transfer, various security evacuation knowledge and should method, improve construction personnel on fire, and explosion occurred Shi of psychological bear capacity and strain force, once occurred burst event, construction personnel not only can steady to self-help, also can calm to tie fire Member do fire work, put fire accident loss down to minimum level; event occurred Shi, in security zone of construction personnel can through phone, and Radio information passed to the builders upstairs. Infectious disease emergency measures because of the large project construction workers gathered, on-site infectious disease prevention of avian flu, dengue fever epidemic and strong strong, deadly diseases. (1) construction management work, daily temperature measuring system, measuring, cutting off cross infection and spread of the epidemic; The labour team in conditions of strict management: the service must be living in a well-ventilated environment, keep the room well ventilated, and make the fire, and security work plan; Enhance site measures: improving construction workers toilet facilities, and configure the appropriate hygiene, wash hands before meals and after; more publicity, strengthen staff awareness of self protection. (2) avian influenza prevention measures for management of infection: the 国边防的真爱、大爱的博大胸怀这是一曲颂歌,它歌颂的不仅仅是“小 雪”,而是千千万万奋斗在边防哨所的解放军官兵。 同时,给我们的启示就是:我们可以勇敢地去追求爱情,但是我们要 让自己的人生得到完满,你就要意识到自己的责任和义务,让你的爱 更有意义~ purpose is help construction personnel learning fire, and fire, and refuge, and dangerous goods transfer, various security evacuation knowledge and should method, improve construction personnel on fire, and explosion occurred Shi of psychological bear capacity and strain force, once occurred burst event, construction personnel not only can steady to self-help, also can calm to tie fire Member do fire work, put fire accident loss down to minimum level; event occurred Shi, in security zone of construction personnel can through phone, and Radio information passed to the builders upstairs. Infectious disease emergency measures because of the large project construction workers gathered, on-site infectious disease prevention of avian flu, dengue fever epidemic and strong strong, deadly diseases. (1) construction management work, daily temperature measuring system, measuring, cutting off cross infection and spread of the epidemic; The labour team in conditions of strict management: the service must be living in a well-ventilated environment, keep the room well ventilated, and make the fire, and security work plan; Enhance site measures: improving construction workers toilet facilities, and configure the appropriate hygiene, wash hands before meals and after; more publicity, strengthen staff awareness of self protection. (2) avian influenza prevention measures for management of infection: the
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