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善恶的彼岸 解读

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善恶的彼岸 解读善恶的彼岸 解读 【按语:尼采的著作常常像交响乐一样,各种不同的主题常常重复出现并呈现一些变调。发表于1886年的《善恶的彼岸:未来哲学的序言》就与前后的论著有主题上的延续性,不过似乎没有《论道德的谱系》那么系统严密。《善恶的彼岸》既然是“未来哲学的序言”,那自然是要廓清地基,攻击传统哲学——目标仍然是柏拉图的理念论和基督教(Nietzsche说基督教是民众的柏拉图主义);而超越善恶,无非就是要用“好与坏”的道德取代“善与恶”的道德,这在《论道德的谱系》中论述更为系统。 Nietzsche说,形而上学家的偏见在于把自己隐秘...
善恶的彼岸 解读
善恶的彼岸 解读 【按语:尼采的著作常常像交响乐一样,各种不同的主题常常重复出现并呈现一些变调。发表于1886年的《善恶的彼岸:未来哲学的序言》就与前后的论著有主题上的延续性,不过似乎没有《论道德的谱系》那么系统严密。《善恶的彼岸》既然是“未来哲学的序言”,那自然是要廓清地基,攻击传统哲学——目标仍然是柏拉图的理念论和基督教(Nietzsche说基督教是民众的柏拉图主义);而超越善恶,无非就是要用“好与坏”的道德取代“善与恶”的道德,这在《论道德的谱系》中论述更为系统。 Nietzsche说,形而上学家的偏见在于把自己隐秘的欲望或灵感当成真理,缺乏诚实,忽略了作为生存的根本处境的视角(perspective)。因此被称为自由精灵(free spirit)的新哲学家必须“驶过道德„摧毁我们自己身上残存的道德。”【25】接着Nietzsche照常攻击了作为神经病的宗教,主张欢乐的现世伦理;苏格拉底-柏拉图的自欺以及犹太人的道德颠覆造成了畜群道德的现状。而真正的哲学家必须是立法者,“他们的创造就是一种立法,他们的真理意志就是强力意志。”【141】攻击法国大革命、民主,认为高贵带有野蛮的基因,并对平庸的前景表达了忧虑。不过整个论著是较为零散,有诸多隽永但离题的论述。 “前言” 在前言中,尼采说独断论哲学家并不理解真理(真理是女人)。独断论(dogmatism)的基石是迷信,是千禧年之诺(a promise of the millennia)。迄今最大最危险的独断论错误是“柏拉图杜撰的纯精神和善本身(Plato’s invention of pure spirit and the Good in itself)”【尼采:《善恶的彼岸》,朱泱译,团结出版社2001年版,第02页,下同】。“像柏拉图那样谈论精神和善,等于颠倒事实真相,等于否定生活的perspectivism一-否定生活的根本状况。„基督教对‘民众’而言就是柏拉图主义。”【02】现在正是摆脱这场噩梦取得进展的时刻,而“我们的任务是保持清醒(we, whose task is wakefulness itself)”。【02】 “章1:哲学家的偏见(On the prejudices of philosophers)” “在存在的怀抱中,在永恒中,在匿而不露的上帝那里,在‘自在之物’中一一它们的根源一定在那里,决不会是在别处!这种推理方式暴露了一种典型的偏见,借此可识别出所有时代的玄学家(Look instead to the lap of being, the everlasting, the hidden God, the ‘thing-in-itself ’ – this is where their groundmust be, and nowhere else!” – This way of judging typifies the prejudices by which metaphysicians of all ages can be recognized)。”of the contract must be "/"; Seven or one copy of the contract, each contract form, contents and elements; VIII, master/slave contract and complete specification interface, contract number. 5.9 other provisions the Bank supports risk managers, accompanied by professional risk management, such as account managers handle the pre-loan investigation, contracts and other key sectors. Risk managers and other professional accompanied by risk managers, account managers are still subject to these measures (procedures) for the fulfilment of duties, qilu Bank risk managers, risk managers, in accordance with the administrative procedures (trial implementation) called for duties. Risk management risk managers and other professional personnel involved in handling, account manager with double handle. 6. the credit policy of the Bank to support capital uses reasonable and sufficient source of repayment, parties of good credit personal loans. As described in the Bank's credit policy, marketing advice, business management and other documents. 7. process description and control business processes including personal loans loan application, acceptance and investigation, risk assessment and review, loan approval, Contracting, loan origination, loan payments, credit administration and loan recovery and disposal after nine stages. Process input for receipt of the borrower's application, the output of the process for loan recovery. Process description and control of specific requirements are as follows: node operation flow control point 1. loan application 1. loan borrowers applying for the loan. Risk 1: risk Description: loan qualifications did not meet the Bank requirements. Control measures: according to the preliminary information provided by the borrower selected clients shall not be artificially reduce credit terms 【2】 人们必须等待新的哲学家,后者知道“大部分自觉的思想肯定属于本能活动”【3】,“而胆敢这样做的哲学便将自己孤零零地置于善恶的彼岸(a philosophy that risks such a thing would by that gesture alone place itself beyond good and evil)。”【4】现在的哲学家的问题在于缺乏诚实(honesty),分明是灵感、启示和愿望却非当成真理来辩护,甚至康德都伪善。【5】迄今伟大的哲学都是创立者的自白和自传,“每种哲学中的道德(或非道德)企图,是长成整个植物的真正活胚芽。”【5】求知欲望不过是工具。【6】接下来尼采批评了伊壁鸠鲁对柏拉图的妒忌之狠毒;斯多亚的“依据自然而生活”的信条无非 “是按自己的形象创造世界;它无法用别的办法创造世界;哲学就是这种暴虐的冲动本身,就是最神圣的权力意志。”【8】 Nietzsche说,现在仍有强悍的思想家或心理学家试图离开,谈论视角(perspective)的新东西。【9】应该远离康德引发的唯心论的梦想,虽然那本来是对上世纪的感觉论矫正;要丢掉灵魂的原子论。而“生命本身是权力意志。”【13】物理学只是一种世界解释;应该放弃唯心论的现象观。尼采说哲学受语法规则支配,“哪里由于有共同的语法规则一一我指的是相同语法功能的无意识支配和指导一一因此使得语言相类似,哪里也就从一开始便为哲学体系的相同发展和交替,准备好一切条件。”【21】迄今心理学或哲学受害于道德偏见的渗透,“还没有谁像我那样把心理学视作形态学和强力意志发展学说。”【24】而尼采鼓励心理学家(新的哲学家)要“驶过道德,破浪前进,勇敢地向那边驶去,摧毁我们自己身上残存的道德。”【25】 “章2:自由精灵(the free spirit)” 这一章尼采将新的哲学家描述为自由精灵。这里Nietzsche划分了道德分期:前道德的(结果推定)、道德时期(起因被当成意图)、超道德(extra moral)时期(否定意图)。尼采认为必须克服意图向超道德前进。“‘为他人’和‘不为自己’的感情太富于魅力,太甜蜜了。”【38】真理未必比表面更有价值,“我们必须承认的是:除非以透视法的评价和表面现象(perspectival valuations and appearances)为基础。”【39】一切可以追溯到强力意志(will to power)。【41】“要成为优秀的哲学家,就得冷酷无情、眼光锐利和没有幻想。发了财的银行家,就具有作出哲学发现,即着清存在物所需的部分性格。”【43】“未来的这些哲学家将是自由的、非常自由的精神„而且还是某种别的东西,某种更高等、更伟大、根本不同的东西。”【46】而那些俗称自由主义者其实是平等主义者,是没有自由的奴隶、羊群和普遍幸福;而Nietzsche反对平等主义,他支持of the contract must be "/"; Seven or one copy of the contract, each contract form, contents and elements; VIII, master/slave contract and complete specification interface, contract number. 5.9 other provisions the Bank supports risk managers, accompanied by professional risk management, such as account managers handle the pre-loan investigation, contracts and other key sectors. Risk managers and other professional accompanied by risk managers, account managers are still subject to these measures (procedures) for the fulfilment of duties, qilu Bank risk managers, risk managers, in accordance with the administrative procedures (trial implementation) called for duties. Risk management risk managers and other professional personnel involved in handling, account manager with double handle. 6. the credit policy of the Bank to support capital uses reasonable and sufficient source of repayment, parties of good credit personal loans. As described in the Bank's credit policy, marketing advice, business management and other documents. 7. process description and control business processes including personal loans loan application, acceptance and investigation, risk assessment and review, loan approval, Contracting, loan origination, loan payments, credit administration and loan recovery and disposal after nine stages. Process input for receipt of the borrower's application, the output of the process for loan recovery. Process description and control of specific requirements are as follows: node operation flow control point 1. loan application 1. loan borrowers applying for the loan. Risk 1: risk Description: loan qualifications did not meet the Bank requirements. Control measures: according to the preliminary information provided by the borrower selected clients shall not be artificially reduce credit terms 的是beyond good and evil。 “章3:宗教情绪(religious character)” Nietzsche的“宗教情绪”指的是“宗教神经病——或我所谓的宗教情绪(wherever the religious neurosis – or, as I call it, ‘the religious character’ )。”【52】这里批评了宗教尤其是基督教。在宗教中奉献的三个阶梯:财产、天性和希望都被奉献。只有“超越善恶”才能“睁开眼睛,看见相反的理想:那些最热爱现世、生气勃勃、活泼快活的人们的理想。”【59】“迄今至高无上的这两种宗教„都是导致‘人类’停留在低水平上的主要原因一一一它们保存了太多的本该消亡的东西。„颠倒全部价值判断这正是他们所要做的!摧毁强壮者,使一切伟大的梦想破灭,怀疑对美好事物的喜爱,捣毁一切自由自立、男子汉气魄、征服气慨、专横傲慢。”【65】 “章4:箴言和插曲” 一些优美的箴言,表达了类似主题,如“‘为知识而知识’一一这是道德设下的最后一个陷阱:我们因此再一次与道德纠缠在一起。”【69】“根本没有道德现象这种东西,只有对现象的道德解释。”【80】 “章5: 道德的自然史(On the natural history of morals)” Nietzsche说,“哲学家所谓的‘给予道德以基础’以及为此而作出的努力,若以正确的眼光看,只不过是以学术的形式坚信流行的道德,以新的方式表达流行的道德。”【102】“每一种道德体系都是一种对‘自然’同时也是对‘理性’的暴政。”【104】Nietzsche认为这是一种必要的规训和教养手段。“这一切暴行、专断、严厉、恐怖和不讲道理,已证明是一种惩戒手段,欧州精神借此获得其力量、冷酷的好奇心和难以捉摸的流动性。”【105】人需要规训,“这就是自然的道德命令。”【106】Nietzsche以为这较之康德的绝对命令而言是真实的。 Nietzsche还说苏格拉底和柏拉图的自欺;而“犹太人完成了颠倒价值评价的奇迹„与犹太民族一起出现的,即是道德上的奴隶起义。”【113】而“目前欧洲的道德乃是畜群道德(Morality in Europe these days is the morality of herd animals)。”【121】Nietzsche寄托于未来的强壮者对“永恒的道德”的颠覆。【123】 “章6:我们学者们(we scholars)” of the contract must be "/"; Seven or one copy of the contract, each contract form, contents and elements; VIII, master/slave contract and complete specification interface, contract number. 5.9 other provisions the Bank supports risk managers, accompanied by professional risk management, such as account managers handle the pre-loan investigation, contracts and other key sectors. Risk managers and other professional accompanied by risk managers, account managers are still subject to these measures (procedures) for the fulfilment of duties, qilu Bank risk managers, risk managers, in accordance with the administrative procedures (trial implementation) called for duties. Risk management risk managers and other professional personnel involved in handling, account manager with double handle. 6. the credit policy of the Bank to support capital uses reasonable and sufficient source of repayment, parties of good credit personal loans. As described in the Bank's credit policy, marketing advice, business management and other documents. 7. process description and control business processes including personal loans loan application, acceptance and investigation, risk assessment and review, loan approval, Contracting, loan origination, loan payments, credit administration and loan recovery and disposal after nine stages. Process input for receipt of the borrower's application, the output of the process for loan recovery. Process description and control of specific requirements are as follows: node operation flow control point 1. loan application 1. loan borrowers applying for the loan. Risk 1: risk Description: loan qualifications did not meet the Bank requirements. Control measures: according to the preliminary information provided by the borrower selected clients shall not be artificially reduce credit terms 在指出了哲学的沉沦后,这里Nietzsche支援了真正的哲学和哲学家,反对了科学和专家的篡权。而“但真正的哲学家一一我的朋友们,难道对我们来说看起来不是这样吗?一一过的却是‘非哲学的’和‘没有智慧’的生活,尤其过的是一种不谨慎的的生活,感到有义务和责任做许许多多的尝试,感到生活中的各种诱惑。”【128】Nietzsche反对客观性,“客观的人确实是镜子„客观的人是一件工具。”【131-2】法国人意志脆弱;而俄罗斯“开始具有统一的意志,依靠新的社会集团统治欧洲„人们将屈从于大政治。”【135-6】在腓特烈大帝的怀疑的意志中有一种强悍,而哲学家必须经历一切阶梯,之后,“真正的哲学家们却是命令者和立法者;„他们的‘认识’就是创造,他们的创造就是一种立法,他们的真理意志就是强力意志。”【141】这样的哲学家必须是出身高贵或有教养的。【144】 “章7:我们的道德(our virtues)” 这里Nietzsche分析了欧洲现存的道德现象并主张了主人道德。混杂道德的影响;杂种欧洲人;“所有只讨论快乐、痛苦和同情的哲学体系都是天真幼稚的。”【156】Nietzsche主张要敢于残忍,因为这出于意志,“称作‘精神’的专横傲慢的东西想要在内部和外部都成为主人,想要感觉到自己是主人;它有一追求简化的多样化意志,是一有约束力的、有驯服力的、专横傲慢的、实质上力图统治一切的意志。”【162】随即讨论了女人,否认男女平等是值得追求的。 “章8:民族与国家(Peoples and fatherlands)” Nietzsche攻击欧中的民主运动,是一种同化过程,“欧洲的民主化会有助于产生一种准备接受奴役(取其最微妙的意思)的人。”【179】德国是自相矛盾的中欧民族。反犹主义的暴行是德国的政治传染病。【188】Nietzsche瞧不起英国人,那不是哲学的民族。“欧洲的高贵一一情感、趣味和举止方面的高度,从这个词的每一最佳意义上说一一是法国的产品和发明;欧洲的卑贱,现代思想的平庸一一是英国的产品和发明。”【193】 “章9:什么是高贵(what is noble)?” Nietzsche在这里继续宣扬权力意志。“‘人’类的每一次提升,都是贵族社会造成的成果,而且永远都是如此。”【203】而“高贵种姓都是野蛮种姓。”【204】在法国大革命中贵族的堕落腐化(他们让步),而为了提升种族本来是应该牺牲底层的。“不应昕凭社会为了自身而存在,社会仅仅是一个基础和脚手架,借此一经过挑选的阶级,可以将自己提升至更高的职责,并一般地可以将自of the contract must be "/"; Seven or one copy of the contract, each contract form, contents and elements; VIII, master/slave contract and complete specification interface, contract number. 5.9 other provisions the Bank supports risk managers, accompanied by professional risk management, such as account managers handle the pre-loan investigation, contracts and other key sectors. Risk managers and other professional accompanied by risk managers, account managers are still subject to these measures (procedures) for the fulfilment of duties, qilu Bank risk managers, risk managers, in accordance with the administrative procedures (trial implementation) called for duties. Risk management risk managers and other professional personnel involved in handling, account manager with double handle. 6. the credit policy of the Bank to support capital uses reasonable and sufficient source of repayment, parties of good credit personal loans. As described in the Bank's credit policy, marketing advice, business management and other documents. 7. process description and control business processes including personal loans loan application, acceptance and investigation, risk assessment and review, loan approval, Contracting, loan origination, loan payments, credit administration and loan recovery and disposal after nine stages. Process input for receipt of the borrower's application, the output of the process for loan recovery. Process description and control of specific requirements are as follows: node operation flow control point 1. loan application 1. loan borrowers applying for the loan. Risk 1: risk Description: loan qualifications did not meet the Bank requirements. Control measures: according to the preliminary information provided by the borrower selected clients shall not be artificially reduce credit terms 己提升至更高级的存在。”【204】“生命本身实质上是占有、损害、对异国人和弱者的征服、镇压、严醋,即使用最温和的词语形容,至少也是剥削。„因为生命就是权力意志。”【205】 “剥削是固有的强力意志的结果,而强力意志就是生命意志。尽管这作为一种理论是新奇的,但作为现实的它,却是全部历史的基本事实。让我们在此限度内真诚对待自己吧!”【206】可以说Nietzsche是在主张一种truthfulness或Sincerity的伦理学说。“我发现两种主要类型,就是存在着主人道德和奴隶道德。”【206】主人决定价值,而奴隶道德则是同情的道德,“奴隶道德实质上是功利主义道德。”【209】 Nietzsche还看到一种危险的前景:“结局正在迅速向人们逼近,周围的一切都在衰败并引起衰败,除了一种人即不可救药的平庸者外,一切都不会延续到后天。只有平庸者有可能继续存在和繁衍。他们将是未来之人,将是仅有的幸存者。”【213】“这种自然的、太自然的使人人相同的进程,在这一进程中,人会演化成千人一面的、普通的、平庸的、喜欢群居的人一一演化成卑贱的人~”【219】而较优秀的人的毁灭是普遍的现象。 来自: 小米生活(净质致和) 2013-09-19 10:48:21 读书札记,逻辑梳理。你眼中的尼采又是怎样的呢 1. 哲学家的偏见 哲学家和普通人一样,自认为的自觉思维会受到本能的影响,在看似有条理和自主的活动背后,有哲学家对特定生活方式的需要。即是说,哲学家使用一种看似比较系统和抽象的话语来表达或者达到他所需要的一种生活状态,就像人的生存本能一样。 哲学家之所以受到嘲笑,是因为他们不诚实,他们光明正大傻里傻气谈论神的启示,似乎他们的真知灼见是不偏不倚纯粹和冷酷的,不带任何感情,而事实上,他们的主张和思想是带有偏见的,是他们内心欲望的抽象和精炼,但他们绝不承认这一点,而是不停辩护,以证明自己是多么的不偏不倚。老康德衣着笔挺把人引上辩证法小道,引向他的绝对命令。而斯宾诺莎用数学给自己的哲学披上铠甲戴上面具。 每一种哲学都是创立者无意识的自传,求知的冲动绝不是哲学之父,而仅仅是一种工具,一种满足哲学家各种冲动的工具。 of the contract must be "/"; Seven or one copy of the contract, each contract form, contents and elements; VIII, master/slave contract and complete specification interface, contract number. 5.9 other provisions the Bank supports risk managers, accompanied by professional risk management, such as account managers handle the pre-loan investigation, contracts and other key sectors. Risk managers and other professional accompanied by risk managers, account managers are still subject to these measures (procedures) for the fulfilment of duties, qilu Bank risk managers, risk managers, in accordance with the administrative procedures (trial implementation) called for duties. Risk management risk managers and other professional personnel involved in handling, account manager with double handle. 6. the credit policy of the Bank to support capital uses reasonable and sufficient source of repayment, parties of good credit personal loans. As described in the Bank's credit policy, marketing advice, business management and other documents. 7. process description and control business processes including personal loans loan application, acceptance and investigation, risk assessment and review, loan approval, Contracting, loan origination, loan payments, credit administration and loan recovery and disposal after nine stages. Process input for receipt of the borrower's application, the output of the process for loan recovery. Process description and control of specific requirements are as follows: node operation flow control point 1. loan application 1. loan borrowers applying for the loan. Risk 1: risk Description: loan qualifications did not meet the Bank requirements. Control measures: according to the preliminary information provided by the borrower selected clients shall not be artificially reduce credit terms 伊壁鸠鲁恶毒地攻击柏拉图及柏拉图主义者,认为他们很会装腔作势,表演舞台剧而取悦其他人,而居住在雅典小花园里的伊壁鸠鲁则不会这样干。尼采说,说不定伊壁鸠鲁是出于嫉妒或者愤怒才这样干的。 斯多葛学派则是在用顺应自然来玩弄文字游戏,假装自己是自然一样自在的存在物,而心里面则想过一种完全相反的生活,这完全是自欺欺人。他们不是要顺应自然,而是要将自己的意志强加给自然,用自己的意志来塑造自然,塑造一个无所不含的斯多葛主义。哲学就是这种暴虐冲动本身,就是最神圣的权力意志,“创造世界”的意志,探求第一原因的意志。 上帝死亡之后,信仰的大厦崩塌了,新的生活方式和思维方式信仰方式并不能帮助人过得更好。 不得不说,康德对德国哲学产生了实际的影响。虽然他的先验主义欺骗了自己,也欺骗了众人,但他发现了人的一种新能力,即先验综合判断能力,而德国年轻的一代基于去同康德竞争,努力去发现某种更值得自豪的能力。而尼采的质疑是为什么我要相信这样一种判断,从人类口中说出来的这样一种判断就是一种假言判断,其真实性有待考察。 唯物主义原子论被驳斥得最厉害,波兰人博斯科维奇和哥白尼是功臣,让人抛弃了感官即真实的原子论信仰,而灵魂原子论也应该被给与更沉痛的打击。 自我保存不是本能,生命本身就是权力意志。 自然哲学只是对世界的展示和排列,而不是对世界的解释,而由于大部分不同人感知仅仅停留在感官层面,自然哲学就很难不被看成一种解释,因为他们只需要了解到这里就够了。 叔本华也被批评为自我观察者,用自己的主观感觉来判断我在干什么,什么是什么。而“绝对知识”、“直接的确定性”和“自在之物”都包含有词语的相互矛盾性。 2. 意志与意志的行动 哲学家习惯于谈论意志,似乎意志是人尽皆知的东西,叔本华甚至告诉我们实际上我们只知道意志。而尼采认为,叔本华这样做是更加夸大了哲学家的偏见。尼采说,运用意志是一件复杂的工作,首先运用意志有多种感觉,感觉到我们所离开的那种状态和所趋向的那种状态,感觉到离开和趋向本身,甚至还伴随一种肌肉感觉,尽管或许这种感觉并未真正让四肢运动起来。其次,每一种意志都有一种主导思想。第三,意志还拥有一种情感,实际上是命令的情感。“意志自由”就是一种优越的情感,其他都必须服从这一情感。 在特定情况下,我们既是意志的命令一方,又是意志的服从一方,一旦我们of the contract must be "/"; Seven or one copy of the contract, each contract form, contents and elements; VIII, master/slave contract and complete specification interface, contract number. 5.9 other provisions the Bank supports risk managers, accompanied by professional risk management, such as account managers handle the pre-loan investigation, contracts and other key sectors. Risk managers and other professional accompanied by risk managers, account managers are still subject to these measures (procedures) for the fulfilment of duties, qilu Bank risk managers, risk managers, in accordance with the administrative procedures (trial implementation) called for duties. Risk management risk managers and other professional personnel involved in handling, account manager with double handle. 6. the credit policy of the Bank to support capital uses reasonable and sufficient source of repayment, parties of good credit personal loans. As described in the Bank's credit policy, marketing advice, business management and other documents. 7. process description and control business processes including personal loans loan application, acceptance and investigation, risk assessment and review, loan approval, Contracting, loan origination, loan payments, credit administration and loan recovery and disposal after nine stages. Process input for receipt of the borrower's application, the output of the process for loan recovery. Process description and control of specific requirements are as follows: node operation flow control point 1. loan application 1. loan borrowers applying for the loan. Risk 1: risk Description: loan qualifications did not meet the Bank requirements. Control measures: according to the preliminary information provided by the borrower selected clients shall not be artificially reduce credit terms 有了意志,我们就有一种被束缚、压迫的感觉,甚至会反抗和行动。而另一方面由于我们习惯于忽略这种双重性,习惯于用“我”这个综合性词语来欺骗自己,所以“意志本身”便附着于“运用意志力的行为上”。运用意志者很多时候就是把意志本身和意志力的运用行动看成一回事。意志自由就是这样一种喜悦,一种下命令并执行的喜悦,同时,也因为客服障碍而喜悦,而同时,在意志者内心,他会以为是意志本身而不是意志力 的行为产生了这样的作用。 对一个国家来说,统治者将自己看成国家的繁荣昌盛,而社会结构是命令服从和执行的基础。哲学家则把意志引入道德领域,把道德看成至高无上的学说,而生命就是在这些至高无上的关系下展开。 不同的哲学思想是相互连接和相互影响的,绝不是独立的个体,哲学家的思想与其说是发现,不如说是一种回忆、一种返回、一种重新认识,只是一种高级返租现象。 “自因”是被尼采驳斥的,是自相矛盾而违反逻辑的,“自由意志”是粗俗而愚蠢的,原因和结果应该虚构而不是具体化,仅仅用来作为联系和理解事物的符号就够了,而不是用来解释。“自在之物”根本不存在因果关系,没有必然性和心理学上的不自由。正是我们自己发明了原因、先后顺序、相互关系、数字和规律、自由、动机和目的,当我们把这些符号世界解释为“自在之物”时,我们就和制造上帝一样在制造神话。非自由意志也是神话,在现实生活中,只有意志坚强和意志薄弱的问题。 在尼采看来,意志不自由是有两种完全对立的观点问题引起的,如一类人不愿意放弃“责任”,不愿意放弃对自己的信任,不愿放弃对自己有点享有的权力,如虚荣的人就是这类人;另一类人则相反,不愿对任何事情负责任,不愿因任何事情受责备,并由于内心的自卑,无论如何也要摆脱事务的纠缠。后者在著书立说时,往往站在罪犯的一边,惯于用某种同情心作为伪装。事实上这些就是意志薄弱者的宿命论,就是冒充为“人类苦难的宗教”,把自己做了令人惊奇的伪装,从而把这一切变成了“高级趣味”。 结论:冲破现有的道德偏见,不要搁浅在上面,驶入道德深海,领悟更为深邃的悟性世界。 3. 自由精神 求知的意志建立在求无知、求不确定、求不真实的意志之上,而把后者看成是前者的提炼而不是对立。我们求知就是为了享受不可想象的自由,保持无思想和无知状态以享受生活。 of the contract must be "/"; Seven or one copy of the contract, each contract form, contents and elements; VIII, master/slave contract and complete specification interface, contract number. 5.9 other provisions the Bank supports risk managers, accompanied by professional risk management, such as account managers handle the pre-loan investigation, contracts and other key sectors. Risk managers and other professional accompanied by risk managers, account managers are still subject to these measures (procedures) for the fulfilment of duties, qilu Bank risk managers, risk managers, in accordance with the administrative procedures (trial implementation) called for duties. Risk management risk managers and other professional personnel involved in handling, account manager with double handle. 6. the credit policy of the Bank to support capital uses reasonable and sufficient source of repayment, parties of good credit personal loans. As described in the Bank's credit policy, marketing advice, business management and other documents. 7. process description and control business processes including personal loans loan application, acceptance and investigation, risk assessment and review, loan approval, Contracting, loan origination, loan payments, credit administration and loan recovery and disposal after nine stages. Process input for receipt of the borrower's application, the output of the process for loan recovery. Process description and control of specific requirements are as follows: node operation flow control point 1. loan application 1. loan borrowers applying for the loan. Risk 1: risk Description: loan qualifications did not meet the Bank requirements. Control measures: according to the preliminary information provided by the borrower selected clients shall not be artificially reduce credit terms 出类拔萃的人都本能寻找庇护所和隐居地,在那里他可以摆脱大多数人而不受束缚,或者在另一种本能的驱使下,直面大众,以伟大的明辨是非者的形象出现。隐居起来的人终有一天会感到垂头丧气,走入自己的内心世界,然而却不得不通过不自在的与人交往来研究普通人,来研究规则。如犬儒主义者只承认兽性,只承认最平庸的东西,只承认他们内心的准则,而同时,他们也超凡脱俗,敏感而易怒,喜欢当着人谈论自己这类人。在尼采眼中,犬儒主义者多是卑贱的人,是天生的畸形儿,拥有天才的脑袋和猿人一般的身体。而面对犬儒主义对人类的诋毁时,一个真正爱知识的人应该洗耳恭听,不要愤怒,因为愤愤不平者会更为普通、平凡,是最大的说谎者。 而只有极少数人能保持独立,保持独立是强者的权利。这样的人即使最后倒了霉,迷了路,也没办法得到别人的同情,因为大部分人根本走不了那么远~根本无法理解他到底感受了什么~ 内心最深处的直觉,如果讲给不适合的人听,就会被当成傻子,甚至是犯罪。在道德上,人也有高低之分,普通人的美德在哲学家眼中,也许就是邪恶和软弱。同样的书,被低等心灵和高等心灵利用,往往会有截然相反的效果。 年轻时人总是容易简单否定和肯定事物,会歪曲对事物的理解。在不断的成长中,年轻的幻想不断破灭,年轻的心灵备受折磨,我们甚至变得更加易怒,认为年轻欺骗了自己从而进行自我报复。而也许之后很长时间才明白,这一切的反对与报复,依旧是年轻~ 在人类历史上很长一段的史前时期,人们根据后果而不是行为本身活着其起因来判断这一行为是否具有价值,而之后一万年的历史里,起因而不是结果称为判断某一行为是否具有价值的标准,从而“起因”崇拜使起因拥有了至高无上的权威,被明明白白解释为意图,某一行为的价值就在于其意图的价值。我们以这种偏见,对迄今为止的普通人和哲学家作出判断。不过,我们能否再将这种价值判断翻转过来呢,尼采认为在他那个时代,正是跨越这一门槛的时代,他们隐隐约约感觉到某一行为的价值正是在于它的无意图,意图即道德的偏见需要被克服,才能建立新的真正的道德。 这个世界是强力意志的世界,从内部看世界,以“悟知性格”界定和命名的世界只能是“强力意志”而别无他物。上帝被驳倒了,我们自己而不是上帝创造了这个世界~ 谁也不会仅仅因为一种理论使他幸福或者道德高尚就认为它是真实的,幸福与美德不是论据,不幸福与邪恶也不是反论据,一件真实的事情很大程度上可能of the contract must be "/"; Seven or one copy of the contract, each contract form, contents and elements; VIII, master/slave contract and complete specification interface, contract number. 5.9 other provisions the Bank supports risk managers, accompanied by professional risk management, such as account managers handle the pre-loan investigation, contracts and other key sectors. Risk managers and other professional accompanied by risk managers, account managers are still subject to these measures (procedures) for the fulfilment of duties, qilu Bank risk managers, risk managers, in accordance with the administrative procedures (trial implementation) called for duties. Risk management risk managers and other professional personnel involved in handling, account manager with double handle. 6. the credit policy of the Bank to support capital uses reasonable and sufficient source of repayment, parties of good credit personal loans. As described in the Bank's credit policy, marketing advice, business management and other documents. 7. process description and control business processes including personal loans loan application, acceptance and investigation, risk assessment and review, loan approval, Contracting, loan origination, loan payments, credit administration and loan recovery and disposal after nine stages. Process input for receipt of the borrower's application, the output of the process for loan recovery. Process description and control of specific requirements are as follows: node operation flow control point 1. loan application 1. loan borrowers applying for the loan. Risk 1: risk Description: loan qualifications did not meet the Bank requirements. Control measures: according to the preliminary information provided by the borrower selected clients shall not be artificially reduce credit terms 是有害和危险的,对于发现某一真理,道德败坏着和不幸者,往往更能取得成功。“要成为优秀的哲学家,就得冷酷无情、眼光锐利和没有幻想。” 所有深奥的东西都喜欢面具,最深奥的东西甚至憎恨外形和相似,拨开面具,才能见到深奥的真面目,可实际上,解释深奥的人往往是肤浅的,从而只能给深奥戴上更多的面具。 不要依恋任何人,我们必须自己考验自己,不要依恋祖国,不要依恋对任何人的同情,,不要依恋于科学,不要依恋于自我解放,不要依恋与任何美德,比如,依恋于热情好客会让你成为牺牲品,我们必须知道如何保护自己,这是对自己最好的考验。 尼采认为,正在出现一类新哲学家,他们从内心希望自己仍然是一个谜,物以稀为贵,他们不愿让自己的哲学称为共有的哲学,我的观点就是我的观点,,其他人无权轻易享有。而他们很可能是真理的新朋友。而这类人才拥有真正的自由,拥有某些更伟大、更高等的根本不同的东西。 而在那个时代欧洲和美国滥用的自由精神的人是狭隘和偏见,是平等主义、是民主及其“现代思想”的奴隶。他们能说会道,能写会算,内心并不孤独,诚实勇敢而光明磊落,可是他们确是不自由的,肤浅的将人类现在遭受的所有苦难归因为社会迄今为止存在的最古老的形式,而这种观念恰恰正好颠倒了真相~ 在尼采眼中,人类在严酷、奴役、猛烈的外界和内心的诱惑的考验下才能提升自己,而不是安稳生活得像羊群一样,苦难对人来说是必要的,他反对民主,反对去除苦难。真正的自由由内而外,不依靠外在舒适环境来创造,在严苛的环境下考验自己,获得真正的自由~ 我是羊群中的一员还是孤独的自由者, 4. 宗教情绪 基督教精神从一开始就是牺牲,牺牲所有自由、所有自尊、所有精神上的自信;鱼刺同时这种信仰是屈从、自我嘲笑和自我残害。而现代人对基督教这一套术语麻木不仁,不能再体会“十字架上的上帝”这一矛盾的说法在古人头脑中的至高无上的联想。“圣徒”遭受质疑,路德、奥古斯都等一一被嘲笑。 而有权有势的统治者在圣徒面前总是打躬作揖,毕恭毕敬,因为他们觉得圣徒背后有一股神秘的力量,因为在禁欲和压抑本性面前他们不会无缘无故有如此大的毅力。统治者恐惧,正是因为“强力意志”。 而到了现在,上帝为何被驳倒了,在这方面,现代哲学有何贡献,自笛卡尔以来,哲学家们一直在试图谋杀灵魂这一古老概念,而这正是基督教的基本前提。 of the contract must be "/"; Seven or one copy of the contract, each contract form, contents and elements; VIII, master/slave contract and complete specification interface, contract number. 5.9 other provisions the Bank supports risk managers, accompanied by professional risk management, such as account managers handle the pre-loan investigation, contracts and other key sectors. Risk managers and other professional accompanied by risk managers, account managers are still subject to these measures (procedures) for the fulfilment of duties, qilu Bank risk managers, risk managers, in accordance with the administrative procedures (trial implementation) called for duties. Risk management risk managers and other professional personnel involved in handling, account manager with double handle. 6. the credit policy of the Bank to support capital uses reasonable and sufficient source of repayment, parties of good credit personal loans. As described in the Bank's credit policy, marketing advice, business management and other documents. 7. process description and control business processes including personal loans loan application, acceptance and investigation, risk assessment and review, loan approval, Contracting, loan origination, loan payments, credit administration and loan recovery and disposal after nine stages. Process input for receipt of the borrower's application, the output of the process for loan recovery. Process description and control of specific requirements are as follows: node operation flow control point 1. loan application 1. loan borrowers applying for the loan. Risk 1: risk Description: loan qualifications did not meet the Bank requirements. Control measures: according to the preliminary information provided by the borrower selected clients shall not be artificially reduce credit terms 5. 道德的自然史 与自由放任相对而言,每一种道德体系都是相对于“理性”和“自然”的暴政,道德体系憎恨太大的自由,要求太多束缚和规则,从某种意义上讲,愚蠢是人发展的一个条件。 本能和理性究竟哪一个该享有更大的权威,这个问题一向是一个古老的道德问题。苏格拉底最后默默承认了道德判断中的无理性,而柏拉图却一直想用其全部力量证明——本能和理性导向同一个目标——善。自柏拉图以来,所有神学家和哲学家都采用了同一种路线,导向善或者导向上帝。至少到目前为止,本能取得了胜利。 人类发展所受到的极大限制,在于服从这一群居本能遗传得很好,而命令的艺术却受到了损害,命令阶级的道德虚伪,就在于他们在下命令之前,为了使自己免受内疚的折磨,他们将自己先欺骗一番,仿佛自己也在服从一样,假装自己在执行先辈、宪法、正义、法律、上帝的年代更为久远或者更为高级的命令,而把自己称为公仆或者公共福利的工具。 尼采反对群畜社会,反对民主,反对代议制,也反对社会主义。人就是单个的人,这个社会就是强力意志构造的符号社会,意志来自于人的内心,来自于独立的自由,来自于对苦难的克服,不在于神,不在于上帝,更不在于群畜~人类未来取决于人类意志,取决于真正的自由精神。 6. 我们学者们 尼采的时代科学摆脱了神学束缚,现在叫嚣要当哲学的主人,并且实际也在这样干。哲学的地位被日益贬低,尼采认为对此叔本华可是“功不可没”。客观的人只是一件工具,是受人尊敬的奴隶,不可能成为原创性的主人,是模版,是框架而没有作为一个人的实质内容。 面对多元化的价值观环境,新一代成长的成长是混乱无措的,没有任何一种价值体系能真正扎根于人心中,保持平衡,各种所谓美德此消彼长,相互消耗,已经够混乱了,多少人能走出混乱,又有几个人能理清混乱,意志瘫痪了,社会生病了,就是这样。 要成为真正地哲学家,就必须亲自尝试各种人生、各种职业、以各种眼光观察社会,但这仅仅是基础,哲学家还必须具有创造精神,尼采觉得应该以康德和黑格尔为榜样,确立一个体系,超越道德,独立意志被再次强调。 7. 我们的道德 of the contract must be "/"; Seven or one copy of the contract, each contract form, contents and elements; VIII, master/slave contract and complete specification interface, contract number. 5.9 other provisions the Bank supports risk managers, accompanied by professional risk management, such as account managers handle the pre-loan investigation, contracts and other key sectors. Risk managers and other professional accompanied by risk managers, account managers are still subject to these measures (procedures) for the fulfilment of duties, qilu Bank risk managers, risk managers, in accordance with the administrative procedures (trial implementation) called for duties. Risk management risk managers and other professional personnel involved in handling, account manager with double handle. 6. the credit policy of the Bank to support capital uses reasonable and sufficient source of repayment, parties of good credit personal loans. As described in the Bank's credit policy, marketing advice, business management and other documents. 7. process description and control business processes including personal loans loan application, acceptance and investigation, risk assessment and review, loan approval, Contracting, loan origination, loan payments, credit administration and loan recovery and disposal after nine stages. Process input for receipt of the borrower's application, the output of the process for loan recovery. Process description and control of specific requirements are as follows: node operation flow control point 1. loan application 1. loan borrowers applying for the loan. Risk 1: risk Description: loan qualifications did not meet the Bank requirements. Control measures: according to the preliminary information provided by the borrower selected clients shall not be artificially reduce credit terms 本能是智力中理解力最强的,不管穿上什么样的外衣,人最终还是受本能驱使,而不是其他。 现在所谓的道德主张人人平等,根据这一标准,智力低下的人与智利高尚的人是平等的,毫无疑问,这让智力低下的那部分人感到高兴。而尼采却始终认为智力是有高下之分的,有人天生就比较高贵,而有的人天生低人一等~纯粹的道德不是一蹴而就的,或许需要经过几代人的努力,在人一生下来之后,后天还要接受长期严格训练和实践才能得到,这样的人,是被指派来维持等级秩序的,不仅是人与人之间的等级秩序,还包括事物之间的等级秩序。 尼采对当代颂扬的“无利害关系”是如此的鄙视,也就是对所谓的无私和无争是那样的怀疑。没有“非利己主义者”,所谓的这样的人,只是以“非利己”的名义干着利己的事,自我牺牲也不例外,因为牺牲的人只是通过牺牲来换取他所想得到的更重要的一些东西而已。自我牺牲和与世无争非但不是美德,反而是对美德的糟蹋~这只会把人引向忽略自身和忽略个性的深渊,这对人来说简直就是一种犯罪,因为尼采一直强调,美德来自于自身,来自于本能和意志,而不是外在的其他什么。 19世纪平庸的欧洲人是如此善变,把各式宗教、艺术、道德和信条当成服装换了一套又一套,最终都陈放在历史里,因为,它还是没有找到一套适合自己的。 历史感是什么,历史感就是察觉本能,察觉自身生活的民族、社会、估价等级体系的能力。欧洲人宣称这种历史感是他们独有的,是之前各民族,各种文明与野蛮的混合,他们通过本能回溯,汇成现代精神。回溯什么,回溯古典时期、回溯古希腊、回溯荷马。而回溯的时候,自认为拥有现代精神的人却不那么容易接受和欣赏荷马,因为他们自认为自己已经有一种自立自足的卓越文化,这决定了他们甚至不喜欢世界上最美好的东西,如果这种东西对他无用的话。而尼采是喜欢古典文化的,尼采的历史感和历史精神是批判现代精神,批判这种自以为是的骄傲的。 莎士比亚也在批判之列,因为在莎士比亚笔下,历史感屈从于好奇心,各种不同文化被滑稽地融为一体,而普遍上大部分人却将之视为精华,尼采对此嗤之以鼻。 真正的历史感是对历史的尊重,对历史独立自足的敬畏,而不是截取片段来满足自身的欲望,来达到所谓的目的~ 快乐和痛苦不应该成为道德的判断依据,而功利主义、幸福论、享乐主义和悲观主义无一不把快乐痛苦作为道德的准绳。尼采的道德通往更加难以承受的痛苦,通过痛苦的磨砺来提升人类,而他所反对的快乐,实际上会让人精神变得矮小而贫穷,最终把人类带往毁灭的深渊。 of the contract must be "/"; Seven or one copy of the contract, each contract form, contents and elements; VIII, master/slave contract and complete specification interface, contract number. 5.9 other provisions the Bank supports risk managers, accompanied by professional risk management, such as account managers handle the pre-loan investigation, contracts and other key sectors. Risk managers and other professional accompanied by risk managers, account managers are still subject to these measures (procedures) for the fulfilment of duties, qilu Bank risk managers, risk managers, in accordance with the administrative procedures (trial implementation) called for duties. Risk management risk managers and other professional personnel involved in handling, account manager with double handle. 6. the credit policy of the Bank to support capital uses reasonable and sufficient source of repayment, parties of good credit personal loans. As described in the Bank's credit policy, marketing advice, business management and other documents. 7. process description and control business processes including personal loans loan application, acceptance and investigation, risk assessment and review, loan approval, Contracting, loan origination, loan payments, credit administration and loan recovery and disposal after nine stages. Process input for receipt of the borrower's application, the output of the process for loan recovery. Process description and control of specific requirements are as follows: node operation flow control point 1. loan application 1. loan borrowers applying for the loan. Risk 1: risk Description: loan qualifications did not meet the Bank requirements. Control measures: according to the preliminary information provided by the borrower selected clients shall not be artificially reduce credit terms 诚实,是自由精神难以摆脱的美德,自由精神者接受并完备它。 功利主义的一般福利就是骗人的万能灵药,所谓的“一般效用”和“最大多数人的幸福”就是一种彻彻底底的欺骗与虚伪~ 残忍并没有因为文明和人道而远去,而是改头换面,以另一种即称之为“高等文化”的东西出现并不断得到精神化和强化,如果说以前的残忍是可以看到的古罗马斗兽场上血淋淋的残忍,是十字架上的残忍,那么现在的残忍变得更加无形,因为,精神上的伤害是无形的饿,对自己内心的残忍是侵蚀性的,就像慢性毒药一般,不仅悄然摧毁人的身体,更穷啊然摧毁人的意志和精神。忘记了本能的人,还算是人吗,工业时代的单向度哇,人就是机器,精神上也这样教唆,人就成了彻彻底底的工具~ 而这所有的一切都是对精神的根本意志的违背。精神的根本意志就是一种主宰的力量,一种主人和随心所欲不断变化的东西,自由主义者与其他哲学家不同,或许就在于他们承认这种本能的残忍,而不是想方设法压制和诋毁它,甚至想要改变和降服它。你才看到,本能是不能被降服的,或许它不完美,但它是真实的,那么,接受它吧。 道德是不道德的,不道德就是道德~ 8. 民族与国家 欧洲人的“人性化”与“进步”就是欧洲同化的过程,以强大的适应能力不断摆脱民族主义的束缚,方兴未艾的无政府主义就是这个样子。这种同化不断抹掉的是民族的独特性和独立精神,不断把人拉平。使人趋向于平庸和同质化。这样的人或许在某种技术方面十分精通,或许能说会道,即是说所谓的专家,但他们除了这一行之外却一无所知,浅薄头顶,更不要谈独立自由与意志了~ 德意志民族曾经被认为是有深度的,尼采剖析,德意志民族精神是多民族不断融合的复杂灵魂,其性格中含有许多自相矛盾、捉摸不定、变化无常的特征,而这种变化是不定的,因而被误认为是有深度的表现,因为德意志精神不能一下子被看穿。 现代精神被尼采批判得一塌糊涂,英国首当其中,培根、达尔文、霍布斯、洛克在尼采看来就是你一些头脑平庸的家伙,他们不是欧洲应该感谢的人,他们甚至就是道德的败坏者~ 9(什么是高贵 尼采眼中人的每一次提升都来自贵族社会,换句话说,在尼采心目中,人本身就是有高低之分的,而且也应该是有高低之分的,想要平等和民主本身就是一of the contract must be "/"; Seven or one copy of the contract, each contract form, contents and elements; VIII, master/slave contract and complete specification interface, contract number. 5.9 other provisions the Bank supports risk managers, accompanied by professional risk management, such as account managers handle the pre-loan investigation, contracts and other key sectors. Risk managers and other professional accompanied by risk managers, account managers are still subject to these measures (procedures) for the fulfilment of duties, qilu Bank risk managers, risk managers, in accordance with the administrative procedures (trial implementation) called for duties. Risk management risk managers and other professional personnel involved in handling, account manager with double handle. 6. the credit policy of the Bank to support capital uses reasonable and sufficient source of repayment, parties of good credit personal loans. As described in the Bank's credit policy, marketing advice, business management and other documents. 7. process description and control business processes including personal loans loan application, acceptance and investigation, risk assessment and review, loan approval, Contracting, loan origination, loan payments, credit administration and loan recovery and disposal after nine stages. Process input for receipt of the borrower's application, the output of the process for loan recovery. Process description and control of specific requirements are as follows: node operation flow control point 1. loan application 1. loan borrowers applying for the loan. Risk 1: risk Description: loan qualifications did not meet the Bank requirements. Control measures: according to the preliminary information provided by the borrower selected clients shall not be artificially reduce credit terms 种荒唐可笑的做法。尼采的出发点在人的本性,人最终依靠的是自己的本性而不是受理性的控制,而人从最初的时间开始,就有强大和弱小之分,贵族,就是这些强大而野蛮的人的后裔。 弱小的人就应该称为奴隶和工具,牺牲和压制他们是应该的,贵族放弃自己特权的行为就是腐化和堕落,这就是尼采的奴隶道德和主人道德。这里的道德不是大家理解上的美德,它不是建立在美德之上,而就是赤裸裸的弱肉强食,甚至和达尔文的优胜劣汰有那么一点相似的味道。意志,坚强的意志,就是主人的标准,而没有坚强的意志,柑橘尼采的逻辑,不好意思,你就只能是奴隶,只能是牺牲品和工具。直面剥削,尼采说他在直面剥削,真诚承认剥削,说这是强力意志的结果,而不是向许多所谓理性的哲学家那样,试图去掩盖或者徒劳地去消灭剥削。 拥有强力意志的强者是高贵的,他会通过对自己力量的肯定,对祖先的崇敬来创造这个世界,让这个世界变得更加美好,而奴隶道德,那些“低贱的人”,如果也来谈论道德,那肯定是悲观和愤怒。严正的思考下,尼采眼中的贵族是理想中的人物,现实中实在很难找到与之对应的实体存在。 总结:《善恶的彼岸》究竟讲了什么,我想如果有人认真从头到尾看下来,他会发现尼采在批判现代性,批判所谓的科学与进步,他认为这样的作为智慧让人变得越来越平庸,而民主平等妄图造就的社会实际就是会上瘾的鸦片,这种慢性毒药将慢慢侵蚀人的内心,磨灭掉人的独立与自由精神,而只愿意享乐在温床上,而这实际就是在为人类的将来掘好坟墓。 那现在的道德,也就是善恶的划分,在哲学上的判断,不过是哲学家们的偏见所创造出来的,迎合这些“奴隶与工具”们,迎合这些平庸的人自欺欺人,所以,这本书叫做《善恶彼岸》,也就是在现有的道德体系之外,应该建立一个新的道德体系,也就是尼采不断强调的独立意志和自由精神的道德体系。在这里只有高贵贵族的主人道德和平庸之人的奴隶道德,承认本能,而不是压制本能,真诚面对本能,承认这个等级秩序的世界,才能到达善恶的彼岸。 读尼采《善恶的彼岸》 (2011-05-31 22:55:31) 《善恶的彼岸》是尼采中期创作作品,是阐述其哲学思想体系的重要著作之一,也为其后来《强力意志》等作品作下了基础。 在表述“我们的哲学家”、“自由的精神”、“宗教的本质”、“什么是贵族”等九个章节中,尼采提出自己的善恶观,一种自然生命的道德观。他所弘of the contract must be "/"; Seven or one copy of the contract, each contract form, contents and elements; VIII, master/slave contract and complete specification interface, contract number. 5.9 other provisions the Bank supports risk managers, accompanied by professional risk management, such as account managers handle the pre-loan investigation, contracts and other key sectors. Risk managers and other professional accompanied by risk managers, account managers are still subject to these measures (procedures) for the fulfilment of duties, qilu Bank risk managers, risk managers, in accordance with the administrative procedures (trial implementation) called for duties. Risk management risk managers and other professional personnel involved in handling, account manager with double handle. 6. the credit policy of the Bank to support capital uses reasonable and sufficient source of repayment, parties of good credit personal loans. As described in the Bank's credit policy, marketing advice, business management and other documents. 7. process description and control business processes including personal loans loan application, acceptance and investigation, risk assessment and review, loan approval, Contracting, loan origination, loan payments, credit administration and loan recovery and disposal after nine stages. Process input for receipt of the borrower's application, the output of the process for loan recovery. Process description and control of specific requirements are as follows: node operation flow control point 1. loan application 1. loan borrowers applying for the loan. Risk 1: risk Description: loan qualifications did not meet the Bank requirements. Control measures: according to the preliminary information provided by the borrower selected clients shall not be artificially reduce credit terms 扬的道德和善,是从人的本性出发的,表达人本质的生命需求;同时又是有强大力量的,自由意志的表达。 在书首,尼采提出哲学家共同关心研究的问题,真理的标准是什么,如何衡量每一个人提出的善恶的标准。他希望解决一个绝对的东西,非相对的每个人意志的表达。许多时候哲学家们的自我意志表达包含了一种强力意志,希望通过自己的意见达到控制其它资源的目的。如尼采所言“伟大的事物为伟大的人而保留着,深渊为深刻的人而保留着,柔和的东西和震颤的东西为精细的人保留着,总而言之,一切少见的东西为少见的人保留着”。人们必须寻找更为伟大、深刻和精细的东西,这些才导出真正的生命之善。 宗教常常作为某些人或某些群体实现自己强力意志的工具。通过推扬顺从,否定自我,虚幻的神来麻痹人们的神经,弱化人们的意志,以达到顺从推扬者意志的目的。宗教宣扬人的无意义,服从,受苦以换取未来的幸福,这几乎将每个人生命重要性和自我颂扬的表现否至无。 从道德的本性史中看去,宗教中宣扬的道德自有其来源。财产的增加和分配不均,富人在其他方面产生更多的衍伸权力,政治上的控制,精神上的主导。这些人将自我意志输送到社会群体中去,通过建立奖惩标准使人们相信并服从其自身规定的整套善恶体系。这些善恶观念只能使人更加群体服从化,使人自我意志丧失,更加被囊括到这一部份人的意志控制之中。他们建立的善恶标准是否真正的符合人们本性的善恶标准, 如是,我们应和如何寻找真正的德行,许多社会宣扬的道德并非符合人本性,并不与人最原始的趣味和初步想法相吻合。宣扬道德的人通过“只有...才能”的思维模式灌输使人们认为他们认为的那样才是好的,而事实如此么,尼采的回答是否定的。他认为,人们应该自我寻求更高的,更好的东西。真正好的人应学会自我下命令,不断学习,观察,坚守诚实,,锻炼,最终真正做出和习惯更好的命令。个人在自我在行为过程中要有适量的历史观,忽略历史观者易形成犬儒主义倾向,只为眼前浅薄短暂的利益打动,而盲信永远的历史观者无异宗教无知的信徒,将幸福给予无止境的未来。 每个民族每个国家都有自己的特征,无论是德国,还是英国法国,许多东西并不相似。尼采赞扬德意志民族的深刻与坚韧,同时提出在欧洲建立统一民族国家的意愿。他崇尚那种强大的,外发的,崇高的希腊式的美,赞扬如此类的人。 人群有许多划分,也存在许多等级。然而,怎样的人才是更好的人,怎样的道德才是更好的道德,用什么来区分,孔子将知识和美德作为他理想社会中区别众人的标尺,而尼采则将道德分为主人道德和奴隶道德。主人道德提倡of the contract must be "/"; Seven or one copy of the contract, each contract form, contents and elements; VIII, master/slave contract and complete specification interface, contract number. 5.9 other provisions the Bank supports risk managers, accompanied by professional risk management, such as account managers handle the pre-loan investigation, contracts and other key sectors. Risk managers and other professional accompanied by risk managers, account managers are still subject to these measures (procedures) for the fulfilment of duties, qilu Bank risk managers, risk managers, in accordance with the administrative procedures (trial implementation) called for duties. Risk management risk managers and other professional personnel involved in handling, account manager with double handle. 6. the credit policy of the Bank to support capital uses reasonable and sufficient source of repayment, parties of good credit personal loans. As described in the Bank's credit policy, marketing advice, business management and other documents. 7. process description and control business processes including personal loans loan application, acceptance and investigation, risk assessment and review, loan approval, Contracting, loan origination, loan payments, credit administration and loan recovery and disposal after nine stages. Process input for receipt of the borrower's application, the output of the process for loan recovery. Process description and control of specific requirements are as follows: node operation flow control point 1. loan application 1. loan borrowers applying for the loan. Risk 1: risk Description: loan qualifications did not meet the Bank requirements. Control measures: according to the preliminary information provided by the borrower selected clients shall not be artificially reduce credit terms 强力意志,提倡自我规定事物的价值,不轻信他人的意见和观点,坚定,严肃,畏惧的做事,尊重其他同样有力量的人,而奴隶道德常常表现为宣扬同情,爱慕虚荣,大公无私,热心肠,谦卑等,因为这是他们维持生存的唯一手段,也基本完全表现为实用主义道德。 另一方面,虽然无力量的人不是强者,但同时专制、强迫他人听命以实现如宗教意志等目的的人也与强者无涉。人们通过教育得到更好的意志,认识更多更好的事物。高贵的人通常遵行这样的行为模式:推崇严格的利己主义并严肃行为—〉寻找到自己的同类及同样合理的东西并在其中活动—〉始终坚持自己的立场并相信自己在社会的上层—〉平等、审慎的向前看或向下看并继续严肃的行为。 人们往往习惯于通过语言寻找同自己类似的人或事,从而使自己与某个群体相融和。在这个意义上,许多时候越高贵的的人越倾向于独立不羁,他们安于自己的孤独很少宣扬自己。为了超越这种过分自然的,千篇一律的发展,为了超越雷同的,通常的,平均的等人的进化,人们必须求助于那可怕的异己的力量。 更高贵的人之所以常常做出如此行为,原因有许多。他们喜怒哀乐更强,历史感更适度,使命感更具体而深刻.他们常常将自己与芸芸众生分离,更独立更自主。因此,名义和作品常常伴随高贵的人,但真正划分真正的贵族却不是在名义和作品上,而是在真正的信仰上。 真正的善恶没有完全的统一的唯一的标准。真正的强者能通过他们的自我教育,观察比较,运用自我强力意志严肃畏惧的做事,达到自己定义的善恶观,实现符合人类本性的生命意志,体验到人生真正的本性需求。同时他们通过坚守的信仰,通过与同类共同行为,通过自我超越与创作,在历史中留下永恒的足迹。 善恶的彼岸 (2008-03-01 03:35:28)转载? 分类: 文化哲学 美国散文作家、思想家、诗人拉尔夫?瓦尔多?爱默生(Ralph Waldo Emerson, 1803-1882)曾说:“伟大即意味着被误解。”这话施之于哲学家弗里德里希?威廉?尼采(1844-1900),那是再恰当不过了。而伟大如尼采,当然知道这种情形的存在,用他自己的话说就是:“在一个伟大的精神周围,总会不断地生长出形形色色的面具,这伟大精神的持续存在,全赖于这些形形色色的面具持续不断地对它进行错误地(也就是浅薄地)阐释。”尼采在《善恶的彼岸》里,也有一句堪称经典的话: of the contract must be "/"; Seven or one copy of the contract, each contract form, contents and elements; VIII, master/slave contract and complete specification interface, contract number. 5.9 other provisions the Bank supports risk managers, accompanied by professional risk management, such as account managers handle the pre-loan investigation, contracts and other key sectors. Risk managers and other professional accompanied by risk managers, account managers are still subject to these measures (procedures) for the fulfilment of duties, qilu Bank risk managers, risk managers, in accordance with the administrative procedures (trial implementation) called for duties. Risk management risk managers and other professional personnel involved in handling, account manager with double handle. 6. the credit policy of the Bank to support capital uses reasonable and sufficient source of repayment, parties of good credit personal loans. As described in the Bank's credit policy, marketing advice, business management and other documents. 7. process description and control business processes including personal loans loan application, acceptance and investigation, risk assessment and review, loan approval, Contracting, loan origination, loan payments, credit administration and loan recovery and disposal after nine stages. Process input for receipt of the borrower's application, the output of the process for loan recovery. Process description and control of specific requirements are as follows: node operation flow control point 1. loan application 1. loan borrowers applying for the loan. Risk 1: risk Description: loan qualifications did not meet the Bank requirements. Control measures: according to the preliminary information provided by the borrower selected clients shall not be artificially reduce credit terms “出于爱所作的事情,总是发生在善恶的彼岸。” 浅薄的阐释者从这一句话里,看到的永远是他自己浅薄的一个面相,因而也决不会对其作一个正面的阐释。他会反诘说,为爱而偷情、抢劫、强奸、杀人,难道这些还不是有关于善恶的事情吗,怎么会在“善恶的彼岸”,怎么会是在善恶管不到的地方,殊不知,那种反诘的论调,正应了孔子所谓“攻乎异端,斯害也已”这句话,什么事都要往一个极端上推论,不撞南墙心不死,撞了南墙也不死心。我不知道尼采这一句德文究竟是怎样说的,这一句英文的翻译,相较于中文翻译,或许会引来更多这样的争议: “Anything that's done out of passion, is beyond good and evil.” 在这句英语里,根本就没有“爱”这个字眼,只有“激情”这个词语。对这一句英文,我的翻译是: “出于激情所做的任何事情,是在好和邪恶之外。” 两个中文译文,单就在中文的世界里来说,的确是第一句更能传神。这里的问题是,我们究竟应该怎样来进行阐释呢, 无论是“在善恶的彼岸”还是“在好和邪恶之外”,尼采无非是在告诉我们,看待一些事情,不应该简单到只作一些道德判断,那不仅是因为,对一件事物的看法,除了有善恶的判断这一个视角之外,还有美丑的、真伪的判断视角;而且还因为,善恶的道德判断总是出自一定的立场,也出自维护一定的社会秩序的需要。而且,从道德的谱系学上来看,道德也总是体现出一种强者的意志和弱者的道德之间的博弈(《论道德的谱系》),主人的道德与奴隶的道德的对立(《善恶的彼岸》)。强者总是将自我意志输送到社会群体中去,通过建立奖惩标准使人们相信并服从其自身规定的整套善恶体系。这些善恶观念只能使人更加群体服从化,使人自我意志丧失,更加被囊括到这一部份人的意志控制之中?。他在《偶像的黄昏》里说: 人们知道我对哲学家的要求,即站在善恶的彼岸,——超越道德判断的幻想。这一要求源自一种见解,我首次把这见解归纳成一个公式:根本不存在道德事实。道德判断与宗教判断有一共同点,即相信不存在的实在。道德仅是对一定现象的阐释,确切地说,是一种误释。和宗教判断一样,道德判断属于无知的一个阶段,此时连实在的概念、实在与幻想的区别尚付之缺如,以致在此阶段上“真理”仅仅是指我们今日称为“想象”的东西。就此而言,道德判断从未被认真看待,作为这样的东西,它始终只包含着悖理。 他甚至还说:在一切道德判断中看到一种拙劣的符号语言,躯体的某个心理事件欲借它而传达自己。道德理想的胜利和其他胜利一样,都必须依靠不道德的of the contract must be "/"; Seven or one copy of the contract, each contract form, contents and elements; VIII, master/slave contract and complete specification interface, contract number. 5.9 other provisions the Bank supports risk managers, accompanied by professional risk management, such as account managers handle the pre-loan investigation, contracts and other key sectors. Risk managers and other professional accompanied by risk managers, account managers are still subject to these measures (procedures) for the fulfilment of duties, qilu Bank risk managers, risk managers, in accordance with the administrative procedures (trial implementation) called for duties. Risk management risk managers and other professional personnel involved in handling, account manager with double handle. 6. the credit policy of the Bank to support capital uses reasonable and sufficient source of repayment, parties of good credit personal loans. As described in the Bank's credit policy, marketing advice, business management and other documents. 7. process description and control business processes including personal loans loan application, acceptance and investigation, risk assessment and review, loan approval, Contracting, loan origination, loan payments, credit administration and loan recovery and disposal after nine stages. Process input for receipt of the borrower's application, the output of the process for loan recovery. Process description and control of specific requirements are as follows: node operation flow control point 1. loan application 1. loan borrowers applying for the loan. Risk 1: risk Description: loan qualifications did not meet the Bank requirements. Control measures: according to the preliminary information provided by the borrower selected clients shall not be artificially reduce credit terms 手段:强暴,说谎,诽谤,不义。在道德的整个发展中毫无真理:全部概念和原理„„都是杜撰,全部心理„„都是歪曲,偷运到这个谎言王国的全部逻辑形式都是诡辩。 我们必须摆脱道德,以便能够道德地生活。 因此可以这样说,不要把道德当作一个神圣的救命草,当作一个杀伐别人的借口与利器。一切制度与人性相比,都算不得天经地义,也算不得天然神圣不可侵犯。神圣是什么——“神圣或许是民众和女人尚能看到的仅有的较高价值,是为一切天性近视的造物而设的理想的平线”——尼采如是说(《瓦格纳事件》)。如果承认道德的某种合理性,我们看待一件事物,也可以有许多的角度,而道德判断的角度只是其中的一种,而且是相当狭隘的一种。道德一般也只能用来自律,而非他律。他律的事情应该交给上帝或法律。比如说,安娜?卡列尼娜是一个偷情的坏女人呢,还是同时也是一个深情的好女人,这两个评价,如果都是符合对安娜实际行为的考评,那么,“坏”女人与“好”女人,怎么可能同时是对 一个 女人的评价呢,既然可以同时是“坏”的和“好”的,那么,这样的道德判断有什么意义呢,而且,这样的道德判断,对安娜的死来说,又能有什么呢,道德判断一下,她岂非只是咎由自取,如此冷漠的心肠,决不是文学的用心。托尔斯泰在这本书的卷首上题辞,引用的是《圣经》里“伸冤在我,我必报应”这句话,他后来在回答魏烈萨耶夫时说:“我选用这个题辞,正如我曾解释过的,只不过是为了表达这样一个思想,就是:人们所做的坏事有其痛苦的后果,这不来源于人,而来之于上帝,安娜?卡列尼娜就亲身体验了这一点。”(参见上海译文版该书《译本序》)而这句话,根据《圣经》的原意来说,就是人间的罪孽只有上帝可以裁判,世人是无权评论的。托尔斯泰在小说中,对安娜充满着的那种深刻悲悯和同情,其实也是在告诉我们,在某种情况下,只有搁置道德判断,我们才能深刻洞悉与全面理解 人的 存在的困境,看到人性与制度之间的永恒矛盾、冲突与紧张,从而丰富我们对人性的认识、了解与体察,悲悯地意识到自己的存在。 of the contract must be "/"; Seven or one copy of the contract, each contract form, contents and elements; VIII, master/slave contract and complete specification interface, contract number. 5.9 other provisions the Bank supports risk managers, accompanied by professional risk management, such as account managers handle the pre-loan investigation, contracts and other key sectors. Risk managers and other professional accompanied by risk managers, account managers are still subject to these measures (procedures) for the fulfilment of duties, qilu Bank risk managers, risk managers, in accordance with the administrative procedures (trial implementation) called for duties. Risk management risk managers and other professional personnel involved in handling, account manager with double handle. 6. the credit policy of the Bank to support capital uses reasonable and sufficient source of repayment, parties of good credit personal loans. As described in the Bank's credit policy, marketing advice, business management and other documents. 7. process description and control business processes including personal loans loan application, acceptance and investigation, risk assessment and review, loan approval, Contracting, loan origination, loan payments, credit administration and loan recovery and disposal after nine stages. Process input for receipt of the borrower's application, the output of the process for loan recovery. Process description and control of specific requirements are as follows: node operation flow control point 1. loan application 1. loan borrowers applying for the loan. Risk 1: risk Description: loan qualifications did not meet the Bank requirements. Control measures: according to the preliminary information provided by the borrower selected clients shall not be artificially reduce credit terms
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