
旋风分离器设计 马风云

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旋风分离器设计 马风云旋风分离器设计 马风云 新 疆 工 程 学 院 课程设计说明书 题目名称: 化工机械设备课程设计 系 部: 化学与环境工程系 专业班级: 应化11-6(3)班 学生姓名: 吴浩 指导教师: 赵宝平 完成日期: 2014年1月3日 publications such as the national liberation movement, instilling anti-Japanese policy. On this basis, progress in development of a number of ...
旋风分离器设计  马风云
旋风分离器 马风云 新 疆 工 程 学 院 课程设计说明书 题目名称: 化工机械设备课程设计 系 部: 化学与环境工程系 专业班级: 应化11-6(3)班 学生姓名: 吴浩 指导教师: 赵宝平 完成日期: 2014年1月3日 publications such as the national liberation movement, instilling anti-Japanese policy. On this basis, progress in development of a number of young people have joined the Communist Party of China. The site of the village the morning of August 23, 1939, in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces East of Lake Taihu anti-Japanese volunteer army, seven have implicit read Cun Yi XI da bridge, was suddenly lurking in mulberry trees on both sides 新 疆 工 程 学 院 课程设计评定意见 设计题目: 旋风分离器 学生姓名: 吴浩 评定意见: 评定成绩: 指导教师(签名): 年 月 日 publications such as the national liberation movement, instilling anti-Japanese policy. On this basis, progress in development of a number of young people have joined the Communist Party of China. The site of the village the morning of August 23, 1939, in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces East of Lake Taihu anti-Japanese volunteer army, seven have implicit read Cun Yi XI da bridge, was suddenly lurking in mulberry trees on both sides 分离器设计 新疆工程学院 课程设计任务书 2013 学年 2 学期 2013年 12月 26 日 专业 应用化工 班级 3班 课程名称 化工机械设备 设计题目 旋风分离器 指导教师 赵宝平 起止时间 2013.12.23-2014.1.6 周数 两周 设计地点 南昌路校区 设计目的:1学会从资料、中查找相关的计算和数据;2;进行一系列的精馏单元过程的计算,并通过准确、严密的分析、论证,表达出自己的设计思想;3能根据计算结果确定精馏塔的结构尺寸;4能根据自己对设备的安排和计算结果,对设备内所进行的过程进行流体力学条件的校核;5能从理论上的正确性、技术上的可能性和经济上的合理性等方面对设计结果进行可行性和先进性的评价;6学习绘制设备的工艺条件图及简单设备的结构图;7学习编制设计说明书。 设计任务或主要技术指标: 内筒: 设计压力为-0.1Mpa,最高工作压力为-0.1Mpa,设计温度为185? ,设备主要材质为SUS316L,设备容积为0.3m?,介质名称为GS. 夹套:设计压力1.0,设计温度185,介质名称蒸汽,设备主要材质20R 设计进度与要求: 1、12月23~24日搜集有关精馏塔设计的资料; 2、12月24~29日完成精馏塔的设计以及相关计算; 3、1月3 日完成设计说明书的编制、打印、排版; 4、1月5~6日完成绘图等全过程,上交说明书,答辩。 主要参考书及参考资料: 1. 陈英南. 常用化工单元设备的设计. 上海:华东理工大学出版社,2005. 2 卢焕章. 石油化工基础数据手册. 北京:化学工业出版社, 1982. 3. 祁存谦等. 化工原理. 第二版. 北京:化学工业出版社, 2009. 4.张立新等. 传质分离技术. 北京:化学工业出版社, 2009.: 教研室主任(签名) 系(部)主任(签名) 年 月 日 lurking in mulberry trees on both sides Japanese volunteer army, seven have implicit read Cun Yi XI da bridge, was suddenly-and Zhejiang provinces East of Lake Taihu antiof young people have joined the Communist Party of China. The site of the village the morning of August 23, 1939, in Jiangsu Japanese policy. On this basis, progress in development of a number-publications such as the national liberation movement, instilling anti1 前言 旋风分离器设备的主要功能是尽可能除去输送介质气体中携带的固体颗粒杂质和液滴,达到气固液分离,以保证管道及设备的正常运行。 旋风分离器采用立式圆筒结构,内部沿轴向分为集液区、旋风分离区、净化室区等。内装旋风子构件,按圆周方向均匀排布亦通过上下管板固定;设备采用裙座支撑,封头采用耐高压椭圆型封头。 设备管口提供配对的法兰、螺栓、垫片等。 通常,气体入口设计分三种形式: a) 上部进气 b) 中部进气 c) 下部进气 对于湿气来说,我们常采用下部进气方案,因为下部进气可以利用设备下部空间,对直径大于300μm或500μm的液滴进行预分离以减轻旋风部分的负荷。而对于干气常采用中部进气或上部进气。上部进气配气均匀,但设备直径和设备高度都将增大,投资较高;而中部进气可以降低设备高度和降低造价。 编辑本段 应用范围及特点。 旋风除尘器适用于净化大于1-3微米的非粘性、非纤维的干燥粉尘。它是一种结构简单、操作方便、耐高温、设备费用和阻力较高(80,160毫米水柱)的净化设备,旋风除尘器在净化设备中应用得最为广泛。 改进型的旋风分离器在部分装置中可以取代尾气过滤设备。 分离原理有两种: 一、利用组分质量(重量)不同对混合物进行分离(如分离1、2、3、6)。 二、利用分散系粒子大小不同对混合物进行分离(如分离方法4、5)。 分离方法有: 1、重力沉降:由于气体与液体的密度不同,液体在与气体一起流动时,液体会受到重力的作用,产生一个向下的速度,而气体仍然朝着原来的方向流动,也就是说液体与气体在重力场中有分离的倾向,向下的液体附着在壁面上汇集在一起通过排放管排出。 2、折流分离:由于气体与液体的密度不同,液体与气体混合一起流动时,如果遇到阻挡,气体会折流而走,而液体由于惯性,继续有一个向前的速度,向前的液体附着在阻挡壁面上由于重力的作用向下汇集到一起,通过排放管排出。 3、离心力分离:由于气体与液体的密度不同,液体与气体混合一起旋转流动时,液体受到的离心力大于气体,所以液体有离心分离的倾向,液体附着在分离壁面上由于重力的作用向下汇集到一起,通过排放管排出。 4、丝网分离:由于气体与液体的微粒大小不同,液体与气体混合一起流动时,如果必须通过丝网,就象过筛一样,气体通过了,而液体被拦截而留在丝网上,并在重力的作用下下流至分离器底部排出。 5、超滤分离:由于气体与液体的微粒大小不同,液体与气体混合一起流动时,如果必须通过微孔过滤,就象过筛一样,气体通过了,而液体被拦截而留在微孔过滤器上,并在重力的作用下下流至分离器底部排出。 6、填料分离:由于气体与液体的密度不同,液体与气体混合一起流动时,如果遇到阻挡,气体会折流而走,而液体由于惯性,继续有一个向前的速度,向前的液体附着在阻挡填料表面上由于重力的作用向下汇集到一起,通过排放管排出。 army, seven have implicit read Cun Yi XI da bridge, was suddenly lurking in mulberry trees on both sidesJapanese volunteer -e site of the village the morning of August 23, 1939, in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces East of Lake Taihu antiese policy. On this basis, progress in development of a number of young people have joined the Communist Party of China. ThJapan-publications such as the national liberation movement, instilling anti2 分离器设计 目录 1、 罐体壁厚设计............................................................................................................ 5 1.1夹套壁厚 ............................................................................................................ 5 1.2内筒壁厚 ............................................................................................................ 5 2、 封头厚度设计............................................................................................................ 6 2.1下部封头厚度计算 .............................................................................................. 6 2.1.1夹套封头厚度............................................................................................. 6 2.1.2内筒封头厚度............................................................................................. 7 2.2上封头厚度计算 .................................................................................................. 7 2.3平板封头厚度 ..................................................................................................... 8 3、 接管.......................................................................................................................... 8 3.1管 ................................................................................................................. 8 N3 3.1.1管径计算.................................................................................................... 8 3.1.2接管补强.................................................................................................... 9 3.2蒸汽进口和蒸汽出口管、 ........................................................................ 9 NN54 4、 法兰........................................................................................................................ 10 5、 吊耳........................................................................................................................ 10 5.1吊耳的作用是为了承受上面平板封头和锥形封头的重量 .................................... 10 RL5.2确定吊耳的圆孔半径和长度........................................................................11 6、 耳座.........................................................................................................................11 6.1设备总质量 ........................................................................................................11 6.2确定耳座的型号 ................................................................................................ 12 7、 总结........................................................................................................................ 13 8、 附表........................................................................................................................ 15 致谢信 ........................................................................................................................... 17 lurking in mulberry trees on both sides Japanese volunteer army, seven have implicit read Cun Yi XI da bridge, was suddenly-and Zhejiang provinces East of Lake Taihu antiof young people have joined the Communist Party of China. The site of the village the morning of August 23, 1939, in Jiangsu Japanese policy. On this basis, progress in development of a number-publications such as the national liberation movement, instilling anti3 摘要:压力容器是一种能够承受压力负载的密闭容器,一般说来,承受气态或液态介质压力的密闭容器都属于压力容器,压力容器的用途极为广泛,它在工业,民用,军工及科研等诸领域中具有重要的地位和作用。其中在化工与石油化工中应用最多,仅在石油化工中应用的压力容器就占全部压力容器总数的50%左右。压力容器在化工与石油化工领域主要用于传热,传质,反应等工艺流程,以及贮存,运输由压力的气体,在其他工业和民用领域亦有广泛应用,如空气压缩机,各类专用压缩机,冷却器,缓冲器,油水分离器,贮气罐,蒸发器,液体冷冻剂贮罐等。 关键词:压力容器、强度校核、补强 army, seven have implicit read Cun Yi XI da bridge, was suddenly lurking in mulberry trees on both sidesJapanese volunteer -e site of the village the morning of August 23, 1939, in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces East of Lake Taihu antiese policy. On this basis, progress in development of a number of young people have joined the Communist Party of China. ThJapan-publications such as the national liberation movement, instilling anti4 分离器设计 1、 罐体壁厚设计 1.1夹套壁厚 壁厚δ根据式 PDci, ,t2[,],-pc 根据条件,设计压力 p,1MPca D=600mmi 150查表 [,],132MPa 200 [,],123MPa 根据内差法求的 132-123185[,],123,,(200-185),125MP a200-150 (双面焊对接接头,100%无损检测表12-8) ,,1.0 介质为蒸汽,无腐蚀。取 C=02 1,600,,,2.40mm 200,150 ,,,,C,2.40,0,2.40mmd2 根据,,2.40mm,由图4查表得 C,0.25mmd1又该值大于名义厚度6%,所以钢板厚度负偏差 C,0.25mm1,,C,2.40,0.25,2.65mm d1 ,,3mm圆整后取 n ,,3mm确定选用厚的20R钢制作夹套壁。 n 1.2内筒壁厚 ,,3mm(1)假设筒体名义壁厚为 n D,500,2,3,506mm o ,,,,C,3,0,3mm筒体有效壁厚 en lurking in mulberry trees on both sides Japanese volunteer army, seven have implicit read Cun Yi XI da bridge, was suddenly-and Zhejiang provinces East of Lake Taihu antiof young people have joined the Communist Party of China. The site of the village the morning of August 23, 1939, in Jiangsu Japanese policy. On this basis, progress in development of a number-publications such as the national liberation movement, instilling anti5 DDo506oL500则,,,169,,20 ,,0.99,,3D506eeo DoL,169(2)在图 1的左方找出的点,将其水平右移,与的线交于一点,,0.99,Deo A,0.0007再将点垂直下移,在图的一方得到。 A,0.0007(3)在图2的下方找到系数所对应的点,此点落在材料温度线的左方。用式 t32AE2,0.0007,188,10 [P],,,5.19MPa,3D3,169oe 显然,,故符合要求。 P[P]c 345R确定选用的钢制作内筒壁 ,,3mmn 2、 封头厚度设计 2.1下部封头厚度计算 2.1.1夹套封头厚度 (1)计算封头厚度 ,厚度按式计算 由图可计算 1000cos,,,0.93 500,122221000,()2 取P,1.0MP,D,60mm cac t, [,],125MP,,1.0a 1.0,6001,,,,2.58mm于是 2,125,1.00.93 同前 C,C,C,0.25,0,0.25mm12 ,,C,2.58,0.25,2.83mm故 ,,3mm圆整后取 n 20R,,3mm确定选用厚的钢制作夹套封头 n (2)校核罐体与封头气压试验强度 ,(,)PDTie,,,0.8,,根据式 Ts2,e P,1.15P,1.15,1.0,1.15MP Ta army, seven have implicit read Cun Yi XI da bridge, was suddenly lurking in mulberry trees on both sidesJapanese volunteer -e site of the village the morning of August 23, 1939, in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces East of Lake Taihu antiese policy. On this basis, progress in development of a number of young people have joined the Communist Party of China. ThJapan-publications such as the national liberation movement, instilling anti6 分离器设计 ,,,,C,3,0.25,2.75mmen ,,240MPsa 1.15,(600,2.75) ,,,126.03MPTa2,2.75 0.8,,,0.8,1.0,240,192MPsa因为,,所以气压试验强度足够。 0.8,,,sT 2.1.2内筒封头厚度 (1)假设封头名义厚度 ,,3mmn D,500,2,3,506mmo 筒体有效壁厚 ,,,,C,3,0,3mmen DDo506oL1000,,169则,,,20 ,,1.65,,3D506eeo A,0.05(2)在图1查表得系数 (3)在图2查表得系数 B,188MPa B188(4)计算 [P],,,1.2MPa,D168oe 显然,,故符合要求。 P[P]c 确定用,,3mm的钢制作内筒的锥形封头,查表3不需要加强。 Q345Rn 2.2上封头厚度计算 ,,2mm(1)假设 n D,225,2,2,229mm o ,,,,C,3,0,3mm封头有效壁厚 en Do229L180,,115,,0.78则, ,2D229eo A,0.0025(2)在图1查表得出系数 B,145MP(3)在图2查表得出系数 a B145[P],,,1.3MP(4) a,D115oe lurking in mulberry trees on both sides Japanese volunteer army, seven have implicit read Cun Yi XI da bridge, was suddenly-and Zhejiang provinces East of Lake Taihu antiof young people have joined the Communist Party of China. The site of the village the morning of August 23, 1939, in Jiangsu Japanese policy. On this basis, progress in development of a number-publications such as the national liberation movement, instilling anti7 显然,,故符合要求。 P[P]c 确定用的钢制作上锥形封头,查表3需要加强。 ,,2mmQ345Rn (5)加强段计算厚度 QPDci, ,rt2[,],,Pc 式中Q为系数,其值由图4查表得 Q,3.2 3.2,1.1,225则 ,,,2.1mmr2,170,,1,1.1 2.1mm即加强圈厚度为 2.3平板封头厚度 600mmD由于采用周边简支,取。 0.31P0.31,1.1,计算 ,D,600,,26.9mmt170,[] 圆整后取 ,,27mmn 确定平板封头采用的钢板 ,,27mmQ345Rn 3、 接管 3.1管N 3 3.1.1管径计算 L,440mm(1)D,120mm; o 假设,,2mm,,,,C,2mm; nen D120oL440,,60,,3.67, ,2D120eo A,0.0008(2)在图1查得 B,105MP(3)在图2查得 a ,,P(4)根据下式计算许用外压力: B105 ,,P,,,1.70MPaD60o,e ,,P,P,1.6MP(5) Ca army, seven have implicit read Cun Yi XI da bridge, was suddenly lurking in mulberry trees on both sidesJapanese volunteer -e site of the village the morning of August 23, 1939, in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces East of Lake Taihu antiese policy. On this basis, progress in development of a number of young people have joined the Communist Party of China. ThJapan-publications such as the national liberation movement, instilling anti8 分离器设计 即进气口管采用,L为440mm钢管,伸入筒体300mm,需N,,120mm,2mmQ345R3 要补强。 3.1.2接管补强 (1)确定壳体和接管的计算厚度及开孔直径。 ,,3mm由已知条件知,壳体计算厚度,接管计算厚度为 PD1.6,120co, ,,,0.5mmtt2,170,1,1.6,,,,2,Pc 开孔直径为 d,d,2C,(120,2,2),0,116mm1 (2)确定壳体和接管实际厚度开孔有效补强宽度B及外侧有效补强高度,已知壳体名义h1 厚度,补强部分厚度,接管有效补强宽度为,,3mm,,3mmnntB,2d,2,120,240mm 接管外侧有效补强高度为 h,d,120,3,19mm,1nt 计算需要的金属面积和可以作为补强的金属面积,需要补强的金属面积为 2A,d,,120,3,360mm 可作为补强的金属面积为 2 A,(B,d)(,,,),(240,120),(10,3),840mme1 2 A,2h(,,,)f,2,19,(10,0.5),1.0,316mmettr21 2(4) A,A,A,840,316,1201mme12 22A(5)比较A与,,同时考虑,接管与壳体焊缝面积AA(,1201mm),A(,360mm)e3e 之后,该开孔接管补强足够。 N3.2蒸汽进口和蒸汽出口管、 N54 L,140mmD,30mm,,1mm,,,,C,1mm(1),,假设,,onen 140D30oL,,30,,4.67, ,1Deo30 A,0.001(2)在图1查得 B,120MP(3)在图2查出 a (4)安下士计算许用外压力[P]: lurking in mulberry trees on both sides Japanese volunteer army, seven have implicit read Cun Yi XI da bridge, was suddenly-and Zhejiang provinces East of Lake Taihu antiof young people have joined the Communist Party of China. The site of the village the morning of August 23, 1939, in Jiangsu Japanese policy. On this basis, progress in development of a number-publications such as the national liberation movement, instilling anti9 B120 [P],,,4MPaD30o,e (5),即蒸汽进口管和蒸汽出口管,采用,为L[P],PNN,30mm,1mmc54140mm钢管,伸入筒体少许。 Q345R 1(6)因为,? P,2.5MPa 2 ?两相邻开孔距离大于两孔直径之和的两倍 3 ?接管外径 D,89mmo 4 ? ,30mm,1mm 所以不需补强。 4、 法兰 RF法兰型号: 80-1.6 N1 RF法兰型号: 100-1.6 N2 RF法兰型号: 120-1.6 N3 RF法兰型号: 30-1.6 N4 RFN法兰型号: 30-1.6 5 5、 吊耳 5.1吊耳的作用是为了承受上面平板封头和锥形封头的重量 m,m,m 12 m-平板封头质量 1 m-锥形封头质量 2 22,3,3m,v,,(300,,112.5,),27,10,7.85,10,51Kg 11 ,3,3 m,v,,(225,,30,2,150,,2),10,7.85,10,1Kg22 army, seven have implicit read Cun Yi XI da bridge, was suddenly lurking in mulberry trees on both sidesJapanese volunteer -e site of the village the morning of August 23, 1939, in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces East of Lake Taihu antiese policy. On this basis, progress in development of a number of young people have joined the Communist Party of China. ThJapan-publications such as the national liberation movement, instilling anti10 分离器设计 m,m,m,51,1,52Kg12 F,520Nbs Fbs吊耳则需满足条件 ,,,[,]bsbsAbs , [,],(0.9~1.5)[,],(153~255)MPbsa520N2即,则 ,153MPA,167mmabs2Abs RL5.2确定吊耳的圆孔半径和长度 600,550R,6.25mm4R,,25,则。 2 2需2RL,167mm。 167167L,,,14mm即 2R2,6.25 14mm6.25mm6.26mm确定吊耳选用长为,圆孔半径为,厚度为 材料为钢。 Q345R 6、 耳座 6.1设备总质量 m,m,m,m,m 1234 式中-内筒质量 m1 -夹套质量 m2 GSm-的质量 3 m-附件质量 4 m(1)内筒质量 1 DN,500mmh,500mmR,978mm,,3mm,,, n 12,,m,Dh,,,R,则 inn14 lurking in mulberry trees on both sides Japanese volunteer army, seven have implicit read Cun Yi XI da bridge, was suddenly-and Zhejiang provinces East of Lake Taihu antiof young people have joined the Communist Party of China. The site of the village the morning of August 23, 1939, in Jiangsu Japanese policy. On this basis, progress in development of a number-publications such as the national liberation movement, instilling anti11 1,62,6 ,370,600,3.14,3,7.85,10,,3.14,978,3,7.85,104 ,25Kg (2)夹套质量 m2 DN,600mmh,370mmR,978mm,,, ,,3mmn 12,,则m,Dh,,,R, inn24 1,62,6 ,370,600,3.14,3,7.85,10,,3.14,978,3,7.85,104 ,28Kg GS(3)质量 m3 m,,v,3 Kg33,,0.87,10其中v,0.17m。装置系数,取 ,,0.53m 3则 m,0.5,0.17,0.87,10,74Kg(4)附件质量 m4 主要为接管质量,法兰质量和吊耳承受的质量 m4 m,1,52,53Kg4 (5)设备总质量 m,m,m,m,m 1234 ,25,28,74,53 ,180Kg 6.2确定耳座的型号 耳式支座实际承受载荷安下式计算 mg,3Q,,10 kn KnQ式中-支座实际承受的载荷, m-设备质量,Kg n-支座数量 kk,0.83-不均匀系数,安装3个以上支座是,取 army, seven have implicit read Cun Yi XI da bridge, was suddenly lurking in mulberry trees on both sidesJapanese volunteer -e site of the village the morning of August 23, 1939, in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces East of Lake Taihu antiese policy. On this basis, progress in development of a number of young people have joined the Communist Party of China. ThJapan-publications such as the national liberation movement, instilling anti12 分离器设计 mg,3则 Q,,10kn 180,9.81,3 ,,100.83,4 ,0.53Kn AN2标记为 4725-92,耳座 JBT 选用钢 Q345R 确定支座的材料 F0.53 ,,,,182MPbsa,6A[80,65,50,(80,17,2)],10 选用钢 Q345R 7、 总结 20R1、选用厚的钢制作夹套壁 ,,3mmn 345R2、选用的钢制作内筒壁 ,,3mmn 20R3、选用厚的钢制作夹套封头 ,,3mmn 4、选用的钢制作内筒的锥形封头 ,,3mmQ345Rn 2.1mm5、选用,,2mm的钢制作上锥形封头,加强圈厚度为 Q345Rn 6、进气口管N采用,L为440mm钢管,伸入筒体300mm,需,,120mm,2mmQ345R3 2A,360mm要补强,有效补强高度为,补强的金属面积为 h,19mm1 140mmLN、7N,采用,为钢管,伸入筒体少许。 ,30mm,1mmQ345R54 RF8、N法兰型号: 80-1.6 1 RFN9、法兰型号: 100-1.6 2 RFN10、法兰型号: 120-1.6 3 RFN11、法兰型号: 30-1.6 4 RFN12、法兰型号: 30-1.6 5 lurking in mulberry trees on both sides Japanese volunteer army, seven have implicit read Cun Yi XI da bridge, was suddenly-and Zhejiang provinces East of Lake Taihu antiof young people have joined the Communist Party of China. The site of the village the morning of August 23, 1939, in Jiangsu Japanese policy. On this basis, progress in development of a number-publications such as the national liberation movement, instilling anti13 14mm6.25mm6.26mm13、吊耳选用长为,圆孔半径为,厚度为 材料为钢。 Q345R AN214、标记为 4725-92,耳座,材料:钢 JBTQ345R15、支座选用钢 Q345R army, seven have implicit read Cun Yi XI da bridge, was suddenly lurking in mulberry trees on both sidesJapanese volunteer -e site of the village the morning of August 23, 1939, in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces East of Lake Taihu antiese policy. On this basis, progress in development of a number of young people have joined the Communist Party of China. ThJapan-publications such as the national liberation movement, instilling anti14 分离器设计 8、 附表 lurking in mulberry trees on both sides Japanese volunteer army, seven have implicit read Cun Yi XI da bridge, was suddenly-and Zhejiang provinces East of Lake Taihu antiof young people have joined the Communist Party of China. The site of the village the morning of August 23, 1939, in Jiangsu Japanese policy. On this basis, progress in development of a number-publications such as the national liberation movement, instilling anti15 army, seven have implicit read Cun Yi XI da bridge, was suddenly lurking in mulberry trees on both sidesJapanese volunteer -e site of the village the morning of August 23, 1939, in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces East of Lake Taihu antiese policy. On this basis, progress in development of a number of young people have joined the Communist Party of China. ThJapan-publications such as the national liberation movement, instilling anti16 分离器设计 致谢信 首先我要感谢赵宝平老师在课程设计上给予我的指导、提供给我的支持和帮助,这是我能顺利完成这次报告的主要原因,更重要的是老师帮我解决了许多技术上的难题,让我能把系统做得更加完善。在此期间,我不仅学到了许多新的知识,而且也开阔了视野,提高了自己的设计能力。 其次,我要感谢帮助过我的同学,他们也为我解决了不少我不太明白的设计时的难题。同时也感谢学院为我提供良好的做课程设计的环境。 最后再一次感谢所有在设计中曾经帮助过我的良师益友和同学在学习中,老师严谨的治学态度、丰富渊博的知识、敏锐的学术思维、精益求精的工作态度以及侮人不倦的师者风范是我终生学习的楷模,老师们的高深精湛的造诣与严谨求实的治学精神,将永远激励着我。这三年中还得到众多老师的关心支持和帮助。在此,谨向老师们致以衷心的感谢和崇高的敬意~ lurking in mulberry trees on both sides Japanese volunteer army, seven have implicit read Cun Yi XI da bridge, was suddenly-and Zhejiang provinces East of Lake Taihu antiof young people have joined the Communist Party of China. The site of the village the morning of August 23, 1939, in Jiangsu Japanese policy. On this basis, progress in development of a number-publications such as the national liberation movement, instilling anti17
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