

2018-01-13 50页 doc 2MB 66阅读




人教版一年级语文下册生字描红(笔顺、音、词练习)--附练习田字格[1]人教版一年级语文下册生字描红(笔顺、音、词练习)--附练习田字格[1] 一年级语文下册生字笔顺、音、词练习 识字1、 wàn 万 万能、万一、万里 dīnɡ 丁 园丁、丁香、壮丁 dōnɡ 冬 冬天、冬瓜、立冬 bǎi 百 百科、百合、百姓 qí 齐 齐心、齐备、齐全 1 shuō 说 说明、说话、说法 huà 话 话语、话剧、笑话 Commission Hostel) movingly tells the story of her brother and Shen Buqing, Che...
人教版语文下册生字描红(笔顺、音、词练习)--附练习田字格[1] 一年级语文下册生字笔顺、音、词练习 识字1、 wàn 万 万能、万一、万里 dīnɡ 丁 园丁、丁香、壮丁 dōnɡ 冬 冬天、冬瓜、立冬 bǎi 百 百科、百合、百姓 qí 齐 齐心、齐备、齐全 1 shuō 说 说明、说话、说法 huà 话 话语、话剧、笑话 Commission Hostel) movingly tells the story of her brother and Shen Buqing, Chen Youmin evacuation situations before and after Tomb. Brother Yao Zhiying, also known as Yao Kui, who lives in town, his father opened a Chinese medicine shop in town, Yao Zhiying was the firstborn. His youth club in the town, introduced by Wang Huapeng party, Yan Zhen pénɡ 朋 朋友、亲朋、宾朋 yǒu 友 友人、朋友、友好 chūn 春 春天、春节、春雨 ɡāo 高 高兴、高尚、高级 2 nǐ 你 你们、你呢、你是谁 men 们 他们、我们、你们 hónɡ 红 火红、红色、红旗 lǜ 绿 ty, Yan Zhened a Chinese medicine shop in town, Yao Zhiying was the firstborn. His youth club in the town, introduced by Wang Huapeng parr Tomb. Brother Yao Zhiying, also known as Yao Kui, who lives in town, his father openCommission Hostel) movingly tells the story of her brother and Shen Buqing, Chen Youmin evacuation situations before and afte2 绿色、绿地、绿化 huā 花 花香、鲜花、花朵 cǎo 草 小草、草地、草原 3 yé 爷 爷爷、老爷、少爷 jié 节 节日、关节、节省 suì 岁 岁月、几岁、岁末 qīn 亲 亲人、亲近、父亲 shop in town, Yao Zhiying was the firstborn. His youth club in the town, introduced by Wang Huapeng party, Yan Zhen ns before and after Tomb. Brother Yao Zhiying, also known as Yao Kui, who lives in town, his father opened a Chinese medicineCommission Hostel) movingly tells the story of her brother and Shen Buqing, Chen Youmin evacuation situatio3 de 的 好的、你的、我的 xínɡ 行 步行、行人、行动 4 ɡǔ 古 古代、远古、古老 shēnɡ 声 声明、响声、声音 duō 多 多少、多余、多数 chù 处 处所、处长、到处 mánɡ 忙 连忙、急忙、忙乱 识字2 xǐ 洗 洗手、清洗、冲洗 ty, Yan Zhened a Chinese medicine shop in town, Yao Zhiying was the firstborn. His youth club in the town, introduced by Wang Huapeng parr Tomb. Brother Yao Zhiying, also known as Yao Kui, who lives in town, his father openCommission Hostel) movingly tells the story of her brother and Shen Buqing, Chen Youmin evacuation situations before and afte4 rèn 认 认真、认识、认字 sǎo 扫 扫兴、打扫、清扫 zhēn 真 认真、真实、真正 fù 父 父亲、父母、神父 mǔ 母 母亲、母爱、母校 5 bà 爸 爸爸 quán 全 全面、全体、全力 shop in town, Yao Zhiying was the firstborn. His youth club in the town, introduced by Wang Huapeng party, Yan Zhen ns before and after Tomb. Brother Yao Zhiying, also known as Yao Kui, who lives in town, his father opened a Chinese medicineCommission Hostel) movingly tells the story of her brother and Shen Buqing, Chen Youmin evacuation situatio5 ɡuān 关 关心、关节、关于 xiě 写 写字、写、听写 wán 完 完全、完成、完美 jiā 家 大家、家电、家乡 6 kàn 看 看见、看病、看台 zhe 着 看着、说着、唱着 huà 画 图画、油画、画家 ty, Yan Zhened a Chinese medicine shop in town, Yao Zhiying was the firstborn. His youth club in the town, introduced by Wang Huapeng parr Tomb. Brother Yao Zhiying, also known as Yao Kui, who lives in town, his father openCommission Hostel) movingly tells the story of her brother and Shen Buqing, Chen Youmin evacuation situations before and afte6 xiào 笑 笑声、欢笑、笑话 xìnɡ 兴 高兴、兴趣、兴旺 huì 会 会见、会议、体会 7 mā 妈 妈妈、姑妈、奶妈 nǎi 奶 牛奶、豆奶、奶油 wǔ 午 下午、午饭、中午 hé 合 合同、合理、合法 shop in town, Yao Zhiying was the firstborn. His youth club in the town, introduced by Wang Huapeng party, Yan Zhen ns before and after Tomb. Brother Yao Zhiying, also known as Yao Kui, who lives in town, his father opened a Chinese medicineCommission Hostel) movingly tells the story of her brother and Shen Buqing, Chen Youmin evacuation situatio7 fànɡ 放 放心、放学、放松 shōu 收 丰收、收入、收回 8 nǚ 女 女子、女儿、女生 tài 太 太空、太阳、太平 qì 气 天气、空气、气球 zǎo 早 早上、早晚、清早 qù 去 来去、回去、过去 ty, Yan Zhened a Chinese medicine shop in town, Yao Zhiying was the firstborn. His youth club in the town, introduced by Wang Huapeng parr Tomb. Brother Yao Zhiying, also known as Yao Kui, who lives in town, his father openCommission Hostel) movingly tells the story of her brother and Shen Buqing, Chen Youmin evacuation situations before and afte8 liànɡ 亮 明亮、亮光、亮相 识字3 hé 和 和气、和平 yǔ 语 语文、口语、语言 qiān 千 千古、千万、千斤 lǐ 李 李子、行李、桃李 xiù 秀 秀丽、秀气、秀美 xiānɡ 香 香味、清香、香水 shop in town, Yao Zhiying was the firstborn. His youth club in the town, introduced by Wang Huapeng party, Yan Zhen ns before and after Tomb. Brother Yao Zhiying, also known as Yao Kui, who lives in town, his father opened a Chinese medicineCommission Hostel) movingly tells the story of her brother and Shen Buqing, Chen Youmin evacuation situatio9 9 tīnɡ 听 听说、听众、听见 chànɡ 唱 唱歌、唱戏、演唱 lián 连 相连、连队、连接 yuǎn 远 远方、远处、永远 dìnɡ 定 定时、定义、立定 xiànɡ 向 方向、向前、向往 ty, Yan Zhened a Chinese medicine shop in town, Yao Zhiying was the firstborn. His youth club in the town, introduced by Wang Huapeng parr Tomb. Brother Yao Zhiying, also known as Yao Kui, who lives in town, his father openCommission Hostel) movingly tells the story of her brother and Shen Buqing, Chen Youmin evacuation situations before and afte10 10 yǐ 以 以前、以为、所以 hòu 后 以后、后果、后来 ɡènɡ 更 更好、更加、更快 zhǔ 主 主人、主动、主要 yì 意 主意、同意、意见 zǒnɡ 总 总理、、总计 shop in town, Yao Zhiying was the firstborn. His youth club in the town, introduced by Wang Huapeng party, Yan Zhen ns before and after Tomb. Brother Yao Zhiying, also known as Yao Kui, who lives in town, his father opened a Chinese medicineCommission Hostel) movingly tells the story of her brother and Shen Buqing, Chen Youmin evacuation situatio11 11 xiān 先 先进、先后、首先 ɡān 干 干扰、干旱、干净 ɡǎn 赶 追赶、赶快、赶上 qǐ 起 起床、起来、起步 mínɡ 明 明天、明亮、明白 jìnɡ 净 干净、净水、净化 12 ty, Yan Zhened a Chinese medicine shop in town, Yao Zhiying was the firstborn. His youth club in the town, introduced by Wang Huapeng parr Tomb. Brother Yao Zhiying, also known as Yao Kui, who lives in town, his father openCommission Hostel) movingly tells the story of her brother and Shen Buqing, Chen Youmin evacuation situations before and afte12 ɡōnɡ 工 工人、工地、工业 zhuān 专 专 心、专一、专门 cái 才 刚才、才气、人才 jí 级 年级、班级、高级 duì 队 排队、队长、站队 识字4 mǎ 蚂 蚂蟥、蚂蚱 yǐ 蚁 蚂蚁、蚁虫、白蚁 qián 前 shop in town, Yao Zhiying was the firstborn. His youth club in the town, introduced by Wang Huapeng party, Yan Zhen ns before and after Tomb. Brother Yao Zhiying, also known as Yao Kui, who lives in town, his father opened a Chinese medicineCommission Hostel) movingly tells the story of her brother and Shen Buqing, Chen Youmin evacuation situatio13 前进、前面、向前 kōnɡ 空 天空、空间、空白 fánɡ 房 房子、房屋、房顶 wǎnɡ 网 结网、网球、网络 13 shī 诗 诗人、诗句、古诗 lín 林 树林、山林、森林 tónɡ 童 儿童、童年、童话 ty, Yan Zhened a Chinese medicine shop in town, Yao Zhiying was the firstborn. His youth club in the town, introduced by Wang Huapeng parr Tomb. Brother Yao Zhiying, also known as Yao Kui, who lives in town, his father openCommission Hostel) movingly tells the story of her brother and Shen Buqing, Chen Youmin evacuation situations before and afte14 huánɡ 黄 金黄、黄色、黄土 bì 闭 关闭、闭合、闭门 lì 立 站立、独立、立体 14 shì 是 是否、还是、是非 duǒ 朵 花朵、云朵、一朵 měi 美 美好、完美、美丽 shop in town, Yao Zhiying was the firstborn. His youth club in the town, introduced by Wang Huapeng party, Yan Zhen ns before and after Tomb. Brother Yao Zhiying, also known as Yao Kui, who lives in town, his father opened a Chinese medicineCommission Hostel) movingly tells the story of her brother and Shen Buqing, Chen Youmin evacuation situatio15 wǒ 我 我们、我的 yè 叶 树叶、叶子、绿叶 jī 机 飞机、机会、机关 15 tā 她 她们、她家 tā 他 他们、其他 sònɡ 送 送别、送行、发送 ɡuò 过 过去、过往、过冬 shí 时 时间、时光、时代 ty, Yan Zhened a Chinese medicine shop in town, Yao Zhiying was the firstborn. His youth club in the town, introduced by Wang Huapeng parr Tomb. Brother Yao Zhiying, also known as Yao Kui, who lives in town, his father openCommission Hostel) movingly tells the story of her brother and Shen Buqing, Chen Youmin evacuation situations before and afte16 rànɡ 让 让路、让座、让利 16 mɑ 吗 好吗、对吗、是吗 bɑ 吧 好吧、吧台、酒吧 chónɡ 虫 虫子、害虫、虫牙 wǎnɡ 往 往前、来往、前往 de 得 得到、获得、得意 hěn 很 很好、很高、很冷 shop in town, Yao Zhiying was the firstborn. His youth club in the town, introduced by Wang Huapeng party, Yan Zhen ns before and after Tomb. Brother Yao Zhiying, also known as Yao Kui, who lives in town, his father opened a Chinese medicineCommission Hostel) movingly tells the story of her brother and Shen Buqing, Chen Youmin evacuation situatio17 17 hé 河 小河、河流、河水 jiě 姐 姐姐、姐夫、姐妹 jiè 借 借用、借条、借口 ne 呢 你呢、他呢 yɑ 呀 哎呀、好呀 nɑ 哪 哪里、哪儿 识字5 shuí 谁 谁呀、你是谁 ty, Yan Zhened a Chinese medicine shop in town, Yao Zhiying was the firstborn. His youth club in the town, introduced by Wang Huapeng parr Tomb. Brother Yao Zhiying, also known as Yao Kui, who lives in town, his father openCommission Hostel) movingly tells the story of her brother and Shen Buqing, Chen Youmin evacuation situations before and afte18 pà 怕 害怕、恐怕、怕事 ɡēn 跟 跟前、跟从、脚跟 liánɡ 凉 凉风、凉气、凉快 liànɡ 量 力量、重量、数量 zuì 最 最好、最后、最快 18 yuán 园 园地、园丁、果园 shop in town, Yao Zhiying was the firstborn. His youth club in the town, introduced by Wang Huapeng party, Yan Zhen ns before and after Tomb. Brother Yao Zhiying, also known as Yao Kui, who lives in town, his father opened a Chinese medicineCommission Hostel) movingly tells the story of her brother and Shen Buqing, Chen Youmin evacuation situatio19 yīn 因 因为、因果、原因 wèi 为 为了、为何、为什么 liǎn 脸 脸盆、脸皮、脸色 yánɡ 阳 阳光、阳台、太阳 ɡuānɡ 光 光明、光线、亮光 19 kě 可 可是、可能、可以 shí 石 石子、石头、石油 ty, Yan Zhened a Chinese medicine shop in town, Yao Zhiying was the firstborn. His youth club in the town, introduced by Wang Huapeng parr Tomb. Brother Yao Zhiying, also known as Yao Kui, who lives in town, his father openCommission Hostel) movingly tells the story of her brother and Shen Buqing, Chen Youmin evacuation situations before and afte20 bàn 办 办事、办法、办公 fǎ 法 办法、用法、方法 zhǎo 找 找到、找人、寻找 xǔ 许 许多、许可、许久 20 bié 别 别人、区别、分别 dào 到 到处、到达、迟到 nà 那 那里、那边、那是 shop in town, Yao Zhiying was the firstborn. His youth club in the town, introduced by Wang Huapeng party, Yan Zhen ns before and after Tomb. Brother Yao Zhiying, also known as Yao Kui, who lives in town, his father opened a Chinese medicineCommission Hostel) movingly tells the story of her brother and Shen Buqing, Chen Youmin evacuation situatio21 dōu 都 都是 xià 吓 惊吓、吓人、吓倒 jiào 叫 叫喊、呼叫、叫声 21 zài 再 再会、再见、再次 xiànɡ 象 大象、象牙、象棋 xiànɡ 像 肖像、画像、好像 zuò 做 做事、做客、做主 diǎn 点 ty, Yan Zhened a Chinese medicine shop in town, Yao Zhiying was the firstborn. His youth club in the town, introduced by Wang Huapeng parr Tomb. Brother Yao Zhiying, also known as Yao Kui, who lives in town, his father openCommission Hostel) movingly tells the story of her brother and Shen Buqing, Chen Youmin evacuation situations before and afte22 点头、钟点、雨点 zhào 照 照射、按照、照明 识字6 shā 沙 沙袋、沙子、沙发 hǎi 海 大海、海洋、海水 qiáo 桥 桥洞、天桥、木桥 zhú 竹 竹子、竹林、竹笋 jūn 军 军人、军队、军令 shop in town, Yao Zhiying was the firstborn. His youth club in the town, introduced by Wang Huapeng party, Yan Zhen ns before and after Tomb. Brother Yao Zhiying, also known as Yao Kui, who lives in town, his father opened a Chinese medicineCommission Hostel) movingly tells the story of her brother and Shen Buqing, Chen Youmin evacuation situatio23 miáo 苗 树苗、苗条、幼苗 22 jǐnɡ 井 一口井、井水、打井 xiānɡ 乡 乡亲、故乡、水乡 miàn 面 上面、前面、画面 wànɡ 忘 忘记、忘怀、忘掉 xiǎnɡ 想 想法、思想、想象 niàn 念 想念、思念、怀念 ty, Yan Zhened a Chinese medicine shop in town, Yao Zhiying was the firstborn. His youth club in the town, introduced by Wang Huapeng parr Tomb. Brother Yao Zhiying, also known as Yao Kui, who lives in town, his father openCommission Hostel) movingly tells the story of her brother and Shen Buqing, Chen Youmin evacuation situations before and afte24 23 wánɡ 王 王子、王国、王位 cónɡ 从 从前、从此、跟从 biān 边 旁边、花边、天边 zhè 这 这里、这边、这样 jìn 进 前进、进口、进来 dào 道 道路、道德、道别 24 bèi 贝 宝贝、贝壳 shop in town, Yao Zhiying was the firstborn. His youth club in the town, introduced by Wang Huapeng party, Yan Zhen ns before and after Tomb. Brother Yao Zhiying, also known as Yao Kui, who lives in town, his father opened a Chinese medicineCommission Hostel) movingly tells the story of her brother and Shen Buqing, Chen Youmin evacuation situatio25 yuán 原 平原、原因、原来 nán 男 男孩、男人、男生 ài 爱 爱护、爱心、热爱 xiā 虾 虾米、对虾、虾皮 pǎo 跑 跑步、长跑、逃跑 25 chuī 吹 吹风、吹牛、吹号 ty, Yan Zhened a Chinese medicine shop in town, Yao Zhiying was the firstborn. His youth club in the town, introduced by Wang Huapeng parr Tomb. Brother Yao Zhiying, also known as Yao Kui, who lives in town, his father openCommission Hostel) movingly tells the story of her brother and Shen Buqing, Chen Youmin evacuation situations before and afte26 dì 地 草地、地点、地方 kuài 快 快速、愉快、飞快 lè 乐 快乐、乐园、欢乐 lǎo 老 老年、老人、老实 shī 师 老师、教师、师长 识字7 duǎn 短 短处、长短、短工 shop in town, Yao Zhiying was the firstborn. His youth club in the town, introduced by Wang Huapeng party, Yan Zhen ns before and after Tomb. Brother Yao Zhiying, also known as Yao Kui, who lives in town, his father opened a Chinese medicineCommission Hostel) movingly tells the story of her brother and Shen Buqing, Chen Youmin evacuation situatio27 duì 对 对手、对方、对于 lěnɡ 冷 冷冻、冷却、冷水 dàn 淡 冷淡、淡忘、清淡 rè 热 热度、热门、热气 qínɡ 情 人情、情况、亲情 26 lā 拉 拉手、拉面、拉琴 bǎ 把 把手、把门、火把 ty, Yan Zhened a Chinese medicine shop in town, Yao Zhiying was the firstborn. His youth club in the town, introduced by Wang Huapeng parr Tomb. Brother Yao Zhiying, also known as Yao Kui, who lives in town, his father openCommission Hostel) movingly tells the story of her brother and Shen Buqing, Chen Youmin evacuation situations before and afte28 ɡěi 给 送给、给养、供给 huó 活 活动、快活、灵活 zhònɡ 种 种地、种田、种树 chī 吃 吃饭、吃力、吃惊 27 liàn 练 训练、干练、练功 xí 习 练习、习字、学习 shop in town, Yao Zhiying was the firstborn. His youth club in the town, introduced by Wang Huapeng party, Yan Zhen ns before and after Tomb. Brother Yao Zhiying, also known as Yao Kui, who lives in town, his father opened a Chinese medicineCommission Hostel) movingly tells the story of her brother and Shen Buqing, Chen Youmin evacuation situatio29 kǔ 苦 苦心、刻苦、苦瓜 xué 学 学习、学生、上学 fēi 非 非常、非凡、是非 chánɡ 常 经常、常客、常识 28 wèn 问 问题、问号、提问 jiān 间 房间、时间、中间 huǒ 伙 同伙、大伙、合伙 bàn 伴 同伴、伴唱、伙伴 ty, Yan Zhened a Chinese medicine shop in town, Yao Zhiying was the firstborn. His youth club in the town, introduced by Wang Huapeng parr Tomb. Brother Yao Zhiying, also known as Yao Kui, who lives in town, his father openCommission Hostel) movingly tells the story of her brother and Shen Buqing, Chen Youmin evacuation situations before and afte30 ɡònɡ 共 公共、共同、共事 qì 汽 汽车、汽油、汽水 29 fēn 分 十分、分数、分开 yào 要 主要、要点、要求 méi 没 没有、没事、没了 wèi 位 位子、方位、座位 hái 孩 孩子、小孩、男孩 shop in town, Yao Zhiying was the firstborn. His youth club in the town, introduced by Wang Huapeng party, Yan Zhen ns before and after Tomb. Brother Yao Zhiying, also known as Yao Kui, who lives in town, his father opened a Chinese medicineCommission Hostel) movingly tells the story of her brother and Shen Buqing, Chen Youmin evacuation situatio31 xuǎn 选 挑选、选择、选手 识字8 běi 北 北方、北京、北极 nán 南 南方、江南、南京 jiānɡ 江 长江、江水、江山 hú 湖 湖水、湖泊、湖南 qiū 秋 秋雨、秋天、秋风 ty, Yan Zhened a Chinese medicine shop in town, Yao Zhiying was the firstborn. His youth club in the town, introduced by Wang Huapeng parr Tomb. Brother Yao Zhiying, also known as Yao Kui, who lives in town, his father openCommission Hostel) movingly tells the story of her brother and Shen Buqing, Chen Youmin evacuation situations before and afte32 30 zhǐ 只 只好、只是、只有 xīnɡ 星 星星、星球、流星 xuě 雪 雪白、雪花、雪山 bānɡ 帮 帮助、帮忙、帮手 qǐnɡ 请 、请问、请求 jiù 就 就是、就业、就近 shop in town, Yao Zhiying was the firstborn. His youth club in the town, introduced by Wang Huapeng party, Yan Zhen ns before and after Tomb. Brother Yao Zhiying, also known as Yao Kui, who lives in town, his father opened a Chinese medicineCommission Hostel) movingly tells the story of her brother and Shen Buqing, Chen Youmin evacuation situatio33 31 qiú 球 地球、足球、皮球 wán 玩 玩耍、玩乐、玩笑 tiào 跳 跳高、跳远、心跳 táo 桃 桃子、桃花、桃树 shù 树 树林、树木、树叶 ɡānɡ 刚 刚才、刚强、刚好 ty, Yan Zhened a Chinese medicine shop in town, Yao Zhiying was the firstborn. His youth club in the town, introduced by Wang Huapeng parr Tomb. Brother Yao Zhiying, also known as Yao Kui, who lives in town, his father openCommission Hostel) movingly tells the story of her brother and Shen Buqing, Chen Youmin evacuation situations before and afte34 32 lán 兰 兰花、兰草、马兰花 ɡè 各 各位、各别、各自 zuò 坐 坐下、坐标、坐牢 zuò 座 座谈、让座、座位 dài 带 带动、带子、带鱼 jí 急 急切、急促、紧急 33 shop in town, Yao Zhiying was the firstborn. His youth club in the town, introduced by Wang Huapeng party, Yan Zhen ns before and after Tomb. Brother Yao Zhiying, also known as Yao Kui, who lives in town, his father opened a Chinese medicineCommission Hostel) movingly tells the story of her brother and Shen Buqing, Chen Youmin evacuation situatio35 mínɡ 名 名字、命名、名气 fā 发 发明、理发、发现 chénɡ 成 成功、成长、成果 wǎn 晚 晚上、夜晚、晚会 dònɡ 动 带动、动手、运动 xīn 新 新鲜、新奇、新人 34 yǒu 有 没有、拥有、有理 ty, Yan Zhened a Chinese medicine shop in town, Yao Zhiying was the firstborn. His youth club in the town, introduced by Wang Huapeng parr Tomb. Brother Yao Zhiying, also known as Yao Kui, who lives in town, his father openCommission Hostel) movingly tells the story of her brother and Shen Buqing, Chen Youmin evacuation situations before and afte36 zài 在 现在、存在、在意 shén 什 什么 me 么 那么、多么、怎么 biàn 变 变形、变化、变革 tiáo 条 条件、条理、柳条 shop in town, Yao Zhiying was the firstborn. His youth club in the town, introduced by Wang Huapeng party, Yan Zhen ns before and after Tomb. Brother Yao Zhiying, also known as Yao Kui, who lives in town, his father opened a Chinese medicineCommission Hostel) movingly tells the story of her brother and Shen Buqing, Chen Youmin evacuation situatio37
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