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拆迁安置房买卖合同拆迁安置房买卖合同 合同双方当事人: 卖方(夫妻双方,以下简称甲方): 夫公民身份证号: 妻公民身份证号: 现住址: 联系电话: 买方(夫妻双方,以下简称乙方): 夫公民身份证号: 妻公民身份证号: 双方现住址: 联系电话: 根据《中华人民共和国经济合同法》、《中华人民共和国城市房地产管理法》及其他有关法律、法规之规定,甲、乙双方在平等、自愿、协商一致的基础上,就乙方向甲方购买房产签订本合同,以资共同信守执行: 第一条 房屋的基本情况 甲方房屋座落在 ,房屋结构为钢筋混凝土,建筑面积为165.53平...
拆迁安置房买卖 合同双方当事人: 卖方(夫妻双方,以下简称甲方): 夫公民身份证号: 妻公民身份证号: 现住址: 联系电话: 买方(夫妻双方,以下简称乙方): 夫公民身份证号: 妻公民身份证号: 双方现住址: 联系电话: 根据《中华人民共和国经济合同法》、《中华人民共和国城市房地产管理法》及其他有关法律、法规之规定,甲、乙双方在平等、自愿、协商一致的基础上,就乙方向甲方购买房产签订本合同,以资共同信守执行: 第一条 房屋的基本情况 甲方房屋座落在 ,房屋结构为钢筋混凝土,建筑面积为165.53平方米,其中套内建筑面积135.59平方米,公摊建筑面积29.94平方米。 第二条 房屋内部设施设备 包括__________________________________________ 。 第三条 房屋权属及现状 本合同中所述房屋为拆迁安置房,是 的夫妻共同财产。原建房售房单位允许转卖,该房屋没有产权纠纷,不存在房屋抵押,债权债务,以及其他权利瑕疵。交易后如有上述未清事项,由甲方承担,乙方不负任何责任。 第四条 上述房产的交易价格 成交价格为:人民币711779元整(大写:柒拾壹万壹仟柒佰柒拾玖元整)。 第五条 付款时间与办法 甲乙双方同意以现金付款方式分两次付款,乙方已经于2014年11月18日将首付款(定金)人民币壹拾万元整交付甲方,首款付款当天甲方开具收款收条交control the quality of official documents. Attention to improving the style, setting up top quality consciousness, follow the "adhere to policy, preciseness, attention to quality and excellence" principle, effectively turn off the good document text and formatting, enhanced policies, guidance documents and targeted, and improving the quality of documents. Meanwhile, to adhere to a moderately tight and strict principles, try to reduce the number of documents, may not send the documents refused, through reporting, such as oral consultations to reach consensus, can be solved, general wording, on behalf of the Department of Finance issued the General not to municipal government or on behalf of the Office, effectively put an end to "file upgraded." Thirdly, strict limitation of documents control. To ensure quality, standardize the procedures with, to speed up the circulation of documents, improve document processing time. To streamline some of the documents of approval procedures as much as possible, maximize the convenience base and sectors. Indeed fails to go through, to messages in a timely manner or the organizers explain why. 5, attach, fulfil responsibility, earnestly working people's letters and visits. Petition work is sympathetic to the "barometer", testing policies of "regulator". At present, the significant increase in collective petitions, stranding repeat visits, visits regularly to make visits more and more, increasing scale, reflecting more and more concentrated, to sort out the increasingly high expectations. At all levels of government offices in the front line of complaint letters and calls reception, bear the unshirkable responsibility for coordinating and solving problems reflected. The comrades of the Office with a high degree of political awareness and sense of responsibility, standing on the height of maintaining political and social stability, perspective and 乙方收执,并注明收款数额及款项用途。乙方需将余款人民币陆拾壹万壹仟柒佰柒拾玖元整于2014年12月2日前(即甲方将本合同所述房屋中的全部户口迁出当日)付给甲方。 第六条 房屋交付 甲方应在交房当日(2014年12月2日)将拆迁安置房屋相关的所有手续、余款、拆迁补偿款等一切和该出售房有关的文件及票据交付乙方(以各项文件及票据为证明)。甲方于房屋交付使用时将交易的房产及其附带_______的钥匙全部交付给乙方。 第七条 户口迁出 甲方应在房屋交付(2014年12月2日)前将本合同所述房屋中的全部户口迁出。 第八条 甲方逾期交付房屋及逾期户口迁出的违约责任 除人力不可抗拒的自然灾害等特殊情况外,甲方如未按本合同第六条规定的期限将该房屋交给乙方使用,乙方有权按已交付的房价款向甲方追究违约金。逾期不超过 天(大写数字),违约金自约定房屋交付之日第二天起至实际交付之日止,每延期一日(遇法定节假日顺延),甲方按乙方已支付房价款金额的_壹_%(大写数字)向乙方支付违约金,合同继续履行;逾期超过 天(大写数字),则视为甲方不履行本合同,乙方有权按下列第____种约定,追究甲方的违约责任。 1. 甲方按乙方累计已付款的贰拾%(大写数字)向乙方支付违约金,合同继续履行,并在本合同第六条约定的实际交付之日起 天(大写数字)内交付房屋。 2.终止合同,甲方将乙方累计已付款全额还与乙方,按壹拾%(大写数字)利率付给利息。 3. _________________________________________。 如甲方故意隐瞒此房屋的原产权所属人、房屋位置、质量问题,影响乙方的居住及使用时,乙方有权要求退房,一切损失由甲方承担。 control the quality of official documents. Attention to improving the style, setting up top quality consciousness, follow the "adhere to policy, preciseness, attention to quality and excellence" principle, effectively turn off the good document text and formatting, enhanced policies, guidance documents and targeted, and improving the quality of documents. Meanwhile, to adhere to a moderately tight and strict principles, try to reduce the number of documents, may not send the documents refused, through reporting, such as oral consultations to reach consensus, can be solved, general wording, on behalf of the Department of Finance issued the General not to municipal government or on behalf of the Office, effectively put an end to "file upgraded." Thirdly, strict limitation of documents control. To ensure quality, standardize the procedures with, to speed up the circulation of documents, improve document processing time. To streamline some of the documents of approval procedures as much as possible, maximize the convenience base and sectors. Indeed fails to go through, to messages in a timely manner or the organizers explain why. 5, attach, fulfil responsibility, earnestly working people's letters and visits. Petition work is sympathetic to the "barometer", testing policies of "regulator". At present, the significant increase in collective petitions, stranding repeat visits, visits regularly to make visits more and more, increasing scale, reflecting more and more concentrated, to sort out the increasingly high expectations. At all levels of government offices in the front line of complaint letters and calls reception, bear the unshirkable responsibility for coordinating and solving problems reflected. The comrades of the Office with a high degree of political awareness and sense of responsibility, standing on the height of maintaining political and social stability, perspective and 甲方如在规定的此房屋户口迁出时间内未将本合同所述房屋中的全部户口迁出,即视为甲方违约,并支付乙方违约金贰仟元整,并应在 天(大写数字)办理结束全部户口迁出手续。 第九条 关于产权登记的约定 本房屋以后若遇到需要办理房屋产权证、土地证等其它手续,经甲乙双方协商,按以下第____种约定进行。 1.在乙方实际接收该房屋之日起,甲方协助乙方在房地产产权登记机关规定的期限内(______天,大写数字)向房地产产权登记机关办理权属登记过户手续。如因甲方的过失造成乙方不能在双方实际交接之日起_____天(大写数字)(遇法定节假日顺延)内取得房地产权属证书,乙方有权提出退房,甲方须在乙方提出退房要求之日起_____天(大写数字)内将乙方已付款退还给乙方,按_______________利率付给利息,并按已付款的______%(大写数字)赔偿乙方损失。 2.乙方自愿在收到甲方的房屋及其手续后,延缓办理房屋产权证,土地证及其过户手续。但如乙方有办理房屋产权证,土地证及其过户手续的需要,向甲方提出书面要求,甲方应该提供一切与之有关的手续及资料(原房屋产权人的产权证及国土证,原房屋产权人结婚证及复印件,原房屋产权人夫妻双方身份证复印件,其他房屋共有人同意出售的书面意见等),并协助乙方在房地产产权登记机关规定的期限内(______天,大写数字)向房地产产权登记机关办理权属登记手续,不得用任何方式拒绝阻挠。如因甲方的过失造成乙方不能在乙方向甲方提出书面要求起_____天(大写数字)(遇法定节假日顺延)内取得房地产权属证书,乙方有权提出退房,甲方须在乙方提出退房要求之日起______天(大写数字)内将乙方已付款退还给乙方,按_______________利率付给利息,并按已付款的______%(大写数字)赔偿乙方损失。 3.因本房建房售房单位及甲方原因,此房房屋产权证,土地证及其手续尚未办理,但因甲方及其房屋共有人资金需要,甲方自愿将此房卖与乙方。但在办理此房房屋产权证,土地证及其手续时,甲方负责在房地产产权登记机关规定的期 control the quality of official documents. Attention to improving the style, setting up top quality consciousness, follow the " 3 / 5 adhere to policy, preciseness, attention to quality and excellence" principle, effectively turn off the good document text and formatting, enhanced policies, guidance documents and targeted, and improving the quality of documents. Meanwhile, to adhere to a moderately tight and strict principles, try to reduce the number of documents, may not send the documents refused, through reporting, such as oral consultations to reach consensus, can be solved, general wording, on behalf of the Department of Finance issued the General not to municipal government or on behalf of the Office, effectively put an end to "file upgraded." Thirdly, strict limitation of documents control. To ensure quality, standardize the procedures with, to speed up the circulation of documents, improve document processing time. To streamline some of the documents of approval procedures as much as possible, maximize the convenience base and sectors. Indeed fails to go through, to messages in a timely manner or the organizers explain why. 5, attach, fulfil responsibility, earnestly working people's letters and visits. Petition work is sympathetic to the "barometer", testing policies of "regulator". At present, the significant increase in collective petitions, stranding repeat visits, visits regularly to make visits more and more, increasing scale, reflecting more and more concentrated, to sort out the increasingly high expectations. At all levels of government offices in the front line of complaint letters and calls reception, bear the unshirkable responsibility for coordinating and solving problems reflected. The comrades of the Office with a high degree of political awareness and sense of responsibility, standing on the height of maintaining political and social stability, perspective and 限内(______天,大写数字)将此房房屋产权证,土地证产权直接办理为乙方______(姓名)名下,并在房屋产权证,土地证及其手续办理完毕后______天(大写数字)内交与乙方,所需费用,由______承担。 如因甲方原因不能将此房房屋产权证,土地证产权直接办理为乙方______(姓名)名下,甲方须为乙方办理房屋产权证,土地证及其过户手续,所须费用由____________承担。 如因甲方的过失造成乙方不能在房屋产权证,土地证及其手续办理完毕后______天内(大写数字)取得姓名标注为乙方______(姓名)的房地产权属证书,乙方有权提出退房,甲方须在乙方提出退房要求之日起______天内(大写数字)将乙方已付款退还给乙方,按_______________利率付给利息,并按已付款的______%(大写数字)赔偿乙方损失 乙方如在本房屋买卖合同成立后,无论办理房屋产权证、土地证及其过户手续与否,将此房出租出售,甲方不得以任何方法方式阻挠。在办理房屋产权证,土地证及其过户手续时,甲方应该提供一切与之有关的手续及资料(原房屋产权人的产权证及国土证,原房屋产权人结婚证及复印件,原房屋产权人夫妻双方身份证复印件,其他房屋共有人同意出售的书面意见等),不得用任何方式拒绝阻挠。 乙方取得房屋产权证前的一切费用由甲方承担,过户费用及过户后的一切费用由乙方承担。 第十条 公证办理 本合同如需办理公证,经国家公证机关____ 公证处公证;但本合同不经过任何法律公证具有同等的法律效力。本合同在双方签字之日( 年____月____日)起生效。本合同中空格部分填写的文字与印刷文字具有同等法律效力。 第十一条 生效要件 control the quality of official documents. Attention to improving the style, setting up top quality consciousness, follow the "adhere to policy, preciseness, attention to quality and excellence" principle, effectively turn off the good document text and formatting, enhanced policies, guidance documents and targeted, and improving the quality of documents. Meanwhile, to adhere to a moderately tight and strict principles, try to reduce the number of documents, may not send the documents refused, through reporting, such as oral consultations to reach consensus, can be solved, general wording, on behalf of the Department of Finance issued the General not to municipal government or on behalf of the Office, effectively put an end to "file upgraded." Thirdly, strict limitation of documents control. To ensure quality, standardize the procedures with, to speed up the circulation of documents, improve document processing time. To streamline some of the documents of approval procedures as much as possible, maximize the convenience base and sectors. Indeed fails to go through, to messages in a timely manner or the organizers explain why. 5, attach, fulfil responsibility, earnestly working people's letters and visits. Petition work is sympathetic to the "barometer", testing policies of "regulator". At present, the significant increase in collective petitions, stranding repeat visits, visits regularly to make visits more and more, increasing scale, reflecting more and more concentrated, to sort out the increasingly high expectations. At all levels of government offices in the front line of complaint letters and calls reception, bear the unshirkable responsibility for coordinating and solving problems reflected. The comrades of the Office with a high degree of political awareness and sense of responsibility, standing on the height of maintaining political and social stability, perspective and 本合同需由甲方,乙方,见证方三方共同签字后方能生效。本合同一式_____份,一份_____张。甲方产权人及甲方委托代理人共持一份,乙方一份,见证方(中间人)____________一份,留存备查。 第十二条 争议解决方式 双方本着友好协商,公平合理的原则签定本合同,签定本合同后,双方应严格遵守执行,不得以任何理由反悔。在履约过程中发生的争议,双方可通过协商解决。协商不成的,双方同意按以下方式解决纠纷。 1. 提交______仲裁委员会仲裁。 2. 任何一方均可向 人民法院提起诉讼。 第十三条 合同说明 1. 为体现合同双方的自愿原则,本合同文本中相关条款后都有空白行,供双方自行约定或补充约定。双方当事人可以对文本条款的内容进行修改、增补或删减。合同签订生效后,未被修改的文本印刷文字视为双方同意内容。 2. 对本合同文本中空格部分填写及其他需要删除或添加的内容,双方应当协商确定。对于实际情况未发生或买卖双方不作约定时,应当在空格部分打x,以示删除。 (双方签章) 卖方(甲方,签章): 买方(乙方,签章): 夫公民身份证号: 夫公民身份证号: 妻公民身份证号: 妻公民身份证号: 住址: 住址: 联系电话: 联系电话: 签订日期: 年 月 日 签订日期: 年 月 日 control the quality of official documents. Attention to improving the style, setting up top quality consciousness, follow the " 5 / 5 adhere to policy, preciseness, attention to quality and excellence" principle, effectively turn off the good document text and formatting, enhanced policies, guidance documents and targeted, and improving the quality of documents. Meanwhile, to adhere to a moderately tight and strict principles, try to reduce the number of documents, may not send the documents refused, through reporting, such as oral consultations to reach consensus, can be solved, general wording, on behalf of the Department of Finance issued the General not to municipal government or on behalf of the Office, effectively put an end to "file upgraded." Thirdly, strict limitation of documents control. To ensure quality, standardize the procedures with, to speed up the circulation of documents, improve document processing time. To streamline some of the documents of approval procedures as much as possible, maximize the convenience base and sectors. Indeed fails to go through, to messages in a timely manner or the organizers explain why. 5, attach, fulfil responsibility, earnestly working people's letters and visits. Petition work is sympathetic to the "barometer", testing policies of "regulator". At present, the significant increase in collective petitions, stranding repeat visits, visits regularly to make visits more and more, increasing scale, reflecting more and more concentrated, to sort out the increasingly high expectations. At all levels of government offices in the front line of complaint letters and calls reception, bear the unshirkable responsibility for coordinating and solving problems reflected. The comrades of the Office with a high degree of political awareness and sense of responsibility, standing on the height of maintaining political and social stability, perspective and
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