

2017-10-18 46页 doc 129KB 30阅读




保健药酒配方大全保健药酒配方大全 精选59味药保健药酒配方大全 一、儿科 1、葱姜酒 [配方]生姜、葱白各30克,食盐6克,白酒15毫升。 [制法]将前3味捣烂如糊状,入白酒调和均匀,用纱布包好。备用。 [功用]疏散风寒。 [主治]小儿风寒感冒。 [用法]外用。取上药酒包涂擦小我儿前胸、后背、手心、脚心、腋下、肘窝等处各涂擦1遍后让小儿静卧。 [附记]引自《民间百病良方》。验之临床,确有良效。 2、荸荠酒 [配方]鲜荸荠10个,米酒(酒酿)100毫升。 [制法]先将荸荠洗静、去皮、切片、与酒酿一同入锅,加水适且,煮熟...
保健药酒大全 精选59味药保健药酒配方大全 一、儿科 1、葱姜酒 [配方]生姜、葱白各30克,食盐6克,白酒15毫升。 [制法]将前3味捣烂如糊状,入白酒调和均匀,用纱布包好。备用。 [功用]疏散风寒。 [主治]小儿风寒感冒。 [用法]外用。取上药酒包涂擦小我儿前胸、后背、手心、脚心、腋下、肘窝等处各涂擦1遍后让小儿静卧。 [附记]引自《民间百病良方》。验之临床,确有良效。 2、荸荠酒 [配方]鲜荸荠10个,米酒(酒酿)100毫升。 [制法]先将荸荠洗静、去皮、切片、与酒酿一同入锅,加水适且,煮熟即可食用。 [功能]清热解毒。 [主治]小儿热感冒、水痘、麻疹等。 [用法]口服。顿服,日服1-2剂。亦可连渣食用。 [附记]引自《民间百病良方》。临床验证有效。 3、红枣酒 [配方]红枣250克,羊脂25克.黄酒250毫升。 [制法]先将红枣用水煮软后倒去水,再加入羊脂和黄洒,煮1-3沸后,倒入罐内密闭贮存7天后,即成。 [功用]补中益气、养血安神、清热解毒。 (a) to further cultivate and practice the socialist core value concept. Human civilization is the core and soul of the city. Created in deepening the urban civilization, to seize cultivation and practice the socialist core value concept of the fundamental task, to everyone talk about civilization, everywhere to see the civilization "as the goal, to promote the creation tasks implemented. First, we must deepen the Delhi City, good deeds sunshine" is the theme of moral practice, to build the brand of "Da Yi Ju, Houde good deeds" moral. Carefully create activity carrier, highlighting to create a theme, to carry out a wide range of "good side" recommended review activities, carry out moral model itinerant preachers and most beautiful people, the series of model characters selection Activities, aggressively push the tree to a group of people around to learn and amiable, respectable moral typical. To focus on the real refinement "good deeds for the four virtues list built, tubes, each link work; let the moral has become an important force for regulating the behavior of the citizens. A hand grasping the education, focusing on governance, the violation of public order, destruction of public facilities and other acts resolutely exposure. Second, we must deepen the activities to create a civilized. Actively carry out civilized units, township of civilization, civilized window created, and further optimize the environment for government service. With the deep development of civilized community and family civilization, civilized community infrastructure to create activities, guide [主治]小儿低热(气血两虚型)。 [用法]口服。每次食枣3-5枚,日服2次。连用7-8大。 [附记]引自《民间百病良方》。验之临床多效。 4、糯米酒 [配方]糯米酒100毫升。 [制法]将上面隔水炖温,备用。 [功用]透疹。 [主治]小儿麻疹初起者。 [用法]口服。趁热温服,服后盖被,汗出疹透。 [附记]引自《民间百病良方》。验之临床多效。 5、外擦药酒方 [配方]七叶一枝花(药用根茎)、白酒、食醋各适量。 [制法]将上药研成细末,用白酒,食醋各半调和成软膏状,备用。 [功用]清热解毒、消肿散结、止痛。 [主治]流行性腮腺炎。 [用法]外用。每取药酒膏涂擦患处,日涂擦数次。 [附记]引自《中国当代中医名人志》。验之临床,坚持用药,屡收良效。 6、七味药酒方 [配方]白芷、当归、赤芍、红花、生地黄、石胡荽各30克,樟脑粉15克,大曲酒500毫升。 [制法]将前7味研为粗末,置有盖瓷缸内,再将大曲酒烫热冲入。密封,每天振摇1次,浸泡10天后,即可使用。 [功用]活血祛风、温经通络。 [主治]小儿下肢麻痹证(中后期)。 (a) to further cultivate and practice the socialist core value concept. Human civilization is the core and soul of the city. Created in deepening the urban civilization, to seize cultivation and practice the socialist core value concept of the fundamental task, to everyone talk about civilization, everywhere to see the civilization "as the goal, to promote the creation tasks implemented. First, we must deepen the Delhi City, good deeds sunshine" is the theme of moral practice, to build the brand of "Da Yi Ju, Houde good deeds" moral. Carefully create activity carrier, highlighting to create a theme, to carry out a wide range of "good side" recommended review activities, carry out moral model itinerant preachers and most beautiful people, the series of model characters selection Activities, aggressively push the tree to a group of people around to learn and amiable, respectable moral typical. To focus on the real refinement "good deeds for the four virtues list built, tubes, each link work; let the moral has become an important force for regulating the behavior of the citizens. A hand grasping the education, focusing on governance, the violation of public order, destruction of public facilities and other acts resolutely exposure. Second, we must deepen the activities to create a civilized. Actively carry out civilized units, township of civilization, civilized window created, and further optimize the environment for government service. With the deep development of civilized community and family civilization, civilized community infrastructure to create activities, guide [用法]外用。每日早、中、晚各以小瓷杯取药酒适量,隔开水烫热,用脱脂药棉蘸药酒涂擦患处,以擦至皮肤微红为度。 [附记]引自《百病中医熏洗熨掠疗法》。个人认为:治疗小儿麻痹后遗症,最好配合内治,针灸,按摩等综合疗法,可望提高疗效,以达到根治的目的。 二、妇科 1、排卵酒 [配方]柴胡6克,赤芍、白芍、鸡血蘑、坤草、泽兰。苏木、刘寄奴、怀牛膝。生蒲黄、女贞子、覆盆子、菟丝子。枸杞子各10克,黄酒1000毫升。 [制法]将前14味捣碎,入布袋,置容器中,加入黄酒,密封,经常摇动,浸泡14天后,过滤去渣,即成。 [功用]补益肝肾、活血调强、促排卵。 [主治]肝肾失养、气滞血瘀引起的卵巢机能不足,不孕等 [用法]口服。每次服30毫升,日服2次。 [附记]引自《药酒汇编》。验之临床,坚持服用,确有良效。凡胃肠道有溃疡出血者忌服。 2、宜男酒 [配方]全当归。茯神、枸杞子、川牛膝、杜仲、桂圆肉、核桃肉、葡萄干各30克,白酒2500毫升。 [制法]将前8味捣碎,置容器中,加入白酒,密封,隔水 [功用]补肝肾、益精血。 [主治]肝肾亏虚。滴血不足的月经不调、婚后不孕之症。 [用法]口服。每次服10毫升,日服2次。 [附记]引自《同寿录》。饮酒期间直忌房事或避孕。《药酒汇编》方中无茯神、(a) to further cultivate and practice the socialist core value concept. Human civilization is the core and soul of the city. Created in deepening the urban civilization, to seize cultivation and practice the socialist core value concept of the fundamental task, to everyone talk about civilization, everywhere to see the civilization "as the goal, to promote the creation tasks implemented. First, we must deepen the Delhi City, good deeds sunshine" is the theme of moral practice, to build the brand of "Da Yi Ju, Houde good deeds" moral. Carefully create activity carrier, highlighting to create a theme, to carry out a wide range of "good side" recommended review activities, carry out moral model itinerant preachers and most beautiful people, the series of model characters selection Activities, aggressively push the tree to a group of people around to learn and amiable, respectable moral typical. To focus on the real refinement "good deeds for the four virtues list built, tubes, each link work; let the moral has become an important force for regulating the behavior of the citizens. A hand grasping the education, focusing on governance, the violation of public order, destruction of public facilities and other acts resolutely exposure. Second, we must deepen the activities to create a civilized. Actively carry out civilized units, township of civilization, civilized window created, and further optimize the environment for government service. With the deep development of civilized community and family civilization, civilized community infrastructure to create activities, guide 葡萄干,有茯苓30克。 3、益母当归酒 [配方]益母草200克,当归100克,白酒1000毫升。 [制法]将前2昧切碎,置容器中,加入白酒,密封,浸泡7天后,过滤去渣,即成。 [功用]养血调经。 [主治]血虚闭经。 [用法]口服。每次服20毫升,日服1-2次, [附记]引自《药酒汇编》。验之,临床,多效。 4、调经酒 [配方]当归、吴茱萸、川芎各24克,炒白芍、白衣苓、陈皮、延胡索、丹皮各18克,香附(醋炒)、熟地黄各36克,小茴香、砂仁各12克.白酒1500毫升, [制法]将前12味捣碎,入布袋,置容器中,加入白酒.密封,隔水蒸煮2小时,静置24小时后.过滤去渣,即成。 [功用]活血凋经、开郁行气。 [主治]月经不调、腹内疼痛或小腹内有结块、伴有胀、满、痛等症。 [用法]口服。每次服20毫升,日服2次。 [附记]引自《药酒汇编》。验之临床,确有良效。 5、冬茸补肝血露 [配方]丹参30克、川芎首乌、甘草、获神各12克、枸杞子、白豆蔻、五味子各9克,鹿茸6克,白术(焦)、莲子肉、远志、当归、生地黄、石窟蒲各15克,白糖250克,白酒2500毫升。 [制法]将前15味捣碎,入布袋,置容器中,加入白酒和白糖.密封,隔水蒸煮3小时,离火待冷,理土中3日出火毒浸泡5天后,过滤去渣,即成。 (a) to further cultivate and practice the socialist core value concept. Human civilization is the core and soul of the city. Created in deepening the urban civilization, to seize cultivation and practice the socialist core value concept of the fundamental task, to everyone talk about civilization, everywhere to see the civilization "as the goal, to promote the creation tasks implemented. First, we must deepen the Delhi City, good deeds sunshine" is the theme of moral practice, to build the brand of "Da Yi Ju, Houde good deeds" moral. Carefully create activity carrier, highlighting to create a theme, to carry out a wide range of "good side" recommended review activities, carry out moral model itinerant preachers and most beautiful people, the series of model characters selection Activities, aggressively push the tree to a group of people around to learn and amiable, respectable moral typical. To focus on the real refinement "good deeds for the four virtues list built, tubes, each link work; let the moral has become an important force for regulating the behavior of the citizens. A hand grasping the education, focusing on governance, the violation of public order, destruction of public facilities and other acts resolutely exposure. Second, we must deepen the activities to create a civilized. Actively carry out civilized units, township of civilization, civilized window created, and further optimize the environment for government service. With the deep development of civilized community and family civilization, civilized community infrastructure to create activities, guide [功用]补血益精、活血通络。 [主治]肾阳虚、精血不足、瘀血停滞所致的经闭、崩漏月经不调、亦日带下,腰腿酸痛、于血痹症等,阳虚精血不足的不孕,不育症。 [用法]口服。每次服15-30毫升,日服3次。 [附记]引自《全国中成药处方集》。验之临床,确有良效。 6、育阴酒 [配方]钩藤、生地、沙参、麦冬、当归、茯神、桑寄生各9克,生龟板、生牡好、生鳖甲各12克,生龙骨、阿胶各9克,羚羊角粉3克(研未冲入)。白芍9克,黄酒300毫升。 [制法]将前14味,先将生龟板、《牡蛎、鳖甲、龙齿加水煎l小时,然后将余药和黄酒加入同煎,取出400毫升,备用。 [功用]育阴潜阳、镇肝熄风。 [主治]子痛(肝风内动型)。 [用法]口服。每日1剂,分3次服,各冲人羚羊角粉1克。 [附记]引自《临床验方集》。笔者祖传秘方。 7、调经消胀酒 [配方]制香附、红花、小茴香各12克,当归、炒茜草、鸡血藤各18克,月月红、益母草各36克,米酒1500毫升。 [制法]将前8味捣为粗末,置容器中,加入米酒,密封,浸泡10天后.过滤去渣,即成。 [功用]活血调经、理气消胀。 [主治]气滞血瘀所致的经前乳胀,月经不调,痛经等症。 [用法]口服。每次服30毫升,日服3次。 [附记]引自《药酒汇编》。验之临床,屡收良效。 (a) to further cultivate and practice the socialist core value concept. Human civilization is the core and soul of the city. Created in deepening the urban civilization, to seize cultivation and practice the socialist core value concept of the fundamental task, to everyone talk about civilization, everywhere to see the civilization "as the goal, to promote the creation tasks implemented. First, we must deepen the Delhi City, good deeds sunshine" is the theme of moral practice, to build the brand of "Da Yi Ju, Houde good deeds" moral. Carefully create activity carrier, highlighting to create a theme, to carry out a wide range of "good side" recommended review activities, carry out moral model itinerant preachers and most beautiful people, the series of model characters selection Activities, aggressively push the tree to a group of people around to learn and amiable, respectable moral typical. To focus on the real refinement "good deeds for the four virtues list built, tubes, each link work; let the moral has become an important force for regulating the behavior of the citizens. A hand grasping the education, focusing on governance, the violation of public order, destruction of public facilities and other acts resolutely exposure. Second, we must deepen the activities to create a civilized. Actively carry out civilized units, township of civilization, civilized window created, and further optimize the environment for government service. With the deep development of civilized community and family civilization, civilized community infrastructure to create activities, guide 8、催乳酒 [配方]猪蹄(熟炙切细)2个,通草30克,米酒500毫升。 [制法]上药用水酒浸渍即可。 [功用]催乳。 [主治]乳汁全无。 [用法]口服。每日1剂,慢慢饮服。不愈再饮。 [附记]引自《药酒汇编》。验之临床之多效。 9、枯萎催乳酒 [配方]全栝美(黄大者)1枚,白酒55毫升。 [制法]将上药捣烂,入白酒,煎至减半,去渣,候温,备用。 [功用]催乳。 [主治]产后乳汁不下,或过少。 [用法]口服。不拘时,随量温服。 [附记]引自《圣济总录》。 三、骨科 1、骨质增生酒 [配方]岩马桑、钩藤根、四块瓦、见血飞各30克,野养麦、威灵仙根、五香血藤、鹿衔草、凤仙花根、地龙、土瞥虫各40克,水冬瓜根皮、淫羊蕾各60克,川红花、青藤香、三七各20克,55度白酒2500毫升。 [制法]将前16味洗净,切碎,置容器中,加入白酒,密封,浸泡7-10天后即可取用。 [功用]舒筋活络,散瘀止痛。 [主治]增生性或肥大性关节炎。 (a) to further cultivate and practice the socialist core value concept. Human civilization is the core and soul of the city. Created in deepening the urban civilization, to seize cultivation and practice the socialist core value concept of the fundamental task, to everyone talk about civilization, everywhere to see the civilization "as the goal, to promote the creation tasks implemented. First, we must deepen the Delhi City, good deeds sunshine" is the theme of moral practice, to build the brand of "Da Yi Ju, Houde good deeds" moral. Carefully create activity carrier, highlighting to create a theme, to carry out a wide range of "good side" recommended review activities, carry out moral model itinerant preachers and most beautiful people, the series of model characters selection Activities, aggressively push the tree to a group of people around to learn and amiable, respectable moral typical. To focus on the real refinement "good deeds for the four virtues list built, tubes, each link work; let the moral has become an important force for regulating the behavior of the citizens. A hand grasping the education, focusing on governance, the violation of public order, destruction of public facilities and other acts resolutely exposure. Second, we must deepen the activities to create a civilized. Actively carry out civilized units, township of civilization, civilized window created, and further optimize the environment for government service. With the deep development of civilized community and family civilization, civilized community infrastructure to create activities, guide [用法]口服。每次服15-20毫升,日服3次。 [附记]引自《百病中医膏散疗法》。 2、三七跌打酒 [配方]大田七、血竭、琉珀各120克,大黄、桃仁、泽兰、红花、当归尾、乳香、没药、秦艽、川续断、杜仲、骨碎补、上鳖虫、苏木、无名异、制自然铜。马饯子(炸黄去毛)各150克,七叶一枝花90克,三花酒(白酒)15千克。 [制法]将的20昧切片,置容器中,加入三花酒,密封,浸泡两个月以上,过滤去渣,即成。 [功用]口服。每次服15-30毫升,日服1-2次。外用。若肿疼者,擦患处,每日擦2-3次。创伤破口者,用消毒纱布或棉垫浸透敷之,绷带包扎,每日换药1次。 [附记]引自《正骨经验汇萃》。孕妇忌口服。 3、追风活络酒 [配方]红曲、紫单、独活、红花、天麻、补骨脂(盐制)、血竭、川芎、乳香、没药、秦苞谷20克,当归、防风各30克,木瓜、杜仲(盐制)、小膝、北刘寄奴、制草乌、土鳖虫、白在各10克,麻黄30克,白糖800克,白酒1500毫升。 [制法]将前21味.除红曲、紫草外,血竭、乳香、没药共研成细末,过筛混匀,余16味酌予碎断。上药各药与白酒、白糖同置罐内,于水浴中加热煮沸后,再入缸中,密封,浸泡30天后,滤取酒液,残渣压榨后回收残液中的酒液,合并滤过,贮瓶备用。 [功用]追风散寒、舒筋活络。 [主治]受风受寒、四肢麻木、关节疼痛、风湿麻痹、伤筋动骨 [用法]口服。每次服10-15毫升,日服2次。 [附记]引自《药酒汇编》。孕妇忌服。 4、舒筋药酒 (a) to further cultivate and practice the socialist core value concept. Human civilization is the core and soul of the city. Created in deepening the urban civilization, to seize cultivation and practice the socialist core value concept of the fundamental task, to everyone talk about civilization, everywhere to see the civilization "as the goal, to promote the creation tasks implemented. First, we must deepen the Delhi City, good deeds sunshine" is the theme of moral practice, to build the brand of "Da Yi Ju, Houde good deeds" moral. Carefully create activity carrier, highlighting to create a theme, to carry out a wide range of "good side" recommended review activities, carry out moral model itinerant preachers and most beautiful people, the series of model characters selection Activities, aggressively push the tree to a group of people around to learn and amiable, respectable moral typical. To focus on the real refinement "good deeds for the four virtues list built, tubes, each link work; let the moral has become an important force for regulating the behavior of the citizens. A hand grasping the education, focusing on governance, the violation of public order, destruction of public facilities and other acts resolutely exposure. Second, we must deepen the activities to create a civilized. Actively carry out civilized units, township of civilization, civilized window created, and further optimize the environment for government service. With the deep development of civilized community and family civilization, civilized community infrastructure to create activities, guide [配方]生单身、生半夏、生南星、生川乌、大黄、独活、川椒,桅子、木瓜、羌活、路路通、樟脑各40克,蒲黄、苏木、樟木各30克,红花、赤芍各20克,60%乙醇20.48千克(留少量溶解樟脑)。 [制法]将前17味,除樟脑外,粉碎成粗粉,混匀,用60%乙醇,密封,浸渍40小时后,按渗渡法进行渗施(每分钟3毫升),收集波液;再将樟脑用少量60%乙醇溶解,与渗洗液混匀,滤过即得。以20毫升瓶分装。 [功用]舒筋活络、祛风息痛。 [主治]扭伤、劳累损伤、筋骨酸痛等症。 [用法]外用。取此药酒涂擦伤处,或先热敷后再擦,每日3次。 [附记]引自《山东省药品》(中成药部分),外用药,避光保存。 5、伤痛灵擦剂 [配方]三棱、莪术、三七、红花、制草身透骨草各15克、血竭生大黄(急性用9克)、板子(急性用9克)各6克,白兰12克,冰片30克,白酒适量。 [制法]将前11味烘干,共研细末,备用。 [功用]活血化瘀、消肿止痛. [主治]急慢性软组织损伤、网球肘、纤维组织炎及陈旧性躁、腕关节扭挫伤。 [用法]外用。每取药未适量,用白酒调成稀糊膏状,外涂擦患部,每日涂擦3次。药层干后洒白酒,保持湿润,促使药力透入。 [附记]引自《百病中医熏洗熨擦疗法》。本方系笔者祖传四代秘方。验之临床,用于上述各症,皆有良效,尤以软组织损伤、扭挫伤效果最佳。通常用药、急性3-7天,慢性7-10天均茯痊愈或显效。 6、跌打风湿药酒 [配方]勒党根、小棵蔷盛根各25克,山花椒根24克,三花酒(50度白酒)500毫升。 (a) to further cultivate and practice the socialist core value concept. Human civilization is the core and soul of the city. Created in deepening the urban civilization, to seize cultivation and practice the socialist core value concept of the fundamental task, to everyone talk about civilization, everywhere to see the civilization "as the goal, to promote the creation tasks implemented. First, we must deepen the Delhi City, good deeds sunshine" is the theme of moral practice, to build the brand of "Da Yi Ju, Houde good deeds" moral. Carefully create activity carrier, highlighting to create a theme, to carry out a wide range of "good side" recommended review activities, carry out moral model itinerant preachers and most beautiful people, the series of model characters selection Activities, aggressively push the tree to a group of people around to learn and amiable, respectable moral typical. To focus on the real refinement "good deeds for the four virtues list built, tubes, each link work; let the moral has become an important force for regulating the behavior of the citizens. A hand grasping the education, focusing on governance, the violation of public order, destruction of public facilities and other acts resolutely exposure. Second, we must deepen the activities to create a civilized. Actively carry out civilized units, township of civilization, civilized window created, and further optimize the environment for government service. With the deep development of civilized community and family civilization, civilized community infrastructure to create activities, guide [制法]将前3味切碎,置容器中,加入三花酒、密封,浸泡15天后,过滤去渣,即成。 [功用]散风祛湿、活血止痛。 [主治]急性扭挫伤及风湿性关节炎、腰肌劳损。 [用法]口服。急性扭挫伤,首次服100毫升,以后为每次服200毫升,日服2次。同时取适量药酒外擦患处,日擦3次。余为每晚临睡时服100毫升,或每服50毫升,日服1次。20天为1疗程。 [附记]引自《中药制剂汇编》。病重者可连续服用l-2个疗程。若服酒过程中,出现咽喉燥热,停药数天后,可继续服用。 7、外用扭伤药酒 [配方]肉桂2.4克,川乌36克,红花2.4克,草乌36克,苏梗、麻黄、白附子、伸筋草、舒筋草、海风藤、威灵仙、蔓荆子、土牛膝各60克,防风、木香、乳香、没药、台乌、本通、荆芥各36克.当归、川芍各48克,五加皮96克,白酒7000毫升。 [制法]将前23味捣为粗末,置容器中,用白酒分2次浸泡,第1次以淹过药面少许为度,7天后过滤;所剩白酒全部加入药渣内浸泡3天以上过滤,合并两次滤液混匀即成。在浸泡过程中。应密封,并随时振动,以加速药性释出。 [功用]活血散瘀、行气止痛。 [主治]扭挫闪伤及跌打损伤。 [用法]外用。每取药酒适量外擦患处,日擦3次。 [附记]引自《中药制剂汇编》。忌内服。 四、美容 1、白鸽滋养酒 (a) to further cultivate and practice the socialist core value concept. Human civilization is the core and soul of the city. Created in deepening the urban civilization, to seize cultivation and practice the socialist core value concept of the fundamental task, to everyone talk about civilization, everywhere to see the civilization "as the goal, to promote the creation tasks implemented. First, we must deepen the Delhi City, good deeds sunshine" is the theme of moral practice, to build the brand of "Da Yi Ju, Houde good deeds" moral. Carefully create activity carrier, highlighting to create a theme, to carry out a wide range of "good side" recommended review activities, carry out moral model itinerant preachers and most beautiful people, the series of model characters selection Activities, aggressively push the tree to a group of people around to learn and amiable, respectable moral typical. To focus on the real refinement "good deeds for the four virtues list built, tubes, each link work; let the moral has become an important force for regulating the behavior of the citizens. A hand grasping the education, focusing on governance, the violation of public order, destruction of public facilities and other acts resolutely exposure. Second, we must deepen the activities to create a civilized. Actively carry out civilized units, township of civilization, civilized window created, and further optimize the environment for government service. With the deep development of civilized community and family civilization, civilized community infrastructure to create activities, guide [配方]白鸽1只,血竭30克,黄酒1000毫升。 [制法]将白鸽去毛及肠杂,洗净,纳血竭(研末)于鸽腹内针线缝合,入砂锅中,倒入黄酒,煮数沸令熟,候温,备用。 [功用]活血行瘀、补血养颜。 [主治]干血痨(面目黑暗、骨蒸潮热、盗开、颧红。肤糙肌瘦、月经涩少)。 [用法]口服。每次服15毫升,日服2次,鸽肉分2次食之。 [附记]引自《民间百病良方》。 2、美容酒 [配方]人参、当归、玉竹、黄精、何首乌、枸杞子各30克,黄酒1500毫升。 [制法]将前6味切片或捣碎,置容器中,加入黄酒,密封,经常摇动,浸泡7天后,过滤去渣,即成。 [功用]润肤乌发、健身益寿。 [主治]容颜憔悴、面色不华、身体赢弱、皮肤毛发干燥、甚则须发拈稿等症。 [用法]口服。每次服20毫升,日服2次。 [附记]引自《药酒汇编》。 3、健康补肾酒 [配方]熟地黄、桂圆肉、地骨皮、当归、牛膝各120克.沙苑子(炒)、杜仲(盐炒)、巴戟天(去心盐炒)、枸杞子、菟丝子(炒)、楮实子(炒)、韭菜子 [制法]将前14味共制为粗末,置容器中,加入白酒,和蔗糖制成的糖酒作溶作剂,密封,浸渍48小时后,按渗漉法,以每分钟1-3毫升的速度进行渗漉,收集流液,静置,滤过,即成。 [功用]补肾益脾、强健腰膝。 [主治]脾肾虚弱、腰膝酸软、年老体虚、精神疲倦等症。 [用法]口服。每次服20-30毫升,日服2次。 (a) to further cultivate and practice the socialist core value concept. Human civilization is the core and soul of the city. Created in deepening the urban civilization, to seize cultivation and practice the socialist core value concept of the fundamental task, to everyone talk about civilization, everywhere to see the civilization "as the goal, to promote the creation tasks implemented. First, we must deepen the Delhi City, good deeds sunshine" is the theme of moral practice, to build the brand of "Da Yi Ju, Houde good deeds" moral. Carefully create activity carrier, highlighting to create a theme, to carry out a wide range of "good side" recommended review activities, carry out moral model itinerant preachers and most beautiful people, the series of model characters selection Activities, aggressively push the tree to a group of people around to learn and amiable, respectable moral typical. To focus on the real refinement "good deeds for the four virtues list built, tubes, each link work; let the moral has become an important force for regulating the behavior of the citizens. A hand grasping the education, focusing on governance, the violation of public order, destruction of public facilities and other acts resolutely exposure. Second, we must deepen the activities to create a civilized. Actively carry out civilized units, township of civilization, civilized window created, and further optimize the environment for government service. With the deep development of civilized community and family civilization, civilized community infrastructure to create activities, guide [附记]引自《药酒汇编》。风寒感冒患者停服。 4、轻身酒 [配方]何首乌60克,全当归、肉苁蓉、胡麻仁、生地黄各30克,蜂蜜60克,白酒2000毫升。 [制法]将前5味共制为粉末,入布袋,置容器中,加入白酒,密封,隔日振摇数下,浸泡14天后。过滤去渣,加入蜂蜜,拌匀,即成。 [功用]益精润燥。 [主治]腰肪酸软、头昏目暗、肠燥便秘等症。 [用法]口服。每次服10-20毫升,日服3次。 [附记]引自《药酒汇编》。 5、助阳益寿酒 [配方]老条党参、熟地黄、枸杞子各20克,沙苑子、淫羊藿、公丁香各15克,远志肉10克,广沉香6克,荔子肉l0克.白酒lOOO毫升。 [制法]将前9昧共制为粗末,入布袋,置容器中,加入白酒,密封,置阴凉干燥处,经3昼夜后,稍打开口盖,再置文火上煮百沸,取下稍冷后,加盖,再放入冻水中拔出火毒,密封后置干燥处,经21天后开封,去掉药袋,即可饮用。 [功用]补肾壮阳、益寿延年。 [主治]肾虚阳痿、腰膝无力、头晕眼花、心悸、遗精、早泄、面色发白等症。 [用法]口服。每次空腹温服10-20毫升,每日早、晚各服1次。 [附记]引自《药酒汇编》。无明显症状,且体质偏阳虚者.常服之,有“益寿延年”之功。 6、常春酒 [配方]常春果、枸杞子各200克,白酒1500毫升。 [制法]将前2味拍裂,入布袋,置容器中,加入白酒,密封浸泡7天后,过滤(a) to further cultivate and practice the socialist core value concept. Human civilization is the core and soul of the city. Created in deepening the urban civilization, to seize cultivation and practice the socialist core value concept of the fundamental task, to everyone talk about civilization, everywhere to see the civilization "as the goal, to promote the creation tasks implemented. First, we must deepen the Delhi City, good deeds sunshine" is the theme of moral practice, to build the brand of "Da Yi Ju, Houde good deeds" moral. Carefully create activity carrier, highlighting to create a theme, to carry out a wide range of "good side" recommended review activities, carry out moral model itinerant preachers and most beautiful people, the series of model characters selection Activities, aggressively push the tree to a group of people around to learn and amiable, respectable moral typical. To focus on the real refinement "good deeds for the four virtues list built, tubes, each link work; let the moral has become an important force for regulating the behavior of the citizens. A hand grasping the education, focusing on governance, the violation of public order, destruction of public facilities and other acts resolutely exposure. Second, we must deepen the activities to create a civilized. Actively carry out civilized units, township of civilization, civilized window created, and further optimize the environment for government service. With the deep development of civilized community and family civilization, civilized community infrastructure to create activities, guide 去渣,即成。 [功用]益精血、乌须发、悦颜色、强腰膝。 [主治]须发早白、身体虚弱、腰冷痛、妇女经闭等。 [用法]口服。每次服20-40毫升,日服3次。 [附记]引自《民间百病良方》。 五、内科 1、苦参解毒酒 [配方]苦参45克,生甘草15克,白酒500毫升。 [制法]将上药用白酒煎至减半,过滤去渣,即成。 [功用]引吐解毒。 [主治]食物中毒。 [用法]口服。任意随量饮之,得吐则愈,不吐再饮或探喉引吐之。 [附记]引自《药酒汇编》。 2、祛风药酒 [配方]生地、当归、枸杞子、丹参各30克,熟地45克,茯神、地骨皮、丹皮、白芍、女贞子各15克.薏苡仁、杜仲、秦艽、川续断各23克,牛膝12克,桂枝8克,桂圆肉120克,黄酒2000毫升。 [制法]将前17味切碎,入布袋,置容器中,加入黄酒.密封,隔水加热,浸泡7天后,过滤去渣,即成。 [功用]补肝肾壮筋骨、祛风除湿、凉血清热。 [主治]腰膝酸软、筋骨、关节酸痛,或刺痛、兼见头晕、心悸、睡眠不安、面色不华等症。 [用法]口服。每次服10-20毫升,亦可视酒量酌增,每日早、晚各服1次。 (a) to further cultivate and practice the socialist core value concept. Human civilization is the core and soul of the city. Created in deepening the urban civilization, to seize cultivation and practice the socialist core value concept of the fundamental task, to everyone talk about civilization, everywhere to see the civilization "as the goal, to promote the creation tasks implemented. First, we must deepen the Delhi City, good deeds sunshine" is the theme of moral practice, to build the brand of "Da Yi Ju, Houde good deeds" moral. Carefully create activity carrier, highlighting to create a theme, to carry out a wide range of "good side" recommended review activities, carry out moral model itinerant preachers and most beautiful people, the series of model characters selection Activities, aggressively push the tree to a group of people around to learn and amiable, respectable moral typical. To focus on the real refinement "good deeds for the four virtues list built, tubes, each link work; let the moral has become an important force for regulating the behavior of the citizens. A hand grasping the education, focusing on governance, the violation of public order, destruction of public facilities and other acts resolutely exposure. Second, we must deepen the activities to create a civilized. Actively carry out civilized units, township of civilization, civilized window created, and further optimize the environment for government service. With the deep development of civilized community and family civilization, civilized community infrastructure to create activities, guide [附记]引自《惠直堂经验方》。验之临床,确有良效。 3、加味养生酒 [配方]牛膝、枸杞子、生地、杜仲、菊花、白芍、山萸肉各60克,五加皮、桑寄生各120克,木瓜、当归身各30克,桂枝9克,龙眼肉240克,烧酒15千克。 [制法]将前13味切碎,置容器中.加入烧酒。密封.浸泡7天后,过滤去渣,即成。 [功用]补肝肾、祛风湿、舒筋活络。 [主治]肝肾精血不足,兼感风湿引起的头晕、白暗、腰膝疼痛无力、四肢麻木作痛等症。 [用法]口服。每次服15-30毫升,日服2次。 [附记]引自《惠直堂经验方》。验之临床,确有良效。 4、壮骨酒 [配方]淫羊藿、巴戟大各25克,鸡血藤50克,白酒500毫升。 [制法]将前3昧切碎,置容器中,加入白酒,密封、浸泡20天后,过滤去渣,即成。 [功用]补肾强筋、活血通络。 [主治]肢体麻木、瘫痪、风湿痹痛及跌打损伤等。 [用法]口服。每次服10-15毫升.日服2次。 [附记]引自《药酒汇编》。验之临床,坚持服用.每收良效。 5、人参蛤蚧酒 [配方]人参9克,蛤蚧1对,低度白酒1000毫升。 [制法]将上药焙干捣碎,纳纱布袋内,置容器中,加入白酒。密封。浸泡7天后即可取用,待用之1/3量后,再添白酒至足数即可。 [功用]补肺肾、定喘咳。 (a) to further cultivate and practice the socialist core value concept. Human civilization is the core and soul of the city. Created in deepening the urban civilization, to seize cultivation and practice the socialist core value concept of the fundamental task, to everyone talk about civilization, everywhere to see the civilization "as the goal, to promote the creation tasks implemented. First, we must deepen the Delhi City, good deeds sunshine" is the theme of moral practice, to build the brand of "Da Yi Ju, Houde good deeds" moral. Carefully create activity carrier, highlighting to create a theme, to carry out a wide range of "good side" recommended review activities, carry out moral model itinerant preachers and most beautiful people, the series of model characters selection Activities, aggressively push the tree to a group of people around to learn and amiable, respectable moral typical. To focus on the real refinement "good deeds for the four virtues list built, tubes, each link work; let the moral has become an important force for regulating the behavior of the citizens. A hand grasping the education, focusing on governance, the violation of public order, destruction of public facilities and other acts resolutely exposure. Second, we must deepen the activities to create a civilized. Actively carry out civilized units, township of civilization, civilized window created, and further optimize the environment for government service. With the deep development of civilized community and family civilization, civilized community infrastructure to create activities, guide [主治]久咳肺肾两虚、咳嗽气短、动则喘甚。言语无力、声音低微。 [用法]口服。每次空腹约20-30毫升,每日早、晚各服1次。 [附记]引自《卫生宝鉴》。本方系由人参蛤蚧汤改制而成。二药以酒制,进补甚迅捷,功效更大。凡临床久病咳嗽、上气喘满、 心烦不安、身倦乏力、心悸气短、身体赢弱、面目浮肿者均可选用。验之临床,每收良效。 6、回阳酒 [配方]肉桂、公丁香、樟脑各30克,白酒500毫升。 [制法]将前3味捣碎,入布袋,置容器中,加入白酒,密封每日振摇1次,浸泡15天后,过滤去渣备用。 [功用]回阳救逆、温经散寒。 [主治]急性腹痛、呕吐、泄泻、两腿挛急疼痛等症, [用法]口服。每次用温开水冲服10毫升,日服2次。同时亦可用药棉球蘸药酒外擦肚脐和腿痛处。 [附记]引自《药酒汇编》。验之临床,内外合用,奏效颇捷。 六、皮肤 1、皮炎灵 [配方]五虎丹3克,柳酸12克,樟脑6克,甘油40克,25%酒精60毫升。 [制法]将前4味分别投入25%滴精中,拌匀至完全溶解后,分装入20毫升玻璃瓶内,备用。 [功用]消炎、解毒、止痒。 [主治]神经性皮炎。 [用法]外用。取此配涂擦患处,每日1次。 [附记]引自《湖南中医学院学报》(增刊)。 (a) to further cultivate and practice the socialist core value concept. Human civilization is the core and soul of the city. Created in deepening the urban civilization, to seize cultivation and practice the socialist core value concept of the fundamental task, to everyone talk about civilization, everywhere to see the civilization "as the goal, to promote the creation tasks implemented. First, we must deepen the Delhi City, good deeds sunshine" is the theme of moral practice, to build the brand of "Da Yi Ju, Houde good deeds" moral. Carefully create activity carrier, highlighting to create a theme, to carry out a wide range of "good side" recommended review activities, carry out moral model itinerant preachers and most beautiful people, the series of model characters selection Activities, aggressively push the tree to a group of people around to learn and amiable, respectable moral typical. To focus on the real refinement "good deeds for the four virtues list built, tubes, each link work; let the moral has become an important force for regulating the behavior of the citizens. A hand grasping the education, focusing on governance, the violation of public order, destruction of public facilities and other acts resolutely exposure. Second, we must deepen the activities to create a civilized. Actively carry out civilized units, township of civilization, civilized window created, and further optimize the environment for government service. With the deep development of civilized community and family civilization, civilized community infrastructure to create activities, guide 2、狐臭酊 [配方]枯矾20克,密陀僧、滑石各15克,樟脑10克,轻粉、冰片各5克,95%酒精250毫升。 [制法]将前6味共研细末,置容器中,加入95%酒精,密封,浸泡1周后,过滤取汁,贮瓶备用。 [功用]解毒敛汁、杀虫止痒。 [主治]狐臭。 [用法]外用。先用温开水洗净患处,再用棉球蘸药液涂撩患部,每日涂擦3-5次,以愈为度。 [附记]引自《百病中医熏洗熨擦疗法)。 3、皮癣水 [配方]土灌皮620克,紫荆皮、苦参各310克,苦楝根皮、地榆各150克,千金子150粒,斑整100只(布包),蜈蚣3条,樟脑310克,75%酒精5000毫升。 [制法]将前5味打碎成粗粒,置大瓶内,加入75%酒精,再将斑螯、千金子、蜈蚣等加入,密封,浸泡l-2周,滤去药渣,加入樟脑、溶化,贮瓶备用。 [功用]凉血祛风湿、杀虫止痒。 [主治]银屑病、体癣、神经性皮炎、股癣等。 [用法]外用。取此药酒涂擦患处,每日涂擦1次。 [附记]引自《朱仁康临床经验集》。 4、顽癣药酒方 [配方]川槿皮、海桐皮、摈榔、冰片、苦参、川黄柏、白芨、雷丸各6克,大枫子、杏仁各2粒,木鳖子4粒,白酒200毫升。 [制法]将前11味捣碎,置容器中,加入白酒,密封,浸泡7天后即可取用。 [功用]清热燥湿、杀虫止痒。 (a) to further cultivate and practice the socialist core value concept. Human civilization is the core and soul of the city. Created in deepening the urban civilization, to seize cultivation and practice the socialist core value concept of the fundamental task, to everyone talk about civilization, everywhere to see the civilization "as the goal, to promote the creation tasks implemented. First, we must deepen the Delhi City, good deeds sunshine" is the theme of moral practice, to build the brand of "Da Yi Ju, Houde good deeds" moral. Carefully create activity carrier, highlighting to create a theme, to carry out a wide range of "good side" recommended review activities, carry out moral model itinerant preachers and most beautiful people, the series of model characters selection Activities, aggressively push the tree to a group of people around to learn and amiable, respectable moral typical. To focus on the real refinement "good deeds for the four virtues list built, tubes, each link work; let the moral has become an important force for regulating the behavior of the citizens. A hand grasping the education, focusing on governance, the violation of public order, destruction of public facilities and other acts resolutely exposure. Second, we must deepen the activities to create a civilized. Actively carry out civilized units, township of civilization, civilized window created, and further optimize the environment for government service. With the deep development of civilized community and family civilization, civilized community infrastructure to create activities, guide [主治]各种顽癣。 [用法]外用。先用穿山甲将癣刮破,再以药酒涂擦患处。每日1-2次。 [附记]引自《绵阳地区老中医经验选编》(二),内部。 5、白屑风酒 [配方]蛇床广、苦参片各40克,土槿皮20克,薄荷脑10克,75%乙醇1000毫升。 [制法]将前3味共研细末,置容器中,加入75%乙醇.将药物渗透,放置6小时.然后加入75%乙醇至1000毫升,浸泡数日。最后加入薄荷脑,溶化,拌匀,即成,贮瓶备用。 [功用]清热、怯风、止痒。 [主治]白屑风。 [用法]外用。每取此药酒涂擦患处,每日3-5次。 [附记]引自《中医外科临床手册》。 6、去结药水 [配方]黑故子15克,鸦胆子、黄连各9克,冰片,雄黄各6克,轻粉3克,75%乙醇100毫升。 [制法]将前6味(鸦胆子去壳用核仁)捣碎,置容器中;加入75%乙醇,密封浸泡7天后即可取用。 [功用]解毒、腐蚀、止痒。 [主治]结节性痒疹。 [用法]外用。用棉签蘸药液涂于结节表面,日涂数次。勿涂至正常皮肤。 [附记]引自(重庆医药)。 七、外科 (a) to further cultivate and practice the socialist core value concept. Human civilization is the core and soul of the city. Created in deepening the urban civilization, to seize cultivation and practice the socialist core value concept of the fundamental task, to everyone talk about civilization, everywhere to see the civilization "as the goal, to promote the creation tasks implemented. First, we must deepen the Delhi City, good deeds sunshine" is the theme of moral practice, to build the brand of "Da Yi Ju, Houde good deeds" moral. Carefully create activity carrier, highlighting to create a theme, to carry out a wide range of "good side" recommended review activities, carry out moral model itinerant preachers and most beautiful people, the series of model characters selection Activities, aggressively push the tree to a group of people around to learn and amiable, respectable moral typical. To focus on the real refinement "good deeds for the four virtues list built, tubes, each link work; let the moral has become an important force for regulating the behavior of the citizens. A hand grasping the education, focusing on governance, the violation of public order, destruction of public facilities and other acts resolutely exposure. Second, we must deepen the activities to create a civilized. Actively carry out civilized units, township of civilization, civilized window created, and further optimize the environment for government service. With the deep development of civilized community and family civilization, civilized community infrastructure to create activities, guide 1、神效酒 [配方]人参、没药(另研)、当归尾各30克,甘草15克,全括篓(半生半炒)1枚,黄酒500毫升。 [制法]上药用黄酒煎至300毫升,去渣,分作4份。 [功用]益气活血、消肿解毒。 [主治]疮痈。 [用法]口服。每日服l份,细细饮之。 [附记]引自《景岳全书》。用于正虚邪实之痈疮、效佳。 2、青梅煮酒 [配方]青梅30克,黄酒100毫升。 [制法]将青梅和黄酒放入瓷杯中,置有水的蒸锅中加热蒸炖2分钟、去渣、即成。 [功用]醒胃、杀虫、止痛。 [主治]食欲不振,蛔虫性腹痛以及慢性消化不良性泄泻者,均可用之。 [用法]口用。每次温服10-30毫升。 [附记]引自《百病中医药酒疗法》。验之临床多效。 3、祛寒通络药酒 [配方]制附子45克,细辛15克,红花、丹参各60克,士元苍术、川芎各30克,大枣20枚,白酒1500毫升。 [制法]将前8味捣碎,置容器中,加入白酒,密封,浸泡1周后,过滤去渣,即成。 [功用]沮经散寒、活血化瘀。 [主治]寒湿、血瘀所致的脉管炎,表现为患肢肢端疼痛、苍白或紫暗、触之发凉、受寒加剧,未发生溃疡者。 (a) to further cultivate and practice the socialist core value concept. Human civilization is the core and soul of the city. Created in deepening the urban civilization, to seize cultivation and practice the socialist core value concept of the fundamental task, to everyone talk about civilization, everywhere to see the civilization "as the goal, to promote the creation tasks implemented. First, we must deepen the Delhi City, good deeds sunshine" is the theme of moral practice, to build the brand of "Da Yi Ju, Houde good deeds" moral. Carefully create activity carrier, highlighting to create a theme, to carry out a wide range of "good side" recommended review activities, carry out moral model itinerant preachers and most beautiful people, the series of model characters selection Activities, aggressively push the tree to a group of people around to learn and amiable, respectable moral typical. To focus on the real refinement "good deeds for the four virtues list built, tubes, each link work; let the moral has become an important force for regulating the behavior of the citizens. A hand grasping the education, focusing on governance, the violation of public order, destruction of public facilities and other acts resolutely exposure. Second, we must deepen the activities to create a civilized. Actively carry out civilized units, township of civilization, civilized window created, and further optimize the environment for government service. With the deep development of civilized community and family civilization, civilized community infrastructure to create activities, guide [用法]口服。每次服30毫升,日服2次。 [附记]引自《张八卦外科新编》。 4、玄参酒 [配方]玄参150克,磁石(烧令赤、醋淬七遍研细水飞)150克,白酒1000毫升。 [制法]将玄参切碎,与磁石一同入布袋,置容器中,加入白酒,密封,浸泡7天后,过滤去渣,即成。 [功用]滋阴、泻火、潜阳。 [主治]瘰疬寒热,先从颈腋诸处起者。 [用法]口服。临卧空心温服10毫升。 [附记]引自《圣济总录》。 5、加味红花酒 [配方]红花11克,蚤休50克,细辛10克,75%酒精500毫升。 [制法]将前3味切碎,置容器中,加入75%酒精,密封,浸泡7天以上,即可取用。 [功用]清热解毒、活血化瘀、通络止痛。 [主治]血栓性静脉炎。 [用法]外用。用时用药棉球蘸药酒涂擦患处,每日涂擦3-6次。 [附记]笔者经验方。 6、复方藤黄酒 [配方]藤黄100克,大黄40克,黄连、雄黄、赤芍各30克,白酒500毫升。 [制法]将前5味共研细末,置容器中,加入白酒.密封,浸泡7天后即可取用。 [功用]泻火解毒,消肿散结。 [主治]疗疮及一切痈疽阳证均可用之。 (a) to further cultivate and practice the socialist core value concept. Human civilization is the core and soul of the city. Created in deepening the urban civilization, to seize cultivation and practice the socialist core value concept of the fundamental task, to everyone talk about civilization, everywhere to see the civilization "as the goal, to promote the creation tasks implemented. First, we must deepen the Delhi City, good deeds sunshine" is the theme of moral practice, to build the brand of "Da Yi Ju, Houde good deeds" moral. Carefully create activity carrier, highlighting to create a theme, to carry out a wide range of "good side" recommended review activities, carry out moral model itinerant preachers and most beautiful people, the series of model characters selection Activities, aggressively push the tree to a group of people around to learn and amiable, respectable moral typical. To focus on the real refinement "good deeds for the four virtues list built, tubes, each link work; let the moral has become an important force for regulating the behavior of the citizens. A hand grasping the education, focusing on governance, the violation of public order, destruction of public facilities and other acts resolutely exposure. Second, we must deepen the activities to create a civilized. Actively carry out civilized units, township of civilization, civilized window created, and further optimize the environment for government service. With the deep development of civilized community and family civilization, civilized community infrastructure to create activities, guide [用法]外用。用时取药棉或纱布浸于药酒中,取出敷于患部(或先擦后敷)。日擦敷数次。 [附记]笔者经验方。若病情严重者,应配合内取对证汤剂为佳。内服方剂可详见《名老中医秘方验方精选》一书。 八、五官 1、松香酒 [配方]松香50克,白酒250毫升。 [制法]将松香研成粉,入白酒调匀,稍候即成。 [功用]芳香止痛。 [主治]牙痛不止。 [用法]外用。用棉球蘸药酒咬在痛牙处。 [附记]引自《民间百病良方》。 2、独活酒 [配方]独活、莽草、细辛各50克,制附子、防风各25克,白酒2000毫升。 [制法]将前5味共研细末,置容器中,加入白酒,煎至一半,去渣,备用。 [功用]怯风散寒、通窍止痛。 [主治]风寒牙痛、遇热则痛减。 [用法]外用。趁温含漱冷吐,反复含漱,痛止即停。 [附记]引自《普济方》。 3、芜花酒 [配方]芜花根(干品)30克.75%乙醇100毫升。 [制法]将上药研为粗末,置容器中,加入75%乙醇,密封,浸泡2周后,去渣即成。 (a) to further cultivate and practice the socialist core value concept. Human civilization is the core and soul of the city. Created in deepening the urban civilization, to seize cultivation and practice the socialist core value concept of the fundamental task, to everyone talk about civilization, everywhere to see the civilization "as the goal, to promote the creation tasks implemented. First, we must deepen the Delhi City, good deeds sunshine" is the theme of moral practice, to build the brand of "Da Yi Ju, Houde good deeds" moral. Carefully create activity carrier, highlighting to create a theme, to carry out a wide range of "good side" recommended review activities, carry out moral model itinerant preachers and most beautiful people, the series of model characters selection Activities, aggressively push the tree to a group of people around to learn and amiable, respectable moral typical. To focus on the real refinement "good deeds for the four virtues list built, tubes, each link work; let the moral has become an important force for regulating the behavior of the citizens. A hand grasping the education, focusing on governance, the violation of public order, destruction of public facilities and other acts resolutely exposure. Second, we must deepen the activities to create a civilized. Actively carry out civilized units, township of civilization, civilized window created, and further optimize the environment for government service. With the deep development of civilized community and family civilization, civilized community infrastructure to create activities, guide [功用]消肿解毒、活血止痛。 [主治]鼻炎。 [用法]外用。用黄豆大小之于棉球,蘸完花团,拧干,外裹薄层消毒于棉花,成一棉卷,塞入鼻腔内。棉卷之位置,以深塞为宜,过浅达不到治疗目的。对慢性鼻炎患者,可塞中隔与下甲之间,对副鼻窦患者,则塞中鼻道较好。若觉有刺激粘膜有灼热感后,5-10分钟取出,用温热生理盐水冲洗鼻腔。每日塞1次,每次持续1-2小时后取出或自行脱出。一般5次为1疗程。 [附记]引自《中药制剂汇编》。 4、益肾明目酒 [配方]覆盆子50克,巴戟天、肉苁蓉、远志、川牛膝、五味子、川续断各35克,山萸肉30克,白酒1000毫升。 [制法]将前8味捣为粗末,入布袋,置容器中,加入白酒,密封,浸泡7天后开封,加入冷开水1000毫升,混匀,即可。 [功用]益肝补肾、聪耳明日、养心、悦容颜。 [主治]肝肾虚亏、耳聋目暗、腰酸腿困、神疲力衰、面容樵瘁等症。 [用法]口服。每次空腹温服10-15毫升,每日早、晚各服1次。 [附记]引自《百病中医药酒疗法》。 5、黄柏酒 [配方]黄柏30克,40%酒精150毫升。 [制法]将上药切薄片,置容器中,加入40%酒精(或以浸泡药面为宜),密封,浸泡24小时,用滤纸过滤备用。 [功用]消炎。止疼。 [主治]化脓性中耳炎。 [用法]外用。先将患耳用双氧水擦洗干净,试干,取黄柏酒少许滴入耳内,每(a) to further cultivate and practice the socialist core value concept. Human civilization is the core and soul of the city. Created in deepening the urban civilization, to seize cultivation and practice the socialist core value concept of the fundamental task, to everyone talk about civilization, everywhere to see the civilization "as the goal, to promote the creation tasks implemented. First, we must deepen the Delhi City, good deeds sunshine" is the theme of moral practice, to build the brand of "Da Yi Ju, Houde good deeds" moral. Carefully create activity carrier, highlighting to create a theme, to carry out a wide range of "good side" recommended review activities, carry out moral model itinerant preachers and most beautiful people, the series of model characters selection Activities, aggressively push the tree to a group of people around to learn and amiable, respectable moral typical. To focus on the real refinement "good deeds for the four virtues list built, tubes, each link work; let the moral has become an important force for regulating the behavior of the citizens. A hand grasping the education, focusing on governance, the violation of public order, destruction of public facilities and other acts resolutely exposure. Second, we must deepen the activities to create a civilized. Actively carry out civilized units, township of civilization, civilized window created, and further optimize the environment for government service. With the deep development of civilized community and family civilization, civilized community infrastructure to create activities, guide 日清1-2次。 [附记]引自《中药制剂汇编》。 6、聪耳酒 [配方]核桃仁60克,五味子40克,蜂蜜30克,白酒1000毫升。 [制法]将前2味捣碎,入布袋,置容器中,加入白酒,密封,每日振摇数下,浸泡10天后,过滤去渣,加入蜂蜜,拌匀,即成。 [功用]补肾聪耳。 [主治]耳鸣、遗精等。 [用法]口服。每次空腹服20毫升,日服2次。 [附记]引自《药酒汇编》。 九、肿瘤 1、紫杉酒 [配方]紫杉茎皮l000克,黄酒2500毫升。 [制法]将上药洗净,切碎,置容器中,加入黄酒。密封,浸泡7天后,过滤去渣,即成。 [功用]抗癌。 [主治]白血病和一切肿瘤。 [用法]口服。每次服10毫升,日服2次。 [附记]引自《民间百病良方》。 2、冰砂酊 [配方]朱砂、乳香、没药各15克,冰片30克,米制白酒50毫升。 [制法]将前4味共研细末,置容器中,加入白酒,密封,浸泡2天后,经沉淀后,每取少量澄清液装于小瓶内,备用。 (a) to further cultivate and practice the socialist core value concept. Human civilization is the core and soul of the city. Created in deepening the urban civilization, to seize cultivation and practice the socialist core value concept of the fundamental task, to everyone talk about civilization, everywhere to see the civilization "as the goal, to promote the creation tasks implemented. First, we must deepen the Delhi City, good deeds sunshine" is the theme of moral practice, to build the brand of "Da Yi Ju, Houde good deeds" moral. Carefully create activity carrier, highlighting to create a theme, to carry out a wide range of "good side" recommended review activities, carry out moral model itinerant preachers and most beautiful people, the series of model characters selection Activities, aggressively push the tree to a group of people around to learn and amiable, respectable moral typical. To focus on the real refinement "good deeds for the four virtues list built, tubes, each link work; let the moral has become an important force for regulating the behavior of the citizens. A hand grasping the education, focusing on governance, the violation of public order, destruction of public facilities and other acts resolutely exposure. Second, we must deepen the activities to create a civilized. Actively carry out civilized units, township of civilization, civilized window created, and further optimize the environment for government service. With the deep development of civilized community and family civilization, civilized community infrastructure to create activities, guide [功用]拔毒消肿、通络止痛。 [主治]癌肿疼痛。 [用法]外用。用消毒棉签或毛笔蘸药液外擦啤痛处皮肤上,待干后,再重复擦3-4遍即可。 [附记]引自《新中医》。外治21例(其中肝癌10例、肺癌例、胃癌4例、鼻咽癌2例)均收到满意效果。一般用药10-15分钟疼痛消失或明显缓解。止痛持续时间为2-4小时,个别更长如复痛,再擦,效果 3、消痪抗癌酒 [配方]黄药子、海藻、昆布各250克,贝母200克,米酒(自酿)1000毫升。 [制法]将前4味捣碎,入布袋,置瓦坛中,加入米酒,密封,以木热灰火煨酒坛24小时,取出,待冷,即可取用。 [功用]软坚散结、消瘦解毒。 [主治]甲状腺癌、诸恶疮及癌肿等症。 [用法]口服。不拘时,徐徐饮用,常令有酒气相续为妙。 [附记]引自《药酒汇编》。凡肝炎患者慎用。 4、秤砣梨酒 [配方]秤砣梨30-60克,白酒500毫升。 [制法]将上药洗净,捣碎,置容器中,加入白酒,密封,浸泡15-20天后,过滤去渣,即成。 [功用]清热解毒、祛风活血。 [主治]子宫颈癌、子宫肿瘤等。 [用法]口服。每次服10毫升,日服2次。 [附记]引自《民间百病良方》。 5、大贝母酒 (a) to further cultivate and practice the socialist core value concept. Human civilization is the core and soul of the city. Created in deepening the urban civilization, to seize cultivation and practice the socialist core value concept of the fundamental task, to everyone talk about civilization, everywhere to see the civilization "as the goal, to promote the creation tasks implemented. First, we must deepen the Delhi City, good deeds sunshine" is the theme of moral practice, to build the brand of "Da Yi Ju, Houde good deeds" moral. Carefully create activity carrier, highlighting to create a theme, to carry out a wide range of "good side" recommended review activities, carry out moral model itinerant preachers and most beautiful people, the series of model characters selection Activities, aggressively push the tree to a group of people around to learn and amiable, respectable moral typical. To focus on the real refinement "good deeds for the four virtues list built, tubes, each link work; let the moral has become an important force for regulating the behavior of the citizens. A hand grasping the education, focusing on governance, the violation of public order, destruction of public facilities and other acts resolutely exposure. Second, we must deepen the activities to create a civilized. Actively carry out civilized units, township of civilization, civilized window created, and further optimize the environment for government service. With the deep development of civilized community and family civilization, civilized community infrastructure to create activities, guide [配方]大贝母、核桃仁、连翘、金银花各9克,黄酒100毫升。 [制法]将前4味捣碎,置砂锅内,加入黄酒和水100毫升,煎服。 [功用]抗癌。 [主治]乳腺癌。 [用法]口服。每服1剂,日2次。 [附记]引自《药酒汇编》。 6、三桔酒 [配方]青枯叶、青枯皮、桔核各15克,白酒250毫升。 [制法]将前3味切碎,置容器中,加入黄酒和水250毫升,煎至200毫升,过滤去渣,即成。 [功用]开部散结,通络消肿。 [主治]乳癌初期、乳房结核。 [用法]口服。每口1剂,分2次温服。 [附记]引自《药酒汇编》。 7、鲜橙酒 [配方]鲜橙8个,米酒20毫升。 [制法]取上药去皮绞汁,冲入米酒,即成。 [功用]舒肝、行气、通血脉、止痛。 [主治]乳腺癌伴有肿块者。 [用法]口服。每次服1剂,日服2次。 [附记]引自《民间百病良方》。 (a) to further cultivate and practice the socialist core value concept. Human civilization is the core and soul of the city. Created in deepening the urban civilization, to seize cultivation and practice the socialist core value concept of the fundamental task, to everyone talk about civilization, everywhere to see the civilization "as the goal, to promote the creation tasks implemented. First, we must deepen the Delhi City, good deeds sunshine" is the theme of moral practice, to build the brand of "Da Yi Ju, Houde good deeds" moral. Carefully create activity carrier, highlighting to create a theme, to carry out a wide range of "good side" recommended review activities, carry out moral model itinerant preachers and most beautiful people, the series of model characters selection Activities, aggressively push the tree to a group of people around to learn and amiable, respectable moral typical. To focus on the real refinement "good deeds for the four virtues list built, tubes, each link work; let the moral has become an important force for regulating the behavior of the citizens. A hand grasping the education, focusing on governance, the violation of public order, destruction of public facilities and other acts resolutely exposure. Second, we must deepen the activities to create a civilized. Actively carry out civilized units, township of civilization, civilized window created, and further optimize the environment for government service. With the deep development of civilized community and family civilization, civilized community infrastructure to create activities, guide
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