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投资黄金该买金猫还是买金条投资黄金该买金猫还是买金条 国际金价近段时间跌宕起伏,令投资者又开始跃跃欲试,既想赚得长线利润,又想短期“捞一笔”。不过,黄金市场品种众多,以投资为主要目的的买家,可以选择独具投资性的熊猫金币,或者具保值升值功能的金条或金锭。不过,金猫和金条的特性各有不同。同样的一笔资金,买金猫好还是金条金锭好呢 行家认为,金条成本低但增值有限,金币成本较responsibility; implementation of the quality policy and objectives, establish and improve th...
投资黄金该买金猫还是买金条 国际金价近段时间跌宕起伏,令投资者又开始跃跃欲试,既想赚得长线利润,又想短期“捞一笔”。不过,黄金市场品种众多,以投资为主要目的的买家,可以选择独具投资性的熊猫金币,或者具保值升值功能的金条或金锭。不过,金猫和金条的特性各有不同。同样的一笔资金,买金猫好还是金条金锭好呢 行家认为,金条成本低但增值有限,金币成本较responsibility; implementation of the quality policy and objectives, establish and improve the Organization, according to the project situation, the rational allocation of resources required. Organizational security, quality inspections on a regular basis, developed under the auspices of the improvement programmes and measures. Responsible for implementing the State, ministries, local governments and owners of works civil construction, environmental protection, transportation, flood control and safety laws and regulations and instructions. 3, Deputy Project Manager: Vaucanson, organizing and commanding the construction production, take full responsibility for project construction production; organization and management of the project construction organization, safe and civilized construction, standardization, production scheduling, resource allocation and management. Responsible for organizing the implementation of monitoring the safety, quality, construction, environmental protection, soil conservation, occupational health and other work carried out to ensure that project management goal be achieved. 4, Chief Engineer: Zhou Lin, with overall responsibility for the project's construction technology and quality control. Organization and preparation of the construction project of the Department of project construction organization designs, management plans, quality plans, 高但增值潜力大。投资者要根据自己的投资目的选择投资对象。对比一 金猫有面额金条金锭都没有 “挺币派”:金猫是世界五大投资金币之一 挺币派认为,有无面额是熊猫金币(俗称“金猫”)与普通的金银制品最大的区别,面额是国家法定货币的标志,而普通的金银制品则没有,这就显示了它们在性质上的不同。 responsibility; implementation of the quality policy and objectives, establish and improve the Organization, according to the project situation, the rational allocation of resources required. Organizational security, quality inspections on a regular basis, developed under the auspices of the improvement programmes and measures. Responsible for implementing the State, ministries, local governments and owners of works civil construction, environmental protection, transportation, flood control and safety laws and regulations and instructions. 3, Deputy Project Manager: Vaucanson, organizing and commanding the construction production, take full responsibility for project construction production; organization and management of the project construction organization, safe and civilized construction, standardization, production scheduling, resource allocation and management. Responsible for organizing the implementation of monitoring the safety, quality, construction, environmental protection, soil conservation, occupational health and other work carried out to ensure that project management goal be achieved. 4, Chief Engineer: Zhou Lin, with overall responsibility for the project's construction technology and quality control. Organization and preparation of the construction project of the Department of project construction organization designs, management plans, quality plans, 金猫与南非福格林金币、加拿大枫叶金币、美国鹰洋金币、澳大利亚袋鼠金币并称为世界五大投资金币,也是国内带有面值的黄金投资品。 “挺金派”:金条金锭给投资者“实在感” “面额不是我最看重的,我就喜欢金条和金锭的实在感。每年都把奖金用于金条的挺金派坦言,身边力挺金条、金锭的投资者大有人在,其中尤以中老年投资者、家庭投资者为多。由于金条投资程序简单、知识要求较低,并且看上去永远那么“实称”,让这些 responsibility; implementation of the quality policy and objectives, establish and improve the Organization, according to the project situation, the rational allocation of resources required. Organizational security, quality inspections on a regular basis, developed under the auspices of the improvement programmes and measures. Responsible for implementing the State, ministries, local governments and owners of works civil construction, environmental protection, transportation, flood control and safety laws and regulations and instructions. 3, Deputy Project Manager: Vaucanson, organizing and commanding the construction production, take full responsibility for project construction production; organization and management of the project construction organization, safe and civilized construction, standardization, production scheduling, resource allocation and management. Responsible for organizing the implementation of monitoring the safety, quality, construction, environmental protection, soil conservation, occupational health and other work carried out to ensure that project management goal be achieved. 4, Chief Engineer: Zhou Lin, with overall responsibility for the project's construction technology and quality control. Organization and preparation of the construction project of the Department of project construction organization designs, management plans, quality plans,z0b5e 网络投资 www.acdai.com 投资理财 投资 理财 网络投资 网络理财 投资者更有安全感。对比二 同样重量投资成本不同 “挺币派”:金猫材料价外还有收藏价值 挺币派认为熊猫金币的价值除了受金价影响外,还受市场供求关系的影响,即市场流通量多时,熊猫金币价值的影响因素以金价为主,市场流通量少时,熊猫金币价值更多是由供求关系决定的,往往高于材料。 responsibility; implementation of the quality policy and objectives, establish and improve the Organization, according to the project situation, the rational allocation of resources required. Organizational security, quality inspections on a regular basis, developed under the auspices of the improvement programmes and measures. Responsible for implementing the State, ministries, local governments and owners of works civil construction, environmental protection, transportation, flood control and safety laws and regulations and instructions. 3, Deputy Project Manager: Vaucanson, organizing and commanding the construction production, take full responsibility for project construction production; organization and management of the project construction organization, safe and civilized construction, standardization, production scheduling, resource allocation and management. Responsible for organizing the implementation of monitoring the safety, quality, construction, environmental protection, soil conservation, occupational health and other work carried out to ensure that project management goal be achieved. 4, Chief Engineer: Zhou Lin, with overall responsibility for the project's construction technology and quality control. Organization and preparation of the construction project of the Department of project construction organization designs, management plans, quality plans, 金猫的投资性体现在售价与国际金价挂钩,随着金价的涨跌而上下浮动。以2012年熊猫金币套装为例,刚发行时的售价是23800元/套左右,与当时金价相比,升水率也就在10,左右。其收藏价值则是需要时间沉淀后才能体现出来,市场上流通量少的,就高,反之就低,而流通量跟当年的发行量是直接相关的,所以在一定程度上说,熊猫金币的收藏价值是由发行量决定的。 以1998年熊猫金币套装为例,当年的实际铸造量 responsibility; implementation of the quality policy and objectives, establish and improve the Organization, according to the project situation, the rational allocation of resources required. Organizational security, quality inspections on a regular basis, developed under the auspices of the improvement programmes and measures. Responsible for implementing the State, ministries, local governments and owners of works civil construction, environmental protection, transportation, flood control and safety laws and regulations and instructions. 3, Deputy Project Manager: Vaucanson, organizing and commanding the construction production, take full responsibility for project construction production; organization and management of the project construction organization, safe and civilized construction, standardization, production scheduling, resource allocation and management. Responsible for organizing the implementation of monitoring the safety, quality, construction, environmental protection, soil conservation, occupational health and other work carried out to ensure that project management goal be achieved. 4, Chief Engineer: Zhou Lin, with overall responsibility for the project's construction technology and quality control. Organization and preparation of the construction project of the Department of project construction organization designs, management plans, quality plans,z0b5e 网络投资 www.acdai.com 投资理财 投资 理财 网络投资 网络理财 不到3万盎司,又经过了十几年的沉淀,目前市面上的存量是少之又少,其已经涨到每套10万元以上,远远高于实际材料的,堪称熊猫金币里的“币王”。 “挺金派”:金条比买金币便宜 挺金派认为,金条的整体要比金币便宜。金币中分投资型金币(内地市场只有熊猫金币)与纪念性金币,投资型金币最便宜,但相对于材料的升水幅度常常在5,~10,之间。 responsibility; implementation of the quality policy and objectives, establish and improve the Organization, according to the project situation, the rational allocation of resources required. Organizational security, quality inspections on a regular basis, developed under the auspices of the improvement programmes and measures. Responsible for implementing the State, ministries, local governments and owners of works civil construction, environmental protection, transportation, flood control and safety laws and regulations and instructions. 3, Deputy Project Manager: Vaucanson, organizing and commanding the construction production, take full responsibility for project construction production; organization and management of the project construction organization, safe and civilized construction, standardization, production scheduling, resource allocation and management. Responsible for organizing the implementation of monitoring the safety, quality, construction, environmental protection, soil conservation, occupational health and other work carried out to ensure that project management goal be achieved. 4, Chief Engineer: Zhou Lin, with overall responsibility for the project's construction technology and quality control. Organization and preparation of the construction project of the Department of project construction organization designs, management plans, quality plans, 而对于纪念型金币来说,其材料一般在金币零售中占据了15,~60,的比例,也就是说,零售相对于黄金材料的升水最多可达6倍以上。 与之相比,广州市场上,原料金条(或投资型金条)的手续费仅为8~15元每克,手续费只在金条中占据2,~6,的份额,相对金币来说,料价比较高。 再者,2011年以来,广州等城市,开始发行超小规格金条,1克、2克、10克、50克份额均有,将以往100克黄金的投资起点大幅度降低到了三四百元; responsibility; implementation of the quality policy and objectives, establish and improve the Organization, according to the project situation, the rational allocation of resources required. Organizational security, quality inspections on a regular basis, developed under the auspices of the improvement programmes and measures. Responsible for implementing the State, ministries, local governments and owners of works civil construction, environmental protection, transportation, flood control and safety laws and regulations and instructions. 3, Deputy Project Manager: Vaucanson, organizing and commanding the construction production, take full responsibility for project construction production; organization and management of the project construction organization, safe and civilized construction, standardization, production scheduling, resource allocation and management. Responsible for organizing the implementation of monitoring the safety, quality, construction, environmental protection, soil conservation, occupational health and other work carried out to ensure that project management goal be achieved. 4, Chief Engineer: Zhou Lin, with overall responsibility for the project's construction technology and quality control. Organization and preparation of the construction project of the Department of project construction organization designs, management plans, quality plans,z0b5e 网络投资 www.acdai.com 投资理财 投资 理财 网络投资 网络理财 相比较来说,市场上的金币最小规格为二十分之一盎司,折合1.56克重量;即使不算“升水”,光计算黄金的材料价值,依然不如金条的投资起点低廉。对比三 长线可期待收益率不同 “挺币派”:金猫长线收益远高于金价涨幅 挺币派说,熊猫金币更适合长线投资,经过一定年限沉淀,收藏价值往往会更加明显,而且带来的收responsibility; implementation of the quality policy and objectives, establish and improve the Organization, according to the project situation, the rational allocation of resources required. Organizational security, quality inspections on a regular basis, developed under the auspices of the improvement programmes and measures. Responsible for implementing the State, ministries, local governments and owners of works civil construction, environmental protection, transportation, flood control and safety laws and regulations and instructions. 3, Deputy Project Manager: Vaucanson, organizing and commanding the construction production, take full responsibility for project construction production; organization and management of the project construction organization, safe and civilized construction, standardization, production scheduling, resource allocation and management. Responsible for organizing the implementation of monitoring the safety, quality, construction, environmental protection, soil conservation, occupational health and other work carried out to ensure that project management goal be achieved. 4, Chief Engineer: Zhou Lin, with overall responsibility for the project's construction technology and quality control. Organization and preparation of the construction project of the Department of project construction organization designs, management plans, quality plans, 益远大于材料价上涨的收益:“金猫的规格比较多样、投资门槛低,适合的投资人群范围比较广,比如金猫1/20盎司,一枚的在800元左右,大部分的投资者都是可以承受的。” “挺金派”:金币投资风险整体较高 不过,挺金派承认,与金币比,金条最为明显的劣势在于:可期待的长线收益率小于金币。从近10年的历史来看,大多数金币的上涨速度大于金条。 responsibility; implementation of the quality policy and objectives, establish and improve the Organization, according to the project situation, the rational allocation of resources required. Organizational security, quality inspections on a regular basis, developed under the auspices of the improvement programmes and measures. Responsible for implementing the State, ministries, local governments and owners of works civil construction, environmental protection, transportation, flood control and safety laws and regulations and instructions. 3, Deputy Project Manager: Vaucanson, organizing and commanding the construction production, take full responsibility for project construction production; organization and management of the project construction organization, safe and civilized construction, standardization, production scheduling, resource allocation and management. Responsible for organizing the implementation of monitoring the safety, quality, construction, environmental protection, soil conservation, occupational health and other work carried out to ensure that project management goal be achieved. 4, Chief Engineer: Zhou Lin, with overall responsibility for the project's construction technology and quality control. Organization and preparation of the construction project of the Department of project construction organization designs, management plans, quality plans,z0b5e 网络投资 www.acdai.com 投资理财 投资 理财 网络投资 网络理财 当然,凡事都有例外,2008年前后发行的奥运会纪念金币就是例外;由于其当年的发行被机构炒得过高,时隔4年,至今仍没有完全回本,二组金银币当年发行一度被炒卖到了12000元以上,而今的不过10000元上下。熊猫金币比较“靠谱”,暴涨与暴跌的概率都不大。 但与金条相比,金币的投资风险整体较高,对于任何投资产品,较高的可期待收益率总伴随较高的投资风险。对比四 responsibility; implementation of the quality policy and objectives, establish and improve the Organization, according to the project situation, the rational allocation of resources required. Organizational security, quality inspections on a regular basis, developed under the auspices of the improvement programmes and measures. Responsible for implementing the State, ministries, local governments and owners of works civil construction, environmental protection, transportation, flood control and safety laws and regulations and instructions. 3, Deputy Project Manager: Vaucanson, organizing and commanding the construction production, take full responsibility for project construction production; organization and management of the project construction organization, safe and civilized construction, standardization, production scheduling, resource allocation and management. Responsible for organizing the implementation of monitoring the safety, quality, construction, environmental protection, soil conservation, occupational health and other work carried out to ensure that project management goal be achieved. 4, Chief Engineer: Zhou Lin, with overall responsibility for the project's construction technology and quality control. Organization and preparation of the construction project of the Department of project construction organization designs, management plans, quality plans, 回购市场各有不同 “挺币派”:专门机构按金价回购是进步 投资熊猫金币存在的问题就是变现难,如果到二级市场卖金币,虽然没有手续费,但其成交相对于一级市场总要低出10,~20,。 不过,挺币派透露,近段时间,广州永正加大力度经营全国唯一的一家熊猫金币交易中心。在交易中心的基础上设立了服务大厅,按金价回收近几年发行 responsibility; implementation of the quality policy and objectives, establish and improve the Organization, according to the project situation, the rational allocation of resources required. Organizational security, quality inspections on a regular basis, developed under the auspices of the improvement programmes and measures. Responsible for implementing the State, ministries, local governments and owners of works civil construction, environmental protection, transportation, flood control and safety laws and regulations and instructions. 3, Deputy Project Manager: Vaucanson, organizing and commanding the construction production, take full responsibility for project construction production; organization and management of the project construction organization, safe and civilized construction, standardization, production scheduling, resource allocation and management. Responsible for organizing the implementation of monitoring the safety, quality, construction, environmental protection, soil conservation, occupational health and other work carried out to ensure that project management goal be achieved. 4, Chief Engineer: Zhou Lin, with overall responsibility for the project's construction technology and quality control. Organization and preparation of the construction project of the Department of project construction organization designs, management plans, quality plans,z0b5e 网络投资 www.acdai.com 投资理财 投资 理财 网络投资 网络理财 的金猫,投资者还可以采取寄售方式,一般来说,寄售由投资者自定,通常比回购价高。 “挺金派”:金条回购手续费相对低 在广州市场上,金条回购与金币回购几乎同时在2003~2005年兴起。 发展至今,金条的回购地点主要在黄金超市、大型商场与黄金投资有限,部分商业银行也回购金条。金币的回购地点主要在二级市场,比如纵原邮币卡市responsibility; implementation of the quality policy and objectives, establish and improve the Organization, according to the project situation, the rational allocation of resources required. Organizational security, quality inspections on a regular basis, developed under the auspices of the improvement programmes and measures. Responsible for implementing the State, ministries, local governments and owners of works civil construction, environmental protection, transportation, flood control and safety laws and regulations and instructions. 3, Deputy Project Manager: Vaucanson, organizing and commanding the construction production, take full responsibility for project construction production; organization and management of the project construction organization, safe and civilized construction, standardization, production scheduling, resource allocation and management. Responsible for organizing the implementation of monitoring the safety, quality, construction, environmental protection, soil conservation, occupational health and other work carried out to ensure that project management goal be achieved. 4, Chief Engineer: Zhou Lin, with overall responsibility for the project's construction technology and quality control. Organization and preparation of the construction project of the Department of project construction organization designs, management plans, quality plans, 场。 至于回购,金条手续费用相对较低,也只有2,~6,。投资TIPS 黄金分析师告诉记者,金猫的时机很重要:“最近应该比较适合入市,因为今年第二季度开始,受经济大环境影响,金银币市场行情一直低迷,特别是5月份以来,国际金价跌宕起伏,市场观望气氛浓重,币商们也不敢囤货,近段时间金银币的都出现下滑趋势。” responsibility; implementation of the quality policy and objectives, establish and improve the Organization, according to the project situation, the rational allocation of resources required. Organizational security, quality inspections on a regular basis, developed under the auspices of the improvement programmes and measures. Responsible for implementing the State, ministries, local governments and owners of works civil construction, environmental protection, transportation, flood control and safety laws and regulations and instructions. 3, Deputy Project Manager: Vaucanson, organizing and commanding the construction production, take full responsibility for project construction production; organization and management of the project construction organization, safe and civilized construction, standardization, production scheduling, resource allocation and management. Responsible for organizing the implementation of monitoring the safety, quality, construction, environmental protection, soil conservation, occupational health and other work carried out to ensure that project management goal be achieved. 4, Chief Engineer: Zhou Lin, with overall responsibility for the project's construction technology and quality control. Organization and preparation of the construction project of the Department of project construction organization designs, management plans, quality plans,z0b5e 网络投资 www.acdai.com 投资理财 投资 理财 网络投资 网络理财 另外,投资熊猫金币也讲究策略,比如熊猫普制金币一共有5个规格,1盎司、1/2盎司、1/4盎司、1/10盎司和1/20盎司,升水从低到高,即1盎司金币的升水是这五个规格里最低的,如果单纯以投资为目的,可以考虑1盎司和1/2盎司熊猫金币,以一版为单位,也可以购入1~2枚,每年,至于何种方式还是由投资者的资金量决定;如果出于爱好收藏,建议以套装为主(熊猫普制金币套装包含以上五种规格各一枚),每年购入1~2套,逐年投资,这样能有效平衡风险。 responsibility; implementation of the quality policy and objectives, establish and improve the Organization, according to the project situation, the rational allocation of resources required. Organizational security, quality inspections on a regular basis, developed under the auspices of the improvement programmes and measures. Responsible for implementing the State, ministries, local governments and owners of works civil construction, environmental protection, transportation, flood control and safety laws and regulations and instructions. 3, Deputy Project Manager: Vaucanson, organizing and commanding the construction production, take full responsibility for project construction production; organization and management of the project construction organization, safe and civilized construction, standardization, production scheduling, resource allocation and management. Responsible for organizing the implementation of monitoring the safety, quality, construction, environmental protection, soil conservation, occupational health and other work carried out to ensure that project management goal be achieved. 4, Chief Engineer: Zhou Lin, with overall responsibility for the project's construction technology and quality control. Organization and preparation of the construction project of the Department of project construction organization designs, management plans, quality plans, 还有一些高端且相对比较内行的投资者,可以尝 试熊猫大规格精制币,它们发行量少,精工制作,较 国际金银价的溢价相对不低,收藏品的特性更为明显。 responsibility; implementation of the quality policy and objectives, establish and improve the Organization, according to the project situation, the rational allocation of resources required. Organizational security, quality inspections on a regular basis, developed under the auspices of the improvement programmes and measures. Responsible for implementing the State, ministries, local governments and owners of works civil construction, environmental protection, transportation, flood control and safety laws and regulations and instructions. 3, Deputy Project Manager: Vaucanson, organizing and commanding the construction production, take full responsibility for project construction production; organization and management of the project construction organization, safe and civilized construction, standardization, production scheduling, resource allocation and management. Responsible for organizing the implementation of monitoring the safety, quality, construction, environmental protection, soil conservation, occupational health and other work carried out to ensure that project management goal be achieved. 4, Chief Engineer: Zhou Lin, with overall responsibility for the project's construction technology and quality control. Organization and preparation of the construction project of the Department of project construction organization designs, management plans, quality plans,z0b5e 网络投资 www.acdai.com 投资理财 投资 理财 网络投资 网络理财
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