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托业考试资料2.doc托业考试资料2.doc 托业(TOEIC)135个难点词汇记忆 1 acrophobia 恐高症 Acro-高;phobia-恐惧 2 affiliate 支部;分会;子公司vt 使附属,vi参加,加入 3 aperitif 饭前酒,开胃酒 aperient 泻药 4 appetizer 开胃菜 5 ASAP =as soon as possible 越快越好 6 baggage claim 行李提领处 7 banner 标语;旗帜 建筑物禁止(ban)贴标语 8 bill of lading 提货单 9 billiards...
托业考试资料2.doc 托业(TOEIC)135个难点词汇记忆 1 acrophobia 恐高症 Acro-高;phobia-恐惧 2 affiliate 支部;分会;子公司vt 使附属,vi参加,加入 3 aperitif 饭前酒,开胃酒 aperient 泻药 4 appetizer 开胃菜 5 ASAP =as soon as possible 越快越好 6 baggage claim 行李提领处 7 banner 标语;旗帜 建筑物禁止(ban)贴标语 8 bill of lading 提货单 9 billiards 台球,撞球 Billion和Milliard都是“十亿”的意思 10 boarding pass 登机牌 11 bond 债券 12 brainstorm 脑力激荡,集思广益 13 brochure 小册子 Broke+“袖”,把袖子剪破就可以放小册子 14 buckle up 系安全带 15 buffet 自助餐 16 burglar 窃贼;夜间入屋行窃的小偷 Burgle-“不够”,盗贼永远都不会满足 17 buyout/buy out 买进全部产权或股权;收购全部 18 checkout 结帐退房的时间 check out 办理退房;结帐离开 19 chef 主厨;大厨 注意读音有点像“学府”,现在连厨师都要学历 20 choreography 舞蹈设计;编舞 Chore 家务,芙蓉姐姐表演过个干家务活舞蹈 21 circular 广告;传单;通告 传单到处发太浪费,应该循环利用(circulate) 22 commitment 承诺;许诺 23 concierge 管理员;门房 “看戏碍着”,去看戏忘了带票,被看门的拦着 24 consignee 收件人;受托人 25 contagious 接触传染的 26 contractor 立契约人;承包商 27 convertible 敞篷车,可改变的 28 conveyance 运输;交通工具 Convey 搬运,传达 29 cost-effective 符合成本效益的 30 courier 递送急件的信差;邮物专递公司 Carrier 邮递员 31 crash landing 迫降 32 crave 渴望 “魁梧”,渴望长得很魁梧 33 cross-reference 前后参照;(使)前后参照 34 cruise 乘船游览 35 cuisine 烹调 36 curriculum vitae 履历 Vita 个人简历,vitae的单数形式 37 curtain call 谢幕 38 cutting edge 尖刻;尖锐;先锋地位 尖端的 39 deefault 违约;弃权 40 delicacy 佳肴;微妙 41 depreciation 跌价;贬值 42 dissuade 劝阻 Dissuade sb. from = Persuade sb. not to do 43 down payment 头期款;预付金;定金 44 embezzle 盗用;挪用;侵占(公款等) “硬逼走” 45 endorse 赞同;支持;签名;背书(重点) 46 entice 诱惑;引诱 47 entree 主菜,入场许可 Entrance 入口 48 etiquette 礼节; 49 excruciating 极痛苦的;极度的 Ex + crucia+ting, Exposed to 酷暑,还要“挺” 50 fancy 精心设计的;特技的;花俏的;昂贵的 51 farfetched 牵强的;不大可信的;不自然的 Far to fetch 52 ferry 渡轮 53 floppy(disk) 软盘 Loppy 无力地下垂的 54 forfeit 罚款;丧失 55 forward 送到,转号 56 franchise 经销权;加盟权 火箭队的Francis的外号就叫特权 57 ground crew 地勤人员 58 haggle 讨价还价 别像“黑狗”一样争价 59 hands-on 实地操作的;亲身体验的 60 hilarious 狂欢的;令人捧腹的 目前希拉里(Hillary)的支持率比对手高出20多个百分点,值得她去狂欢了 61 indemnity 保证物,赔偿物;损害保障,损害赔偿 62 intercom 对讲机 =Intercommunication System 63 intrude 闯入;侵入;把„„强加诸于 64 invoice 发票;发货清单;完成工作的清单(明列数量和价钱) 65 itemize 详细列举;分条列举 Item 条目 66 itinerary 行程表;旅程 -傻瓜,傻瓜走路经常闯红灯 67 jaywalk 不遵守交通规则穿越马路;闯红灯 jay 68 jeopardy 风险;危险;危难 Jeopardize 危害 69 jet lag 时差 70 jot down 略记下;匆匆记下 71 know-how 技能;专业知识;窍门 72 laundromat 自助洗衣店 Laundry + automat(自动售货机) 73 lay off (暂时)解雇 74 leading edge 居领先优势的 75 ledger 总帐;分类帐 Ledge 壁架 76 leftovers 剩饭剩菜 77 life vest 救生衣 78 liquor烈酒(如威士忌) Liquid 液体 79 loan shark 放高利贷者 80 malfunction 故障;发生故障,机能失常 Mal- 表示坏的,错误的意思 81 manual 使用手册,指南;手工的 82 miscellaneous 不同种类的;各式各样的;混杂的 Mis+cella+neous à miss+cellar 很想念地窖,因为那里有各种各样的好酒 83 munch 用力嚼;大声咀嚼 联想Mouth, much 84 nosy 好管闲事的;爱打听的 85 novice 生手;新手;初学者 No+vice(恶习,坏脾气)新手一般会隐藏恶习 86 oblivious 遗忘的;遗忘的;不注意的;不在意的 Obvious 明显的 87 outage 电力中断;断电 88 overtime 加班的时间;超时 89 palatable 美味的;顺耳的;怡人的 Palace + table 宫殿的桌子上都是美味佳肴 90 parched 焦干的;极渴的 Parch 烤干 91 peak season 旺季 92 pending 未决定的;待决定的;即将发生 待“判定”的 93 periodical 杂志;期刊 94 portfolio 作品夹,公事包;部长职务 95 postage 邮资 96 premiere 首次公演;首映 Premier 第一的,首要的 97 preservative 防腐剂 98 proofread 校正;校对 99 prospectus 书;说明书;慕股书 Prospect 前景 100 pushcart 手推车 = Cart 101 quote 报价 102 ravenous 饥饿的;贪婪的 Rave 咆哮 103 refreshment 茶点 104 reimburse 偿还;补偿 Re + im + burse(钱包) 105 remuneration 报酬;酬劳 106 repulsive 使人反感的;令人厌恶的 107 rigor 严格;严苛;艰苦 108 rnner-up 第二名;亚军 109 seasoning 调味品;佐料 110 shortcut 近路;捷径 111 shorthand 速记,速记法 112 silverware 银器;镀银餐具 113 snack 快餐,小吃;点心 吃点心 114 solicit 请求;恳求;祈求 “舍利息”,恳求高利贷不算利息(做梦~) 115 spreadsheet 电子制表软件;电子表格 116 stapler 订书机 Staple 订书钉 117 state-of-the-art 使用最先进技术的;达到最高水准的 118 stockbroker 证券和股票经纪人 Broker 经纪人,别以为是“破产者” 119 stopover 中途停留 120 stunt 特技;噱头 Stun 惊吓,使晕倒 121 subsidiary 子公司 122 suite (旅馆的)套房 Suit 一套衣服 123 tardy 迟缓;迟到的;迟延的 拖“沓”的(di) 124 Track record 过去的记录 125 trauma 外伤;心灵的伤 被“错骂”,心灵留下创伤 126 trendy 时髦的;流行的 127 troubleshooting ;解决困难的 128 umpire 裁判;仲裁 Empire 帝国 129 usher 引座员;招待员 好像香港人喊警察的读音 130 vague 含糊不清的;模糊不清的 131 voucher 保证人;凭证;凭单;折价券 132 waive 放弃;弃权 133 workmanship 技巧;手艺 134 write-up 书 write up 详细写 135 xerox 复印,影印 托业(TOEIC)口语800个基本词:名词词汇[1] General Nouns (1-100) 1.account I have an account with the bank. 我在银行开有户头。 He turned/put his knowledge of Spanish to good account. 他善加利用他对西班牙语文的知识。 Don‘t stay away on account of John. 为了约翰,不要离开。 2.act Don‘t take him seriously —— it’s just an act. 不要把他看得太认真 ——— 他只是假装那样而已。 In the act of (=while) picking up the ball, he slipped and fell. 正当其拾球之际,他失足跌倒。 3.addition They‘ve just had an addition to the family. 他们家里刚又增加一口。 4.adjustment They do an adjustment on humance resources to achieve the goal. 为了达到目标,他们调整了人员。 5. advertisement Advertisement helps to sell goods. 广告有助于销路。 6. agreement I’m quite in agreement with what you say. 我十分同意你所说的话。 7. air My plans are still quite in the air. 我的计划还未定案。 Radio Beijing is on the air 24 hours a day. 北京电台全天24小时广播。 8. amount There is still quite an amount of prejudice against him. 人们对他尚有很大的偏见。 He has any amount of money. 他的钱不可数计。 9. amusement He looked at me in amusement. 他很感兴趣地望着我。 There are plenty of amusements here–cinemas, theatres, concerts, football matches, and so on. 这里有许多娱乐 , 电影院、戏院、音乐会、足球比赛等。 10. animal animal desires兽欲 11. answer She gave no answer. 她没有回答。 12. apparatus Your digestive apparatus takes the food you eat and changes it so that it can be used to build up the body. 你的消化器官把你所吃的食物消化、吸收,用以增进身体的健康。 13. approval Your plans have my approval. 你的计划我赞成。 14. argument I have no wish to engage in (an) argument with you. 我不想跟你辩论。 15. art The story is developed with great art. 那故事非常技巧地展开。 16. attack Attack is said to be the best form of defence. 常言道,攻击是最好的防御。 17. attempt Her attempt at a Christmas cake had to be thrown away. 她的圣诞蛋糕做得不好。 18. attention Pay attention to what you‘re doing. 注意你在做的事。 A pretty girl usually receives more attentions than a plain girl. 一个漂亮女孩通常比一个普通女孩得到较多的殷勤。 Attention~ 立正~ 19. attraction He cannot resist the attraction of a pretty girl. 他无法抗拒漂亮女郎的吸引力。 20. authority He is a great authority on phonetics. 他是语音学方面的权威。 21. back He slipped and fell on his back. 他仰天滑到。 22. balance Don‘t get excited; keep your balance. 不要冲动,保持冷静。 23. base A naval base is located at Wei Hai. 威海有个海军基地。 24. behavior Tom won a prize for good behavior at school. 汤姆在学校里得到品行优良奖。 25. belief He has lost his belief in God. 他已不相信上帝。 26. birth That baby weighed seven pounds at birth. 那婴儿生下来七磅重。 27. bit He ate every bit of his dinner. 他把他的晚餐吃得光光。 She’s feeling a bit tired. 她觉得有点疲倦。 He doesn‘t care a bit. 他一点也不在乎。 28. bite His face was covered with insect bites. 他满脸都是蚊虫咬伤。 I haven’t had a bite since morning. 我从早晨到现在一口东西都未吃过。 There’s a bite in the air this morning. 今天早晨有点寒风刺骨。 29. blood He gave his blood to help his sister. 他输血给他的妹妹以救她。 His blood is up. 他发脾气了。 His blood ran cold. 他吓得魂不附体。 30. blow Let’s go for a blow. 让我们到户外吹吹风。 31. body His body was brought back to England for burial. 他的遗体被运回英国埋葬。 She’s a nice old body. 她是一个很好的老人。 32. brass get down to brass tacks 开门见山 33. bread I’m only dong it for the bread. 我纯粹是为了钱才做那件事。 34. breath They are not be mentioned in the same breath. 他们不可同日而语。 There wasn’t a breath of air/wind. 一丝微风都没有。 35. brother He is my brother. 他是我的兄弟。 36. building buidling materials 建筑材料 building site 建筑工地 37. burn He died of the burns he received in the fire. 他死于火灾时所受到的灼伤。 38. burst a burst of applause 一阵喝彩 39. business He is in business of himself. 他自行经商。 That’s no business of yours. 那事与你无关。 I’m sick of the whole business. 我对这事情实在感到厌烦。 40. butter butter will not melt in sb‘s mouth 一本正经的样子 peanut buttter 花生酱 41. canvas He is canvassing for the Conservative candidates. 他正在替保守党候选人奔走拉票。 42. care Take care (that) you don‘t get run over when you cross the street. 当你穿越街道时,小心不要被车子撞到。 I will leave this in your care. 我将此事交由你负责。 He seems free from care. 他显得无忧无虑。 43. cause You have no cause for comlaint. 你没有理由抱怨。 44. chalk The girl like to collect chalks with various colors. 女孩喜欢收集各色粉笔。 45. chance ’s leave it to chance. 我们就让它听其自然。 Let It’s the chance of a lifetime. 这是一生中难得再遇到的机会。 46. change Take a change of clothes with you. 带一套换洗的衣服。 I have no small change. 我没有零钱。 Let’s hope there will be a change in weather. 但愿天气会变好。 47. cloth a floor cloth 擦地板布 a dish cloth 洗碗布 48. coal A hot coal fell from the fire and burnt a hole in the carpet. 火炉中调出来一块煤,把地毯烧了一个洞。 carry coals to Newcastle 多此一举 49. color She has very little color. 她面色苍白。 50. comfort It’s a comfort to know that she is safe. 知道她平安无事令人安慰。 comfort station – (US) public lavatory (美) 公共厕所 51. committee He sat on the committee when he was 45. 他45岁时成为委员会委员。 52. company I shall be glad of your company on the journey. 我将很高兴与你同行。 53. comparison This one costs more but is cheaper by/in comparison. 这件东西价钱贵了点,但是比较起来还是便宜。 54. competition At the Olympic Games our representatives were in competition with the best swimmers from all parts of the world. 在奥运会上,我们的代表会与世界各地的最佳游泳选手角逐。 55. condition The condition of my health prevents me from working. 我的健康情况不容许我工作。 56. connection What is the connection between the two ideas, 这两个想法之间有何关联, He set up in business and soon had a good connection. 他开业经商,很快就有了相当多的顾客。 57. control The children are out of control. 孩子们不听管教。 58. cook He is a good cook. 他是一个好厨师。 59. copper 1) 铜 2) 铜币 3) (俚语)警察 60. copy If you can’t afford a new copy of the book, perhaps you can find a secondhand copy. 如果你买不起新书,你或许可以找到一本旧的。 61. cork to draw/pull out the cork 拔开软木塞 cork-screw 瓶塞钻 62. copy 63. cough He gave me a warning cough. 他以咳嗽警告我。 64. country He decided to return to his country after graduation. 毕业后他决定回国。 He spent the holiday in the country. 他在乡下度假。 65. cover The child read the book from cover to cover. 那孩子将书从头读到尾。 Does your policy provide adequate cover against fire, 你的保险单是否提供适当的火险, cover girl 封面女郎 66. crack Don’t go skating today – there are dangerous cracks in the ice. 今天不要去滑冰,冰上有危险的裂缝。 67. credit No credit is given at this shop. 这家商店概不赊帐。 How much have I standing to my credit, 我的存款尚有多少, The bank refused further credits to the company. 银行拒绝再贷款给该公司。 68. crime It is the business of the police to prevent and detect crime and of the law courts to punish crime. 防止和侦破犯罪是警察的职责 a crime to send the boy out on such a cold, wet night. 在这样寒冷的雨夜把孩子们遣出是不对的。 69. crush There was a violent crush at the gate into the stadium. 在体育场的入口处人群拥挤不堪。 70. cry Let her have her cry out. 让她哭个痛快吧。 71. current A cold current of air came in when the door was opened. 门打开时进来了一股冷风。 Nothing disturbs the peaceful current of her life. 在她平静的生活中,没有任何的骚扰。 72. curve The driver of a car should not take curves at high speed. 汽车驾驶人不应在高速下转弯。 73. damage The insurance company will pay for the damage to my car. 保险公司将赔偿我的汽车所受的损害。 What‘s the damage, (What’s the cost,)(口语)值多少钱, 74. danger He has been very ill, but the doctors say that he is now out of danger. 他的病一直很严重,但医生们说他现已脱离险境。 That man is a danger to society. 那个人对于社会是个危险人物。 75. daughter He has a lovely daughter. 他有一个可爱的女儿。 76. day We travelled day and night without stopping. 我们日夜不停的旅行。 He‘s eighty if he’s a day~ 他至少八十岁了。 She was a beauty in her day. 她年轻时是个美人。 77. death His mother‘s death was a great blow to him. 他母亲的去世对他是一大打击。 78. debt It‘s much easier to get into debt than to get out of debt. 欠债容易偿债难。 79. decision Have they reached/come to/arrived at/taken/made a decision yet, 他们是否已有所决定了, 80. degree He was not in the slightest degree interested. 他丝毫不感兴趣。 81. design The building seats 2000 people, but is poor in design. 这个建筑有二千个座位,但设计很差。 He has designs on that young girl.(口语)他想打那个年轻女郎的注意。 82. desire He has no desire for wealth. 他对于财富无欲望。 I hope you will get all your heart‘s desires. 我希望你能得到你想要的。 83. destruction Gambling was his destruction. 赌博是他毁灭的根源。 84. detail Please give me all the details. 请让我知道所有的细节。 85. development Which is more important, moral development or physical development, 道德培养和体格培养哪一样较重要, We must await further developments. 我们必须等待进一步的发展。 86. digestion He can only eat the food that is easy of digestion. 他只能吃易于消化的食物。 87. direction Tom went off in one direction and Harry in another direction. 汤姆朝着一个方向去,哈里朝另一个方向去。 She feels the need of direction. 她感到需要有人指导她。 88. discovery He made wonderful scientific discoveries. 他完成了惊人的科学发现。 89. discussion The question is still under discussion. 这个问题仍在讨论中。 90. disease The business of doctors is to prevent and cure disease. 医生的职责是预防和治疗疾病。 91. disgust He turned away in disgust. 他厌恶地把脸转开。 92. distance My house is within easy walking distance of the shops. 我家离商店很近,走几步就到了。 93. distribution They could not agree about the distribution of the profits. 他们对于利润的分配意见不一。 94. division A hedge forms the division between his land and mine. 一道树篱形成他的土地和我的土地之间的分界线。 95. doubt I have no doubt of your ability. 我相信你的能力。 96. drink What about a drink, 来杯酒如何, We have plenty of bottled drinks. 我们有很多的瓶装饮料。 97. driving take driving lessons 上驾驶课 driving licence 驾驶执照 driving school 驾驶学校 driving test 驾驶执照考试 98. dust The dust was blowing in the streets. 街上尘土飞扬。 99. earth Who do you think was the greatest man on earth, 你认为谁是世界上最伟大的人, 100. edge ‘t put the glass on the edge of the table; it may get knocked off. 不要把杯子放在桌边上,它可能被碰掉。 Don 托业(TOEIC)口语800个基本词:动词词汇[1] Basic Verbs, Prepositions, Articles, Pronouns, etc. 1. come (verb.) Come here~ 到这里来~ He will never come to much (= will never be successful)。 他将来绝不会很有作为。 How did you come to be so foolish, 你为什么如此愚蠢, On what page does it come, 它在哪一页, 2. get (verb.) We can get 15 channels on TV. 我们可以收看到15个频道的电视节目。 Do you get me, 你明白我的意思吗, Ah~ I’ve got you there~ 啊~这下我可难到你啦。 3. give (verb.) He gave me his cold. 他把感冒传给我。 Sorry to have given you trouble. 对不起,打扰了。 Ladies and gentlemen, I give you our speaker for tonight. 女士们,先生们,让我向诸位介绍今晚的演讲者。 4. go (verb.) Go get a doctor. 去叫医生来~ How goes it with you, 你近来情况如何, There are six minutes to go. 还有六分钟。 5. keep (verb.) Does your watch keep good time, 你的表走得准吗, Sorry to have kept you waiting. 对不起,让你久等了。 Does your school keep all day, 你们学校全天上课吗, 6. let (verb.) Let us pray. 让我们祈祷吧。 The pair of rubber shoes let (in) water. 这双胶鞋漏水。 The flat lets for 1500 yuan a month. 这套公寓每月租金1500元。 7. make (verb.) Make yourself comfortable. 请随意。 What time do you make it, (What do you make the time,) 你看现在几点了, He made to go. 他要走了。 8. put (verb.) I put a question to him. 我向他提出一个问题。 What a way you have of putting things~ 瞧你这人怎么那样说话话~ I put her at about 35. 我估计她大概35岁。 9. seem (verb.) Be what you seem (to be)。 要表里如一。 It seems as if it is going to rain. 看来快下雨了。 I can‘t seem to solve it right now. 看来我无法立刻解决它。 10. take (verb.) Be careful not to take cold. 小心不要着凉。 Do you take me for a fool, 你以为我是傻瓜吗, ’t take it so seriously. 不要把这事看得太严重。 Don 11. be (verb.) Can such things be, 可能有这样的事吗, He is come. 他已经来了。 12. do (verb.) Will you do me a favour, 帮我个忙好吗, They do you very well at that hotel. 那家旅馆服务很周到。 What"s doing over there, 那边在干什么, 13. have (verb.) May I have one, 可以给我一个吗, Let"s have a talk. 咱们谈一谈。 You have me, haven"t you, 你明白我的意思了,对不对, 14. say (verb.) We mean what we say. 我们说的话是算数的。 What do these figures say, 这些数字说明什么, You may well say so. 你完全可以这么说。 15. see (verb.) Watch and see how others do it. 好好看着人家是怎么做的。 See you. 再见~ Wait and see. 等着瞧吧。 16. send (verb.) God send it may not be so~ 但愿不是这样~ Send for the doctor, please. 请叫医生来。 Please send the letter on to Tom. 请将此信交给汤姆。 17. may 18. will 19. about 20. across 21. after 22. against 23. among 24. at 25. before 26. between 27. by 28. down 29. from 30. in 31. off 32. on 33. over 34. through 35. to 36. under 37. up 38. with 39. as 40. for 41. of 42. till 43. than 44. a 45. the 46. all 47. any 48. every 49. no 50. other 51. some 52. such 53. that 54. this 55. i 56. he 57. you 58. who 59. and 60. because 61. but 62. or 63. if 64. though 65. while 66. how 67. when 68. where 69. why 70. again 71. ever 72. far 73. forward 74. here 75. near 76. now 77. out 78. still 79. then 80. there 81. together 82. well 83. almost 84. enough 85. even 86. little 87. much 88. not 89. only 90. quite 91. so 92. very 93. tomorrow 94. yesterday 95. north 96. south 97. east 98. west 99. please 100. yes
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