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92年2月92年2月 In order to solve a burglary that has taken place at the Marshalls' house, Detective Johnson has been instructed to search exactly seven locations— the foyer, the kitchen, the living room, the guest room, the hallway, the music room, and the nursery. The fo...
92年2月 In order to solve a burglary that has taken place at the Marshalls' house, Detective Johnson has been instructed to search exactly seven locations— the foyer, the kitchen, the living room, the guest room, the hallway, the music room, and the nursery. The foyer, kitchen, and living room are located downstairs, whereas the guest room, hallway, music room, and nursery are located upstairs. During the first visit to search for evidence, Detective Johnson has time to search exactly three locations. This search must be conducted according to the following conditions:  The three locations searched must be neither all upstairs nor all downstairs.  If the hallway is searched, then the foyer must also be searched.  If the music room is not searched, then the guest room cannot be searched.  The kitchen and the living room cannot both be searched.  The three locations searched must include the living room or the nursery, or both. Which of the following is a selection of locations that conforms to the conditions for Detective Johnson's first visit? Foyer, guest room, hallway Foyer, hallway, living room Foyer, kitchen, living room Guest room, hallway, kitchen Guest room, music room, nursery ———————————————————————— 答案:(B) During the first visit, if the kitchen is searched, which of the following must also be searched? The foyer The guest room The hallway The music room The nursery ———————————————————————— 答案:(E) During the first visit, if the music room is searched, which of the following is a pair of locations that can both also be searched? The foyer and the hallway The guest room and the kitchen The hallway and the living room The kitchen and the living room The kitchen and the nursery ———————————————————————— 答案:(E) During the first visit, if the guest room is searched, which of the following must also be searched? The foyer The hallway The kitchen The living room The nursery ———————————————————————— 答案:(D) During the first visit, if the kitchen is the only downstairs location searched, which of the following must also be searched? The music room and the nursery The hallway and the nursery The hallway and the music room The guest room and the nursery The guest room and the music room ———————————————————————— 答案:(A) During the first visit, if the living room is not searched, which of the following is a pair of locations that can both be searched? The foyer and the guest room The hallway and the kitchen The foyer and the music room The hallway and the music room The guest room and the kitchen ———————————————————————— 答案:(C) The presence of microorganisms that produce a toxin causes seawater to turn brownish red, a phenomenon known as a red tide. Sea otters do not feed in areas where clams, their main source of food, have become contaminated with this toxin. According to a proposed explanation of the otters' behavior, the otters sample the clams in a potential feeding area and can taste any toxin in them.   Which of the following, if true, would most strongly indicate that the hypothesis described in the last sentence of the passage is not correct? In some of the areas where red tides occur, neither clams nor sea otters are  indigenous species. The presence of sea otters in a given area has a significant effect on which  other marine organisms are to be found in that area. When seawater in an area unaffected by red tide is artificially dyed brownish  red, sea otters do not feed on the clams in that area. If the clams in a given area are contaminated with toxins, sea otters move to  other areas in search of food. Although very small amounts of the toxin produced during a red tide are not  harmful, large doses can be fatal to animals the size of sea otters. ———————————————————————— 答案:(C) 问:下面哪一个,if true,最强烈地指出上文最后一句话所描述的假设是不正确的 读题:产生一种毒质的微生物的存在引起海水变为褐红色,我们称之为红潮的现象。    海濑不吃被毒素污染的clam, clam是它们的主要事物来源。    按照海濑行为的某种解释, 海濑抽样检查clam ,并且能够尝出任何有毒物质   分析:是一个现象:海濑不吃被毒素污染的clam    一个解释:海濑抽样检查clam ,并且能够尝出任何有毒物质 问题是要反对,答案形式一般为:  1、有其他的原因来解释上面这个现象   C. 在没有被红潮污染的海水人为地染成褐红色, 海濑不吃那个区域的clam   (恰恰说明海濑根据颜色来判断,而并不是抽样检查,尝出毒素,反对了原来的解释)   D. 如果某一区域中的clam 被毒素污染了, sea otter移动到其它地方寻求食物   (clam被污染,就不吃,与原文解释观点相同,作为SUPPORT) An acre of average farmland produces only about 400 pounds of grain amaranth, as against 2,400 pounds per acre, or six times as much, for wheat. It follows that whenever the grain-amaranth price is projected to be more than six times the projected price of wheat, farmers wishing to maximize profits will grow grain amaranth rather than wheat.   The argument above is based on which of the following assumptions? An acre's worth of grain amaranth is no more expensive to grow and bring to  market than an acre's worth of wheat. There is no crop that produces a higher yield in terms of pounds harvested  per acre than wheat. By choosing which crops to grow, farmers can exert a significant influence on  the prices of those crops. Farmers are no less motivated by the desire to maximize profits than are  other occupational groups. Prices of grain crops can change faster than farmers can change the acreage  devoted to various grain crops. ———————————————————————— 答案:(A) 问题:上文的论述基于下面哪一个ASSUMPTION? 读题:一亩地平均只生产400磅的ga, 比较起来每亩生产2400磅小麦. 因此,当ga的价格    预测大于小麦价格的六倍时,农民为获取更大的利益将种植ga而不是小麦   分析:上文原因是:ga产量是小麦产量的1/6 结论是: 只有价格ga是小麦6倍的时候,才种植ga而不是小麦 这是GRE中典型的数字推理,必须基于一个假设:没有其他的因素来影响 找具有否定词的选项(A,B,D)   A. 种植和运输到市场, 一亩ga不比一亩小麦贵   (指出没有种植和运输的因素需要考虑)   B. 没有一种作物比小麦有更高的产量 Most road repairs require more time and money than is budgeted, but last summer's nighttime repairs of Highway 93 and similar roads required no more time or money than had been budgeted. Therefore, making summer repairs to major roads at night would save both time and money.   Which of the following, if true, most strongly supports the conclusion drawn above? The smaller number of cars on the roads at night and more comfortable  nighttime temperatures allow road workers to work more quickly. Road repair crews that work at night mark their work sites with bright  hashing lights in addition to the orange cones they use during the daytime. The budget for the repairs to Highway 93 was generous enough to make it  unlikely that it would be exceeded. Road workers who are willing to work at night have an easier time finding  jobs, since most people would rather work in the daytime. Asphalt used in road repair tends to expand in warmer temperatures and  contract in cooler temperatures. ———————————————————————— 答案:(A) Exactly seven children—R, S, T, V, W, X, and Y—are to be divided into two study groups, group 1 and group 2. Group 1 must have three members, and group 2 must have four members. The children are being assigned to groups according to the following conditions:    R cannot be in the same group as T  If S is in group 1, V must be in group 1.  If W is in group 1, T must be in group 2.  X must be in group 2. Which of the following is an acceptable assignment of the children to the two groups? Group 1 Group 2 R, S, Y T, V, W, X R, T, V S, W, X, Y T, V, X R, S, W, Y T, V, Y R, S, W, X T, W, Y R, S, V, X ———————————————————————— 答案:(D) If R is in group 2, which of the following must also be in group 2 ? S T V W Y ———————————————————————— 答案:(D) If W is in group 1, which of the following must also be in group 1 ? R S T V Y ———————————————————————— 答案:(A) If T and Y are both in group 1, which of the following must be true? S is in the same group as V. S is in the same group as W. V is in the same group as R. W is in the same group as T. Y is in the same group as X. ———————————————————————— 答案:(B) If W is in the same group as T, any of the following is a pair of children who could be in a group together EXCEPT R and S S and Y T and Y V and Y W and X ———————————————————————— 答案:(B) If V is in the same group as Y, which of the following must be true? R is in group 1. S is in group 1. T is in group 1. W is in group 2. Y is in group 2. ———————————————————————— 答案:(D) If S is in group 1, which of the following must be true? R is in group 1. T is in group 1. T is in group 2. Y is in group 1. Y is in group 2. ———————————————————————— 答案:(E) A schedule is being prepared for a seminar that will cover exactly seven topics—P, Q, R, S, T, U, and W—one at a time, during a four-day period. Because some topics build upon information presented in other topics, the schedule of topics must comply with the following restrictions:    Each topic must be covered exactly once, and on exactly one day.  No more than three topics are to be covered on any one day.  S must be covered on the second day.  P must be covered on the same day as T.  S must be covered at some time before R is covered and at some time after Q is covered.  R must be covered at some time before P is covered and at some time after U is covered. If exactly one topic is covered on the second day, which of the following topics must be covered on the first day? P Q R S T ———————————————————————— 答案:(B) Which of the following is a pair of days, either one of which could be the day on which Q is covered? The first and the second The first and the third The second and the third The second and the fourth The third and the fourth ———————————————————————— 答案:(A) Which of the following is a pair of topics that can be covered on the first day? P and T R and S S and U U and W W and R ———————————————————————— 答案:(D) If exactly two topics are covered on each of the first three days, which of the following is a pair of topics that must be covered on the third day? P and T Q and R R and U S and W W and T ———————————————————————— 答案:(A) If topics R and T are covered on the fourth day, which of the following is a pair of topics that can be covered on the third day? P and S P and W Q and S Q and U U and W ———————————————————————— 答案:(E) If topic P is covered on the third day, and exactly one topic is covered on the fourth day, which of the following must be the topic covered on the fourth day ? Q S T U W ———————————————————————— 答案:(E) If oven cleaner is added to household bleach, the mixture emits chlorine gas. A mixture of bathtub cleanser and household bleach also emits chlorine gas. If ordinary soap is added to household bleach, no gases are emitted. When an unidentified cleaning agent was added to household bleach, no chlorine gas was emitted.   If the statements above are all true, which of the following can be determined conclusively on the basis of them about the unidentified cleaning agent? It was ordinary soap. It was either oven cleaner or bathtub cleanser. It was neither oven cleaner nor bathtub cleanser. It contained ordinary soap and either oven cleaner or bathtub cleanser. It contained ordinary soap and neither oven cleaner nor bathtub cleanser. ———————————————————————— 答案:(C) Which of the following, if true, provides the most logical completion of the passage below?   Cars fueled by methanol have a much lower level of emissions of pollutants such as carbon monoxide and environmentally harmful hydrocarbons than gasoline-fueled cars do. Methanol fuel does produce somewhat higher formaldehyde emissions than gasoline does. Nevertheless, a methanol-powered car actually produces less atmospheric formaldehyde pollution than a comparable gasoline-powered car, because compared to carbon monoxide and some hydrocarbons produced by  gasoline-powered cars, formaldehyde pollution is not a serious threat to the  environment the technical difficulties involved in mass-producing methanol-powered cars  will prevent them from seriously competing with gasoline-powered cars for  several years gasoline-powered cars are required by United States law to be equipped with  catalytic converters that reduce emissions of many pollutants measuring a car's emissions is generally an accurate method of assessing  that car's contribution to atmospheric pollution most formaldehyde pollution generated by gasoline-powered cars results from  the photo-chemical conversion of hydrocarbon emissions into formaldehyde in the  atmosphere ———————————————————————— 答案:(E) 问题:下面哪一个,if true,最好地完成下文? 读题:以甲醇为燃料的小汽车所排放的一氧化碳和有害于环境的炭氢化合物这些污染物的    量比烧汽油的小汽车要少。甲醇燃料比汽油燃料确实产生更多的甲醛污染物。    但是,一个以甲醇为燃料的汽车实际产生的甲醛污染物的量比可比的以汽油为燃料的    汽车产生的少,因为———   分析:这是一种完成文章的题目,它和解释现象的题目非常相似,所加入的话,类似于对    现象做了一种解释。但是,必须要注意的是:解释现象只要从意思上通顺就可以,    而完成文章还需要在逻辑上满足前面段落。满足最后一句话意思的答案往往逻辑上    与第一句话相关。   文中描述的是,尽管甲醇燃料比汽油燃料产生更多的甲醛污染物,但是以前者为燃料的汽 车比以后者为燃料的汽车产生更多的甲醛污染物, 当然要找这样的选项,使前者污染物 减少,或使后者污染物增多。而且要与第一句话相关 要达到这样的效果,答案之中一定要带有甲醛污染物(formaldehyde),a,e涉及   A. 比起以汽油为燃料的汽车产生的一氧化碳和炭氢化合物,甲醛污染对于环境不是一个严   重的威胁   C.以汽油为燃料的汽车被美国法律要求装备接触反映的转换器,用来减少许多污染物的释放   D.以汽油为燃料的汽车产生的许多甲醛污染来自于光化学反应把炭氢化合物转换为甲醛  (涉及到甲醛污染物的增加,并且与第一句话相关) Until recently experts believed that environment, not genetics, largely determines human personality. A new study, however, has shown that there is more similarity in personality between identical twins raised together than between nonidentical twins raised together. The study concluded that genetics, therefore, does play an important role in determining personality.   Which of the following, if found to be true, would cast the most doubt on the study's conclusion? Identical twins raised separately in different adoptive families are usually  more in personality than are nonidentical twins raised separately in different  adoptive families. No matter how twins behave, parents treat identical twins in ways that tend  to elicit similar personality train but do not treat nonidentical twins in such  ways. Parents of both identical and nonidentical twins have long claimed that their  children, from early infanthood, had definite and well-established personality  traits. Birth parents and their identical twin children tend to become more similar  to each other in personality over time, but adoptive parents and their  identical twin children do not. Neither identical nor nonidentical twins are likely to display drastic  changes in their individual personalities as they grow up. ———————————————————————— 答案:(B) 问题:下面哪一个,if true,最反对上面的研究结论 读题:直到最近专家相信环境而不是基因主要决定人的个性。 然而, 一个新的研究指出,    在一起抚养的同卵双生子比在一起抚养的非同卵双生子之间个性更相似。     因此,研究得到:基因在决定性格方面起了重要的作用。   分析:倒数第三行the study concluded引导的就是结论    一个研究: 同卵双生子相似程度比非同卵双生子的相似程度要大    一个结论: 就是由于基因决定了个性 原文是从一个研究得到一个结论, 反对答案形式一般为:有其他的原因来解释相似程度的差别   A.分开在不同家庭抚养的同卵双生子通常比在不同家庭抚养的非同卵双生子性格更相似 (大家都分开抚养,但是同卵双生子比非同卵双生子性格更相似,可作为支持)   B.不管同卵双生子是怎样的行为,父母对待同卵双生子的方式倾向于导致他们相同的个性 但是对非同卵双生子不是这样 (恰恰说明是他们的父母导致的,反对了是基因导致的)   (请注意C和E) C.同卵双生子和非同卵双生子的父母都一直宣称...... (我们应该指出他们之间的不同点,但是both涉及的相同点,故不对)   E.同卵双生子和非同卵双生子都不可能 (其错误形式和C相同,neither...nor...) By idiosyncratically refusing to dismiss an insubordinate member of his staff, the manager not only ------- established policy, but he also ------- his heretofore good chances for promotion. instituted.. bettered recognized.. protected contravened.. jeopardized reiterated.. computed delimited.. restricted ———————————————————————— 答案:(C) idiosyncratic: a.个人气质的,体现个人习性或癖好的 dismiss: v.解雇,免...的职,开除 insubordinate: a.不服从的,违抗的 staff: n.全体职员,全体雇员,全体教员 heretofore: adv.迄今为止   institute: v.建立,设立,开创 better: v.1.改善,提高 2.胜过.超过 contravene: v.1.与...相抵触,违犯 2.反驳,否认 jeopardize: v.危及,损害 reiterate: v.反复做,反复重早,重述 compute: v.计算,推断 delimit: v.确定...的界线,限定   由于擅自拒绝解雇其员工中一名不服管制的成员,因此,该经理不仅仅违犯了既定的政 策,而且也危及到他那迄今为止前景看好的晋升机会. Congress is having great difficulty developing a consensus on energy policy, primarily because the policy objectives of various members of Congress rest on such ------- assumptions. commonplace trivial explicit divergent fundamental ———————————————————————— 答案:(D) consensus: n.1.合意的 2.(意见的)一致 objective: n.1.目的,目标,宗旨 2.可见的实物 rest on: v.建立在...的基础上 commonplace: a.1.无创见的,无淡无味的,平凡的,普遍的 trivial: a.琐碎的,不重要的,无价值的 explicit: a.详述的,明晰的,坦率的,显然可见的 divergent: a.1.分叉,叉开的 2.有分歧的,不同的 3.偏离的   议会就能源政策正面临巨大的困难,难以达成一致意见,这主要是因为不同议员的政策 目标是基于如此大相径庭的假设. The widespread public shock at the news of the guilty verdict was caused partly by ------- news stories that had ------- acquittal sensational. .condemned buried.. urged impartial.. mentioned biased.. predicted local.. denounced ———————————————————————— 答案:(D) guilty: a.1.有罪的,证明(或判决)有罪的(of) 2.有过失的(of) 3.内疚的 verdict: n.1.(陪审团的)裁定 2.定论 acquittal: n.宣告无罪,无罪开释   sensational: a.轰动性的,耸人听闻的 impartial: a.不偏不倚的,公正的,无偏见 biased: a.偏袒一方的,有偏见的 denounce: v.1.谴责,指责,痛斥 2.告发,控告 3.通知废止   公众对有罪的裁决这一消息普遍感到惊愕,这在部分程度上乃失之偏颇的新闻故事预测 了无罪开释所致. The idealized paintings of nature produced in the eighteenth century are evidence that the medieval ------- natural settings had been ----- and that the outdoors now could be enjoyed without trepidation. fear of.. exorcised concerns about.. regained affection for.. surmounted disinterest in.. alleviated enthusiasm for.. confronted ———————————————————————— 答案:(A) idealized: a.被理想化的 medieval: a.1.中世纪的,中古时代的 2.老式的,守旧的 trepidation: n.惊恐,悸惧 exorcise: v.1.驱除,祓除(邪魔),给...洗罪 2.消除,除去 affection: n.爱慕,恋情,倾慕   surmount: v.克服,越过,登上 disinterest: n.超然公正,客观无偏 alleviate: v.使易于忍受,减轻,缓解 confront: v.1.面临,遭遇 2.正视,对抗   十八世纪创作的有关自然界的理想化的绘画作品作为实际证据证明,中世纪人们对自然 环境的恐惧心理已被消除,人们在户外可尽情玩乐,不必心存怕恐. Some paleontologists debate whether the diversity of species has ------- since the Cambrian period, or whether imperfections in the fossil record only suggest greater diversity today, while in actuality there has been either -------- or decreased diversity. changed.. escalation increased.. stasis expanded.. discontinuity declined.. reduction improved.. deviation ———————————————————————— 答案:(B) paleontologist: n.古生物学家 the Cambrian period: n.寒武纪(古生代的第一个纪) diversity of species: n.[生物]物种多样性 imperfection in the fossil record: n.化石记录的不完整性 decreased: a.下降的,减少的,缩减的 escalation: n.逐步上升(增强,扩大),逐步升级 stasis: n.静态平衡,停滞,静止 deviatin: n.偏离,偏差,违背常规   某些古生物学家争论不休,物种多样性是自寒武纪以来得以增加,或者,化石记录方面的 不完美是否仅仅表明,当今的物种多样性为数更甚,尽管在事实上,物种多样性所呈现的是停 滞不变或减缩的态势. Manipulating laboratory tissue cultures with hormones is one thing; using hormones to treat human beings, however, is contingent on whether hormones that ----- in the laboratory can affect ------- organisms, and in predictable ways. develop.. similar succeed.. simple fail.. cellular work.. whole reproduce.. unknown ———————————————————————— 答案:(D) manipulate: v.熟练地利用,操作,驾驭,操纵,处理 tissue culture: n.(生物)组织培养 hormone: n.激素,荷尔蒙 be contingent on: v.依...条件而定,取决于 work: v.起作用,有效 cellular: a.细胞的   用荷尔蒙来处理实验室的组织培养是一回事,但是,用这些荷尔蒙来治疗人类则取决于, 在实验室内行之有效的那些荷尔蒙能否作用于全部的生物体,且能否按照可以预测的方式进 行. The astronomer and feminist Maria Mitchell's own prodigious activity and the vigor of the Association for the Advancement of Women during the 1870's ------ any assertion that feminism was ------ in that period. exclude.. thriving contradict.. prospering pervade.. remote buttress.. dormant belie.. quiescent ———————————————————————— 答案:(E) astronomer: n.天文学家 feminist: n.妇女解放论者,女权主义者 prodigious: a.1.庞大的,巨大的 2.异常的,惊人的 vigor: n.1.精力,活力 2.强大的力量,气势,威力 assertion: n.断言,主张   thriving: a.兴旺的,繁荣的,昌盛的,蓬勃发展的 prospering: a.昌盛的,繁荣的 buttress: v.支持,支撑 dormant: a.斩停活动的,中止的,暂搁不用的 belie: v.证明...为虚假,与...抵触,违背 quiescent: a.静止的,不活动的,静态的,休眠的   天文学家和女权主义者玛丽亚.米切尔自身大量丰富的活动,以及"争取妇女进步协会" 在十九世纪七十年代的强劲势头均证明,所谓女权主义在那段时期沉寂无闻的说法乃无稽之 谈. ABSORB: SPONGE:: spin: wool stain,: detergent pump: gasoline seal: caulk sharpen: pencil ———————————————————————— 答案:(D) 吸收:海绵   纺织(旋转):羊毛(羊毛织物) 弄脏(玷污,染):洗涤剂 泵:汽油 堵缝:填塞物(堵缝以防漏) 削笔:铅笔 DALLY : TIME:: trespass : land squander: money shirk: task achieve: victory harbor: safety ———————————————————————— 答案:(B) 闲荡,嘻戏:时间   闯入私人领地(侵犯):土地 挥霍:钱 躲避:任务 取得:胜利 庇护:安全 KNIT: YARN:: darn: sock plait: hair crochet: hook braid: knot weave: loom ———————————————————————— 答案:(B) 织:纱线   缝补:短袜(殴打) 编辫:头发 钩织:钩针 编织,编辫:结(难题) 编织:织布机(隐约出现) DECIBEL: LOUDNESS:: circumference :circle spectrum: color light-year: distance meter: mile clock: duration ———————————————————————— 答案:(C) 分贝:音量   圆周:圆 光谱:光 光年:距离 米(仪表):英里 时钟:持续时间 EMBEZZLE: FUNDS:: wield : influence exploit: victim usurp: power overcome: combatant impede: obstacle ———————————————————————— 答案:(C) 贪污:钱(基金)   支配:影响 剥削(利用,辉煌成绩):受害者 篡位:权力 克服:战士 阻碍:障碍 NEOPHYTE: EXPERIENCE:: diplomat: negotiation misanthrope: cynicism umpire: reconciliation guru: respect boor: sensitivity ———————————————————————— 答案:(E) 新手:经验   外交官:谈判 厌世者:玩世不恭,犬儒主义 裁判:和解 宗师:尊敬 粗鄙之人:敏感 REFINE: PURIFICATION:: deflect: conformity attenuate : rarefaction regenerate : sustenance standardize: disconfirmation dilate: contraction ———————————————————————— 答案:(B) 提炼(使文雅):提纯   使偏斜(折射):一致,遵从 变薄,变弱:稀薄化 改过自新:食物,生计 化:未证实 膨胀,扩大:收缩 MELODRAMA: SUBTLETY:: chimera : authenticity parody: wit war: strategy brief: abstract hypothesis : theory ———————————————————————— 答案:(A) 情节剧:微妙   神化怪物,梦幻:真实性 嘲弄文章(拙劣的模仿):机智 战争:战略 简报:摘要(抽象的) 假设:理论 UNTENABLE: DEFENDED:: satiated : satisfied heretical: considered fragile : touched inevitable: avoided suspicious: doubted ———————————————————————— 答案:(D) 防守不住的(站不住脚的):被捍卫的(被辩解的)   饱足的:满足的 异端学说的:被考虑的 易碎的(脆弱的):被触摸的(感动的) 不可避免的:被避免的 可疑的:被怀疑的    The more that is discovered about the   intricate organization of the nervous   system, the more it seems remarkable   that genes can successfully specify the (5) development of that system. Human   genes contain too little information even   to specify which hemisphere of the brain   each of a human's 10'' neurons should   occupy, let alone the hundreds of (10) connections that each neuron makes.For   such reasons, we can assume that there   must be an important random factor in   neural development, and in particular,   that errors must and do occur in the (15) development of all normal brains.    The most vivid expression of such   errors occurs in genetically identical   (isogenic) organisms. Even when reared   under the same conditions, isogenic (20) organisms are rarely exact copies of one   another, and their differences have   revealed much about the random   variations that result from an   organism's limited supply of genetic (25) information. In isogenic Daphniae, for   example, even though the position, size,   and branching pattern of each optic   neuron are remarkably constant, there is   some variability in connectivity, and (30) the number of synapses varies greatly.   This variability is probably the result   of random scatter beyond the resolution   of genetic control and is best termed   "imprecision," since its converse, the (35) degree of clustering about a mean, is   conventionally, called "precision."    Imprecision should be distinguished   from developmental mistakes: wrongly   migrated neurons, incorrect connections, (40) and the like. To use a computer   analogy, minor, rounding-off errors   occur universally and are analogous to   imprecision, but occasionally a binary   digit is incorrectly transmitted, (45) perhaps ruining a calculation, and this   incorrect transmission is analogous to a   developmental mistake. Thus,   imprecision is a form of inaccuracy   inherent within the limits of design, (50) but mistakes are forms of gross   fallibility.    Both impression and gross fallibility   can plausibly be blamed on the   insufficiency of genetic information, (55) since either could be reduced by adding   more information. It is universally   accepted among information theorists   that codes and languages can be made   mistake-resistant by incorporating (60) redundancy. However, since the amount   of space available in any information   system is limited, increased redundancy   results in decreased precision. For   example, π when written incorrectly in (65) English, "three point oen four two, "   can be understood correctly even though   a typographical error has occurred. More   precision could be gained, however,   if those 24 spaces were filled with (70) Arabic numerals; then π could be   expressed to 23 significant digits,   although any error would significantly   change the meaning. There exists a   trade-off, the more precisely a system (75) is specified, using a given limited   amount of information, the greater the   danger of gross mistakes. The overall   scheme by which genetic information is   rationed out in organisms, therefore, (80) must involve a compromise between two   conflicting priorties: precision and the   avoidance of gross mistakes. Which of the following best expresses the main idea of the passage? Although studies of isogenic organi- sms have shown that all organisms are subject to developmental variations, there is still scientific debate over the exact causes of these variations. Because of limitations on the amount of information contained in the genes of organisms,developing nervous systems are subject to two basic kinds of error, the likelihood of one of which is reduced only when the likelihood of the other is increased. The complexity of an organism's genetic information means that much of the unusual variation that occurs among or can best be explained as the result of developmental mistakes. New findings about the nature of the genetic control of neural development support the work of some scientists who argue that the computer is an extremely useful model for understanding the nervous system. The major discovery made by scientists studying the genetic control of neural development is that both imprecision and gross developmental error can be traced to specific types of mutations in specific genes. ———————————————————————— 答案:(B)   人类对于神经系统错综复杂的组织所获得的理解越是丰富,基因得以成功地具 体规定这一系统的发展,就愈发显得令人瞩目,不可思议。人类因基所包含的信息 是如此之少,以致于就连去具体规定人类1011的神经细胞中任意一个细胞应占据大 脑的哪个半脑都无法做到,更不用提每个神经细胞所会形成的数百种连接。由于这 些原因,我们可以假设,在神经发展过程中必然会存在着某种重要的随机因素,尤 其是,在所有正常大脑的发展过程中,误差必定会发生,并确实在发生。     这类误差最生动的表现在基因相同(isogenic,同基因)的生物体身上。即使 在同等条件下被培育出来,同基因生物体相互间很少能构成绝然的复制品,而它们 之间的差异可揭示出相当多的内容,以说明生物体由于有限的基因信息供应量而导 致的随机差异。例如,在同基因的水蚤(Daphniae)身上,虽然每个视觉神经细胞 的位置、尺寸及分支结构(branching pattern)极为稳定,但在连接性方面却存 在着一定的变异,而突触的数量则变异巨大。这种变异性有可能是视觉神经细胞随 机散布超过了基因控制的分辨力所致的结果,故而它可被最为恰当地称为“不精 确”,因为它的对立面,即神经细胞围绕着一个中项的群集程度,被约定俗成地称 为“精确”。     不精确应与发展错误区别开来。所谓发展错误,是指那些错误移位的神经细胞, 不正确的连接,及诸如此类的情形。不妨用电脑作一类比:次要的舍入误差普遍发 生,这类误差类似于不精确,但偶尔地,一个二进制数字被不正确传输出去,或许 将一次运算全部毁掉,则这种不正确的传输便类似于发展错误。因此,不精确是某 一限制范围内固有的一种不正确形式,但发展错误则是严重差错的形式。     无论是不精确还是严重差错,均可不无道理地归咎于基因信息的不充分,既然 此两种情形中的任何一种情形都可通过增加更多的信息来予以减少。在信息理论家 之间,一个普遍公认的原理是,密码的语言可以通过包含多余信息(redundancy) 而被处理成绝无差错。然而,既然任何信息系统内所能利用的空间量是有限的,多 余信息的增加反而会造成精确性的降低。例如,当π这一符号被不正确地用英语表 述为“three point oen four two”时,即使一个排印误差已经发生,但这组数字 仍能被人正确理解。然而,如果这24个空间位置被填入阿拉伯数学的话,即可获 取一种更高的精确度;这样一来,π则可被表述为23个有意义的数字,虽然任何 误差又将极大的改变其内涵。这即意味着某种折衷平衡;一个系统越是精确地被具 体规定,因为消耗了一特定份额中有限的信息量,发生严重差错的危险性则愈高。 因此,在生物体身上,基因信息藉以平均分配的整体方案必定涉及到两种互为对立 的优先原则之间的妥协:精确性以及严重差错的避免。 According to the passage, one of the reasons it has been assumed that there is an important random element in human neural development is that genes cannot specify certain types of developmental processes as wen as they can others the intricacy of the nervous system allows small developmental errors to occur without harmful effects. the amount of information contained in the genes is less than the amount necessary to specify the location of the neurons the number of neurons in the human brain varies greatly from individual to individual it is theoretically impossible for an organism to protect itself completely from gross developmental mistakes ———————————————————————— 答案:(C)   人类对于神经系统错综复杂的组织所获得的理解越是丰富,基因得以成功地具 体规定这一系统的发展,就愈发显得令人瞩目,不可思议。人类因基所包含的信息 是如此之少,以致于就连去具体规定人类1011的神经细胞中任意一个细胞应占据大 脑的哪个半脑都无法做到,更不用提每个神经细胞所会形成的数百种连接。由于这 些原因,我们可以假设,在神经发展过程中必然会存在着某种重要的随机因素,尤 其是,在所有正常大脑的发展过程中,误差必定会发生,并确实在发生。     这类误差最生动的表现在基因相同(isogenic,同基因)的生物体身上。即使 在同等条件下被培育出来,同基因生物体相互间很少能构成绝然的复制品,而它们 之间的差异可揭示出相当多的内容,以说明生物体由于有限的基因信息供应量而导 致的随机差异。例如,在同基因的水蚤(Daphniae)身上,虽然每个视觉神经细胞 的位置、尺寸及分支结构(branching pattern)极为稳定,但在连接性方面却存 在着一定的变异,而突触的数量则变异巨大。这种变异性有可能是视觉神经细胞随 机散布超过了基因控制的分辨力所致的结果,故而它可被最为恰当地称为“不精 确”,因为它的对立面,即神经细胞围绕着一个中项的群集程度,被约定俗成地称 为“精确”。     不精确应与发展错误区别开来。所谓发展错误,是指那些错误移位的神经细胞, 不正确的连接,及诸如此类的情形。不妨用电脑作一类比:次要的舍入误差普遍发 生,这类误差类似于不精确,但偶尔地,一个二进制数字被不正确传输出去,或许 将一次运算全部毁掉,则这种不正确的传输便类似于发展错误。因此,不精确是某 一方案限制范围内固有的一种不正确形式,但发展错误则是严重差错的形式。     无论是不精确还是严重差错,均可不无道理地归咎于基因信息的不充分,既然 此两种情形中的任何一种情形都可通过增加更多的信息来予以减少。在信息理论家 之间,一个普遍公认的原理是,密码的语言可以通过包含多余信息(redundancy) 而被处理成绝无差错。然而,既然任何信息系统内所能利用的空间量是有限的,多 余信息的增加反而会造成精确性的降低。例如,当π这一符号被不正确地用英语表 述为“three point oen four two”时,即使一个排印误差已经发生,但这组数字 仍能被人正确理解。然而,如果这24个空间位置被填入阿拉伯数学的话,即可获 取一种更高的精确度;这样一来,π则可被表述为23个有意义的数字,虽然任何 误差又将极大的改变其内涵。这即意味着某种折衷平衡;一个系统越是精确地被具 体规定,因为消耗了一特定份额中有限的信息量,发生严重差错的危险性则愈高。 因此,在生物体身上,基因信息藉以平均分配的整体方案必定涉及到两种互为对立 的优先原则之间的妥协:精确性以及严重差错的避免。 The author suggests which of the following about the findings of information theorists? Their findings provocatively challenge the standard explanation of redundancy in genes. Their findings provide useful insights into understanding the rationing of genetic information. Their findings help to explain why imprecision can occur in neural development but not why gross mistakes can occur. Their findings suggest that genes may be able to specify neural development more accurately than had previously been thought. Their findings support the work of those who use computer operations as models for understanding genetic control. ———————————————————————— 答案:(B)   人类对于神经系统错综复杂的组织所获得的理解越是丰富,基因得以成功地具 体规定这一系统的发展,就愈发显得令人瞩目,不可思议。人类因基所包含的信息 是如此之少,以致于就连去具体规定人类1011的神经细胞中任意一个细胞应占据大 脑的哪个半脑都无法做到,更不用提每个神经细胞所会形成的数百种连接。由于这 些原因,我们可以假设,在神经发展过程中必然会存在着某种重要的随机因素,尤 其是,在所有正常大脑的发展过程中,误差必定会发生,并确实在发生。     这类误差最生动的表现在基因相同(isogenic,同基因)的生物体身上。即使 在同等条件下被培育出来,同基因生物体相互间很少能构成绝然的复制品,而它们 之间的差异可揭示出相当多的内容,以说明生物体由于有限的基因信息供应量而导 致的随机差异。例如,在同基因的水蚤(Daphniae)身上,虽然每个视觉神经细胞 的位置、尺寸及分支结构(branching pattern)极为稳定,但在连接性方面却存 在着一定的变异,而突触的数量则变异巨大。这种变异性有可能是视觉神经细胞随 机散布超过了基因控制的分辨力所致的结果,故而它可被最为恰当地称为“不精 确”,因为它的对立面,即神经细胞围绕着一个中项的群集程度,被约定俗成地称 为“精确”。     不精确应与发展错误区别开来。所谓发展错误,是指那些错误移位的神经细胞, 不正确的连接,及诸如此类的情形。不妨用电脑作一类比:次要的舍入误差普遍发 生,这类误差类似于不精确,但偶尔地,一个二进制数字被不正确传输出去,或许 将一次运算全部毁掉,则这种不正确的传输便类似于发展错误。因此,不精确是某 一方案限制范围内固有的一种不正确形式,但发展错误则是严重差错的形式。     无论是不精确还是严重差错,均可不无道理地归咎于基因信息的不充分,既然 此两种情形中的任何一种情形都可通过增加更多的信息来予以减少。在信息理论家 之间,一个普遍公认的原理是,密码的语言可以通过包含多余信息(redundancy) 而被处理成绝无差错。然而,既然任何信息系统内所能利用的空间量是有限的,多 余信息的增加反而会造成精确性的降低。例如,当π这一符号被不正确地用英语表 述为“three point oen four two”时,即使一个排印误差已经发生,但这组数字 仍能被人正确理解。然而,如果这24个空间位置被填入阿拉伯数学的话,即可获 取一种更高的精确度;这样一来,π则可被表述为23个有意义的数字,虽然任何 误差又将极大的改变其内涵。这即意味着某种折衷平衡;一个系统越是精确地被具 体规定,因为消耗了一特定份额中有限的信息量,发生严重差错的危险性则愈高。 因此,在生物体身上,基因信息藉以平均分配的整体方案必定涉及到两种互为对立 的优先原则之间的妥协:精确性以及严重差错的避免。 According to the passage, of the following aspects of the optic neurons of isogenic Daphniae, which varies the most? Size Connectivity Position Branching pattern Number of synapses ———————————————————————— 答案:(E)   人类对于神经系统错综复杂的组织所获得的理解越是丰富,基因得以成功地具 体规定这一系统的发展,就愈发显得令人瞩目,不可思议。人类因基所包含的信息 是如此之少,以致于就连去具体规定人类1011的神经细胞中任意一个细胞应占据大 脑的哪个半脑都无法做到,更不用提每个神经细胞所会形成的数百种连接。由于这 些原因,我们可以假设,在神经发展过程中必然会存在着某种重要的随机因素,尤 其是,在所有正常大脑的发展过程中,误差必定会发生,并确实在发生。     这类误差最生动的表现在基因相同(isogenic,同基因)的生物体身上。即使 在同等条件下被培育出来,同基因生物体相互间很少能构成绝然的复制品,而它们 之间的差异可揭示出相当多的内容,以说明生物体由于有限的基因信息供应量而导 致的随机差异。例如,在同基因的水蚤(Daphniae)身上,虽然每个视觉神经细胞 的位置、尺寸及分支结构(branching pattern)极为稳定,但在连接性方面却存 在着一定的变异,而突触的数量则变异巨大。这种变异性有可能是视觉神经细胞随 机散布超过了基因控制的分辨力所致的结果,故而它可被最为恰当地称为“不精 确”,因为它的对立面,即神经细胞围绕着一个中项的群集程度,被约定俗成地称 为“精确”。     不精确应与发展错误区别开来。所谓发展错误,是指那些错误移位的神经细胞, 不正确的连接,及诸如此类的情形。不妨用电脑作一类比:次要的舍入误差普遍发 生,这类误差类似于不精确,但偶尔地,一个二进制数字被不正确传输出去,或许 将一次运算全部毁掉,则这种不正确的传输便类似于发展错误。因此,不精确是某 一方案限制范围内固有的一种不正确形式,但发展错误则是严重差错的形式。     无论是不精确还是严重差错,均可不无道理地归咎于基因信息的不充分,既然 此两种情形中的任何一种情形都可通过增加更多的信息来予以减少。在信息理论家 之间,一个普遍公认的原理是,密码的语言可以通过包含多余信息(redundancy) 而被处理成绝无差错。然而,既然任何信息系统内所能利用的空间量是有限的,多 余信息的增加反而会造成精确性的降低。例如,当π这一符号被不正确地用英语表 述为“three point oen four two”时,即使一个排印误差已经发生,但这组数字 仍能被人正确理解。然而,如果这24个空间位置被填入阿拉伯数学的话,即可获 取一种更高的精确度;这样一来,π则可被表述为23个有意义的数字,虽然任何 误差又将极大的改变其内涵。这即意味着某种折衷平衡;一个系统越是精确地被具 体规定,因为消耗了一特定份额中有限的信息量,发生严重差错的危险性则愈高。 因此,在生物体身上,基因信息藉以平均分配的整体方案必定涉及到两种互为对立 的优先原则之间的妥协:精确性以及严重差错的避免。 Which of the following best describes the organization of the first paragraph? A specific case is presented, its details are analyzed, and a conclusion is drawn from it. A discovery is announced, its most significant application is discussed, and possibilities for the future are suggested. A generalization is made, specific situations in which it is applicable are noted, and problems with it are suggested. An observation is made,specifics are provided to support it, and a generalization is derived. A hypothesis is presented, its implications are clarified, and applications of it are discussed. ———————————————————————— 答案:(D)   人类对于神经系统错综复杂的组织所获得的理解越是丰富,基因得以成功地具 体规定这一系统的发展,就愈发显得令人瞩目,不可思议。人类因基所包含的信息 是如此之少,以致于就连去具体规定人类1011的神经细胞中任意一个细胞应占据大 脑的哪个半脑都无法做到,更不用提每个神经细胞所会形成的数百种连接。由于这 些原因,我们可以假设,在神经发展过程中必然会存在着某种重要的随机因素,尤 其是,在所有正常大脑的发展过程中,误差必定会发生,并确实在发生。     这类误差最生动的表现在基因相同(isogenic,同基因)的生物体身上。即使 在同等条件下被培育出来,同基因生物体相互间很少能构成绝然的复制品,而它们 之间的差异可揭示出相当多的内容,以说明生物体由于有限的基因信息供应量而导 致的随机差异。例如,在同基因的水蚤(Daphniae)身上,虽然每个视觉神经细胞 的位置、尺寸及分支结构(branching pattern)极为稳定,但在连接性方面却存 在着一定的变异,而突触的数量则变异巨大。这种变异性有可能是视觉神经细胞随 机散布超过了基因控制的分辨力所致的结果,故而它可被最为恰当地称为“不精 确”,因为它的对立面,即神经细胞围绕着一个中项的群集程度,被约定俗成地称 为“精确”。     不精确应与发展错误区别开来。所谓发展错误,是指那些错误移位的神经细胞, 不正确的连接,及诸如此类的情形。不妨用电脑作一类比:次要的舍入误差普遍发 生,这类误差类似于不精确,但偶尔地,一个二进制数字被不正确传输出去,或许 将一次运算全部毁掉,则这种不正确的传输便类似于发展错误。因此,不精确是某 一方案限制范围内固有的一种不正确形式,但发展错误则是严重差错的形式。     无论是不精确还是严重差错,均可不无道理地归咎于基因信息的不充分,既然 此两种情形中的任何一种情形都可通过增加更多的信息来予以减少。在信息理论家 之间,一个普遍公认的原理是,密码的语言可以通过包含多余信息(redundancy) 而被处理成绝无差错。然而,既然任何信息系统内所能利用的空间量是有限的,多 余信息的增加反而会造成精确性的降低。例如,当π这一符号被不正确地用英语表 述为“three point oen four two”时,即使一个排印误差已经发生,但这组数字 仍能被人正确理解。然而,如果这24个空间位置被填入阿拉伯数学的话,即可获 取一种更高的精确度;这样一来,π则可被表述为23个有意义的数字,虽然任何 误差又将极大的改变其内涵。这即意味着某种折衷平衡;一个系统越是精确地被具 体规定,因为消耗了一特定份额中有限的信息量,发生严重差错的危险性则愈高。 因此,在生物体身上,基因信息藉以平均分配的整体方案必定涉及到两种互为对立 的优先原则之间的妥协:精确性以及严重差错的避免。 The author uses all of the following to clarify the distinction between imprecision and gross mistake in neural development EXCEPT classification of borderline phenomena a description of the relationship between the phenomena denoted by each term specific examples of the phenomena denoted by each term an explanation of at least one of the key terms involved analogies to other types of phenomena ———————————————————————— 答案:(A)   人类对于神经系统错综复杂的组织所获得的理解越是丰富,基因得以成功地具 体规定这一系统的发展,就愈发显得令人瞩目,不可思议。人类因基所包含的信息 是如此之少,以致于就连去具体规定人类1011的神经细胞中任意一个细胞应占据大 脑的哪个半脑都无法做到,更不用提每个神经细胞所会形成的数百种连接。由于这 些原因,我们可以假设,在神经发展过程中必然会存在着某种重要的随机因素,尤 其是,在所有正常大脑的发展过程中,误差必定会发生,并确实在发生。     这类误差最生动的表现在基因相同(isogenic,同基因)的生物体身上。即使 在同等条件下被培育出来,同基因生物体相互间很少能构成绝然的复制品,而它们 之间的差异可揭示出相当多的内容,以说明生物体由于有限的基因信息供应量而导 致的随机差异。例如,在同基因的水蚤(Daphniae)身上,虽然每个视觉神经细胞 的位置、尺寸及分支结构(branching pattern)极为稳定,但在连接性方面却存 在着一定的变异,而突触的数量则变异巨大。这种变异性有可能是视觉神经细胞随 机散布超过了基因控制的分辨力所致的结果,故而它可被最为恰当地称为“不精 确”,因为它的对立面,即神经细胞围绕着一个中项的群集程度,被约定俗成地称 为“精确”。     不精确应与发展错误区别开来。所谓发展错误,是指那些错误移位的神经细胞, 不正确的连接,及诸如此类的情形。不妨用电脑作一类比:次要的舍入误差普遍发 生,这类误差类似于不精确,但偶尔地,一个二进制数字被不正确传输出去,或许 将一次运算全部毁掉,则这种不正确的传输便类似于发展错误。因此,不精确是某 一方案限制范围内固有的一种不正确形式,但发展错误则是严重差错的形式。     无论是不精确还是严重差错,均可不无道理地归咎于基因信息的不充分,既然 此两种情形中的任何一种情形都可通过增加更多的信息来予以减少。在信息理论家 之间,一个普遍公认的原理是,密码的语言可以通过包含多余信息(redundancy) 而被处理成绝无差错。然而,既然任何信息系统内所能利用的空间量是有限的,多 余信息的增加反而会造成精确性的降低。例如,当π这一符号被不正确地用英语表 述为“three point oen four two”时,即使一个排印误差已经发生,但这组数字 仍能被人正确理解。然而,如果这24个空间位置被填入阿拉伯数学的话,即可获 取一种更高的精确度;这样一来,π则可被表述为23个有意义的数字,虽然任何 误差又将极大的改变其内涵。这即意味着某种折衷平衡;一个系统越是精确地被具 体规定,因为消耗了一特定份额中有限的信息量,发生严重差错的危险性则愈高。 因此,在生物体身上,基因信息藉以平均分配的整体方案必定涉及到两种互为对立 的优先原则之间的妥协:精确性以及严重差错的避免。 ?Which of the following can be inferred from the passage about the genetic information of Daphniae?  I. There is probably some degree of redundancy in the information controlling neural development  II. Most of the information for neural development stored in the genes is used to specify the positions of the optic neurons.  III. There is sufficient information to preclude the occurrence of gross mistakes during neural development. I only II only III only I and II only II and III only ———————————————————————— 答案:(A)   人类对于神经系统错综复杂的组织所获得的理解越是丰富,基因得以成功地具 体规定这一系统的发展,就愈发显得令人瞩目,不可思议。人类因基所包含的信息 是如此之少,以致于就连去具体规定人类1011的神经细胞中任意一个细胞应占据大 脑的哪个半脑都无法做到,更不用提每个神经细胞所会形成的数百种连接。由于这 些原因,我们可以假设,在神经发展过程中必然会存在着某种重要的随机因素,尤 其是,在所有正常大脑的发展过程中,误差必定会发生,并确实在发生。     这类误差最生动的表现在基因相同(isogenic,同基因)的生物体身上。即使 在同等条件下被培育出来,同基因生物体相互间很少能构成绝然的复制品,而它们 之间的差异可揭示出相当多的内容,以说明生物体由于有限的基因信息供应量而导 致的随机差异。例如,在同基因的水蚤(Daphniae)身上,虽然每个视觉神经细胞 的位置、尺寸及分支结构(branching pattern)极为稳定,但在连接性方面却存 在着一定的变异,而突触的数量则变异巨大。这种变异性有可能是视觉神经细胞随 机散布超过了基因控制的分辨力所致的结果,故而它可被最为恰当地称为“不精 确”,因为它的对立面,即神经细胞围绕着一个中项的群集程度,被约定俗成地称 为“精确”。     不精确应与发展错误区别开来。所谓发展错误,是指那些错误移位的神经细胞, 不正确的连接,及诸如此类的情形。不妨用电脑作一类比:次要的舍入误差普遍发 生,这类误差类似于不精确,但偶尔地,一个二进制数字被不正确传输出去,或许 将一次运算全部毁掉,则这种不正确的传输便类似于发展错误。因此,不精确是某 一方案限制范围内固有的一种不正确形式,但发展错误则是严重差错的形式。     无论是不精确还是严重差错,均可不无道理地归咎于基因信息的不充分,既然 此两种情形中的任何一种情形都可通过增加更多的信息来予以减少。在信息理论家 之间,一个普遍公认的原理是,密码的语言可以通过包含多余信息(redundancy) 而被处理成绝无差错。然而,既然任何信息系统内所能利用的空间量是有限的,多 余信息的增加反而会造成精确性的降低。例如,当π这一符号被不正确地用英语表 述为“three point oen four two”时,即使一个排印误差已经发生,但这组数字 仍能被人正确理解。然而,如果这24个空间位置被填入阿拉伯数学的话,即可获 取一种更高的精确度;这样一来,π则可被表述为23个有意义的数字,虽然任何 误差又将极大的改变其内涵。这即意味着某种折衷平衡;一个系统越是精确地被具 体规定,因为消耗了一特定份额中有限的信息量,发生严重差错的危险性则愈高。 因此,在生物体身上,基因信息藉以平均分配的整体方案必定涉及到两种互为对立 的优先原则之间的妥协:精确性以及严重差错的避免。    In a recent study,David Cressy examines    two central questions concerning English   immigration to New England in the   1630's: what kinds of people immigrated (5) and why? Using contemporary literary   evidence, shipping lists, and customs   records, Cressy finds that most adult   immigrants were skilled in farming or   crafts, were literate, and were (10) organized in families. Each of these   characteristics sharply distinguishes   the 21,000 people who left for New   England in the 1630's from most of the   approximately 377,000 English people (15) who had grated to America by 1700.    With respect to their reasons for   immigrating, Cressy does not deny the   frequently noted fact that some of the   immigrants of the 1630's, most notably (20) the organizers and clergy, advanced   religious explanations for departure,   but he finds that such explanations   usually assumed primacy only in   retrospect When he moves beyond (25) the principal actors, he finds that relig-   ious explanations were less frequen-   tly offered and he concludes that most   people immigrated because they were   recruited by promises of material (30) improvement. In the passage, the author is primarily concerned with summarizing the findings of an investigation analyzing a method of argument evaluating a point of view hypothesizing about a set of circumstances establishing categories ———————————————————————— 答案:(A)   在最近一份研究中,戴维·克雷西(David Cressy)对有关十七世纪三十年代 英国人移居新英格兰的移民活动的两个关键问题进行了分析:什么样的人在进行移 民,以及为什么要移民?通过采用当代文学证据、船运清单、以及海关记录。克雷 西发现,绝大多数成年移民具备熟练的农业和手工业技能,有读写能力,并且是以 家庭为单位组织起来的。这些特点中的每一个特点,都使十七世纪三十年代移民到 新英格兰的21,000与至1700年移民到美国的约377,000英国人中的绝大多数人鲜 明地区分开来。     针对他们的移民动因,克雷西并不否认这样一个经常提到的事实,即十七世纪 三十年代移民中的某一部分的人,最显著的是那些组织和神职人员,都提出宗教的 解释来说明他们离英赴美的动机,但他了现这些解释一般来说仅在事后回顾中才占 有首要位置。当他的研究越过为些主要行动者时,他发现宗教的解释并不那么经常 被提及,他由此而得出结论,绝大部分的人之所以移民,因为他们是被物质改善的 前景而召集到移民行列中来的。 ?According to the passage, Cressy would agree with which of the following statements about the organizers among the English immigrants to New England in the 1630's?  I. Most of them were clergy.  II. Some of them offered a religious explanation for their immigration.  III. They did not offer any reasons for their immigration until some time after they had immigrated.  IV. They were more likely than the average immigrant to be motivated by material considerations. I only II only II and III only I, III, and IV only II, III, and IV only ———————————————————————— 答案:(B)   在最近一份研究中,戴维·克雷西(David Cressy)对有关十七世纪三十年代 英国人移居新英格兰的移民活动的两个关键问题进行了分析:什么样的人在进行移 民,以及为什么要移民?通过采用当代文学证据、船运清单、以及海关记录。克雷 西发现,绝大多数成年移民具备熟练的农业和手工业技能,有读写能力,并且是以 家庭为单位组织起来的。这些特点中的每一个特点,都使十七世纪三十年代移民到 新英格兰的21,000与至1700年移民到美国的约377,000英国人中的绝大多数人鲜 明地区分开来。     针对他们的移民动因,克雷西并不否认这样一个经常提到的事实,即十七世纪 三十年代移民中的某一部分的人,最显著的是那些组织和神职人员,都提出宗教的 解释来说明他们离英赴美的动机,但他了现这些解释一般来说仅在事后回顾中才占 有首要位置。当他的研究越过为些主要行动者时,他发现宗教的解释并不那么经常 被提及,他由此而得出结论,绝大部分的人之所以移民,因为他们是被物质改善的 前景而召集到移民行列中来的。 According to the passage, Cressy has made which of the following claims about what motivated English immigrants to go to New England in the 1630's? They were motivated by religious considerations alone. They were motivated by economic considerations alone. They were motivated by religious and economic considerations equally. They were motivated more often by economic than by religious considerations. They were motivated more often by religious than by economic considerations. ———————————————————————— 答案:(D)   在最近一份研究中,戴维·克雷西(David Cressy)对有关十七世纪三十年代 英国人移居新英格兰的移民活动的两个关键问题进行了分析:什么样的人在进行移 民,以及为什么要移民?通过采用当代文学证据、船运清单、以及海关记录。克雷 西发现,绝大多数成年移民具备熟练的农业和手工业技能,有读写能力,并且是以 家庭为单位组织起来的。这些特点中的每一个特点,都使十七世纪三十年代移民到 新英格兰的21,000与至1700年移民到美国的约377,000英国人中的绝大多数人鲜 明地区分开来。     针对他们的移民动因,克雷西并不否认这样一个经常提到的事实,即十七世纪 三十年代移民中的某一部分的人,最显著的是那些组织和神职人员,都提出宗教的 解释来说明他们离英赴美的动机,但他了现这些解释一般来说仅在事后回顾中才占 有首要位置。当他的研究越过为些主要行动者时,他发现宗教的解释并不那么经常 被提及,他由此而得出结论,绝大部分的人之所以移民,因为他们是被物质改善的 前景而召集到移民行列中来的。 The passage suggests that the majority of those English people who had immigrated to America by the late seventeenth century were clergy young children organized in families skilled in crafts illiterate ———————————————————————— 答案:(E)   在最近一份研究中,戴维·克雷西(David Cressy)对有关十七世纪三十年代 英国人移居新英格兰的移民活动的两个关键问题进行了分析:什么样的人在进行移 民,以及为什么要移民?通过采用当代文学证据、船运清单、以及海关记录。克雷 西发现,绝大多数成年移民具备熟练的农业和手工业技能,有读写能力,并且是以 家庭为单位组织起来的。这些特点中的每一个特点,都使十七世纪三十年代移民到 新英格兰的21,000与至1700年移民到美国的约377,000英国人中的绝大多数人鲜 明地区分开来。     针对他们的移民动因,克雷西并不否认这样一个经常提到的事实,即十七世纪 三十年代移民中的某一部分的人,最显著的是那些组织和神职人员,都提出宗教的 解释来说明他们离英赴美的动机,但他了现这些解释一般来说仅在事后回顾中才占 有首要位置。当他的研究越过为些主要行动者时,他发现宗教的解释并不那么经常 被提及,他由此而得出结论,绝大部分的人之所以移民,因为他们是被物质改善的 前景而召集到移民行列中来的。 CONTINUITY: disjunction disability discomfort deceit defection ———————————————————————— 答案:(A) 连续n.   A.脱节 B. 残废(无能) C. 不舒服 D. 欺骗 E. 背叛,变节 LETHARGY: flexibility adequacy toughness plainness vigor ———————————————————————— 答案:(E) 昏昏欲睡n.   A.柔软,柔韧性 B. 足够 C. 顽固(艰苦,僵硬) D. 朴素(明白) E. 活力 STOMACH: reformulate anticipate hand out freely refuse to tolerate lose fascination for ———————————————————————— 答案:(D) 容忍v.   A.重新表达 B. 期望(事先作) C. 免费地分发 D. 拒绝容忍 E. 失去魅力 DEFAULT: consume resign rely on others desire to advance fulfill an obligation ———————————————————————— 答案:(E) 不履行义务(拖欠债务)v.   A.消费 B. 辞职(逆来顺受) C. 依赖别人 D. 渴望进步 E. 履行义务 HAVEN: challenging puzzle gloomy cavern dangerous place deserted building unhappy incident ———————————————————————— 答案:(C) 避难所,安全港n.   A.具有挑战性的谜 B. 阴暗的洞穴 C. 危险的地方 D. 被废弃的建筑物 E. 不幸的事件 OCCLUDED: unobstructed intersecting extrapolated diminished extended ———————————————————————— 答案:(A) 被堵塞的adj.   A.没有被阻挡的 B. 交叉的 C. 被推测的 D. 被削弱的 E. 被扩展的 PLUMB: examine superficially answer accurately agree fool abstain ———————————————————————— 答案:(A) 探究v.(垂直的,完全地)   A.肤浅地检查 B. 准确地回答 C. 同意 D. 愚弄 E. 戒绝 OBSTINATE: excitable tractable dispensable gleanable comfortable ———————————————————————— 答案:(B) 顽固的adj.   A.易兴奋的 B. 温顺的,驯服的 C. 无关紧要的 D. 可收集的 E. 舒服的 PITH: unsound opinion previous statement erroneous judgment insignificant part inconclusive evidence ———————————————————————— 答案:(D) 要点,精髓n.   A.不正确的观点 B. 先前的陈述 C. 错误的判断 D. 不重要的部分 E. 非结论性的证据 IMPECUNIOUS: heinous noxious contented affluent responsive ———————————————————————— 答案:(D) 贫穷的adj.   A.可憎的 B. 有害的 C. 满足的 D. 富裕的,丰富的 E. 敏感的,反应快的 CANONICAL: infelicitous irrefutable heterodox minuscule undesignated ———————————————————————— 答案:(C) 真经的,正统的adj.   A.不适当的(不幸福的) B. 不容置疑的 C. 异端的,邪说的 D. 微小的(小写的) E. 未被指定的 A journal published three times a year contains exactly three articles, each of a different type, in each issue. Exactly five types of articles are printed in the journal: features, interviews, opinion roundtables, reviews, and surveys. No article is of more than one type. In choosing articles to publish during the year, the editor adheres to the following conditions:  At least one article of each type must be published each year.  The third issue of each year always contains an opinion roundtable.  No issue can include both an interview and an opinion roundtable.  No two consecutive issues can each contain surveys.  At least two issues each year must contain a feature. Which of the following can be an acceptable schedule of articles for a year's worth of issues of the journal?    First Issue    Second Issue Third Issue Feature Feature Feature Interview Opinion Roundtable Review Review Review Survey   Interview Feature Feature Review Interview Review Survey Survey Opinion Roundtable   Feature Feature Feature Review Review Interview Opinion Roundtable Survey Opinion Roundtable   Feature Feature Opinion Roundtable Interview Opinion Roundtable Review Survey Review Survey   Opinion Roundtable Feature Opinion Roundtable Review Interview Review Survey Review Survey ———————————————————————— 答案:(D) 读题:一本一年出版3期的杂志每期包含3篇文章,每篇均是不同类型,    有5种类型f,i,o,r,s 写条件: 1、Each Type≥1 (表示每种类型每年至少出版一次) 2、o∈3 (每年的第3期决是包型O类文章) 3、i≠o (表示i和O类不能在同一期) 4、~(ss) (表示不能连续两期有S) 5、f≥2次 (表示至少两期有f类型)   条件总结:   *3期杂志,每期3篇,共有9篇。 由条件1知,Each Type≥1,由条件5得f≥2次,故已经确定了6篇,还有3篇文章 没有确定。 If a survey appears in the second issue of a particular year, which of the following lists the articles that must appear in the third issue of the year, not necessarily in the order given? A feature, an interview, and a review A feature, an opinion roundtable, and a review A feature, an opinion roundtable, and a survey A feature, a review, and a survey An opinion roundtable, a review, and a survey ———————————————————————— 答案:(B) 读题:一本一年出版3期的杂志每期包含3篇文章,每篇均是不同类型,    有5种类型f,i,o,r,s 写条件: 1、Each Type≥1 (表示每种类型每年至少出版一次) 2、o∈3 (每年的第3期决是包型O类文章) 3、i≠o (表示i和O类不能在同一期) 4、~(ss) (表示不能连续两期有S) 5、f≥2次 (表示至少两期有f类型)   条件总结:   *3期杂志,每期3篇,共有9篇。 由条件1知,Each Type≥1,由条件5得f≥2次,故已经确定了6篇,还有3篇文章 没有确定。 如果s=2,下面哪一个列出了一定出现在第三期的文章?  根据题目已知,寻找涉及s和第三期的条件 由条件4得,~SS,∴S≠3 由o∈3,i≠o 得,i≠3 5篇文章中取3篇,已经有两篇不在3,其余全部在3 If two of the article types appear three times each in a particular year's issues, those types must be a feature and an interview a feature and an opinion roundtable a feature and a review an opinion roundtable and a survey a review and a survey ———————————————————————— 答案:(C) 读题:一本一年出版3期的杂志每期包含3篇文章,每篇均是不同类型,    有5种类型f,i,o,r,s 写条件: 1、Each Type≥1 (表示每种类型每年至少出版一次) 2、o∈3 (每年的第3期决是包型O类文章) 3、i≠o (表示i和O类不能在同一期) 4、~(ss) (表示不能连续两期有S) 5、f≥2次 (表示至少两期有f类型)   条件总结:   *3期杂志,每期3篇,共有9篇。 由条件1知,Each Type≥1,由条件5得f≥2次,故已经确定了6篇,还有3篇文章 没有确定。 如果有两篇文章出现3次,那2篇文章must be?  解体步骤:   1、5篇文章,两篇文章出现3次,其余3篇各出现一次,刚好9篇。   2、f≥2次,则f一定是其中一篇。   3、一共3期,每期3篇文章均不同,则如果文章出现3次,一定是每期一篇     由~(ss)知,s不可能出现3次     由i≠o知,i,o也不可能,     所以r是其中另一篇。 If a particular year's first issue of the journal contains an opinion roundtable, then the second issue that year could contain which of the following? Feature, opinion roundtable, review Interview, opinion roundtable, review Interview, review, survey Feature, review, survey opinion roundtable, review, survey ———————————————————————— 答案:(C) 读题:一本一年出版3期的杂志每期包含3篇文章,每篇均是不同类型,    有5种类型f,i,o,r,s 写条件: 1、Each Type≥1 (表示每种类型每年至少出版一次) 2、o∈3 (每年的第3期决是包型O类文章) 3、i≠o (表示i和O类不能在同一期) 4、~(ss) (表示不能连续两期有S) 5、f≥2次 (表示至少两期有f类型)   条件总结:   *3期杂志,每期3篇,共有9篇。 由条件1知,Each Type≥1,由条件5得f≥2次,故已经确定了6篇,还有3篇文章 没有确定。 如果o=1,那么第二期可能包含什么?  解体步骤:   1、由o=1,及条件o=3,i≠o得,i=2   2、利用排除法,选项中只有B、C包含i,而选项B中出现哦o,故C对。 If four of the five types of articles appear twice during a particular year and if one type appears only once, then the type that appears only once must be either a feature or an interview an interview or an opinion roundtable an opinion roundtable or a review an opinion roundtable or a survey a review or a survey ———————————————————————— 答案:(B) 读题:一本一年出版3期的杂志每期包含3篇文章,每篇均是不同类型,    有5种类型f,i,o,r,s 写条件: 1、Each Type≥1 (表示每种类型每年至少出版一次) 2、o∈3 (每年的第3期决是包型O类文章) 3、i≠o (表示i和O类不能在同一期) 4、~(ss) (表示不能连续两期有S) 5、f≥2次 (表示至少两期有f类型)   条件总结:   *3期杂志,每期3篇,共有9篇。 由条件1知,Each Type≥1,由条件5得f≥2次,故已经确定了6篇,还有3篇文章 没有确定。 If, during a particular year, two issues each contain a survey and two issues each contain an opinion roundtable, then the first issue of that year must include a feature an interview an opinion roundtable a review a survey ———————————————————————— 答案:(E) 读题:一本一年出版3期的杂志每期包含3篇文章,每篇均是不同类型,    有5种类型f,i,o,r,s 写条件: 1、Each Type≥1 (表示每种类型每年至少出版一次) 2、o∈3 (每年的第3期决是包型O类文章) 3、i≠o (表示i和O类不能在同一期) 4、~(ss) (表示不能连续两期有S) 5、f≥2次 (表示至少两期有f类型)   条件总结:   *3期杂志,每期3篇,共有9篇。 由条件1知,Each Type≥1,由条件5得f≥2次,故已经确定了6篇,还有3篇文章 没有确定。 如果有2期包含s,有2期包含o,则第一期必然包含谁? 一共3期,s出现2期,并且~(ss),所以s=1 S If for a particular year the editor decides to make the second issue of the journal a special issue devoted entirely to three surveys, but continues adhering to the conditions on the choice of articles, then which of the following lists the articles, not necessarily in the order given, that must appear in the first issue of the year? A feature, an interview, and an opinion roundtable A feature, an interview, and a review A feature, an opinion roundtable, and a review An interview, an opinion roundtable, and a review An opinion roundtable, a review, and a survey ———————————————————————— 答案:(B) 读题:一本一年出版3期的杂志每期包含3篇文章,每篇均是不同类型,    有5种类型f,i,o,r,s 写条件: 1、Each Type≥1 (表示每种类型每年至少出版一次) 2、o∈3 (每年的第3期决是包型O类文章) 3、i≠o (表示i和O类不能在同一期) 4、~(ss) (表示不能连续两期有S) 5、f≥2次 (表示至少两期有f类型)   条件总结:   *3期杂志,每期3篇,共有9篇。 由条件1知,Each Type≥1,由条件5得f≥2次,故已经确定了6篇,还有3篇文章 没有确定。 如果某年编辑要让第二期包含3个s,但仍然附合上面的条件,那么下面哪一个一定是  第一期的文章。  解体步骤:   1、第2期3个s,还剩2个位置第1,3期,4个元素i,o,f,r,要填6篇文章。   2、由o=3,i≠o,得i=1 3、f≥2次,故1,3位置各出现一次,剩下的位置只能由最后一个元素r来填: 第1期:i,f,r 第3期:o,f,r Popcorn kernels explode, or "pop," when the moisture inside the kernel is heated and steam builds up pressure inside the kernel. Uniform moisture content in a batch of popcorn kernels ensures uniform popping time, which in turn ensures fewer unpopped kernels. In practice, the percentage of unpopped kernels in a batch can be reduced by sorting popcorn kernels by size.   Which of the following. if true, best helps explain why the percentage of unpopped kernels is lower when popcorn kernels are of uniform size? The percentage of unpopped kernels can be reduced by increasing cooking time. All popcorn kernels, no matter what their size, will pop under proper  conditions. Yellow popcorn kernels have more moisture content than do white or blue  popcorn kernels. A popcorn kernel's moisture content is fully determined by its size. Damaged kernels, another cause of unpopped kernels, have a lower moisture  content than intact kernels. ———————————————————————— 答案:(D) Two percent of the ocean is coastal ocean—shallow coastal waters in which most fish live. The rest is deep ocean, where fewer fish live. Much of the garbage burned or dumped on land eventually is deposited in coastal ocean. To keep coastal ocean free of garbage, therefore, garbage should be dumped in the deep ocean.   Which of the following, if true, constitutes the strongest basis for criticizing the argument above? Currents far below the ocean's surface bring deep-ocean waters to the coastal  ocean. Deep-ocean dumping would require a substantial change in the processing and  packaging of waste. Hazardous industrial waste has increasingly been dumped illegally into  coastal-ocean waters. There are at present no international agreements regulating dumping in the  deep ocean. The few species of fish that inhabit the deep ocean are of no commercial  value. ———————————————————————— 答案:(A) Unlike the lungs and the kidneys, the liver is an organ well suited for living-donor transplants to children because the portion of the liver which must be removed from a healthy adult to replace the diseased liver of a child will be regenerated in the healthy adult within a few months.   Which of the following, if true, provides the most additional support for the conclusion drawn above? The success rate of liver transplants is slightly lower in children than in  adults. In removing the portion of liver for transplant there is danger of causing  damage to the spleen of the donor, and that could necessitate the removal of the  spleen. There is less danger that a transplanted organ will be rejected when the  organ donor is a, close relative of the recipient. There are so few suitable donors that about one-half of the babies with liver  disease born in the United States each year die before they can receive a liver  transplant. Each lobe of the liver functions separately, and it is possible to extract a  portion of one lobe without disrupting critical liver functions. ———————————————————————— 答案:(E) A camp counselor is organizing a game among nine campers. Three of the campers—F, G, and H—are eight year olds; the other six campers—J, K, M, O, P, and S—are nine year olds. Two teams—team 1 and team 2—will be organized. Team 1 will have four campers; team 2 will have five campers. In assigning campers to teams, the counselor observes the following restrictions:    Team 1 must have exactly two of the eight-year-old campers.  K must be on the same team as O.  F and J cannot be on either of the teams together.  M and P cannot be on either of the teams together.  If K is on the same team as P, then H must be on the team that does not include K and P. Which of the following is a possible assignment of campers to the two teams?    Team 1 Team 2 F, G, K, O H, J, M, P, S F, G, M, S H, J, K, O, P F, H, J, M G, K, O, P, S F, H, M, S G, J, K, O, P F, K, P, S G, H, J, M, O, ———————————————————————— 答案:(D) 读题:一个露营顾问在9个露营者中组织一个游戏 8岁:F、G、H 9岁:J、K、M、O、P、S 分成2个组,T1和T2 写条件: 1、T1:2个8 (表示第1组有exactly 2个8岁的孩子) 2、K=0 (表示KO一定在一组) 3、F≠J (表示F、J不在一组) 4、M≠P (表示M、P不在一组) 5、K=P→H≠KP (表示如果KP在一组,则H在另外一组) 条件总结: *分组题总是首先对数字总结, T1有2个8岁的孩子,没有涉及到具体元素,是本题最重要的限制条件, T1共有4个人,则一定是2个8岁,2个9岁。 T2共有5个人,则一定是1个8岁,4个9岁。 注意读题中8岁的孩子仅有3个。     *分组题中注意谁和谁不等的条件,由F≠J,M≠P得    1、F/J M/P    2、J/F P/M 第一组已经至少有一个8岁孩子   *条件2有K=0,并且发现K、O都是9岁孩子,  而第一组最多可能再有1个孩子,故KO在第2组。    1、 F/J M/P    2、 F/J P/M K O     *还剩下3个元素G、H、S    我们可以根据条件继续分析,实际上整个题目已经可以分为2种情况。    1、F在第1组     (第2组已经有4个9岁孩子,则S=1,可以再根据KP→H≠KP确定G、H的情况) (1)F M/P S G/H (2)J M/P K O  G/H      2、F在第2组     (则余下的2个8岁孩子在第一组, 第1组已经有2个孩子) (1)J M/P G H (2)F M/P K O S   其实对于分组题而言,我们经常利用谁和谁不在一组的条件以及相关的充分条件,在 做题之前把题目分成几种情况,而到做题时只要对着这几种情况寻找答案就行了。 If S and O are on team 2, the campers assigned to team 1 could be F, H, K, M G, H, J, K G, H, J, P G, H, K, M G, J, M, P, ———————————————————————— 答案:(C) 读题:一个露营顾问在9个露营者中组织一个游戏 8岁:F、G、H 9岁:J、K、M、O、P、S 分成2个组,T1和T2 写条件: 1、T1:2个8 (表示第1组有exactly 2个8岁的孩子) 2、K=0 (表示KO一定在一组) 3、F≠J (表示F、J不在一组) 4、M≠P (表示M、P不在一组) 5、K=P→H≠KP (表示如果KP在一组,则H在另外一组) 条件总结: *分组题总是首先对数字总结, T1有2个8岁的孩子,没有涉及到具体元素,是本题最重要的限制条件, T1共有4个人,则一定是2个8岁,2个9岁。 T2共有5个人,则一定是1个8岁,4个9岁。 注意读题中8岁的孩子仅有3个。     *分组题中注意谁和谁不等的条件,由F≠J,M≠P得    1、F/J M/P    2、J/F P/M 第一组已经至少有一个8岁孩子   *条件2有K=0,并且发现K、O都是9岁孩子,  而第一组最多可能再有1个孩子,故KO在第2组。    1、 F/J M/P    2、 F/J P/M K O     *还剩下3个元素G、H、S    我们可以根据条件继续分析,实际上整个题目已经可以分为2种情况。    1、F在第1组     (第2组已经有4个9岁孩子,则S=1,可以再根据KP→H≠KP确定G、H的情况) (1)F M/P S G/H (2)J M/P K O  G/H      2、F在第2组     (则余下的2个8岁孩子在第一组, 第1组已经有2个孩子) (1)J M/P G H (2)F M/P K O S   其实对于分组题而言,我们经常利用谁和谁不在一组的条件以及相关的充分条件,在 做题之前把题目分成几种情况,而到做题时只要对着这几种情况寻找答案就行了。 If H and K are on team 2, which of the following is a pair of campers who must be on team 1? F and M F and O F and P J and P M and S, ———————————————————————— 答案:(C) 读题:一个露营顾问在9个露营者中组织一个游戏 8岁:F、G、H 9岁:J、K、M、O、P、S 分成2个组,T1和T2 写条件: 1、T1:2个8 (表示第1组有exactly 2个8岁的孩子) 2、K=0 (表示KO一定在一组) 3、F≠J (表示F、J不在一组) 4、M≠P (表示M、P不在一组) 5、K=P→H≠KP (表示如果KP在一组,则H在另外一组) 条件总结: *分组题总是首先对数字总结, T1有2个8岁的孩子,没有涉及到具体元素,是本题最重要的限制条件, T1共有4个人,则一定是2个8岁,2个9岁。 T2共有5个人,则一定是1个8岁,4个9岁。 注意读题中8岁的孩子仅有3个。     *分组题中注意谁和谁不等的条件,由F≠J,M≠P得    1、F/J M/P    2、J/F P/M 第一组已经至少有一个8岁孩子   *条件2有K=0,并且发现K、O都是9岁孩子,  而第一组最多可能再有1个孩子,故KO在第2组。    1、 F/J M/P    2、 F/J P/M K O     *还剩下3个元素G、H、S    我们可以根据条件继续分析,实际上整个题目已经可以分为2种情况。    1、F在第1组     (第2组已经有4个9岁孩子,则S=1,可以再根据KP→H≠KP确定G、H的情况) (1)F M/P S G/H (2)J M/P K O  G/H      2、F在第2组     (则余下的2个8岁孩子在第一组, 第1组已经有2个孩子) (1)J M/P G H (2)F M/P K O S   其实对于分组题而言,我们经常利用谁和谁不在一组的条件以及相关的充分条件,在 做题之前把题目分成几种情况,而到做题时只要对着这几种情况寻找答案就行了。 If F, M, and S are on team 1, which of the following must be true? G is on team 2. H is on team 2. K is on team 1. O is on team 1. P is on team 1., ———————————————————————— 答案:(A) 读题:一个露营顾问在9个露营者中组织一个游戏 8岁:F、G、H 9岁:J、K、M、O、P、S 分成2个组,T1和T2 写条件: 1、T1:2个8 (表示第1组有exactly 2个8岁的孩子) 2、K=0 (表示KO一定在一组) 3、F≠J (表示F、J不在一组) 4、M≠P (表示M、P不在一组) 5、K=P→H≠KP (表示如果KP在一组,则H在另外一组) 条件总结: *分组题总是首先对数字总结, T1有2个8岁的孩子,没有涉及到具体元素,是本题最重要的限制条件, T1共有4个人,则一定是2个8岁,2个9岁。 T2共有5个人,则一定是1个8岁,4个9岁。 注意读题中8岁的孩子仅有3个。     *分组题中注意谁和谁不等的条件,由F≠J,M≠P得    1、F/J M/P    2、J/F P/M 第一组已经至少有一个8岁孩子   *条件2有K=0,并且发现K、O都是9岁孩子,  而第一组最多可能再有1个孩子,故KO在第2组。    1、 F/J M/P    2、 F/J P/M K O     *还剩下3个元素G、H、S    我们可以根据条件继续分析,实际上整个题目已经可以分为2种情况。    1、F在第1组     (第2组已经有4个9岁孩子,则S=1,可以再根据KP→H≠KP确定G、H的情况) (1)F M/P S G/H (2)J M/P K O  G/H      2、F在第2组     (则余下的2个8岁孩子在第一组, 第1组已经有2个孩子) (1)J M/P G H (2)F M/P K O S   其实对于分组题而言,我们经常利用谁和谁不在一组的条件以及相关的充分条件,在 做题之前把题目分成几种情况,而到做题时只要对着这几种情况寻找答案就行了。 If G is on the same team as H, which of the following must be true? G is on the same team as J. M is on the same team as S. P is on the same, team as S. F is not on the same team as M. J is not on the same team as P., ———————————————————————— 答案:(A) 读题:一个露营顾问在9个露营者中组织一个游戏 8岁:F、G、H 9岁:J、K、M、O、P、S 分成2个组,T1和T2 写条件: 1、T1:2个8 (表示第1组有exactly 2个8岁的孩子) 2、K=0 (表示KO一定在一组) 3、F≠J (表示F、J不在一组) 4、M≠P (表示M、P不在一组) 5、K=P→H≠KP (表示如果KP在一组,则H在另外一组) 条件总结: *分组题总是首先对数字总结, T1有2个8岁的孩子,没有涉及到具体元素,是本题最重要的限制条件, T1共有4个人,则一定是2个8岁,2个9岁。 T2共有5个人,则一定是1个8岁,4个9岁。 注意读题中8岁的孩子仅有3个。     *分组题中注意谁和谁不等的条件,由F≠J,M≠P得    1、F/J M/P    2、J/F P/M 第一组已经至少有一个8岁孩子   *条件2有K=0,并且发现K、O都是9岁孩子,  而第一组最多可能再有1个孩子,故KO在第2组。    1、 F/J M/P    2、 F/J P/M K O     *还剩下3个元素G、H、S    我们可以根据条件继续分析,实际上整个题目已经可以分为2种情况。    1、F在第1组     (第2组已经有4个9岁孩子,则S=1,可以再根据KP→H≠KP确定G、H的情况) (1)F M/P S G/H (2)J M/P K O  G/H      2、F在第2组     (则余下的2个8岁孩子在第一组, 第1组已经有2个孩子) (1)J M/P G H (2)F M/P K O S   其实对于分组题而言,我们经常利用谁和谁不在一组的条件以及相关的充分条件,在 做题之前把题目分成几种情况,而到做题时只要对着这几种情况寻找答案就行了。 Each of the following is a pair of campers who can be on team 1 together EXCEPT F and M G and H H and P J and K J and M, ———————————————————————— 答案:(D) 读题:一个露营顾问在9个露营者中组织一个游戏 8岁:F、G、H 9岁:J、K、M、O、P、S 分成2个组,T1和T2 写条件: 1、T1:2个8 (表示第1组有exactly 2个8岁的孩子) 2、K=0 (表示KO一定在一组) 3、F≠J (表示F、J不在一组) 4、M≠P (表示M、P不在一组) 5、K=P→H≠KP (表示如果KP在一组,则H在另外一组) 条件总结: *分组题总是首先对数字总结, T1有2个8岁的孩子,没有涉及到具体元素,是本题最重要的限制条件, T1共有4个人,则一定是2个8岁,2个9岁。 T2共有5个人,则一定是1个8岁,4个9岁。 注意读题中8岁的孩子仅有3个。     *分组题中注意谁和谁不等的条件,由F≠J,M≠P得    1、F/J M/P    2、J/F P/M 第一组已经至少有一个8岁孩子   *条件2有K=0,并且发现K、O都是9岁孩子,  而第一组最多可能再有1个孩子,故KO在第2组。    1、 F/J M/P    2、 F/J P/M K O     *还剩下3个元素G、H、S    我们可以根据条件继续分析,实际上整个题目已经可以分为2种情况。    1、F在第1组     (第2组已经有4个9岁孩子,则S=1,可以再根据KP→H≠KP确定G、H的情况) (1)F M/P S G/H (2)J M/P K O  G/H      2、F在第2组     (则余下的2个8岁孩子在第一组, 第1组已经有2个孩子) (1)J M/P G H (2)F M/P K O S   其实对于分组题而言,我们经常利用谁和谁不在一组的条件以及相关的充分条件,在 做题之前把题目分成几种情况,而到做题时只要对着这几种情况寻找答案就行了。 An archaeologist is excavating a system of paths used by traders in an ancient culture during a given period. Paths have been found that lead from a manufacturing and religious center at the village of Oxa directly , (without going through any of the other villages) to each of the villages Faso, Gola, Jai, and Rau; from Rau directly to each of the villages Sim and Taq; from Jai directly to the village My; and from My directly to Taq. The paths, which go to the center of each village, neither merge into nor cross each other.   Trade would have passed in both directions along any of the trading paths. No further paths used during that period have yet been found.   A shortest route between villages is one that goes through villages that are intermediate on the route the fewest times overall. On the network of paths, a trader could have traveled between the villages in which of the following pairs by going through exactly one other village? Faso and My Faso and Taq Gola and Taq My and Sim Rau and My ———————————————————————— 答案:(E) A trader must have gone through Oxa to travel on the network of discovered paths from Faso to Gola Jai to Taq My to Sim Rau to Taq Sim to Taq ———————————————————————— 答案:(A) A trader going on the network of paths from Jai to all of the villages Faso, Gola, and Taq, not necessarily in that order, by a shortest route could have gone through which of the following exactly twice? Faso My Oxa Rau Taq ———————————————————————— 答案:(C) To make a trip on the network of discovered paths from Sim to both Faso and My, not necessarily in that order, without going through any intermediate village twice, a trader must have gone from Faso to Oxa Gola to Oxa Jai to My Oxa to Jai Taq to My ———————————————————————— 答案:(E) To travel on the network of paths from Rau to all of the villages Jai, Faso, and Sim, not necessarily in that order, by a route that is shortest overall, a trader could have gone first to Oxa and last to Faso Oxa and last to Jai Oxa and last to Sim Sim and last to Faso Taq and last to Sim ———————————————————————— 答案:(D) If the archaeologist discovers that during an earlier period the path from Oxa to Jai did not yet exist, but exactly one additional path, from Gola to Taq, existed along with the other paths in the network, then during that earlier period a trader making which of the following trips by a shortest route could have passed through Gola? From Faso to Jai From Faso to Sim From Jai to Sim From Rau to My From Taq to Jai ———————————————————————— 答案:(A) Only in a social milieu in which many parties are scheduled for the same time do party hosts buy visually striking invitations in order to attract the invited guests to the parties. A business that produces visually striking party invitations is currently located in Los Angeles. Thus, it can be concluded that the schedule of parties in Los Angeles must be very crowded.   The argument above is properly drawn if the truth of which of the following is assumed? There is also a business in Los Angeles that produces ordinary party  invitations. Party guests can attend no more than one party per evening. At most parties, there are uninvited guests who add to the number of people  in attendance. Many of the visually striking party invitations produced in Los Angeles are  bought for parties in Los Angeles. Sending party invitations is a duty that hosts rarely delegate to others. ———————————————————————— 答案:(D) 问题:如果有下面哪一个假设,上面的论述可以正确得出? 读题:只有在一个社会环境中很多party在同一个时间开的时候, 主人为吸引客人来参加    party才买非常吸引人的请帖。 一个生产漂亮请帖的公司坐落在LA, 因此,LA的    party一定非常多   分析:原因是生产漂亮请帖的公司坐落在LA,就得出结论LA的party一定多 显然存在假设,LA生产请帖和LA party多的关系   D. 许多在LA生产的漂亮请帖就是被LA的party购买的   (起到了桥梁作用) The town of Stavanger, Norway, was quiet and peaceful until the early 1960's, when Stavanger became Norway's center for offshore oil exploration. Between then and now, violent crime and vandalism in Stavanger have greatly increased. Clearly, these social problems are among the results of Stavanger's oil boom.   Which of the following, if it occurred between the early 1960's and now, gives the strongest support to the argument above? The people of Stavanger rarely regret that their town was chosen to be  Norway's center for offshore oil exploration Norwegian sociologists expressed grave concern about the increase in violent  crime and vandalism in Stavanger. Violent crime and vandalism have remained low in Norwegian towns that had no  oil boom. Nonviolent crime, drug addiction, and divorce in Stavanger increased  approximately as much as violent crime and vandalism did. The oil boom necessitated the building of wider roads for the increased  traffic in Stavanger. ———————————————————————— 答案:(C) 问题:下面哪一个,if true,最支持上面的论述? 读题:Norway的Stavanger镇,直到1960早期仍旧安静与和平, 当Stavanger成为挪威的近海    石油开采中心的时候,从那时到现在,发生在Stavanger的严重的犯罪和肆意破坏大    大增加了。很明显,这些社会问题是Stavanger石油繁荣导致的。   分析:倒数第二行are among the results of引导原因    原文是一个现象,一个解释    为什么犯罪会大大增加呢?是由于Stavanger石油繁荣导致的。   问题为支持,答案形式为:  1、 直接支持, Stavanger石油繁荣和犯罪的关系  2、 除了Stavanger石油繁荣之外,没有别的原因导致犯罪增加(assumption的形式)   C. 在没有石油繁荣的镇, 严重的犯罪和肆意破坏还是维持低的 恰恰说明油和犯罪之间有一个必然联系 (没有这个原因,就没有这个结果) Students can learn mathematics only by exploring it on their own, with generous room for trial and error. For what matters in the long run is not acquiring particular computational skills (since without constant use skills rapidly fade), but knowing bow to find and use suitable mathematical tools whenever they become necessary.   If the position expressed above is correct, then each of the following can be true EXCEPT: Mathematics teachers are often afraid that someone will ask a question that  they cannot answer, and this insecurity frequently leads to authoritarianism in  the classroom. Prospective teachers should themselves learn mathematics as a process of  constructing and interpreting patterns, of devising strategies for solving  problems, and of discovering the beauties and applications of mathematics. Political leaders must accept responsibility for coordinating a nationwide  plan for all levels of instruction if mathematics education is to improve. The most effective method for teaching students mathematics is for teachers  to state the definitive rule for solving exercises of a given type and then to  insist on rote practice in its proper application. Most current teaching presents mathematics as established doctrine, stressing  the production of right answers rather than the ability to communicate reasons. ———————————————————————— 答案:(D) 问题:如果上面陈述的观点正确,下面哪一个可能正确,EXCEPT?  **1、假如上面的话正确,下面那一个可以正确?   2、假如上面的话正确,下面那一个一定正确?   这两个问法是不一样的,   可以正确,则无关的选项也可能对,   一定正确,则无关选项都是不对的。 这个题目的问法,下列除了那一个可以正确,EXCEPT? 一定是和上面的段落恰恰相反的是 不可以正确的,而和上面的段落不沾边的无关的都可以是正确的。     读题:学生能够通过自己钻研学习数学,有足够的余地留给评判和改错。这就是在将来不    需要特殊的计算技巧(因为经常不用,技巧将会迅速忘记),而是应当在需要的时    候发现和使用合适的数学工具。    A. 数学老师经常害怕一些人问他们不能够回答的问题,这种不安全感导致了教室中的   权威主义 B. 将来的老师应当自己把学数学看作建立和理解模型的过程,解决问题的战略并且 发现数学的美感和应用过程。 C. Political Leaders…   D. 教学生数学最有效的方法是老师陈述解决某种给定类型练习的确定规则,并且坚持其 正确应用的反复练习。 (D中的definitive rule 和 rote pratice 与原文均不相符) Only by ignoring decades of mismanagement and inefficiency could investors conclude that a fresh infusion of cash would provide anything more than a ------- solution to the company's financial woes. fair temporary genuine realistic complete ———————————————————————— 答案:(B) mismanagement: n.经营失误,管理不善 infusion: n.注入,灌输 anything more than: adv.不只是(即等于not merely) woe: a.1.痛苦,悲哀,苦恼,悲伤 2.困难,灾难,不幸 temporary: a.暂时的,临时的,短暂的 genuine: a.真的,非人造的,名符其实的,真诚的   只有在对经营不善和效率低下置之不理情况下,投资者们方能得出结论,注入一笔新的 资金才有可能为该公司的金融困境提供一种不单纯是暂时性的解决手段. Although the discovery of antibiotics led to great advances in clinical practice, it did not represent a ----- bacterial illness, for there are some bacteria that cannot be ------- treated with antibiotics. breakthrough in.. consistently panacea for.. effectively neglect of.. efficiently reexamination of.. conventionally resurgence of.. entirely ———————————————————————— 答案:(B) antibiotic: n.抗菌素,抗生素 clinical: a.临床的,临床诊断的 bacterial: a.细菌的 breakthrough: n.突破性进展,重大成就 panacea: n.治百病之灵药,万应药 convenionally: adv.传统地,常规地,因循守旧地,因袭地 resurgence: n.复活,复苏,再现   尽管抗菌素的发现导致了临床实践的重大进展,但它并不能代表着治疗细菌疾病的一种 灵丹妙药,因为有些细菌是无法用抗菌素有效地加以治疗. A misconception frequently held by novice writers is that sentence structure mirrors thought: the more convoluted the structure, the more ------- the ideas. complicated inconsequential elementary fanciful blatant ———————————————————————— 答案:(A) misconception: n.误解,错误想法 novice: n.新手,初学者 mirror: v.反映,折射出 convoluted: a.1.盘绕卷曲的,回旋的 2.错综复杂的 inconsequential: a. 1.微不足道的,细琐的 2.不连贯的,离题 fanciful: a.z幻想的,异想天开的 blatant: a.1.喧闹吵嚷的 2.炫耀的,俗丽的   浅尝写作的人经常持有这样一种误解,即句子结构反映着思想:句子结构愈是错综复杂, 思想便愈显深奥隐晦. Jones was unable to recognize, the contradictions in his attitudes that were obvious to everyone else; even the hint of an untruth was ------- to him, but he ------ serious trouble by always cheating on his taxes. acceptable. risked exciting.. averted repugnant. courted anathema.. evaded tempting.. hazarded ———————————————————————— 答案:(C) hint: n.细微的迹象,少许,微量 avert: v.1.避免,消除(灾祸等) 2.转移(视线或注意力) repugnant: a.1.令人极度厌恶反感的 2.矛盾的,抵触的 court: v.招致,引诱 anathema: n.1.令人厌恶的人(或事),受诅咒的对象 2.强烈的谴责,咒骂 evade: v.1.逃脱,躲开,回避 2.使为难,使困惑,难倒 tempt: v.1.引诱,诱惑 2.吸引,引起...的兴趣 hazard: v.1.冒险作出 2.使担风险,冒...的危险   琼斯无从认识到对其他每一个人来说都是那么显而易见的其态度上的矛盾;即使是丝毫 的虚假也令他深恶痛疾,但他在税款方面一贯弄虚作假,却给他招致了严重的麻烦. Even though the general's carefully qualified public statement could hardly be -------, some people took -------- it. respected.. liberties with inoffensive.. umbrage at faulted.. exception to credited.. potshots at dismissed.. interest in ———————————————————————— 答案:(C) take liberties with: v.1.(对人)狎昵,调戏 2.(对事)随意改变,歪曲 take umbrage at: v.对...生气,不快,伤感情 take exception to: v.1.对...反对,对...表示异议 2.生气,不悦 take poshots at: v.对...作任意零星的批评 fault: v.找...的缺点,挑剔,指责 credit: v.相信,信任   尽管将军字斟句酌的公开演说几乎无可挑剔,但仍有一些人表示异议反对. Though feminist in its implications, Yvonne Rainer's 1974 film ------- the filmmaker's active involvement in feminist politics. preserved portrayed encouraged renewed antedated ———————————————————————— 答案:(E) feminist: a.女权主义的,妇女解放的 implication: n.1.含意,含蓄 2.暗示,暗指 involvement in: n.投身于,置身于,参与,投入 antedate: v.发生(或存在)于...之前,(时间上)先于   尽管伊冯.雷诺1974年打电报的电影带有女权主义的意蕴,但该电影却是先于该电影摄 制者积极投身于女权主义政治而摄制完成的. The chances that a species will ------- are reduced if any vital function is restricted to a single kind of organ; ------ by itself possesses an enormous survival advantage. degenerate.. complexity expire.. size disappear.. variety flourish.. symmetry persist.. redundancy ———————————————————————— 答案:(E) vital function: n.[生理]维持生命的重要机能 degenerate: v.退化,随落,蜕化 expire: v.1.期满终止,无效 2.呼气,断气,死亡 flourish: v.繁荣,旺盛,蓬勃发展 symmetry: n.对称 persist: v.1.坚持不懈,执意 2.持续,存留 redundancy: n.冗余(为补救错失保证可靠性的一种方法)   如果任何维持生命的重要机能被限制于某一特定的器官,则某一物种得以存活的概率就 会减少;冗余就其本身而言拥有一种巨大的生存优势. PLEASURE: ECSTASY:: complacence: envy surprise: astonishment anxiety: curiosity pride: vexation pity: dread ———————————————————————— 答案:(B) 高兴:狂喜   自满,沾沾自喜:嫉妒 惊讶:大吃一惊 渴望(焦虑):好奇心 骄傲:恼怒 遗憾:害怕 LIMERICK: POEM:: lampoon: satire setting: play fable: moral material: collage plot: character ———————————————————————— 答案:(A) 五行打油诗:诗   讽刺诗文:讽刺作品总称 布景:戏剧 寓言:伦理道德 材料:拼贴画 情节(耍阴谋):角色(个性) SOUND: AIR:: oil :tanker signal: wave electricity : copper light: camera x-ray: lead ———————————————————————— 答案:(C) 声音:空气   油:油罐车,油轮 信号:波 电:铜 光:照相机,摄像机 X光:铅 INDELIBILITY: ERASURE:: impermeability: passage enumeration: ordering illegibility: writing reactiveness: stimulation reflectivity: visibility ———————————————————————— 答案:(A) 无法磨灭:擦掉   不可穿透:通过 列举:排序 字迹模糊:书法 反应:刺激 反射(思考):可视性 EXPIATE: GUILT:: canvass: support adorn: appearance testify : conviction correct : error preach: conversion ———————————————————————— 答案:(D) 赎罪,补偿:罪(内疚)   拉票(调查,兜售):支持 装饰:外表 证实:确信(定罪) 改正:错误 布道:改变信仰,阪依 INFILTRATE: ENTER:: comply: index invade: assault allege: prove insinuate: say disclose: announce ———————————————————————— 答案:(D) 渗透:进入   遵从,符合:索引 入侵:攻击 宣称:证明 暗指:说 泄漏:宣布 OVERTURE: OPERA:: preamble: statute gambit: move climax: story actor: cast commencement: graduate ———————————————————————— 答案:(A) 序曲:歌剧   前言:法规 开局牺牲一子(精心策划的行为):棋的一步 高潮:故事 男演员:演员阵容(铸造) 毕业典礼:毕业生 PUNGENT: ODOR:: caustic: comment durable: substance constant: period ominous: threat excessive: responsibility ———————————————————————— 答案:(A) 辛辣的:气味   尖刻的(腐蚀剂):评论 耐用的:物质 恒定的(常数):时期 不详的:威胁 过分的:责任 ATTACK: VANQUISHED:: woo: adored smother: choked spy: investigated goad: provoked guess: calculated ———————————————————————— 答案:(D) 进攻:被征服的   求爱(争取支持):被崇拜的 使闷死(覆盖):被噎的 刺探:被调查的 刺激(激励):被激怒的 猜测:被计算的(深思熟虑的)        Is the literary critic like the poet,   responding creatively, intuitively,   subjectively to the written word as (5) the poet responds to human experience?   Or is the critic more like a scientist,   following a series of demonstrable,   verifiable steps, using an objective   method of analysis? (10)  For the woman who is a practitioner   of feminist literary criticism, the   subjectivity versus objectivity, or   critic-as-artist-or-scientist, debate   has special significance; for her, the (15) question is not only academic, but   political as well, and her definition   will court special risks whichever side   of the issue it favors. If she defines   feminist criticism as objective and (20) scientific-a valid, verifiable,intellectual   method that anyone,whether man or   woman, can perform --the definition not   only precludes the critic-as-artist   approach,but may also impede (25) accomplishment of the utilitarian   political objectives of those who seek to   change the academic establishment and   its thinking, especially about sex roles.   If she defines feminist criticism as (30) creative and intuitive, privileged as   art, then her work becomes vulnerable   to the prejudices of stereotypic ideas   about the ways in which women think,   and will be dismissed by much of the (35) academic establishment.Because of these   prejudices, women who use an intui-   tive approach in their criticism may find   themselves charged with inability to be   analytical, to be objective, or to think (40) critically. Whereas men may be free to   claim the role of critic-as-artist,   women run different professional risks   when they choose intuition and private   experience as critical method and (45) defense.    These questions are political in the   sense that the debate over them will   inevitably be less an exploration of   abstract matters in a spirit of (50) disinterested inquiry than an academic   power struggle in which the careers and   professional fortunes of many women   scholars-only now entering the academic   profession in substantial numbers-will (55) be at stake, and with them the chances   for a distinctive contribution to   humanistic understanding, a contribution   that might be an important influence   against sexism in our society. (60)  As long as the academic establishment   continues to regard objective analysis   as "masculine" and an intuitive approach   as "feminine," the theoretician must   steer a delicate philosophical course (65) between the two.If she wishes to constrict   a theory of feminist criticism, she would   be well advised to place it within the   framework of a general theory of the   critical process that is neither purely (70) objective nor purely intuitive. Her theory   is then more likely to be compared and   contrasted with other theories of criticism   with some degree of dispassionate   distance.  Which of the following titles best summarizes the content of the passage? How Theories of Literary Criticism Can Best Be Used Problems Confronting Women Who Are Feminist Literary Critics A Historical overview of Feminist literary Criticism A New Theory of Literary Criticism Literary Criticism: Art or Science? ———————————————————————— 答案:(B)   文学批评家是否与诗人一样,创造性地、直觉地、主观地对书面文字作出反应, 犹如诗人对人类经验作出反应那样?或者,批评家是否更像一个科学家,遵循着一 系列可证明的、可验证的步骤,使用一种客观的分析方法呢?     对于任何一个从事女权主义文学批评(feminist literary criticism)的女 性来说,主观性相对于客观性,或者,批抨家作为诗人抑或作为科学家,这场争论 具有特殊意义;对她而言,这一问题不仅仅具有学术性质,而且也具有政治性质, 而她的定义不管赞成拥护该问题的哪一面,都会招致特殊的风险。假如她将女权主 义文学批评定义为客观的和科学的——一种卓有成效的、可验证的、理性的方法, 无论是男性还是女性都能从事进行——那么,这一定义不仅仅排除了批评家作为艺 术家的研究方法,而且也有可能阻碍某些人的某些实用主义政治目标的实现,这些 人力图要改变学术界以及学术界的思维,尤其是有关性别角色的思维。假如她将女 权主义文学批评定义为创造性的和直觉的,作为艺术享有特权,那么,她的研究工 作即易于遭受有关女性思维方式陈腐观念的偏见,并将为学术界的很大一部分成员 所不屑。由于这些偏见的存在,在其文学批评活动中采用一种直觉方式方法的女批 评家,便可能会发现自己被谴责为缺乏分析的能力,无法做到客观,或者是无法进 行批判式的思维。虽然男批评家可随心所欲地宣称批评家作为艺术家的角色,但当 女性批评家们选择直觉和个体经验作为文学批语的方法和辩解手段时,她们就会冒 不同于男性的职业风险。     这些问题之所以带有政治性质,因为可避免地,围绕这些问题展开的急诊与其 说是一种在客观冷静科研精神指导下对抽象问题的探索,倒不如说是一种学术上的 权力斗争。在此斗争中,许多女学者中——只是在现在才开始以众多的人数进入学 术界——的学术生涯和职业命运将处于存亡攸关的危急关头,与她们相伴随的是对 人文理解作出一种独特贡献的机遇,这一贡献则很有可能成为消除我们社会中所存 在的性别主义的一股重要影响。     只要学术界一如既往地将客观分析视作“男性的特权”并将直觉式的方法视为 “女性的特长”的话,这位女权主义文学批评女理论家必须要在这两者之间走一条 甚为微妙的哲学中庸之道。假如她真的希望构建起一个女权主义文学批评理论的体 系,那么,对她而言,一种明智可取的做法是,将这一理论体系置于一种既非纯粹 客观亦非纯粹主观的批评过程的一般理论的整体框架内。这样一来,她的理论才更 有可能被学术界以某种程度上的客观公允与其它文学批评理论加以比较和对照。 It can be inferred that the author believes which of the following about women who are literary critics?  I. They can make a unique contribution to society.  II. They must develop a new theory of the critical process.  III. Their criticisms of literature should be entirely objective. I only II only I and III only II and III only I, II, and III ———————————————————————— 答案:(A)   文学批评家是否与诗人一样,创造性地、直觉地、主观地对书面文字作出反应, 犹如诗人对人类经验作出反应那样?或者,批评家是否更像一个科学家,遵循着一 系列可证明的、可验证的步骤,使用一种客观的分析方法呢?     对于任何一个从事女权主义文学批评(feminist literary criticism)的女 性来说,主观性相对于客观性,或者,批抨家作为诗人抑或作为科学家,这场争论 具有特殊意义;对她而言,这一问题不仅仅具有学术性质,而且也具有政治性质, 而她的定义不管赞成拥护该问题的哪一面,都会招致特殊的风险。假如她将女权主 义文学批评定义为客观的和科学的——一种卓有成效的、可验证的、理性的方法, 无论是男性还是女性都能从事进行——那么,这一定义不仅仅排除了批评家作为艺 术家的研究方法,而且也有可能阻碍某些人的某些实用主义政治目标的实现,这些 人力图要改变学术界以及学术界的思维,尤其是有关性别角色的思维。假如她将女 权主义文学批评定义为创造性的和直觉的,作为艺术享有特权,那么,她的研究工 作即易于遭受有关女性思维方式陈腐观念的偏见,并将为学术界的很大一部分成员 所不屑。由于这些偏见的存在,在其文学批评活动中采用一种直觉方式方法的女批 评家,便可能会发现自己被谴责为缺乏分析的能力,无法做到客观,或者是无法进 行批判式的思维。虽然男批评家可随心所欲地宣称批评家作为艺术家的角色,但当 女性批评家们选择直觉和个体经验作为文学批语的方法和辩解手段时,她们就会冒 不同于男性的职业风险。     这些问题之所以带有政治性质,因为可避免地,围绕这些问题展开的急诊与其 说是一种在客观冷静科研精神指导下对抽象问题的探索,倒不如说是一种学术上的 权力斗争。在此斗争中,许多女学者中——只是在现在才开始以众多的人数进入学 术界——的学术生涯和职业命运将处于存亡攸关的危急关头,与她们相伴随的是对 人文理解作出一种独特贡献的机遇,这一贡献则很有可能成为消除我们社会中所存 在的性别主义的一股重要影响。     只要学术界一如既往地将客观分析视作“男性的特权”并将直觉式的方法视为 “女性的特长”的话,这位女权主义文学批评女理论家必须要在这两者之间走一条 甚为微妙的哲学中庸之道。假如她真的希望构建起一个女权主义文学批评理论的体 系,那么,对她而言,一种明智可取的做法是,将这一理论体系置于一种既非纯粹 客观亦非纯粹主观的批评过程的一般理论的整体框架内。这样一来,她的理论才更 有可能被学术界以某种程度上的客观公允与其它文学批评理论加以比较和对照。 The author specifically mentions all of the following as difficulties that particularly affect women who are theoreticians of feminist literary criticism EXCEPT the tendency of a predominantly male academic establishment to form preconceptions about women limitations that are imposed when criticism is defined as objective and scientific likelihood that the work of a woman theoretician who claims the privilege of art will be viewed with prejudice by some academics inescapability of power struggles between women in the academic profession and the academic establishment tendency of members of the academic establishment to treat all forms of feminist literary theory with hostility ———————————————————————— 答案:(E)   文学批评家是否与诗人一样,创造性地、直觉地、主观地对书面文字作出反应, 犹如诗人对人类经验作出反应那样?或者,批评家是否更像一个科学家,遵循着一 系列可证明的、可验证的步骤,使用一种客观的分析方法呢?     对于任何一个从事女权主义文学批评(feminist literary criticism)的女 性来说,主观性相对于客观性,或者,批抨家作为诗人抑或作为科学家,这场争论 具有特殊意义;对她而言,这一问题不仅仅具有学术性质,而且也具有政治性质, 而她的定义不管赞成拥护该问题的哪一面,都会招致特殊的风险。假如她将女权主 义文学批评定义为客观的和科学的——一种卓有成效的、可验证的、理性的方法, 无论是男性还是女性都能从事进行——那么,这一定义不仅仅排除了批评家作为艺 术家的研究方法,而且也有可能阻碍某些人的某些实用主义政治目标的实现,这些 人力图要改变学术界以及学术界的思维,尤其是有关性别角色的思维。假如她将女 权主义文学批评定义为创造性的和直觉的,作为艺术享有特权,那么,她的研究工 作即易于遭受有关女性思维方式陈腐观念的偏见,并将为学术界的很大一部分成员 所不屑。由于这些偏见的存在,在其文学批评活动中采用一种直觉方式方法的女批 评家,便可能会发现自己被谴责为缺乏分析的能力,无法做到客观,或者是无法进 行批判式的思维。虽然男批评家可随心所欲地宣称批评家作为艺术家的角色,但当 女性批评家们选择直觉和个体经验作为文学批语的方法和辩解手段时,她们就会冒 不同于男性的职业风险。     这些问题之所以带有政治性质,因为可避免地,围绕这些问题展开的急诊与其 说是一种在客观冷静科研精神指导下对抽象问题的探索,倒不如说是一种学术上的 权力斗争。在此斗争中,许多女学者中——只是在现在才开始以众多的人数进入学 术界——的学术生涯和职业命运将处于存亡攸关的危急关头,与她们相伴随的是对 人文理解作出一种独特贡献的机遇,这一贡献则很有可能成为消除我们社会中所存 在的性别主义的一股重要影响。     只要学术界一如既往地将客观分析视作“男性的特权”并将直觉式的方法视为 “女性的特长”的话,这位女权主义文学批评女理论家必须要在这两者之间走一条 甚为微妙的哲学中庸之道。假如她真的希望构建起一个女权主义文学批评理论的体 系,那么,对她而言,一种明智可取的做法是,将这一理论体系置于一种既非纯粹 客观亦非纯粹主观的批评过程的一般理论的整体框架内。这样一来,她的理论才更 有可能被学术界以某种程度上的客观公允与其它文学批评理论加以比较和对照。 According to the author, the debate mentioned in the passage has special significance for the woman who is a theoretician of feminist literary criticism for which of the following reasons? There are large numbers of capable women working within the academic establishment. There are a few powerful feminist critics who have been recognized by the academic establishment. Like other critics, most women who are literary critics define criticism as either scientific or artistic. Women who are literary critics face professional risks different from those faced by men who are literary critics. Women who are literary critics are more likely to participate in the debate than arc men who are literary crictics. ———————————————————————— 答案:(D)   文学批评家是否与诗人一样,创造性地、直觉地、主观地对书面文字作出反应, 犹如诗人对人类经验作出反应那样?或者,批评家是否更像一个科学家,遵循着一 系列可证明的、可验证的步骤,使用一种客观的分析方法呢?     对于任何一个从事女权主义文学批评(feminist literary criticism)的女 性来说,主观性相对于客观性,或者,批抨家作为诗人抑或作为科学家,这场争论 具有特殊意义;对她而言,这一问题不仅仅具有学术性质,而且也具有政治性质, 而她的定义不管赞成拥护该问题的哪一面,都会招致特殊的风险。假如她将女权主 义文学批评定义为客观的和科学的——一种卓有成效的、可验证的、理性的方法, 无论是男性还是女性都能从事进行——那么,这一定义不仅仅排除了批评家作为艺 术家的研究方法,而且也有可能阻碍某些人的某些实用主义政治目标的实现,这些 人力图要改变学术界以及学术界的思维,尤其是有关性别角色的思维。假如她将女 权主义文学批评定义为创造性的和直觉的,作为艺术享有特权,那么,她的研究工 作即易于遭受有关女性思维方式陈腐观念的偏见,并将为学术界的很大一部分成员 所不屑。由于这些偏见的存在,在其文学批评活动中采用一种直觉方式方法的女批 评家,便可能会发现自己被谴责为缺乏分析的能力,无法做到客观,或者是无法进 行批判式的思维。虽然男批评家可随心所欲地宣称批评家作为艺术家的角色,但当 女性批评家们选择直觉和个体经验作为文学批语的方法和辩解手段时,她们就会冒 不同于男性的职业风险。     这些问题之所以带有政治性质,因为可避免地,围绕这些问题展开的急诊与其 说是一种在客观冷静科研精神指导下对抽象问题的探索,倒不如说是一种学术上的 权力斗争。在此斗争中,许多女学者中——只是在现在才开始以众多的人数进入学 术界——的学术生涯和职业命运将处于存亡攸关的危急关头,与她们相伴随的是对 人文理解作出一种独特贡献的机遇,这一贡献则很有可能成为消除我们社会中所存 在的性别主义的一股重要影响。     只要学术界一如既往地将客观分析视作“男性的特权”并将直觉式的方法视为 “女性的特长”的话,这位女权主义文学批评女理论家必须要在这两者之间走一条 甚为微妙的哲学中庸之道。假如她真的希望构建起一个女权主义文学批评理论的体 系,那么,对她而言,一种明智可取的做法是,将这一理论体系置于一种既非纯粹 客观亦非纯粹主观的批评过程的一般理论的整体框架内。这样一来,她的理论才更 有可能被学术界以某种程度上的客观公允与其它文学批评理论加以比较和对照。 Which of the following is presented by the author in support of the suggestion that there is stereotypic thinking among members of the academic establishments A distinctively feminist contribution to humanistic understanding could work against the influence of sexism among members of the academic establishment. Women who define criticism as artistic may be seen by the academic establishment as being incapable of critical thinking. The debate over the role of the literary critic is often seen as a political one. Women scholars are only now entering academia in substantial numbers. The woman who is a critic is forced to construct a theory of literary criticism. ———————————————————————— 答案:(B)   文学批评家是否与诗人一样,创造性地、直觉地、主观地对书面文字作出反应, 犹如诗人对人类经验作出反应那样?或者,批评家是否更像一个科学家,遵循着一 系列可证明的、可验证的步骤,使用一种客观的分析方法呢?     对于任何一个从事女权主义文学批评(feminist literary criticism)的女 性来说,主观性相对于客观性,或者,批抨家作为诗人抑或作为科学家,这场争论 具有特殊意义;对她而言,这一问题不仅仅具有学术性质,而且也具有政治性质, 而她的定义不管赞成拥护该问题的哪一面,都会招致特殊的风险。假如她将女权主 义文学批评定义为客观的和科学的——一种卓有成效的、可验证的、理性的方法, 无论是男性还是女性都能从事进行——那么,这一定义不仅仅排除了批评家作为艺 术家的研究方法,而且也有可能阻碍某些人的某些实用主义政治目标的实现,这些 人力图要改变学术界以及学术界的思维,尤其是有关性别角色的思维。假如她将女 权主义文学批评定义为创造性的和直觉的,作为艺术享有特权,那么,她的研究工 作即易于遭受有关女性思维方式陈腐观念的偏见,并将为学术界的很大一部分成员 所不屑。由于这些偏见的存在,在其文学批评活动中采用一种直觉方式方法的女批 评家,便可能会发现自己被谴责为缺乏分析的能力,无法做到客观,或者是无法进 行批判式的思维。虽然男批评家可随心所欲地宣称批评家作为艺术家的角色,但当 女性批评家们选择直觉和个体经验作为文学批语的方法和辩解手段时,她们就会冒 不同于男性的职业风险。     这些问题之所以带有政治性质,因为可避免地,围绕这些问题展开的急诊与其 说是一种在客观冷静科研精神指导下对抽象问题的探索,倒不如说是一种学术上的 权力斗争。在此斗争中,许多女学者中——只是在现在才开始以众多的人数进入学 术界——的学术生涯和职业命运将处于存亡攸关的危急关头,与她们相伴随的是对 人文理解作出一种独特贡献的机遇,这一贡献则很有可能成为消除我们社会中所存 在的性别主义的一股重要影响。     只要学术界一如既往地将客观分析视作“男性的特权”并将直觉式的方法视为 “女性的特长”的话,这位女权主义文学批评女理论家必须要在这两者之间走一条 甚为微妙的哲学中庸之道。假如她真的希望构建起一个女权主义文学批评理论的体 系,那么,对她而言,一种明智可取的做法是,将这一理论体系置于一种既非纯粹 客观亦非纯粹主观的批评过程的一般理论的整体框架内。这样一来,她的理论才更 有可能被学术界以某种程度上的客观公允与其它文学批评理论加以比较和对照。 Which of the following is most likely to be one of the "utilitarian political objectives" mentioned by the author in line 25-26 ? To forge a new theory of literary criticism To pursue truth in a disinterested manner To demonstrate that women are interested in literary criticism that can be viewed either subjectively or objectively To convince the academic establishment to revise the ways in which it assesses women scholars' professional qualities To dissuade women who are literary critics from taking a subjective approach to literary criticism ———————————————————————— 答案:(D)   文学批评家是否与诗人一样,创造性地、直觉地、主观地对书面文字作出反应, 犹如诗人对人类经验作出反应那样?或者,批评家是否更像一个科学家,遵循着一 系列可证明的、可验证的步骤,使用一种客观的分析方法呢?     对于任何一个从事女权主义文学批评(feminist literary criticism)的女 性来说,主观性相对于客观性,或者,批抨家作为诗人抑或作为科学家,这场争论 具有特殊意义;对她而言,这一问题不仅仅具有学术性质,而且也具有政治性质, 而她的定义不管赞成拥护该问题的哪一面,都会招致特殊的风险。假如她将女权主 义文学批评定义为客观的和科学的——一种卓有成效的、可验证的、理性的方法, 无论是男性还是女性都能从事进行——那么,这一定义不仅仅排除了批评家作为艺 术家的研究方法,而且也有可能阻碍某些人的某些实用主义政治目标的实现,这些 人力图要改变学术界以及学术界的思维,尤其是有关性别角色的思维。假如她将女 权主义文学批评定义为创造性的和直觉的,作为艺术享有特权,那么,她的研究工 作即易于遭受有关女性思维方式陈腐观念的偏见,并将为学术界的很大一部分成员 所不屑。由于这些偏见的存在,在其文学批评活动中采用一种直觉方式方法的女批 评家,便可能会发现自己被谴责为缺乏分析的能力,无法做到客观,或者是无法进 行批判式的思维。虽然男批评家可随心所欲地宣称批评家作为艺术家的角色,但当 女性批评家们选择直觉和个体经验作为文学批语的方法和辩解手段时,她们就会冒 不同于男性的职业风险。     这些问题之所以带有政治性质,因为可避免地,围绕这些问题展开的急诊与其 说是一种在客观冷静科研精神指导下对抽象问题的探索,倒不如说是一种学术上的 权力斗争。在此斗争中,许多女学者中——只是在现在才开始以众多的人数进入学 术界——的学术生涯和职业命运将处于存亡攸关的危急关头,与她们相伴随的是对 人文理解作出一种独特贡献的机遇,这一贡献则很有可能成为消除我们社会中所存 在的性别主义的一股重要影响。     只要学术界一如既往地将客观分析视作“男性的特权”并将直觉式的方法视为 “女性的特长”的话,这位女权主义文学批评女理论家必须要在这两者之间走一条 甚为微妙的哲学中庸之道。假如她真的希望构建起一个女权主义文学批评理论的体 系,那么,对她而言,一种明智可取的做法是,将这一理论体系置于一种既非纯粹 客观亦非纯粹主观的批评过程的一般理论的整体框架内。这样一来,她的理论才更 有可能被学术界以某种程度上的客观公允与其它文学批评理论加以比较和对照。 It can be inferred that the author would define as " political" (line 46) questions that are contested largely through contentions over power are primarily academic in nature and open to abstract analysis are not in themselves important cannot be resolved without extensive debate will be debated by both men and women ———————————————————————— 答案:(A)   文学批评家是否与诗人一样,创造性地、直觉地、主观地对书面文字作出反应, 犹如诗人对人类经验作出反应那样?或者,批评家是否更像一个科学家,遵循着一 系列可证明的、可验证的步骤,使用一种客观的分析方法呢?     对于任何一个从事女权主义文学批评(feminist literary criticism)的女 性来说,主观性相对于客观性,或者,批抨家作为诗人抑或作为科学家,这场争论 具有特殊意义;对她而言,这一问题不仅仅具有学术性质,而且也具有政治性质, 而她的定义不管赞成拥护该问题的哪一面,都会招致特殊的风险。假如她将女权主 义文学批评定义为客观的和科学的——一种卓有成效的、可验证的、理性的方法, 无论是男性还是女性都能从事进行——那么,这一定义不仅仅排除了批评家作为艺 术家的研究方法,而且也有可能阻碍某些人的某些实用主义政治目标的实现,这些 人力图要改变学术界以及学术界的思维,尤其是有关性别角色的思维。假如她将女 权主义文学批评定义为创造性的和直觉的,作为艺术享有特权,那么,她的研究工 作即易于遭受有关女性思维方式陈腐观念的偏见,并将为学术界的很大一部分成员 所不屑。由于这些偏见的存在,在其文学批评活动中采用一种直觉方式方法的女批 评家,便可能会发现自己被谴责为缺乏分析的能力,无法做到客观,或者是无法进 行批判式的思维。虽然男批评家可随心所欲地宣称批评家作为艺术家的角色,但当 女性批评家们选择直觉和个体经验作为文学批语的方法和辩解手段时,她们就会冒 不同于男性的职业风险。     这些问题之所以带有政治性质,因为可避免地,围绕这些问题展开的急诊与其 说是一种在客观冷静科研精神指导下对抽象问题的探索,倒不如说是一种学术上的 权力斗争。在此斗争中,许多女学者中——只是在现在才开始以众多的人数进入学 术界——的学术生涯和职业命运将处于存亡攸关的危急关头,与她们相伴随的是对 人文理解作出一种独特贡献的机遇,这一贡献则很有可能成为消除我们社会中所存 在的性别主义的一股重要影响。     只要学术界一如既往地将客观分析视作“男性的特权”并将直觉式的方法视为 “女性的特长”的话,这位女权主义文学批评女理论家必须要在这两者之间走一条 甚为微妙的哲学中庸之道。假如她真的希望构建起一个女权主义文学批评理论的体 系,那么,对她而言,一种明智可取的做法是,将这一理论体系置于一种既非纯粹 客观亦非纯粹主观的批评过程的一般理论的整体框架内。这样一来,她的理论才更 有可能被学术界以某种程度上的客观公允与其它文学批评理论加以比较和对照。    [This passage was excerpted from an   article published in 1979.]    Quantum mechanics is a highly   successful theory: it supplies methods (5) for accurately calculating the results   of diverse experiments, especially with   minute particles. The predictions of   quantum mechanics, however, give only   the probability of an event, not a (10) deterministic statement of whether or   not the event will occur. Because of   this probabilism, Einstein remained   strongly dissatisfied with the theory   throughout his life, though he did not (15) maintain that quantum mechanics is   wrong. Rather, he held that it is   incomplete: in quantum mechanics the   motion of a particle must be described   in terms of probabilities, he argued, (20) only because some parameters that   determine the motion have not been   specified. If these hypothetical   "hidden parameters" were known,a fully   deterministic trajectory could be (25) defined.Significantly, this hidden-   parameter quantum theory leads to   experimental predictions different from   those of traditional quantum mechanics.   Einstein's ideas have been tested by (30) experiments performed since his death,   and as most of these experiments support   traditional quantum mechanics,   Einstein's approach is almost certainly   erroneous. The author regards the idea that traditional quantum mechanics is incomplete with approval surprise indifference apprehension skepticism ———————————————————————— 答案:(E)   量子力学(Quantum Mechanics)是一种极为成功的理论:它提供了种种方法 来精确计算出不同实验的结果,尤其是对于微粒子而言。然则,量子力学的预测仅 能提供某一事件的可能性,而不能提供该事件是否将发生的明确陈述。正因为它的 这种或然性,爱因斯坦(Einstein)一辈子都对这一理论倍感不满,虽然他并不坚 信量子理论是错误的。实质上,他认为它并不完整:在量子力学中,粒子的运动之 所以必须要依据概率来描述,他辩论道,只是因为决定粒子运动的某些参数还没能 被具体确定。倘若这些假设的“隐性参数”(hidden parameters)得以被揭示,则 一种绝然明确的粒子运动轨道就可获得界定。饶有意义的是,这一隐性参数量子理 论导致产生了不同于传统量子力学所作出的预测。自爱因斯坦去世之后,科学家从 事了一系列的实验以检验他的思想,由于所有这些实验中的大多数实验是在支持传 统量子力学,故爱因斯坦的方法几乎肯定是谬误的。 It can be inferred from the passage that the author's conclusion that Einstein's approach is "erroneous" (line 34) might have to be modified because it is theoretically possible to generate plausible theories with hidden parameters within them some experimental tests of Einstein's theory do not disconfirm the hidden-parameter theory of quantum mechanics it is possible for a theory to have hidden parameters and yet be probabilistic traditional quantum mechanics has not yet been used to analyze all of the phenomena to which it could be applied there are too many possible hidden parameters to develop meaningful tests of hidden-parameter theories ———————————————————————— 答案:(B)   量子力学(Quantum Mechanics)是一种极为成功的理论:它提供了种种方法 来精确计算出不同实验的结果,尤其是对于微粒子而言。然则,量子力学的预测仅 能提供某一事件的可能性,而不能提供该事件是否将发生的明确陈述。正因为它的 这种或然性,爱因斯坦(Einstein)一辈子都对这一理论倍感不满,虽然他并不坚 信量子理论是错误的。实质上,他认为它并不完整:在量子力学中,粒子的运动之 所以必须要依据概率来描述,他辩论道,只是因为决定粒子运动的某些参数还没能 被具体确定。倘若这些假设的“隐性参数”(hidden parameters)得以被揭示,则 一种绝然明确的粒子运动轨道就可获得界定。饶有意义的是,这一隐性参数量子理 论导致产生了不同于传统量子力学所作出的预测。自爱因斯坦去世之后,科学家从 事了一系列的实验以检验他的思想,由于所有这些实验中的大多数实验是在支持传 统量子力学,故爱因斯坦的方法几乎肯定是谬误的。 According to the passage, Einstein posed objections to the existence of hidden parameters in quantum theory probabilistic nature of quantum mechanics idea that quantum mechanics is incomplete results of experiments testing quantum theory importance accorded quantum mechanics in physics ———————————————————————— 答案:(B)   量子力学(Quantum Mechanics)是一种极为成功的理论:它提供了种种方法 来精确计算出不同实验的结果,尤其是对于微粒子而言。然则,量子力学的预测仅 能提供某一事件的可能性,而不能提供该事件是否将发生的明确陈述。正因为它的 这种或然性,爱因斯坦(Einstein)一辈子都对这一理论倍感不满,虽然他并不坚 信量子理论是错误的。实质上,他认为它并不完整:在量子力学中,粒子的运动之 所以必须要依据概率来描述,他辩论道,只是因为决定粒子运动的某些参数还没能 被具体确定。倘若这些假设的“隐性参数”(hidden parameters)得以被揭示,则 一种绝然明确的粒子运动轨道就可获得界定。饶有意义的是,这一隐性参数量子理 论导致产生了不同于传统量子力学所作出的预测。自爱因斯坦去世之后,科学家从 事了一系列的实验以检验他的思想,由于所有这些实验中的大多数实验是在支持传 统量子力学,故爱因斯坦的方法几乎肯定是谬误的。 The passage suggests that which of the following would have resulted if the experiments mentioned in lines 29-30 had not supported the predictions of traditional quantum mechanics? Einstein, had he been alive, would have revised his approach to quantum mechanics. Hidden-parameter theories would have been considered inaccurate descriptions of world phenomena. A deterministic description of the motion of a particle might still be considered possible. Quantum mechanics would have ceased to attract the attention of physicists. Einstein, had he been alive, would have abandoned attempts to specify the hidden parameters that describe motion. ———————————————————————— 答案:(C)   量子力学(Quantum Mechanics)是一种极为成功的理论:它提供了种种方法 来精确计算出不同实验的结果,尤其是对于微粒子而言。然则,量子力学的预测仅 能提供某一事件的可能性,而不能提供该事件是否将发生的明确陈述。正因为它的 这种或然性,爱因斯坦(Einstein)一辈子都对这一理论倍感不满,虽然他并不坚 信量子理论是错误的。实质上,他认为它并不完整:在量子力学中,粒子的运动之 所以必须要依据概率来描述,他辩论道,只是因为决定粒子运动的某些参数还没能 被具体确定。倘若这些假设的“隐性参数”(hidden parameters)得以被揭示,则 一种绝然明确的粒子运动轨道就可获得界定。饶有意义的是,这一隐性参数量子理 论导致产生了不同于传统量子力学所作出的预测。自爱因斯坦去世之后,科学家从 事了一系列的实验以检验他的思想,由于所有这些实验中的大多数实验是在支持传 统量子力学,故爱因斯坦的方法几乎肯定是谬误的。 INGEST: throw around take along expel uncover enlarge ———————————————————————— 答案:(C) 吞咽v.   A.乱扔 B. 带着 C. 驱逐 D. 揭开 E. 扩大 SCRUTINY: awkwardness misunderstanding casual glance simple movement slight injury ———————————————————————— 答案:(C) 细查,细读n.   A.举止笨拙(尴尬) B. 误解 C. 偶然一瞥 D. 简单的行动 E. 轻微的伤害 SLEW: uncertain supply unwanted interference unsuitable arrangement poor beginning limited quantity ———————————————————————— 答案:(E) 大量(旋转)n.   A.不确定的供应 B. 多余的干涉 C. 不合适的安排 D. 不好的开端 E. 有限的数量 NEGATION: allegiance affirmation guarantee acquittal validity ———————————————————————— 答案:(B) 否认n.   A.忠诚 B. 确定,断言 C. 保证 D. 无罪开释 E. 有效性 SATE: dehydrate enervate initiate quaff starve ———————————————————————— 答案:(E) 使饱,使满足v.   A.脱水 B. 削弱 C. 开始,着手 D. 畅饮 E. 饿死 DISPOSED: disinclined disrupted determined derided depressed ———————————————————————— 答案:(A) 倾向的,偏好的adj.   A.不喜欢的 B. 混乱的(分裂的) C. 坚决的 D. 被嘲弄的 E. 沮丧的(下陷的,萧条的) JIBE: surpass prevent qualify conflict collect ———————————————————————— 答案:(D) 符合(嘲笑)v.   A.超越 B. 预防 C. 使有资格 D. 冲突,矛盾 E. 收集 APPRECIABLE: interminable unsatisfactory tentative timid imperceptible ———————————————————————— 答案:(E) 明显的adj.   A.无止境的 B. 令人满意的 C. 暂时的(尝试性的) D. 害羞的,胆小的 E. 察觉不到的 ARTLESSNESS: zest sense mania quirkiness guile ———————————————————————— 答案:(E) 朴实,天真n.   A.热心 B. 意义(感知) C. 狂热 D. 怪癖 E. 狡诈 FATUITY: desiccation sagacity veracity confirmation artifice ———————————————————————— 答案:(B) 昏庸n.   A.脱水 B. 睿智 C. 诚实(真实性) D. 确认,证实 E. 诡计(巧办法) PROPITIATE: antagonize discourage repress forsake deceive ———————————————————————— 答案:(A) 抚慰(讨好)v.   A.对抗 B. 使气馁 C. 压制 D. 抛弃 E. 欺骗
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