
Unit 2B(2a-2e)第五课时

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Unit 2B(2a-2e)第五课时Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious. 第五课时Section B 2a-2e (Page14-15) 【教学目标】 一、功能:Learn to give a personal reaction 二、词汇和常用表达:Learn to read, spell and use the new words, phrases and sentences. Curriculum words: Christmas, lie, novel, dead, business, puni...
Unit 2B(2a-2e)第五课时
Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious. 第五课时Section B 2a-2e (Page14-15) 【教学目标】 一、功能:Learn to give a personal reaction 二、词汇和常用表达:Learn to read, spell and use the new words, phrases and sentences. Curriculum words: Christmas, lie, novel, dead, business, punish, warn, present, warmth, spread and so on. Useful phrases: the spirit of Christmas, the importance of, think about, remind …of, so…that…, end up and so on. Sentences: But behind all these things lies the true meaning of Christmas: the importance of sharing and giving love and joy to people around us. He also tells Scrooge to expect three spirits to visit him. He is mean and only thinks about himself. He warns Scrooge to change his ways if he doesn’t want to end up like him. 三、学习策略:Guide the students to master the reading skill of inferring. 四、文化知识:Lead the students get to know the true meaning of Christmas and expect people to treat everyone with kindness and warmth, spread love and joy. 【课前准备】背景知识 1. Christmas 圣诞节 圣诞节时为纪念基督耶稣诞生而在12月25日举行庆祝活动的节日。12月24日晚上被成为圣诞夜,是家庭团聚、共进晚餐、互赠礼品的时间。多年以来,世界各地以自己特有的方式庆祝圣诞节,这使得庆祝这个节日的习俗和传统变得丰富多彩。圣诞树多为节日的必需之物,一般是小枞树或者松树,树枝上挂满了各种装饰物和彩灯,树顶上通常有一颗明亮的星星。孩子们还会期待圣诞老人(Santa Claus)在圣诞夜送来礼物。现代的圣诞节已经不仅仅是宗教节日了,她已经成为全世界流传最为广泛、庆祝最为隆重的节日之一。 2. Charles Dickens and his novel A Christmas Carol Charles Dickens (1812-1870) 查尔斯. 狄更斯是英国最受欢迎的作家之一。他的代表作有《圣诞欢歌》《双城记》《远大前程》《大卫. 科波菲尔》《艰难时世》《匹克威克外传》和《雾都孤儿》等。这些作品是世界文学宝库中的瑰宝。时至今日仍然脍炙人口。除了作家之外,狄更斯还是著名的朗诵者、编辑、主编,并且他还总是乐于为各种慈善事业奔忙。 A Christmas Carol 《圣诞欢歌》创作于1843年,是狄更斯以圣诞题材创作的一部著名的小说。作品讲述了一个名叫斯克鲁奇的商人,他为人吝啬,待人刻薄。三个幽灵在圣诞夜前登门造访了他,让他看到了自己的过去、现在和未来。翌日,斯克鲁奇洗心革面,痛改前非,转变成一个慷慨大方、富有爱心的人。这部作品奠定了现代圣诞节的寓意和内涵,同时告诫人们要拥有一颗善良、仁慈、怜悯、包容之心。善良仁慈、乐善好施才是幸福的源泉。 【设计意图】:此部分为课前准备环节,老师可以把相关背景知识以学案或的形式展示给学生,让他们(尤其是乡镇中学的学生)对以上背景知识有所了解,为后面的阅读活动做知识铺垫。 【教学过程】: Step I Teaching Aims: Tell the Ss they are going to learn Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious. Section B 2a-2e And show students the learning aims of this lesson. 【设计意图】:上课伊始,向学生展示学习课题与学习目标,帮助他们明确这一节课的学习任务所在。 Step II Pre-reading activities: 1. Preview 一、.Ask the Ss to preview the words and phrases in P14, then have a word game to check. 二、Look at P14, put the following into English orally, and then write them down without looking at the textbook. 1. 但是在这所有的事物之后,蕴藏着圣诞节的真谛:与我们身边的人分享和给予爱和快乐的重要性。 ___________________________________________________________________ 2. 他是关于一个名叫Scrooge的老人,他从不大笑或者是微笑。 _____________________________________________________________ 3. 他吝啬,并且心中只想着他自己。 _______________________________________________ 4. 他只在意他是否能赚更多的钱,并且他讨厌圣诞节。 _____________________________________________________________________ 5. 他告诫Scrooge,如果他不想最终像他一样,就要改变他的癖性。 _____________________________________________________________________ 6. 首先,“圣诞节的过去之灵” 带他回到了童年时代,使Scrooge回想起孩提时代的快乐时光。 ____________________________________________________________________ 7. 接着第二个神灵——“圣诞节现在之灵”带他去看其他人今年在如何过圣诞节。 _____________________________________________________________________ 8. 最后一个,“圣诞节的未来之灵”带他去了未来。 __________________________________________________________________ 9. 他是如此恐惧,以至于他在床上醒来,发现已经是第二天早晨----圣诞节了。 _______________________________________________________________________________ 10. 他决定要改变他的生活,并承诺做一个更好的人。 _____________________________________________________________________________ 11. 现在他用善良和温暖对待每一个人,在他所到之处,散播着爱与快乐。 ___________________________________________________________________________ 【设计意图】培养学生养成良好的课前预习习惯,通过对词汇的有效预习掌握,为课堂活动奠定较好的词汇基础。 2. Warming up and leading in 1. Free Talk T: What is the most important festival in China? S1: The Spring Festival. T: Then, what is the most important festival in western countries? Ss: Christmas. T show Christmas song Jingle Bell. T: What do you know about Christmas? Ss: …. T: OK. Let’s see some pictures on Christmas. T: When we think of Christmas, we often think of gifts, Christmas trees and Santa Claus. Christmas is an annual commemoration of the birth of Jesus Christ and a widely observed cultural holiday. Do you know when it is? S1: It’s on December 25th. T: What’s the symbol of Christmas? S2: Christmas tree. T: OK. Let’s discuss Christmas in groups and create the mind map. 2. T shows some pictures. T: Do you know who he is? Ss: …. T: He writes a story on Christmas. Do you know what it is? Ss: A Christmas Carol. T: Yes. A Christmas Carol is a novel by English writer Charles Dickens, first published on 19 December 1843. It tells the story of old mean Scrooge and his transformation resulting from visits by Jacob Marley and the Ghosts of Christmases Past, Present and Yet to Come. The novel met with instant success and critical acclaim. A Christmas Carol brings to readers images of light, joy, warmth and life, it also brings strong and unforgettable images of darkness, despair, coldness, sadness and death. 【设计说明】:(1)部分是利用图片来导入到Christmas这一话题,并引导学生讲述自己所知道的圣诞节信息,为学生创造轻松地学习氛围。(2)展示与A Christmas Carol相关的图片,可以让学生对A Christmas Carol有所了解,为学习新课埋下伏笔。 Step III While-reading activities: 1. Reading Strategy: T: Today, we will learn the Christmas story together. Now open your books and turn to page 14. What’s the title of the passage? Ss: The spirit of Christmas. T: what’s the meaning of it? Ss: 圣诞精神。 T: Good. How to translate “three spirits”? Ss: …. T: Therefore, when we read the passage, we have to “read between the lines” to get the meaning that are not clearly stated in a text. 【设计意图】:阅读之前展示阅读技巧,使得学生能够在阅读中锻炼技巧的使用,也为学生理解文章提供了方法。 2. Fast-reading Read the article fast and silently to find the general ideas. The general idea of the passage is about___________ A. Scrooge B. Three ghosts of Christmas C. The spirit of Christmas 【设计意图】: 该任务意在引导学生速读课文,通过回答问题来实现对课文的整体感知。因为学生要回答这个问题,必须运用阅读技巧捕捉有用的信息,进而获取文章的大意,不要求学生获取所有细节信息。 3. Carefully-reading Read the passage carefully and silently to find the specific ideas. Give the students three tasks. Task 1Read paragraph 1 carefully and finish the blanks. When we think of Christmas, we may think of __________,______________and_____________, But the true meaning of Christmas is_________________________________________________ Task 2Read paragraph 2 carefully and correct T for true and F for false. (1) A Christmas Carol is a famous long novel written by Charles Dickens. (2) Scrooge is unfriendly to others. (3) Jacob Marley used to work together with Scrooge. (4) Jacob Marley and Scrooge are different in character. (5) Jacob Marley wants to help Scrooge. Task 3Read paragraph 3 carefully, then fill in the chart. What does Scrooge see when he’s with… the Ghost of Christmas Past the Ghost of Christmas Present the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come Task 4Read paragraph 4 carefully, then answer the questions. (1)Does Scrooge have changes after he wakes up? (2)What are his changes? 【设计意图】 分段阅读能够降低学生的阅读量,使得绝大多数学生能够达到任务要求,有助于学生更准确的理解短文,为读后的语言输出做好准备。 Step IV Post-reading activities: 1. Students listen to the tape and try to retell the article according to the key words. Before listening, ask students to pay attention to the pronunciation of the new words. Then ask students to retell the article according to the key words. A Christmas Carol a famous short story written by Charles Dickens Scrooge’s personality an old man, never laughs or smells, is mean, only thinks about himself, not treat others nicely, cares about whether…, hate Christmas the ghost of Jacob Marley dead business partner, used to be like Scrooge, was punished, warns Scrooge to change, tells him to expect three ghosts the Ghost of Christmas Past: takes Scrooge back to…, reminds…of… the Ghost of Christmas Present: takes Scrooge to see how… the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come: takes Scrooge to the future, …sees that he is dead, but… cares. Scrooge’s changes decides to change, promises to be …, happily celebrates… with…, also gives … to …., treats… with…, spreading…. 【设计意图】:这个任务是关于课文内容的复述,授课老师可分层次要求:程度中下等的学生可看提供的词条复述;成绩优秀的学生,可用自己的语言复述。此环节在于培养学生们复述课文的能力,让他们在了解文章的基础上,使所学知识达到内化,并锻炼他们的思维能力、口头表达能力。 2. Group work T: In the story, we know that three ghosts of Past, Present and Yet to Come visit Scrooge. What do the three ghosts say to Scrooge when they visit him? Ss: … T: We can discuss in groups, and then make a conversation between the three ghosts and Scrooge. Useful Expressions: 【设计意图】: 让学生充分发挥想象力以及编造故事的能力,让更多的孩子参与到课堂上来,调动起来学习的气氛,让学生开口说英语,提高学生的语言表达能力。 Step V Emotional education T: OK, students. Let’s look at the pictures. How is the environment these people live or study? Ss: Terrible. T: How is the environment you live or study? Ss: Pretty good. T: We should cherish what we have, yes or no? Ss: Yes. T: And should we thank the people who provide the good things for us? Ss: Of course. T: Should we share and give love and joy to people around? Ss: Yes. T: Do you happy when you help others? Ss: Yes. …. 【设计意图】:情感教育是教育的一部分,贯穿和渗透于教育的各部分及始终。本文的目的在于向学生传递一下信息:关爱、同情、怜悯之心是人类社会的宝贵财富,人人应当将之继承及弘扬,以爱心社会。 Step VI Inquiry into knowledge by translation 一、 1. But behind all these things lies the true meaning of Christmas. ______________________________________________________________________ 2. In front of the house is a peach tree.______________________________________________ (1)由句1、2可以看出,这两个句子的状语都处在句______,句子的主语放在动词的________,整个句子的语序是倒装,这是一个倒装句。 提示:作状语的介词短语放于句首, 句子要倒装。 (2)the importance of 意为“________________” e.g. Everyone should know the importance of being a volunteer. 大家应当知道当志愿者的重要性。 二、 1. He warns Scrooge to change his ways if he doesn’t want to end up like him. _____________________________________________________________________________ 2. Our teacher asks us to finish our homework on time everyday. ___________________________________________________________________________ 3. We end up talking with each other after the bell rang. __________________________________________________________________________ (1)又例句1、2可以看出,warn sb. to do sth, tell sb to do sth 都是__________在动词短语中作宾语补足语。常见的带动词不定式做宾语补足语的动词短语有: ask sb to do sth. tell sb to do sth urge sb to do sth expect sb to do sth (2)由例句1、3可以看出,end up 意为“________________”, 其后面的动词要用_______形式。 三、 1. First, the Ghost of Christmas Past takes him back to his childhood and reminds Scrooge of his happier days as a child. _____________________________________________________________________________ 2. Please remind me to call my aunt tomorrow. _________________________________________________________________________ 3. I wanted to watch the play, but he remind me of watching it before. ___________________________________________________________________________ 由例句1意思可知,remind sb. of sth. 意为“___________________”。由例句2、3可以看出,remind之后接动词:remind sb of doing sth, 意为“___________________”(暗示动作经过发生),remind sb to do sth 意为“___________________”(暗示动作尚未发生) 四、He is mean and only thinks about himself. _____________________________________ mean adj. 意思是_____________________ e.g. Don’t be mean to her! 不要对她如此刻薄! mean v. 意思是____________________ e.g. What does this word mean? 这个是什么意思? 【翻译探究】 : 一、 1. 但是在这所有的事物之后蕴藏着圣诞节的真谛。 2. 在小房子的前面有一颗桃树。 (1)首;之后; (2)…重要性 二、 1.他警告Scrooge,如果他不想像他一样结束一生,就要改变他的方式。 2. 我们的老师要求我们每天按时完成家庭作业。 3. 铃声响后,我们停止互相交谈。 (1)动词不定式 (2)结束, 动词ing 三、 1. 首先,“圣诞节的过去之灵” 带他回到了童年时代,使Scrooge回想起孩提时代的快乐时光。 2. 请提醒我明天给我妈妈打电话。 3. 我想看那不话剧,但是他提醒我以前看过了。 使某人想起某事; 提醒某人做过某事; 提醒某人去做某事 四、 他十分吝啬,只想着自己。 “自私的;刻薄的;吝啬的” ; 意思是;打算;意味 【设计意图】:授课老师可以将“翻译探究”的内容展示的课件上或导学案上,引导学生先自己独立完成题目,而后小组内部讨论或分享自己的答案,最后老师适当点拨学生认为比较难以理解的部分,以此来培养学生学习的自主性和合作探究的能力。 StepⅦ the end-of-class test 一、用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. Behind all these things ___________(lie) the true meaning of Christmas. 2. A Christmas Carol is a famous short novel __________(write) by Charles Dickens. 3. He is ________(meaning) and only thinks about himself. 4. Marley used to _______(be) just like Scrooge. 5. He also tells Scrooge to expect three spirits _________(visit) him. 二、翻译下列句子。 1. 但是在着所有的事物之后蕴藏着圣诞节的真谛:与我们身边的人分享和给予爱和欢乐的重要性。 (lie, the importance of) _____________________________________________________________________________ 2. 他十分吝啬,只想着自己。(mean, think about) ______________________________________________________________________________ 3. 首先,“圣诞节的过去之灵” 带他回到了童年时代,使Scrooge回想起孩提时代的快乐时光。(remind … of) _____________________________________________________________________________ 4. 现在他用善良和温暖对待每一个人,在他所到之处,散播着爱与快乐。(treat, spread) ______________________________________________________________________________ 【当堂检测】 答案 一、用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. lies 2. written 3. mean 4. be 5. to visit 二、翻译下列句子 1. But behind all these things lies the true meaning of Christmas: the importance of sharing and giving love and joy to people around you. 2. He is mean and only thinks about himself. 3. First, the Ghost of Christmas Past takes him back to his childhood and reminds Scrooge of his happier days as a child. 4. He now treats everyone with kindness and warmth, spreading love and joy everywhere he goes. 【设计意图】:以当堂练习的形式,检测学生对本节课所学内容的掌握。 Step VIII Homework 1. Master the words and phrases after class and try to retell the article. 2. Finish the exercises on the Exercise Book(练习册) on page11-14. 3. Preview for the next lesson from 3a to self-check of Section B. 【本节课亮点】 1.本课的背景知识与预习环节是学生感知新知识、发展思维的重要部分。它可增强学生听课的目的性,提高听课效率,有利于为阅读做好准备。 2.导入环节,图片更加直观的展示给学生,并对于一些背景材料进行适当的讲解,使得学生对于文章有一些提前的了解,为学生的阅读降低难度,同样也会使得学生更容易对于文章有一定的兴趣性。 3.本课的阅读训练。提前展示阅读策略,让学生带着问题略读文章,找出文章的关键信息;然后对于文章分段阅读,理解文章的细节等。这些策略有利于学生逐渐提高寻找大意和细节的能力,促进他们对文章内容的深刻理解。 4. 读后的听、跟读、复述有利于学生内化所读内容,使所学知识得到升华。除此之外,通过谈论三个鬼魂和Scrooge的交谈,让学生充分发挥想象力,把课本的知识进行很好的输出。 5. 本课的情感教育的自然渗透。向学生传递一下信息:关爱、同情、怜悯之心是人类社会的宝贵财富,人人应当将之继承及弘扬,以爱心汇报社会。 【不足之处】 1.学生在阅读之前或读后,老师若能多一些阅读技巧或策略的指导,而不是仅仅核对答案,更能让学生明白老师这样设计教学的目的所在,逐步提高学生的阅读文章,获取有用信息的能力。 2.各环节的过渡再自然流畅些,小组合作讨论的时间再充分些,效果会更好。 【使用建议】 背景知识与预习环节最好课前以学案的形式提前展示给学生,可以为课上学生争取更多的阅读时间。 Christmas Activities Date Stories Symbols Hello ….\ Hi …. I’m …. This is …. That is…. Do you want to see…? OK. I’ll take you to have a look. ….
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