

2018-02-23 13页 doc 40KB 29阅读




仲景牌六位地黄丸调查方案仲景牌六位地黄丸调查方案 仲景牌六味地黄丸调研方案 大纲,主要从以下九个方面调研,:调研背景、调研目的、调研内容、调研对象、调研区域、调研方法、调研时间、调研人员、调研问卷。 一、 调研背景 河南省宛西制药有限公司是一家知名的中成 药生产厂家~仲景牌六味地黄丸又是宛西制药的 龙头产品~凭借其药材好、药效好的优势占据中 国大部分市场。一句“药材好~药才好”的广告 语深入人心~但是随着佛兹、26味、九芝堂、同 仁堂等品牌的跟进~宣传力度的增强~对河北省 受众来说~对北京的大品牌认知度、信任度高。 然而由于宛西制药是地方性企...
仲景牌六位地黄丸调查方案 仲景牌六味地黄丸调研方案 大纲,主要从以下九个方面调研,:调研背景、调研目的、调研、调研对象、调研区域、调研方法、调研时间、调研人员、调研问卷。 一、 调研背景 河南省宛西制药有限公司是一家知名的中成 药生产厂家~仲景牌六味地黄丸又是宛西制药的 龙头产品~凭借其药材好、药效好的优势占据中 国大部分市场。一句“药材好~药才好”的广告 语深入人心~但是随着佛兹、26味、九芝堂、同 仁堂等品牌的跟进~宣传力度的增强~对河北省 受众来说~对北京的大品牌认知度、信任度高。 然而由于宛西制药是地方性企业~在河北省的宣 传力度弱~使受众对其品牌的认知度相对较低。 虽然其市场份额连续三年位居品牌之首~却不可 否认其市场份额总体下降~为了将其市场份额、 销售额得到进一步提升~提高其在河北省石家庄 市的知名度和占有率~为其在石家庄的市场营销 提供科学依据~做了以下专项的营销调查。 poverty. In the area of poverty alleviation, to rely on e-commerce business park, active docking Alibaba group "rural treasure", "the stars plan" and "featured the Museum" project to accelerate the implementation of electronic commerce "hundred thousand rural village" project, free train operation staff, offering online support help for poor families, the provision of micro-credit support, helping them to use e-commerce platform to escape poverty. In poverty reduction, give a man a fish and feed him for a day, to targeted skills training and entrepreneurship training free of charge for the poor, increase employment, entrepreneurial skills, ensure the transfer of training people, poverty. In terms of student poverty, high school, vocational college students ' stipends and other costs, can be through the "one card", such as direct subsidies to households. In terms of financial poverty, in order to further increase the size of loans, expands the scope of delivery, developing industry, Enterprise provides protection for the poor. In respect of transport poverty alleviation, to solve the bottleneck in poor villages, development of transport, vigorously promoting the construction of rural roads and ordinary roads. PV poverty reduction, to support conditions of poor villages and photovoltaic system of centralized, poor construction projects, poor 二、 调研目的 1、了解该类产品目前的市场情况~包括不同品牌 的市场占有率,市场营销情况,广告~公关~ 促销,。在消费者心中的知名度和美誉度。造 成所占市场份额不同的原因。 2. 了解仲景牌六味地黄丸的销售现状~从而发现 它是否遇到了销售瓶颈~并且找出制约其发展 的主要因素。 3. 针对于仲景牌六味地黄丸所存在的问~进行 分析。 ,1,分析消费者: a.了解消费者的消费习惯。 b.了解消费者对六味地黄丸的看 法~重点针对仲景牌进行调查。 c.了解消费者购买六味地黄丸时 所考虑的因素。 ,2,分析竞争者: a.了解竞争者的市场营销战略 b.了解竞争品的市场占有率 c.了解竞争者的发展前景 ,3,分析仲景牌六味地黄丸: a.了解它在消费者心中的地位 , to solve the bottleneck in poor villages, development of transport, vigorously promoting the construction of rural roads anpe of delivery, developing industry, Enterprise provides protection for the poor. In respect of transport poverty alleviationhe scoh as direct subsidies to households. In terms of financial poverty, in order to further increase the size of loans, expands ts of student poverty, high school, vocational college students ' stipends and other costs, can be through the "one card", sucterm free of charge for the poor, increase employment, entrepreneurial skills, ensure the transfer of training people, poverty. In ty. In poverty reduction, give a man a fish and feed him for a day, to targeted skills training and entrepreneurship trainingcommerce platform to escape pover-credit support, helping them to use e-line support help for poor families, the provision of microe the implementation of electronic commerce "hundred thousand rural village" project, free train operation staff, offering onacceleratcommerce business park, active docking Alibaba group "rural treasure", "the stars plan" and "featured the Museum" project to -poverty. In the area of poverty alleviation, to rely on e2ction projects, poornary roads. PV poverty reduction, to support conditions of poor villages and photovoltaic system of centralized, poor construd ordi b.了解它在石家庄长安区市场的 销售情况。 4. 通过对上述问题的了解分析~找出解决问题的 ~让仲景牌六味地黄丸跨过瓶颈~确定以 后产品的营销战略。 三、 调研内容 1、该区域药店和医院的分布状况和数量。 2、居民区分布状况以及居民社区的档次。 3、在各大药房调查询问六味地黄丸产品的销售 状况。 ,1,有哪些品牌的六味地黄丸。 ,2,哪种品牌销售相对较好。 ,3,影响其销售量的因素是什么。 ,4,六味地黄丸每月的销量 ~包括仲景牌 及其他品牌。 ,5,仲景牌六味地黄丸是否在药店搞过营 销活动~活动效果如何。 ,6,销售人员一般对购买该产品的顾客推 荐那种品牌。 ,7,仲景牌品牌忠诚消费者多少。 ,8,购买六味地黄丸的具体目的是什么,送 人、自己用、给亲人用,。 , to support conditions of poor villages and photovoltaic system of centralized, poor construction projects, poorages, development of transport, vigorously promoting the construction of rural roads and ordinary roads. PV poverty reductionr villtry, Enterprise provides protection for the poor. In respect of transport poverty alleviation, to solve the bottleneck in poon terms of financial poverty, in order to further increase the size of loans, expands the scope of delivery, developing indusds. I, vocational college students ' stipends and other costs, can be through the "one card", such as direct subsidies to householemployment, entrepreneurial skills, ensure the transfer of training people, poverty. In terms of student poverty, high school ing and entrepreneurship training free of charge for the poor, increasecommerce platform to escape poverty. In poverty reduction, give a man a fish and feed him for a day, to targeted skills train-credit support, helping them to use e-he provision of microies, tic commerce "hundred thousand rural village" project, free train operation staff, offering online support help for poor familibaba group "rural treasure", "the stars plan" and "featured the Museum" project to accelerate the implementation of electroncommerce business park, active docking Al-poverty. In the area of poverty alleviation, to rely on e3 ,9,一般一次性购买几个疗程。 4、调查消费者对仲景牌六味地黄丸的了解情 况。 (1) 了解社区居民的身体状况和收入状况。 (2) 居民对药材质量和功效的要求。 (3) 居民购买该产品的频率~一般购买那种 品牌。 (4) 如果居民出现肾虚状况他们是否会通 过该类药品进行保养。 (5) 居民对六味地黄丸的印象和购买频率。 四、调研对象 1、石家庄长安区范围内各大药房的工作人员 2、长安区范围内部分密集社区的居民,30岁以 上,。 3、长安区各公共场所,公园、商场,内的目标 人群。 4、长安区较大的医院的相关医护人员。 五、调研区域 河北省石家庄市长安区。 六、调研方法 1.定性调研:主要通过对药店和医院的工作人 员进行访谈。 , to solve the bottleneck in poor villages, development of transport, vigorously promoting the construction of rural roads anpe of delivery, developing industry, Enterprise provides protection for the poor. In respect of transport poverty alleviationhe scoh as direct subsidies to households. In terms of financial poverty, in order to further increase the size of loans, expands ts of student poverty, high school, vocational college students ' stipends and other costs, can be through the "one card", sucterm free of charge for the poor, increase employment, entrepreneurial skills, ensure the transfer of training people, poverty. In ty. In poverty reduction, give a man a fish and feed him for a day, to targeted skills training and entrepreneurship trainingcommerce platform to escape pover-credit support, helping them to use e-line support help for poor families, the provision of microe the implementation of electronic commerce "hundred thousand rural village" project, free train operation staff, offering onacceleratcommerce business park, active docking Alibaba group "rural treasure", "the stars plan" and "featured the Museum" project to -poverty. In the area of poverty alleviation, to rely on e4ction projects, poornary roads. PV poverty reduction, to support conditions of poor villages and photovoltaic system of centralized, poor construd ordi 2.定量调研:通过发放及填写问卷的方式对附 近居民进行抽样调查。 七、调研时间 2011年4月23日,星期六,。 八(调研人员 第五组全部成员:董奇源、金耀、曲风敏、苏 蓉、马琳、郑锐勇、周梦 、 毕道佳、刘广利、缪慧。 九(仲景牌六味地黄丸调查问卷 根据长安区的人口和药店数量~我们预计发放针对长安区社区居民的问卷100张~针对长安区药店的问卷25张,每家药店一张,。 ,一,针对社区居民,问题式, 1、 您的性别是, A、男 B、女 2、 您的年龄是, A、15—25 B、25—35 C、35—45 D、45—55 E、55岁以上 3、 您的职业是, A、白领 B、个体经营者 C、学生 D、 5, to support conditions of poor villages and photovoltaic system of centralized, poor construction projects, poorages, development of transport, vigorously promoting the construction of rural roads and ordinary roads. PV poverty reductionr villtry, Enterprise provides protection for the poor. In respect of transport poverty alleviation, to solve the bottleneck in poon terms of financial poverty, in order to further increase the size of loans, expands the scope of delivery, developing indusds. I, vocational college students ' stipends and other costs, can be through the "one card", such as direct subsidies to householemployment, entrepreneurial skills, ensure the transfer of training people, poverty. In terms of student poverty, high school ing and entrepreneurship training free of charge for the poor, increasecommerce platform to escape poverty. In poverty reduction, give a man a fish and feed him for a day, to targeted skills train-credit support, helping them to use e-he provision of microies, tic commerce "hundred thousand rural village" project, free train operation staff, offering online support help for poor familibaba group "rural treasure", "the stars plan" and "featured the Museum" project to accelerate the implementation of electroncommerce business park, active docking Al-poverty. In the area of poverty alleviation, to rely on e 公务员 E、其他 4、 您购买过六味地黄丸的产品吗, A、购买过 B、没有购买过 (如果您购买过~请继续回答问题。) (如果您没购买过~请直接回答第12题。) 5、 您是通过何种方式了解和购买六味地黄丸的, A、亲朋推荐 B、广告宣传 C、医师,药 店人员,推荐 D、其他 6、 您通过什么渠道购买的仲景牌六味地黄丸, A、药店 B、医院 C、网购 D、小诊所 7、 您购买该产品时优先考虑或最为看重的因素是 什么,,多选, A、价格 B、品牌 C、功效 D、包 装 E、广告宣传 F、其他 8、 您认为哪种品牌的六味地黄丸较好, A、仲景牌 B、九芝堂 C、同仁堂 D、汇 仁牌 E、其他 9、 您认为仲景牌六味地黄丸在哪方面需要改进? A、价格 B、效果 C、包装 D、促销 E、 其他 10、您还会继续购买仲景牌六味地黄丸吗, s of student poverty, high school, vocational college students ' stipends and other costs, can be through the "one card", sucterm free of charge for the poor, increase employment, entrepreneurial skills, ensure the transfer of training people, poverty. In ty. In poverty reduction, give a man a fish and feed him for a day, to targeted skills training and entrepreneurship trainingcommerce platform to escape pover-credit support, helping them to use e-line support help for poor families, the provision of microe the implementation of electronic commerce "hundred thousand rural village" project, free train operation staff, offering onacceleratcommerce business park, active docking Alibaba group "rural treasure", "the stars plan" and "featured the Museum" project to -poverty. In the area of poverty alleviation, to rely on e6ction projects, poornary roads. PV poverty reduction, to support conditions of poor villages and photovoltaic system of centralized, poor construd ordi, to solve the bottleneck in poor villages, development of transport, vigorously promoting the construction of rural roads anpe of delivery, developing industry, Enterprise provides protection for the poor. In respect of transport poverty alleviationhe scoh as direct subsidies to households. In terms of financial poverty, in order to further increase the size of loans, expands t A、会 B、不会 11、您还会继续购买仲景牌六味地黄丸的原因: 您不会继续购买仲景牌六味地黄丸的原因:—— 12~您从没有购买过六味地黄丸的原因:——— ,二,针对药店销售人员,问题—回答式, 1、 您的药店里有几个品牌的六味地黄丸产品, 2、 哪个品牌的六味地黄丸销量比较大,您觉得该 品牌销量大的原因是什么, 3、 购买六味地黄丸的消费者有哪些基本特征,,年 龄、性别、收入、工作、健康状况等, 4、 影响顾客最终选购某一品牌的六味地黄丸的因 素是什么,,价格、功效等, 5、 您和您的同事平时有向顾客重点推荐过仲景牌 r villtry, Enterprise provides protection for the poor. In respect of transport poverty alleviation, to solve the bottleneck in poon terms of financial poverty, in order to further increase the size of loans, expands the scope of delivery, developing indusds. I, vocational college students ' stipends and other costs, can be through the "one card", such as direct subsidies to householemployment, entrepreneurial skills, ensure the transfer of training people, poverty. In terms of student poverty, high school ing and entrepreneurship training free of charge for the poor, increasecommerce platform to escape poverty. In poverty reduction, give a man a fish and feed him for a day, to targeted skills train-credit support, helping them to use e-he provision of microies, tic commerce "hundred thousand rural village" project, free train operation staff, offering online support help for poor familibaba group "rural treasure", "the stars plan" and "featured the Museum" project to accelerate the implementation of electroncommerce business park, active docking Al-poverty. In the area of poverty alleviation, to rely on e7, to support conditions of poor villages and photovoltaic system of centralized, poor construction projects, poorages, development of transport, vigorously promoting the construction of rural roads and ordinary roads. PV poverty reduction 六味地黄丸吗, 6、 您认为仲景牌六味地黄丸的销售情况如何,造 成销售状况好或不好的原因是什么, 7、 仲景牌六味地黄丸有没有搞过促销活动,有没 有特别的宣传活动, 8、 如果有促销或者宣传活动~效果怎么样,有没有 促进销售, THE END 2011-4-22晚 8ction projects, poornary roads. PV poverty reduction, to support conditions of poor villages and photovoltaic system of centralized, poor construd ordi, to solve the bottleneck in poor villages, development of transport, vigorously promoting the construction of rural roads anpe of delivery, developing industry, Enterprise provides protection for the poor. In respect of transport poverty alleviationhe scoh as direct subsidies to households. In terms of financial poverty, in order to further increase the size of loans, expands ts of student poverty, high school, vocational college students ' stipends and other costs, can be through the "one card", sucterm free of charge for the poor, increase employment, entrepreneurial skills, ensure the transfer of training people, poverty. In ty. In poverty reduction, give a man a fish and feed him for a day, to targeted skills training and entrepreneurship trainingcommerce platform to escape pover-credit support, helping them to use e-line support help for poor families, the provision of microe the implementation of electronic commerce "hundred thousand rural village" project, free train operation staff, offering onacceleratcommerce business park, active docking Alibaba group "rural treasure", "the stars plan" and "featured the Museum" project to -poverty. In the area of poverty alleviation, to rely on e
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