

2017-09-28 9页 doc 26KB 18阅读




六级单词六级单词 41. Grey whales have long been ________ in the north Atlantic and hunting was an important cause for that. A) extinct B) extinguished C) detained D) deprived 1.extinct: [ik'sti?kt] adj. 灭绝的,绝种的;熄灭的 vt. 使熄灭 extinction 消失;消灭;废止 If we continue to destroy ...
六级单词 41. Grey whales have long been ________ in the north Atlantic and hunting was an important cause for that. A) extinct B) extinguished C) detained D) deprived 1.extinct: [ik'sti?kt] adj. 灭绝的,绝种的;熄灭的 vt. 使熄灭 extinction 消失;消灭;废止 If we continue to destroy the countryside many more animals will become extinct. 我们若继续破坏自然环境,将会有更多的动物绝种。 At the current rate of decline, many of the rain forest animals could become extinct in less than 10 years. 按照目前的下降速度,许多雨林动物不到十年 就会绝种。 Extinct volcanoes死火山 extinct book绝版书 2. extinguished [iks'ti?gwi??bl] adj. 可熄灭的;可灭绝的 hope too is extinguishable. 希望也是不可以熄灭的。 extinguish [ik'sti?ɡwi?] vt. 熄灭(灯等),灭(火),扑灭(火等):使(希望等)破灭 News of the bombing extinguished all hope of peace. 轰炸的消息使和平的希望全部破灭 extinguisher 灭火器;消灭者;熄灭者 3.detain [di'tein] vt. 拘留;留住;耽搁 Police have detained two suspects in connection with the attack. 警方拘留了2名与该袭击事件有关的嫌疑人。 detainment 扣留;延误;挽留 4 deprived [di'praivd] . adj. 缺少食物的;缺乏足够教育的 be deprived of 被剥夺,被夺去 to be deprived of one's rights被剥夺应享的权利 Any literate person on the face of the globe is deprived if he does not know English. 世界上任何有文化的人,如果不懂英语就算不上是受过良好教育的人。 42. He was given major responsibility for operating the remote manipulator to ________ the newly launched satellite. A) retreat B) retrieve C) embody D) embrace 1.retreat [ri'tri:t] n. 撤退;休息寓所;撤退 vi. 撤退;退避;向后倾 vt. 退(棋);使后退 Suddenly they found their retreat cut off. 他们突然发现退路已被切断。 The invading troops began to retreat after suffering heavy casualties. 入侵的部队受重创后开始撤退。 retreatment 再处理;再精制 2. retrieve [ri'tri:v] n. [计] 检索;恢复,取回 vt. [计] 检索;恢复;重新得到 vi. 找回猎物 The men were trying to retrieve weapons left when the army abandoned the island. 那些人正试图找回该军队撤离这个岛时留下的武器。 Computers can instantly retrieve millions of information bits. 计算机能立刻读取数百万条信息。 He, the one man who could retrieve that situation, might receive the call. 他这个惟一能挽回那个局面的人可能会接到这个电话。 retrievable 可取回的;可补偿的;可检索的 3. embody [im'b?di] vt. 体现,使具体化;具体达 Jack Kennedy embodied all the hopes of the 1960s. 杰克•肯尼迪体现了20世纪60年代的全部希望。 For twenty-nine years, Checkpoint Charlie embodied the Cold War. 29年来,查理检查站具体象征了冷战。 The proposal has been embodied in a draft resolution. 这项提议已经被包含在一份决议草案中。 embodiment 体现;化身;具体化 4. embrace [im'breis] vt. 拥抱;信奉,皈依;包含 vi. 拥抱 n. 拥抱 At first people were sort of crying for joy and embracing each other. 开始时人们有点喜极而泣,互相拥抱。 a theory that would embrace the whole field of human endeavor. 一个会囊括整个人类奋斗领域的理论。 embracement 拥抱;环绕;领会 43. Foreign students are facing unprecedented (空前的)delays, as visa applications receive closer ________ than ever. A) appraisal B) scanning C) retention D) scrutiny 1. appraisal [?'preiz?l] n. 评价;估价(尤指估价财产,以便征税);估计 What is needed in such cases is a calm appraisal of the situation. 在此类情况下需要的是对形势的冷静估计。 One of the most important tools for organizational improvement is the performance appraisal. 组织改进的最重要手段之一是业绩评估。 It may also be necessary to get a new appraisal of the property. 可能还需要对该房产做个新的估价。 appraiser 鉴定人,评价人;估价官 Resource appraisal[环境] 资源估价 appraisal tool评价工具 2. scan [skæn] vt. 扫描;浏览;细看;详细调查;标出格律 n. 扫描;浏览;审视;细 看 例:The officer scanned the room. 警察仔细察看了那个房间。 She scanned the advertisement pages of the newspapers. 她浏览了报纸的广告页。 3. retention [ri'ten??n] n. 保留;扣留,滞留;记忆力 例:The Citizens' Forum supported special powers for Quebec but also argued for the retention of a strong central government. 《市民论坛》支持魁北克的特殊权力,但是也主张保留一个强有力的中央政府。 retentive 保持的;记性好的 retentiveness 好记性;保持力 retentivity 记忆 力;保持力;保磁性 4.. scrutiny ['skru:tini] n. 详细审查;监视;细看 His private life came under media scrutiny. 他的私生活开始受到媒体的密切关注。 scrutinize 详细检查;细看 44. If you are late for the appointment, you might ________ the interviewer and lose your chance of being accepted. A) irrigate B) intrigue C) irritate D) intimidate 1. irrigate ['iriɡeit] vt. 灌溉;冲洗;使清新 vi. 灌溉;冲洗 None of the water from Lake Powell is used to irrigate the area. 鲍威尔湖的水没有被用来灌溉这一地区。 irrigation 灌溉 The agricultural land is hilly and the irrigation poor. 这片农田多丘陵,而且灌溉条件很差。 2. intrigue [in'tri:ɡ, 'in-] n. 阴谋;诡计;复杂的事;vt. 用诡计取得;激起...的兴趣 vi. 私通;密谋 political intrigue. 政治阴谋。 The novelty of the situation intrigued him. 那种新奇的情景激起了他的好奇心。 3. irritate ['iriteit] vt. 刺激,使兴奋;激怒 vi. 引起恼怒,引起不愉快 Their attitude irritates me. 他们的态度激怒了我。 Not surprisingly, her teacher is getting irritated with her. 不出所料,她的老师快被她激怒了。 Wear rubber gloves while chopping chilies as they can irritate the skin. 剁辣椒时戴上橡皮手套,因为它们会刺激皮肤。 irritation 刺激;刺激物;激怒;兴奋 4. intimidated [in'timideitid] adj. 害怕的;受到恐吓的 Aeroplanes have the reputation of being dangerous and even hardened travellers are intimidated by them. 飞机以危险而著名,即使久经锻练的旅行家也为之胆怯。 intimidate [in'timideit] vt. 恐吓,威胁;胁迫 例:Jones had set out to intimidate and dominate Paul. 琼斯曾试图威胁并控制保罗。 intimidation 恐吓,威胁 45. Children’s idea of a magic kingdom is often dancers in animal ________ as they have often seen in Disneyland. A) cushions B) costumes C) skeletons D) ornaments 1. cushion ['ku??n] n. 垫子;起缓解作用之物; vt. 给…安上垫子;把…安置在垫子上;缓和…的冲击 Welfare provides a cushion against hardship. 福利给困苦提供了一个缓解。 a velvet cushion 一个天鹅绒坐垫。 There is also a new steering wheel with an energy-absorbing rim to cushion the driver's head in the worst impacts. 还有新式方向盘,其边缘具有减震功能在最严重的冲击中缓冲保护司机的头部。 They said Western aid was needed to cushion the blows of vital reform. 他们说需要西方国家的援助以缓解重大变革的冲击。 2. costume ['k?stju:m, k?'stju:m] n. 服装,装束;戏装,剧装 vt. 给…穿上服装 Even from a distance, the effect of his fox costume was stunning. 即使从远处看,他的狐装造型也非常漂亮。 a lavish costume drama set in Ireland and the U.S. in the 1890s. 以19世纪90年代的爱尔兰和美国为背景的一部大型古装戏。 3. skeleton ['skelit?n] n. 骨架,骨骼;纲要;骨瘦如柴的人 adj. 骨骼的;骨瘦如柴的;概略的 a human skeleton. 人体骨骼。 Only a skeleton staff remains to show anyone interested around the site. 只有极少数的员工留下来带领感兴趣的人参观场地。 The town of Rudbar had ceased to exist, with only skeletons of buildings remaining. 鲁德巴尔城已不存在,只剩一些建筑骨架。 4. ornament ['?:n?m?nt, '?:n?ment] n. 装饰;[建][服装] 装饰物; vt. 装饰,修饰 a shelf containing a few photographs and ornaments. 一个放有几张照片和几件装饰品的架子。 walls of glass overlaid with ornament. 覆有装饰的玻璃墙。 ornamentation 装饰物 ornamentalist 装饰家;设计家
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