
VOA 慢速英语听力

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VOA 慢速英语听力VOA 慢速英语听力 Cats in America I. Words adj. 毛皮的,盖着毛皮的 furry n. 极端主义者,过激分子 extremist v. 咕噜咕噜叫 purr II. Comprehension Test , TRUE OR FALSE? 1. Traditionally the cat is man’s best friend. [ ] 2. American house cats outnumber pet dogs by 2 million. [ ] 3. Costly ...
VOA 慢速英语听力
VOA 慢速英语听力 Cats in America I. Words adj. 毛皮的,盖着毛皮的 furry n. 极端主义者,过激分子 extremist v. 咕噜咕噜叫 purr II. Comprehension Test , TRUE OR FALSE? 1. Traditionally the cat is man’s best friend. [ ] 2. American house cats outnumber pet dogs by 2 million. [ ] 3. Costly cats take part in competitions. [ ] 4. Cats were treated like fairy kings and queens. [ ] 5. There were house cats as far back as 8000 years ago. [ ] 6. Cats in ancient Egypt were often punished and killed. [ ] 7. Black cats are evil. [ ] 8. Dogs don’t like to leave their owners. [ ] III. Guided Note-taking About American Pet Cats Their numbers How they are treated They live They do not They are treated like How the care of cats becomes a big business They wait for their owners Some costly cats take part in Cat-owners buy tons of They buy for the cats They buy for themselves jewelry & clothes with They bury their dead cats in Time humans spent with cats Earliest cat owners probably in U.S.A. How cats were treated The small house cat was In ancient Egypt, anyone killing a cat could be Early American cats had to Some cats were suspected of Why cats are popular as pets They give the owners They need less They suffer less from They are more Criticisms of cats They lack They stay with people only IV. SHORT QUESTIONS 1. In what way is the care of cats a big business? 2. Where did American house cats come from? 3. How do people explain the Americans’ preference of cats to dogs? 小常识 猫科动物是最强悍凶猛的食肉动物,它们包括猫、狮子、老虎、豹子、猎豹等等。 猫科动物的视力特强,瞳孔能随着光线的变化放大或者缩小,所以特别擅 长在黑暗中狩猎。它们反应敏捷,后腿弯度很大,弹跳力非常好。脚掌下的肉 垫比其它食肉动物的大而厚,爪子可以自由伸缩,走路的时候尖爪会缩进去, 使其可以悄然无声地接近猎物。 猫是猫科动物中较温顺地动物。 Cloning Pigs I. Words n. 细胞,单元 cell v. 无性繁殖,复制 clone v. 移植,移种 transplant n. 治疗法,疗法 therapeutics n. 胎儿 fetus n. 怀孕 pregnancy n. 小猪 piglet n. 肾形矿脉 kidneys II. Comprehension Test TRUE OR FALSE? 1. Pigs are easy to produce because they require only one fetus to support a pregnancy. [ ] 2. The process of producing piglets is similar to that used to produce Dolly. [ ] 3. Cloning technology can benefit humans by replacing their ailing organs. [ ] 4. The British company, PPL Therapeutics, has asked for legal ownership of the cloning process. [ ] 5. Many people died in the course of transplant operation. [ ] 6. The organs of pigs should be designed in such a way that they are human-friendly. [ ] III. Guided Note-taking The new experiment Scientists’ achievements: They have produced Significance: This is the first time Application: The methods could be used to make genetically-changed pigs whose organs could Sponsor: The company PPL Therapeutics Methods: Detail of the methods used were Process: It is that used to produce Dolly the sheep. Goal: To produce animals with cells and organs Market needs: Thousands of people around the world need Tests on the piglet: The result show that genetic material in blood removed from the piglet is while the genes were Goal of future tests: To so that . Attention: These organs would be designed so that they could be Special features of pigs Pigs are because an adult female pig requires Fetuses to support a pregnancy. Pigs are the best animals for because pig organs are and pig organs act like . VI. SHORT QUESTIONS 1. State the significance of cloning the five piglets. 2. What did independent tests on the piglets show? 3. What is the goal of cloning pigs, according to the scientists? 4. Why are pigs the most suitable animals for providing transplant organs? 小常识 1997年,英国科学家培育出了世界上第一只克隆绵羊,实现了用高等动物自身细胞进行再生这一人们盼望已久地科学突破。 若将科隆技术应用于人类,会产生法律和伦理方面的严重问题,甚至造成毁灭性的后果。因此,各国政府纷纷禁止从事克隆人的研究。科学家也呼吁成立国际伦理学委员会来负责可能危及人类自身的研究项目。 Yard Sale I. Words bargain n. 便宜货,廉价买到的东西,交 易 garage n. 车库,汽车间 negotiate v. 谈判,磋商, II. Comprehension Test Multiple-choice Questions 1. People don’t throw all their old things away because . A. this way seems wasteful B. the things are white elephants C. they can earn their living by selling them D. they can keep them as collectibles 2. The yard sale announcement in a local newspaper . A. will cost the sellers some money B. shows pictures of the things on sale C. will be paid by the buyers D. is very short 3. In which season do people seldom hold yard sales? A. Spring B. Summer C. Autumn D. Winter 4. By “serious buyers” the speaker really means . A. These buyers take things seriously B. These buyers plan their visits to yard sales. C. These buyers really want to buy old things D. These buyers never mind the price for the object they want. 5. Some people may have bought things they do not need from yard sales. What do they do with them? A. They just have them at home. B. They give them to their friends as presents. C. They grow them away some time later. D. They hold their own yard sales and sell them. III. Guided Note-Taking One person’s useless object is In some parts of the U.S. a yard sale is called or In a yard sale, people sell things When people move house, yard sales are good for them because: They need not the things they do not use any more. They can at the same time. The yard sellers put a in a local , which announces a yard sale. Yard sales are popular during in . On one weekend there can be announcements for yard sales around Washington, D.C. The things are sold most in yard sales include . In yard sales the for each object can be negotiated. Serious buyers look for yard sales by collecting making they want to attend, and using maps to . Some people like to buy things in yard sales because Most people do simple because . In the yard some people enjoy . IV. SHORT QUESTIONS 1. What are the other names for a yard sale? 2. Why do many American people not throw away their old or useless things? 3. In what ways are yard sales good for those people who are to move to a different house? 4. How do the people tell others if they want to have a yard sale? 5. Why do people go to yard sales to buy things? 小常识 WHITE ELEPHANT 一词用来指累赘的东西,或成为负担或招致亏损的财产。 YARD SALE 就是在庭院或车库中或家门口出售自己家一些用不着的旧物。此项活动始自20世纪下半叶,随着产品更新换代速度的加快,有愈来愈多的家庭在购买新产品的同时,为如何处理那些无论是质量还是性能都很不错的旧物品而烦恼。如统统丢弃,似乎太浪费,也不利于保护环境。Yard Sale 的兴起至少有三个好处:1,解决处理旧物的烦恼;2,人们可以买到物美价廉的日用品;3,物尽其用,避免了浪费并保护了环境。 The Stock Market I. Words share n. 股份,股票 raise v. 筹集 publicly owned n. 由公众、政府拥有的 broker n. 经纪人 dealer n. 经销商,商人 holding a. 拥有的财产 risky n. 危险的,冒险的 index a. 指数,指标 composite a. 混合的,综合的 twenty-four hours a 整天 day II. Comprehension Test 1. The stock market in the US began in A. New York in 1782. B. New York City in 1782. C. New York in 1792. D. New York City in 1792. 2. The New York Stock Exchange is in the world. A. the oldest stock exchange B. the largest stock exchange C. the largest financial market D. the latest financial market. 3. Today almost of all Americans have stock holdings. A. five percent B. fifteen percent C. fifty percent D. fifty-three percent 4. There is all market when . A. the prices of most stocks are increasing B. people seek to earn money from the daily changes in the stock prices C. people earn big money quickly by day trading D. there is long-term investment 5. The performance of the stock market is measured by . A. stock value B. day trading C. stock indices D. daily changes II. Guided Note-taking Function of stocks: A stock is in a business. Companies sell stock as . People buy stock as , hoping to make a profit on . The stock market in the US It began in in . The New York Stock Exchange is the in the US, and the in the world. The stocks of more than American and international companies are traded on the New York Stock Exchange. Together the stock represents about of the value of all companies in America. Role of stock brokers and dealers An important part of the system. They are experts in . Now, the general public can get information about companies and stocks from instead of :many people now choose to control . Stock Trading in the US About 50 years ago, number of stock owners: They were usually trading shares with each other. Now, number of stock owners: Amount of stock traders on the Internet: . Expressions to describe the stock market: A “bull market” means: A “bear market” means: Over the long-term, the stock market Short-term price decrease only affect people who That is why during bull markets, experts tell investors to Day trading: It is a kind of Recently it has become more Day traders seek to earn money from the It is extremely risky because Indicators: The performance of the stock market is measured by How people invest in the stock market: People usually have invested in companies that In the last few years, they prefer companies that The stock prices of new companies are rising much faster than other stocks even though most of them . Future trends: Investors should be able to trade stocks Financial markets around the world are expected . III. SHORT QUESTIONS 1. What is a stock and what use does it have for a company? 2. Why do people buy stock? 3. Who are stock brokers and dealers? 4. What kind of companies do people like to invest in? 5. In what ways is the Internet expected to change the trading of stocks? 小常识 道琼斯工业平均指数(Dow Jones Industrial Average)为“道琼斯股票价格平 均数”的简称。由美国最著名的道琼斯公司编制,用以反映股票市场行情变动 的一种股票价格平均数。1844年首次发表,以11种有代表性的股票编制而成。 目前道琼斯平均指数采用的股票为纽约证券交易所上市的65家美国公司股票 的价格平均数为最常引用,所以叫做“道琼斯工业平均指数”。 纳斯达克综合指数由NASDAQ编制。纳斯达克是世界上最大的股票交易机 构之一。1997年,列在NASDAQ名单上的上市公司的数目超过了5500家,比 美国其他任何一家的股票交易所都多,包括纽约证券交易所和美国证券交易所。 大部分在NASDAQ上市的公司都比较小型。如今,NASDAQ已经成了新科技 企业,尤其是电脑和电脑有关行业的主要上市之所。 Famous American Bridges I. Words vehicle n. 交通工具,车辆 body n. 一片水域 suspension bridge n 悬索桥,吊桥 cable n 电缆,缆索 strait n 海峡 extend v 延伸,指挥 direct v 指导,指挥 firth n 狭窄海湾 cantilever bridge n 悬臂桥 II. True or False 1. Both the Golden Gate Bridge and the Brooklyn Bridge are in California. [ ] 2. The Golden Gate Bridge is much longer than the Brooklyn Bridge. [ ] 3. The Golden Gate Bridge is the longest suspension bridge in the world. [ ] 4. The construction of the Brooklyn Bridge lasted for 14 years. [ ] th5. By the end of the 19 century, the Brooklyn Bridge was still the longest bridge in the world. [ ] III. Guided note-taking Famous American bridges include the Golden Gate Bridge in and the Brooklyn Bridge in . Both of the bridges are bridges and they cross . And have that hang from Supported by high towers. The Golden Gate Bridge , It is not named for but for ---the Golden Gate Strait, which is to the San Francisco bay from the Pacific Ocean. , It the city of Sanfrancisco with Marin County, California. ,It opened in ,It measures meters long. , It was the in the world until 1964. Many people consider it to be in the world. The Brooklyn Bridge ,It is than the Golden Gate Bridge and was one of . ,It was built between . ,John Augustus Roebling the bridge but he died as a result of . , , Washington Roebling, replaced him as but he while working and was not able to go to the construction area. Yet he through his wife, Emily. ,The Brooklyn Bridge links with ,It extends meters over the East River. ,It was in the world until the firth of Forth cantilever bridge was built in in 1890. 小常识 维拉隆诺海峡大桥连接纽约港入口处,连接长岛和斯塔腾岛的大型吊桥。Narrows是海峡、江峡的意思。该桥以意大利航海家及探险家Giovannide Verrazano 的姓氏命名。 美国纽约市分为五个区,Brooklyn是西南部的一个区。 曼哈顿岛是美国纽约的一个区。纽约是世界上主要商业、金融及文化中心之一,而曼哈顿区又是纽约的中心。 Pizza I. Words crust n 面包皮 garlic n 蒜头,大蒜 popularity n 流行,普及 yeast n 酵母 circular a 圆形的 oven n 烤箱 II. Guided Note-taking ,Pizza has a crust that is covered with . ,According to history experts, the idea of using bread to began with the and the word “pizza” developed from the word “picea”. ,Experts believe that was baked by named Raffaele Esposito in 1889. ,The colors of the Italian flag are . th,People from Italy brought pizza to in the last half of the 19 century and the first was opened in New York City in . ,People love pizza because . ,The way to make pizza:pizza makers mix for the crust and then they form it into a they put on the crust. They may add .. ,Then they bake it in . ,Instead of making their own pizza, many Americans go to . ,Or they telephone a local , order their and wait for . 小常识 那不勒斯(Naples)是意大利西南部一个港口城市,也是那不勒斯省和意大利行政区坎帕尼亚区的首府。从该市可看到著名的维苏威火山山峰。 Walt Disney (I) I. Words animated adj 活生生的 capture v 捕获 lifelike adj 逼真的 filmmaker n 制片人 II. Comprehension Test True or False? 1. Hollywood Disney found a job as a movie producer easily.[ ] 2. Walt Disney believed that cartoon movies could be as popular as movies made with actors. [ ] 3. Disney’s first cartoon hero is Minnie. [ ] 4. Earlier filmmakers had found that animals were difficult to use in cartoons than people. [ ] 5. In “Steamboat Willie”, Walt Disney himself provided the voice for Mickey Mouse. [ ] III. Guided note-taking ,Walt Disney Company produces that capture the of children and adults all over the world. ,Millions of people have seen . ,So it is not surprising that it has been called a . ,Since Disney wanted to bring his pictures to life, he made his move in a . ,A cartoon is on film. ,Disney believed that cartoon movies could be as as movies made with actors, so he decided to create a . ,Mickey was not exactly like a . ,It had big ,and it wore on its hands. ,Mickey Mouse was drawn with . ,Mickey Mouse appeared in and soon he was joined by several other . 小常识 位于洛杉矶和奥兰多的迪斯尼乐园是美国两个最大的、现代化水平很高的游 乐中心,世界闻名。迪斯尼乐园的设计者和建设者独具匠心,充分发挥了丰富 的想象力。游乐园的地上、地下、空中都设有永久性的游乐场地,成为人们流 连忘返的科学世界和神话迷宫。 好莱坞位于洛杉矶城西北角,是世界上最大的电影工业中心,有“世界影都” 之称。19世纪80年代,好莱坞还是一个小村庄,字面意思是“神圣的树林”。 至本世纪30至40年代电影事业已有了很大的发展。目前好莱坞有许多规模大 的电影制片厂、现代化的制片设备及180多个布局精巧、以拍摄世界各地名胜 为背景的摄影厂,集中了美国许多的电影公司,控制了全美的电影业。现在的 好莱坞已成为著名的旅游胜地。 Walt Disney (II) I. Words dwarf n 侏儒 animation n 活泼 innocence n 清白 loyalty n 忠诚 II. True or False 1. In the 1940’s, Walt Disney was working on his first full-length animated movie. [ ] 2. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs became one of Hollywood’s most successful movies after it was completed. [ ] 3. Pinocchio was an imaginary world and it also did not look very real. [ ] 4. Real or imaginary, Disney’s programs had different ideas. [ ] 5. Some critics said Disneyland did not represent the best of American culture. [ ] III. Guided note-taking ,Snow White was the first to be produced by a studio. ,Disney’s artist had to feel all the emotions of the cartoon creatures: ,The artists looked in a mirror and expressed each emotion: ,Disney’s artist drew pictures to make Pinocchio. The artist drew . ,Yet they created a look of . ,Walt Disney produced many with real actors. He also produced movies about . ,Disney’s programs had similar ideas. In most of them, were threatened by evil forces. , sometimes happened. But there were always funny incidents and creatures. In the end, always won over . ,In 1955, Walt Disney opened an not far from Hollywood, California. He called it . ,Disneyland also had exciting rides. Children could fly on ,or , or or . ,Visitors came from near and far to see Disneyland, leaders of other countries, and . 小常识 奥斯卡金像奖是当前世界上影响最大、历史最悠久的电影奖,由美国电影艺术与科学学院颁发。1927年5月,在美国电影艺术与科学院成立的宴会上,有人建议,为了推动电影艺术的发展,对有成就者应该给予奖励。与会者一致同意,并由当时参加会议的米高梅公司美工师吉布斯在桌布上画了个草图,后由青年艺术家乔治?斯坦利塑成雕像。铜像是个手握长剑的男性人体塑像,表面镀金,所以才叫金像奖。颁奖大会每年都会举行一次。 World Trade Organization I. Words issue n 议题,论点 tariff n 关税 a series of system n 体系,体制 supervise v 监督,管理 compromise n 妥协 ally n 同盟国 II. Guided note-taking China and WTO ,Agreement between China and on some important issues. ,Similar agreement between China and . ,These agreements for China to join the WTO. About the WTO ,No. of members: ,Their share of the world’s trade: ,Its main goal: Its history , established in , the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade or GATT. ,GATT was created ,GATT led to a series of international trade negotiations which established a ,The WTO to this system. Its function ,organizes ,settles ,supervises ,provides developing countries with ,cooperates Other facts about the WTO ,The top is the Ministerial Conference which meets at least around the world. ,WTO members reach agreements by ,The agreements then go to the government of each country for ,WTO agrees on for the service industry which includes WTO’S agreement on intellectual property ,It provides to protect trade and investment in How the WTO looks at itself ,Its agreements permit buyers and producers that they use. ,Exporters can feel secure about . ,The result is that is stronger and more cooperative. How some other people look at it ,Not everyone the work of WTO. ,There have been major at meetings of the WTO,World Bank and other similar organizations. ,Some of the protests have been . ,The protests oppose . ,They say the WTO and its allies are making industrial nations rich by . Olympics I. Words delegate n. 代表 opponent n 对手,反对者 ban v 禁止 illegal adj 违法的 II. True or False 1. Jacques Rogge is a lawyer from Belgium.[ ] 2. Rogge will serve at least four years as president of the International Olympic Committee. [ ] 3. Rogge received support from more than half the delegates in a second vote during a meeting in Now York. [ ] 4. The IOC chose Beijing, China, to hold the summer Olympic Games of 2012. [ ] 5. Rogge says he will place great importance on preventing Olympic competitions from using banned drugs. [ ] 6. Rogge is a champion runner who competed in three Olympic track events. [ ] III. Guided Note-taking , was chosen by the International Olympic Committee as its president this week. ,Jacques Rogge will serve at least years, and he replaced Juan Antonio Samaranch of Spain who served as president for . ,Rogge received support from more than in a second vote during a meeting in . ,Last week, beating its closest opponent, was chosen to hold the . ,Observers called the election of Rogge a move . ,Rogge says he will place great importance on from . ,Jacques Rogge is a who competed in . 小常识 奥林匹克运动会有着悠久的历史。在神话中,古希腊的奥林匹克村是众神和 最高天神宙斯居住的地方。每隔四年,古希腊人都要聚集在奥林匹克村,以各 种竞技活动来祭祀天神,称为奥林匹克运动会。1894年举行了第一届现代奥运 会。 Benjamin Franklin 1. Words diplomat n. 外交官 historic a 历史上著名的 alliance n 联盟,联合 constitution n 宪法 almanac n 历书,年鉴 serve as 当佣人,为…工作 bifocal a 双焦点的 frame n 结构,框架 II. True or False 1. During his lifetime Benjamin Franklin had signed five historic documents. [ ] 2. Benjamin Franklin could speak five foreign languages. [ ] 3. T he book Poor Richard’s Almanac was famous for its beautiful style. [ ] 4. Franklin helped establish the first university in Philadelphia. [ ] 5. Franklin helped establish the government of the United States by helping to write the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. [ ] III. Guided note-taking ,Benjamin Franklin was a great man in the history of the United States because he was to sign ,Philadelphia Franklin wrote and published a and became well-known as the became successful. ,Poor Richard’s Almanac was famous for that people still use today. In Philadelphia Franklin helped ,establish and organize a ,start a program ,gather money ,establish ,Franklin invented the to protect buildings from lightening damage. ,Franklin once served as a diplomat to ,Benjamin Franklin continues to have an effect on today. 小常识 见附录 Car Names I. Words exotic a 外来的 utility n 有用,效用 avalanche n 雪崩 comet n 彗星 chrome n 铭,铬合金 nameplate n 名牌,标示牌 II. True or False 1. In America, cars replaced horses a long time ago, but some of their names are still associated with the horse.[ ] 2. Many companies like to give disaster type names to their cars because such names flow together. [ ] 3.Good car names can help sales. [ ] 4. Car companies like car names that have no meanings at all. [ ] 5. Warren Brown owns a car company and writes about his cars. [ ] III. Guided note-taking ,America replace with cars long time ago, but many car names are still related to . ,Some cars have unusual names like . , spend a lot of time and money ,They want to make sure that , and that . ,Avalanche was chosen as to be a car name because ,Names like Avalanche, Earthquake, Cyclone, Tempest and Comet are all related to . ,Test marketers go to the to ask passersby . ,Warren Brown says a bad name could . ,He also says that in the global market, car companies like name , such as names that combine and require to linguistic skill to understand. ,He expects American car companies to go on , as long as Americans see in those chrome nameplates . 小常识 见附录 The Piano I. Words instrument 乐器 similar to 跟…相似 harpsichord 大键琴 pressure 压力 ragtime 拉格泰姆音乐 gospel 福音 portrait 肖像 II. Guided note-taking , The show tells how changed music. , The show is called which includes historic pianos. , The first piano in the show was built by of the instrument, Bartolomeo Cristofori. , The piano permitted the player to control by . , A person playing the piano could express music . , By the mid-eighteenth century, famous musicians begin . , Several , which are much like the ones by Mozart and Haydn, are included in the show. , Another area of the show describes the influence of who created such as ragtime, gospel and jazz. , Jazz musician Duke Ellington owned that can be seen in the show. , The Smithsonian show ends with a look at the effects of on the piano. , One modern American pianist became famous by 05-06学年第三学期外国语学院 05级商英班 教师:田超 Euro Economy I. Words shift 转移 exuberance 兴高采烈 on the upswing 正在高涨 contagion 传染;蔓延 engine 发动机 squall 狂风暴 rocket 火箭 spiral 螺旋 lag behind 落后 hover 盘旋,徘徊 dramatically 戏剧地 due to 由于 consumer 消费者 inflation 通货膨胀 astounding 令人惊骇的 stable 稳定的 criterion 标准 fiscal 财政的 cut back 消减 deficit 赤字,不足额 budget 预算 surplus 剩余,过剩 scope 范围,机会 give scope 留空间 expenditure 支出 emulate 仿效 monopoly 垄断 flexible 灵活的 skirt 绕过 temporary 暂时的 resort 求助 spell 招致 skeptical 怀疑的 baton 指挥 locomotive 火车头;动力来源 22 05-06学年第三学期外国语学院 05级商英班 教师:田超 gross 总的 II. Guided note-taking Comparison between US economy and Europe’s economy: , US: economy , The American’s economic mood shifts to , Economic growth hovers at around %. , Western Europe: economy is ; seems by the US. , After years of , it is expected to overtake it this year with growth of . Public attitude towards this: , Despite higher growth, expect Western Europe can play the role of the US as . , Analyst Paul Horn sees this in a different perspective:Europe will grow faster, but it would be more exact to say that the US is . Reasons for the expansion of Western Europe’s economy: Due to and Reasons for European’s confidence: Enable the European consumer to have good income growth. More reasons for the expansion of Western Europe’s economy: In the past few years, Western European governments were concerned with trying to meet the criteria for joining the European Economic and Monetary Union and its .That meant: , fiscal policy was relatively , taxes were quite , public spending was being But now in many European countries, ,fiscal deficits are relatively ,the budgets are actually ,this allow Western European governments to European markets have become more ,European companies have emulated many American which aim at . ,State-owned monopolies have been ; ,Labor markets have become more , Companies hire 23 05-06学年第三学期外国语学院 05级商英班 教师:田超 Experts’ comment on this: ,It is unlikely for Western Europe to become of the last resort for the world economy because the European consumer is much more . ,In fact, the increase of his spending is than the increase of his confidence. The exuberance of the American consumer is not . , Impact on Japan & the rest of Asia: their economies are not strong enough to grow without a ,Mr. Whyte of the Economist Intelligence Unit is also skeptical about Western Europe’s ability , Experts believe that, enough will have some impact on the Western European economy, it will not be a dramatic impact because: of European Union countries’ trade is with and their exports to the US are only a of the EU’s overall GDP. Global Warming I. Words 1. curb 限制;约束 2. prediction 预言,预报 3. panel 座谈小组 4. climatologist 气候学家 5. carbon dioxide 二氧化碳 6. methane 甲烷,沼气 7. migrate 移动,转移 8. unchecked 不受限制的 9. likelihood 可能,可能性 10. exceed 超越,超过 11. formula 公式 12. confidence interval 置信区间(统计学) 13. variable 变项,可变因素 14. emission 散发,发射 15. uncertainty 不可测因素 16. tilted 倾斜的 17. probabilistic 可能性的 18. protocol 协议,草案 II. Guided note-taking 24 05-06学年第三学期外国语学院 05级商英班 教师:田超 , A new study says that there would be by 2100 if nothing is done to curb , Critics say these predictions are , The IPCC concluded that, if , temperatures near the ground could . , Mr. Wigley says what policy makers want to know is the likelihood that temperatures will be . ,He and Sarah Raper developed a formula for figuring out . , The fifty-percent confidence interval is roughly . , There is a 25% probability that the global warming would . , Mr Wigley used that refined the global warming range. ,The investigator plugged in several different variables to come up with . ,Another study . , John Reilly says the IPCC range contains no . , Mathematicians at MIT have come up with a . , They are 90% sure that the temperature would fall . , Then conclude that the IPCC temperature range is titled toward . , Mr Reilly estimate the average rise in global temperatures will be . , A meeting this week in Bonn failed to to support the Kyoto Protocols, which lays out . Internet Partners ,I. Words 1. bold 大胆的 2. recruitment 招聘 3. dedicated 致力的 4. spectrum 范围,领域;系列 5. entice 吸引,诱惑 ,II. Guided Note-taking , The first Internet businesses were . , Now more Internet companies are looking for . About “Joboptions.com” 25 05-06学年第三学期外国语学院 05级商英班 教师:田超 , A web site that . , The Internet’s fastest growing . , Its income comes from . , It puts up . , Its service is to job-seekers. About “Blinks.net” , A web site which provides of special interest to . , Its aim is to bridge the “digital divide” which is a . , To unite . , To serve as a that speaks to the diverse cultural spectrum of . Network partnership between Joboptions and Blinks ,The partnership will benefit both sides. , Joboptions will . ,As a result, Joboptions can gain . , Tom Flood of Joboptions thinks that employers like to have a workforce to reflect the different types of . , For Blinks, the promise of will attract . , It is difficult for to find placement. But since Joboptions recruit companies that are interested in diversity, it is ideal place for . , Complementary partnerships like the one between Joboptions and Blinks are designed . Immigration: New York I. Words 1. in miniature 小型,缩影 2. borough 享有自治权的 3. enhance 提高,增强 4. propensity 习性,倾向 5. perspective 观点,看法 6. descent 血统,世系 II. Guided Note-taking The Population of New York 26 05-06学年第三学期外国语学院 05级商英班 教师:田超 ,New Yorkers like to call their city and the results of a new show that the city has the reason to hold this title. , out of every New Yorkers were borne . ,The survey was among householders. ,A sociologist says that the population in New York has dramatically during the last ten years. The Immigration in New York City ,In 1990, there were percent immigrates in New York City, while in 1999, the immigrants were percent. And if the households are taken into account, the percentage would be . ,The immigrant population of New York is and the borough of Queens is considered county in the United States. ,People representing nationalities live there, speaking languages. The number of the diverse immigrants , is the Dominicans. ,Russia is . ,Dominican Republic is . ,China is and Mexico is . The population loss in New York ,The high rate of immigration helps New York sustain its population which is now . ,Thousands of residents leave the city. According to Andrew Beveridge, the reasons for them to leave are as follows: ,More and more people prefer to live . ,some feel . ,others may just feel in a . , makes the immigrant centers more and more from the rest of the United States. The history and significance thIn the early 20 century, New York City’s population was as high as . ,According to John Mollenkopt, immigration is, in general, a very thing for the city because: 27 05-06学年第三学期外国语学院 05级商英班 教师:田超 ,Immigration brings , and it brings connections with . ,It enhances New York’s position as a . ,It’s important from perspective. ,Immigrants-especially from certain groups like -have a pretty high rate of . Others ,According to sociologists, though immigration has produced in many US cities, but it is quite in New York because large parts of its are the of relatively recent immigrants. ,Experts say New York is benefiting from its history as . Contemporary American Art Goes to Asia I. Words 1. bound 向某处去的 2. definitive 最终决定性的 3. premiere 首次演出 4. curator 馆长,监护人 5. pluralistic 多元文化的 6. homage 敬意 7. beverage 饮料 8. prominent 卓越的 9. parameter 范围,界限 10. venue 会议地点,管辖地 II. Guided Note-taking Name of the Exhibition: Organizer: Venue for the Premiere: First Stop of the Asian Tour: Duration of the Asian Tour: Aim: Procedure of Preparation: . . and advice Criteria of the Selection: Number of Artists: . Number of Works: . 28 05-06学年第三学期外国语学院 05级商英班 教师:田超 Style: Difference form the Past: Expectation of the Exhibition: Definition of the Exhibition: Venues: AIDS Vaccine Initiative I. Words initiative 行动 HIV human immunodeficiency virus 人体免疫缺损病毒,艾滋病病毒 abstinence 节制欲念 scale 规模 cripple 严重损坏以致失效 segment 片断 life expectancy 预期生命 II. Guided Note-taking ,Concerning AIDS described by Victor Zonana as ,No. of infected people around the world ,Annual rate of increase ,daily rate of increase ,No. of infected people of all infected people in developing countries. ,Causes of infection ,No. of HIV positive in South Africa Serious ,social effects ,Age group most easily infected ,Life expectancy in some African countries , Experts’ fear ,Concerning the International AIDS Vaccine Initiative Philosophy ,When a vaccine will be found ,The work requires ,Estimated cost ,Current spending ,2 partnerships The Clintons- A Political Couple I. Words 29 05-06学年第三学期外国语学院 05级商英班 教师:田超 candidacy 候选资格 candid 公正的,坦白的 Senate 参议院 high-profile 引人注目的 overhaul 彻底检查 spouse 配偶 denounce 公开指责 bureaucratic 官僚政治的 intern 实习生 acquit 宣告无罪 twilight 黎明的 II. Guided Note-taking ,Mr. Clinton helped raise money for his wife’s in New York. ,Bill Clinton and the former Hillary Rodham were attracted to each other when they both studied at . ,Mrs. Clinton has always had a quality- . ,Mr. Clinton respected Mrs. Clinton’s . ,As governor of Arkansas, Mr. Clinton gave Mrs. Clinton a high-profile mission to . ,Mrs. Clinton’s health care plan was criticized as too . ,The uniqueness of the Clinton is that it will be the first time . ,Bill Clinton had been by the House of Representatives in connection with his about his affair with Monica Lewensky. Minority Business I. Words clientele 客户 mortar 灰泥 static 静态的 edge 优势 II. Guided Note-taking ,Minority-owned business are using Internet but not . ,The minority business refer to , Black and Hispanic business. Target of the study Minority business with annual revenues of . Findings , of minority business use computers in their work. 30 05-06学年第三学期外国语学院 05级商英班 教师:田超 , have Internet access. , have web sites. , sell products on line. Reasons ,Their customers mostly are not . ,Their . ,They only serve . ,Internet commerce is dominated by . ,According to Waldo Lopez-Aqueres: Companies that are best at e-commerce are those with . ,These companies have advantage because they already have: , , Henry Ngo of E-System Design says , discourage business-owners from going online. ,Most minority-owned businesses that go online have ,Many small or medium businesses have websites that are . Mr. Langston of US Commerce Department’s Minority Business Development Agency suggests: ,Technology is . ,Minorities should . Tim Rios of Wells Fargo Bank ,He encourages minority business to be in ecommerce. ,They are expected to use the internet to . The e-commerce report also says: ,Minority-owned business spend ,This is far from ,But they enjoy the advantage of . ,They will require greater . ,Their customers require greater . 31
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