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泸州老窖原浆酒泸州老窖原浆酒 泸州原浆酒 一、简介: 泸州原浆酒是在泸州老窖传统酿造工艺基础上,酿酒师采用分层堆糟、蒸馏中层、取中层中段酒的酿制手法,得到最精华、口感最适中的原浆美酒,然后经过贮藏使其自然老熟。口感窖香浓郁,口味丰满,干净纯正。是集营养、健康、时尚、美味、高雅、高质六大优势为一身的高品质健康酒。 二、产品简介: 浆,指比较浓的液体。 原浆酒,则指酿酒车间发酵后蒸馏出未经调制的酒。较高度的原浆酒经降度和以酒勾酒调制的也可称为原浆酒。传统工艺白酒是固态发酵的白酒。原浆酒主要用以区别勾兑酒,勾兑酒泛指食用酒精加香精调制...
泸州老窖原浆酒 泸州原浆酒 一、简介: 泸州原浆酒是在泸州老窖传统酿造工艺基础上,酿酒师采用分层堆糟、蒸馏中层、取中层中段酒的酿制手法,得到最精华、口感最适中的原浆美酒,然后经过贮藏使其自然老熟。口感窖香浓郁,口味丰满,干净纯正。是集营养、健康、时尚、美味、高雅、高质六大优势为一身的高品质健康酒。 二、产品简介: 浆,指比较浓的液体。 原浆酒,则指酿酒车间发酵后蒸馏出未经调制的酒。较高度的原浆酒经降度和以酒勾酒调制的也可称为原浆酒。传统工艺白酒是固态发酵的白酒。原浆酒主要用以区别勾兑酒,勾兑酒泛指食用酒精加香精调制的酒,行业称液态白酒。原浆酒香而不呛、窖香浓郁,粮香、糟香、酒香明显,空杯有余香。原浆酒成本较高,加入自来水易失光、浑浊。 酒精勾兑酒浮香感突出、香而呛、留香短,成本低,中低档酒多为酒精勾兑。 泸州原浆酒,以泸州特产优质糯红高粱、小麦和大米为原料,经过泸州老窖百年老窖的数月发酵,采用23代父子师徒传承的泸州老窖传统酿造工艺,通过分层堆糟、蒸馏中层、取中层中段酒等酿制工艺,择取最精华、口感最适中的原浆美酒,然后通过洞藏使其自然老熟。最终形成窖香浓郁,口味丰满,干净纯正的泸州原浆美酒。 三、产品特色: 1、窖池 千年老窖万年糟。泸州老窖,经数百年连续酿酒,这些无数次经过酒液侵染、飘逸着浓郁窖香的老窖泥,已成为独有的富含各类有益微生物的庞大生态体系,在发酵时,这些微生物在酒糟中通过生长繁殖代谢,产出大量的微量香味成分,使泸州老窖酒质自然回甜、甘爽清洌、醇香浓郁。所以,酒窖和酒糟的关系就是"以糟养窖,以窖养糟",从而孕育出高品质的美酒。 2、原料 泸州老窖利用自古川南种植小麦、高粱的自然条件优势、利用传统“糯质小麦”和“糯红高梁”种籽的品质优势,在川南建立了中国固态酿酒第一家大型“有机生态原粮种植基地”,有机原粮基地,完全有机化种植,从生产原料环节保证了产品品质的纯粹、健康,毫不沾染任何的化学成分,即使风调雨顺,产量也极其有限,堪称原粮中的贵族。 3、传统工艺 泸州老窖酒精湛的传统酿造过程,讲究“以糟养窖,以窖养糟”规律,巧妙地调和酿酒过程中粮、糠、水、糟、温度、窖泥的比例和关系,是泸州老窖人日积月累、代代相传的大智大慧。酿酒师眼看粮糟,鼻闻酸度,手摸湿度,几分钟就能精确判断出配料是否达到最佳效果。他们巧妙调剂酿酒过程的动态平衡,保证窖窖酿出上乘美酒,出神入化,有庖丁解牛之神奇,有匠人轮扁之巧妙。经岁月历炼,代代相传,留下了不胜枚举的可歌可泣的酿造绝技:回马上甑、续糟混蒸、分层蒸馏、加回减糠、低温入窖…… regulations" are strictly implemented, work style and work style of cadres to further change, the party do The group further close relation, further establish the safety supervision cadres for the people, pragmatic and honest good image. The long-term goal: rectification with good work style, solid work measures, carry out supervision and administration of production safety work, ensure the production safety situation continues steady improvement, to achieve a fundamental improvement goal, to provide safe production platform for security the county's economic and social development. (two) the specific path: rectification can be generally divided into three stages: 1, carry out the look back, make improvement plan stage (before August 30, 2014). The main tasks are: in accordance with the "six" requirement, earnestly back board leadership " See "work, timely leak turnover, and lay a solid foundation of the implementation of the rectification; Party members take the lead in developing the" look back ", further modify personal control.Check material, focus on revealing problems more thick, more profound thoughts touched some corrective measures to some more "efforts, and to participate as an ordinary party where the branch will be the topic of organizational life. On this basis, focus against the four winds, formulate and improve the team and the implementation of the rectification program personal corrective measures, focusing on the rectification mountain of the sea, not sent, seek practical results, the implementation of the work such as lack of formalism, divorced from reality and the masses of bureaucratism, Jingshenbuzhen, enterprising consciousness weakened, pay attention to row field hedonism, extravagance and waste, Gongjusiyong and other wasteful problems. 2, set In the renovation, the jianzhanglizhi stage (before September 20, 2014). The main tasks are: to continue to solidify and deepen the bianzhengbiangai achievements; focus on outstanding issues special rectification campaign, especially to seize the public funds, extravagance and waste, the door hard, ugly face, something difficult; accepting native Chinese Lunar New Year so most people dislike, reflect the most intense, strong forward, create momentum, to achieve a breakthrough; on the basis of the national policies and regulations, establish and perfect the system construction plan and implement, mature one, the introduction of a. 3, to deepen the rectification, strengthen the promotion stage (late September 2014). The main task is the following: Continue to deepen the rectification work, promote the overall development of the long-term 泸州老窖的酿造技艺是阴阳调和的智慧。阳者为可见之糟、水、糠、窖泥微生菌种等有形之物,阴者为不可见者之理、气、神、智。阴阳鼓荡,动而生阳,静而生阴,一动一静,互为其根。泸州老窖美酒在阴阳和合、鼓荡交融蕴孕之中达于出神入化。泸州老窖酿酒的智慧,就是把握阴阳调和的智慧。所谓“说千道万不离阴阳。酒中阴阳,深隐厚藏。阴阳运动,因利制用。谨熟阴阳,无愧内行。” 泸州老窖的酿造技艺是五行共生的智慧。泸州老窖窖池是阴阳五行共生、共长、共济、共促、共成的宇宙缩影。阴阳相将,不根而生芝菌;燥湿相育,不母而生精华。陶炼五行,火之道;流行无穷,水之道;八卦环转,天地之道;神物乃生,变化之道。泸州老窖人造酒就是秉五行之道,无中生有,共生共存,生生不息,造酒之道达于精深。泸州老窖酿酒的智慧,就是把握五行共生的智慧。泸州老窖美酒凝结了泸州老窖人共生的理念,共生的理念指导泸州老窖人造出了千年美酒。正是“说千道万,不离共生。酒中五行,深隐厚藏,调和鼓荡,共生绵长。谨熟共生,无愧内行”。 4、健康时尚 原浆酒不仅原料全部是绿色无污染的食品及天然山泉水,而且生产技术也采用无污染绿色生物发酵酿造,不勾不兑,绝无任何添加剂、香料、香精等,工艺独特,此属全国首创,完全符合国家绿色食品,堪称绿色健康的生态酒。 同时,原浆酒不但是纯正的中国白酒,而且配以各种辅料,可以调制出各种酒的感觉和口感,并且用它调制出的鸡尾酒,有一种与众不同的大自然的气息和原野的味道,极其神秘。这种可调制性,颠覆了中国传统白酒的理念,赋予了中国白酒新的内涵和外延,引领了中国白酒新时尚。 5、营养 不少研究表明,高梁在所有粮食作物中最适合作白酒酿造原料,更优于杂粮,而泸州特产糯红高粱更是高粱中的精品。糯红高粱皮薄红润、颗粒饱满,杆矮而粗壮结实,穗大而籽粒丰硕沉淀,属天然栽种、杂质含量低、营养成分高,淀粉含量为62.8%,其支链淀粉比例超过90%,大量的支链淀粉,特别利于出酒和糊化,富含的单宁、花青素等成分,其微生物酚元化合物可赋予白酒特有的芳香。而另一部分无机矿物质经过生物微生物菌发酵后,可成为健康的有机矿物质,利于人体的吸收。高粱中的蛋白质经微生物发酵后分解成丰富的氨基酸和短肽,可被人体直接吸收,并能在最短时间内恢复人体机能,既不影响工作也不影响休息,即使是喝醉了也不伤害人体组织细胞。且少量饮酒还能促进人体血液循环,特别是促进毛细血管中的血液流动,有利于代谢垃圾的排出和营养的吸收(即中医所说的“活血”),这是现代酿酒工艺的一次革命。 四、历史渊源 泸州原浆酒历史悠久,始建于清嘉庆年间。以现代酿酒工艺为主,加上民间独特的酿酒工艺,经历岁月的积淀。所酿之酒香飘逸,远近闻名。古代的白酒大都是粮食通过曲发酵成酒,完全是不勾不兑的原始酒液,也就是“原浆酒”。进入80年代以后,原浆酒曾经一度消失,勾兑白酒的技术日益成熟开始大行其道。泸州年份原浆酒结合传统工艺,恢复了原浆酒的酿制技术,从而产生了泸州原浆酒。泸州原浆酒在酒质、香气、口感等方面相较以前都有了大幅度的提升,在继承了古老原浆酒的营养性和健康性的同时,发展出了高雅、可调制的特性,使得原浆酒更适合现代消费者的需求,同时又顺应了白酒时尚的发展方向。 泸州酒业,始于秦汉,兴于唐宋,盛于明清,与之一脉相承的泸州老窖集团,regulations" are strictly implemented, work style and work style of cadres to further change, the party do The group further close relation, further establish the safety supervision cadres for the people, pragmatic and honest good image. The long-term goal: rectification with good work style, solid work measures, carry out supervision and administration of production safety work, ensure the production safety situation continues steady improvement, to achieve a fundamental improvement goal, to provide safe production platform for security the county's economic and social development. (two) the specific path: rectification can be generally divided into three stages: 1, carry out the look back, make improvement plan stage (before August 30, 2014). The main tasks are: in accordance with the "six" requirement, earnestly back board leadership " See "work, timely leak turnover, and lay a solid foundation of the implementation of the rectification; Party members take the lead in developing the" look back ", further modify personal control.Check material, focus on revealing problems more thick, more profound thoughts touched some corrective measures to some more "efforts, and to participate as an ordinary party where the branch will be the topic of organizational life. On this basis, focus against the four winds, formulate and improve the team and the implementation of the rectification program personal corrective measures, focusing on the rectification mountain of the sea, not sent, seek practical results, the implementation of the work such as lack of formalism, divorced from reality and the masses of bureaucratism, Jingshenbuzhen, enterprising consciousness weakened, pay attention to row field hedonism, extravagance and waste, Gongjusiyong and other wasteful problems. 2, set In the renovation, the jianzhanglizhi stage (before September 20, 2014). The main tasks are: to continue to solidify and deepen the bianzhengbiangai achievements; focus on outstanding issues special rectification campaign, especially to seize the public funds, extravagance and waste, the door hard, ugly face, something difficult; accepting native Chinese Lunar New Year so most people dislike, reflect the most intense, strong forward, create momentum, to achieve a breakthrough; on the basis of the national policies and regulations, establish and perfect the system construction plan and implement, mature one, the introduction of a. 3, to deepen the rectification, strengthen the promotion stage (late September 2014). The main task is the following: Continue to deepen the rectification work, promote the overall development of the long-term 是响誉海内外的百年中华老字号名酒企业,是在明清36家古老酿酒作坊群的基础上,发展起来的国有股份大型骨干酿酒集团。泸州老窖源远流长,是中国浓香型白酒的发源地,享有“浓香鼻祖”的美誉,以众多独特优势在中国酒业独树一帜。拥有我国建造最早(始建于公元1573年)、连续使用时间最长、保护最完整的1573国宝窖池群,1996年经国务院批准为行业首家全国重点文物保护单位,2006年被国家文物局列入“世界文化遗产预备名录”。“泸州老窖酒传统酿制技艺”作为川酒和我国浓香型白酒的唯一代表,于2006年 5月入选首批“国家级非物质文化遗产名录”,成为行业唯一拥有“双国宝”的企业。泸州老窖特曲是中国最古老的四大名酒,1915年获巴拿马太平洋万国博览会金奖,1952年中国首届评酒会上被国家确定为浓香型白酒的典型代表,是唯一蝉联五届获得“中国名酒”的浓香型白酒。其“泸州”牌注册商标是中国首届十大驰名商标。“国窖牌”商标在2006年获得白酒类唯一的国家“驰名商标”,“泸州老酒坊”牌商标又于2008年获得国家“驰名商标”。自此,泸州老窖成为行业唯一拥有三枚中国驰名商标的企业。 实力雄厚 公司资源丰富。拥有老窖池10086口,其中百年以上老窖池1619口,储酒能力8万吨,包装生产能力15万吨。拥有3名“中国酿酒大师”,9名国家级白酒评委,数百名酿酒技师,实力雄厚的管理人才队伍、科技人才队伍和营销人才队伍,形成了“泸州老窖人才乐园”。公司组建“酿酒生物技术及应用?四川省重点实验室”和“四川省白酒生物工程技术研究中心”,形成了完善的技术创新体系。 五、产品背景 白酒的营养性是近年来重新兴起的白酒发展方向。但是在白酒的纯原浆时代,白酒的营养性却是每种酿造酒都拥有的品质。上世纪60年代,由于原浆酒酿造工艺的复杂性和高耗粮逐渐被新工艺代替后,白酒的营养性就逐渐被白酒生产者们所遗忘,但近年来随着消费者健康意识的提高,原浆酒又重新被白酒从业者关注,更是被众多消费者津津乐道。原浆酒相较新工艺白酒香气浓郁,甘甜味美,酒味醇厚,并且酒中含有氨基酸、低聚糖、有机酸和多种维生素,其营养性特点显著。并且饮后不上头,对身体刺激小。 原浆白酒是迄今国内最为健康的白酒,其健康性主要体现在从酿造开始一直到装瓶出售,整个过程完全按照“绿色”标准执行,并且酿造过程没有像其他白酒一样的勾兑过程,酒中不添加任何人工成分(酒精、增香剂),所以说原浆白酒是健康营养的首选白酒。而且原浆白酒无论从口感、香气、酒质等各个方面都远胜其他类型白酒,可以说原浆酒是白酒的最完美状态。 现代原浆白酒是在继承了古老原浆白酒酿造工艺的基础上,融入了高科技微生物发酵技术酿造而成,相对于勾兑酒和传统蒸馏酒其优点在于,原浆酒中对人体有益成分多,含有18种氨基酸,7种人体必需氨基酸,此外还含有糖分、有机酸、酯类、高级醇和丰富的维生素等,丰富的营养性远高于其他传统白酒,并且由于是原浆酒,没有勾兑过程,不含任何人工添加剂,酒质纯净,饮后不上头,不伤身,而且无保质期。 六、酿造工艺 从工艺层面上讲,泸州原浆酒在泸州老窖原有酿制工艺基础上,进一步钻研发酵、堆糟以及蒸馏等环节对品质的影响,经过不断研究和探索,将原浆酒酿制古法与现代科学相结合,创造出特有的酿制方式。 regulations" are strictly implemented, work style and work style of cadres to further change, the party do The group further close relation, further establish the safety supervision cadres for the people, pragmatic and honest good image. The long-term goal: rectification with good work style, solid work measures, carry out supervision and administration of production safety work, ensure the production safety situation continues steady improvement, to achieve a fundamental improvement goal, to provide safe production platform for security the county's economic and social development. (two) the specific path: rectification can be generally divided into three stages: 1, carry out the look back, make improvement plan stage (before August 30, 2014). The main tasks are: in accordance with the "six" requirement, earnestly back board leadership " See "work, timely leak turnover, and lay a solid foundation of the implementation of the rectification; Party members take the lead in developing the" look back ", further modify personal control.Check material, focus on revealing problems more thick, more profound thoughts touched some corrective measures to some more "efforts, and to participate as an ordinary party where the branch will be the topic of organizational life. On this basis, focus against the four winds, formulate and improve the team and the implementation of the rectification program personal corrective measures, focusing on the rectification mountain of the sea, not sent, seek practical results, the implementation of the work such as lack of formalism, divorced from reality and the masses of bureaucratism, Jingshenbuzhen, enterprising consciousness weakened, pay attention to row field hedonism, extravagance and waste, Gongjusiyong and other wasteful problems. 2, set In the renovation, the jianzhanglizhi stage (before September 20, 2014). The main tasks are: to continue to solidify and deepen the bianzhengbiangai achievements; focus on outstanding issues special rectification campaign, especially to seize the public funds, extravagance and waste, the door hard, ugly face, something difficult; accepting native Chinese Lunar New Year so most people dislike, reflect the most intense, strong forward, create momentum, to achieve a breakthrough; on the basis of the national policies and regulations, establish and perfect the system construction plan and implement, mature one, the introduction of a. 3, to deepen the rectification, strengthen the promotion stage (late September 2014). The main task is the following: Continue to deepen the rectification work, promote the overall development of the long-term 1、糟分数层,仅取中层 在泸州老窖酿酒传人的眼里,每一层酒糟所酝酿的酒的酒体风味是不尽相同的,上层味淡下层陈杂,唯独中层所出之酒香陈适中天然适口,因此泸州老窖酿酒传人自古之选用中层酒糟酿造原浆酒。而分层越精细,取量就越少,酒质则更加天然醇和。所以自古原浆就是稀贵的好酒。 2、酒分数段,只摘中段 出酒同样也是关键,根据出酒的酒花,判断酒的品相,是酿酒传人多年拿捏的传统绝学。初出之酒水汽过大酒度不足,而尾段之酒又酒度有余香味浑浊,因此掐头去尾,根据酒花的变化,取出称心的原汁美酒,这样的酒天然调和,无需勾兑,这便是原浆酒雏形。再经过封坛洞藏,经年的原浆老酒更锻造出万里挑一的稀贵陈香。如此精酿的好酒自古便是世人追捧的酒中圣品。 品鉴之道,意味天成 品原浆之味,鉴原浆之真 泸州原浆意味天成,以传世技艺参悟摘取之道,需应天时、顺地利、通人和; 原浆酿制中,糟分数层取其中间,看花摘酒取其一脉,方酿得原浆美酒; 去勾调之累赘,无机械之痕迹,以泸州老窖传人领衔酿制; 品鉴原浆,酒香天然无饰,回味陈粮韵味悠长。 七、原浆酒的由来 王士祯谈笑定“原浆” 不偏不倚是原浆,君子之道伴酒香。 自然天成酿艺妙,大器无琢震四方。 这首泸州原浆酒民谣,其渊源于大清著名文坛领袖、刑部尚书王士祯。王士祯对泸州白酒的热爱,早在其一些诗书中就有体现,而他对原浆酒的定位,虽不被多人知晓,却成就了泸州老窖的一段佳话。 王士祯(1634——1711),山东恒台人氏,他本出生于明朝晚期,大清入关之时,年仅11岁,故其政治生涯在清王朝中才得以展现。他应秀才、中举人、成进士,仕途节节高升。康熙11年,他荣升朝廷礼部主事,年仅38岁。 这年,他前往四川督考。众所周知,满清政府占据大明江山后,采取怀柔与血腥的——不屈者斩,顺应者则可通过公平考试做官。所以,清初时期,其大考之严,考官之正也蔚然成风。尽管如此,朝廷依然委派官员前往各地监考,这王士祯自愿请命出使四川,心中自有打算。 原来,这王家本世代官宦之家,年年可得朝廷贡酒。泸州在明朝时期就也是全国33个大商阜之一,其酒税最高。著名的永宁河,因承载往朝廷的贡品运输,才有“纳贡之溪”之称,如今的泸州市纳溪区,也来自这个命名。 督考之后,王士祯并不急于赶回京城,而是逆江而上,前往泸州。朝廷命官驾到,吓坏了泸州各大乡绅,于是纷纷前往拜访,所献之礼品,堆积如山。那王士祯唯酒笑纳,其他一一谢绝,于是,王大人好酒之说,传遍泸州。 在泸州,王士祯天天与酒为伴,却并非满意。问其原因,他说:“这酒原产之地,和宫廷所贡美酒不相上下——陈而不鲜,不知刚酿制出来的酒是何品味,” 原来这朝廷官员要喝新出之醪~这让各地乡绅很是棘手~立即召集泸州各大作坊掌门,都言不敢贸然行事——因刚经过蒸馏之酒,要不燥辣、要不过分浓郁,都不入口味,各作坊掌门纷纷表示——酒须经过储存,方能吸地之阴气,在酒体regulations" are strictly implemented, work style and work style of cadres to further change, the party do The group further close relation, further establish the safety supervision cadres for the people, pragmatic and honest good image. The long-term goal: rectification with good work style, solid work measures, carry out supervision and administration of production safety work, ensure the production safety situation continues steady improvement, to achieve a fundamental improvement goal, to provide safe production platform for security the county's economic and social development. (two) the specific path: rectification can be generally divided into three stages: 1, carry out the look back, make improvement plan stage (before August 30, 2014). The main tasks are: in accordance with the "six" requirement, earnestly back board leadership " See "work, timely leak turnover, and lay a solid foundation of the implementation of the rectification; Party members take the lead in developing the" look back ", further modify personal control.Check material, focus on revealing problems more thick, more profound thoughts touched some corrective measures to some more "efforts, and to participate as an ordinary party where the branch will be the topic of organizational life. On this basis, focus against the four winds, formulate and improve the team and the implementation of the rectification program personal corrective measures, focusing on the rectification mountain of the sea, not sent, seek practical results, the implementation of the work such as lack of formalism, divorced from reality and the masses of bureaucratism, Jingshenbuzhen, enterprising consciousness weakened, pay attention to row field hedonism, extravagance and waste, Gongjusiyong and other wasteful problems. 2, set In the renovation, the jianzhanglizhi stage (before September 20, 2014). The main tasks are: to continue to solidify and deepen the bianzhengbiangai achievements; focus on outstanding issues special rectification campaign, especially to seize the public funds, extravagance and waste, the door hard, ugly face, something difficult; accepting native Chinese Lunar New Year so most people dislike, reflect the most intense, strong forward, create momentum, to achieve a breakthrough; on the basis of the national policies and regulations, establish and perfect the system construction plan and implement, mature one, the introduction of a. 3, to deepen the rectification, strengthen the promotion stage (late September 2014). The main task is the following: Continue to deepen the rectification work, promote the overall development of the long-term 平衡之后,还需勾调,口感才够完美,把刚酿的酒进献大人,岂不是要讨他骂吗, 正值秋季,秋酒发酵成熟,乃出酒之好季节。一大早王大人不打招呼,就直接由八人大轿抬着,兴师动众地进了位于泸州营沟头的老作坊,进槽坊一坐定,立即下令,翻糟出酒,他要亲自观看,并亲尝刚酿制出的老窖。 这一下不打紧,让泸州各大乡绅马不停蹄地赶往槽坊,大家手里都捏了一把汗~要知道,这王大人不但背景旺,且自身文采风流,如若得罪,不但自己升官无望,还会坏掉泸州酒好之名声——等大家都惴惴不安地站在王大人下方时,但见一槽坊师傅,鹤发童颜,身材矍铄,出现在王大人面前。 这师傅世称老金宝,乃原作坊遗留的最后一个匠人~原来,那营沟头酒坊在明代是舒家经营,明灭亡之后,舒家发誓不为异族酿酒,于是搬迁异地,隐居起来,将酒坊卖给温家。温家作坊号称“永盛”,将酒经营得如洪流趋势般发展。这白发老金宝,本是舒家匠人,学得一手“看花摘酒”绝技,主人搬迁后,本该随主人而去,却因年事也高留了下来。这王大人驾到,老金宝知道,单靠“看花摘酒”绝技,酒质还是易出现偏差,但他似乎成竹在胸。 “开窖”~卯时三刻,随着一声长长的吆喝,老金宝指挥若定,将酒糟从窖池取出。但见那酒糟,冒着热气,按照上、中、下三层分别堆放。老金宝号令匠人将正中间那堆进行蒸馏。看准时辰,酒定时流了出来,老金宝看那酒花,不断变换——当大如鱼眼之时,一声令下——“摘酒”,那酒,热热浓浓,冒着雾气,被端到了王士祯面前。 王士祯用鼻子闻闻,一阵酒香直穿鼻孔;用舌头舔舔,那酒仿佛生根一样,死死缠住舌头,很是惬意;饮下一口,其酒醇厚丰满,顿时浑身酥软: “这酒有陈年的感觉,又有新出酒之鲜香。”王士祯再饮,越饮越爱,突然脸有怒色——“大胆~你们不是说,刚出的酒不能饮用吗,为何要骗本官,” 听此言语,各大乡绅面面相觑,吓得战战兢兢,但见老金宝淡定跪在王士祯面前: “回大人,酒在酿造过程中,因其糟醅位置不同,其发酵成熟度也不一样。所以,我们实行分层堆糟;出酒时,每堆酒糟中,其出酒尽管源源不断,但可分三个酒段——这根据酒花的变化,进行掐头去尾,中间部分的酒,不偏不倚,天然调和,方能直接入口。” 王士祯听过此言,很是惊讶,于是亲自走下座位,将老金宝搀扶起来——“老师傅如此懂酒,本官很是佩服~不过我还是要尝尝其他堆糟的酒,看与老先生说法是否一致~” 一时,大家松了一口气,看着匠人们将每堆糟子进行分别蒸馏。那王大人一一品味——第一层糟,接触不到窖泥,易被空气氧化,其酒辛辣,出的酒也分三段,被王士祯称为辛浆、淡浆、烈浆;最下层酒,主体香典型,但过于浓厚,其出酒同样分为三段,王士祯称为浓浆、稠浆与密浆;中间层酒,其前后两段酒花很细,泡沫较少,酒入口尽管雅致清爽,但其杂味也重,被王士祯叫做雅浆与清浆,唯有酒花变换最大的时候摘酒,入口恰到好处,其味不偏不倚,方显中庸之道,该叫什么浆呢,王大人想了想,终于脱口而出——“这才是酒之原味啊,就叫原浆吧~” “好~原浆酒,共三层分九段,九中取五,寓意“九五之尊”,应皇上亲尝啊~”地方乡绅们个个唯唯诺诺,点头称好。 从此,人们将直接酿制,不需勾调便可入口之酒,谓之原浆。那王士祯,离别泸州后,一直没有再来。尽管如此,泸州的贡品中,又添了一款原浆酒,一时,regulations" are strictly implemented, work style and work style of cadres to further change, the party do The group further close relation, further establish the safety supervision cadres for the people, pragmatic and honest good image. The long-term goal: rectification with good work style, solid work measures, carry out supervision and administration of production safety work, ensure the production safety situation continues steady improvement, to achieve a fundamental improvement goal, to provide safe production platform for security the county's economic and social development. (two) the specific path: rectification can be generally divided into three stages: 1, carry out the look back, make improvement plan stage (before August 30, 2014). The main tasks are: in accordance with the "six" requirement, earnestly back board leadership " See "work, timely leak turnover, and lay a solid foundation of the implementation of the rectification; Party members take the lead in developing the" look back ", further modify personal control.Check material, focus on revealing problems more thick, more profound thoughts touched some corrective measures to some more "efforts, and to participate as an ordinary party where the branch will be the topic of organizational life. On this basis, focus against the four winds, formulate and improve the team and the implementation of the rectification program personal corrective measures, focusing on the rectification mountain of the sea, not sent, seek practical results, the implementation of the work such as lack of formalism, divorced from reality and the masses of bureaucratism, Jingshenbuzhen, enterprising consciousness weakened, pay attention to row field hedonism, extravagance and waste, Gongjusiyong and other wasteful problems. 2, set In the renovation, the jianzhanglizhi stage (before September 20, 2014). The main tasks are: to continue to solidify and deepen the bianzhengbiangai achievements; focus on outstanding issues special rectification campaign, especially to seize the public funds, extravagance and waste, the door hard, ugly face, something difficult; accepting native Chinese Lunar New Year so most people dislike, reflect the most intense, strong forward, create momentum, to achieve a breakthrough; on the basis of the national policies and regulations, establish and perfect the system construction plan and implement, mature one, the introduction of a. 3, to deepen the rectification, strengthen the promotion stage (late September 2014). The main task is the following: Continue to deepen the rectification work, promote the overall development of the long-term 响动京城,成为酒城泸州的荣耀。 《原浆酒赋》 美哉原浆,天地玄黄,聚长江之灵性,育蜀黍之精酿。 缘自天成,老窖蕴藏,酿艺奇妙,香溢八荒:此分层堆糟,中部蒸馏,乃看花摘酒,取间品尝。酒之丰美兮,不偏不倚,大器无琢兮,中和端方。 品之醪也,为君子之道;举之觞也,斯大爱无疆。 杯里乾坤大,壶中日月长——此乃酒之大观也,醉中真意,笑品原浆。 regulations" are strictly implemented, work style and work style of cadres to further change, the party do The group further close relation, further establish the safety supervision cadres for the people, pragmatic and honest good image. The long-term goal: rectification with good work style, solid work measures, carry out supervision and administration of production safety work, ensure the production safety situation continues steady improvement, to achieve a fundamental improvement goal, to provide safe production platform for security the county's economic and social development. (two) the specific path: rectification can be generally divided into three stages: 1, carry out the look back, make improvement plan stage (before August 30, 2014). The main tasks are: in accordance with the "six" requirement, earnestly back board leadership " See "work, timely leak turnover, and lay a solid foundation of the implementation of the rectification; Party members take the lead in developing the" look back ", further modify personal control.Check material, focus on revealing problems more thick, more profound thoughts touched some corrective measures to some more "efforts, and to participate as an ordinary party where the branch will be the topic of organizational life. On this basis, focus against the four winds, formulate and improve the team and the implementation of the rectification program personal corrective measures, focusing on the rectification mountain of the sea, not sent, seek practical results, the implementation of the work such as lack of formalism, divorced from reality and the masses of bureaucratism, Jingshenbuzhen, enterprising consciousness weakened, pay attention to row field hedonism, extravagance and waste, Gongjusiyong and other wasteful problems. 2, set In the renovation, the jianzhanglizhi stage (before September 20, 2014). The main tasks are: to continue to solidify and deepen the bianzhengbiangai achievements; focus on outstanding issues special rectification campaign, especially to seize the public funds, extravagance and waste, the door hard, ugly face, something difficult; accepting native Chinese Lunar New Year so most people dislike, reflect the most intense, strong forward, create momentum, to achieve a breakthrough; on the basis of the national policies and regulations, establish and perfect the system construction plan and implement, mature one, the introduction of a. 3, to deepen the rectification, strengthen the promotion stage (late September 2014). The main task is the following: Continue to deepen the rectification work, promote the overall development of the long-term
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